If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon transportation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on AOC saying smash and grab is a hoax.

Doubleshot below the fold, to clean out the last country girl photo, check out The Other McCain, with a post on a Philly prosecutor releasing a carjacker, who then became a murderer.

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Read: If All You See… »

Abortionistas Point Out What Happens If Roe v Wade Is Overturned

Once again I ask, how did the Democrats become the party of abortion, where the number one belief is in killing the unborn, and how they feel that abortion is now birth control? Nothing else is more important to them. If you said “you can keep abortion legal throughout the U.S. but have to give up the Senate, House, and White House for 20 years”, they’d choose abortion. It’s more important than ‘climate change’, raising taxes, gun control, everything

If Roe v. Wade is overruled, here’s how access to abortion could be affected in your state

The Supreme Court’s blockbuster abortion case is centered on a Mississippi law that bans the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but a ruling by the court will almost certainly have sweeping implications for states across the country.

“The real-world effects of overruling Roe and Casey would be severe and swift,” Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar told the court on behalf of the Biden administration. “Nearly half of the states already have or are expected to enact bans on abortion at all stages of pregnancy, many without exceptions for rape or incest.”

But that is precisely the argument that Mississippi, anti-abortion advocates and several conservatives on the court have embraced: Because abortion is such a controversial issue, they say, decisions about whether to permit it should be left to individual states.

That’s what the Constitution says. It did not give the federal government power, hence, the power is reserved for the States and the People

To a large extent, experts note, that has already happened. Dozens of conservative states have already imposed “trigger” bans to prohibit abortions if the high court overturns Roe v. Wade. Many liberal states, meanwhile, have affirmatively protected the right to abortion, meaning the procedure would remain available within their borders even if Roe is overturned.

Nine states, including Alabama, Arizona, Wisconsin and West Virginia, adopted abortion bans before the Supreme Court decided Roe, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights. An additional eight states, including Idaho, Kentucky and Tennessee, approved “trigger bans” to prohibit the procedure if the court overturns Roe.

Four states, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas, have both a pre-Roe ban and a trigger ban on the books, according to Guttmacher.

And lots of Blue states have laws protecting abortion on demand, a procedure used mostly for convenience, because people were too irresponsible to use birth control. Rarely is it for saving the life of the mother, or rape and incest.

If the court overturns Roe v. Wade, the impact on individual states would be relatively clear based on existing law. But if the justices reached for a middle ground – allow Mississippi’s 15-week ban to remain in place, say, but also rule people still have a constitutional right to abortion – experts say that would lead to a flood of new laws, and lawsuits.

Of all the rulings, I’d give that one the highest rank, where they try and thread the needle to avoid getting rid of it altogether. The second choice, which I’d rank just behind threading the needle, would be to say that regulation abortion is not in the purview of the federal government, but, the choice of a state and the people. If that passes, despite all the triggers, you may well see most Red states take a soft approach, and mimic the law of Mississippi, not banning it, but, restricting. I can see the Court also saying that States cannot stop or criminally charge citizens for crossing state lines to have one, as the power is also reserved for The People.

One very interesting aspect of this, if they go for the States Rights method, is that this will lead to a whole host of lawsuits for a wide variety of issues for which the federal government has passed laws that are not in their assigned duties, attempting to return power back to the states and the people. Where it belongs in our system, rather than an authoritarian central government.

The current standard, set down in Roe and a subsequent Supreme Court case from 1992, is viability, or the point when a fetus can survive outside the womb – roughly 24 weeks. The Supreme Court could throw out viability as the cutoff, but such a move would raise a big question that has vexed the court for decades: Where to draw a new line?

I don’t think they will want to go there, and, it’s doubtful there are enough Conservatives to vote for keeping Roe. Mississippi’s solicitor general made one hell of a case, based on our system of government. Time will tell, and liberals will be losing their minds next summer. They may well regret that, thinking that all Democrats are big supporters of killing the unborn.

