Extinction Rebellion Working Hard To Annoy Their Own People

These lunatics do realize that most of the people commuting in D.C. are like minded wackadoodle Warmists, right? So, actually, it’s great that they annoy each other, rather then try this crazy around people who might yank them off the road and out of the way

Road Closures, Heavy Traffic Expected Tuesday Around Capitol During Protests

Demonstrations on Capitol Hill Tuesday could potentially shut down roads and delay traffic during the morning rush, U.S. Capitol Police say.

Drivers should expect impromptu road closures and delays beginning about 7 a.m., police said.

Activists with multiple organizations, including ShutDownDC, SPACES In Action, CODEPINK, Arm in Arm Washington DC, Chesapeake Climate Action Network Action Fund, Extinction Rebellion DC, plan to demand congressional action on climate, immigration, racial justice, health care and child care, voting rights and D.C. statehood.

About 150 people will conduct multiple rallies and street blockades featuring brass and go-go bands and large props, organizers of the event said in a news release.

Um, what, exactly, are they protesting? Just chaos, no actual theme, a bunch moonbats yammering, playing drums, holding up signs, leaving the signs and lots of trash behind.

Extinction Rebellion brings medical protest to Worcester Christmas Fayre

Members of Extinction Rebellion held an “emergency room” stunt during the city’s Christmas Fayre.

This was to highlight the health of the planet and demand a “citizen’s assembly” to decide on climate action.

A team of ‘rapid response planet medics’ attended the Earth, which was being carried on a stretcher.

So, basically annoying the people at the Christmas Fayre. Meanwhile

The UK’s policing bill will make climate activism almost illegal – just when it’s most needed

The UK government has proposed some worrying amendments to its already draconian policing bill. The amendments will directly target environmental activists and are a response to direct action protests from groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, and protests against the HS2 high speed railway.

Proposed changes to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would grant police additional powers to restrict protests when deemed to “threaten public order or stop people from getting on with their daily lives”. The proposed legislation represents a dangerous threat to essential democratic and civil liberties such as the right to protest.

Bummer. But, this is in response to the annoying protests, with people gluing themselves to doors, trucks, trains, blocking roads, and so much more. And in Canada

Vancouver police seeking 2022 budget increase, saying climate protests costing millions

Vancouver police say climate activists are costing the department millions of dollars in resources.

The police board is pushing for a budget increase as part of the city’s 2020 budget.

The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) said it spent more than $3 million on protests last year alone — in comparison to $2.5 million in 2019 and $1.5 million in 2018.

Guess who’s paying for this, Vancouver residents?

Read: Extinction Rebellion Working Hard To Annoy Their Own People »

COVIDtarian: NYC To Impose Vaccine Mandate On All, Including Children 5 And Up

The big question here, does incoming mayor Eric Adams keep it or dump it? Well, also, how soon till lawsuits are filed and courts shut this down?

New York City’s vaccine mandate applies to children as young as 5

From big Wall Street banks to corner grocery stores, all private employers in New York City will have to require their workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the mayor announced Monday in the most sweeping vaccine mandate of any state or big city in the U.S.

The move by Mayor Bill de Blasio comes as cases are climbing again in the U.S. and the worrisome but little-understood omicron variant is gaining a toehold in the nation’s largest city and elsewhere around the country.

“We in New York City have decided to use a preemptive strike to really do something bold to stop the further growth of COVID and the dangers it’s causing to all of us,” he said.

De Blasio, a Democrat with just weeks left in office, said the mandate will take effect Dec. 27, with in-person workers needing to provide proof they have received at least one dose of the vaccine. And they will not be allowed to get out of the requirement by agreeing to regular COVID-19 testing instead.

The measure will apply to roughly 184,000 businesses not covered by previous vaccine mandates, ranging from multinational corporations to mom-and-pop businesses in the city of 8.8 million people, according to a spokesperson for the mayor. The city’s private-sector workforce is 3.7 million.

Also, anyone 12 or older who wants to dine indoors at a restaurant, go to a gym or see a show will have to produce proof of having received two shots of the vaccine, up from the current requirement of one dose, the mayor said. And children 5 to 11 will have to show proof of at least one shot.

Now, any of you New Yorkers who complain, nope, keep it to yourself. You voted for this. Suck it up. Don’t attempt to leave the city, don’t attempt to take your business out of NYC. Live with your vote.

De Blasio said he expects his mandate to survive any legal challenges. Employees will be able to ask for religious or medical exemptions.

Yeah, well, good luck with that. But, there is something interesting that is missing from the roughly 20 articles I’ve read, including the NY Times

None of them are asking that simple question, what statutes, laws, code, allows this? How about the New York State Constitution?

The mayor said he will release more details next week about how the mandate will be enforced.

The Devil is in the details. Will the NYPD be sent to enforce this? Checking papers? I don’t think the city will get the compliance from the cops like they do in Australia and some other places, where they’ve gone power mad.

Read: COVIDtarian: NYC To Impose Vaccine Mandate On All, Including Children 5 And Up »

USA Today Tries To Erase Water Vapor From Warming

Water vapor has pretty much always been the #1 greenhouse gas. But, this is a cult, so, even though they are trying to elevate methane (which is way more potent than CO2, has no doubling effect), they still say that carbon pollution is KILLING GAIA!

Fact check: Human-generated CO2, not water vapor, drives climate change

Follow the scienceThe claim: Human-generated CO2 is an insignificant contributor to climate change (snip)

Though the report was described as a “code red for humanity” by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, a years-old claim soon resurfaced on social media claiming that humanity’s CO2 emissions are too minute to impact climate.

A version of the claim in the form of a graphic titled “How climate alarmists use numbers to deceive” was posted to Facebook on Sept. 19 and received hundreds of shares. The graphic also accuses the Environmental Protection Agency of publishing a misleading pie chart that “exaggerates CO2’s role as a greenhouse gas.”

“SCIENTIFIC FACT: Man-made CO2 constitutes only 0.1 to 0.2% of atmospheric greenhouse gases. It is an insignificant contributor to global temperature and climate,” the post concludes.

This claim, which has been repeatedly debunked, is wrong. The human-generated CO2 in the atmosphere is causing significant changes in Earth’s climate, scientists say.

Blah blah blah blah blah cult yammerings blah blah blah

This is not a fact check, unless we consider cults as authoritative sources. Because the first thing you have to do is prove that CO2 output is bad, that it is mostly from mankind. It’s we breath out, and what animals breathe out. But, they correlate a low level rise in global temps with rising CO2. How come previous Holocene warm periods were warmer yet lower CO2?

Water vapor and CO2 behave differently in the atmosphere

The social media post correctly indicates that there can be more water vapor than CO2 in the atmosphere, but it is wrong to offer that as evidence CO2 is insignificant.

This “is an old myth,” said Willis. “This one has been debunked many times.”

The fact that there is typically more water vapor than CO2 in the atmosphere does not change the impact of CO2 on the atmosphere.

Using Skeptical Science is not the dunk they think it is: they are a biased website with biased contributors who are vested in pushing anthropogenic climate doom

CO2 and water vapor both contribute to the “greenhouse effect” that warms the Earth and makes it habitable. However, they play very different roles. Increased CO2 levels cause climate change, whereas increased water vapor levels are caused by climate change.

Oh, F*** right of, this is pure cult. It’s just a case of the doomsday cult blaming everything on carbon pollution. Nutjobs.

Read: USA Today Tries To Erase Water Vapor From Warming »

If All You See…

…is snow on a hot, climate driven day, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on there being more sea ice than 100 years ago.

Read: If All You See… »

19,000 Marines And Navy Miss Deadline To Get Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine

What will you do now, Navy and Marines? What will you do now, Joint Chiefs?

Vaccine holdouts in Navy, Marines hit 19,000 as deadline passes to comply with mandate

As many as 19,000 active-duty Marines and Navy sailors chose not to get vaccinated against the coronavirus by their shared Nov. 28 deadline, a dilemma for military leaders who have threatened to expel personnel refusing to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate.

In both services, the number of holdouts is around 9,500, according to official counts. And while the Marines’ margin of 5 percent unvaccinated had been anticipated, it was an unexpected outcome for the Navy, which in announcing its final tally this week acknowledged that officials had uncovered last-minute “discrepancies” with its data-tracking system that revealed a larger pool of unvaccinated sailors than had been projected. As recently as last week, official data showed that 99.8 percent of sailors had at least one shot by last Sunday’s deadline. The true number is just over 97 percent.

These personnel now join more than 8,000 in the Air Force who declined to get vaccinated. In all three services, many are awaiting decisions on exemption requests, though officials have emphasized the number of permanent waivers granted was likely to be nominal. Army data shows four percent of its active force – about 19,000 soldiers – have not received any vaccine dose, with the compliance deadline of Dec. 15 now less than two weeks away.

It is a small percentage, but, trained manpower counts, especially in many specialties. And, it could effect recruitment, which is already problematic with all the Woke being pushed by high level commanders

The Marine Corps is the Defense Department’s least-vaccinated service. Marines who were not fully vaccinated by Sunday or did not have a pending exemption request soon will face administrative separation, Wood said. Commanders could punish but still retain some based on personal circumstances, such as a Marine who missed the deadline but now is on a path to becoming fully vaccinated.

Marines and sailors separated for vaccine refusal will receive general discharges under honorable conditions, barring other circumstances, according to official guidance. That status forbids access to some veterans benefits like the GI Bill, leaving lasting consequences for troops who decide to exit the service over the mandate.

They did their duty, voluntarily joined, and will now not get the benefits they earned for refusing to take an experimental shot (meanwhile, other government workers who’ve retired demand a raise in their retirement pay at taxpayer expense)

Austin on Tuesday outlined updated vaccine regulations specifically for National Guard members, including the loss of pay, training opportunities and eventually their military careers if they do not comply.

How many NG members will take their experience and simply leave/retire? How many will just refuse to join, taking a wellspring of experience away? If people want to take the chance and not be vaccinated, that’s on them.

It’d be nice if our federal government would be as tough on China for starting this whole thing as they are on our military members.

Read: 19,000 Marines And Navy Miss Deadline To Get Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine »

Axios: Your Burger Is Heating Earth

How many times have I written that ‘climate change’ is your fault for eating tasty burgers? Lots, right? Now it’s the turn of Axios, though not in a sarcastic manner

Your burger is heating Earth

Climate change is ratcheting up pressure to alter how we grow and consume food,

Threat level: Our food chain generates a large chunk of greenhouse gas emissions annually, mainly from animal products, climate scientists point out.

Details: The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says 21%–37% of global GHG emissions may come from food, while a study by Joseph Poore of the University of Oxford points out that food from beef cattle has the largest carbon footprint per typical serving.

It even comes with this handy dandy cult chart

OK, all your Warmists who buy into this propaganda, please give up your own meat consumption.

What’s that?

You won’t?


Read: Axios: Your Burger Is Heating Earth »

Bummer: Smash And Grab Targeting Cannabis Shops

Well, this is a hell of a kerfuffle


From the link

Cannabis shops across the San Francisco Bay Area have been thrown into dire straits as gangs of thieves broke into more than 15 shops throughout November during the series of ‘smash-and-grab’ robberies that are plaguing California.

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong told reporters that ‘hundreds’ of vehicles targeted marijuana stores in Oakland last month, firing 175 shots and stealing about $5 million worth of products.

Alphonso ‘Tucky’ Blunt, owner of Blunts and Moore, told MJBizDaily that his store lost about $25,000 during a November 22 raid, where more than a dozen burglars ransacked the store.

‘I know 25 or so businesses that got hit … and out of all those, the percentage I know that told me that they may not be able to reopen is about 50 percent. That’s scary,’ Blunt said.

‘I was safer, and had more money, (selling) on the street, illegally.’

Who saw that coming?

(NY Post) Usually at this time of year, San Francisco’s luxury stores are decked with holiday garlands. Instead, they’re boarded up after widespread “flash mob” looting turned Union Square — the city’s most fashionable shopping district — into an area resembling a blighted neighborhood in Detroit.

“It’s a ghost town,” said Michelle Tandler, a San Francisco native and high-tech entrepreneur, whose photos of the stores barricaded in plywood went viral on social media this week. “Every store has a security guard. People are going to lose their jobs. And these things have a ripple effect.” (snip)

“This is traumatizing for our associates and is unacceptable,” said Best Buy CEO Corie Barry four days before yet another outlet was ransacked on Black Friday in a Minnesota mall. “We are doing everything we can to try to create as safe as possible environment.”

This ends up hurting the middle and lower classes, as they are terrorized, assaulted, and lose their jobs. Those who would make commissions will see a big reduction as customers just stay away and order even more online. Good job, progressives.

Read: Bummer: Smash And Grab Targeting Cannabis Shops »

Your Fault: Antarctica Could Become As Warm As When It Was A Rainforest

If only you’d be willing to buy an EV and give all your money and freedom to government, we could stop this

Antarctica was once a rainforest. Could it be again?

Not far from the South Pole, more than half a mile below the ocean in a region that was once covered by ice, a layer of ancient fossils tells a surprising story about the coldest continent on Earth. Today, the South Pole records average winter temperatures of 78 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. But roughly 90 million years ago, the fossils suggest, Antarctica was as warm as Italy and covered by a green expanse of rainforest.

“That was an exciting time for Antarctica,” Johann P. Klages, a marine geologist who helped unearth the fossils, told Vox. “It was basically the last time the whole continent was covered by vegetation and probably also wildlife — dinosaurs, and all that.” (snip)

As climate change warms Antarctica and shrinks its enormous ice sheet, many scientists are wondering whether history could repeat itself. But relatively few research teams have the tools to work in a place where Titanic-sized icebergs pepper the ocean.

Yes, this was like 75 million years ago. And Antarctica was not at the South Pole. It was getting there, but, not quite. Anyhow, the rest of the Vox piece is an interview with the people involved

That was the final question we asked ourselves. Such a diverse environment with such mild temperatures — temperatures that today you have in northern Italy, for example. What is necessary to maintain that for a long stretch of time 90 million years ago?

Therefore, we invited some climate modelers into our team. They came up with [a carbon dioxide concentration of] at least 1,100 parts per million CO2, which is four times preindustrial [the CO2 concentration before the Industrial Revolution]. This was needed, at least, to meet the conditions we reconstructed.

We knew this period was the warmest in the last 145 million years. Now we had much better numbers on the CO2 content.

The model still has a problem: It can’t really simulate well enough the gradient between lower latitudes and high latitudes. We now know that the gradient was very shallow.

Models. LOL. There couldn’t have possibly been other conditions at play in the Climate Cult world. Question: even if it was primarily CO2, what caused that concentration?

This is now what brings it to the significance for the future of the climate, if we drift into a high-CO2 future. We are doing that right now. We are 420 parts per million CO2, something around that. If we go to this high-CO2 future, we know that models struggle. This is a chance to use moments in Earth’s past to calibrate those models, to improve their predictive capabilities for tomorrow.

So, Doom.

Read: Your Fault: Antarctica Could Become As Warm As When It Was A Rainforest »

If All You See…

…is snow caused by Extreme Weather from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Small Dead Animals, with a post on the new definition of anti-vaxxer.

It’s horrible heat snow week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Al Buell Skating

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the fish tank is still doing well, and more and more are ignoring the COVID cult’s demands. This pinup is by Al Buell, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Gateway Pundit features a Washington Post pundit saying the press is tougher on Brandon than Trump
  2. The First Street Journal notes that some news is not fit to print for the NY Times
  3. Sultan Knish covers justice reform enabling stealing from the poor
  4. Powerline points out that Pajama Boy now rules in Australia
  5. Patterico’s Pontifications highlights how abortion support drives them crazy
  6. neo-neocon says Australia used to be such a nice place
  7. MOTUS A.D. discusses the latest jobs report
  8. Moonbattery covers Pope Francis being denounced as a heretic
  9. Legal Insurrection says Alec Baldwin’s interview reinforces this being involuntary manslaughter
  10. Jihad Watch notes Muslims slaughter dozens of Christians in Nigeria after Joe made an interesting move
  11. Gen Z Conservative discusses the communist plan for taking over America
  12. Flag And Cross notes Twitter slapping the American Heart Association with a warning label
  13. DaTechGuy’s Blog features Stacy Abram channeling Monty Python (make sure you switch to their new URL)
  14. Cold Fury notes an interesting milestone reached
  15. And last, but not least, Real Climate Science covers Canada starving people into submission

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove