If All You See…

…is a capitalist holiday causing ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Blamer-In-Chief.

Read: If All You See… »

AOC, NY Dems Unhappy Over “Peaker” Power Plants

See, these types of plants are rather necessary for peak power loads, especially as efficient, effective, low cost, reliable power plants are shuttered

Three House Democrats ask watchdog to probe ‘peaker’ power plant pollution

Three House Democrats from New York on Tuesday called on a federal watchdog to investigate pollution generated by “peaker” power plants, or those that only generate electricity during periods of high demand.

House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) joined Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) in calling on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate the effects of such plants on local communities.

The lawmakers noted that the plants are both less energy-efficient than standard power plants and are frequently located in lower-income or predominantly minority neighborhoods.

“Addressing the use of peaker plants, which can emit twice the carbon and up to 20 times the nitrous oxides of a typical plant while operating significantly less efficiently, represents a high-impact opportunity to reduce climate risks and tackle a life-threatening environmental justice issue,” they wrote. “We request GAO’s assistance in reporting on key data to assess damage, uncover health burdens, calculate economic costs, and identify alternative solutions to the use of peaker power plants.”

A couple points here. First, why is this the business of the federal government in the first place? This is clearly a state issue, regardless of Los Federales wanting to make ‘climate change’ a thing. This is all about New Yorkers having the power necessary to Do Life. Second, here are 3 federal representatives wanting to make sure that their constituents, along with all the other residents of NY, are short on power. All while they spend most of their time in D.C. How about investigating peaker plants in D.C.? Or would that be inconvenient for AOC, Maloney, and Clarke?

There are 89 peaker plants in New York City alone, including 28 in or near Maloney’s district and 16 in Ocasio-Cortez’s district. An area in western Queens with a number of such plants has become known as “Asthma Alley” due to its disproportionate rates of the respiratory condition.

Wwll, hey, y’all in NYC voted for these Socialist lunatics, so, you’re willing to give up all that power generation, right?

Read: AOC, NY Dems Unhappy Over “Peaker” Power Plants »

“All Events Nowadays Are Augmented By ‘Climate Change'” Or Something

This is what science looks like when it’s consumed by a doomsday cult

From the cult screed

At least five people died as a powerful and extremely unusual storm system swept across the Great Plains and midwest amid unseasonably warm temperatures, spawning hurricane-force winds and possible tornadoes in Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. (snip through some of the other weather)

The storm shifted north of the Great Lakes into Canada on Thursday, with high winds, snow and hazardous conditions continuing in the upper Great Lakes region, the National Weather Service said. More than 400,000 homes and businesses were without electricity in Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Kansas, according to poweroutage.us, which tracks utility reports.

High winds, snow and other harsh weather conditions were reported north of the Great Lakes area, according to the National Weather Service. At least 13 tornadoes were reported on Wednesday, with high winds clocking in at over 70mph throughout parts of Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa.

“To have this number of damaging wind storms at one time would be unusual any time of year,” said Brian Barjenbruch, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Valley, Nebraska. “But to have this happen in December is really abnormal.”

Snow and weather is unusual? Tornadoes might by less than normal, but, there is a long history of them happening periodically in December. So are windy conditions. Weather happens. Weird/unusual weather happens all the time, because the Earth’s system is dynamic. It is not fully predictable and always as expected.

Scientists have said that extreme weather events are probably due to human-caused climate change, but trying to find a cause for a specific weather event, such as storms throughout many regions in the US, requires additional analysis that requires time and can be inconclusive.

“I think we also need to stop asking the question of whether or not this event was caused by climate change. All events nowadays are augmented by climate change,” said Northern Illinois University meteorology professor Victor Gensini.

“We need to be asking, ‘to what extent did climate change play a role and how likely was this event to occur in the absence of climate change?”’

So, they cannot say with scientific certainly, but, they’re happy to say it with climate cult certainty.

Read: “All Events Nowadays Are Augmented By ‘Climate Change'” Or Something »

Brandon Makes Holders Of Student Loan Debt Mad

Biden is just working hard to make everyone mad

Biden says Americans must be ready to resume student loan payments next year, clashing with Democrats like AOC urging him to cancel the debt

Biden Brain SlugPresident Joe Biden on Wednesday extended a pause on student loan payments that was set to expire on February 1, a decision praised by Democratic lawmakers who pressured him to make the move as the coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt American lives.

But at the same time, Biden signaled that he wants borrowers to resume paying off their loans once the new moratorium ends on May 1, placing him at odds with Democrats who have demanded that debt be wiped out.

