Climate Crisis And Crossing A Desert In The Summer Is Killing Illegals, But, Mostly ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Perhaps deciding to make a long trek to enter a nation illegally, with too little food and water, via a desert area is a bad idea? Nope, has to be the climate emergency

The climate crisis is killing migrants trying to cross the US border, study finds

Undocumented migrants who attempt to cross the border from Mexico to the US are disproportionately dying in a harsh stretch of desert that is becoming deadlier due to the climate crisis, a new research has found.

Migrants and asylum seekers trying to enter the US are often forced to traverse the harsh environment of the Sonoran desert in order to avoid border patrols and fortified crossing points. This hazardous journey is putting many of them under severe physical stress, according to researchers, with many dying in the heat due to dehydration and organ failure.

This risk will only intensify as the world heats up further due to human activity, with the research finding that in the next three decades migrants will become so dehydrated in the desert that they will have to carry 34% more water with them in order to survive.

Maybe they shouldn’t do this? If they cross the border without permission they are, by federal law, illegal aliens, and they put themselves in the life threatening situation. If you go to certain neighborhoods in Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago – heck, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco – and get mugged, robbed, beat up, well, you put yourself in that bad situation knowing that it is dangerous.

An estimated 350 people a year, many fleeing violence and persecution at home, die attempting this crossing, with some of these deaths due to suicide, exposure or car accidents. Researchers found, however, that a significant risk is the loss of fluids in a region where summer temperatures can reach 48C (118F).

Using a model that factored in the physical toll of making a journey from Nogales, a Mexican border city and Three Points, Arizona, the study found that people can succumb to the conditions within just a few days, with migrants often ill-prepared for the journey. The stress is highest for pregnant women and children, with the research finding that a pregnant women needs nearly 12 liters of water a day to survive making the trek in June.

I’m really not having any sympathy for this, no matter how emotional the UK Guardian is trying to make it. If you voluntarily climb K2, the mountain in Pakistan, well, 1 in 4 die trying to reach the summit. That’s right, a 25% death rate. It’s way more dangerous than Everest, and considered the most dangerous in the world. No one made you. You did this. It wasn’t ‘climate change’.

Oh, and Democrats, who entice people to make a dangerous, life threatening trek to enter the U.S. illegally. And it just goes to show that the cult of climastrology will do and say anything to push their cult.

Read: Climate Crisis And Crossing A Desert In The Summer Is Killing Illegals, But, Mostly ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Surprise: Omicron Is Breaking Through Vaccines A Lot

This is not really a good thing in the least, though, the vast majority of cases are like a low level cold. But, the Powers That Be keep telling us that vaccines stop the Chinese Coronavirus. You can be tagged with a disclaimer at Twitter and Facebook for daring to go against the Approved Doctrine, and even be suspended and even banned

‘Virtually every’ COVID omicron case at NY college was in fully vaccinated, official says

Cornell University is seeing an uptick in coronavirus cases and has detected the “highly contagious” omicron variant on campus, particularly in fully vaccinated individuals, according to campus officials.

Between Dec. 7 and 13, the Ivy League school in Ithaca, New York, reported 883 students testing positive for COVID-19, its online dashboard shows.

“Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot,” Joel M. Malina, the school’s vice president for university relations, said in a statement provided to McClatchy News.

On Dec. 13, Cornell’s COVID-19 testing lab found “evidence of the highly contagious Omicron variant in a significant number of Monday’s positive student samples,” university President Martha E. Pollack said in a letter to the campus community.

Out of the students infected with COVID-19, the school has “not seen severe illness” as of Dec. 14, Pollack assured.

Yup, even ones who had been boosterized. And you know this is replicating at plenty of places. And, because of this, all exams will no be online, rather than in the classroom. Vaccination is mandatory for all students.

In sports, despite the vast majority of professional players being vaccinated, all the majors are being hit hard. NFL, NBA, and NHL right now.

It’s still much better to be vaccinated, because the chance of you getting a bad case are significantly lower than if you aren’t. But, you do you. I’m just tired of the obfuscation and lying. Also, Cornell has a mask policy for when anyone is indoors. Not helping, eh?

