Your Fault: Climate Emergency Threatens Smithsonian Museums

I love lots of those Smithsonian Museums. The Air and Space, Natural History, the west Art museum (has lots of Monet paintings), and more. And they are going to disapear in a sea of flood because you won’t spend $54000 to get an electric vehicle and give up your money and freedom

Saving History With Sandbags: Climate Change Threatens the Smithsonian

President Warren Harding’s blue silk pajamas. Muhammad Ali’s boxing gloves. The Star Spangled Banner. Scripts from the television show “M*A*S*H.”

Nearly two million irreplaceable artifacts that tell the American story are housed in the National Museum of American History, part of the Smithsonian Institution, the biggest museum complex in the world.

Now, because of climate change, the Smithsonian stands out for another reason: Its cherished buildings are extremely vulnerable to flooding, and some could eventually be underwater.

But that land was once marsh. And as the planet warms, the buildings face two threats. Rising seas will eventually push in water from the tidal Potomac River and submerge parts of the Mall, scientists say. More immediately, increasingly heavy rainstorms threaten the museums and their priceless holdings, particularly since many are stored in basements.

At the American History Museum, water is already intruding.

It gurgles up through the floor in the basement. It finds the gaps between ground-level windows, puddling around exhibits. It sneaks into the ductwork, then meanders the building and drips onto display cases. It creeps through the ceiling in locked collection rooms, thief-like, and pools on the floor.

This is what you would expect during a Holocene warm period in a place that was always a swamp. But, really, this is rather a bit of BS, since the museum is 75 above sea level. Of course, there is the Potomac River, which isn’t rising. Sounds more like buildings that are getting older, old infrastructure that can longer stop the natural course of a swamp. The Smithsonian buildings aren’t that far from either the Potomac and the the Tidal Basin.

Scientists at the nonprofit group Climate Central expect some land around the two museums will be underwater at high tide if average global temperatures rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared with preindustrial levels. The planet has already warmed by 1.1 degrees Celsius and is on track to rise 3 degrees by 2100.

Believe it or not, D.C. still has tides, around 2.71 feet max. Can they compare this to what happened during the previous Holocene warm periods? If they could, they wouldn’t, because it would expose the complete mule fritters scaremongering.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Emergency Threatens Smithsonian Museums »

Brandon Implements Travel Ban For Many African Nations Due To Latest Chinese Coronavirus Variant

Interestingly, there are no complaints from the NY Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, elected Democrats, etc. Or Biden

Joe Biden Slammed for Calling Trump’s Travel Restrictions Racist, Xenophobic, Then Enacting His Own

President Joe Biden on Friday was slammed for enacting travel restrictions on eight countries due to a fresh coronavirus variant after calling former President Trump’s coronavirus travel restrictions in 2020 racist and xenophobic.

Trump issued travel restrictions on countries around the globe after the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic landed in the United States in 2020. Biden was quick to label those protectionist measures racist and xenophobic, like this tweet from February 1, 2020, following a travel-ban announcement:

And, we are seeing the new variant in Africa, which less than 100 people have. So

Brandon/Harris banned travel from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi. Remember how much Democrats freaked when Trump put a travel ban on China? Pelosi, AOC, and others were out there telling everyone to get out and about and go to your local Chinese restaurant. They were 100% against the travel bans from Europe and some other countries. Imagine if Trump did this to Africa? He’d be called a racist.

Oops! The most we get from the NY Times is a piece on South Africans feeling like they’re being punished.

Read: Brandon Implements Travel Ban For Many African Nations Due To Latest Chinese Coronavirus Variant »

The 2022 Polestar EV Is Totally More Affordable Or Something

They’re really just trolling us now, but, hey, maybe it’s affordable if you’re working a cushy government job

The 2022 Polestar 2 is more appealing, affordable and repairable

electric vehicleWhen Polestar launched its first all-electric vehicle last year, it came in a single flavor: a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive configuration that cost around $50,000 before incentives. Next year, the automaker is adding some variety.

Polestar is rolling out a more affordable, single-motor, two-wheel-drive version of the sedan that still offers many of the features of the dual-motor Polestar 2 along with a few changes that make it a bit more affordable, appealing and greener for those looking to make the electric switch. In a recent drive, we put it to the test. (snip)

The 2022 Polestar 2 Single motor sedans also get the optional addition of a mechanical heat pump (available in the Plus Pack for $4,000 more) that helps maintain that charge in more adverse climates. Polestar says that under certain climate conditions the heat pump will scavenge heat from the outside air to extend the range of the vehicle by as much as 10%. Using Polestar’s estimate, that means that the 2022 Polestar 2 Single motor could gain an additional 27 miles of range thanks to the heat pump.

27, folks! For $4,000! probably more about the batteries not working well in really hot and cold conditions.

You can opt for the Plus Pack, which includes the heat pump, a glass panoramic roof, Harman Kardon premium audio and a wireless phone charger (amongst other things). This pack was on the prototype Polestar 2 I drove. You can also opt for the the Pilot Pack ($3,200 more) that includes things like adaptive cruise control and LED exterior lighting. Sadly, the vehicle I drove did not have the upgraded ADAS system so I was not able to test out what Polestar says offers Level 2 driver support aids on my drive.

Most standard vehicles include adaptive cruise control, collision mitigation, and others, for not much more than the price of the car used to be

If I had needed to recharge, Polestar says that on DC fast chargers, I could have expected to get to 80% charge in just about 30 minutes. That’s down from the 40 minutes it used to take to get to an 80% charge, according to Glenn Parker, a Polestar technical operations specialist. Parker also said that continued over-the-air updates will improve the efficiency and range of the entire portfolio as the company rolls out updates to all owners.

I can fill my tank in 10 minutes. Same with a hybrid. Let’s skip to the end to see how affordable

Prices for the Polestar 2 Single motor start at $45,900 and vehicles will be available starting January 2022, not including the destination fee or taxes. With the $7,500 federal tax incentive — as well as incentives from certain states — that price can come down to around $35,000 (again not including taxes and the destination fee).

$46k is “affordable.” And, once again, they included the 100% lie about the tax incentive. Doesn’t work like that at all. If they have to lie about it, what else are they lying about?


Climate Change Activists Target Amazon Warehouses in Europe on Black Friday

Climate change activists have staged blockage protests at Amazon warehouses across Europe to confront the company’s “environmentally destructive” business practices.

Extinction Rebellion protesters have blocked 15 Amazon fulfilment centers in the U.K, Germany and the Netherlands on the morning on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year for Amazon.

Bamboo structures, placards and “lock-ons” are being used to prevent lorries from entering the sites.

These same people will most likely be ordering stuff from Amazon and others, for Cyber Monday and other days.

Read: The 2022 Polestar EV Is Totally More Affordable Or Something »

If All You See…

…is lovely wine which will soon be grown in Norway due to a man-caused warming world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on the Salvation Army killing their company

Read: If All You See… »

WHO Meeting To Discuss Hugely Mutated Totally Not Manufactured COVID Variant From South Africa

No, no, this is totally from some rando eating a bat in a wet market right down the road from an instituted that does lots of research into viruses

WHO meets to discuss new, ‘heavily mutated’ COVID-19 variant

The World Health Organization is holding a meeting Friday to discuss the dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases in South Africa that has been blamed on a new variant of the virus.

Joe Phaahla, South Africa’s minister of health, identified the new variant as B.1.1.529, and said it seems highly contagious among young people.

The BBC reported that the new variant seems to be the most heavily mutated so far in the outbreak. James Gallagher, the health correspondent, wrote that one scientist described the variant as “horrific.” He said the meeting of the WHO will likely result in the variant receiving a Greek code-name, like the delta variant.

“This variant did surprise us,” Tulio de Oliveira, the director of the Center for South Africa’s Epidemic Response and Innovation, told the news outlet. “It has a big jump on evolution [and] many more mutations that we expected.” (snip)

Aris Katzourakis, an expert at virus evolution at the University of Oxford, said, “A burning question is does it reduce vaccine effectiveness because it has so many changes.” (snip)

U.K. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said there were concerns the new variant “may be more transmissible” than the dominant delta strain, and “the vaccines that we currently have may be less effective” against it.

