Good News: Upwards Of 15K Migrants Let In By Biden-Harris Admin Are Murderers

One would think something like this would end a political career, but, not in 2024

Shocking data shows 15K illegal immigrants in US accused of murder — as Kamala Harris visits border

Federal numbers released Friday show that more than 15,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US are convicted or accused of homicide — with the eye-popping figure made public as Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to the southern border to address her perceived weakness on the issue.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement provided the data to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas), who published it as Air Force Two flew to southern Arizona for the Democratic presidential nominee’s second border trip since becoming President Biden’s point person on reducing illegal immigration.

“As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket —13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!” tweeted Gonzales, a critic of Harris’ performance who represents more than 800 miles of territory along the US-Mexico border.

“Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities.”

The rest have been accused of murder

ICE currently is detaining 277 migrants who have been convicted of homicide and 51 who face such charges, the agency said, indicating that those individuals likely are in the process of being deported.

What process? Kick them out. Send them packing. Immediately.

Federal authorities are aware of but not currently detaining 13,099 illegal immigrants living in the US who have been convicted of homicide and 1,845 who are accused of it, according to the data set.

Aware of, but, not detained. They shouldn’t have even been allowed to enter the U.S., but, the Biden-Harris admin doesn’t care.

Other well-represented crimes among illegal immigrants known to be living in the US include sexual assault — with 523 convicted or suspected rapists in ICE custody and 20,061 not — and assault, with more than 100,000 convicted or accused of that crime not in ICE custody.

This is what you voted for when you voted Biden-Harris, and what you’ll get more of if you vote Harris-Walz. But, you know, Mark Robinson wrote some mean comments online.

Read: Good News: Upwards Of 15K Migrants Let In By Biden-Harris Admin Are Murderers »

Surprise: Cackles Harris Is Spending Millions On Fossil Fueled Flights

She wants to force you into an EV, or, better, yet, the bus and train, but, she has no problem taking lots of fossil fueled flights

Harris drops millions on private jet spending despite calling climate change an ‘existential

Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign has spent millions on private jet flights since President Biden announced that he was no longer running for re-election and Harris locked up the Democratic nomination a couple of months ago.

Harris, who has jet set on the campaign trail delivering various speeches on combating climate change, said on multiple occasions that the issue is an “existential threat” to humans.

“There’s no question we have to be practical. But being practical also recognizes that climate change is an existential threat to us as human beings,” Harris told CNN in 2019. “Being practical recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions are threatening our air and threatening the planet and that it is well within our capacity as human beings to change our behaviors in a way that we can reduce its effects. That’s practical.”

Despite calling on people to make changes in their lives to prevent climate change, Harris’ campaign has spent at least $3.8 million on private planes in less than six weeks, according to a Fox News Digital review of disbursements on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website.

That’s quite a bit, eh? And, don’t forget, she’s also using Air Force 2 to campaign

(CNN) Vice President Kamala Harris is capitalizing on the trappings of office — and the power of strong imagery — to sustain the momentum surrounding her candidacy in hopes of building a cultural movement for the Democratic ticket in ways that long eluded President Joe Biden.

She didn’t just walk onto the stage for one of her biggest rallies of the year last week outside Detroit. Instead, her team allowed anticipation to grow as Air Force Two slowly taxied into view of a crowded airport hanger, with strains of Beyoncé’s “Run the World” pulsing through the air.

See, it’s perfectly OK that she has a massive carbon footprint and does all these things she wants to stop you from doing, because she’s the Elite. Only peasants must comply.

Read: Surprise: Cackles Harris Is Spending Millions On Fossil Fueled Flights »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sail boat to travel when the world is flooded, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Cackles wanting to inspire us to be inspired.

Read: If All You See… »

NC Cleans 747,000 From Voter Rolls

North Carolina continues the trend of states removing ineligible people, and, this number is not insignificant

REPORT: North Carolina Purges 747,000 Names From Voter Rolls

The North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) reportedly removed 747,000 names from the battleground state’s voter rolls within the past 20 months, officials announced Thursday.

