If All You See…

…is a calm, rising ocean that will soon wipe out all coastal cities, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the Left’s message to the woman who oppose gender confused athletes.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Showing Boobs On The Beach Could Go To The Supreme Court

Will the Supreme Court take up the issue? Might they be amused enough that people will spend gobs of money on this? I have my doubts, because it really seems more of something that is a 10th Amendment issue, not a federal constitution issue

Could Ocean City’s topless ordinance head to the Supreme Court? The latest legal battle

The constitutionality of Ocean City’s law banning women — and not men — from sunbathing topless could potentially go before the U.S. Supreme Court after the attorneys representing five women in the case petitioned the nation’s highest court earlier this month.

The petitioners are asking the Supreme Court to review the Aug. 4 federal appeals court ruling, which determined that Ocean City’s law is constitutional.

This petition was filed Dec. 1, and the court has until Jan. 7 to respond, according to the U.S. Supreme Court docket.

While the Supreme Court hears only a small percentage of cases petitioned, this move continues a new chapter in the ongoing debate over what is protecting “moral sensibility” or violating gender equality in Maryland’s largest beach town.

In 2017, Ocean City passed a law banning only women from exposing their breasts in public. It came after one of the plaintiffs in the case, Chelsea Eline, contacted Ocean City police and said it was her right to go topless.

Eline and four other women then filed a lawsuit against the town in 2018, claiming that the ordinance violated their constitutional rights.

A federal judge first ruled in April 2020 that the town’s ordinance was legal and did not violate the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause, as the plaintiffs argued.

It doesn’t seem to violate, more importantly, the Maryland Constitution, because the federal Constitution really doesn’t say much of anything about not being able to pass any laws that keep people from walking around on the beech with the boobs hanging out. What’s next, showing full nudity? Walking around the streets with boobs hanging out? There’s always been morality laws and rules in society, some which are wrong, some which are just simple propriety.

After losing in federal court, which, really, should have never heard the case, referring it back to state court, they lost at the federal court of appeals

In this decision, Judge A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. wrote that Ocean City’s elected leaders are within their rights to enact laws that protect public sensibilities.

“The judicial legacy of justifying laws on the basis of the perceived moral sensibilities of the public is far from spotless. Some government action that we now rightly view as unconstitutional, if not immoral, has been justified on that basis,” Quattlebaum wrote. “Even so, in this situation, protecting public sensibilities serves an important basis for government action.”

Some people just have this sense of Moral Outrage that they aren’t allowed to do everything they want in public, and want to force everyone to comply with their demands. And, no, restricting women to keeping their boobs covered at the beach is not the same as making them wear a full body covering nor telling blacks they can’t ride at the front of the bus. But, they’re still petitioning the Supreme Court

This latest move asks the court to declare that Ocean City’s ordinance violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution “because the discriminatory gender classification contained in the ordinance does not further an important governmental interest, and is not narrowly tailored to achieve its objective.”

It’s a pretty big stretch. But, amusing.

Read: Good News: Showing Boobs On The Beach Could Go To The Supreme Court »

LA Times Advocates To Close Nuclear Power Plant, As There Are Better Ways To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

Yet, none of those “better ways” are ready to go, but, hey, let California be the experimental group so we can see what happens. And lets start by requiring the LA Times building to run solely on renewables

Editorial: No, California shouldn’t extend the life of its last nuclear plant. There are better ways to fight climate change

California is approaching an energy crossroads. In three years, its last nuclear plant will begin to power down and the state will lose its largest single source of emissions-free electricity.

A 2018 law requires state regulators to “avoid any increase in greenhouse gases” as a result of closing the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant on the Central Coast. But if they don’t move more quickly to replace its electricity with renewable energy from wind, solar and geothermal, the void will almost certainly be filled by burning more natural gas, which increased last year to account for nearly half of California’s in-state electricity generation.

