Report: Trump Admin To Give Sheriff’s More Power To Enforce Federal Immigration Laws

Well, this could get really interesting, especially when leftist states try and stop their law enforcement from performing the law

Trump plans to give local sheriffs more power to act as immigration agents amid mass deportation crackdown

President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration is weighing giving local sheriffs more powers to help boot illegal migrants from the US by expanding a federal program to allow them to act as immigration agents.

As part of his mass migrant deportation crackdown, Trump’s team is aiming to expand the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s 287(g) program so deputies can question and detain suspected illegals during their routine duties, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the plan.

Currently, 287(g) — which was added to the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1996 under President Bill Clinton — permits ICE to collaborate with state and local law enforcement to identify and deport “incarcerated criminal noncitizens.”

The program, which is voluntary, essentially allows participating local agencies to alert ICE of an illegal migrant in their custody or hold the migrant in jail for immigration authorities — but only after the alleged perps have been arrested on separate criminal charges.

The Trump administration’s reported expansion, however, would revive a task force model, which had previously allowed deputies and officers to make immigration stops and arrests.

I would assume that this will also be extended to local law enforcement in some fashion. They and sheriffs will have greater knowledge of people in their community, and know which ones to target, especially the troublemakers who may not have been arrested (yet). Will local and sheriffs do this in sanctuary jurisdictions which forbid this? Will they claim that federal law supersedes local/state law on this?

Jonathan Thompson, the executive director of the nonpartisan National Sheriffs’ Association, told The Post that sheriffs across the country are willing to provide the support to the incoming Trump administration.

However, it  will not be done “overnight,” he said, adding that sheriffs will need federal funding to implement the initiative.

“It has to be much more realistic as to what it takes to house these individuals, feed and clothe them, take care of their health care. There’s a lot of money at stake here. We’re going to be very vocal with the president and with Congress to say if you’re doing this, you’re going to have to pay for it,” Thompson said.

It should also be fun when Democrats vote against providing funding for this. Even as criminals and gang members cause problems in Democratic run sanctuary cities.

An executive order signed by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2017 designated New York as a “sanctuary state,” which limits state law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

However, the executive order only applies to state law enforcement officers or employees — meaning that in counties that don’t pass their own sanctuary policies, a sheriff’s office can choose to cooperate with ICE.

In 2018, a New York state appeals court ruled that it is illegal for local law enforcement to hold a person in jail beyond their release date to wait for ICE to take them into custody, but there is nothing stopping police or a sheriff’s office from notifying ICE about an arrest, The Intercept explained.

Well, I guess that’s why the focus is on sheriffs, not local. But, how many sheriffs are in more urbanized counties, especially in the Northeast?

Read: Report: Trump Admin To Give Sheriff’s More Power To Enforce Federal Immigration Laws »

International Court Of Justice To Hear Climate (scam) Hearing On Monday

Because the ICJ has totally shown themselves to not be Progressive nutjobs so far. I utterly expect them to rule in the climate cult’s favor, which should make things fun in Europe

5 Facts To Know About The International Court’s Climate Change Hearings

On Monday, December 2, the International Court of Justice will begin hearings on an Advisory Opinion relating to the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change. Over 100 countries and organizations will present in 30-minute increments over two weeks. At the request of the United Nations General Assembly, the ICJ will determine the existing financial liability of countries for their contribution to climate change and what actions countries must take to prevent climate change.

Here are five key facts to know going into the hearings.

The International Court of Justice was established in 1945 through the UN Charter to handle legal disputes between nations. Known as the World Court, it is an outlet for countries to settle civil disputes through a neutral court….

Um, so, what does this scam suit have to do with resolving disputes between countries?

Why is the Court looking at climate change?
In addition to handling disputes between countries, the ICJ can also issue advisory opinions at the request of the UN General Assembly. Advisory opinions analyze legal questions and give guidance for how the Court interprets the existing law. It is a tool to understand how the Court might handle a similar issue in the future. Advisory opinions do carry extra weight, but they are not binding.


The UNGA posed to questions to the ICJ:

“What are the obligations of States under international law to ensure the protection of the climate system and other parts of the environment from anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases for States and for present and future generations”?

“What are the legal consequences under these obligations for States where they, by their acts and omissions, have caused significant harm to the climate system and other parts of the environment, with respect to: (i) States, including, in particular, small island developing States, which due to their geographical circumstances and level of development, are injured or specially affected by or are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change? (ii) Peoples and individuals of the present and future generations affected by the adverse effects of climate change?”