Read: Abortionistas Point Out What Happens If Roe v Wade Is Overturned »

Western U.S. States Could Maybe See Snow Disappear Or Something

Won’t anyone think of the children? Remember when the Independent published a story about snowfalls being a thing of the past, including the line “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is”? (you can see the entire article preserved here) And then yet another prediction here. And a few others. And here we have yet another prognostication of the end of snow

Snow may vanish for years at a time in Mountain West with climate warming

A new study provides a glimpse into the future of Western U.S. snow and the picture is far from rosy: In about 35 to 60 years, mountainous states are projected to be nearly snowless for years at a time if greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked and climate change does not slow.

Well, that’s convenient. 30-60 years. What happens when this doesn’t come to fruition? Who’s held liable for the doommongering?

Due to rising temperatures, the region has already lost 20 percent of its snowpack since the 1950s. That’s enough water to fill Lake Mead, the nation’s largest human-made reservoir. It stands to lose another half, and possibly more, later this century, from the Rockies to the Sierra Nevada and into the Cascades of the Pacific Northwest, according to a literature synthesis conducted in the study leveraging dozens of peer-reviewed climate model projections.

The current snow situation in the West offers a preview of what the future may hold. Snow water equivalent, or the liquid water from snowpack, is much lower than normal in much of the Western United States. Snow cover across the nation is only at 6 percent — the lowest since records began in 2003.

Yet, snow cover was above normal last fall. Regardless, this is the type of thing one would expect during a Holocene warm period. No need to attribute witchcraft, er, human causes to this.

Such years are projected to become chronic and persistent, occurring for prolonged periods of five to 10 years at a time. By the end of the century, the majority of years (78 to 94 percent) could be nearly snowless in much of the Western United States, according to one model projection in the study.

So, give up your modern lives now. Take a 20 year loan out on an EV. Give your money to government, along with your freedom, liberty, and lifestyle choices.

Read: Western U.S. States Could Maybe See Snow Disappear Or Something »

Norwegian Party Called Superspreader Event For Omicron, Even Though Everyone Was Vaccinated

This doesn’t bode well when it comes to how politicians react, because it may well mean the reinstitution of rules against big gatherings

Omicron outbreak at Norway Christmas party is biggest outside S. Africa -authorities

At least 13 people in Oslo have been infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus following a corporate Christmas party described as a “super spreader event”, and their numbers could rise to over 60 cases, authorities said on Friday.

The outbreak took place at a Christmas party on Nov. 26 organised by renewable energy company Scatec, which has operations in South Africa where the variant was first detected.

“This party has been a super spreader event,” Preben Aavitsland, a senior physician at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, told Reuters by email.

“Our working hypothesis is that at least half of the 120 participants were infected with the Omicron variant during the party. This makes this, for now, the largest Omicron outbreak outside South Africa.”

The outbreak led the Norwegian government to reintroduce some nationwide restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The first person in Oslo confirmed as infected had attended the party, where at least one employee had just returned from South Africa. All the attendees were fully vaccinated and had tested negative before the event.

Perhaps having a party where someone just came back from South Africa wasn’t the best of ideas? Even though everyone was vaccinated? Maybe they should have said “bro/broette, how about sitting this one out, and, stay away from the office for a week?”

Health authorities said the individuals infected were so far displaying mild symptoms, with none hospitalised.

“It is still too early to say whether the clinical picture of the disease is different in Omicron infections than in Delta infections,” Aavitsland said.

“None of the patients has severe symptoms; none is hospitalised. However, this is not unexpected given the young age of the participants.”

So far it looks like very few are hospitalized, which is the good news. Any area that has a mask mandate, expect that to be extended for at least several months. And for The Powers That Be to push restrictions.

