Doom Today: Oceans Will Look Very Different By 2060

Let me ask: when the “scientists” and the media outlets pushing are shown to be completely wrong with their doomy prognostication, will there be any sort of reckoning? Because, so far, no one is being held accountable for past failed prognostications

Due To Climate Change, Ocean Habitats Could Be Remarkably Different By 2060

Follow the sciencenew study projects how climate change will affect the oceans, and protected areas in particular. The scientists used a series of different warming scenarios to determine how climate change might alter the oceans.

According to lead author Steven Mana’oakamai Johnson, “In all three scenarios, conditions in more than half of the ocean are going to be novel, meaning new and significantly different, than they have been in the last 50 years.”

Due to the strong links between the ocean and atmosphere, the ocean will continue to absorb fossil fuel emissions and its internal chemistry will shift in such a way that it could require updated conservation measures for 97% of large marine protected areas. And, unchecked climate change could cause increases in acidity as soon as 2030.

Tropical and Arctic systems – which are already so close to the brink – are most likely to exhibit these novel ocean environments first, with protected areas within the Great Barrier Reef and Galapagos experiencing extreme shifts in their composition. By 2060, we can expect close to half of the ocean experiencing new conditions. And, by the end of the century, 87 percent of these environments will have deviated from how we know them today.

This is a doomsday cult. They really have no way of proving this, they’re just throwing out more and more prognostications of doom, hoping to scare people into Complying with the tenets of the Cult of Climastrology. Though, the vast majority of the those pushing this refuse to practice what they preach. Several previous Holocene warm periods were warmer than today, and all without fossil fueled vehicles. How did the oceans do?

“What we’re looking at here is the potential extinction of a whole environment. In some places, the environments we have today are not going to exist in the future,” says co-author James Watson, “We won’t be able to go visit them or experience them. It is an environmental, cultural and economic loss we can’t replace.”

Simply unhinged.

Meanwhile, remember how I’ve mentioned scorpions and Christmas trees?

Nobody Mentioned Scorpions: Global Warming’s Secondary Effects Sting
Climate change doesn’t just mean calamity. It also means endless hassles

Quick: What do Thanksgiving blackouts in Southern California, anticipated shortages of Christmas trees and an explosion of scorpions in Egypt have in common?

They are inconveniences that are the result of climate change that the experts never told us about. (snip through more Doom)

It’s been easy enough to think, “Well, I don’t live by the coast, so sea-level rise is not my problem.” Or, “I don’t live in a desert so extreme heat, so water shortages won’t plague me.” But humans and the systems they create are intricately interconnected and we are beginning to acutely feel downstream effects of climate change.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, doomsday cult. I’m sure there were inconveniences during previous warm and cool periods, and Mankind adapts. No need to assign witchcraft, er, anthropogenic causation.

Read: Doom Today: Oceans Will Look Very Different By 2060 »

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate

The judge stated that this whole civil liberties and separate but equal branches of government thing is rather important

Louisiana federal judge blocks nationwide COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers

A Louisiana U.S. district judge blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers Tuesday, issuing a nationwide injunction in another setback to President Joe Biden’s effort to require wide segments of the population to be vaccinated.

Louisiana Western District U.S. Judge Terry Doughty’s decision follows an identical ruling Monday from Missouri U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, but Schelp’s decision only covered 10 states.

Doughty ruled on the lawsuit led by Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and joined by 13 other states, but Doughty added a nationwide injunction in his ruling.

In his decision, Doughty wrote the Biden Administration doesn’t have the authority to bypass Congress in issuing such a mandate.

“If the executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our Constitution would be in the same hands,” he wrote. “If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.

“During a pandemic such as this one, it is even more important to safeguard the separation of powers set forth in our Constitution to avoid erosion of our liberties.”

And rather important to safeguard civil liberties from being overridden by elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats who think they can do whatever the hell they want (while often blowing off the same restrictions they put on the peasants. It’s a rather compelling decision the judge put forth, which could make it difficult to override at higher court levels, where this is expected to go

Doughty, who was nominated to the federal bench by former President Donald Trump in 2017 and confirmed in 2018, acknowledged the case “will ultimately be decided by a higher court than this one.”

“However, it is important to preserve the status quo in this case,” he wrote. “The liberty interests of the unvaccinated requires nothing less.”

