NY Times Seems Upset That GOP Convention Isn’t All About Climate Doom

I wonder how much about ‘climate change’ will be at the DNC? I’m sure it will be mentioned, but, I’m betting it will mostly be about Trump. Though, the DNC will surely include some speeches about taking reliable, affordable, dependable fossil fuels from the peasants

At the Republican National Convention, Climate Change Isn’t a Problem

st greta carThe United States is experiencing scorching new levels of heat fueled by climate change this summer, with dozens of people dying in the West, millions sweating under heat advisories and nearly three-quarters of Americans saying the government must prioritize global warming.

But as the Republican Party opens its national convention in Milwaukee with a prime-time focus on energy on Monday night, the party has no plan to address climate change.

While some Republicans no longer deny the overwhelming scientific consensus that the planet is warming because of human activity, party leaders do not see it as a problem that needs to be addressed.

“I don’t know that there is a Republican approach to climate change as an organizing issue,” said Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, a conservative research group focused on energy. “I don’t think President Trump sees reducing greenhouse gases, using the government to do so, as an imperative.”

No, we really don’t, especially since the Democrats version of Doing Something is mostly all about implementing government control over citizens while removing their freedom and life choices.

The party platform, issued last week, makes no mention of climate change. Instead, it encourages more production of oil, gas and coal, the burning of which is dangerously driving up global temperatures. “We will DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” it says, referring to oil as “liquid gold.”

It really should mention implementing next generation nuclear power stations, and spending on research for true clean alternatives.

By contrast, Mr. Biden has taken the most aggressive action of any president to cut emissions from coal, oil and gas and encourage a transition to wind, solar and other carbon-free energy. He has directed every federal agency from the Agriculture Department to the Pentagon to consider how climate change is affecting their core missions.

Weirdly, the Times fails to mention the vast amounts of fossil fuels Biden uses every week with all his limos, helicopter, and airplanes. Nor the huge number of people who will be taking fossil fueled trips to Chicago for the DNC.

Read: NY Times Seems Upset That GOP Convention Isn’t All About Climate Doom »

Chicago Mayor To Remove Washington Statue From City Hall

Remember when Progressives were all about removing statues and plaques and renaming buildings and roads and military bases, and Republicans and other sane people wondered where it would end? And they said “no, no, all we want to remove are the Confederate stuff.”

Johnson to remove George Washington statue from outside his City Hall office

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration plans to remove the George Washington statue from outside the mayor’s office, his spokesman confirmed Tuesday while hinting at instead honoring a Black Chicagoan with a City Hall display.

Fielding questions at an unrelated news conference after reports of the statue’s impending removal, the mayor would not address his reasoning or explain plans for a replacement. But his spokesman, Ronnie Reese, later confirmed to the Tribune that the statue would be moved because “we’re just making some updates to some areas in and around City Hall.”

Reese denied the reason was because of the first president’s legacy of owning slaves: “No, it’s literally just moving a statue.”

Reese did not answer questions about when it would be moved, the cost of the move or the fate of the Washington statue, which he said was on loan from the Art Institute of Chicago and remained in City Hall late Tuesday afternoon.

But he floated names of local Black historical figures as alternatives, among them Ida B. Wells, Jean Baptiste Point DuSable and Harold Washington — the city’s first Black mayor whom Johnson invoked throughout his mayoral campaign.

They couldn’t, you know, add the statue without removing the Washington one? We all know that Progressives feel that George Washing is “problematic”, just like most of the Founders of this nation and the people who fought to free the Colonies from England. Nice that Johnson and his people have time for this stuff while the city is over-run with illegals and suffering from crime and shootings. I sure hope the GOP will be mentioning the removal of the statue once the Democrat convention starts.

Of course, perhaps George Washington would want his statue out of Chicago considering what an embarrassment it is.

Read: Chicago Mayor To Remove Washington Statue From City Hall »

CNN Has Their Knickers In A Twist Over New Twister Movie Not Mentioning Climate Doom

I do have to ask, is anyone interested in the upcoming Twister movie? Maybe it will be really good, but, the previews do not interest me. It seems focused too much on action, rather than plot and the people, as the original did. Anyhow, CNN is big mad

You won’t hear about climate change in ‘Twisters.’ Here’s why

Like its titular tornados, “Twisters” blasts through a lot in its 122-minute runtime. A summer blockbuster with a surprising amount of brains to match Glen Powell’s brawn, it features subplots that are signs of the times – disaster capitalists; the Faustian bargain between scientists and financiers – and a deluge of imagery portraying lives and livelihoods threatened by nature’s awesome power. But two words you won’t hear from any of its characters are “climate change.”