Read: Norwegian Party Called Superspreader Event For Omicron, Even Though Everyone Was Vaccinated »

Hawaii Gets Blizzard Warning, Climate Cult Does Their Thing

This happens periodically in Hawaii, though, of course, the headline (which is portrayed in a similar manner at many outlets) is mean to climate fearmonger

The lower 48 U.S. states are light on snow but Hawaii has a blizzard warning

As of Friday morning, only two states in the U.S. have blizzard warnings — and they are Alaska and Hawaii. Yes, you read that correctly. In fact, more snow has fallen in Hawaii this season than in Denver, Colorado.

Hawaii’s blizzard warnings are a bit rarer. According to the Iowa mesonet data site, it’s been 1,347 days (over 3.5 years) since the last blizzard warning was been issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) in Honolulu.

The weather service is forecasting up to a foot (30 cm) of snow or more with winds gusting up to 100 mph (161 kph) through the weekend for the Big Island summits.

Hawaii’s two mountain peaks, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, both which sit at more than 13,000 feet above sea level, are the only two locations that see snow annually in Hawaii.

So, it does happen. It’s usual for the peaks to have snow every year, while blizzards are less common. So, we get

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Read: Hawaii Gets Blizzard Warning, Climate Cult Does Their Thing »

Climate Cult Today: Rain In Arctic, Evil Cows, EV Cost Burden

There’s some Doom happening in the Arctic

The Arctic will soon see more rain than snow. Scientists say it may speed up global warming.

Earlier in August, it rained on the summit of Greenland’s ice sheet for the first time in recorded history, and new research suggests that it not only will become a normal occurrence, but it will happen much sooner than previously thought.

Recorded history really doesn’t go back that far. How does this compare to what happened during the previous Holocene warm periods? They don’t know or have data? Huh

The team of international researchers had previously concluded the region would eventually see more rain, but originally thought it wouldn’t start until around 2090. The new analysis on the region determined the rain would dominate the region as early as 2050 in some areas.

So, doom sooner. Who gets held responsible for this if the prognostication fails?

‘Cows Are the New Coal.’ How the Cattle Industry Is Ignoring the Bottom Line When It Comes to Methane Emissions

climate cowOne of the early, attention-grabbing announcements at November’s COP climate conference in Glasgow was a commitment by more than 105 countries to join a U.S.- and E.U.-led coalition to cut 30% of methane emissions by 2030. The potent greenhouse gas, which is up to 80 times more effective at heating the planet than carbon dioxide in the short term, has often been considered the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to slowing down global warming. The COP pledges alone would slash warming projections by 0.2°C by the 2040s, according to the United Nations Global Methane Assessment.

But that low-hanging fruit is starting to rot. A new report produced by the FAIRR Initiative, an investor network worth about $45 trillion that is focused on the environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities of intensive livestock production, shows that the meat and dairy industries (including livestock suppliers to McDonalds, Walmart and Costco) is undermining COP26 pledges on methane reduction, by not tracking their own emissions and by failing to track those of their third-party suppliers.

Now tell people they cannot have meat and dairy. No more cheese, steaks, lamb chops, yogurt, and so forth. See how quick the average Warmist turns on the climate cult. BTW, how will we feed people? Also, see how quickly people make fart jokes.

Stellantis CEO says EV cost burden is ‘beyond the limits’ for automakers

Stellantis NV Chief Executive Carlos Tavares said external pressure on automakers to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles potentially threatens jobs and vehicle quality as producers struggle to manage the higher costs of building EVs.

Governments and investors want car manufacturers to speed up the transition to electric vehicles, but the costs are “beyond the limits” of what the auto industry can sustain, Tavares said in an interview at the Reuters Next conference released Wednesday.

“What has been decided is to impose on the automotive industry electrification that brings 50% additional costs against a conventional vehicle,” he said.

“There is no way we can transfer 50% of additional costs to the final consumer because most parts of the middle class will not be able to pay.”

If they cannot afford it, how does the average consumer?