The Vaccine Cult may not like the unvaccinated, but, they have rights. Especially since they keep telling us that vaccines and masks provide personal protection from the Chinese coronavirus. If people don’t want to get the vaccine, that’s on them. Let them deal with the results. This is America, we have the right to make decisions, some which can be bad. Government may not be authoritarian and treat people like servants and/or criminals without having done something wrong, and certainly not without the Legislative Branch passing a law.

Related, Jazz Shaw discusses a union lawsuit claiming federal vaccine mandates violates their 1st Amendment Rights. It’s an interesting argument, but, probably won’t win as argued.

See, the Elites do not have to follow the same rules.

Read: Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate »

It Starts: Climate Cult Explains How To Have A Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas

This is possibly the earliest I’ve seen the Cult of Climastrology attempt to ruin Christmas. The interesting part is that this seems more about environmentalism, rather than fake climate crisis

How to Have a Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas

‘Tis the season of excess and consumption, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give a little love to Mother Earth!

The time is up for inaction on climate change and after COP26 the world is more aware than ever of humanity’s carelessness.

How about putting some goodies into the planet’s stockings this year by making an effort at home to mitigate the climate crisis? And tbh—these ideas make for some super cute alternatives to what you may be used to.

And the first idea?

Don’t buy a plastic Christmas tree—rent a real one.

It’s tempting to go for one of those cheap plasticky trees that completely fall apart by the end of December, chuck ’em out and repeat the same thing next year.

But as you can guess, this isn’t great for the environment. And buying a real Christmas tree doesn’t necessarily solve the problem, either.

The issue here is dumping materials which never get reused. Renting is the perfect solution.

Rent a tree. Seems like a typical cult scam. I’ve actually had my 2 foot tree for 20 years. Works just fine. Oh, and how about a “DIY your own reusable Advent calendar.” Because these are just oh so bad.

Buy gifts from local, independent retailers.

You know those little boutique trinket stores you see around, but never venture into?

How about checking them out while the department stores are packed and finding some gifts which aren’t mass produced?

This from folks using mass produced smartphones, shipped from China, which they replace entirely too often. And the mass produced TVs, tablets, and streaming products like Roku, Firesticks, etc, so they can binge watch. And all the stuff they buy to get their perfect Instagram shots.

You can also “Wrap gifts with recycled paper or fabric” and “Source organic food for your Christmas feast.” This is more about getting fellow Warmists to do the absolute minimum they can possibly do to make them feel like they are Doing Something. In the spirit of the season, I’ll merrily advise them to piss off.

Read: It Starts: Climate Cult Explains How To Have A Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas »

If All You See…

…is a world turned to mud from extreme weather from evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Grouchy Old Cripple, with a post on the Marines going DIEed.

Read: If All You See… »

Sad Violins: Illegal Aliens Turn To Activism To Help Cope With Trauma

Let’s say you go and rob a convenience store. Or steal someone’s identity. Take someone’s credit card and use it. You’re caught and sentenced to jail. Does anyone really care if you’re feeling bummed about it? You did this. Are you taking pride in breaking the law? You intentionally broke the law. Suck it up, buttercup. Ah, but, not illegal aliens

Pride, power and resilience: How activism helps undocumented immigrants cope with trauma

Germán Cadenas was 15 when he packed up a few clothes, his beloved magic trick cards, a treasured coin box and a portfolio of his drawings.

It was 2002. Cadenas, his mother and younger brother were flying from their native Venezuela for a Christmas visit with Cadenas’ dad – who had migrated to Maricopa county, Arizona, two years before – hoping to send money to his family as Venezuela descended into chaos.

Reunited in Arizona over the holiday, the family decided what mattered most was staying together. They let their visas expire and settled in.

Cadenas lived in Arizona as an undocumented immigrant for nine years. Nearly 10 years later, he’s 34 and a US citizen. He’s a professor of psychology at Lehigh University, and has published a prodigious body of research focusing on the psychology of undocumented immigrants.

For at least a decade, researchers have documented mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and feelings of low self-worth in America’s immigrant communities.

First, how did he get citizenship after breaking U.S. immigration law? That’s rather against the law. Second, if illegals feel those feelings, well, oh well. That’s on them. I have zero sympathy. If you get drunk and total you’re car, that’s on you. You put yourself in that situation. If they don’t want to feel these feelings they can stay in their countries, not come to the U.S. illegally, as well as leave when their visas expire.

Such mental health issues can stem from being marginalized, hunted and detained as well as from feeling dehumanized by xenophobic rhetoric, an exclusionary higher educational system, predatory employment practices, civil rights violations and the uncertainties of changing immigration policies, researchers and advocates say.

It’s impossible to accurately say how many of the nation’s approximately 10.5 million undocumented immigrants and their family members are living with mental health issues tied to their immigration status. But the number of those afflicted is likely to increase as the climate crisis and geopolitical unrest drive more migrants to cross the nation’s borders.

Perhaps they’d feel better if they leave. Are we meant to feel sorry for law breakers? Especially when they’ve invaded the U.S. and are now demanding all sorts of free stuff, including citizenship, while so often refusing to learn the language and assimilate?

Cadenas has focused his research on a psychological construct called “critical consciousness”. He’s found that when immigrants identify systems that psychologically harm them and then engage in social justice activism to resist and dismantle those same systems, their efforts serve as a “coping mechanism that helps protect their mental health” and helps others heal.

These people should be at the top of the list of those arrested and deported.

“It felt like nowhere was really safe,” Cadenas recalls. “We could be raided at work, or stopped while driving or Ice could come to our home. There was no place of refuge.”

“Knowing there were laws and voters who were ok with this was horrifying,” he says. “People like me were treated as if we were less than human.”

Piss off. You were here in violation of federal law. If you break the law, you should feel that nowhere is safe. Lots more whining till we get to the end

The DACA program that protects her was started by the Obama administration, which also put her father into deportation proceedings. She’s grateful for DACA, yet traumatized by the deportation nightmare. She wonders sometimes if she’s “the only person who thinks Obama has done bad things”.

Maybe it’s a mistake to assume those who have experienced immigration trauma seek closure, she says. Maybe what they want instead is a simple “acknowledgment that harm was done”.

Harm by who? The people who were trying to enforce the laws you broke? Piss off.

Read: Sad Violins: Illegal Aliens Turn To Activism To Help Cope With Trauma »

Mayor Pete Says Families Who Buy EVs Will Never Worry About Gas Prices Again

Well, technically, he’s correct. They just have to worry about a smaller vehicle for a much higher price, plus, unless we build a lot of nuclear power plants, the cost of electricity will skyrocket. Also, I can’t find anywhere that says Pete owns an EV himself

Buttigieg slammed for urging electric car buying to counter gas prices

electric vehicleTransportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was ripped by critics Monday after he argued that more Americans should purchase electric vehicles so that they “never have to worry about gas prices again.”

The former South Bend, Ind., mayor claimed on MSNBC’s “Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart” that families who own electric vehicles would see a “$12,500 discount” in transportation costs.

“The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV [electric vehicle] are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income,” Buttigieg said.

“They would gain the most by having that vehicle,” he added. “These are the very residents who have not always been connected to electric vehicles that are viewed as kind of a luxury item.”

Uh huh. Where’s Pete’s? Where’s Joe’s?

According to Kelly Blue Book, the average price of a new electric vehicle as of October of this year was $55,676. By contrast, the average price of a new compact car was $25,240 — less than half that amount. The average price of a new compact SUV was $34,122, while the electric vehicle price was even higher than that of the average new sports car ($44,981).

If you take out the luxury brands, the cost of that SUV will drop to probably $29K. You can get a top end CRV or RAV4 hybrid for around $37k. The cost of financing that is way, way lower than an EV. And better residuals. You can get a nice Insight or Prius for way less. Families buy mid-size SUVs and mini-vans. A top end will be around $48K. Able to move families. Are there any EVs that can move a family of 5-6?

“Everyone can probably afford electric cars in the world that Pete Buttigieg lives in,” tweeted Trump White House communications official Mercedes Schlapp. “Average Americans struggling with record high gas prices? Not so much.”

It goes back to convos I’d have on the ‘net, asking Warmists why they haven’t given up their own fossil fueled vehicles. They’d say that it would be inconvenient for their lives and families. Huh.

Read: Mayor Pete Says Families Who Buy EVs Will Never Worry About Gas Prices Again »

Your Fault: Christmas Trees Are In Short Supply Due To Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, really, it’s due to supply chain issues, but, this is a cult, so, they have to add “climate change’ to every issue. Toilet leaking? ‘Climate change’. Forgot to set the timer and the cookies are overdone? ‘Climate change’. The Wheel of Time being rather dark, dreary, and not well done or acted, with characters who are Mary Sue’s? ‘Climate change’.

Supply Chain Issues, Climate Change Affects Christmas Tree Selection

If you’re buying a Christmas tree this holiday season, you may want to act soon. Supply chain issues and climate change are contributing to a Christmas tree shortage in the U.S.

“Because of climate change, you’re having problems with moisture, watering, which is creating other issues. It reduces their crop. It reduces their growth,” said Gordon Chavez, founder of Mr. Jingle’s, a Christmas tree retailer.

Chavez said farms he deals with in Oregon have been affected by wildfire. Because of his rising costs, he’s making less profit this year here in San Diego. Chavez hoping to make up for it by charging a little more at his Los Angeles area locations.

“We’re having a large increase in cost. A lot of that cost is coming from not as many people wanting to drive anymore after the pandemic,” said Chavez.

Let’s not forget, pretty much every wildfire on the west coast has been linked back to someone setting the fire, intentionally or unintentionally. And the weather always changes.

With fuel prices on the rise, transporting trees has been more expensive. Rising labor costs are also affecting Chavez’s bottom line.

“I think in general prices have gone up,” said Gwen MacMillan, a Mission Beach resident.

That has more to due with COVID and Biden’s bad policies

The price increase for artificial trees might be greater this year. Many are shipped from China and are affected by the shipping backups at Southern California ports.

Demand for Christmas trees is expected to be strong this year. While there will likely be enough available to buy, you may not get the exact type that you were looking for.

That has zero to due with ‘climate change’.

The price of a Christmas tree from Oregon has nearly doubled in the last five years according to a report from the U.S.D.A. The harvest is also much smaller. In five years, the acreage of Christmas trees growing in Oregon has dropped 24%.

Which is mostly due to government restrictions than anything else. We aren’t having this issue here in North Carolina, where a huge chunk of Christmas trees are grown. But, hey, yeah, let’s blame the climate emergency.

Read: Your Fault: Christmas Trees Are In Short Supply Due To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful place way out in the country where a massive solar farm should be erected, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post noting NY’s gov will halt non-urgent elective surgeries due to Omicron.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Want Dementia Joe To Come Out Swinging Against Republicans Or Something

The guy can barely speak in literate sentences with a a teleprompter, often going off script and yammering the same old stories we’ve heard, making things up. Besides, I thought he was the #Unity president? No? Allies also think he can’t do it

Dems want Biden to start swinging at Republicans. Allies aren’t sure he can.

Joe Biden spent much of his first year in office proving he could still work across the aisle. Now, with the second year approaching, Democrats want him to turn up the heat on Republicans.

That’s a joke, right? What has he done that’s bipartisan? The infrastructure was helped by unhinged, Never Trump, RINO’s. Other than that, what? Everything he’s done has been deeply partisan

WIth the bipartisan infrastructure bill signed into law, Democratic lawmakers and party leaders say Biden needs to relentlessly hammer GOP lawmakers for opposing his economic priorities and hampering progress on the pandemic and inflation.

“The president is in an awkward position [because] to get things done outside of reconciliation will require Republicans,” said Robert Gibbs, who served as press secretary under former President Barack Obama. “But sooner or later, Joe Biden has to make this more than a referendum on himself and his presidency and instead make this a stark choice between two very different ideas and philosophies. Contrast with Republicans’ positions will be central to having a chance in the 2022 midterms.”

Yes, it’ll look great for him to hammer Republicans for opposing Biden’s economy killing agenda

White House officials say they’re eager to make that contrast. In the coming weeks, Biden and administration officials will “make the case that Republicans are unanimously opposed” to the president’s social spending bill, said Kate Berner, deputy White House communications director. The administration also plans to label Republicans as being on the side of oil and gas companies that “are padding their profits” and a party “rooting” for price increases spurred by inflation “because [they] think it will help them politically,” Berner added.

Republicans are against cradle to grave social welfare, with Big Government being our nanny? Republicans are for inexpensive, affordable, reliable energy? Joe is against that? Huh.