“[We] know that millions of student loan borrowers are still coping with the impacts of the pandemic and need some more time before resuming payments,” Biden said in a statement. “Given these considerations, today my Administration is extending the pause on federal student loan repayments for an additional 90 days — through May 1, 2022 — as we manage the ongoing pandemic and further strengthen our economic recovery.”

No one is pausing you and I having to pay our mortgages, car loans, and other stuff. Loans we took out voluntarily. Same with student loans. They knew they had to pay them, yet, they often took them and either got a degree not worth the paper or obtained too much debt to repay properly. That’s their problem. Of course, you can’t simply repossess the degree. Provided they even obtained it. Why should they be given relief? Get a job? Work two. There should be no extension. Biden is correct that they should start paying. He shouldn’t extend this. Because you know the loan recipients will next get him to further extend it.

Under what statutory authority is there to extend the pause on repaying legal debt to creditors? Perhaps if the loans are from the federal government, not just the ones backed by Los Federales but owned by private companies.

“Meanwhile, the Department of Education will continue working with borrowers to ensure they have the support they need to transition smoothly back into repayment and advance economic stability for their own households and for our nation,” the president continued. “As we are taking this action, I’m asking all student loan borrowers to do their part as well: take full advantage of the Department of Education’s resources to help you prepare for payments to resume; look at options to lower your payments through income-based repayment plans; explore public service loan forgiveness; and make sure you are vaccinated and boosted when eligible.”

Wait, what was that last part? Did that need to be there?

Biden’s comments put him on a collision course with progressive lawmakers vowing to increase pressure on the administration to cancel student-loan debt for millions of borrowers. Americans owe an estimated $1.7 trillion in student loans, a record-breaking total, according to Federal Reserve data.

“Thank you! Next step: cancellation,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York tweeted along with a video of Biden’s announcement.

“I applaud President Biden for once again pausing federal student loan payments for 45 million Americans. Now let’s cancel it. All of it,” Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont tweeted.

A government of Men, not law.

Read: Brandon Makes Holders Of Student Loan Debt Mad »

Climate Cult Nags Demand That Christmas Change Or Something

Is it possible for these people to mind their own business? If they want to do something different, they can. Stop trying to force Everyone Else to comply

The world has changed. Christmas must change, too

It was the 1980s – “enough” was the enemy. I grew up in the heyday of mindless shopping and obnoxious advertising. I was a spoiled child in an affluent suburb; my friends and I knew that contentment was not the point. Christmas was about the next gift, and the next. Christmas, to such a child, meant a spree of consumption through which, if one’s parents were very lucky, they might prove their love.

I was not alone in this immodest conviction. Our consumer culture was by then a single absorbing story that invested material goods with magical powers. In a sense we were all children then, blithely delighted by the haul that the 20th century had dumped at our feet. But the decades crawled by and splurging turned to nausea. We grew up, we began to ask ourselves: “Happy…?”

Climate cultist Michael Harris does have a point on consumerism. He also makes a good point about finding different gifts, stuff we make ourselves, smaller stuff. But, of course, now we have to drag the cult into the mix

And yet all this did not really frighten the gods of consumption. Our 3-per-cent dalliance with frugality last year was merely a blip. Savings rates have declined again – and this Christmas we returned to prepandemic shopping levels. Mastercard predicted an increase of 7.4 per cent in holiday spending this year. Deloitte believes the increase is as high as 9 per cent. In the U.S., holiday spending is expected to total US$1.3-trillion. We assert normalcy through shopping. It soothes us. So, while we did have a chance to imagine new kinds of gift-giving, new demonstrations of our love, even the double punch of a global pandemic and climate crisis was not quite enough to dismantle our consumer spirit.

Can a more lasting change be coming? We now know, after all, what enormous costs such consumption entails. We’ve grown acquainted with the carbon footprint of all we consume in the name of holiday warmth. Baked into the greedy Christmases of yore was an ignorance of harsh facts – for example, that consumption by the world’s affluent would surpass population growth as the major driver of climate change.

When I watch that old video of Christmas morning long ago, I have to admit that the scene, crowded with gifts – my little brother rummaging under the tree and handing out parcels, a tag on each one – is heartwarming, lovable, hard to criticize. But times change and Christmas must change, too. We now have to search for some finer – and more durable – way to show our love.

What he means is that you must be forced to comply. And climate cultists are typically hardcore leftists who freak out when Christmas is mentioned in public, and won’t allow any mention on government property, do not want it at stores. Still want their holiday pay, though.

Meanwhile, in a letter to the Columbus Dispatch

Xmas has come early for all great Americans with common sense, regardless of what party they support.

First, Texas citizens are building a border wall that should be built by the federal government.

Then, Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat has the “Xmas ornaments” to stand up for what is right for the people that elected him and this nation by voting against adding more to inflation and, has said no to the “smoke and mirrors” financing of the Build Back Better bill.