Read: Climate Cult Today: Rain In Arctic, Evil Cows, EV Cost Burden »

If All You See…

…is a watermelon which tells you exactly what’s wrong with the climate doom debate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on more United Nations hatred of Israel.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: Oklahoma Sues DOD, Omicron In 5 States, Biden “Plan”

Yet another lawsuit against Biden’s un-Constitutional vaccine mandates

Governor, AG sue Defense Department over vaccine requirement

Oklahoma’s Republican governor and the state attorney general filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday, challenging the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate for the Oklahoma National Guard.

In a statement, Gov. Kevin Stitt argued that the Biden administration’s defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, overstepped his constitutional authority by subjecting the National Guard to the mandate, which applies to active-duty military members.

“This week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin declared his intention to proceed with unconstitutional punishment that individually targets Oklahoma National Guard soldiers and airmen, including withholding their pay,” Stitt said. (snip)

Stitt said that although National Guard members are paid by the federal government, he remains their commander in chief under federal and state constitutional and statutory law unless the president orders their mobilization.

Brandon’s vaccine mandates haven’t done so well in court so far. What will happen with this one? And will other states file their own?

And here’s another Biden fail

Omicron Covid variant detected in 5 U.S. states as scientists investigate heavily mutated strain

At least five U.S. states have now confirmed cases of the omicron variant of the virus that causes Covid-19, as scientists investigate whether the heavily mutated strain is more infectious and virulent.

At least 9 cases were confirmed on Thursday in Minnesota, Colorado, New York, Hawaii and California. California confirmed the first U.S. case of omicron on Wednesday, bringing the total number of reported cases so far to 10.

Minnesota public health authorities confirmed Thursday morning the second U.S. case of omicron, in a resident who recently returned from New York City, the state’s department of health said.

Strange that these are all Democrat run areas. Didn’t Biden say he was going to stop COVID? Not so simple, is it, Sparky? Also, most of these people are fully vaccinated. And, Brandon laid out his Big Plan

The good and the not as good in Biden’s winter Covid-19 plan

The Biden administration is trying to get ahead of the threat, detailing a new plan to accelerate vaccinations, increase testing, make treatments widely available, and deploy teams of public health experts to any hot spots that emerge in the coming months.

Taken together, the plan reads like the consensus you would probably find if you asked a few hundred public health experts what we should be doing; in fact, some experts are annoyed some of these things weren’t already being done. Even so, a few provisions — such as promising insurance reimbursement for tests rather than providing them for free — raise eyebrows.

But overall, experts seem to think the plan hits the important points. The real question is how much of an impact any program from the federal government can have at this point. Some state governments are resistant to even the most basic measures, such as masks in schools; 16 percent of adults said in October they will definitely not get the Covid-19 vaccine, the highest share recorded by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) in its vaccine surveys. People have dug in.

The administration knows it can’t stop Covid-19, omicron variant or otherwise. But this is its attempt to lower the barriers for people to coexist with Covid-19: by making it easier to get a vaccine, to get tested, and to get meds if you are sick.

That’s it? That’s the plan? This is the same plan he’s been using, which hasn’t really worked. Joe’s finding out that it’s easier to Blamestorm while running for office, not so easy when you sit in the big chair.

Read: COVID Today: Oklahoma Sues DOD, Omicron In 5 States, Biden “Plan” »

Climate Scientists Recommend Applying COVID Tools For ‘Climate Change’

I was telling y’all about this stuff early on during COVID lockdown, that the Cult of Climastrology would push this kind of stuff. They’ve said it again and again. Now they’re getting bolder. It’s isn’t just in some climate cult blog or smaller outlet, this is from Reuters

Behavioral tools of pandemic should be applied to climate policy – scientists

Lessons learned from the pandemic about shifting people’s behavior will be applied to policies to counter climate change and disinformation in the future, leading scientists said Thursday.

Carlos Scartascini, from the Inter-American Development Bank, said behavioral tools became critical in the pandemic, in a panel at the Reuters Next conference.