Read: Surprise: Omicron Is Breaking Through Vaccines A Lot »

Climate Doom Is Coming To Red States Or Something

Right on cue, the climate cult ghouls at The Week are using bad weather events, which saw people hurt and killed, to push their climate cult agenda

Climate change is coming for the red states — but will it matter?

Extreme weather doesn’t really bother me. I’ve lived in Kansas most of my life, have witnessed tornadoes and flooding, love nothing more than a good gullywasher rain storm. You respect the danger of such events, but you also get used to them. It’s part of the landscape here, as familiar as grain silos.

Wednesday felt different.

Fierce windstorms battered my state throughout the day, starting large-scale wildfires, blowing off roofsknocking out power to tens of thousands of people, and generating images out of a disaster movie. The late part of the day brought tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms. We hunkered down. And for most of the day I felt uneasy — not just because of the power and size of the storms, but because of the timing: We were getting May weather in December.

That happens. Always has. Always will.

Climate change has come to my red state. (I know that it’s difficult to attribute any one weather event to warming, but c’mon: The high temperatures here were in the 70s on Wednesday.) And it’s not just mine: Kansas windstorms came hot on the heels of last weekend’s deadly tornadoes that battered KentuckyArkansasTennesseeMissouri, and Illinois. With the exception of the last, these are all states that vote reliably for Republicans and side with candidates who at best treat global warming a secondary concern to sustaining a carbon-fueled economy — or at worst deride it as a “hoax.”

And the majority of the Red State voters in Kansas and the others will attribute this to nature doing nature. They aren’t going to blame witchcraft, er, anthropogenic causation. If climahysteric Joel Mathis wants to, well, OK, give up your own use of fossil fuels and make your life carbon neutral. The rest of us will simply chalk it up to weather happening, and that this is a typical Holocene warm period.

But while their politicians might mock a “Green New Deal,” GOP-voting states won’t be able to avoid the pain of climate change. Until recently, those of us who live in “flyover country” have largely avoided the kind of singular, in-your-face events that plague coastal regions — the drought-fueled wildfires that scorched Oregon and California this last summer, the red tides and flooding that afflict Florida, the massive storms like Hurricane Ida that battered Louisiana before unleashing tornadoes and flash floods in Maryland, New Jersey, and New York in September. Getting tornadoes in December, however, is pretty unusual for the interior states.

Weather happens. Wildfires happen when dumbasses set fires, intentionally or unintentionally. You aren’t going to make us buy into your cult.

There is another possibility, though. Kansas has always been reliably Republican, but in 1931, a severe drought hit the state, which was already groaning under the Great Depression. It was the start of a decade-long Dust Bowl that created misery even worse than what we saw Wednesday. The next year Kansas gave its Electoral College votes to one Franklin D. Roosevelt.

What caused that warming, which was, before they fucked around with the data, warmer than today? When CO2 was much lower? Answer that one, sparky. Regardless, we aren’t buying what you’re selling.

Read: Climate Doom Is Coming To Red States Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle which should be banned in Progressive Warmist cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on slave labor being used to make green energy products.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Pushes Gun Control On 9th Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Or Something

None of this would have stopped the nutjob who shot up the school, nor most shootings. But, the tragedy 9 years ago was a method to push his Build Back Better idiocy, which has been postponed till next year, and might never see a vote at this point

Biden pushes gun control agenda on ninth anniversary of Sandy Hook shooting

President Biden marked the ninth anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting with a renewed push for gun control.

“There are three common sense bills to reduce gun violence that the Senate should pass now right away, long overdue. One requires more extensive background checks for gun sales. One is to keep guns out of the hands of more abusers,” Biden said Tuesday.(snip)

The president also used the speech to tout his budget and Build Back Better legislation, which he noted include provisions aimed at combating gun violence.

“In my budget, I’m calling for doubling the funding for gun violence prevention research, including examining gun violence as a public health threat, which it is in my view,” Biden said.

“My build back better legislation … would make a landmark $5 billion investment in community violence prevention and intervention programs.”

Or, Democrats could stop coddling criminals, stop releasing hardcores, arrest them, jail them. But, none of what Biden suggests would have stopped the Sandy Hook nutjob, who stole the gun from his mom. Better background checks? Nope. Stopping abusers? Nope? Build Back Better? Nope. He really was just using the murders to push his bill. Meanwhile, more Fail

Opinion | The Israel-Emirati Rapprochement Won’t Solve Biden’s Problem in the Middle East

This week, a right-wing Israeli prime minister paid a state visit to the United Arab Emirates for the first time ever. A day later, in an unrelated but also surprising move, the United Arab Emirates appeared to back away from a major arms sale with the United States, its most important benefactor.

Clearly, the Middle East is changing. As the Biden administration has made good on its promise to focus less on the historically troublesome region and more on China, Middle Eastern states are taking notice. Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are forging new relationships and hedging their bets, driven by a shared concern that a Washington, D.C. hyper-focused on China and domestic travails may not be there for them when it comes to dealing with Iran’s ambitions in the region, tensions with the Palestinians or other security threats.

But although President Joe Biden wants to reduce U.S. involvement in the Middle East, it isn’t necessarily good news for him that the region is preparing for a future where America looms smaller. The rebalance he sought is happening — but not on his terms and not in a way he can easily control, especially given his faltering goal of inking a new nuclear deal with Iran. It’s certainly a welcome development that Middle Eastern states are casting aside their historic enmities. But the thaw between Israel and the UAE won’t make the Iran nuclear conundrum, or the Middle East in general, much more manageable. It’s a reminder that — as previous presidents have learned — the region will remain a serious headache for the United States despite its best efforts to move its priorities elsewhere.

Apparently, the beheamoth that is the U.S. government cannot focus on more than one spot under Brandon. He’s already backed away from the historic peace bargains made by the Trump admin, so, Israel and Middle East nations are simply doing it on their own, especially since Biden keeps wanting to get Iran back in the failed nuclear deal. And this will all give China and Russia a chance to jump back into the ME, try and have influence.

Read: Brandon Pushes Gun Control On 9th Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Or Something »

Who’s Up For “Structurally Higher Inflation” From The Green Transition?

This is the green transition that Warmists were enthused about in theory, not practice. If they thought it was so great they would have done it voluntarily in their own lives. Let’s not forget that poll after poll after poll showed that most people do not want to spend much of their own money to Do Something

The green transition will lead to ‘structurally higher inflation,’ Principal Chief Strategist Seema Shah says

While much of the focus lately has been on the inflationary environment, some investors are preparing for environmental inflation caused by economies transitioning to green energy.

With the earth’s climate on track to exceed an alarming 2 degrees of warming, governments and companies are under increasing pressure to clean up their business models to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On track? Who says? Cranks, computer models, and people invested in pushing the doomsday scam?

The premise of this so-called en-flation holds that as sectors scramble for skilled labor, green innovations, and carbon credits, it will cause a chain reaction leading to higher energy — and, eventually, consumer — prices.

“As companies, as countries are trying to deal with the infrastructure that they need, then unfortunately, that does mean a lead to almost a supply shortage,” Principal Global Investors Chief Strategist Seema Shah said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “Then you start to see the energy inflation. And en-flation, this transition to green energy, is of the reasons that we do see structurally higher inflation over the coming years over the future.”

In November, inflation increased by the highest rate in 39 years, though it was in line with estimates, according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on Friday.

Shah suggested that the effects of en-flation are already beginning to take hold — particularly when it comes to energy prices, which were up 3.5% in November as demand outstripped supply.

Of course, most of the people who are forcing this to happen are rich folks, so, this really doesn’t effect them. Particularly since many have government fossil fueled transportation.

Another factor in driving up prices is that regulators may have less patience for companies who drag their feet on net-zero initiatives, especially as governments come under scrutiny around their own nationally-determined targets. As a result, laggards could face higher penalties if they don’t move quickly enough to decarbonize, according to Shah.

So, government artificially inflating energy, goods, food, etc, while also driving businesses to cut staff, offices, and even going out of business.

While tech innovation and investment have created a deflationary effect on prices in the past, Shah argued that green investment, in contrast, may very well cause upward pressures on prices.

“It’s one of the reasons that we don’t see inflation going back down to the 2% level,” she said. “We’re seeing it being higher than what we’ve had over the last decade.”

Sounds great, right? Funny how all the policies from the climate cult end up costing people more money, to go with the loss of freedom, liberty, and choice.

Read: Who’s Up For “Structurally Higher Inflation” From The Green Transition? »

COVID Today: California’s Not Abiding Mask Mandate, Navy Booting Unvaxxed

Even in the People’s Republik Of California, people have had quite enough

‘Not going to abide’: California’s mask-mandate revival brings questions in High Desert

High Desert business owners and residents are in large part standing against California’s revival of indoor mask mandates regardless of vaccination status, with some raising questions as to what it says about other COVID-19 measures.

State officials announced Monday that indoor masking would be required in all public spaces effective Wednesday, the first time the measure has been ordered since masks became optional in most public settings last June.

The first case tied to this iteration of the novel coronavirus was reported in San Bernardino County on Tuesday. But many in the county’s High Desert region question the move on the grounds of scientific skepticism or personal principle.

“We’re not going to abide by it,” says Paula Ramirez, manager of The Gym HD in Victorville.

“If they want to wear a mask, that’s their choice,” Ramirez told the Daily Press. “If they don’t, then we have the proper sanitation, just like we’ve been doing — cleaning the machines, hand sanitizer.” (snip)

Public health officials and doctors say that vaccinations are the best and only sure protection against contracting a severe case of COVID-19. During the Delta-variant caused surge, more than 90% of fatalities were in unvaccinated people.

Granted, a lot of these people are going to be the minority of Republican voters, but, you can bet a lot of Democrat voters, particularly those who are vaccinated, have had enough. I’m seeing that here in Raleigh, where, more and more, people are opting out of wearing masks. They’re done. They are not blind, and can see that even though there were mask mandates all over, people were still getting very sick, and people were dying. In fact, the bulk of the deaths occurred after mask mandates were put in place. We’ve had mask mandates for the majority of 2021, and people still died. Yes, it is better to be vaccinated, IMO. That’s my choice. Others can make their own choice. I think it’s a bad one, but, they can do them. Masks, though, barely make a difference, which is quite obvious from the results.

Navy starts kicking out sailors for refusing Covid vaccine as Republicans rage over mandate

The Navy has begun kicking out sailors who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccine, but it won’t slap dishonorable discharges on anyone for their decision to ignore a direct order.

Overall, 5,731 active-duty sailors remain unvaccinated, and at this point Navy officials say they believe most of those will likely continue to refuse the order, weeks after the Nov. 28 deadline for full vaccination.

“If a sailor gets their shot, we will honor that and make every effort to retain them,” Rear Adm. James Waters, the Navy’s director of military personnel plans and policy, told reporters. “On the other hand, those who continue to refuse the vaccine will be required to leave the Navy.”

Under the Navy’s rules, unvaccinated officers and enlisted sailors eligible to retire or leave the service before June 1, 2022, will be allowed to do so with an honorable discharge.

Those not eligible to leave by that date “will be processed for separation on the basis of misconduct for refusing the lawful order to be vaccinated,” Waters said, but will still receive an honorable discharge.

Amazingly, that really is just a small number of sailors, but, how many will be low level, and how many have great experience? How many people will now opt out of joining what is increasingly become a Woke military, weakening it? What happens next, when they’re required to get a booster. Then another? Let’s be honest, the vaccines are really still experimental. The trials are sticking it in people’s arms, something that usually only occurs after years of research, of small clinical trials.

Read: COVID Today: California’s Not Abiding Mask Mandate, Navy Booting Unvaxxed »

Surprise: Climate Cult Scientist Admits Main Purpose Is To Influence Politics

That’s what this really amounts to

From the link, which is really trying to show that the big tornadoes the other day were because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle

To the people who experienced these events firsthand, such conclusions can provide powerful proof of the urgency—and the catastrophic consequences—of global warming. “It’s critically important to humanizing climate change,” says Swain, who divides his time between research, including attribution studies, and climate communication via his popular Twitter feed and blog.

This intimate connection with the needs and concerns of the general public makes extreme event attribution unusual among the sciences, where public communication often takes a backseat. “Our motivation for why we do what we do is to provide the public with the information they need to make choices for their future,” says Deepti Singh, a climate scientist at Washington State University Vancouver who studies events like extreme rain in India to understand the on-the-ground effects of climate change.

That’s really not how science works, except with a cult. They’re trying to conform the outcomes of “science” to fit their beliefs.

