If All You See…

…is consumerism for Other People that’s causing temperatures to spike, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on Kamala playing the race card.

It’s Santa week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. Getting a bit of needed rain, caught a bit of an infection running through the fish tank early and treated it, and Christmas is almost here. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal covers how the 97% vaxxed Woke China Stooges NBA is doing
  2. Not a blog, but, Reuters notes the good people of Madrid holding a Santa charity run for the people of La Palma, hard hit by the Cumbre Vieja volcano (which seems to be going dormant)
  3. Raised On Hoecakes discusses the New Segregation in the Rocky Mountains
  4. Pacific Pundit notes Mad Maxine caught maskless on a flight
  5. Moonbattery shows climate cultists signing a petition to put climate heretics in jail
  6. Gen Z Conservative highlights that most people oppose COVID restrictions
  7. Geller Report shows Pelosi loving her insider trading perks
  8. Gates Of Vienna says it’s time to quarantine the vaxxed
  9. Flag And Cross covers a COVID Compliance Officer booted for being unable to prove her own vax status
  10. Common Cents Blog has the top 100 Christmas songs
  11. Climate Depot highlights the climate friendly menu in the EU of insects
  12. Bunkerville wonders what happened to civic virtue
  13. Blazing Cat Fur shows the COVID passport microchip
  14. American Elephants highlights Brandon unable to keep up with his crises’
  15. And last, but, not least, Real Clear Science shows how New York followed the science

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Crazy People Can Now Use Their Gender Pronouns In Air Force Signature Blocks

This should very much make people feel super safe, right? Especially those who are gender confused and have bought into the whole silly pronouns thing. It’s a big win for people for the gender pronouns nuts

US Air Force memo authorizes use of gender pronouns in signature blocks

The United States Air Force has authorized the use of gender pronouns in electronic signature boxes for communications within the department.

“This guidance provides approval for the use of pronouns in electronic signature blocks and expands on written communication by providing official templates posted on e-publishing website available for download,” the Air Force correspondence dated December 9 states.

“The use of pronouns (he/him, she/her, or they/them) in an email signature block is authorized but not required,” the memo adds.

College campuses and workplaces across the country have been adopting the “gender neutral” pronouns in an effort to be more politically correct when addressing people who don’t wish to identify with a single gender or wish to be identified by a gender different from their biological sex.

Why? Shouldn’t they be using, oh, their rank in official correspondence? The link above provides the full text of how to communicate in the Air Force, with the change at the beginning, including this line: “Military members and civilian employees of the Department of the Air Force must communicate clearly and effectively to carry out our missions.” Then, on communication in electronic communications and social media

Official e-mail should close with “//SIGNED//” above the signature block to signify official Air Force information. Restrict the signature block to name, rank, service affiliation, duty title, organization name, phone numbers (DSN and/or commercial as appropriate) and social media contact information. Do not add slogans, quotes or other personalization to an official e-mail/social media signature block. The use of pronouns (he/him, she/her, or they/them) in an email signature block is authorized but not required.

How does that help them carry out missions? Will it make the Moonbat members of the USAF feel too sad if they can’t use their Preferred Pronouns? They should simply be using things like Airman, Colonel, Captain, Warrant Officer, etc.

Does this make you feel safe? That people with mental illness, who have to explain their pronouns, who are unsure of their gender, will have access to all the weapons platforms of the US Air Force, include fighter jets, bombs, and even nuclear weapons? Seriously, anyone who’s using their pronouns is either too immature to be trusted with anything important, or mentally ill and unable to know what their gender is. Even those who just use them as a fad. It’s death by a thousand papercuts in destroying the U.S. military.

Read: Good News: Crazy People Can Now Use Their Gender Pronouns In Air Force Signature Blocks »

New Scaremongering Suggests ‘Climate Change’ Doom From Tornadoes

You really do not have to get beyond the subhead at this NY Times screed  to understand the reality

Examining the Role of Climate Change in a Week of Wild Weather
The science suggests that the United States can expect more unusual and severe storms as the world heats up, increasing the urgency for action to protect communities.

“Suggests.” That’s not the way this works.

What they should be saying is “people with a degree related to science and politics and social studies suggest, but, have no proof, having tested, haven’t proven anything.”

