If All You See…

…is horrible capitalism which creates a giant, wasteful bear instead of carbon credits, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the Grinch of the year.

Read: If All You See… »

Pentagon Trots Out New Definition Of Extremism, Targets Wrongthing

Wrongthink by Conservatives, of course

Pentagon has new definition for extremism in the ranks

The Pentagon on Monday issued a new definition of prohibited extremist activities providing military commanders with specific information that will help them determine whether service members are actively participating in extremist activities.

Commanders will also receive specific guidance for what to look for in past social media activity to help them identify whether a service member is participating actively in such activities.

The Pentagon’s new specific definition of prohibited extremist activities was prompted by the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol that led Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to order an unprecedented one-day stand down for service members to discuss extremism in their ranks and what to do about it.

The Pentagon’s new definition goes beyond the previous definition of prohibited extremist activities that was considered too vague. But it maintains the focus on active participation in a prohibited activity as opposed to membership in a group, support for an ideology, or opposition to a political leader which are protected under the First Amendment’s right of expression.

Right, right, protected by the 1st Amendment. It looks like the military will be scouring members social media, and going after them specifically for their political beliefs.

Military commanders will be provided with a “two-part test” that first focuses on allegations of alleged extremist activity and then looks at whether there is active participation.

Fourteen categories will help commanders determine if a service member is an active participant in extremist activities. (snip)

The new policy will include guidance for how military commanders can take a service members past social media activity when reviewing whether that service member is actively participating in extremist activity.

So, a witch hunt.

The ABC article fails to provide any depth, because that would give the game away. The link in the first excerpt goes to the policy, and, starting on page 10, we see what they’re looking for. By their definition, if you are against abortion on demand you are an extremist. Donate to the wrong politician? An extremist. Democrats have tried to turn most on the political right into terrorists, so, military members who vote Republican will be extremists. The terms are actually not well defined, so, they can mean whatever the going Woke military says they are. And you can bet if you have one supporting the Oath Keepers and one supporting BLM/Antifa, the former is in big trouble while the latter isn’t. You can have one being a white nationalist and another being a black supremacist, and the white is in big trouble.

Don’t want to attend a critical race theory symposium or something similar? Extremist. This is going to cause a lot of people who would otherwise join the military from doing so, simply because they do not want to deal with the hassle, to go with all the other Woke stuff the military is doing, so, we’ll be left with Nancy and Soy boys, transgenders, and Wokesters who won’t fight.

Read: Pentagon Trots Out New Definition Of Extremism, Targets Wrongthing »

Uh Oh: White Christmas’ Could Become A Thing Of The Past Or Something

Remember the fun old one the climate cultists trotted out, Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past? You can’t read the link, because they disappeared it, but, Watts Up With That? has it here. And it include the wonderful line “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” LOL. There have been plenty of other prognostications, like just last year when they said the UK would no longer get snow. The children thing, though, was meant to tug on the emotion strings, because showing the science was problematic. Hence

Will Climate Change Make White Christmases a Thing of the Past?

For those who dream year after year for a white Christmas, that could one day be a thing of the past. According to a recent analysis of December weather over the past four decades, snow measurements across the U.S. on December 25 have dropped since the 1980s.

While scientists note that the decreases are still small, it hasn’t gone unnoticed by people across the country.

From 1981 to 1990, December temperatures remained below freezing, and about 47% of the country had snow for Christmas. The average depth of snow measured at 3.5 inches, as recorded by the University of Arizona on behalf of the Associated Press. But in 2011 to 2020, the average December temperature hovered around 35°F, and snow covered just 38% of the country on Christmas day at a depth of 2.7 inches. (snip)

There is some concern that we’ll experience even fewer white Christmases in the future, making this scenario a nostalgic memory rather than a reality.

“With climate warming, the prospects of a white Christmas in many parts of the U.S.A. will be slim indeed,” Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, tells AP.

