If All You See…

…is desertification coming right up against the mountains from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the mystery surrounding a hate crime.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes Islamist Approved Anti-Islamophobia Bill, Violates Constitution

Giving aid and shelter to Omar and the rest who hate Jews and support Islamists, all because Boebert ran her mouth and told the truth

House approves Omar-backed bill to combat Islamophobia following Boebert’s anti-Muslim remarks

The House approved a bill late Tuesday that seeks to combat “worldwide” Islamophobia in response to Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s anti-Muslim remarks last month against Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The final vote was 219-212 along party lines.

Floor debate of the bill was ground to a halt earlier Tuesday, after GOP Rep. Scott Perry, of Pennsylvania, referred to Omar as anti-Semitic and implied that she has ties to terrorist organizations — a comment which led to audible gasps from some Democratic members in the chamber.

“Let’s face it: Aside from the attempts to placate an anti-Semitic member of this chamber, all that’s really happening here is that House Democrats are deflecting from the real issue confronting the House of Representatives, and that is that the maker of this bill has no business sitting on House committees has no business in this chamber,” Perry said of Omar, who is a lead author of the bill.

“American taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay terrorist organizations, organizations that the maker of this bill is affiliated with, like the one that’s an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-financed case in the United States of America’s history,” Perry said.

Omar, and her Comrades, have made numerous statements that show hatred for Israel and for Jews. And the unindicted co-conspirator he’s referring to is the Muslim Brotherhood, for which Omar has affiliations.

Perry also cited a lack of definition for the word “Islamophobia” in the bill, which he argued would be “made up” based on individuals’ “political proclivities.”

“And by intentionally leaving the definition blank in this bill, the gentlelady and my friends on the other side of the aisle are creating an office in our State Department that will likely spew anti-Semitic hatred and attack Western ideas throughout the world under the farce of protecting Islam,” he said.

He’s not wrong. Here’s the text of the bill

This bill establishes within the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia and addresses related issues.

The office shall monitor and combat acts of Islamophobia and Islamophobic incitement in foreign countries. The bill establishes the position of Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia, who shall head the office.

The bill also requires certain existing annual reports to Congress about human rights and religious freedom in foreign countries to include information about Islamophobia, such as information about (1) acts of physical violence or harassment of Muslim people, (2) instances of propaganda in government and nongovernment media that attempt to justify or promote hatred or incite violence against Muslim people, and (3) actions taken by a country’s government to respond to such acts. The office shall coordinate and assist in preparing these portions of the reports.

That’s it. About as much info as when naming a post office. And essentially creates an office that investigates free speech, which violates the 1st Amendment. Remember, the specifics say “Congress shall pass no law…” We could easily say that the House did pass a law. Even if this seems to primarily be over free speech in other countries, that’s not the text. Now it goes to the Senate, where it will require all 50 Democrats to vote for it, with Kamala needing to break the tie. And, then we’ll see if their is a suit filed to the Supreme Court, and how quickly this turns into Islamists using it to persecute Jews, along with anyone who dares say anything about Islam.

Read: House Passes Islamist Approved Anti-Islamophobia Bill, Violates Constitution »

Your Fault: Global Seafood Supplies Could Maybe Possibly Shrink

Starting the day off with the latest in doom and gloom from the Cult of Climastrology, which is pretty much the norm, right?

Global seafood supply could shrink if we don’t act now, study says. Here’s why

About 3 billion people around the globe rely on seafood for their main source of protein. But as the population grows, wild-caught supply isn’t enough to sustain increasing demand for oysters, clams, salmon, shrimp and other marine delicacies.

So, experts have turned to aquaculture, which is essentially farming in the ocean where fish, shellfish and aquatic plants are bred, raised and harvested. It produces nearly half of the seafood we eat.

But a new study casts doubt on the method’s ability to save the seafood industry from ruin ?— at least if we don’t take immediate action to address the climate crisis, researchers with the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada say.

Global farmed seafood supply such as salmon and mussels is projected to drop 16% by 2090 if the world continues to burn fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas at its current rate. Regions such as Norway, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and the Netherlands, where seafood farming is abundant, could see supply decrease by as much as 40% to 90%.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

2090. Yup, 2090.

In a hypothetical scenario where action is taken against climate change, farmed seafood supply is expected to grow by about 17% over three decades and by 33% by the end of the century, according to the study published Monday, Dec. 13 in the journal Global Change Biology.

Would you be surprised that this is a computer model which looks at the same old emissions models of Doom? Because that’s exactly what the study does. About as useful and realistic as looking in a crystal ball.