“We’ve not seen that combination of heat and dry, followed by an extended period of strong wind,” said Grady Dixon, who teaches geosciences at Fort Hays State University in Kansas. “It was so unusual for the month of December — it has to make you ask questions.”

One key question is what role global warming might have played in fueling such an extreme weather event. Scientists cautioned that it could prove difficult, if not impossible, to untangle the precise links between this week’s storm and climate change, although it appeared to be helped in part by record warmth across much of the country.

In other words, they don’t know squat.

(Not A Lot Of People Know That) In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, professor and climate economist Richard S.J. Tol of the University of Sussex explained why it is so difficult to connect weather events on the scale of a tornado to shifts in the Earth’s climate.

“Tornadoes are small, rarely more than 3 kilometers in diameter. The most advanced climate models, however, cannot see things that are smaller than 9 by 9 km. Climate models can therefore tell us very little about tornadoes,” he told The Epoch Times via email.

“Data are not great, but suggest that there is no upward or downward trend in tornado frequency or severity,” he added.

All the actual data shows that the climate hysterics are wrong. They aren’t working through the scientific method. Just making suggestions, predictions, prognostications, and failing to get results through testing. But, they do not care, because this is not about science: it’s about politics and control.

Read: New Scaremongering Suggests ‘Climate Change’ Doom From Tornadoes »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Fauci being a menace.

I bet no one noticed the eye brows wp-monalisa icon. Anyhow, double shot below the fold, so check out Jihad Watch, with a post on morals police beating women and children in Austria.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

NYC Liberals Afraid To Work In Offices From Bad COVID Winter

I mean, come on, some of us have been working at our work place the entire time. Granted, early on, my place was on a split schedule, so only half of us were there each week, going through Memorial Day. We’ve all been there since. We’ve made adjustments, doing our morning meetings in the showroom, rather than upstairs in the conference room, and limit the size of meetings for training and such upstairs, even after the governor did away with social distancing rules when he ended the mask mandate (a mistake, IMO. The distancing part). But, apparently, in Liberal World, they have let the Chinese coronavirus rule their world with fear

New York City employees say they fear working from their offices as Covid-19 cases rise

City officials and workers are sounding the alarm over Mayor Bill de Blasio’s mandate for in-person work amid the explosive spread of the Omicron variant.

Details: Covid-19 test positivity has doubled within a three-day period — a speed that New York has not reported during the pandemic, according to former City Hall aide Jay Varma. According to the most recent City Hall data, 6.5 percent of Covid-19 tests were positive, as of Dec. 13.

“Given what we are seeing right now, I think it would be wise for the City & other large employers to let non-essential employees work remotely through the end of the year,” Comptroller-elect Brad Lander tweeted Friday. “Especially as people are in & out over the holidays, the more we can reduce unnecessary contact the better.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what does Lander mean by non-essential? Is that like the definition they trotted out last year of non-essential, like, this person, this job really needs to be in the office, or, like “this person, this job, really doesn’t help at all”? Because if it’s the latter, then that job should be cut from the government payroll.

Secondhand accounts: An Instagram account called cityworkers4nyc, which has posted in favor of a state bill to establish a permanent telework policy for municipal employees, has shared messages from staff members that discuss their fears of getting sick on the job.

This is really all about city workers, not really private workers. If the city workers do not want to do their jobs, there are plenty of fast food places hiring. Because lots of them, say, sanitation, police, and fire, have to go to their office to work. The rest just want to do their stuff from home, saving the commute, not having to get up, shower, and dress. Besides, aren’t these same people those who are COVID cultists, the ones who lose it if someone else isn’t wearing a mask? Aren’t they vaccinated?

Bad Covid winter brings questions about what’s ‘fully vaccinated’

The Biden administration was bracing for a bad Covid winter surge long before the Omicron variant. Now, with two competing strains and a burst of new cases, officials are rethinking what it means to be fully vaccinated — and how to steel the public for the possibility they’ll need fourth shots.

It’s not just an exercise in semantics. Changing the criteria and messaging could influence how quickly workplaces and public events reopen, and how much a crisis-weary and in some cases confused population responds to pleas to get booster shots.

And then it will be four shots. And five. And however many. And incompetence

Harris says Biden administration failed to see either delta or omicron variants coming: report

Vice President Harris says the Biden administration foresaw neither the delta nor the omicron COVID-19 variants.

