If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, which lots of Other People drove for the holiday and should be restricted, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on guilt being served up on Thanksgiving.

Read: If All You See… »

Pastor: If You Don’t Believe In Anthropogenic Climate Change You’re The Devil

I’m slightly confused by this piece. Is Pastor Michael F. Chandler of Victory Valley Bible Church in California saying that ‘climate change’ is BS or something that the religious should fight? In fairness, that’s a sidebar to something he mentions

Pastor column: What does the Bible say about climate change?

In a previous article, we learned that our praise is to God. Like King David we are to offer our glory — the very best skills we possess — to the Creator and the One who gives us life. We, His servants, bring our glory to the one who is glorious above all (Ps 108:1-5). The Christian hymn, “Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise” was put to the tune of a traditional Welsh ballad and captures this challenge. Scottish pastor and lyricist writes, Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) writes, (a paragraph on that and then another on Bible quotes)

Prolific hymn writer and USA Presbyterian pastor Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a new song to support the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Adapted to the same Welsh tune as Smith’s biblically sound lyrics, The Climate is Changing (2021) exchanges “the truth of God for the lie” and worships and serves the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever (cf. Rom 1:25). Ecumenically liberal-minded Christians now sing,

The climate is changing! Creation cries out! Your people face flooding and fire and drought. We see the great heat waves and storms at their worst. We pray for the poor, Lord — for they suffer first. We pray for the animals here in our midst who cannot defend their own right to exist. We pray for the mountains and forests and seas that bear the harsh footprint of our human greed.

We thank you for people who treasure the earth, whose faith has long taught them its beauty and worth. We thank you as well for the children and youth who look to the future and speak out the truth. We thank you for leaders, courageous and brave, who know that the earth is worth fighting to save, who care about justice and what they should do, who listen to science and work hard for you. You love this good earth, and you sent us your Son! May we love our neighbors — there’s work to be done. May we, by your Spirit, do all in our power to care for your earth in this critical hour.

“The Lie” is certainly about those who oppose ‘climate change’, and would be comparing those who do not believe in this claptrap, this scam, or even implementing all the green Fascism for those who do believe Mankind is responsible for at least 51% of the warming since 1850, to the Devil. The Devil, Satan, the Serpent, etc, is the king of lies. But, the final paragraph is rather confusing

Friends, the current language of climate change is incompatible with biblical teaching. It is altogether godless and ascribes to little man far more power than invested him by the Creator. Believers are herein warned to worship the Creator rather than the creation and fully embrace the claims of His Son who came into the world — not to save the earth which He loves — but sinners for whom He gave Himself that they might not perish but have everlasting life.—  Scriptures to Memorize: Hebrews 1:10-12

Is he saying this is all poppycock, or, that the devout should embrace the teachings of God and Jesus to Do Something about ‘climate change’? On Facebook the pastor writes

Since the early 1990s environmentalists have been beating the drum about man’s impact, his “carbon footprint” on the planet. The popular concern then was “global warming,” though “global cooling” was the promoted imminent threat of the 1970s. Now, activists just speak of “climate change” and claim scientific backing for their cause. Woefully lacking, however, is any regard for what the Bible teaches about God as the sustainer of His creation. I invite you to join me in this Bible on Our Day as we raise the concern of Exchanging the Glory of God for the Glory of Earth.

He includes multiple hashtags, including #globalwarming hoax. At the end of the day, though, the important things are 1) the religious should deal with the word of God, and 2) the crazies are calling non-believers in the Cult of Climastrology minions of the Devil.

Read: Pastor: If You Don’t Believe In Anthropogenic Climate Change You’re The Devil »

NY Times: BTW, More People Have Died From COVID This Year Than Last

Hey, remember this?

And then just 5 days before he took office?

Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering

There have been lots and lots of plans, lots of pledges and promises. All sorts of mandates, with more mandates in the works. Yet

Despite Vaccines, the U.S. Has Lost More Lives to COVID This Year Than Last

This was supposed to be the year vaccines brought the pandemic under control. Instead, more people in the United States have died from COVID-19 this year than died last year, before vaccines were available.

As of Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had recorded 386,233 deaths involving COVID-19 in 2021, compared with 385,343 in 2020. The final number for this year will be higher, not only because there is more than a month left but because it takes time for local agencies to report deaths to the CDC.

COVID-19 has also accounted for a higher percentage of U.S. deaths this year than it did last year: about 13% compared with 11%.