Read: Your Fault: Global Seafood Supplies Could Maybe Possibly Shrink »

Brandon Limits White House Christmas Party For Regular Folks, Still Doing Party For Dem Big Wigs

If everyone is vaccinated, why can’t they go to a party? Wasn’t that rather the point of getting vaccinated?

Report: White House Cancels Christmas Parties After Hosting Holiday Bash for Democrats

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden on Tuesday canceled White House Christmas parties over Omicron variant coronovirus fears, according to the Daily Mail.

While Joe Biden, Vice President Harris, Jill Biden, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff will host the Democrat National Committee’s (DNC) holiday party elsewhere in Washington, DC, Tuesday evening, the Bidens have canceled many of the traditional White House Christmas celebrations that afford private citizens a glimpse into the mansion’s Christmas cheer.

“In the coming days, we will host a limited number of Holiday Open Houses, inviting guests to see the Christmas decorations in person at the White House,” Jill Biden’s spokesman, Michael LaRosa, told the Daily Mail.

The White House typically invites many private guests for a self-guided tour of the first family’s residence, where photos are taken under the presidential seal among elaborate Christmas decorations and iconic art.

So, what’s limited? Half the normal? Maybe they’re worried about Joe showing up and saying stupid things. Meanwhile

(MarketWatch) Persistent inflation, a tough midterm-election outlook for Democrats and an ongoing grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic are shaping up to be some of President Joe Biden’s biggest challenges as he prepares to enter the second year of his presidency.

At the same time those and other factors are contributing to what at least one analyst says is Biden’s toughest task in the months ahead: persuading his fellow citizens that the U.S. is moving in the right direction.

“The biggest challenge for Biden is to convince the American people that the United States is on the right track,” said Ed Mills, Washington policy analyst at Raymond James. Inflation, COVID, geopolitical risk and fractured American politics all contribute to gloom among Americans — and heighten chances that voters will move toward the president’s opponents, says Mills.

Only 31% say the U.S. is on the right track. It doesn’t help that the producer price index keeps jumping up up up, and Brandon is not only doing nothing to help, but, doing lots to hurt. He’s instilling zero confidence in consumers. He wanted the big seat, and he’s messing everything up. His focus is on Build Back Better, which would make things worse, and everything unrelated.

Read: Brandon Limits White House Christmas Party For Regular Folks, Still Doing Party For Dem Big Wigs »

People’s Republik Of California’s Tourism Industry To Tackle ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Because that’s really the problem with California

California tourism industry tackles climate change

Perhaps more than any sector of the North Bay and state’s economy, the tourism and hospitality industry and its ability to lure visitors is being severely tested by climate change.

“As an industry, we must acknowledge the climate threat to tourism and live up to California’s well-deserved reputation as the best steward of the environment by encouraging responsible travel and adopting green practices,” Caroline Beteta, CEO of Visit California, said in a Nov. 4 statement. “The opportunity to act has never been greater.”

Beteta’s message is not hyperbole. In 2019, before the pandemic, the state’s tourism industry contributed $145 billion to California’s economy, capping a decade of annual revenue growth. But that growth stalled in 2020, dropping by 55%.

The state’s tourism officials are examining how evidence of climate change – such as season after season of wildfires and drought – colors the way potential visitors see wine country.

Right, right, because that’s what the problem is. Couldn’t have anything to do with the Chinese coronavirus and the state’s restrictions, could it? Since this is a bay area publication, all the poop, urine, used drug needles, and homeless has no bearing, right? Or the high rate of theft, including autos? The smash and grabs? It’s rather doubtful that wildfires, which are almost always caused by people (intentionally and unintentionally), is having any bearing on this. Maybe the high costs of everything? Visitors do not care about drought.

Napa Green’s certification program is on the cusp of being extended to the hospitality sector, said Gallagher, who sits on the organization’s board of directors.

It will start with hotels.

“We intend to move forward with that this spring with a pilot program, where we will look at different sizes and classes of lodging properties all throughout the valley,” Gallagher said. “We’ll have one pilot participant (each) in Calistoga, St. Helena, Yountville, in the city of Napa and in American Canyon, as well as the unincorporated county.”

In other words, the cost of a hotel room and the food will go up up up.

The work involves shifting Sonoma County Tourism’s focus from promoting the wine country destination as an ideal getaway, to emphasizing the need to preserve the region’s natural resources. It’s a messaging effort targeted toward visitors with the same mindset, Vecchio said.

“It was no longer going to be a numbers game, no longer about just touting the number of people who came into Sonoma County,” she said.

That’s good, because this will limit people coming. It’s like a beach touting it’s “green” cred, rather than the beach and all the stuff you can do there. People come for the wines, not the lectures. Anyhow, good luck with this.

Read: People’s Republik Of California’s Tourism Industry To Tackle ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing big tornadoes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on parade organizers getting upset over a float.

Read: If All You See… »

Survey Finds Most Employers Won’t Have Vaccine Mandate If Biden’s Is Shot Down In Court

This is rather a big switch. Not that long ago a majority of businesses were talking about implementing a vaccine mandate. Now, in mid-December, that’s changed

Survey finds 75% of employers won’t have vaccine ban if US mandate is struck down

More than two-thirds of U.S. employers recently surveyed have no plans to make vaccination a condition of work, if courts ultimately strike down the Biden administration’s mandate for large employers.

According to the survey of 1,000 randomly selected members of the Society for Human Resources Management, 75% said they’re not likely to implement either of the mandate’s central directives — full vaccination or weekly testing — should a permanent court ruling make the measure illegal.

“The majority of employers and HR professionals that we chatted with are really in wait-and-see-mode,” Annemarie Schaefer, SHRM’s head of research, told Yahoo Finance. “So they don’t even know what to expect.”

Fifty-one percent of employers with 100 or more employees who responded to the survey indicated they will hold off on vaccination policy decisions until the legal challenges are settled. (Fifty-three percent of the 1,000 respondents employed more than 100 workers.)

There was a lot of support for this early on from businesses, that seems to have cooled off.

According to SHRM, employers subject to the mandate cited numerous challenges to implementing it. Seventy-three percent said the legal challenges made implementation difficult, while 65% said the rule poses challenges for managing employee morale. Fifty-nine percent cited record keeping requirements as sticking points, while 56% cited employee retention concerns.

And, perhaps, once Brandon’s un-Constitutional mandates are shot down, there might be more companies that do implement their own versions, be it requiring vaccination, masking and testing for the un-vaxxed (you’d think they might have done this long ago if it was Important), or both. I suspect most will look and say “we’ve barely had any issues in almost two years, there’s no need to complicate things.” In a business with around 100 employees in the building I’ve only seen the COVID notice perhaps 8-10 times since this began, and none have gotten seriously ill. A couple have been due to being around a family member who had it, so, they sat out and got tested.

Without Brandon’s mandates most will just work to get back to normal while Brandon tries to extend things out.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court declined to take up the health care mandate for NY State, which has no religious exemptions. They did not say why, but, really, this is the right decision. It’s a state thing, not a federal thing.

Read: Survey Finds Most Employers Won’t Have Vaccine Mandate If Biden’s Is Shot Down In Court »

Russia Says “Nyet” On UN Resolution Linking Climate Crisis (scam) And Security (oh, and India)

Kinda crazy when the only rational nation is Russia, which, as the old saying goes, even a broken clock is correct twice a day (oh, and India)

Russia vetoes UN resolution linking climate change, security

Russia on Monday vetoed a first-of-its-kind U.N. Security Council resolution casting climate change as a threat to international peace and security, a vote that sank a years-long effort to make global warming a more central consideration for the U.N.’s most powerful body.

Spearheaded by Ireland and Niger, the proposal called for “incorporating information on the security implications of climate change” into the council’s strategies for managing conflicts and into peacekeeping operations and political missions, at least sometimes. The measure also asked the U.N. secretary-general to make climate-related security risks “a central component” of conflict prevention efforts and to report on how to address those risks in specific hotspots.

“It’s long overdue” that the U.N.’s foremost security-related body take up the issue, Irish Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason said.

So, stupid climate cult stuff, interjecting ‘climate change’ into the mix rather than focusing on what the actual security issues are. The headline is something else, and forgot something. Is ABC prejudiced against Indians?

But India and veto-wielding Russia voted no, while China abstained.

So, kinda click-baity headline, trying to make it seem like the only nation against was Russia. How many will make it down to the 7th paragraph to see that India also voted against? Sure, they don’t have veto power like Russia, but, what, are they chumps?

Their envoys said the issue should remain with broader U.N. groups, such as the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Adding climate change to the Security Council’s purview would only deepen global divisions that were pointed up by last month’s climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland, the opponents said. The talks ended in a deal that recommitted to a key target for limiting warming and broke some new ground but fell short of the U.N.’s three big goals for the conference.