California can’t allow the retirement of Diablo Canyon’s nuclear reactors to prolong its reliance on gas plants or increase planet-warming and health-damaging emissions. But the state’s preparations for shutdown of an around-the-clock power source that supplies more than 8% of California’s in-state electricity generation have not inspired confidence; there have been no assurances that an uptick in carbon emissions will be avoided.

That uncertainty has created an opening for a new push to extend Diablo Canyon’s life. A recently launched campaign, whose supporters include former U.S. Energy secretaries Steven Chu and Ernest Moniz, and fashion model and nuclear influencer Isabelle Boemeke, wants California to abruptly reverse course and keep Diablo Canyon operating for another 10 or even 20 years.

8% doesn’t seem like a lot, but, what does it get replaced with? They need energy from somewhere

But the idea is misguided, and at this point remains largely divorced from reality. The plant’s closure should instead serve as an impetus for California do more to accelerate the shift to renewable energy and set a realistic course to meet the state’s target of getting 100% of its electricity from carbon-free sources by 2045.

So, the better idea is to close it, not replace with natural gas, and just wait another 25 years for “renewables” to be operational. Great plan!

Read: LA Times Advocates To Close Nuclear Power Plant, As There Are Better Ways To Fight Hotcoldwetdry »

U.S. Reaches 800K COVID Deaths

And we still have a bit over half a month

UPDATE 2-U.S. COVID-19 deaths reach 800,000 as Delta ravaged in 2021

Biden Brain SuckerThe United States on Sunday reached 800,000 coronavirus-related deaths, according to a Reuters tally, as the nation braces for a potential surge in infections due to more time spent indoors with colder weather and the highly transmissible Omicron variant of the virus.

The milestone means the U.S. death toll from this one virus now exceeds the entire population of North Dakota.

Even with vaccines widely and freely available, the country has lost more lives to the virus this year than in 2020 due to the more contagious Delta variant and people refusing to get inoculated against COVID-19.

Since the start of the year, over 450,000 people in the United States https://tmsnrt.rs/2WTOZDR have died after contracting COVID-19, or 57% of all U.S. deaths from the illness since the pandemic started.

The deaths this year were mostly in unvaccinated patients, health experts say. Deaths have increased despite advances in caring for COVID patients and new treatment options such as monoclonal antibodies.

It took 111 days for U.S. deaths to jump from 600,000 to 700,000, according to Reuters analysis. The next 100,000 deaths took just 73 days.

That’s a gruesome milestone

It’s rather morbid, but, Joe did promise to end the pandemic during election season. He did pledge to “shut down the virus, not the country.” As of January 20, 2021, there were around 400,000 deaths from COVID (of course, how many of them were slightly, remotely related, but, person really died of something else?). Since then, 400,000. Trump left Joe with a working vaccine from several different manufacturers, a lot of research and knowledge, and Joe’s done what, exactly? Pushed mandates that are un-Constitutional. Pushed masking, which doesn’t work. Pissed around with all sorts of other things. Divided the nation. Now, imagine if Trump was still president: how would this be treated in the news? They’d be blamestorming him.

Read: U.S. Reaches 800K COVID Deaths »

Buffalo Starbuck’s Workers Jump For Joy As They Unionize, Wait To Be Replaced By Machines

I saw this one a couple days ago, but, it’s a video that’s making me laugh

Buffalo worker blasts ‘union-busting’ Starbucks as results at 1 cafe are challenged

Workers at one Starbucks (SBUX) Store in Buffalo, New York, won a contentious victory last week by becoming the coffee giant’s first unionized workplace.

Yet after votes were counted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a second cafe on Camp Road narrowly rejected the measure, an outcome organizers plan to challenge. Union organizers and their attorney claim there were “voices” that weren’t heard.

“I don’t accept that as the full number at the end of the day, it being 12 [against] to 8 [in favor], just because as I know that there are people in my location that did not get their ballots counted,” Gianna Reeve, a shift supervisor at the Camp Road Starbucks, told Yahoo Finance on Friday. (snip)

According to Reeve, Starbucks — which publicly opposed the union vote — had closed down one of the locations in the area, and allowed those employees from that store to work at the third cafe on Genesee Street for about two weeks. The company then “declared” them eligible to vote, according to Reeve.