Whatever those obligations are, that’s based on each individual nation, not some unhinged court which is also anti-Semitic.

This indicates the ICJ is looking beyond the black letter language of the law and exploring outside considerations. If the Court follows this path, it may find that climate change is a human right. Depending on where they find the language, it may trigger protections under the ICC as well as civil liability.

And that is surely what they will rule. And then they’ll all take fossil fueled travel.

Read: International Court Of Justice To Hear Climate (scam) Hearing On Monday »

NY Times Now Calling Women “Non-Transgender Women”

Is this peak-Woke on the subject, or, could this get worse?

Let’s see this women erasing insanity

On the court, they seem like any other college women’s volleyball team. At a recent game, the players moved around the court in staccato rhythm, setting and spiking the ball, springing into the air like pogo sticks to block attacking shots, all in their blue and gold uniforms of the San Jose State University Spartans.

Off the court, though, the team is trying its best not to crumble during an unexpected season of tension and tears, confusion and anger. The players are at the center of a drama playing out over one of the most explosive issues in American life: whether a transgender woman can play on a women’s sports team.

Apparently, a man with gender confusion can play, and beat the snot out of actual women, but, most women do not want them playing, at least when it is real women who have to compete against the mentally ill.

Earlier this month, a senior co-captain of the Spartans and the assistant coach filed a lawsuit to stop the transgender athlete from playing in this week’s Mountain West Conference tournament, claiming that she violates Title IX rights to gender equity at federally funded institutions.

I just don’t get why Democrats want biological men with mental illness to play against real women, to be in their locker rooms, their showers, their changing rooms. To take wins away from women which can lead to scholarships and professional success. Beyond that hardcore Liberals are also wackjobs.

Maintaining that fairness in women’s sports while also honoring the inclusion of athletes who identify as women has become a continuing struggle for sports organizations. So far, there has been no foolproof way of ensuring that trans women have no retained advantage over athletes assigned female at birth, and the debate continues over whether trans women have an advantage if they suppress their production of testosterone for a set amount of time. Testosterone is the hormone known to increase strength, muscle mass and endurance.

“Assigned”? You mean they are female per Science? And why do so many males do well on women’s teams when they sucked on male teams?

USA Volleyball’s website says androgenic hormones, which include testosterone, may possibly give trans athletes an “unfair competitive advantage,” so the organization requires documentation that athletes assigned male at birth undergo hormone therapy to compete in the women’s category. On its website, the N.C.A.A. says trans volleyball players are eligible to play if their testosterone level is less than 10 nanomoles per liter — that’s at least four times more than what many experts say is the top of the range for non-transgender women, and in the typical range for adult men.

You mean real women? Wackjob news outlet.

Read: NY Times Now Calling Women “Non-Transgender Women” »

It’s A Metal Christmas – Rob Halford “Oh Holy Night”

Read: It’s A Metal Christmas – Rob Halford “Oh Holy Night” »

UK Government Wants Peasants To Eat Less Meat, Start Walking, And More To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Of course, do not expect the experts, bureaucrats, and politicians to do the same

Govt Climate Advisers Decree Public Eat Less Meat, Don’t Fly, Buy an EV… and Start Walking

Eat less meat. Stop flying. Use public transport. Buy an electric vehicle (EV). Start walking. These are just some of the edicts the left-wing UK Labour Government’s main “climate-change” advisers insisted Wednesday are needed to impose on the general public to hit Net Zero goals.

Leading members of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) spelled out that hitting the Net Zero target would involve widespread public “behaviour change” while speaking in Westminster before s government inquiry, the Daily Mail reports.

New targets demand the UK’s emissions be cut to 81 percent of 1990 levels by 2035. (snip)

Regarding changes in diet, Richardson said: “We think about half the change you’d need to get to by 2035 is a continuation of the existing trends of people changing what they eat.”

The Mail reports Richardson said he supported the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate which imposes stiff fines if car-makers miss their sales targets for EVs.

Strange how the majority of things the climate cult wants to do involves government controlling how citizens live their lives, eh? And the UK government seems to love controlling the lives of the peasants, including what tweets, texts, comments, etc they send, what they can say during protests (for certain people: the Muslims and imports can do whatever they want). The whole authoritarianism is linked together.