But, wait what’s this

The U.K. added six African countries to its travel quarantine list on Thursday after a new, potentially more-transmissible variant of Covid-19 was identified there. The BBC said the countries are South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini.

Twenty-two positive cases of the variant, which is being called B.1.1.529, have been recorded in South Africa, according to multiple reports. Some 59 cases have been detected worldwide, and only in South Africa, Hong Kong and Botswana. But some experts are concerned.

Wait, we’re freaking over 59 cases? Perhaps it is more contagious, and evades vaccines, but, I cannot one article saying that the effects of what might soon have it’s own designator (Nu) is dangerous for its effects. Just like some regular flu strains are not as bad, how will this act? Really bad? Minor?

(Hot Air) Peacock called the array of mutations on Nu’s spike protein “horrific” but noted that there’s no conclusive evidence yet that it’s more transmissible than Delta. A false alarm about a seemingly scary new variant — a “scariant” — would be nothing new during the pandemic. (Remember the New York and California variants?) Still, experts in the field are unusually alarmed by the early data from South Africa. This entire thread from a scientist at University College London is worth reading, but especially this:

Just another reason to shut everything down, keep people living in fear, and keep them under the thumb of government?

Read: WHO Meeting To Discuss Hugely Mutated Totally Not Manufactured COVID Variant From South Africa »

Surprise: New Arctic Ocean Data Shows Problems With Climate (scam) Models

The models are wrong? Who knew? Of course, that doesn’t mean the climate cult will rethink what’s happening, oh, no

The Arctic Ocean began warming decades earlier than previously thought, new research shows

The Arctic Ocean has been warming since the onset of the 20th century, decades earlier than instrument observations would suggest, according to new research.

The study, published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances, found that the expansion of warm Atlantic Ocean water flowing into the Arctic, a phenomenon known as “Atlantification,” has caused Arctic water temperature in the region studied to increase by around 2 degrees Celsius since 1900.

Francesco Muschitiello, an author on the study and assistant professor of geography at the University of Cambridge, said the findings were worrisome because the early warming suggests there might be a flaw in the models scientists use to predict how the climate will change.

“The Arctic Ocean has been warming up for much longer than we previously thought,” Muschitiello told CNN. “And this is something that’s a bit unsettling for many reasons, especially because the climate models that we use to cast projections of future climate change do not really simulate these type of changes.”

Ya think?

Researchers found temperature and salinity, the saltiness of ocean water (where the Atlantic meets the Arctic), remained fairly constant up until the 20th century — then they suddenly increased.

“The reconstructions suggest a substantial increase in the Atlantic Ocean heat and salt transport into the Nordic Sea at the beginning of the 20th century, which is not well simulated by (climate models),” Rong Zhang, a senior scientist at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, who was not involved with the study, told CNN. “It’s important to understand the cause of this rapid Atlantification, as well as the discrepancies between the model simulations and the reconstructions.”

The problem with this whole thing is that they are, in fact, relying on simulations, reconstructions, and data from things like undersea sediment, rather than actual observations. Anyhow, if you think about it, what was causing this increase, if real? Certainly wasn’t the proliferation of fossil fueled vehicles, ships, and planes. Sure, they used coal in ships for a brief time, around 1871 to 1914, but, that’s not enough to kick out enough CO2 to warm the planet (if we’re to believe the fearmongering from the cult). You didn’t have the massive agriculture. You didn’t have most of the things Warmists complain about. This stuff really wasn’t around. So, of course, they blame the Industrial Revolution, from the late 1760’s to around the 1840’s. Nah. As they say in the movie Lethal Weapon, it’s thin, very thin.

No worries, though!

Muschitiello said it’s not clear how much of a role, if any, human-caused climate change played in the early Arctic warming, and more research is needed.

“We’re talking about the early 1900s, and by then we’ve already been supercharging the atmosphere with carbon dioxide,” he said. “It is possible that the Arctic Ocean is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously thought. This will require more research, of course, because we don’t have a solid grip on the actual mechanisms behind this early Atlantification.”

Sure seems like he went to human attribution, eh?

“When I talk to my students I always try to make them aware that the Arctic is warming very, very quickly, and much faster than any other area on the planet,” Muschitiello said. “It’s very unsettling and very troubling, especially because we still don’t have a full understanding of feedbacks at play.”

But, the climate cult has no problem Blaming mankind.

Read: Surprise: New Arctic Ocean Data Shows Problems With Climate (scam) Models »

Brandonflation: U.S. Has One Of Highest Rates In The World

Now, as I’ve written here and in comments and on Twitter, and said in Real Life, this is not all Dementia Joe’s fault. Nor was it Trump’s, or any other world leaders, except for those in China. Inflation is rather just about everywhere, due to COVID. But, other countries have responded better. Biden has made it worse

U.S. inflation is one of the highest in the world

Inflation has taken its toll on much of the world recently, but the United States has stood out as one of the most affected in the last few months.

With a 6.2% annual inflation rate in October, the U.S. is now seeing prices increase at the highest rate in more than 30 years.

According to a study by Pew Research Center, in the third quarter of 2021, the country had the eighth-highest annual inflation rate among 46 countries that were examined. The U.S. also had the third-highest increase in inflation, 3.58 percentage points, between the third quarter of 2019 and the same period this year. It trailed only Brazil and Turkey, both of which have less-developed economies that generally struggle with higher inflation rates more than the U.S.

So, number 8 for the year, but, number 3 for the quarter. Which means other countries, excluding Brazil and Turkey, are tending to do better. Let’s go to that link by Pew

Understanding why the rate of inflation has risen so quickly could help clarify how long the surge might last – and what, if anything, policymakers should do about it. The recent acceleration in the rate of inflation appears to be fundamentally different from other inflationary periods that were more closely tied to the regular business cycle. Explanations for the current phenomenon proffered to date include continuing disruptions in global supply chains amid the coronavirus pandemic; turmoil in the labor markets; the fact that today’s prices are being measured against prices during last year’s COVID-19-induced shutdowns; and strong consumer demand after local economies were reopened.

We know what the problems are. What caused them. What’s going on. So, by all means, Brandon, do the exact wrong things to alleviate the issues.

Read: Brandonflation: U.S. Has One Of Highest Rates In The World »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, which lots of Other People drove for the holiday and should be restricted, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on guilt being served up on Thanksgiving.

Read: If All You See… »

Pastor: If You Don’t Believe In Anthropogenic Climate Change You’re The Devil

I’m slightly confused by this piece. Is Pastor Michael F. Chandler of Victory Valley Bible Church in California saying that ‘climate change’ is BS or something that the religious should fight? In fairness, that’s a sidebar to something he mentions

Pastor column: What does the Bible say about climate change?

In a previous article, we learned that our praise is to God. Like King David we are to offer our glory — the very best skills we possess — to the Creator and the One who gives us life. We, His servants, bring our glory to the one who is glorious above all (Ps 108:1-5). The Christian hymn, “Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise” was put to the tune of a traditional Welsh ballad and captures this challenge. Scottish pastor and lyricist writes, Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908) writes, (a paragraph on that and then another on Bible quotes)

Prolific hymn writer and USA Presbyterian pastor Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has written a new song to support the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Adapted to the same Welsh tune as Smith’s biblically sound lyrics, The Climate is Changing (2021) exchanges “the truth of God for the lie” and worships and serves the creation rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever (cf. Rom 1:25). Ecumenically liberal-minded Christians now sing,

The climate is changing! Creation cries out! Your people face flooding and fire and drought. We see the great heat waves and storms at their worst. We pray for the poor, Lord — for they suffer first. We pray for the animals here in our midst who cannot defend their own right to exist. We pray for the mountains and forests and seas that bear the harsh footprint of our human greed.