Experts say the higher death toll is a result of a confluence of factors: most crucially lower-than-needed vaccination rates, but also the relaxation of everyday precautions, like masks and social distancing, and the rise of the highly contagious delta variant.

Essentially, public health experts said, many Americans are behaving as if COVID-19 is now a manageable, endemic disease rather than a crisis — a transition that will happen eventually but has not happened yet.

OK, let’s consider: in January 2021 there were about 95,000 deaths. Let’s cut a third of, as Joe took office on the 20th. That would leave us with around 323,233 deaths since Biden took office. Will there be enough deaths by the end of the year? Hopefully not, but, this was just about the only other reason that Biden was elected, dealing with COVID, over Trump. The other being Trump was a big meanie. But, Trump dealt with a novel virus released by China (intentionally or unintentionally). Biden has been dealing with the known. His plans do not work. He loves restricting citizens (while playing Mask Theater himself), but, what’s working?

They can blame this on some refusing vaccination and other things, but, Joe said he would end this. The masking hasn’t worked. Trying to force vaccination hasn’t worked. And Joe has nary a bad word for China. You know if Trump was president this would be top of the page reporting for every Credentialed News outlet, Blamestorming him and his administration.

Read: NY Times: BTW, More People Have Died From COVID This Year Than Last »

Happy Thanksgiving Pinup!

I want to wish all the folks who frequent Pirate’s Cove, as well as my blog friends out there, a wonderful Thanksgiving. Y’all, regardless of political identification, make it all worthwhile.

Read: Happy Thanksgiving Pinup! »

Who’s Up For Your Preschoolers Being Force-fed LGBTQ Dogma?

A lot of people are thinking “it’s so great that Brandon’s Build Back Better (snicker) bill pays for universal preschool for 3 and 4 year olds!” It’s basically government funded babysitting. Which will increase the cost of preschool and daycare for those parents who do not qualify. Until the point that government requires you stick your 3 and 4 year olds in preschool. Probably for the entire day. And what will they learn?

Biden’s Build Back Better ‘Free’ Preschool Forces LGBTQ Activist Curriculum on Faith Groups

Faith groups that provide early childhood care have raised the alarm that while President Joe Biden boasts his “Build Back Better” plan offers “free” preschool, those federal dollars will come with strings attached: forced LGBTQ activist curricula.

The White House’s “Fact Sheet” on the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better social policy plan states:

President Biden’s plan offers access to free preschool for all 3- and 4-year old children, providing parents access to high-quality programs in the setting of their choice, from schools to child care providers and community-based organizations to Head Start.

A report at the New York Times, however, observed the concerns of faith-based groups that provide early childhood care, as it noted the bill’s “nondiscrimination provision” could “disqualify some religious organizations, which provide more than half of child care programs in the United States.” (snip)

Mohler further warned against indifference to the concerns of faith groups as the Senate considers the legislation which, essentially, would require “pushing everyone in the line with the new LGBTQ revolution.”

One of the first things the Progressives (Marxists, Communists, Socialists, etc) went after was the education system. Indoctrinate early. What better than at 3 and 4 years old?

Read: Who’s Up For Your Preschoolers Being Force-fed LGBTQ Dogma? »

Your Fault: Pumpkin Pie Prices Up Due To ‘Climate Change’

This is all your fault. I’d say “thanks”, but, I detest pumpkin pie

How climate change is raising the price of your pumpkin pie

As Americans sit down at their Thanksgiving tables, many of the items in front of them will be more expensive than they were last year. Pies in particular. And climate change is a contributing factor.

Inflation is hitting every sector of the economy, and food products are not immune. But many of the ingredients that go into holiday pies have been hit by floods, fires and drought, causing shortages and pushing prices higher.

For example, the crust. Wheat prices are now at the highest level since 2012 and are up over 10% in just the past month. Severe drought in the U.S. west and northern plains caused what the U.S. Department of Agriculture is estimating will be the worst wheat production in nearly two decades.

Those higher costs for wheat, as well as alfalfa, make feed costs higher, causing dairy prices to rise. Cows also produce less milk during droughts.

Pumpkins are also pricier, due to heavy rains in the midwest that caused a pumpkin shortage. The average price of a pumpkin was 15% higher this fall.

See? Because you refuse to trade in your gas vehicle and spend $58K for an EV, that pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving is getting expensive. From both wet and dry!

Wait, I thought Florida was doomed from sea rise because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles? No? Will she change her residence to avoid the high California taxes?