Read: UK Government Wants Peasants To Eat Less Meat, Start Walking, And More To Solve Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is horrible early season snow caused by Other People eating meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on some bomb threats from Democrats.

Read: If All You See… »

New York City Arrests 25 Pro-Hamas Protesters During Macy’s Day Parade

Do they actually think people are flocking to their side with annoying stunts like this?

25 pro-Palestinian protesters arrested after briefly stopping Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

A group of protesters briefly halted the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade before the NYPD swooped in to clear the route in Manhattan.

Twenty-five pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested.

For the second year in a row, the group ran in front of the Ronald McDonald float to briefly stop the parade.

This year, they jumped the barricades at West 55th Street just after 9:30 a.m.

Many sat on the ground, locking arms and chanting “Free, free Palestine!”

Others held a banner behind them, reading “Don’t celebrate genocide! Arms embargo now.”

The crowd was not happy about the brief interruption, first booing the protesters and then cheering as police picked them up and dragged them away.

Most are not interested in wackjobs interrupting their fun time. They were braving cold and rain to enjoy the parade. And, even in NYC, they weren’t interested in having it interested by those supporting Hamas, a US State Department designated terrorist organization.

It’s easy for them, they aren’t actually dealing with Hamas, particularly the women. Let’s see how they’d survive over there. In the meantime, drop the terrorism supporters off on Rat Island.

Read: New York City Arrests 25 Pro-Hamas Protesters During Macy’s Day Parade »

Climate Cult Now Looking To Indoctrinate Pre-Schoolers

“The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions”.

‘Why is the sky fuzzy?’: Climate change lessons need to start as early as preschool

What does ‘endangered’ mean?” Vicki Sando asked a class of first graders on a recent Monday at P.S. 41 Greenwich Village School in Manhattan.

It was the first day of a three-day lesson in which the students would design and build their own contraptions to protect turtle eggs from danger. After watching a video on threats facing sea turtles, including rising sea levels and warming temperatures due to climate change, the students scattered to different tables. There, with a $1 total for supplies, they plotted out how they’d use cardboard, cotton balls and other materials to build their turtle egg containers. (snip)

Even a decade ago, the topic of climate change was, to many, academic and remote. But as temperatures rise, wildfires spread and storms intensify, the consequences of climate change have become part of life. It’s difficult for even the youngest children to overlook: Recently my 3.5-year-old noticed the smoky air caused by a fire in a nearby park and asked: “Why is the sky fuzzy?”

All of that has made it increasingly important for teachers to introduce the topic in the earliest grades, beginning in preschool, according to Kottie Christie-Blick, a climate change education consultant and an instructor at the University of San Diego. Christie-Blick was among several experts I spoke with about best practices for talking with the youngest students about climate change.

Catching them as young as possible to brainwash them into the doomsday cult.

Read: Climate Cult Now Looking To Indoctrinate Pre-Schoolers »

Texas Plans To Ship Illegals Straight To ICE Facilities

It would be more fun if Texas would ship them to ICE facilities in sanctuary cities

Texas could bus migrants directly to ICE for deportation instead of to sanctuary cities

Texas is looking at a plan to ramp up migrant buses again — but instead of sending them to sanctuary cities, officials would ship newly arrived illegal migrants directly to ICE holding centers so they can be processed quickly for deportation, a Lone Star State source told The Post.

The proposal, which has not been approved by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, is meant to continue Operation Lone Star, which seeks to deter migrants from crossing into Texas illegally.

“We are always gonna be involved in border security so long as we’re a border state,” the source in the Texas government said.

Under the proposed plan, buses chartered by Texas from border cities will be rerouted from sanctuary cities including New York, Chicago and Denver to federal detention centers to help Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents process them more quickly, the source said.

“That’s a way we could be involved in that, and of course they would reimburse us for paying for the [bus] contract,” said the source.

Sounds like a plan. But, until Trump is inaugurated Texas should continue to overload sanctuary jurisdictions, particularly Denver and Boston. And maybe New York’s capitol

Read: Texas Plans To Ship Illegals Straight To ICE Facilities »

Happy Thanksgiving! Are We Ready For Christmas Music?

I think I can find enough metal/hard rock/rock songs to make it to Christmas

Read: Happy Thanksgiving! Are We Ready For Christmas Music? »

Pirate's Cove