Both variants are currently present in the United States. The newer omicron variant is highly contagious and is expected to quickly replace the delta strain, which spread over the summer.

“We didn’t see Delta coming. I think most scientists did not — upon whose advice and direction we have relied — didn’t see Delta coming,” she said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that was published Friday. “We didn’t see Omicron coming. And that’s the nature of what this, this awful virus has been, which as it turns out, has mutations and variants.”

Wasn’t it rather their job to get the necessary information from experts? Another fail, just like with the economy.

Meanwhile, in New York

New York state reported 21,027 positive COVID test results on Thursday, a new single-day record, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Friday.

This brings the positivity rate in New York to 7.98%. The state also reported 60 new COVID-related deaths over the last two days.

And in Florida

COVID-19 cases across Florida more than doubled over the course of a week, according to data released by the Florida Department of Health on Friday.

From Dec.10 to Dec.16, Florida had 29,568 COVID-19 cases and 134.6 cases per 100,000; the week prior, Florida had 13,530 COVID-19 cases and 61.6 cases per 100,000. This makes for an increase 16,038 in COVID-19 cases and 73 cases per 100,000 in the span of one week.

The increase in the new case positivity rate saw parallel increases: from Dec. 10 to Dec. 16, Florida had a case positivity rate of 5.4%, up 2.8% from the previous week.

Hmm, so, New York is at 7.98 with all their COVID authoritarianism, Florida is at 5.4, with their open state.

Read: NYC Liberals Afraid To Work In Offices From Bad COVID Winter »

Climate Cult Now Taking Control Of US Treasury Department

All this means is that they’ll want more power at the federal level to control the financial sector

U.S. regulators flag climate change, stablecoins as potential systemic risks

Climate change, the rapid growth of “stablecoins” and financial innovations that led to frenzied trading of GameStop Corp shares early this year are threats to the U.S. financial system that merit closer scrutiny, a Treasury Department-led regulatory panel said on Friday.

In its annual report, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) added that while the U.S. economy has improved since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, risks to the financial system are higher than prior to the health crisis, with the outlook for global growth still uncertain.

The report marked the first time the body, which was created in the wake of the 2007-2009 financial crisis to spot looming threats, has flagged climate change as a major risk, reflecting President Joe Biden’s push to address rising global temperatures. (snip)

Similarly, the body reiterated concerns flagged in November that stablecoins, a fast-growing type of digital asset pegged to traditional currencies, could become a threat if widely adopted.

While that market is currently only worth about $127 billion, its market value has ballooned more than 500% over the past 12 months and may be vulnerable to runs if investors lose confidence in the asset class’s reliability, the FSOC said.

The body also noted a surge of volatility earlier this year sparked by retail investors, who coordinated on social media and used zero-commission trading apps to fuel sharp rises in a handful of stocks, including videogame maker GameStop.

While many, many, many articles are chatting up the ‘climate change’ portion, it sure looks like they really want to get control over the stablecoins as well as restrict those little retail investors. Can’t have the peons controlling stuff, you know.

But, they will start making inroads into implementing more controls, controlling your money and finances, your investments, everything they can get their grubby little mitts involved in.

Read: Climate Cult Now Taking Control Of US Treasury Department »

COVID Authoritarian Fail: Rockettes Cancel Christmas Spectacular Shows

I’m actually surprised that the Wokesters haven’t destroyed the all women Radio City Rockettes by forcing them to have men and the gender confused, but, anyhow, they have been a staple since forever. I remember growing up in NJ and seeing the commercials every year before Christmas about the Christmas shows. It was basically an NYC tradition, going back to the beginning in 1933. Now? Despite all the Democrat voters following all their masking and vaccinations and stuff

COVID Crushes De Blasio’s New York: Rockettes Cancel All 2021 Shows, Broadway Cancels Performances

The Radio City Rockettes have canceled its Christmas Spectacular shows at New York’s Radio City Music Hall due to breakthrough COVID-19 cases among the dance group.

“We apologize for the inconvenience and will make announcements about future shows as soon as possible,” the official Twitter account for the Rockettes said. “Tickets will be refunded at the original point of purchase.”