Well, it’s shocking that a Holocene warm period would see less snow, just like the other warm periods. Shocking! It’s interesting, though, that they only include this short time period. Interestingly, if you look from the 20’s into the 30’s, there was a much more pronounced warming than the time included in the study. By several degrees, vs. just .79F. What caused that? There weren’t that many fossil fueled vehicles, and we were supposedly “safe” below 350ppm of CO2.

A separate study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also shows declining probabilities of snow on Christmas for much of the U.S., with major decreases in the chance of snow in Washington and Iowa. In Dubuque, Iowa, chances of a white Christmas dropped from 63% in 1981 to 2010 to 42% today, a whopping 21% decrease. In Walla Walla, Washington, there is now less than a 10% chance for snow on December 25, down from 19% in 1981 to 2010.

There are, however, slight increases in snow probability on Christmas for New York, Philadelphia and Concord, New Hampshire.

So, things change? Huh.

Read: Uh Oh: White Christmas’ Could Become A Thing Of The Past Or Something »

The Donald Tells Supporters To Stop Doubting The Chinese Coronavirus Vaccines

He’s correct. I just wish he had done this last February. If Brandon and his handlers were smart, they would have enlisted his help and given a united front, saying “we’re putting aside politics for this.” You can bet if Trump had won reelection then Democrats would have been very much against the vaccines

Trump tells supporters ‘you’re playing right into their hands’ by doubting the COVID-19 vaccine

Former President Donald Trump urged his supporters on Sunday to get a booster shot of one of the COVID-19 vaccines to protect themselves against the Omicron variant, telling them they were “playing right into their hands” by doubting the vaccines.

Sitting alongside the former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly at a stadium in Dallas, Trump touted his administration’s contribution toward developing the vaccines as part of Operation Warp Speed.

“Look, we did something that was historic,” he said. “We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me.”

He added that without the vaccine, millions more people would have died from the virus.

He then told his supporters to “take credit” for the vaccine, saying they shouldn’t “let them take it away.”

“You’re playing right into their hands when you’re sort of, like, ‘Oh, the vaccine,'” he said, referring to those of his supporters who have expressed hesitancy about or opposition to the vaccine.

“If you don’t want to take it, you shouldn’t be forced to take it — no mandates,” he added. “But take credit because we saved tens of millions of lives.”

Remember, Biden, Kamala, and so many Democrats were saying they would not take a vaccine developed under Trump (even though this was being developed in other countries by the same drug companies). But, since Joe won and decided to take credit, Democrats were all in favor of it. And so many Republicans were now against it (along with lots of Black and Latino Democrat voters). Be proud that your president pushed hard to get the vaccines developed and approved and available.

The vaccines would never have been developed under a Democrat, and perhaps even under most Republicans. Trump made it happen here in the U.S.

Trump took the booster, probably because he realized it was smart. Don’t worry about protecting anyone else, do it to protect yourself. If you haven’t gotten the vaccine at all, do it for yourself. Of course, Let’s Go Brandon planning to give another finger wagging Doom Is Coming speech tonight won’t help.

Read: The Donald Tells Supporters To Stop Doubting The Chinese Coronavirus Vaccines »

People In Oxfordshire Are A Bit Mad At All Vegan At Official Events

Advocating to Do Something about ‘climate change’ is all fun and games until you are actually forced to play

Oxfordshire council sparks anger over decision to serve only vegan food at events

A debate surrounding veganism has erupted in the Oxfordshire county council after a rule was passed banning meat and dairy products from being served at official events.

On Tuesday 14 December, counsellor Ian Middleton proposed the motion prompting a 90-minute debate among the ruling Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green Party alliance.

The motion, which was agreed, read as follows: “This council recognises that global meat and dairy production is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation and that reducing consumption of these foods is a key part of tackling climate change.

“The government’s independent Climate Change Committee, advises that meat consumption should be reduced by a fifth, and that public bodies should promote plant-based foods. That and the avoidance of food waste are powerful ways to cut carbon emissions.