Read: Your Fault: Pumpkin Pie Prices Up Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a lime that is under threat from climate, soon to be grown in Canada, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Kyle Rittenhouse looking into a lawsuit against Biden for defaming him.

Read: If All You See… »

MSNBC: 1st Amendment Is At Risk From The 2nd Or Something

These are the same people who do everything in their power to stop people from speaking if they consider it Wrongspeak. From people practicing their religion (well, if they’re Christian or Jewish. They’re afraid of the Religion of Peace). From petitioning for redress of grievance and protesting if they are the Wrong People. They’ll also do everything they can, just make stuff up, in order to disarm Other People

Kyle Rittenhouse’s not guilty verdict gives protesters a new threat to worry about

During the civil rights movement, protesters had to fear fire hoses, dogs and tear gas. Now, with the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, not only will protesters continue to fear excessive police force, but because a Wisconsin jury found Rittenhouse not guilty in the killing of two protesters and the wounding of another, random gun-toting vigilantes with their idea of “law and order” also present another very present danger.

In this sobering moment for the American justice system, the Second Amendment has outweighed the First. Because of the unwillingness of politicians or the courts to deal with the proliferation of guns in America, despair, disdain and distrust continue to permeate our everyday lives. Vigilantism, not protesting, is the preferred form of dissent in America.

Rittenhouse’s acquittal is representative of the primacy of the Second Amendment. His killing of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber at a racial justice march in Kenosha and then his being found not guilty send a clear message: White lives who protest for Black lives matter don’t matter. Bringing a gun to a protest is OK, especially if you feel threatened by the protesters’ message. And if you say you feared for your life as you killed someone, you will be exonerated — if you are siding with the police and not those protesting the police.

Well, now, to fully fisk this could take hours, but, is it worth it to spend that much time on barking moonbat Fascists? The 2nd Amendment actually protects the 1st. There’s zero problem with the 1st when “protesters” aren’t looting, pillaging, starting fires, destroying businesses, homes, and vehicles, attacking police and other citizens, running riot.

Meanwhile, CNN mostly lets the cat out of the bag

Why some US cities are facing a spree of ‘smash-and-grab’ crimes

A wave of “smash-and-grab” crimes is plaguing upscale stores in major US cities, with mobs of thieves making off with expensive goods in brazen, nighttime raids.

At least 18 people broke into a Nordstrom department store in Los Angeles Monday night and stole thousands of dollars in merchandise, the city’s police chief said. (snip)

So why so many recent incidents? Are they linked to the holiday season? Is it pandemic restlessness?

Nope, this was happening before the Chinese coronavirus, and happens in times other than the holiday season. So, why?

Such cases aren’t always a priority for law enforcement

There almost no priority in places like San Francisco. Who made it that way? Democrats. CNN forgot that part.

One reason for this is law enforcement’s lack of resources, which means theft cases sometimes are put on the back burner, he said. And, he added, the “defund the police” movement has sapped some officers’ morale.

The cops won’t bother because the leftist cities and prosecutors will not prosecute.

Thieves may face few consequences

The decriminalization of low-level offenses in some states has created opportunities for criminals to manipulate the system, said Lynda Buel, president of Ohio-based security consulting firm SRMC.

For example, Proposition 47, a California ballot initiative passed in 2014, sought to alleviate prison overcrowding by reducing the penalties for some crimes. The measure raised the threshold for felony theft from $500 to $950.

Democrats. This is what their policies bring. And then the same idiots who voted for these Democrats and policies complain about them when they get hit themselves. Boo hoo. Let them stay in the areas and live under the consequences.


(Fox News) San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced that the city will limit car access to the city’s popular shopping district, Union Square, in response to the mobs of thieves that have ransacked high-end stores in recent days.

“We’re going to be making some changes to Union Square and how cars are able to access,” Breed said at a press conference Saturday. “There will be limited access in terms of when you come to this area.”

So, punish everyone, instead of going after the criminals. Typical. Did you know that San Francisco is rated a 2 by Neighborhood Scout, meaning that it is safer than just 2% of U.S. cities? Murder and rape are right in line with national rates, assault is just above, but, robbery and burglary are elevated. Theft is three times the national average, and motor vehicle theft is a bit over double the national rate. You have a 1 in 18 chance of being a victim of a property crime. We think of Chicago being a crime ridden cesspool, but, only a 1 in 33 chance of property crime in Chicago. Though, in fairness, much better chance of being the victim of a violent crime in Chicago. 1 in 105 vs 1 in 145.