“We’ve always kind of theorized that this was a union busting tactic from Starbucks to kind of stuff the ballots,” said Reeve.

See, it’s OK for the union to challenge, but, not the company. And the stores are not franchised. They can be licensed, but, for all intent purposes, they are 100% owned by Starbucks.

And, if they think unionizing will make much of a difference in pay, benefits, etc, no. Especially when there is a lot of turnover. And the store can simply close. And the unskilled workers working on their philosophy degrees or something ending with “Studies” can easily be replaced by machines that are never late, never have to leave early, don’t lecture customers, and don’t play political games.

Read: Buffalo Starbuck’s Workers Jump For Joy As They Unionize, Wait To Be Replaced By Machines »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful green space, perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Chris Wallace leaving Fox News.

It’s brunettes week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Christmas is fast approaching. Not sure who this pinup is by, as the name is covered by a watermark.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers Biden using the tornado tragedy to push ‘climate change’
  2. Real Climate Science discusses winter tornadoes
  3. Watts Up With That? notes Aussie eco-warriors livid over a wind farm
  4. Blazing Cat Fur covers two artists charged with faking being Native Americans…wait, what?
  5. Climate Depot notes big tornadoes are down 50% since 1954
  6. DC Clothesline covers cops seizing a woman’s money without charges
  7. Dissecting Leftism discusses why some parts of the world are COVID free
  8. Flag And Cross notes Dr. Doom using Santa to promote vaccine shots
  9. Free North Carolina covers 55 dead migrants, thanks to Biden’s policies
  10. Gen Z Conservative discusses the plague of Wokeness in education
  11. IOTW Report highlights Dems being quiet as left wing Kellog’s looks to replace unionized workers
  12. Jihad Watch notes Muslims declaring France “the land of Allah”
  13. Legal Insurrection covers Jen Psaki loving kids eating out in the cold at school
  14. Moonbattery highlights what’s next after smash and grab looting
  15. And last, but, not least, MOTUS A.D. shows a Swedish Christmas tradition

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

California Gov. Newsome Wants Gun Law Modeled After Texas Abortion Law Or Something

I guess Gavin has been listening to the moonbat cranks in his party, since they were calling for the same thing as soon as Texas passed their abortion law. Of course, there’s a bit of a problem, two, actually. The 2nd Amendment of the federal Bill of Rights, and Article III, Section I of the California Constitution: “The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land”, since California has no arms provision in their Declaration of Rights (Article I of their Constitution), one of the few states without one. Anyhow, how would this work?

Newsom Calls for Gun Legislation Modeled on the Texas Abortion Law

Angered by the U.S. Supreme Court decision to continue allowing private citizens to sue Texas abortion providers, Gov. Gavin Newsom of California on Saturday called for a similar law giving ordinary residents legal standing to file lawsuits against purveyors of restricted firearms.

“SCOTUS is letting private citizens in Texas sue to stop abortion?!” Mr. Newsom, a Democrat, tweeted. “If that’s the precedent, then we’ll let Californians sue those who put ghost guns and assault weapons on our streets. If TX can ban abortion and endanger lives, CA can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives.”

The governor’s response seemed to contradict his earlier criticism of the Texas law, which Mr. Newsom had previously described as a cynical attempt to undercut federal rights.

Since California follows federal rights, they have to obey the 2nd Amendment. Further, how many people. particularly federally licensed firearms dealers and stores, are actually selling illegals guns in California? Most are private transactions, often by those who stole the guns. So, what, criminals are going to sue criminals?

In a statement released on Saturday evening, Mr. Newsom said he had instructed his staff to work with California’s Legislature and attorney general to write a bill that would let citizens sue anyone who “manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts” in California. The governor called for damages of at least $10,000 per violation, plus costs and attorney’s fees.