Most people removed from North Carolina’s voter rolls were deemed ineligible to vote after moving from one county in the state to another while failing to register their new address, according to The Hill. Others taken off voter rolls did not participate in the 2016 and 2020 federal elections.

The full reasons

As far as non-citizens goes

State officials identified nine potential non-citizens — which some believe is an undercount — as registered to vote in North Carolina, WRAL reported. However, an NCSBE spokesperson said Thursday that investigations are underway as it is currently unknown whether the nine are illegal immigrants.

Does anyone really believe there are only 9? NC does a darned good job in restricting non-citizens, for which we have a ton of illegals/migrants and a lot here on school and work visas, from registering to vote, even though the NC General Assembly gave illegals driver’s licenses a while ago when Democrats controlled it. But, it is 130K dead Democrats who won’t be voting, along with 289K Democrats who won’t be voting in two different places.

Read: NC Cleans 747,000 From Voter Rolls »

Climate Grief Is Going For City Life

Perhaps if they all gave up their own use of petroleum and gave their money to government they’d feel better?

The Climate Grief of City Life
We mourn glaciers and forests lost to climate change. Why not streets and sewers?

Living in the days of climate change means we are living in the era of ecological grief. The emotional phenomenon has inspired funerals for glaciers in Iceland, Oregon, and Switzerland. Scientists have reported feeling shock and loss with each consecutive return to the Great Barrier Reef, as new expanses of coral bleach and desiccate. All across the mining country of Central Appalachia, where mountains have been halved and forests are felled to extract coal, the grief appears in the form of diagnosable mental-health conditions.

You would be less likely to see the term ecological grief applied to a flooded New York City subway station or a heat wave forcing Philadelphia public schools to close early or dangerously scorching playground asphalt in Los Angeles. And yet for most city dwellers, the way we experience climate change comes not from the collapse of natural formations but through damage to the man-made infrastructure that makes up our urban spaces and our daily lives. When that infrastructure is harmed or destroyed, be it by wind or fire or flood, it alters our habitats—and that, too, elicits an intense sense of emotional loss and instability.

The philosopher Glenn Albrecht has developed a vocabulary to describe the emotional experience of living through climate change: Solastalgia, for example, describes a homesickness born out of the observation of chronic environmental degradation of one’s home; tierratrauma refers to the acute pain of witnessing ruined environs such as a logged forest or trash-filled creek. The basis of Albrecht’s work is that humans are fundamentally connected to our natural environments, and we experience pain when they are damaged. To that end, his research tends to focus on rural areas, where the barrier between humans and nature usually feels more porous.

The crazy doesn’t get any better. This is a doomsday cult, and these people need some serious mental health help and deprogramming.

Read: Climate Grief Is Going For City Life »

Cackles Harris To Visit Border Friday Or Something

So, apparently she is actually not so busy that she can’t make it there for a photo-op after she and Joe threw the gates wide open

Harris to travel to US-Mexico border Friday

Vice President Harris will travel Friday to Douglas, Ariz., to visit the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Harris campaign announced the trip to the border, across from Agua Prieta, Mexico, on Wednesday.

Former President Trump criticized Harris for the planned trip earlier this week, saying she was only visiting the border for “political reasons.” The former president has sought to keep the border a hot-button issue for voters ahead of November, consistently bashing Harris and the Biden administration for their border policies.

After her trip Friday to the border in Arizona, Harris will travel to San Francisco to participate in a political event there Saturday. She will then campaign in Los Angeles and Nevada on Sunday as part of her West Coast swing.

How long do you think she will stay in Douglas? An hour, tops? Maybe 5 minutes viewing the wall? The rest in some restaurant that is decidedly Democrat leaning? Then off to fundraisers with rich folks who aren’t affected by the border crisis. Will she meet some MS13 and Tren de Aragua, wishing them well as they are given no scrutiny and sent on their way into the U.S.?

(NY Post) Former President Donald Trump mocked Kamala Harris’ planned visit to the border — just her second as vice president — arguing she’s had three years to solve the illegal migrant crisis.

