Climate Cultist Make 2022 Predictions

Well, in lieu of post my yearly challenge to Warmists to make climate predictions, lets see what Andrew Pershing, the director of Climate Science at Climate Central, has to say

Six climate trends may shape 2022 across the US

We’re about to wrap up 2021, another year of climate extremes across the U.S. It’s tempting to look back at the big stories: record cold in Texas, record heat in the Northwest, record rains from Hurricane Ida and December’s heat and deadly weather. But thinking about my climate work over the last year, I was struck by how much of it is about trends. I see six trends that can impact virtually all of us next year.

The first is the big one: carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We all hoped that maybe the economic slowdown from the COVID-19 pandemic would blunt the rise of carbon dioxide that drives global warming and makes extreme weather more likely. Nope.

Yet, there have warmer periods during the Holocene with much lower CO2 concentrations. Weird

The second trend follows the first: rising temperatures. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA in the U.S. and the UK Met Office will soon release their final calculations of global mean temperature. The year 2021 will likely be the sixth warmest on record. We are currently in a La Nina — a weather pattern triggered by unusually cool water in the equatorial Pacific. La Nina is like having the global air conditioner set on max — it tends to depress global temperatures. But it’s expected to fade in the coming months, so 2022 has a good shot at being warmer than 2021.

So, if nature can have such a big impact, why can in not also drive warming?

With or without La Nina, we can expect to see parts of the country struggle with deadly heat this summer. Something as weird as the 2021 Northwest heatwave may be unlikely, but the climbing global temperatures ratchet up the probability of dangerously high temperatures in the U.S. and around the world.

And, what if these don’t happen? Heat waves are entirely normal, but, what if there are few this summer? What will the climate cult say then?

The biggest trend, though, is the chance of storms rapidly intensifying into major hurricanes. In many ways, Ida was the perfect example of how climate change affects hurricanes. It was a fairly ordinary storm until it passed over the unusually hot waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Then, it exploded into a Category 4 hurricane and crashed into Louisiana — but caused heavy rains and flooding as far north as New York. Even if the number of named storms fluctuates year-to-year, each storm that forms now has a greater chance of growing into a monster like Ida.

That’s a lot of vacillating, eh? It could happen but it might not happen this year but maybe another year we just want to scare you.

Ida points to the fourth big climate trend to watch: more extremes in precipitation. A warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor. This means that when it rains, there is a greater chance that it will pour. Events like the flash flooding in West Virginia and the catastrophic rains from Ida are becoming more common. Extremes in precipitation also apply to snow. Even though the number of days when it’s cold enough to snow is decreasing across much of the country, the same moist atmosphere that can bring us big rain events can also produce big snow events.

Floods are normal. And here you have him blaming big snow events on warming. But, what if the floods do not happen? In reality, you should expect some, because floods are 100% normal.

Fifth is drought in the Southwest, which is also rather normal. What if it flips to wetter? Will they also blame that on ‘climate change’?

The final trend to watch is the total cost of all of these climate-influenced events. The human costs of extreme heat, fires, floods and high winds are brutal. But there are also direct economic costs — money that we have to pay to rebuild communities and money that we lose due to droughts and disruption. In dollars, final tallies from these events often reach the billions. And their frequency — and costs — are growing every year: the U. S. now experiences a billion-dollar disaster every 22 days.

Actually, they aren’t growing in trend, we can just track them better. But, it’s a cult, so, no matter what the weather does, they’ll blame you.

Read: Climate Cultist Make 2022 Predictions »

Say, About Those Brandon Home COVID Tests: They’ll Take About Three Years

Obviously, there are already home tests, but, here’s how Team Brandon does it

From the link

Biden Brain SlugThe Biden administration has signed a $137 million contract with a pharmaceutical company for the purpose of building a factory for COVID-19 test strip materials, a White House official confirmed to FOX Business on Wednesday.

But the new facility will not start churning out the materials for three years, according to the company. If the timeline is correct, the deal will not alleviate the administration’s scramble to make more tests available in the near future amid a lack of supply for Americans. The administration is under fire for reportedly rejecting a deal in October that would have strongly ramped up the supply of COVID tests.