I wonder if all those councilors have gone vegan themselves, cut out all meat in their own lives?

However, not all councillors are in agreement with the motion.

David Bartholomew, an opposition Conservative councillor, told The Times: “The Conservative opposition believes that veganism is a choice that should be respected.

“But it is not something that should be rammed down the throats of vegetarians and meat eaters. A carrot not a stick approach should be employed.”

I wonder if the climate cultists bothered to ask their constituents, or simply said “the peons will do as we say”? Because the Warmists do so like the stick approach. It’s just about all they know. Middleton goes on

“Meals are provided to council six times a year. I felt that we should be embracing the opportunity to set an example and send the message out. I’d have thought that anyone with a genuine concern about the future of the ecosphere would see that as a pretty modest sacrifice for the sake of future generations.

“I’m not suggesting that all councillors should become vegan but that on those occasions food provided by the council should be plant-based. Councillors who don’t want to eat it don’t have to eat in the council chamber.”

The Warmist way or no way.

Read: People In Oxfordshire Are A Bit Mad At All Vegan At Official Events »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled fireplace causing horrible things, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a someone taking his shooting victim friend somewhere other than the hospital.

Read: If All You See… »

European Commission Looks To Tax Their Way Out Of Recovery Debt

The people in European countries are probably super happy they invested a bit of power in the EU, which has led to the EU taking more and more power, and now acting like a centralized government over all no longer sovereign countries and citizens. And, since they overspent for the Chinese coronavirus, they want that money back

EU plans to tax its way out of recovery debt

The European Commission is set to propose three new levies aimed at repaying the €800 billion debt mountain it plans to issue to reboot the EU’s economy.

The package of so-called “own resources,” to be adopted on December 22, includes revenues from a looming levy on the world’s 100 biggest companies, from the EU’s planned carbon border tax, and from a proposed extension of the bloc’s cap-and-trade carbon market, as POLITICO reported last week.

“These initiatives require EU action, and therefore constitute an appropriate base for EU own resources,” the Commission wrote in a draft communication on the proposals, obtained by POLITICO.

Own resources — taxes raised on behalf of the EU— are central to the Commission’s plans of paying back the EU debt it is issuing to finance the bloc’s massive recovery fund that is set to pay out a total of €800 billion to capitals over the next five years. Without them, governments will have to either increase the amount of money they pay into the EU budget or cut down existing EU programs, both of which are unpopular prospects for politicians.

Getting all 27 EU countries to sign up won’t be easy, with many wary of entrusting even more revenue-raising powers to Brussels.

On the bright side, it could be very tough for the EC to convince enough nations to do this plan, which is all about raising money from Big Companies, you know, the ones that contribute the most to the economy, employ a lot of people, and pay a lot in taxes already. Which means fewer jobs. Rather than looking for ways to increase economic activity which would mean more money hitting the coffers, they want to stifle that. But, because they are climate cultists, they do not want more economic activity, because that’s Bad for ‘climate change’.

“You get a certain redistribution towards countries with less CO2 intensive industries … the beneficiaries are countries like France with nuclear power, rather than fossil [energy] and so on,” said Clemens Fuest, president of the Munich-based Ifo Institute for Economic Research. But he added that an EU levy based on its own carbon market makes sense as “it is related to a policy, and a policy problem, which is genuinely European.”

“The result will be that you have some losers; Poland is probably the biggest loser,” he said.

Brussels is aware of that risk and that is why it’s proposing to cap the contributions from lower income and carbon intensive countries and set a minimum contribution for low-carbon countries until 2030.

This is what happens when a government has too much power to enforce their personal beliefs, rather than simply providing the basic functions and not being dictators. For a doomsday cult.