“Why didn’t she fix it almost four years ago? She’s got no plans, got no talent, got no ability to do it,” the former president said Thursday during a press conference at Trump Tower.

She did fix it exactly as she and Biden wanted. Porous. Anyhow, will Americans actually believe this, or see it as more of a photo-op for a politician than acceptable, especially when she is a cause of the issue?

Read: Cackles Harris To Visit Border Friday Or Something »

Surprise: Tech Companies Ditch Their Climate (scam) Goals For AI Power

Seriously, most of these tech companies, like most companies, were really just setting goals and saying they were doing “green” stuff but weren’t actually doing much of anything

Powering AI Leapfrogs Climate Concerns

It’s Climate Week in New York, and dominating the conversation has been the apparently insatiable appetite of artificial intelligence for power.

The subject has been much in the news. Just last week, we learned that the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania will be restarted to supply electricity to Microsoft Corp.’s data centers.

Then Tuesday, Bloomberg News reported that ChatGPT creator OpenAI had pitched the Biden administration on its vision for massive data centers that may each consume enough power to run an entire city.

Alarmingly for climate hawks, it’s become clear there’s not enough low-emission energy — nuclear or otherwise — to satisfy AI, and natural gas will be key.

The boss of EQT Corp., America’s largest producer of the fossil fuel, said data centers will be the biggest new source of US gas demand in the years ahead.

Indeed, the country’s energy companies already plan a slew of new gas-fired power projects. That could complicate the energy transition and threaten President Joe Biden’s lofty goal of ridding emissions from the grid by 2035.

These companies generally have investors/stock holders who want return on their investment. They want profit. They aren’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, they, and the companies, are there to make money. Focusing on the climate scam has been shown to mostly be a loser. As for Brandon’s lofty goals, well, how many gallons of fossil fuels does he use every week going to and from his houses in Delaware on helicopters, jumbo jets, and big limos?

Yet recent days have given another reminder of how energy security (and national security, given US competition with China over AI) can leap to the top of the political and business agenda, leaving climate concerns trailing.

The climate scam is all sorts of important right up till real world concerns intrude.

Meanwhile, remember, the climate cult totally doesn’t want to implement socialism

Nationalization worked out well in Venezuela, eh?

Read: Surprise: Tech Companies Ditch Their Climate (scam) Goals For AI Power »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat used to find sharks that are too close to shore due to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post noting that incompetence can only cover so much.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden-Harris Regime Wants 21 Day Ceasefire In Lebanon, Fails To Specifically Mention Hezbollah

You know Hezbollah, they’re an officially designated terrorist group by the US State Department, the federal agency in charge of making the designations

Macron, Biden Demand 21-Day Ceasefire in Lebanon; Fail to Mention Hezbollah

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden joined French President Emmanuel Macron and several other nations Wednesday evening in proposing a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah — just as Israel had begun to destroy the terrorist organization.

The text of the ceasefire demand fails to mention Hezbollah, calling only on the government of Lebanon and Israel to comply. It also does not mention Iran, which is the country that arms, funds, and trains Hezbollah’s terrorists.

Hezbollah broke an existing ceasefire in October, when it began shooting at Israel last October. The ceasefire, under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 of 2006, required Hezbollah to disarm and leave the border.

The United Nations failed to enforce the ceasefire, allowing Hezbollah to build up forces in southern Lebanon. Israel evacuated over 60,000 citizens from their homes in October, but focused its military efforts on Hamas in Gaza.

Why is it so tough for Biden-Harris and Macron to mention Hezbollah? Are they worried about losing the votes of terrorist supporters?

Here’s the text of the statement

The situation between Lebanon and Israel since October 8th, 2023 is intolerable and presents an unacceptable risk of a broader regional escalation. This is in nobody’s interest, neither of the people of Israel nor of the people of Lebanon.

It is time to conclude a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes in safety.

It’s almost like it’s Israel and Lebanon who are fighting, when Lebanon wants nothing to do with Hezbollah

Diplomacy however cannot succeed amid an escalation of this conflict.

