Bummer: 67% Disapprove Of Brandon’s Handling Of Inflation

Great job electing incompetence over Mean Tweets, folks. Especially you unhinged #NeverTrumpers

Only 67%?

(The Hill) A new CBS News-YouGov poll released on Sunday found that only one-third of those surveyed approve of President Biden‘s handling of inflation.

The results of the poll did not bode well for Biden, with less than half of respondents approving of his handling of major issues such as race relations, the economy, immigration and inflation. Only 33 percent of those surveyed approved of Biden’s handling of inflation with the remaining 67 percent saying they disapproved.

The poll conducted this month found that 56 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job in office and 44 percent approved. Among the issues asked, COVID-19 vaccine distribution was the only area where a majority of survey participants approved of Biden’s handling.

A majority of survey participants — 64 percent — rated the national economy as being either “fairly bad” or “very bad.”

Among those who rated the current state of the economy as being “bad,” inflation was cited as the top reason for their assessment, with 84 percent of respondents citing this reason. Inflation was cited more than other factors such as coronavirus restrictions, product shortages and distrust in the Biden administration.

When asked about their recent shopping experiences, 82 percent of those surveyed said items are costing more than they did not long ago, while roughly two-thirds of participants said items they are looking for are often not in stock.

And you can bet this won’t get better. Almost nothing Biden is doing works. Nor will it.

Read: Bummer: 67% Disapprove Of Brandon’s Handling Of Inflation »

Hotcoldwetdry Take: Climate Cult Says To Forget EVs, All Cars Must Go

Well, this was fast

Electric vehicles won’t save us — we need to get rid of cars completely

Climate change is happening now. Wildfires are getting worse, flooding more common, hurricanes more powerful, and heat waves more deadly. Yet when world leaders met in Glasgow earlier this month, their proposals still had the world on track for 2.4 degrees Celsius of warming — far above the 1.5-degree target. Governments aren’t doing enough, but they are beginning to take action, and many are focusing on the opportunity offered by electric vehicles. (snip)

Electric vehicles are one piece of a strategy to slash transport emissions, but they tend to receive far more attention than proposals to cut car use. The electrification of transportation is essential — there is no doubt about that — but just replacing every personal vehicle with a battery-powered equivalent will produce an environmental disaster of its own. Such a strategy also denies us the opportunity to rethink a near-century of misguided auto-oriented city planning.

Or, hear me out, you Warmists can f*** off and mind your own business. Stop trying to tell everyone else what to do, especially when you won’t change your own lives.

For example, particulate matter created from tire, brake, and road wear, as well as the dust kicked up by cars on the road, does not fuel climate change, but it does create air pollution that’s harmful to human health. In the United States, these pollutants are responsible for about 53,000 premature deaths each year, and heavier electric vehicles like SUVs and trucks could actually generate more particulate matter than lighter, non-electric cars.

On that, I’ll agree, vehicles do create a lot of air pollution. Remember how clean the air was during lockdown? Doesn’t mean I want to get rid of vehicles, though

Yet while health effects are important, the biggest concern is the minerals that are required to make the batteries that power electric vehicles and the mining that has to happen to extract them. It’s a reality that seriously dirties their green image, and shows the “zero emissions” branding simply isn’t accurate.

We’ve been telling you nutters this

On top of the issues with mining and large vehicle pollution, continuing to have communities built around the assumption that everyone will drive simply isn’t sustainable. The automotive industry wants us to replace the vehicle fleet with battery-powered alternatives because they’ll make a lot of money in the process, but it’s not the best path for the environment, nor for our communities.

In other words, these Fascists want to limit your ability to move around.

We should seize this opportunity to challenge the past century of auto-oriented planning and emphasize walking, cycling, and transit use over driving. Not only would people’s quality of life improve, but if we’re serious about taking on the climate crisis, we need to significantly reduce the number of cars and SUVs on the road — regardless of what powers them.

Mind your business. Piss off.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Take: Climate Cult Says To Forget EVs, All Cars Must Go »

If All You See…

…is orange juice which will disappear from rising seas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the world’s largest offshore wind farm being unprofitable.

It’s drinking week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Walt Otto

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Lefties learned that self defense is legal. This pinup is by Walt Otto, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. MOTUS AD notices that the natives are restless during Thanksgiving week
  2. neo-neocon has a post Rittenhouse roundup
  3. Powerline notes Get Woke Empty The Pews
  4. Raised On Hoecakes wonders if banning Native American names is discriminatory
  5. Sonoran Conservative has the fun fact of the day, on woodpeckers
  6. Sultan Knish says Kamala is calling Biden a racist again
  7. The Last Refuge discusses the FBI breaking down the door of America’s Mom
  8. The Lid covers other mandates about to stifle the economy
  9. The Right Scoop notes ESPN lying about the Rittenhouse verdict (let’s be honest, few conservatives tune into basketball anymore)
  10. This ain’t Hell… notes the Army ordering commanders to block reenlistment of unvaccinated soldiers
  11. Weasel Zippers covers all the COVID protests in Europe
  12. Legal Insurrection highlights a self defense case ending in jury finding guy not guilty that you won’t see in the news
  13. Jihad Watch notes that ISIS is growing exponentially in Afghanistan #LetsGoBrandon
  14. Gen Z Conservative says Americans want Trump, not Conservative, Inc. clowns
  15. And last, but not least, Flag And Cross discusses Biden’s big rich people tax break

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Moonbats Want Kyle Rittenhouse Investigated By DOJ, Charged With Murder

These people are still living in an alternate universe called Liberal World, where the heroes are a guy who’s a convicted child rapist, a guy who commits felony assault on women, jumping bail, and assaulting his brother, and the 3rd, the one who lived, Gaige Grosskreutz, has an extensive rap sheet, some of which has been expunged, for gun offenses, drunk driving, loitering (around a police car storage center), his concealed carry permit was expired, and he pointed a gun at Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle is the Bad Guy in Liberal World for defending himself

WATCH: BLM Calls for Federal Murder Charges Against Rittenhouse

Black Lives Matter activist Troy Gaston told Breitbart News that the federal government should file murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse. Gaston’s comments to Breitbart followed a speech at a “Stop White Supremacy!” rally in Chicago on Saturday.

On stage, Gaston told the assembled protesters that the acquittal in the Kyle Rittenhouse case sent a message “telling us to be silent under the threat of complete violence.”

“Today we come out here simply to be recognized as people who deserve to live and be treated with [equality] and respect,” the social injustice activists continued. “I ask that everybody come out here today and let your f**king voices be heard.”

Moments later, Gaston spoke with Breitbart and said, “I guess the verdict was, basically, push back on protesters who come out there to protest and to have the respect of the city to have their voices heard.”

Kyle shot 3 white guys attacking him. And those protesters? They’re looting stores in Chicago.

Gaston then said, “We are waiting for the federal government to charge Rittenhouse with first-degree murder,” and walked away.

You might think Gaston is just some rando, but, he’s a big leader in BLM, and lots and lots of randos, and lots of blue checks, are saying the same thing. The problem is, these people are idiots, and there are no circumstances under which the federal government can charge Kyle with murder. Look here, here, and here, and that’s just three sources. I checked about 10. Things that are covered are

  • Murder of a federally elected official, federal judge or law enforcement officer, or the family of a federal law enforcement officer
  • Murder to sway the outcome of a federal court case
  • Murder committed during a bank robbery
  • Murder related to rape, child molestation, or the sexual exploitation of children
  • Some drug related murders
  • Murder on a ship in US waters
  • Murder for hire
  • Murder by mail
  • Takes place on federal land

So, there’s nothing that would give Los Federales any legal or Constitutional reason to charge him with 1st or 2nd degree murder, the only charges allowed. So, maybe just investigate Kyle and the trial outcome?

(Washington Examiner) New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, called on the Department of Justice to review the case.

“This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest,” Nadler said in a tweet .

Nadler is an attorney. One would think he would know better, but, then, he doesn’t even seem to know the actual facts of the case.

(The Grio) Congressman Nadler’s point is that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division could seek charges against Rittenhouse for violating the civil rights of the three protesters he shot: Anthony HuberJoseph Rosenbaum and Gaige Grosskreutz.

Honestly, I don’t see it happening. I took a look at the law and here is what I can tell you as a former federal congressional committee counsel and practicing attorney.

That’s from Sophia A. Nelson, posting at what is pretty much a Black Supremacist website, The Grio. But, never underestimate the politicization of the DOJ into a far left organization.

Read: Moonbats Want Kyle Rittenhouse Investigated By DOJ, Charged With Murder »

Range Anxiety Is Biggest Obstacle To Getting And EV Or Something

That, and they cost way, way more than most people can afford

Electric vehicles: ‘Range anxiety’ is the biggest hurdle for consumers at this point, Blink CEO explains

electric vehiclePresident Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill that was signed into law on Tuesday includes $7.5 billion for building out a network of charging stations to support the auto sector’s move to electric vehicles (EVs), a move that was praised by one CEO in particular.

The infrastructure bill is “so impactful,” Michael Farkas, CEO of Blink Charging (BLNK), an EV services company, said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “It’s going to allow us to put more charging stations in the ground. It will alleviate range anxiety that people feel, hey, can these electric cars go these distances, and will spark more buying, and then, again, additional investment in infrastructure.”

Of course he’s happy about it, because he’s making bank off of it. But, let’s say it was your birthday and everyone gave you some sort of cooking grill: would you be cooking a lot of steaks if they were $17.99 a pound?