“We believe, the president believes, that his presidency will be measured on what he gets done for families, not on what political line that hits Republicans garners the most retweets on Twitter,” Berner continued. “That doesn’t mean that he’s not going to be strong and aggressive and call out Republicans.”

Yes, his policies have hurt families. He’ll be remembered for being the modern Jimmy Carter. Though, at least Carter had good intentions.

Outside of the White House, Democrats argue that Biden’s willingness to make more aggressive attacks against Republicans will be key to their success in 2022. Not only do party members want Biden to highlight GOP opposition to popular components of his social spending plan, they want him to go after Republicans for pushing voter restriction laws and embracing former President Donald Trump’s lies of election fraud and revisionist Jan. 6 history.

And Republicans can respond by noting that no one who’s allowed to vote will be stopped. They just have to follow the rules.

Retiring Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said Democrats need to “go on an all out attack against Republicans.” He called for Biden, Democratic leaders and surrogates to visit every competitive Republican congressional district — excluding the 13 Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill — and say “this is what your district is getting and this is what your member voted against.”

Why’s he retiring? This looks like fear of losing the House and Senate.

Behind closed doors, Biden does not mince words about his frustration with the Republican party, which he believes, due to Trump’s grip, has become a threat to the nation’s democracy itself. But he has warned off both Klain and the White House communications shop from too many direct swipes at the GOP when he tried to secure bipartisan support for his prized infrastructure deal, according to the three aides.

And therein lies the issue: Biden and Dems think that anyone who isn’t with them is against them, and should be treated like traitors and terrorists. You don’t build consensus and agreement with people you see as an enemy.

Read: Democrats Want Dementia Joe To Come Out Swinging Against Republicans Or Something »

Climate Crisis (scam) Means Canada Needs Lots Of Immigrants To Work Agriculture

As usual, the Cult of Climastrology links it’s wackadoodle beliefs to a completely separate issue, immigration. But, there’s something really funny in all this

Climate Change Is Creating a Northern Labor Crisis

In many ways, Canada seems perfectly positioned to take advantage of climate change. The country sits on a vast wealth of natural resources with an abundant supply of freshwater, oil, and natural gas. Its political system is, for the moment, relatively stable. And as the planet warms, Canada’s traditionally unfarmable northern regions could turn into the world’s breadbasket. But for all its advantages, Canada is desperately lacking in one vital resource: people.

Indeed, despite being the world’s second-largest country, Canada has a relatively modest 38 million citizens, a mere one-ninth of the United States’ population. More importantly, the national fertility rate has long been in steady decline, with the number of Canadian births reaching a fifteen-year low in 2020. This puts the country in a precarious position: while most populations need a total fertility level of a little over two children per woman to survive, Canada sits at just 1.47, representing one of the lowest birth rates in the West. Were this trend to continue, the country’s population could start shrinking within the next two decades.

Degrowth, then, would represent a catastrophic opportunity loss for a country primed to benefit from global warming. In one famous study, Stanford professor Marshall Burke estimated that if Canada were to take complete advantage of its newfound agricultural opportunities, it could see a fivefold increase in its gross domestic product over the next several decades. But that’s a huge “if.” Canada will need a massive amount of labor to exploit its 4.2 million square kilometers of new agricultural frontier, and as it stands, its population is not growing nearly fast enough to meet the region’s growing demand.

See, SOON!!!!! the world will warm so much that Canada will be an agriculture powerhouse. They’ll just need people to work the fields. Because Doom.

Interestingly, these lunatics in the climate cult think the only thing immigrants are good for is working the land. That’s rather bigoted/racist, isn’t it? That they aren’t smart enough or educated enough to do anything but picking crops and such (in reality, the people who run farms, from small to large, tend to be pretty smart, having to know what to do when, if they are going to be successful. Locally, NC State has a pretty big agriculture education program). That’s what liberals here in the U.S. think illegal aliens are good for: manual labor. The climate cult is primarily run by elitist whites (and those who think they are elites but aren’t), and a high percentage of Warmists are 1st world whites.

And you know none of these Warmists want the immigrants anywhere near their own neighborhoods.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Means Canada Needs Lots Of Immigrants To Work Agriculture »

Pirate's Cove