Read: European Commission Looks To Tax Their Way Out Of Recovery Debt »

People’s Republik Of California Failing To Meet Their Climate Crisis (scam) Targets

Well, this is weird. I would have thought the Comrades in the PRC would have been not only meeting, but, beating their targets. Everyone buying an EV or taking public transit. Maybe biking. Moving into tiny homes, giving up meat, and more (available at Yahoo News if you get paywalled)

Editorial: California isn’t on pace to meet its climate targets. Here are 3 ways to cut pollution faster

California is behind in reducing climate-warming pollution and needs to get its act together.

A sobering new report found that California reduced greenhouse gas emissions by only 1.6% between 2018 and 2019, the latest year for which data are available. To meet its legal mandate to cut emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, the state needs to reduce pollution by 4.3% every year, more than double the 2019 rate, according to the analysis released by the San Francisco-based Next 10 think tank.

That meager progress is alarming and bodes ill for state and global efforts to stave off catastrophic climate disruption. The stakes could not be higher, particularly in California, where we are already seeing the impacts of a warming planet in deadly waves, wildfires and air pollution. But state leaders are dawdling when they should be racing to save our planet.

I suggest that they start by getting rid of all fossil fueled travel for elected officials at the state, local, and county levels, along with all appointed positions. Government offices should be kept at 80 for AC and 64 for heat. End all perks that are not ‘climate change’ friendly.

What does the editorial board of the LA Times suggest?

  • Strengthen zero-emission vehicle rules and incentives (they mean on the peons, not the Elites)
  • Get more renewable electricity online, fast (how do you plan to do this without moving it with fossil fueled transportation and equipment? Same paper wants to do away with nuclear power)
  • Phase out gas heating of buildings (they want to pay for low income housing to switch, but, what of the middle class, who’ll have to pay huge sums to do this? And where is all this electricity coming from? Should citizens just adjust to planned and unplanned power outages?)

And then they’ll wonder why even more people escape California.

Read: People’s Republik Of California Failing To Meet Their Climate Crisis (scam) Targets »

Here We Go: NY Gov To Change Definition Of Fully Vaccinated To Include Booster

It’ll always be something

NY governor plans to add booster shot to definition of ‘fully vaccinated’

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced during a press conference on Thursday that she is planning to introduce legislation that includes a booster shot within the definition of being “fully vaccinated.”

While the Democratic governor noted that the legislation needed to be more fleshed out and required more data to be collected, she signaled the change would happen eventually, saying that “at some point, we have to determine that fully vaccinated means boosted as well,” CNY Central reported.

Hochul’s remarks come as the country begins to see an uptick of COVID-19 cases again and as health officials grapple with the spread of the omicron variant, which President Biden’s chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci warned on Thursday would likely be the dominant strain in “a few weeks.”

Last time I checked, she was in the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch: she doesn’t introduce legislation, she implements legislation. Anyhow, if passed, will those who took the vaccine but do not get boosterized be then treated like they treat the unvaccinated? Will they be banned from stores, restaurants, gyms, and so forth? From going into work places?

Sen. Elizabeth Warren tests positive for Covid

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said on Sunday that she has contracted a breakthrough case of Covid.

“I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case,” Warren said in a tweet. She added that she is only experiencing mild symptoms and is “grateful for the protection provided against serious illness that comes from being vaccinated & boosted.”

So, boosterized and still got it. Look, again, I’m an advocate of getting vaccinated. I even recommend getting the booster. The Chinese coronavirus is not going away. It keeps changing, and we need to learn to live with it. We also do not need to try this use of force, in shaming, in treating people like pariahs, and certainly do not need to keep changing definitions, which will make the vaccine unsure more skeptical, and turn those who’ve been vaccinated skeptical as to government intentions.

Americans are less willing to take precautions as the coronavirus wears on

The fight against the coronavirus has entered a new stage with the emergence of the omicron variant. As it spreads, cases are rising in much of the United States.

Take a look at a recent Monmouth University poll that asked how people felt about the coronavirus. Six in 10 Americans say they feel at least a little bit worn about how the virus has impacted their daily lives. And unlike with a lot of other emotions and actions revolving around the coronavirus, there is no partisan split around feeling at least a little worn out. Republicans come in at 64% and Democrats at 63%.

This exhaustion with the virus might be part of the reason why people are simply less likely to make major changes to their everyday lives. The pe??rcentage of Americans who feel safe to carry on their lives largely in the same way they did before the pandemic is up from 36% in a CNN/SSRS poll completed in early September to 45% in a new CNN poll released this month.

Even though Raleigh has a mask mandate and is a Democratic Party voting city, more and more people are just refusing to wear masks. More and more businesses are taking down their “mask required” signs. I was rather surprised my favorite Chinese takeout place took theirs down. It was one of the last places I would have thought would do it, because they even required masks when the original state mandate was removed.

Just 45% of Americans say they have socially distanced in the last week, according to an Axios/Ipsos poll released this week. That’s about the same as it’s been since the beginning of summe??r. It’s much lower than the 79% it was last December, before vaccines became widespread.

It might be worth pushing the original ideas: wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and social distance. But, people are tired, and they’ve had enough of government rules, especially when it seems so many of those making the rules, such as masking, do not practice what they preach.

Read: Here We Go: NY Gov To Change Definition Of Fully Vaccinated To Include Booster »

Bummer: Joe Manchin Saying No To “Build Back Better” Dooms The Climate

If Doing Something about the climate was just so darned important the climate cultists could put a stand-alone bill up for debate and a vote, but, no, they have to attempt to jam it in a huge, government dictatorial piece of legislation

Joe Manchin may have doomed American climate policy

On Sunday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) may have delivered a final blow to the United States’s best chance to take action on the climate crisis this decade.

Question: why can’t all the Warmists take action in their own lives? Think how much less “carbon pollution” there would be if they all gave up their fossil fueled, modern lives and went carbon neutral. Why is it necessary to force everyone to Comply while giving government even more dictatorial power?

After months of negotiations with the White House and Democratic leaders, Manchin announced on Fox News that he will be a “no” vote on the centerpiece of the president’s domestic agenda in its current form. That agenda — known as the Build Back Better plan — would have invested $555 billion in clean electricity, electric vehicles, and reducing methane emissions. Although the $1.75 trillion bill has already passed the House of Representatives, a no vote from Manchin would ensure the bill does not have a path forward in the Senate. That’s because Democrats were relying on a process that required 50 Senate votes to get it to President Joe Biden’s desk.

As Vox’s Andrew Prokop wrote, it’s possible that Manchin’s Sunday comments were just another negotiating tactic, and he could be convinced to support a revised version of Build Back Better that delivers on what he wants.

Doubtful. He knows BBB is bad for his state, bad for his constituents.

But if the bill truly is a goner, it will be much more than a political setback for the Biden agenda. It will be a colossal tragedy for the planet and future generations, which are depending on the US government to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels this decade with major legislation like this bill, to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The bill also contains funding for adapting to climate change and helping the most vulnerable communities; without it, the US will be far less prepared to face escalating climate disasters here at home.

Poll after poll after poll shows that Doing Something is popular in theory, but, when it comes to limiting their own lives and seeing their cost of energy, food, etc going up, it’s less than popular.

In a statement Sunday, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) advocated for that path. “Major climate and clean energy provisions of the Build Back Better Act have largely been negotiated, scored for ten years, and financed,” he said. “Let’s pass these provisions now. We cannot let this moment pass.”

Ed is just one of plenty of Democratic congresscritters chiming in all sorts of upset, but, has anyone noticed that none of them are giving up their own use of fossil fuels, be it auto or airplane? There’s probably a handful or less who own an EV. How many could take the train instead of an airplane? How many live in big homes? Eat meat? And all the other things the climate cult hates? This is not about the climate, it’s 100% about political power.

Read: Bummer: Joe Manchin Saying No To “Build Back Better” Dooms The Climate »

Pirate's Cove