And, of course, Biden’s BBB included lots of climate crisis scam stuff. Found that since another letter on the same page with a letter that discusses global cooling and warming well predating human civilization.

Read: Climate Cult Nags Demand That Christmas Change Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise dozens of feet unless Everyone Else drives an EV, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on Austria hiring people to hunt down the unvaccinated, since vaccination is now mandatory.

Read: If All You See… »

New York Will Conduct Spot Checks On Mask Compliance

You vill comply, Comrade (looks like someone at the Democrat and Chronicle forgot to check the headline. I know how they feel, forgetting many a time)

NY won’t will conduct spot checks on masks, provides $65M for counties enforcing mandate

resistance is futile maskGov. Kathy Hochul’s office clarified that New York counties are still on the hook for enforcing the statewide mask mandate, after the governor indicated Monday that the state would be conducting “spot checks” for mandate compliance.

Hochul on Monday announced state support for localities implementing the statewide mask mandate, saying she will provide $65 million in financial support to bolster county efforts.

She also noted that New York state inspectors would conduct spot checks to monitor what’s going on with the mandate around the state.

Over a dozen New York counties were quick to say they didn’t have the health department resources to enforce the mandate, while Hochul urged businesses and residents to wear masks anyway.

Hence the $65 million

Up to $1 million to be available to smaller counties and up to $2 million for larger counties, she said. Counties that enforce the mask mandate will be eligible for the funding, according to the governor’s office.

They certainly won’t use the money for other stuff, right?

That funding could be used by counties to, for example, buy masks for stores to allow employees and customers to have masks to wear if needed, or setting up a call center where residents can report complaints, Hochul said.

Awesome! A snitch line. Will the counties be hiring COVID Fascists to travel around and go after businesses? And, I though the uber-Blue state of New York was a model for stopping the Chinese coronavirus? No?

New coronavirus cases spiked 66% in New York in the week ending Sunday, with 113,883 cases reported. The previous week had 68,591 new cases of the virus that causes COVID-19.

New York ranked third among the states where coronavirus was spreading the fastest on a per-person basis, a USA TODAY Network analysis of Johns Hopkins University data shows.


Read: New York Will Conduct Spot Checks On Mask Compliance »

It Starts: Advice To Climate Cultists On Bringing Up ‘Climate Change’ At The Dinner Table

What they really mean is at the table at some type of Christmas party

How to bring up climate change at the holiday dinner table without causing an argument

It would be an understatement to say that 2021 has been an eventful year. We’re heading into Christmas right off the back of a historic COP26 with climate change at the front of many people’s minds.

And in between other popular dinner table subjects, like politics, protests or the pandemic, you might find yourself wondering how to bring up your climate concerns.

We get it – environmental matters can often be divisive. Discussions can leave us disheartened, especially if the other party doesn’t share our convictions. We’ve all witnessed a dinner table political debate that has ended in disaster.

As a result, many of us are reluctant to initiate them.

While spending so much time around our families, it’s inevitable that the issues which matter to us will come up. So how do we broach these often contentious topics?

There is no right answer – avoiding them altogether is fine too – but getting a sense of how others approach the problem can provide some ideas on how to start the conversation.

The right answer is “leave your cult beliefs unsaid”

For young people, when their views don’t align with those in their family, discussions about climate change can be a particular source of tension.

Because young people have become more rigid than an 85 year old.

Nell, an 18 year old medical student, started to question where her food was coming from and the impact it was having in her early teens. After initially changing to a pescatarian diet, then vegetarian, reading more about the environmental impact of dairy eventually led to her becoming vegan.

“There was definitely an initial backlash and a lack of acceptance when I changed my diet in response to the climate crisis,” Nell says.

“My decision to eat plant-based, to my parents, possibly felt like I was rejecting their heritage and the way they were brought up, and shunning it. I wonder whether it ever felt to them that I was rejecting how they’d tried to raise me; bringing up feelings of doubt in their parenting skills, their own moral compasses, and their own social responsibility in regards to the crisis.”

Her parents probably didn’t give a crap. They probably just didn’t want to listen to all the Lectures and garbage. Nell can buy her own food, right? Nell is, like most of these youths, so far up her ass in her narcissism that she thinks any minor comment is a mountain.

It isn’t all just about presenting the facts. An open and frank discussion can go a long way to understanding why people have the responses that they do.

We know who’s going to be sitting at the kids table, because the adults just want to have an enjoyable dinner.

We’re hardwired to deal with stories, narratives that help us understand our place in the world. Telling these stories is an important part of getting the people we interact with on a daily basis to understand the importance of coming together to solve these big, global problems.