We thank you for people who treasure the earth, whose faith has long taught them its beauty and worth. We thank you as well for the children and youth who look to the future and speak out the truth. We thank you for leaders, courageous and brave, who know that the earth is worth fighting to save, who care about justice and what they should do, who listen to science and work hard for you. You love this good earth, and you sent us your Son! May we love our neighbors — there’s work to be done. May we, by your Spirit, do all in our power to care for your earth in this critical hour.

“The Lie” is certainly about those who oppose ‘climate change’, and would be comparing those who do not believe in this claptrap, this scam, or even implementing all the green Fascism for those who do believe Mankind is responsible for at least 51% of the warming since 1850, to the Devil. The Devil, Satan, the Serpent, etc, is the king of lies. But, the final paragraph is rather confusing

Friends, the current language of climate change is incompatible with biblical teaching. It is altogether godless and ascribes to little man far more power than invested him by the Creator. Believers are herein warned to worship the Creator rather than the creation and fully embrace the claims of His Son who came into the world — not to save the earth which He loves — but sinners for whom He gave Himself that they might not perish but have everlasting life.—  Scriptures to Memorize: Hebrews 1:10-12

Is he saying this is all poppycock, or, that the devout should embrace the teachings of God and Jesus to Do Something about ‘climate change’? On Facebook the pastor writes

Since the early 1990s environmentalists have been beating the drum about man’s impact, his “carbon footprint” on the planet. The popular concern then was “global warming,” though “global cooling” was the promoted imminent threat of the 1970s. Now, activists just speak of “climate change” and claim scientific backing for their cause. Woefully lacking, however, is any regard for what the Bible teaches about God as the sustainer of His creation. I invite you to join me in this Bible on Our Day as we raise the concern of Exchanging the Glory of God for the Glory of Earth.

He includes multiple hashtags, including #globalwarming hoax. At the end of the day, though, the important things are 1) the religious should deal with the word of God, and 2) the crazies are calling non-believers in the Cult of Climastrology minions of the Devil.

Read: Pastor: If You Don’t Believe In Anthropogenic Climate Change You’re The Devil »

NY Times: BTW, More People Have Died From COVID This Year Than Last

Hey, remember this?

And then just 5 days before he took office?

Biden proposes a science-led New Deal to end pandemic suffering

There have been lots and lots of plans, lots of pledges and promises. All sorts of mandates, with more mandates in the works. Yet

Despite Vaccines, the U.S. Has Lost More Lives to COVID This Year Than Last

This was supposed to be the year vaccines brought the pandemic under control. Instead, more people in the United States have died from COVID-19 this year than died last year, before vaccines were available.

As of Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had recorded 386,233 deaths involving COVID-19 in 2021, compared with 385,343 in 2020. The final number for this year will be higher, not only because there is more than a month left but because it takes time for local agencies to report deaths to the CDC.

COVID-19 has also accounted for a higher percentage of U.S. deaths this year than it did last year: about 13% compared with 11%.

Experts say the higher death toll is a result of a confluence of factors: most crucially lower-than-needed vaccination rates, but also the relaxation of everyday precautions, like masks and social distancing, and the rise of the highly contagious delta variant.

Essentially, public health experts said, many Americans are behaving as if COVID-19 is now a manageable, endemic disease rather than a crisis — a transition that will happen eventually but has not happened yet.

OK, let’s consider: in January 2021 there were about 95,000 deaths. Let’s cut a third of, as Joe took office on the 20th. That would leave us with around 323,233 deaths since Biden took office. Will there be enough deaths by the end of the year? Hopefully not, but, this was just about the only other reason that Biden was elected, dealing with COVID, over Trump. The other being Trump was a big meanie. But, Trump dealt with a novel virus released by China (intentionally or unintentionally). Biden has been dealing with the known. His plans do not work. He loves restricting citizens (while playing Mask Theater himself), but, what’s working?

They can blame this on some refusing vaccination and other things, but, Joe said he would end this. The masking hasn’t worked. Trying to force vaccination hasn’t worked. And Joe has nary a bad word for China. You know if Trump was president this would be top of the page reporting for every Credentialed News outlet, Blamestorming him and his administration.

Read: NY Times: BTW, More People Have Died From COVID This Year Than Last »

Pirate's Cove