But the new facility will not start churning out the materials for three years, according to the company. If the timeline is correct, the deal will not alleviate the administration’s scramble to make more tests available in the near future amid a lack of supply for Americans. The administration is under fire for reportedly rejecting a deal in October that would have strongly ramped up the supply of COVID tests.

The three-year timeline also signals that the administration expects the need for tens of millions of such tests per month into 2024 or 2025 and beyond.

Reuters first reported that the White House inked the agreement with MilliporeSigma, a subsidiary of German firm Merck KGaA, not be confused with U.S. company Merck & Co.

“The money will allow the company over three years to build a new facility to produce nitrocellulose membranes, the paper that displays test results, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin,” the outlet reported. “That, in turn, will allow for 85 million more tests to be produced per month, the official said.”

The whole idea was to make home tests readily available quickly. Trump (and other world leaders) was able to get vaccines available in less than a year (OK, they act more like 6 month flu shots, same as other nations were able to do), and Biden can’t get large amounts of test strips going for three years.

But, hey, there’s a problem with all this home testing, too

(NY Times) Millions of rapid at-home COVID tests are flying off pharmacy shelves across the country, giving Americans an instant, if sometimes imperfect, read on whether they are infected with the coronavirus.

But the results are rarely reported to public health departments, exacerbating the long-standing challenges of maintaining an accurate count of cases at a time when the number of infections is surging because of the omicron variant.

At the minimum, the widespread availability of at-home tests is wreaking havoc with the accuracy of official positivity rates and case counts. At the other extreme, it is one factor making some public health experts raise a question that once would have been unthinkable: Do counts of coronavirus cases serve a useful purpose, and if not, should they be continued?

Whoops! Makes it rather hard to track how many positive tests there have been. How is there any tracking and tracing? Sadly, that is something that really was necessary early on, but, you can understand the resistance, but, it could have eliminated a lot of the spread.

Read: Say, About Those Brandon Home COVID Tests: They’ll Take About Three Years »

Climate Doom Today: Feral Hogs, Drastic CO2 Cuts Worthless, Radioactive Wildfires

Oh, this is some great stuff. First I found this cult beauty

Feral hog invasions leave coastal marshes less resilient to climate change

Coastal marshes that have been invaded by feral hogs recover from natural disasters up to three times slower, and are significantly less resilient to climate change, according to a recent study from Duke University and the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Feral hogs invade marshes to eat ribbed mussels, a shellfish species that plays a vital role in the resiliency of marshes by creating healthy areas for marsh plants to live.

“[Saltmarshes are] really considered the Superman of marine ecosystems in that they are incredibly resilient,” said Brian Silliman, a professor of marine conservation biology at Duke and study co-author. “The key to this superpower are the [ribbed] mussels. So the hogs are acting like the Kryptonite here because they’re taking away that superpower.”

Silliman’s research suggests that marshes disturbed by hogs can take an extra 80 to 100 years to recover when hit by a natural disaster, like a drought. There’s also a possibility that disturbed marshes may never recover from disasters.

See, in Warmist World, the Earth is a static system that never, ever changes. Their belief in Darwinism has taken a big hit as the climate cult becomes stronger and spreads.

Even Drastic CO2 Cuts Won’t Bring Back The Climate We’ve Lost

We’re so far down the road of climate change, that even making drastic cuts to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels won’t be enough for the world’s weather systems to fall back into their previous patterns, according to a new study.

But the research also suggests we still can have a huge impact on how severe that change will be.

Through a series of advanced climate model simulations, researchers looked at the effect of ramping up CO2 levels to 1,468 ppm – four times their current level – over the course of the next 140 years, then bringing them all the way back down to where they are today across another 140 years.

First, climate models. Garbage cult beliefs in, garbage cult beliefs out. Second, why was it warmer in previous Holocene warm periods than today with much lower CO2 concentrations? Third, could this be the beginning of the cult saying that reducing CO2 doesn’t matter, and we need to do X?

But, this might top them all, perfect for a year end (you can also read it here, no paywall)

Are radioactive wildfires next on California’s apocalyptic climate-change guest list?

After what we experienced in 2021, there’s no doubt that California’s wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity as climate change alters the ecosystem. The state’s forests are burning at an alarming rate, creating environmental catastrophes and endangering lives. (snip)

And there is another potential hazard that has largely been neglected in forest fire smoke – radiation.

In April 2020, the forest around the disaster site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine ignited into wildfire. More than 115,000 acres burned in 10 days, and the smoke, along with the radiation, traveled 1,000 miles to countries as far as Norway. (snip)

While the risk that California could be similarly affected may be small, the possibility of climate change changing our world in 2022 and beyond adds another kink.

After learning about the Chernobyl fires this summer, I became curious about the possible effects of radiation from forest fires on our populations. As part of my internship at DoseNet, a UC Berkeley science initiative for high school students, I began an investigation using data from the program’s global network of radiation sensors.

Read: Climate Doom Today: Feral Hogs, Drastic CO2 Cuts Worthless, Radioactive Wildfires »

If All You See…

…is a calm sea because carbon pollution is shutting down ocean circulation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the possibility of Greater Idaho.

Read: If All You See… »

Apparently, Florida Is So Bad That AOC Is There On Vacation

AOC, like so many Democrats, has slammed Florida during COVID, complaining about the lack of masking and so much more. Whining at Gov DeSantis and the GOP led general assembly. So, of course

AOC in Miami Beach for ‘taste of freedom’ as New York sees record number of COVID cases: report

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared to get an early start on New Year’s weekend Thursday, according to a report.

The New York Democrat was seen, maskless and drink in hand, as she dined outside in Miami Beach, Florida, the National Review reported. The congresswoman and a companion were spotted at Doraku Sushi and Izakaya, the report said.

The sighting quickly drew snarky reactions on social media.

“You’re being played by @AOC dummies,” one writer claimed, referring to the Democrat’s supporters.

“Hey @AOC tell me you endorse @RonDeSantisFL without telling me you endorse @RonDeSantisFL,” another commenter wrote, referring to Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been known for coronavirus policies that contrast from many of those in Democrat-run states.


She’s escaping the record number of cases in NYC, and a huge surge in D.C., by going to a nice, open, Red state. Doesn’t look like she’s masking up, eh? It’s like when COVID hit and the big city liberals blew out of town for better pastures, spreading it around. Photo from National Review.


(Reuters) – COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations are “comparatively” low as the highly infectious Omicron variant of the coronavirus spreads, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky said on Wednesday as cases in the United States reached a record high.

“In a few short weeks Omicron has rapidly increased across the country, and we expect will continue to circulate in the coming weeks. While cases have substantially increased from last week, hospitalizations and deaths remain comparatively low right now,” she said, referring to overall cases.

I wonder how many other Democrats will be seen in Red states?

Read: Apparently, Florida Is So Bad That AOC Is There On Vacation »

Oops: GM Electric Vehicle Batteries Keep Exploding

Just what you need with the really expensive car you didn’t want to buy but were forced into, eh?

GM heralded this plant as a model for its electric car future. Then its batteries started exploding.

Electric vehicleBefore General Motors recalled the entire fleet of its most popular electric car because of fire dangers, before her factory was stilled, assembly line worker Carol McConkey stood in the middle of a teeming factory floor and marveled at how seamlessly the Chevrolet Bolt is manufactured.

The nine-year GM employee ducked under a car frame on an orange vehicle carrier, swung a mechanical arm out and drove five bolts into a nearly 1,000-pound battery pack with roughly the footprint of a bathtub.

Little did she know that soon, the same section of the car she works on would garner worldwide attention for another reason: exploding lithium-ion batteries. She and hundreds of other workers were sent home to wait out an extended assembly line closure.

The crisis involving the Chevrolet Bolt was a painful reminder for the auto industry that despite treating the electric vehicle era as essentially inevitable – a technical fait accompli – significant obstacles to manufacturing the cars, and especially their batteries, continue to threaten that future.

Why is it essentially inevitable? Consumers aren’t clamoring for them. There’s not big demand. Demand for hybrids is up a bit, because they make economic sense, being not much more than the standard versions. And they sure don’t want the batteries to explode while driving the super expensive EVs.

It’s the kind of disruption GM can ill afford as it aims to scale up its production of electric vehicles to 1 million units per year by 2025. The company wants to have a global lineup of 30 EVs by that year. And it plans to shift production away from gasoline-powered cars entirely in the next decade and a half.

Are they expecting to actually sell one million? GM sold 7.72 million in 2019, which was about half a million down from 2019, and that was down about 1.3 million from 2017. EVs being one seventh of their yearly sales is ludicrous.

Today, electric cars – plug-in hybrids, battery-powered vehicles and hydrogen-fuel-cell vehicles – make up less than 5% of U.S. new vehicle sales. But policymakers and automakers hope that by 2030, EVs will make up at least 40% of U.S. new car sales. That would be a critical development in the nation’s strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Funny that most of the same policy makers aren’t driving them themselves. What they’re doing is being authoritarian in trying to force citizens to comply with their climate cult demands.

Anyhow, it is a long, long piece on how bad things are for GM. Maybe they and the others should consider what the consumers want, not a bunch of fascist lawmakers.

Read: Oops: GM Electric Vehicle Batteries Keep Exploding »

Bummer: Omicron Puts A Damper On Brandon’s Vaccine Mandates

It’s still a really good idea to get the vaccine. And, if it’s been 6 months since you had your last one, get a booster. Because, really, the vaccines aren’t like the vaccines which keep your from getting a disease. You get the smallpox vaccine, you will not get smallpox. You won’t carry it, you won’t transmit it. The COVID vaccines are more like flu shots: they can hopefully reduce the chance you get it, and, if you do, it will be light. I already know of multiple people in the workplace who have it in the past few days

(CNN) An unprecedented spike in Covid-19 cases fueled by the fast-moving Omicron variant is crushing hospitals across the United States, with doctors describing packed emergency rooms as health experts implore New Year’s Eve revelers to keep parties small and outdoors to help avert an even worse surge.

“It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen, even at the peak of the prior surges of Covid,” Dr. James Phillips, who works in Washington, DC, said Wednesday, when the nation hit a new pandemic high of 300,886 average new daily cases over the prior week, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

Remember when Biden said he he’d shut down the virus, not the country? Interestingly, the national media is focusing on Florida breaking infection records. But, I can only find one lonely local story about New York shattering records. And surging heavily in California. Weren’t we told those states were the models? Also, Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. Poor Brandon

Omicron puts pinch on Biden vaccine mandate efforts

The rapidly spreading omicron variant poses a problem for the White House as officials try to convince a skeptical public that vaccine mandates are necessary.

Opponents of mandates are seizing on early evidence that shows vaccines are not as effective at stopping transmission of the new strain, which they say undermines the administration’s key arguments for championing them.

This week, airlines were forced to cancel thousands of flights as COVID-19 swept through its flight crews and other employees. (snip)

Administration officials have cast vaccine mandates for health workers, and mandate-or-test requirements for large employers, as essential tools to get more people vaccinated.

While vaccines don’t necessarily keep someone from getting COVID-19, they greatly reduce the chances of hospitalization or death. If the mandates result in more people getting vaccinated, it could also reduce stress on the nation’s healthcare system if waves of people do get infected.

Well, true. But, they don’t seem to be stopping it from hitting the vaccinated.

Lawrence Gostin, a professor of global health at Georgetown University, said there’s been too much fatalistic messaging from the administration. If people are under the impression that they’re going to get COVID-19 no matter what, that will make selling mandates much more politically difficult, he said.

Gostin acknowledged that vaccines don’t totally prevent transmission of the omicron variant, but he said that doesn’t reduce the ethical justification for requiring somebody to be vaccinated.

“But I still think vaccine mandates are warranted,” he said. “If you can do something for somebody that is safe and keeps them healthy, when they otherwise might get very sick or die, that’s a good thing. And it’s also justified by the fact that we need to preserve health system capacities.”

Again, I’d agree if it was like so many vaccines, where you don’t get it. Period. It is more like the flu shots. How many people get them and still get the flu? Raising my hand. But, the flu does tend to be lighter. I’d say position it like the flu shots, but, people blow those off, too. People are going to have to really get a booster like every 6 months. And we need to learn to live with it. And if people want to not get it, that’s on them. I don’t want to hear them complain. But, what most news outlets are refusing to publish

(Deseret News) The omicron variant is “not the same disease” compared to previous COVID-19 strains, according to John Bell, a professor of medicine at the University of Oxford.

Bell, the U.K. government’s life sciences adviser, told BBC Radio 4 Tuesday that the omicron variant has led to fewer hospitalizations and severe disease so far, which shows the vaccines are still working, according to Bloomberg.

“The incidence of severe disease and death from this disease (Covid-19) has basically not changed since we all got vaccinated and that’s really important to remember,” he told the BBC.

“The horrific scenes that we saw a year ago — intensive care units being full, lots of people dying prematurely — that is now history in my view and I think we should be reassured that that’s likely to continue.” (snip)

This aligns with some early data and research suggested that the omicron COVID-19 variant leads to less severe symptoms and hospitalizations, as I wrote for the Deseret News. So far, data from South Africa has shown fewer hospitalizations tied to the variant, even though it has shown the power to evade COVID-19 vaccines and antibodies.

Yes, the major media is still trying to scare The People by not telling us this. And it barely helps Biden’s case by requiring vaccination.

Read: Bummer: Omicron Puts A Damper On Brandon’s Vaccine Mandates »

Climate Cult Still Upset That We Didn’t Apply COVID Restrictions To ‘Climate Change’

Remember back to beginning of the Chinese coronavirus, when Warmists wanted to apply all the restrictions being put in place to Doing Something about the Climate Emergency? Yeah, they still want that

Did We Just Blow Our Last, Best Chance to Tackle Climate Change?

In mid-2020, after the pandemic had settled in, I wrote in a TIME cover story that the stars had aligned to make 2020 and 2021 the “last, best chance” to keep the world from experiencing the worst impacts of climate change. Temperatures have risen more than 1.1°C since the Industrial Revolution, and the COVID-19 pandemic had unexpectedly opened up new pathways to rethink the global economy to help the world avoid the 1.5°C of temperature rise, long seen as a marker of when the planet will start to experience the catastrophic and irreversible effects of climate change.

Now, 18 months later, the world seems poised to blow it. Governments across the globe have failed to spend big on a green economic recovery. Political leaders from the world’s largest economies have made lofty promises to eliminate their carbon footprints but failed to offer concrete policies to get there. And President Joe Biden’s ambitions for bold climate legislation have been stymied in Congress.

“We’re sort of standing on the precipice,” says Rob Jackson, an earth system science professor at Stanford University and the chair of the Global Carbon Project. “I am loath to say it, but I’m deeply skeptical that we will reduce emissions fast enough to keep global temperatures from rising 1.5°.”

What happens if it doesn’t hit 1.5C? What if it takes another hundred years to go up another .5C? It took 170 years to go up 1C from 1850, the end of the Little Ice Age? Also, no one is stopping Warmists from doing stuff in their own lives. Why is it necessary for government to spend a ton of taxpayer money, which would include all the restrictions and control of people’s lives?

The most obvious—and perhaps easiest—opportunity to turn the COVID-19 pandemic into progress in the fight against climate change boiled down to dollars and cents. COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns shocked the economy, requiring governments to spend trillions to keep the wheels turning. Quickly hard-nosed analysts and idealistic activists alike said governments should focus that spending on initiatives that would foster clean energy and push polluting industries to transform.

This message caught on quickly, and a “green recovery” became a key talking point for heads of government from countries large and small. But, as the pandemic wore on, most of those policies failed to materialize….

They failed to materialize because people weren’t working, things were shut down, and people didn’t have the skills. And so many were being paid to not work.

The Biden Administration has described its strategy as an “all of government” approach, meaning every agency and official needs to consider how their work can help address the issue. But, despite a swathe of new rules and regulations targeting emissions, the Administration has hinged much of its agenda on a key piece of legislation dubbed Build Back Better.

And BBB is actually the point of this all. Here’s an idea: separate the climate crazy from the rest of the bill, put it up for a vote. Let’s see how that goes.

Without it, or something of equal scale, the target remains an empty promise. “It’s impossible to get from here to there without these investments,” says John Podesta, the former advisor to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who now works on climate issues, of the role Build Back Better bill plays in meeting Biden’s goal.

We heard that with the Stimulus, and how’d that work out? Solar panel makers taking a ton of money, starting up, then collapsing, like Solyndra, which also left a big environmental mess. How much was pissed away for “weatherization”? But, it’s not about money, it’s about central government control.

Read: Climate Cult Still Upset That We Didn’t Apply COVID Restrictions To ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a horrible plastic water bottle being offset by a wonderful low carbon bicycle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on how bad Brandon’s polling is.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Still Banging The Drum Of Coming GOP Authoritarianism

The actual agenda of the Democratic Party isn’t actually that popular in practice, so, sure, why not try and scare voters?

Two Kentucky historians agree the GOP is steering the US straight toward authoritarianism |Opinion

Two Kentucky historians agree it’s past time for Democrats to start warning voters — loudly, clearly and unceasingly — where Donald Trump and his truest true believers in the GOP are steering the country: Straight toward white supremacy and authoritarianism.

“This is real, this is serious and it’s frightening,” said Brian Clardy, a Murray State University history professor. “We must build a democratic resistance that amounts to a counter-fascist coup — In short, we must all become ‘antifa,’ or antifascists,” said John Hennen, a Morehead State University history professor emeritus.

Clardy said Trump largely won on a white backlash triggered by Barack Obama’s election. Clardy was in the crowd when our first African American president was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009.

ZOMG, a whole two historians! Who sure look to be Democratic voters.

“While we’re celebrating here in Washington, folks back home are seething,” he said to a woman standing near him. He meant white folks.

Hennen said Trumpism has deep roots. “The eruption of violent white nationalist authoritarianism in our country is the shocking manifestation of less noisy currents of fascist politics which have evolved for decades.”

Yup, they are, as they throw out Word Salad. The rest goes exactly as you expect, so, let’s flip to J. Peder Zane, who doesn’t seem to be much of a fan of Trump

The Democrats’ Problem With Democracy

Democrats have challenged the legitimacy of every presidential election they’ve lost this millennium: They blamed a corrupt Supreme Court for their defeat in 2000, crooked voting machines in 2004 and Russian interference in 2016 – sparking a years-long collusion hoax to knee-cap Trump’s presidency.

But now, as President Biden’s poll numbers tank, his legislative agenda falters and his party’s 2022 prospects look increasingly grim, they and their media allies are adding a new twist to the tactic: They’re challenging elections before they happen.

Prestigious news outlets including the New York TimesWashington Postthe AtlanticNPR and the New York Review of Books warn that American democracy is under siege. With headlines ripped straight from Democratic Party talking points they argue that Republicans are planning a two-pronged coup to seize power in 2022 and beyond.

It’s a good piece, worth reading the whole, but, let’s skip to

From their 19th century roots as the party run by Southern planters and Northern political machines, to their embrace of technocratic progressivism during the 20th century, to their current status as the party of global elites, the Democratic Party has long been a hierarchical outfit where those at the top promised to act in the best interests of those below them. Especially in the South, this paternalism was fused with demagoguery, as leaders kept voters in line by playing on fears of the “Negro menace.”

In other words, they like to control the lives of all the peons

In fairness, Republicans have engaged in many of the tactics ascribed to them. But their historic embrace of limited governmental power has usually restrained their impulse to direct people’s lives. They have tended to demonize small groups (e.g. left-wing communists) rather than entire populations. The argument that Republicans hate African Americans is simply a Democrat falsehood belied by the GOP’s long support for racial justice and the fact that America is by every measure less racist than it has ever been.

But, see, in the eyes of the far left moonbats, pushing for limited government, making sure the people who are voting are, in fact, the person who should be voting and that they are eligible to vote and haven’t voted multiple times, that government is responsible to the People, and more, is authoritarianism, Fascism. Loony tunes leftists.

Read: Democrats Still Banging The Drum Of Coming GOP Authoritarianism »

Pirate's Cove