Farkas contended that while range anxiety is the greatest obstacle to mass EV adoption, “it’s not a reality.”

“The fact of the matter is the average driver in the U.S. drives less than 40 miles a day,” Farkas explained. “We have EVs out there now with 200, 300, 400, and even 500 miles in range. It’s very rare that someone sits in a car and goes 400 or 500 miles on a single charge.”

Yes, on most days that is the case. I might not even drive 20-25 miles a day. Go to work, head to Planet Fitness after, drive home. Maybe a couple miles to get lunch. Seriously, I’m not even at 24,000 on my lease which ends in February. Even taking into account 2020, I’m only down about maybe 6,000 tops, since I usually do 10k or less a year. But, if I want to drive to NJ to visit the parents, head to the mountains or ocean, I don’t want to worry about charging, nor do I feel like spending $40K, $50k, or more on a car. If I won Powerball I’d think hard about getting an Acura RDX, top end Accord or CRV (maybe even Hybrid!) or Passport. Not the way I drive.

Anyhow, a lot of this article looks more like a paid advertisement than an article, and

Farkas noted that the increasing ubiquity of charging stations can only help put prospective EV buyers at ease. And the additional government investment will allow charging station companies to expand the reach of their networks.

Yeah, doesn’t matter when people cannot afford the vehicle. Let’s say you get 3% APR for 6 years for a $54k vehicle: that’s $820 a month. Who’s good with that?

Read: Range Anxiety Is Biggest Obstacle To Getting And EV Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful tiny house which Everyone Else should be forced to live in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on pronoun lunacy in New York.

Read: If All You See… »

King James Not Too Concerned About China’s Slavery

The wild part is that there are no Credentialed Media outlets who are taking Lebron James to task for his tepid, deflectionary response

LeBron James: Enes Kanter’s ‘trying to use my name to create an opportunity for himself’

Enes Kanter passed Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James without exchanging a word during pregame warmups on Friday night, but the Boston Celtics center’s sneakers said more than enough.

One of Kanter’s sneakers featured James’ likeness being crowned by Chinese president Xi Jinping. The other read, “I am informed and educated on the situation,” a reference to James’ 2019 comments in the wake of then-Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey’s tweet in support of protests in Hong Kong.

That’s pretty much the whole of the NBA. And companies like Disney (Walt is rolling in his grave), which owns China loving ESPN, ABC (including the news division)

Following Friday’s 130-108 loss to the Celtics, James said he had not spoken to Kanter.

“I don’t give too many people my energy,” said James, who made his return from an abdominal strain that cost him the previous eight games. “He’s definitely not someone I would give my energy to. He’s trying to use my name to create an opportunity for himself. I definitely won’t comment too much on that. … He’s always had a word or two to say in my direction, and as a man, if you’ve got an issue with somebody, you really come up to him. He had his opportunity tonight. I saw him in the hallway, and he walked right by me.”

Oh, energy! But, not one damned word on China

Kanter’s sneakers are part of his season-long advocacy for human rights in China. He has worn different pairs every game in support of citizens of Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang seeking sovereignty from Chinese rule. The custom sneakers have featured a host of pointed messages: “Free China,” “Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people,” “Free Hong Kong,” “Free Uyghur,” “No Beijing 2022,” “Stop genocide, torture, rape, slave labor,” “Stop organ harvesting in China,” “Close the camps” and “Modern-day slavery.”

And King James has nothing to say, because he and the NBA are beholden to the ruling communist party of China. For all his talk, and that of the NBA and so many players, about social justice, they don’t worry about big issues if it affects their own money, eh?

Read: King James Not Too Concerned About China’s Slavery »

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Makes Plague More Likely, Messes With Your Sleep

I blame the 25,000+ people who took fossil fueled trips to Glasgow for COP26

The Plague Is More Likely Now Thanks to Climate Change

The risk of the plague spilling over from humans to animals in the western U.S. has increased since 1950 thanks to climate change, a new study has found. Importantly, the research gives valuable insights into how this deadly disease has historically moved and developed in the U.S., which can help us understand more about its future.

“We want to understand where plague (yes, ‘The Plague,’ which is still a common wildlife disease) can exist in the United States, how where it can exist has changed over the last century, and why plague can exist in those places it does, and not say 20 miles further down the road,” study coauthor Boris Schmid said in an email.

Yersinia pestis is the bacteria that causes plague—including that plague, the medieval Black Death, which killed around 25 million people over the course of four years in the 1300s. The bacteria is spread to humans from animals, most infamously rats, which carry plague-infested fleas on them. Scientists have theorized that the plague, like many other infectious diseases, will probably increase its spread to humans as the planet warms and people come into increasingly closer contact with wild animals.

But there’s not a lot of research out there on what historically are the best conditions for the plague to develop and get out of control. As a result, there are still a lot of big questions about the plague—like why it hasn’t spread to certain geographic areas, or why human cases don’t always overlap with where animals are carrying the disease—that remain unanswered.

So, they don’t really know, but, they’ll still Blame man-induced climate change? Huh. Say, what caused the big outbreak of Black Death, the majority was between 1346-1353, killing an estimated 75 million to 200 million? Oh, by the way, that happened during the Dark Ages, which was a cool period (there is slight disagreement, with some studies showing that it occurred at the tail end of the Roman Warm Period. About 80% show the Dark Ages had started).

Climate Change Can Negatively Affect Sleep — But Here’s What We Can Do

The climate crisis is a health crisis, meaning it threatens the well-being of people as much as it does the planet. Some ways that it affects public health are obvious, like extreme storms driving people from their homes and inescapable heat washing over communities. Others are harder to see. In fact, one of them happens when our eyes are closed.

There is limited research on the connection between climate change and sleep, but it’s well summarized in a 2018 systematic review published by a George Washington University team in Sleep Medicine Reviews.

The review included 16 studies that focused on how climate change events like rising temperatures, extreme weather, floods, and wildfires affected people’s rest. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the team concluded that climate change caused “diminished total sleep times and sleep disruption” across the board.

Again, limited research, so, sure, why not, blame climate. How did humans survive during previous Holocene warm periods?

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Makes Plague More Likely, Messes With Your Sleep »

A Tale Of Two Protests: One’s A Riot, The Other’s Mostly Peaceful

Remember back in the day when the Associated Press, along with most news outlets, were calling the violence, looting, arson, assault (including against police officers), and other criminal activity “mostly peaceful”? It’s a little different when people are “protesting” COVID authoritarianism

‘Orgy of violence’: Dutch police open fire on rioters

Police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam around a demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions. The Dutch city’s mayor called it “an orgy of violence.”

Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told reporters in the early hours of Saturday morning that “on a number of occasions the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves” as rioters ran rampage through the port city’s central shopping district, setting fires and throwing rocks and fireworks at officers.

“They shot at protesters, people were injured,” Aboutaleb said. He did not have details on the injuries. Police also fired warning shots.

A number of police officers also were injured in the violence and officers arrested dozens of people and expect to arrest more after studying video footage from security cameras, Aboutaleb said.

Photos from the scene showed at least one police car in flames and another with a bicycle slammed through its windshield.

Riot police and a water cannon restored calm after midnight.

You know, it was a riot. Period. Regardless of their intentions, things were bad, really bad. And no one is complaining about the cops being heavy handed, as they were when police attempted to stop the violence in U.S. cities during BLM/Antifa protests. Cops sure didn’t shoot anyone. Or pull out water cannons. The most was tear gas. In a lot of cases the political authorities pulled the police back. Heck, what happens when people are committing acts of violence during “protests” last night?

(NY Post) Protests sprang up in New York and other cities across the country Friday night in response to Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, resulting in at least five arrests and some property damage in Queens, according to the NYPD.

Police tweeted a photo of vandalized vehicles in Queens, including a car with handicap plates that had “F–k you” graffitied on the back in black spray paint.

“The NYPD takes its responsibility to protect the 1st amendment rights of peaceful demonstrators seriously,” the tweet said. “Just as important is the safety of NYers & the protection of property from people breaking the law in the name of protest. As seen tonight in Queens, they will be arrested.”

Could the NYPD give a squishier message?

Queens Councilman Robert Holden told The Post that protestors tore through Crowley Park, and were also “jumping on cars and stealing American flags” on residential streets in Middle Village and Maspeth.

Sure, not committing arson and mayhem like previous BLM/Antifa protests, but, treated quite differently

Nothing says social justice like looting and pillaging, eh? Of course, in Portland they got violent

(KATU) Several individuals dressed in all black with their faces covered attempted to keep a KATU camera crew from recording the events unfolding downtown Friday night after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office declared a gathering of people a riot.

The individuals demanded the crew stop recording.

The group then attacked the KATU camera operator when the crew asserted their right to record in a public space. A confrontation occurred between the individuals and the TV station’s security guards.

Portland police said deputies declared the riot when people started damaging a gate to the detention center.

Will the DOJ go after these people like they have the 1/6 folks? Anyhow, there were many protests, most which did stay peaceful, just a bunch of people who hate the notion of innocent till proven guilty, burden of proof on the prosecution, and self defense (for Other People). They want The Law to be based more on feelings than hard law, to be able to treat people engaged in Wrongthink differently. That’s how you get articles like one at CNN saying we need to question the law. Because Kyle was found not guilty by a jury after the prosecution could not make their case to support the charges.

Read: A Tale Of Two Protests: One’s A Riot, The Other’s Mostly Peaceful »

Pirate's Cove