Read: MSNBC: 1st Amendment Is At Risk From The 2nd Or Something »

Biden’s Idea For Those Worried About High Gas Prices: Just Buy An Electric Vehicle

Dementia Joe was just full of great ideas. For those of you who have $54,000 (average cost of an EV)

Joe Biden Addresses High Gas Prices: Americans Can Save Money if They Buy Electric Cars

President Joe Biden promoted his efforts to lower gas prices on Tuesday, but he reminded Americans they would save more money on gas if they owned electric cars.

“For the hundreds of thousands of folks who bought one of those electric cars, they’re going to save $800 to $1000 in fuel costs this year,” Biden said, referring to the $112,595 electric Hummer pickup he test drove at a General Motors factory in Detroit earlier this month.

The president appeared frustrated that some Americans continue blaming his environmental agenda for higher gas prices, dismissing it as a “myth.”

“My effort to combat climate change is not raising the price of gas, what it’s doing is increasing the availability of jobs,” Biden insisted.

He claimed his government subsidies for green energy and electric cars would only help Americans get jobs and save more money.

Except, they are not subsidies: they are a tax rebate, meaning (most likely, since every article, dealer, etc, will say to talk with your tax professional) that they will just reduce your taxable income. A $7,500 reduction means you’re net taxable income will be, say, $40,000, at which point you go to the schedule to see how much you should have paid in taxes. For 2021 that’s $4606 filing single. And you paid $4607 from your check. You get a dollar back! Well, really, you saved around $1640, based on the difference between filing at $40k vs 47,500. That’s not $7,500, eh?

But, Joe is so divorced from reality that thinks everyone can afford an EV, which, interestingly, is not something he drives. None of the vehicles in his big motorcades are EVs.

So, our Energy Secretary is lying about what type of vehicle she drives (she’s gonna have to lease something different, with Volts going bye bye). And she doesn’t know how many barrels of oil the U.S. uses daily. You’d think that would be an important, and relevant, number to know.

Biden announced plans to release 50 million gallons of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserves to help lower prices but cautioned Americans it would take a while to have an effect on gas prices.

“While our combined actions will not solve the problem of high gas prices overnight, it will make a difference,” he said. It will take time, but before long, you should see the price of gas drop where you fill up your tank.”

Biden’s efforts did not immediately have the desired effect on the oil market as prices rose over three percent per barrel on Tuesday morning after his announcement.

Huh. The U.S. used 18.19 million barrels a day in 2020, which was obviously down a bit. 50 million covers us for just over two days.

(ABC News) While the news could bring relief of five to 15 cents per gallon in the coming days and weeks, industry experts told ABC News, they remain skeptical about whether the move will ease longer-term pressures in the oil market and concerned over how oil producers could punitively respond.

“Could”. A small amount which will most likely be very short term. And the oil companies need to repay it.

Read: Biden’s Idea For Those Worried About High Gas Prices: Just Buy An Electric Vehicle »

Brandon’s New Idea Is To Require All Truckers Crossing Border To Be Vaccinated

Well, it’s not just truckers, but, can you imagine what this will do to the supply chain?

From the link

President Joe Biden will require essential, nonresident travelers crossing U.S. land borders, such as truck drivers, government and emergency response officials, to be fully vaccinated beginning on Jan. 22, the administration planned to announce.

A senior administration official said the requirement, which the White House previewed in October, brings the rules for essential travelers in line with those that took effect earlier this month for leisure travelers, when the U.S. reopened its borders to fully vaccinated individuals. (snip)

The Biden administration pushed back the requirement for essential travelers by more than two months from when it went into effect on Nov. 8 for non-essential visitors to prevent disruptions, particularly among truck drivers who are vital to North American trade. While most cross-border traffic was shut down in the earliest days of the pandemic, essential travelers have been able to transit unimpeded.

Even with the delay, though, Norita Taylor, spokeswoman for the trucking group Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, criticized the vaccination requirement, calling it an example of “how unnecessary government mandates can force experienced owner-operators and independent truckers out of business.”

So, the #LetsGoBrandon administration knew this would cause supply chain issues two months ago, and is doing now, with the supply chain in even more of a mess.


It’s like Joe asked “how can I make this worse” and his handlers said “make everyone driving goods into the U.S. be vaccinated. And subject all U.S. citizens bringing goods back from Canada and Mexico go through rigorous testing and isolation protocols.”

But, you know who’s still not required to be vaccinated? All the illegals/migrants crossing the border.

Read: Brandon’s New Idea Is To Require All Truckers Crossing Border To Be Vaccinated »

Pirate's Cove