And wen you bring me stories, I’m going to ask you what changes you’ve made in your own life. When you deflect, I’m simply going to ignore you, because your a hypocrite and a cult member.

Read: It Starts: Advice To Climate Cultists On Bringing Up ‘Climate Change’ At The Dinner Table »

Biden’s Big Idea: Get Vaccinated, Home Testing

Who’s ready for the winter of death?

And here’s Joe

(Breitbart) President Joe Biden said Tuesday unvaccinated Americans were not able to celebrate the holidays safely.

“I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with family and friends,” Biden said during a speech at the White House. “The answer is, yes you can, if you and those who celebrate with you are vaccinated.”

He again urged Americans to get vaccinated and to get a booster shot and get their children five and over vaccinated.

“People with booster shots are highly protected,” he said. “Join them. Join us.”

Then he went on to blamestorm and fearmonger on the unvaccinated, because that’s totally going to make them change their minds. Especially when

President Joe Biden coughed throughout his speech on coronavirus, even after White House staff claimed he was asymptomatic after coming into contact with a person who later tested positive for the coronavirus.

The president spoke in a hoarse voice and coughed repeatedly as he spoke about the omicron variant of the coronavirus, urging Americans to get vaccinated.

Biden did not wear a mask while speaking, and walked away from the podium without putting his mask back on, even after asking all Americans to wear masks indoors.

And no mask, despite Joe’s own masking requirement.

(NBC News) The federal government next month will start mailing at-home Covid test kits for free to any U.S. household that requests one, a senior administration official said, as the omicron variant of the coronavirus contributes to a spike in new cases.

The White House is preparing to ship as many as 500 million kits, and it is setting up a website for people to submit their requests, the official said, without specifying how many tests each household can receive or how quickly.

This will do what, exactly? By the time people get the test in the mail they’ll be over the symptoms. This won’t stop anything, because they’ll already have it. This is after Psaki got snippy the earlier in the month about being asked about home testing. People are tuning this COVIDFascists out.

Read: Biden’s Big Idea: Get Vaccinated, Home Testing »

Brandon Admin Raises CAFE Standards To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

The cost of vehicles is already going up due to

  • the supply chain issues, increasing shipping costs
  • manufacturing costs. New could go up $400-600 in the next couple months due to the cost of steel and other materials

Some manufacturers are even considering taking things out to keep costs down, such as moonroofs and power seats. The Infrastructure bill requires engine inhibitors to stop drunk driving, which could increase the price $500-$1,000. So, heck, why not make them even more expensive?

Biden admin announces tougher fuel mileage standards for passenger vehicles

The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday it will tighten pollution standards for cars and light trucks in an attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles.

Why it matters: Transportation overall is the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, so tougher standards for passenger vehicles are a major part of efforts to curb CO2 output.

By the numbers: The new rules will require passenger vehicles to travel an average of 55 miles per gallon of gasoline by 2026.

What they’re saying: “The final rule for light duty vehicles reflect core principles of this Administration: We followed the science, we listened to stakeholders, and we are setting robust and rigorous standards that will aggressively reduce the pollution that is harming people and our planet — and save families money at the same time,” EPA chief Michael Regan said in a statement.

Did they listen to the actual citizens? Will the limos and all the chase vehicles Biden uses be required to conform, or, does he get a pass? All you people who voted for Biden, I don’t want to hear any complaints, this is on you for your stupid vote.

Meanwhile is climate cult world

The case for going to war against climate change

When I became a climate activist in early 2019, I focused on issues at the forefront of popular discourse: coal, cars, air travel, agriculture, and construction. I also addressed shipping, because my hometown, Hamburg in the north of Germany, is home to one of Europe’s biggest ports. But as climate protests grew bigger, peaking at 1.4 million people in Germany alone in September that year, the discourse did not evolve at the same pace. The same basic facts are debated today; solution implementation is still just starting; and even the overdue COP26 climate conference in Glasgow did not bring about paradigmatic change.

As a security analyst accustomed to working with soldiers of various backgrounds, I find the security perspective to be widely absent from the discourse. The climate crisis is here, and security professionals like me now must fully grasp the extent to which we are affected by it, and what our role in solving it can be, because it directly intersects with our fundamental purpose.

Security, remember, is what this is all about. We are not protecting the climate. We are protecting ourselves.

Nice to see the Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists going full doomsday cult. I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it in their own lives.

I do not ask my colleagues—in or out of uniform—to join climate activists in the streets, though they are very welcome to do so. But security professionals must reframe today’s hand-waving about climate and treat it as a military-style threat that requires immediate and decisive action.

Read: Brandon Admin Raises CAFE Standards To Fight Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove