Good News: Squishy Beta Male Liberals Are Getting Vasectomies In Support Of Abortion On Demand

When it comes to discussing ‘climate change’, we’ve been calling them a cult for several years now, as it has really become a cult. But, consider that those who support abortion on demand have acted like a cult for much longer, and are getting worse, telling their stories of getting an abortion (because they were too irresponsible to properly use birth control), and so much more. And now

Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’

After Andy and Erin Gress had their fourth child, Andy decided it was time for him to “step up” and help with the family planning. So he did something that the mere thought of makes some men cringe: He got a vasectomy.

It was early one morning last winter – a brief moment of peace, before juggling getting the kids ready for online school and work Zoom calls. He happened to see a local news story about discounts being offered during “World Vasectomy Day.” He made an appointment that day.

His wife had taken birth control pills, but she struggled with the side effects. She had worked as a night nurse through four pregnancies, and the couple had children ranging in age from 2 to 11.

“The procedure was a total relief, almost like the covid shot – like I’m safe now,” said Gress, who works in higher education. “I wanted to man up.”

But Gress’s action wasn’t just about his family. He also believed he should do more to support his wife and other women who don’t think the government should decide what they do with their bodies. “I’ve seen the miracle of life,” he said. “But I’ve also seen kids who are born into poverty and misery and don’t have a fair shot.”

Too bad he didn’t do it before having kids. They there wouldn’t be a problem with children being brought up in the insane leftist world-view. I bet he and the wife support forced COVID vaccination, though, eh? And support government restricting what people can eat because of ‘climate change’.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Chris Rabb, a Democrat, introduced “parody” legislation this fall in response to the Texas law that amounts to a near-total ban on abortion. Rabb’s proposal would require men to get vasectomies after the birth of their third child or when they turn 40, whichever comes first. It would be enforced by allowing Pennsylvanians to report men who failed to comply, for a $10,000 reward.

“As long as state legislatures continue to restrict the reproductive rights of cis women, trans men and nonbinary people, there should be laws that address the responsibility of men who impregnate them. Thus, my bill will also codify ‘wrongful conception’ to include when a person has demonstrated negligence toward preventing conception during intercourse,” Rabb wrote in a memo about his proposal, as reported by the Keystone.

But, we can restrict what people do with their bodies when they break the law. I would think murder of the unborn counts. Liberals have totally given up on contraception.

Koushik Shaw, a doctor at the Austin Urology Institute in Texas, said his practice saw about a 15% increase in scheduled vasectomies after the Sept. 1 Texas abortion ban went into effect.

Patients are saying “‘Hey, I’m actually here because some of these changes that [Gov. Greg] Abbott and our legislature have passed that are really impacting our decision-making in terms of family planning,’ so that was a new one for me as a reason – the first time, patients are citing a state law as their motivating factor,” Shaw said.

Too bad we can’t get that to 100%, limit the spread of unhinged leftism.

Brad Younts, 45, said his wife, Lizz Gardner, wants him to become a “vasectomy evangelist,” after he had the “simple procedure” without any problems.

“Men are big babies. Considering everything women go through – menstruation, Pap smears, OB/GYN visits,” said Younts, who lives in Chicago. “I’m proud I did it. And I went on to tell two friends who are also looking into it, too.”

Read: Good News: Squishy Beta Male Liberals Are Getting Vasectomies In Support Of Abortion On Demand »

Senator Warren Wants To Reign In Wall Street To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren as been going after Wall Street (while making lots of money from it) since she came into office, and now she’s doing the whole “let’s blame ‘climate change’ schtick to drag in some climate cultists. Of course, she’s just preaching to the choir

Senator Warren urges crackdown on Wall Street over climate change

Senator Elizabeth Warren accused the financial services industry of being a major contributor to climate change and urged U.S. regulators to hold it to account.

Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, cited a study by the Sierra Club and the Center for American Progress, which shows that eight of the biggest U.S. banks and 10 of its largest asset managers combined finance about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. That’s about 1% less than what Russia produced.

“The volume of greenhouse gas emitted by the financial-services industry is outrageous,” she said in a tweet. “If it were a country it would rank as the fifth-largest emitter in the world.”

“Regulators,” she added, “need to crack down.”

Why is this the business of the federal government? Why is it hers? First, if she doesn’t like it, introduce a bill giving the Executive Branch that authority. See if she can get it passed. But, 2nd, the Constitution doesn’t authorize the federal government this power. 3rd, why is this her business? If she doesn’t like it, she can stop investing and stop taking Wall Street money. It’s really just another way for her to tray and implement authoritarianism over the financial sector.

Read: Senator Warren Wants To Reign In Wall Street To Solve Climate Crisis (scam) »

Brandon: Hey, There’s No Federal Solution To Beating The Chinese Coronavirus

What a contrast a year makes!

Remember when he said he would shut down the virus, not the country? He still has a long plan on his campaign website.

Where's Joe Biden(Breitbart) President Joe Biden left Monday for his beach vacation in Delaware after admitting in a video call with U.S. governors that there was no federal solution to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Thank you very much. Look, there is no federal solution,” Biden said as he began speaking to the governors. “This gets solved at a state level.”

The president appeared with his coronavirus team on the artificial White House video conferencing set. He indicated that only governors could end the pandemic by leading the charge.

“It ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road,” Biden said, referring to state government. “My message to the governors is simple. If you need something, say something.”

So, as Omicron rages, flights are cancelled, states and cities are reinstituting COVID restrictions, New Year’s Eve celebrations are being cancelled and scaled back, Biden takes a week long vacation.

All you, well, let’s just call you idiots, who voted for Biden because of Trump’s mean tweets, are you happy now? Is this everything you thought it would be? Good job. This is on you.

Read: Brandon: Hey, There’s No Federal Solution To Beating The Chinese Coronavirus »

Your Fault: Japanese McDonald’s Reducing Portion Size Due To HotColdWetDry

Coming soon to a McDonald’s and other fast food places in the U.S. and rest of the world soon? (via Watts Up With That?)

Mustard, fries in short supply due to Canada’s climate change woes

A mix of drought in Canada’s prairies and flooding on its Pacific coast have brought about crop production and shipping woes now leading to international shortages of fries and mustard.

In Japan, for example, McDonald’s has been forced to ration fries as the British Columbia floods squeezed potato imports, while mustard producers in France are forecasting steep price increases because the drought in another part of Canada – the world’s biggest producer of mustard grains – cut supplies.

“When we look back at the state of the agriculture sector in 2021, we can say this year has been marked by extreme climate change weather events,” Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said in a recent speech.

“That includes the worst drought in 60 years in Western Canada and the devastating atmospheric rivers in British Columbia,” she told livestock farmers and ranchers who’ve struggled to secure enough hay to feed their animals as pastures dried up.

It’s always something with this cult. Because you drove to McDonald’s to get some fries and a burger in a fossil fueled vehicle there is now flooding and drought in Canada. It can’t just be due to nature, which caused this stuff previously, oh, no, it’s carbon pollution. We even get the buzz phrase of “atmospheric rivers.” As the Watts Up With That? piece points out, potato crops were actually pretty darned good in 2021. And links to another piece which shows

Japan is experiencing a McDonald’s fry shortage, and there’s a Canadian connection to this problem.

Due to supply chain issues and BC flood damage, many potato shipments have not been able to get out of the port of Vancouver and have been significantly delayed.

So, it’s pretty much supply chain issues from the Chinese coronavirus, with a tiny bit of bad weather involved. But, cultists have to be cultists

Constant litany of Doom, and that’s what you get on the top page for Google News for “climate change.”

Read: Your Fault: Japanese McDonald’s Reducing Portion Size Due To HotColdWetDry »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing things to drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Twitter being served with a censorship lawsuit.

Since I was traveling yesterday and never got around to posting one, double shot below the fold. So check out Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the annual Festivus Report.

It’s also cleaning out the folder of photos week

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Science: New York’s Essential Workers Need Only Quarantine For Half The Normal Time

We all know that the Chinese coronavirus doesn’t attack people who are eating with masks off, right? Who knew that essential workers only have Bat Soup Virus for half the time as non-essential works? Why don’t we just declare all workers essential? That would fix this, right?

New York cuts essential worker quarantine times in half

New York’s essential workers now can return to work just five days after receiving a positive COVID-19 test, so long as they’re vaccinated and asymptomatic.

Why it matters: The revised rules cuts quarantine time in half from 10 days and come as New York has struggled to maintain staffing levels within a variety of industries, including health care, food services, and transportation.

Between the lines: Governor Kathy Hochul said in a Friday briefing that the move was based on early indications that infections from Omicron are less severe than from the original COVID-19 strain or the Delta variant.

So, if you’re a health care worker, work at the airport, grocery store, or a bar, or pick up the garbage (among all the stuff in the “revised rules”), you only need to quarantine 5 days, not 10. But, if, say, you are a doorman or sell guitars, 10 days. But, it’s hard to know, because the list is so darned expansive

State officials said that the new rules came after the CDC released new guidance reducing the quarantine time for health care workers from 10 to seven days.

See? Even the CDC thinks COVID only effects some people differently than others. We can all declare ourselves healthcare workers! Science!

Read: Science: New York’s Essential Workers Need Only Quarantine For Half The Normal Time »

Nepal’s Maoist Center Totally Enthused To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’

Climate cultists are in some really good company. Osama Bin Laden has yammered about Doing Something about ‘climate change’, China’s leaders have yammered about Doing Something, Kim Jon-un wants to Do Something, and plenty of other crazies. Now

Maoist Centre to prioritize climate change in its general convention

There are rare incidents that the political parties in Nepal discuss the agendas and programmes on impacts of climate change on human lives- one of the most pressing global issues.

Instead, what the politicians often serve are the public are panegyric sloganeering, tirade of criticism, and haughty promises.

Despite the leaders’ claim for country’s development and prosperity for long, the country’s status is more or less the same as was in the past.

Impacts of climate change caused due to global warming – unseasonal rain, changes in snowline and impacts on the lives of people in the lower coastal are therefore rare discourse among political leadership.

However, the CPN (Maoist Centre) is raising this issue for the first time among Nepal’s political parties from its General Convention.

Maoist Centre Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ said that his party had kept the environmental issues on top priority like other political agendas, adding that human life was in peril due to climate change impact.

Can you guess what the CPN stands for? If you guessed old school communism, you’d be correct. Communist Party Of Nepal. That’s the Maoist Center. And they are definitely living the old beliefs of Mao Zedong, such as “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Also, “Maoists also draw inspiration from the ‘Revolutionary Internationalist Movement’, Peru’s left wing guerrilla movement—the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), and from radical communist parties in different parts of the world.”

Well, I guess they’re perfect, with their authoritarian/dictatorship beliefs to be part of the climate cult!

Read: Nepal’s Maoist Center Totally Enthused To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ »

Kamala: Our Democracy Is Doomed Without Federal Takeover Over Voting System

It’s not a day without a Y if some Democratic Party elite isn’t fearmongering about Democracy In Peril, eh?

Harris: US won’t be ‘role model’ of democracy if voting rights legislation isn’t passed

spite houseVice President Kamala Harris said the United States may lose its standing as a role model for the world – and democracy itself would be put at risk – if voting rights legislation is not passed.

Harris, who has taken the lead on voting rights, said during a wide-ranging interview broadcast Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that people around the world are watching the United States “because we have held ourselves out to be a model of … the ability of a democracy to coexist with an economic strength and power.”

But Harris warned that if lawmakers don’t pass legislation to preserve voting rights, the United States’ standing could be in jeopardy.

“We have been a role model saying, ‘You can see this and aspire to this and reject autocracies and autocratic leadership,’” Harris said. “Right now, we’re about to take ourselves off the map as a role model if we let people destroy one of the most important pillars of a democracy, which is free and fair elections.”

These are the same people who are 100% against voter ID and any measures to restrict voting to one person one vote. These are the same people who want to allow non-citizens, including illegal aliens, to vote. The Freedom To Vote act is essentially a federal takeover of all voting, and would certainly be challenged at the Supreme Court as an overreach of Legislative authority and the Constitution. It would register all felons to vote immediately. It would federalize all elections, it would limit free speech and association, and weaken protections.

But, if Kamala is so worried about Democracy (which we do not have, of course, but, a federal republic), what her hyper-leftist folks?

U.S. Rep Jayapal asks Biden to continue focus on ‘Build Back Better’, urges executive action

U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal, a leading liberal House Democrat, has asked President Joe Biden to continue focusing on his social spending legislation and urged him to use executive action despite Senator Joe Manchin’s public rejection of the plan.

In an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Sunday, Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), wrote that the CPC will soon release a plan for some actions like lowering costs, protecting the health of families, and tackling climate action.

“The Progressive Caucus will continue to work toward legislation for Build Back Better, focused on keeping it as close to the agreed-upon framework as possible”, she wrote in the newspaper (lots of whining about Joe Manchin, who’s putting his constituents and what they want over Party)

“Taking executive action will also make clear to those who hinder Build Back Better that the White House and Democrats will deliver for Americans”, Jayapal wrote.

Wouldn’t the Executive Office doing things not authorized by Congressional legislation, except by finding tiny little phrases, be Bad For Democracy? That’s why we have a separation of powers.

Here’s an idea: break up the Build Back Better (yeah, right) bill up into all the different sections and have votes on each one. Let’s see where that goes.

Read: Kamala: Our Democracy Is Doomed Without Federal Takeover Over Voting System »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – Christmas Edition

Patriotic Pinup Russ Williams

Happy Sunday, and a Happy Pinup Christmas! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I sincerely hope that all had a wonderful Christmas. This pinup is by Russ Williams, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know That highlights how many Brits refuse to pay higher taxes for ‘climate change’
  2. Real Clear Climate features a global cooling Christmas
  3. Ace Of Spades HQ has the Christmas edition pet thread
  4. American Greatness wonders why the SJWs haven’t come after A Christmas Story
  5. Blazing Cat Fur wonders where all those rapid COVID tests are in Canada
  6. GeeeZ has the true story of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
  7. Geller Report features yet another faked hate hoax
  8. Gen Z Conservative notes Senator Sinema stopping Dems attempt to federalize elections
  9. LMAO has some Christmas cartoons and memes
  10. Jihad Watch features the Bishop of Canterbury doing some Jew hating
  11. Legal Insurrection highlights a USA swimming official quitting over transgender swimmer
  12. Maggie’s Farm covers the definition of “the common good”
  13. Moonbattery shows the liberal creed in 37 seconds
  14. Pacific Pundit has Alec Baldwin doing some Mask Cult on Santa
  15. And last, but not least, Powerline covers Trump defending vaccines

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

If there is an (*) it wasn’t up at time of writing, which is Saturday night. Have an early flight Sunday

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – Christmas Edition »

China And Russia Playing Nice Is A Challenge For Biden Or Something

Now, just image the type of headline this would have if Trump was derelict in his duties in regards to China and Russia, blowing off the danger, creating situations which they would take advantage of. How it would be doom, and that Congress should investigate

Warming relations between Russia and China pose challenge for Biden

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanLast week Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly demanded that the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bar Ukraine from its military alliance, move troops, weapons and installations from its eastern flank and issue “security guarantees” about the future of the region.

“The ball is in their court,” Putin said at a news conference last week. “They need to respond to us with something.”

While Western officials responded with indignation, saying Putin would not tell NATO what to do, Chinese President Xi Jinping applauded Putin’s brinkmanship. At a summit last week with Putin, Xi denounced the U.S. and NATO for “interfering in the internal affairs of China and Russia,” according to China’s state-run news agency Xinhua.

The increasingly warm relations between China and Russia are raising eyebrows, as well as the potential stakes, across the Western world, but the tensions with Washington have been building for months.

When the U.S. became the first nation earlier this month to announce that its government officials would boycott February’s Olympic Games in Beijing in response to China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims and its steamrolling of Hong Kong’s democracy movement, Putin rose to Xi’s defense, calling the diplomatic protest “pointless” and saying he planned to attend.

In October, in between Chinese sorties in violation of Taiwan’s airspace, China played war games in the waters off the contested island and was joined in its impressive naval and aeronautical display of force by the Russian military.

Both have watched Biden’s weakness. They watched the fiasco of Afghanistan. The wishy washy words on Ukraine and Taiwan. Playing nice with Iran and blowing off Israel. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter weak.

“A two-front war would, in principle, be gravely challenging,” Nigel Gould-Davies, senior fellow for Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, told Yahoo News, adding that such an outcome is currently unlikely. “However, [China and Russia] each watch the West’s responses to the other. So if the West is seen to lack resolve against one adversary, the other may be emboldened to act.”

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. They see weakness. And they test Biden because they do see weakness. So, what now? Biden can barely make it through a press conference, he almost never takes questions, and those few he does take he doesn’t really answer. There’s no strength at all

Trudeau says western countries need to stand together against China

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau implored the West to stand together against China, arguing that country’s communist leadership has often been “playing” Western countries against each other.

“We need to do a better job of working together and standing strong so China can’t play the angles and divide us one against the other,” Trudeau said in an interview with Global television.

I guess he’s aiming for the spot of most powerful man in the world, and it’s strange to see the Canadian PM as the voice of reason, with all due respect to our neighbors to the north. Will any Western nations listen? You know Joe’s out to lunch.

Read: China And Russia Playing Nice Is A Challenge For Biden Or Something »

Pirate's Cove