Thus we call for an immediate 21 day ceasefire across the Lebanon-Israel border to provide space for diplomacy towards the conclusion of a diplomatic settlement consistent with UNSCR 1701, and the implementation of UNSCR 2735 regarding a ceasefire in Gaza

I guess the mention of 1701 can sorta be a reference to Hezbollah, and a serious roundabout way

We call on all parties, including the Governments of Israel and Lebanon, to endorse the temporary ceasefire immediately consistent with UNSCR 1701 during this period, and to give a real chance to a diplomatic settlement.

We are then prepared to fully support all diplomatic efforts to conclude an agreement between Lebanon and Israel within this period, building on efforts over the last months, that ends this crisis altogether.

Lebanon is not fighting. Who are the other parties? Why not mention Hezbollah directly? Are Biden-Harris and Macron worried by rioting from the terrorism supporters imported into their countries? As far as Israel goes, Netanyahu says there is no ceasefire, as he and Israel have not even responded to it yet. However

(Jerusalem Post) Israeli politicians and residents of northern Israel condemned the US-French ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hezbollah, scheduled to begin on Thursday around midday, Israeli media reported Thursday morning.

In an interview, Metula Regional Council chairman David Azulai emphasized that such a ceasefire would ensure “the next October 7,” for which the government would be responsible, he further stressed. In addition to Azulai, the Upper Galilee Regional Council’s chairman, Amir Sofer, said that while “there is a time for negotiations, this is not the time.”

Azulai explained that recent days have highlighted Hezbollah’s capabilities and that “this government of [Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu” must “remove the threat” to avoid another “October 7 next year.” Azulai emphasized that such a situation “must not happen” and that the government “has all the support it needs” to fight Hezbollah and provide a more safe environment for northern Israel’s residents.

All a ceasefire does is give Iran the time to rearm Hezbollah.

Read: Biden-Harris Regime Wants 21 Day Ceasefire In Lebanon, Fails To Specifically Mention Hezbollah »

Gen Z Totally Unified In Holding Politicians Responsible For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

We keep reading stuff like this, but, then, the youts fail to show up at the ballot box because they aren’t allowed to take selfies there and it also requires them to put the phone down to go there

Gen Z, worried about climate change, unified in holding politicians responsible: Poll

Over one-third of Gen Z are worried they’ll need to move away from their hometowns due to climate change — and a majority of those in the generation across the political spectrum said politicians need to be held accountable, according to a new poll out Wednesday from Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation. (snip)

“[Gen Z] have been seeing water, and water and climate their whole lives,” Moira Mcdonald, program director for the Environment Program at the Walton Family Foundation, told ABC News. “Their lives have essentially been punctuated by these big moments — the Gulf oil spill back in 2010, the Flint, Michigan, drinking water crisis with lead in the water. They had everyday exposure to the rising seas and warming ocean issue the last few years.”

The poll found that among those in Gen Z who worry they’ll need to move due to climate change, 73% believe it will be because of a water issue such as water pollution, flooding risk, lack of access to clean drinking water and the risk of drought.

The poll also found that 31% of Gen Z are concerned their generation won’t have enough clean water in the future, 72% are concerned about pollution in their waterways and 66% are worried about the health of the fish and oceans.

Among voting age Gen Zers, the poll found that 88% believed politicians are responsible for addressing water issues related to climate change.

Here’s problem 1: they’ve fallen into the climate cult trap of linking environmental issues regarding water with the climate scam.

Problem two is thinking it is all on politicians, rather than on themselves to be good environmental stewards, especially as they travel all around to take their selfies and videos. Are they avoiding going to the beach and exotic places to do their narcissistic social media stuff? Nope.

Problem number 3

The photo is from the article. Look at all the signs, clothes, backpacks, smartwatches, glasses, makeup, hairspray, and other objects that were made with and/or shipped by fossil fuels. They want fossil fuels ended: how do they get all those products? How do they travel for their selfies and protests? Of course the sign says Young Democratic Socialists of America, and they hate profit. How do they think they will make money? Stupid people.

Read: Gen Z Totally Unified In Holding Politicians Responsible For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Pirate's Cove