“When you say ‘wash your hands’ – you can say (it) 20 times, but if you don’t change the way you say people basically do not react,” he said.

Dr. Laura de Moliere, who heads up behavioral science in the UK Cabinet office, said a better understanding of human behavior became critical to policymakers in the pandemic, and that should carry forward.

“There’s lots of really interesting avenues for behavioral science application that have arisen because of because of the pandemic,” said Mary MacLennan, the cofounder of the United Nations Behavioral Science Group.

Except, government made little to no attempt at understanding human behavior: they dictated it, and are still dictating it. Germany is now putting major restrictions on the unvaccinated, while still keeping lots of restrictions on the vaccinated. As are many other countries. They loved locking everyone down, and cracked down on protests (while being fine with BLM/Antifa protests/riots). Forced mask wearing. Travel restrictions. Forced vaccination. Arresting, or at least chasing, people who were out and about with no one within a hundred yards of them. Dictating where you can go and when you can go and what you can buy. Passports. Show your papers. You remember all this stuff. You lived through it. This is what they want, lots and lots of restrictions and control of people’s lives.

I’ve been saying this since 2004 when I converted to Skeptic, and more are starting to realize this has virtually nothing to do with science. Even if the current warm period was caused by mankind 51%+, why are all their policy ideas about dictatorial government? People really need to listen to what the climate cultists are saying, especially the casual Warmists.

Read: Climate Scientists Recommend Applying COVID Tools For ‘Climate Change’ »

Axios: Un-named Republicans Totally Say Pro-Life Win Could Come Back To Haunt Them

Seriously, what could possibly go wrong with dumping one of the worst Supreme Court rulings of all time, where a supposed right to kill the unborn was generated out of thin air. Regardless of your feelings of it morally, Constitutionally it was a horrible ruling. The arguments the government made against the Mississippi abortion law were pretty bad, based on feelings and “well, a ruling was made 50 years ago,” while Scott Stewart, the solicitor general of Mississippi, avoided morality and emotion, sticking to legal and constitutional principles. So, it’s not looking really good for the abortion on demand disciples, hence, we’ll get stuff like this

Some Republicans fear abortion win could come back to bite them

Republicans are on the brink of achieving a decades-long conservative project — overturning abortion rights — but some strategists worry that the party isn’t ready for the political dangers of this monumental victory.

Why it matters: The GOP has the best political environment in a decade leading into the midterms — and the last thing top party operatives want is for the Democratic base to become energized if the Supreme Court narrows or overturns Roe v. Wade.

As one longtime GOP political operative put it to Axios, it’s one “big flare-up” that could “derail what could be a 2010-level victory next year for the party and the movement.” (snip)

Despite the entrenched red state/blue state divide, overturning Roe could persuade suburban women who would have otherwise likely voted for Republicans to vote for Democrats, two operatives told Axios.

A Republican campaign strategist said such a ruling would be a messaging challenge for GOP candidates, and said they should calibrate their statements differently for general election voters than they would for primary voters.

States would be able to ban or severely restrict abortion access if the Supreme Court strikes down Roe, which seemed to be a real possibility during oral arguments yesterday. In that situation, operatives say, Republican-led states may want to tread lightly, to avoid a political backlash to especially stringent restrictions.

Who are these “Republicans”? Funny how they aren’t named, with their doomy prognostications. The only two named are Rep Nancy Mace (R-SC), who simply recommends caution, not doom, and former Republican Rep. Tom Davis, who says it will put the issue front and center (I think that will hurt Democrats, because they’ll be agitating for killing the unborn, and we have witnessed how nutso they get), and it could be problem in the higher income districts. Which is silly. Are they really supporting abortion that much? Anyhow, we can expect more of this kind of silly.

Read: Axios: Un-named Republicans Totally Say Pro-Life Win Could Come Back To Haunt Them »

Pirate's Cove