Radio City Music Hall requires that guests ages 12 and older provide proof that they have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to attend events. Children ages 5 to 11 can attend events with a vaccinated adult and are required to provide proof that they have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

So, the performers are vaccinated, all the employees are vaxxed, and the audience must be vaxxed. They must show proof of vaccination, and, unless someone is fully vaccinated (two shots, 14 days), must wear a mask (which, in fairness, is less strict than here in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area). Yet, the Chinese coronavirus is raging through the performers.

Broadway’s Moulin Rouge! also canceled its Friday show due to a positive COVID-19 test from within the show’s company.

On Broadway, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” canceled its Wednesday matinee, “Tina” canceled two shows on Wednesday and “Hamilton” has called off shows through Friday night. “Ain’t Too Proud” scrapped its Tuesday performance and “Freestyle Love Supreme” canceled two performances. “Mrs. Doubtfire,” which just opened and has been dark since Sunday, intends to resume performances Tuesday. ??

So, all the COVID authoritarianism isn’t working, eh?

Meanwhile, Brandon finally won one. For the time being

Federal appeals court reinstates Biden administration’s business vaccine and testing mandate

A federal appeals court has reinstated the Biden administration’s vaccine and testing requirement for private businesses that covers about 80 million American workers.

The ruling by the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati lifted a November injunction that had blocked the rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which applies to businesses with at least 100 workers.

In the decision Friday, the 6th Circuit noted that OSHA has historical precedent for using wide discretion to ensure worker safety and “demonstrated the pervasive danger that COVID-19 poses to workers—unvaccinated workers in particular—in their workplaces.”

The only good part of the rule is that it says that if you’re vaccinated you have zero need to wear a mask indoors. Of course, that would probably require people showing their proof of vaccination. But, you can pet this is heading to the Supreme Court. The question is, how quickly?

Read: COVID Authoritarian Fail: Rockettes Cancel Christmas Spectacular Shows »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on the freedom protests scheduled for Saturday in Australia.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Economy: Shelves Are Continuing To Empty

Hey, remember when this happened?

Besides forgetting that milk mostly comes from inside America, CNN refuted the idiotic, Elitist tweet. Of course, lots of Leftists took his side, trying to protect Brandon. A tiny bit over a month later, here’s USA Today (here’s the Yahoo link in case it’s behind the paywall)

Grocery store shelves bare? These products may be hard to find amid supply chain disruptions

Can’t find what you need at the store again? You’re not alone.

As the world reaches the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, more items are becoming scarce because of a supply chain shortage across the globe.

Supply chain concerns are a result of “record-level congestion at the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach that has spread to the East Coast, the widespread power outages across China, shortages of truck drivers and service workers, and COVID-19-fueled infections and restrictions,” Tinglong Dai, a business professor at Johns Hopkins University, told USA TODAY in an email.

Shipping prices have skyrocketed, and demand for items has outpaced supplies.

Obvioiusly, they’re going to avoid any blame towards Biden. In fairness, the main culprit is China, for releasing, intentionally or unintentionally, COVID19 from their research facility. But, Biden’s not doing a damned thing to help, and is making things worse. So, what’s short? Most have explanations if you want to read it

  • Cream cheese shortage: Supply chain problem has reached bagels, cheesecakes(they’re literally asking people to make stuff that doesn’t use cream cheese)
  • Ben & Jerry flavors (who cares)
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Chicken
  • Coffee
  • Diapers
  • Fish sticks (this is due to a customs dispute between the US and Canada)
  • Frozen meals
  • Heinz ketchup packets
  • Marie Callender’s pot pies
  • McCormick Gourmet spices
  • Rice Krispie Treats
  • Sour Patch Kids (and other products from the company)
  • Toilet paper

And that’s to go with so many other products, like new and used automobiles. People are still shocked they can almost never walk in and buy a new car, living in 2019. We have tons of orders for January, February, and even March. We tell people if they want something, get on the list now. You can’t just go and test drive vehicles to make that choice like you used to, and this will not change anytime soon. It’ll be a long time before production catches up when the majority in production status are spoken for. My Walmart never seems to have the Sam’s Choice regular and cheese bagels (love those). Lidl only seems to make jelly donuts now. There are never chocolate or others. The convenience store I hit on the way to work is out of little bottles of chocolate and regular milk quite often.

What are you seeing shortages of?

Read: Biden Economy: Shelves Are Continuing To Empty »

Pirate's Cove