“I just wanted to make sure that with the movie, we don’t ever feel like (it) is putting forward any message,” director Lee Isaac Chung explained in an interview with CNN. “I just don’t feel like films are meant to be message-oriented.”

To his credit, there is some scientific justification for the omission, too. Generally, scientists are the least certain about the connection between tornadoes and climate change as it’s unclear how warming temperatures are changing storms themselves or the outbreaks.

So, of course CNN tries to Explain that tornadoes are getting oh so much worse and it is your fault. Except, they are not getting worse.

“We’ve never seen tornadoes like this before,” says Javi, Anthony Ramos’ entrepreneurial storm chaser, in one scene. He goes on to convince old friend Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) to join his research team, promising “We can save lives.”

In the film, ever-more destructive tornados carve up increasingly urbanized areas of Oklahoma.

It’s a movie. Things have to be bad, much like the Tommy Lee Jones movie Volcano, which was in Los Angeles, mini-series like 10.8 (about an earthquake), and more.

“I wanted to make sure that we are never creating a feeling that we’re preaching a message, because that’s certainly not what I think cinema should be about,” said Lee. “I think it should be a reflection of the world.”

In other words, he doesn’t want to get all preachy and have stuff that will drive the paying public away. He just wants a fun film that makes a lot of money. Who wants an action film that gets all preachy? I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a blockbuster. If CNN wants one with all sorts of climate doom preaching, they can fund it.

Read: CNN Has Their Knickers In A Twist Over New Twister Movie Not Mentioning Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a valley perfect for a massive solar farm far from the big Warmist cities which need the power, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on the Secret Service give a bizarre reason for failing protection.

Read: If All You See… »

Tarboro Police Detective Suspended For Wishing Death On Trump

Now, imagine if someone had tried to kill Joe Biden and a local police officer wished the bullet was a little bit over: would the news organizations all be covering this? Why, of course they would. Yet, in Raleigh, it’s only CBS17

‘An inch away’: Tarboro police officer under investigation for attempted Trump assassination post to Facebook

“Damn. Only about an inch away from making America great again…”

Those 11 words have put a 24-year veteran member of the Tarboro Police Department on administrative leave pending an internal investigation. A screenshot of the post shared with CBS 17 shows the post made by Detective Sergeant Brandon Richardson.

Tarboro Chief of Police Rick Mann confirmed on Monday that Richardson is now under investigation.

On Monday, Chief Mann took to Facebook to address the post which has gained a wide range of reactions.

“We take this matter very seriously, as it does not reflect the values and standards of our department,” Chief Mann said in the post. “We understand that such incidents can affect public trust, and we are dedicated to handling this matter with the seriousness and accountability it deserves.”

Richardson is currently suspended, we’ll see what happens. Tarboro tends to be a city that skews Democrat, so, will this guy continue to be a police officer there? He has apologized and taken full responsibility, so, does he deserve a second chance?

Anyway, neither WRAL, ABC11, nor the Raleigh News and Observer have covered this. Down East, for the big news organizations in that area, WITN and WNCT did cover this, but, News12 and the Greenville News and Observer did not. The small My Tarboro Today has it, and

One person called Richardson’s comments free speech, while others pointed out he is a law enforcement officer and was, essentially, condoning a murder attempt on a former president of the United States.

“He is sworn to uphold the law and murder is still against the law,” one person wrote.

There is that. So, what happens? There are lots of nutters who did this. A staffer for Democrat Bennie Thompson has been fired. Here’s another police officer

You can see this stuff being highlighted all over Twitter, Facebook, and others.

Read: Tarboro Police Detective Suspended For Wishing Death On Trump »

Wendy’s Intends To Patronize The Climate Cult

Of course, Wendy’s won’t do things like get rid of meat, and their frosties that are made with milk from Evil moo cows, stop serving sugary drinks, and stop using fossil fueled trucks to bring in product

Wendy’s makes game-changing announcement about major update for restaurants across country: ‘We are excited’

climate cowFast food just got a whole lot sunnier.

Wendy’s is partnering with community solar provider Ampion Renewable Energy to help its restaurants source clean, renewable energy.