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia complained that Monday’s proposed resolution would turn “a scientific and economic issue into a politicized question,” divert the council’s attention from what he called “genuine” sources of conflict in various places and give the council a pretext to intervene in virtually any country on the planet.

India and China questioned the idea of tying conflict to climate, and they predicted trouble for the Glasgow commitments if the Security Council — a body that can impose sanctions and dispatch peacekeeping troops — started weighing in more.

This is rather like real environmental issues: slapping climate doom into the mix makes it much, much tougher to deal with the real issues.

Read: Russia Says “Nyet” On UN Resolution Linking Climate Crisis (scam) And Security (oh, and India) »

U.K. Poll Shows One In Three Want The Unvaccinated Locked Down

Why? Why would they need this if vaccines protect the recipient from the Chinese coronavirus? What’s the point of the vaccines if they do not protect from COVID?

Unvaccinated should be forced into Covid lockdown, one in three people believe

One in three people believe that those who remain unvaccinated should be forced into a lockdown until the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, according to a poll.

A survey by ORB found significant public support for applying harsher measures to those who have not been jabbed, in a finding one researcher suggested stemmed from the unvaccinated being wrongly “blamed and ‘othered'”.

The poll comes after Boris Johnson said it was time to have a “national conversation” about “ways in which we deal with this pandemic”, adding: “I don’t think we can keep going indefinitely with non-pharmaceutical interventions, I mean restrictions on people’s way of life, just because a substantial proportion of the population still sadly has not got vaccinated.” (snip)

The ORB survey of 2,067 adults found that 35 per cent believed that those who remain unvaccinated should be forced into a lockdown until the pandemic has passed, while 48 per cent disagreed. Almost one in three (32 per cent) of people disagreed that those who are unvaccinated should have the same access to hospital procedures, compared to 55 per cent who agreed.

Well, that seems like a good thing, that the majority do not want to essentially throw the unvaxxed into compulsory “jail.”

Separately, 59 per cent said it should be compulsory for all workers to be vaccinated, as is due to be the case in New York from later this month. The same proportion (59 per cent) agreed that those who are refusing to take the vaccine should not be allowed into restaurants, pubs and cinemas, while more than two in three people (68 per cent) would support pub or restaurant owners who ban unvaccinated people from their venues.

If I’m vaxxed (and I’m boosterized™), I could care less about you. If you want to take the chance, that’s on you. I’ll get a flu shot. Usually. If you don’t want to, that’s on you.

Alex de Figueiredo, a research fellow at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: “Countries around the world have made freedom conditional on vaccination. We are now seeing countries which have vaccine passport or mandate policies unable to control rapidly rising infections. Instead of considering whether these policies are effective, it seems many politicians and journalists are blaming and ‘othering’ the unvaccinated … These policies will likely seed division, distrust, and could have profound consequences for trust in the government or public health policies.”

“Freedom conditional on vaccination.” Yet, they continue to try and find ways to limit the freedom of even those who are vaccinated. The UK is much different from the U.S. on freedoms. The citizens might want to consider limiting their government now, because we’re having a tough enough time here in the U.S.

Read: U.K. Poll Shows One In Three Want The Unvaccinated Locked Down »

Climate Cult Wants America Sanctioned For Being A Climate Heretic

Well, I have to admit, after all the years watching this stuff, this is a new one

Dear countries at the Madrid climate talks, we’re a rogue superpower. Sanction us, please.

A sinister rogue state poses a clear and present danger to humanity. In fact, an opportunity for the international community to stand up to this scofflaw nation just opened this week.

This rogue state isn’t Iran, Venezuela or any other country the U.S. foreign policy establishment typically demonizes — it’s the United States itself.

The global scientific community is clear that our warming climate, driven primarily by burning fossil fuels, threatens the future of humanity. Yet many of the world’s major economies continue to increase their support for fossil fuel production. Trying to phase out fossil fuels while continuing to extract them is, to put it mildly, ineffective.

(lots of whining about how Evil America is, even without Trump)

What better forum to start publicly naming and shaming the rogue U.S. regime than at the U.N. climate talks underway in Madrid? It will reflect poorly on self-proclaimed climate leaders worldwide if they allow a climate rogue state like the United States to attend the climate talks like a “normal” country.

Go ahead, sanction the U.S. Let’s see what happens when you need our money, skill, and military.

Read: Climate Cult Wants America Sanctioned For Being A Climate Heretic »

Pirate's Cove