Today, attribution studies use two main sources of data: climate models, which can predict what weather might look like today had climate change never happened, and historical data, which show what the weather was actually like before it kicked into gear. Taken together, they can help researchers quantify how often, under each condition, things like daily temperatures would exceed a particular baseline, or monthly rainfall would be below some threshold. As long as an extreme event can be characterized in terms of those kinds of constraints, it can in theory be analyzed with the techniques of extreme event attribution.

And they keep changing historical data, which, for the most part, doesn’t let us compare what happened during previous Holocene warm periods, to what is happening today. Computer models simply give them the answers they want to support the cult.

The actual headline at the CNN cult screed reads “Climate change likely played a role in this weekend’s deadly tornadoes. The question is how.” That’s putting the cart before the horse. The outcome before doing the science. And, yes, I’ve mostly avoided the whole “climate crisis made the tornado” stuff, because it is making me abnormally angry that they immediately used all those deaths to push their cult. Maybe I need a “global warming aholes” category.

Read: Surprise: Climate Cult Scientist Admits Main Purpose Is To Influence Politics »

If All You See…

…is desertification coming right up against the mountains from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the mystery surrounding a hate crime.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes Islamist Approved Anti-Islamophobia Bill, Violates Constitution

Giving aid and shelter to Omar and the rest who hate Jews and support Islamists, all because Boebert ran her mouth and told the truth

House approves Omar-backed bill to combat Islamophobia following Boebert’s anti-Muslim remarks

The House approved a bill late Tuesday that seeks to combat “worldwide” Islamophobia in response to Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s anti-Muslim remarks last month against Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The final vote was 219-212 along party lines.

Floor debate of the bill was ground to a halt earlier Tuesday, after GOP Rep. Scott Perry, of Pennsylvania, referred to Omar as anti-Semitic and implied that she has ties to terrorist organizations — a comment which led to audible gasps from some Democratic members in the chamber.

“Let’s face it: Aside from the attempts to placate an anti-Semitic member of this chamber, all that’s really happening here is that House Democrats are deflecting from the real issue confronting the House of Representatives, and that is that the maker of this bill has no business sitting on House committees has no business in this chamber,” Perry said of Omar, who is a lead author of the bill.

“American taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay terrorist organizations, organizations that the maker of this bill is affiliated with, like the one that’s an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-financed case in the United States of America’s history,” Perry said.

Omar, and her Comrades, have made numerous statements that show hatred for Israel and for Jews. And the unindicted co-conspirator he’s referring to is the Muslim Brotherhood, for which Omar has affiliations.

Perry also cited a lack of definition for the word “Islamophobia” in the bill, which he argued would be “made up” based on individuals’ “political proclivities.”

“And by intentionally leaving the definition blank in this bill, the gentlelady and my friends on the other side of the aisle are creating an office in our State Department that will likely spew anti-Semitic hatred and attack Western ideas throughout the world under the farce of protecting Islam,” he said.

He’s not wrong. Here’s the text of the bill

This bill establishes within the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues.

The office shall monitor and combat acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement in foreign countries. The bill establishes the position of Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia, who shall head the office.

The bill also requires certain existing annual reports to Congress about human rights and religious freedom in foreign countries to include information about Islamophobia, such as information about (1) acts of physical violence or harassment of Muslim people, (2) instances of propaganda in government and nongovernment media that attempt to justify or promote hatred or incite violence against Muslim people, and (3) actions taken by a country’s government to respond to such acts. The office shall coordinate and assist in preparing these portions of the reports.

That’s it. About as much info as when naming a post office. And essentially creates an office that investigates free speech, which violates the 1st Amendment. Remember, the specifics say “Congress shall pass no law…” We could easily say that the House did pass a law. Even if this seems to primarily be over free speech in other countries, that’s not the text. Now it goes to the Senate, where it will require all 50 Democrats to vote for it, with Kamala needing to break the tie. And, then we’ll see if their is a suit filed to the Supreme Court, and how quickly this turns into Islamists using it to persecute Jews, along with anyone who dares say anything about Islam.

Read: House Passes Islamist Approved Anti-Islamophobia Bill, Violates Constitution »

Pirate's Cove