This exciting development means nearly 140 Wendy’s locations across New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts will now get a significant portion of their power from the sun, according to Solar Power World.

The enrolled Wendy’s restaurants will source 30-100% of their energy from solar projects in their communities without needing to install a single solar panel.

As more solar capacity comes online, Wendy’s plans to enroll even more of its company-operated and franchise restaurants in Ampion’s innovative program.

All this means is that the cost of doing business is going to go up, so, they’ll have to increase their prices

For Wendy’s, this solar partnership is a major step toward meeting its goal of cutting pollution by 47% per restaurant by 2030. It’s also a huge win for the planet, with the enrolled restaurants’ solar energy totaling an impressive 27.5 million kilowatt-hours per year. That’s equivalent to taking over 4,000 gas-powered cars off the road.

How many cars drive to Wendy’s and idle for the drive thru?

Even more exciting, this partnership demonstrates how going solar is one of the best ways for businesses to save money on energy while fighting atmospheric pollution. By sourcing clean energy through Ampion’s community solar program, Wendy’s and its franchisees can lower their utility bills and operating costs.

Is there anyone who actually believes that? We’ll how this works out over the next year or two. Oh, and how do they operate on cloudy days and at night? How will this work for the massive coolers and ovens?

Read: Wendy’s Intends To Patronize The Climate Cult »

Raleigh N&O Wants To Fight To Keep Trump Out Of Office

It’s a good thing the news media is impartial and neutral, eh?

We should show grace to Donald Trump – and fight to keep him from office | Opinion

A man who has rarely extended grace to his opponents is receiving grace from his opponents — and he should. He must.

And we must be unified in our horror that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks tried to murder Donald Trump.

There is no wiggle room, no clinging to the safety of partisanship, no giving into our dark angels. The world is watching. Our hearts should ache, our souls shudder. History will judge if we don’t find the compassion to keep the torch lit during a difficult period the way so many others did before us, and judge us harshly.

I wonder about all the nasty things that have been published in the Raleigh News and Observer that I’ve seen since 2015.

But in a country that is just, no man would get to spend years fomenting violence then benefit when that violence visits his front door. Trump is still not worthy of leading this nation. His indecency helped bring us here. To deny that is to deny truth and undermine the greatness we proclaim but often don’t uphold.

And there you go, it’s all Trump’s Fault that someone went batshit insane and took a shot at him.

We should pray for his health just as we should for any victim of violence. We should also continue doing everything we can to ensure he doesn’t return to office. He remains a threat to democracy. The way to beat threats to democracy is with the ballot box, not the bullet.

And that’s exactly the kind of rhetoric that caused someone to take a literal shot at him. Of course, “journalist” Issac Bailey goes on to say that Democrats are selfless and none of this is their fault. Perhaps he should have read his own opinion piece.

Read: Raleigh N&O Wants To Fight To Keep Trump Out Of Office »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Keeping People From Going To The Doctor

It’s always something new with these Warmists. Always looking for some doom. Something to link and blame

Is Climate Change Keeping Patients from Vital Doctor Appointments?
Patients 65 and older, those with chronic conditions, had strongest association with missed appointments linked to climate change.

Temperature extremes, becoming increasingly frequent due to growing global climate change, are associated with higher rates of missed primary care appointments, according to a recently published study from Drexel University researchers in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The researchers found that rates of missed appointments increased by 0.72% for every 1°F decrease in daily maximum temperatures below 39°F and increased by 0.64% for every 1°F increase above 89°F. Patients 65 and older and those with chronic conditions had stronger associations with an increased rate of missed appointments.

“These findings should be a clarion call for clinical teams, including their practice managers to adapt to ensure care access for patients before the problem gets worse,” said senior author Nathalie S. May, MD, a professor in Drexel University College of Medicine.

The team tallied 1,048,575 appointments from 91,580 adult patients at 13 university outpatient clinics in Philadelphia from Jan. 2009 through Dec. 2019 and linked those with daily maximum temperature and precipitation data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The group controlled for seasonal trends, sociodemographic attributes and chronic disease status.

“During the covid pandemic, telemedicine became an integral part of healthcare delivery,” said Drexel College of Medicine Clinical Associate Professor Janet H. Fitzpatrick, MD, one of the lead authors on the study. “With worsening climate change, this study supports advocating for permanent telemedicine coverage as an option to ensure patients can get the care they need.”

And? It gets hot in the summer. Realistically, this is anecdotal, as there is no way to compare this to previous Holocene warm periods. You can’t even really compare it to 50 years ago very well. This “survey” only looks at a simple 10 year period. Of course, the climate cult doesn’t care, they know that their little cult base will eat this up and regurgitate the headline.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Keeping People From Going To The Doctor »

If All You See…

…is a perfect place to build a city, high above the coming sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the greatest campaign photo ever.

Read: If All You See… »

CBC Editorial: Trump And RNC Shouldn’t Fundraise Off Assassination Attempt

You really cannot hate these Credentialed Media folks enough. Where were all the editorials from the Capital Broadcasting Company when Democrats fundraised off a tragedy? When the Cult of Climastrology called for more government regulation after weather happened? When Democrats called for gun grabbing after a shooter (usually a Democrat, and often a trans wacko over the past few years) went on a rampage?

Editorial: Trump rally shooting must not be exploited for quick campaign bucks

double standardsThe assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is a tragedy. It is not an opportunity.

Yes, politics and campaigning must, and should appropriately, continue. The National Republican Convention, opening in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, will, and should, continue as planned.

Focus also should be on what has been left in the wake of the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania. While Trump was fortunate with minor wounds to his right ear, Corey Comperatore, a former local fire chief, lost his life to the sniper’s bullet as he dove to protect his wife and daughter.

Two others injured at the rally are listed in stable condition.

Attention should be on comforting the Comperatore family at this time of such tragic loss. Concern should be on the healing of those who are injured.

Republicans are typically the ones offering thoughts and prayers, and we actually mean it, while Democrats yell that thoughts and prayers aren’t enough, government must grab guns. And do it within hours of the shooting. I’m betting that Trump, and other Republicans, will mention Comperatore and others during their speeches, that they will be lauded.

The focus of this horrible incident now should be on:

  • Comforting the innocent victims;
  • Examining what happened and why;
  • Exploring what, if anything could have been or should have been done to prevent it;
  • Restoring civility and respectful dialogue into our political environment that has become overheated, bombastic and, as evidenced most recently, inciteful.

There already are serious questions being raised about the precautions and actions of the security around Trump that need to be answered. Did the Trump campaign seek added protection? If so, was it denied ad  why?

The CBC should immediately work towards restoring civility and respectful dialogue on their NBC station, WRAL, for their website and broadcast TV. Where was the CBC after the George Floyd incident, when Democrats raged and rioted and burned things and so much more, and the Democrats were fundraising and calling to institute all sorts of things?

In October 2022 Paul Pelosi, husband of former House Speaker Nancy Palosi was assaulted by an intruder in their San Francisco home. In 2017 U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana was shot and injured. In 2011 former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot at an Arizona meeting with her constituents.

Scalise, a Republican, couldn’t restrain his partisan instincts when he sought to blame Biden and Democrats for the shooting. “For weeks Democrat leaders have been fueling ludicrous hysteria that Donald Trump winning re-election would be the end of democracy in America. Clearly we’ve seen far left lunatics act on violent rhetoric in the past. This incendiary rhetoric must stop.”

Pelosi tried to fundraise. Giffords tried to grab guns, and is still trying, even though she and her husband have handguns. Scalise was 100% right, just like how Democrats have demonized Trump.

A few hours after the shooting, the Trump campaign sent fundraising emails declaring “I WILL NEVER SURRENDER.” Almost exactly a day after the attempt on his life, Trump blasted out a fundraising email announcing “I was going to delay my trip to Wisconsin and the Republican National Convention by two days, but I have just decided not to let this force a change to any scheduling.  I am Donald J. Trump! … MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 2024.”

The election will, and must, go on. The campaigning isn’t going to stop – nor should it.

The tragedy in Butler, Pennsylvania should not be frivolously exploited for a quick campaign buck.

Those who pursue that route only display their lack of integrity and unfitness for public office.

Hmm, so, the CBC is turning up the heat, being disrespectful. Democrats will always try and fundraise off mass shootings and other tragedies, saying we need to Do Something. In case they missed it, a wacko tried to kill Trump. We’ll see what they CBC says the next time there is some tragedy and Democrats fundraise. Oh, and surely how nasty NBC affiliate WRAL will get during the convention.

Read: CBC Editorial: Trump And RNC Shouldn’t Fundraise Off Assassination Attempt »

Pirate's Cove