Interesting. People who are selling, in some cases, products that are legal under the 2nd Amendment and legal under federal law. Will this enable Bob to sue Dave when Dave buys a gun kit with no serial number? This is how far these baby killers will go to protect the abortion racket, rather than, say, pushing contraception, which almost always stops people who do not want to get pregnant from getting pregnant. Strange how that works, eh?

Read: California Gov. Newsome Wants Gun Law Modeled After Texas Abortion Law Or Something »

Warmist Demands Next Big Entrepreneur Must Come From Climate Tech

OK, so, you’re going to fund this with your own money, right, Peter Gajdos at Tech Crunch?

Why the next big entrepreneur must come from climate tech

When I started getting involved in clean tech 1.0 financing back in 2005, “climate change” was some future event.

Hurricane Katrina had just happened, and many experts viewed it primarily as a failure of the government to take care of its weakest citizens in the face of a natural disaster, not as climate change’s early shot. Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” had not come out yet. The scale of human-made CO2 and its impact on temperature were still somewhat debated. Most key scientists and investors understood, but the general population and politicians were ambivalent at best.

Fast forward to 2021: Climate change looks like a misnomer and we are in a true climate crisis. We see historic fires in Greece, Portugal and North America’s entire West Coast; epic floods in Germany; devastating tornadoes in historically temperate geographies such as the Czech Republic; record-breaking hurricanes in the Caribbean and Philippines; drought in Syria that ultimately led to civil war; destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. The list goes on. Nearly every region in the world has been heavily affected.

Same old same old. Because these things never happened before fossil fueled vehicles. Much like the cultists are blaming the tornadoes last night on the climate emergency, despite there being big, recorded tornadoes in the mid-1800’s.

The climate crisis is real, happening now and really hurting us. So what do we do about it, and how do we allocate our money, time and brainpower to develop solutions? I believe it is a financial and a moral imperative to make climate technology, together with medicine, the main priority of humanity.

Our money? How about your money?

If you don’t reduce carbon in your portfolio and in your business, you will become a dinosaur. Several stakeholders are coming together to create a financial groundswell.

Or, you could mind your own f’ing business and let people do what they want with their own money

Governments are finally putting tough building codes in place. For example, 10% of buildings in London will not be up to code in early 2022. U.S. cities and states have been slower to adopt, but if you don’t think this is coming, look at other regulatory patterns where the EU led and the U.S. followed.

So, he wants Fascist, dictatorial government. Here’s the key part

While technological progress has been on an encouraging trajectory in energy and in transportation thus far, we are nowhere near done, especially in real estate and critical infrastructure. Specifically, just deploying the existing technologies in the built environment/real estate will not be sufficient. Even if we ignore payback and return requirements, which are often too difficult to meet, we would take care of less than 50% of the carbon emissions in the built environment with existing technologies, according to a Fifth Wall analysis. Therefore, I believe the focus needs to be twofold:

  • Scale up existing technologies so that payback declines from more than 10 years to two to five years. That’s where growth capital and eventually infrastructure investments come in.
  • Invent and firm up new technologies. That’s where government, national labs, universities, angel investors and venture capital come in.

To tackle the crisis, capital must flood in and even more so than in the past few encouraging years, during which climate tech VC investment increased 40x between 2013 and 2019. We already have several multibillion-dollar tech and biotech venture and growth funds; now is time for several multibillion-dollar climate tech funds globally.

Notice the part about the government. Taking your money to invest in shady ventures which rarely pay out. See Solyndra, for one. Most of the “green tech” money from Obama’s Stimulus was wasted, and never repaid where there were loans. And left environmental messes behind. If these Warmists want all this investment, why are they not using their own money? Why does it always have to be someone else’s.

He also goes on to note that this is a Moral Imperative, and “not investing in climate tech is inexcusable.” Piss off.

Read: Warmist Demands Next Big Entrepreneur Must Come From Climate Tech »

If All You See…

…is coffee that will soon disappear due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post Biden yelling that he wants gas to be more expensive.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove