52% Say They Are Worse Off Under Biden-Harris Than Trump

The question is, how many of them will vote their wallets, rather than their Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Poll finds majority of Americans say they’re worse off than four years ago, similar to 1992 election

With Election Day inching closer, a recent survey suggested that a majority of Americans believe they are worse off than they were four years ago.

The Gallup poll, released Friday, found that 52 percent of Americans said they and their family are worse off today than they were four years ago. The Gallup poll was conducted Sept. 16-28 among 1,023 Americans and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Another 39 percent said they were better off, while 9 percent said they felt the same now as they did back then.

Gallup noted that these results are most similar to their 1992 survey – when then-Gov. Bill Clinton defeated incumbent Republican President George H.W. Bush.

Who are these 39% who say they are better off? Are they the government employees who can just demand raises? Rich folks loving the BidenHarrisflation?

About 72% of Democrats say they were better off in 2024 than 2020, according to the survey. The numbers were much lower for independents, 35%, and Republicans, just 7%.

Under what measurement do those Dems feel better? Simply because Trump isn’t president? Because there are plenty who have complained about how expensive things are, how they cannot afford a house or apartment? The big one is the Independents: can they overcome loathing Trump (not that Kamala is particularly likable) and vote for policies that are better for their lives?

And then there is this

Gallup’s monthly Economic Confidence Index (ECI), which ranges from -100 to +100, was currently at -26, with 39 percent saying they were better off financially four years ago.

The organization has been tracking ECI’s since 1992. Since the start, the highest ECI score was +56 in January 2000, and the lowest was -72 in October 2008.

Gallup noted that former President Trump’s 2020 loss to now-President Biden was a “sign that noneconomic factors were paramount to voters that year.”

Which way will it show up at the ballot box? Say what you will, Biden was somewhat likeable, especially since he was kept in the basement as much as possible. Kamala is a whole different ballgame. I don’t know about you, though, I’ve talked to people in real life, and they’re all TDS, despite whining about things like the economy. They blame Trump for Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Israel, going through pretzels in their TDS logic.

Read: 52% Say They Are Worse Off Under Biden-Harris Than Trump »

You’re Fault: We’re All Going To Be Eating Pawpaws Instead Of Apples In Hotter World

We could lose one of the basis’ of American life! No more apple pie! All because you refuse to buy an EV take the bus and give your money and freedom to government (non-paywalled here)

This American fruit could outcompete apples and peaches on a hotter planet

When Kyle Townsend and Mitchell Gunther decided to start an orchard in this town just east of Niagara Falls two years ago, they quickly dismissed the idea of growing conventional fruit. Warmer winters, followed by snap freezes, were devastating apple and peach crops. They nixed grape vines and berries, which invasive pests were targeting.

“Just hear me out,” Townsend told his business partner, “we’re putting in a pawpaw orchard.”

Pawpaws are North America’s largest native fruit — and are exceedingly rare, found mainly in the wild across 26 states or in small orchards in Appalachia, where the trees have historically thrived. Praised for their flavor, which is sometimes described as a cross between a mango and banana, the custard-like fruit is an ideal spoonable dessert. You won’t find them in the supermarket — but some plant breeders are trying to change that.

Western New York is considered the very fringe of the pawpaw tree’s northern range. But as climate change brings warmer temperatures and more erratic weather to the region, a small but growing number of farmers are drawn to pawpaws’ low maintenance and adaptability.

In the wild, they grow from northern Florida to southern Ontario, tolerating a broad range of conditions and often spreading to form thickets. They are the only temperate genus of the otherwise tropical custard apple family — a traveler that made its way north long ago and, farmers hope, might be a way reduce their risk as climate change increasingly threatens their crops.

OK, because two guys decided to grow pawpaws and make some cash we’re Doomed from ‘climate change’

But if growers are eager to bring pawpaws north, farmers further south are beginning to wonder if climate change will hurt their crops. A severe drought in Ohio this year has farmers complaining of earlier-than-expected harvests and small, sour fruit. Some have also attributed the poor crop to heat stress, raising questions about whether the fruit can survive the effects of climate change in Appalachia, its cultural heartland.

Pawpaws have their share of skeptics. For as hardy as the pawpaw tree is, the fruit bruises easily and can go from ripe to mush on the counter in several days. Refrigerating them extends their life by a few weeks, but not enough to counter their reputation as a fragile oddity.

Seriously, this whole Washington Post article is really about two guys deciding to grow pawpaws, and they had to turn it into a climate cult article.

Read: You’re Fault: We’re All Going To Be Eating Pawpaws Instead Of Apples In Hotter World »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea that will erase some states and nations, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the solution to no wind power.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Says Sinwar Being Dead Is Perfect Time For A Ceasefire

Yeah, no, it is a perfect time for Hamas to surrender

Biden says Sinwar’s death is an ‘opportunity’ for a hostage deal and an end to war in Gaza

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden said Thursday that the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar by Israeli troops is a “good day for the world,” calling it an opportunity to free hostages held by the militant group and end the yearlong war in Gaza.

“Now’s the time to move on. … Move toward a cease-fire in Gaza, make sure that we move in a direction that we’re able to make things better for the whole world,” Biden told reporters as he arrived in Berlin for a short visit. “It’s time for this war to end and bring these hostages home. That’s what we’re ready to do.”

U.S. officials expressed such measured optimism that the killing of a militant (WT – good grief, the AP just called the leader of a terrorist group a militant) characterized by national security adviser Jake Sullivan as a “massive obstacle to peace” might breathe new life into cease-fire talks that have failed to produce a breakthrough for months despite periodic signs of progress.

“Over the past few weeks, there have been no negotiations for an end to the war because Sinwar has refused to negotiate,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters. “We now see an opportunity with him having been removed from the battlefield, being removed from the leadership of Hamas, and we want to seize that opportunity.”

It would be great if the hostages were returned and the war ended. All that needs to happen is for Hamas to surrender and release the hostages.

Biden spoke by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to congratulate him on the mission that killed Sinwar. They also discussed “how to use this moment to bring the hostages home and to bring the war to a close with Israel’s security assured and Hamas never again able to control Gaza,” according to a White House summary of the call.

What is Biden’s plan to keep terrorist organization Hamas from controlling Gaza? Or any other Islamic terrorist group? I’m not finding that in any article on the call. How about for ensuring Israel’s security? It would be helpful if Biden-Harris weren’t giving aid and money to Hamas. The best way to provide security is for Donald Trump to be re-elected. Even then, there are enough Palestinians who not only have been indoctrinated to hate Israel and Jews (and America, don’t forget that), but, to be pure Islamic extremists, hence why most Arab nations will not take them in.

(Jerusalem Post) The Iranian mission to the United Nations has warned that Israel’s killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar will serve to “strengthen” the “spirit of resistance” of the Palestinian population against Israel.

The mission highlighted that Sinwar “will become a role model for the youth and children who will follow his path towards the liberation of Palestine.”

These would be the pals of Biden-Harris, whom they made sure were flush with cash which could be, and has been, used to promote terrorism.

Read: Biden Says Sinwar Being Dead Is Perfect Time For A Ceasefire »

Bummer: 34% Of German EV Owners Switching Back To Fossil Fueled Vehicles

Again, I have nothing against them. If you want one, get one. In many cases, though, what seems like a great deal doesn’t work out that way in practice (via Green Jihad)

Electric car frustration? One in three people switches back to combustion engines

electric vehicleIf the traffic light government has its way, the transport transition should actually only take place in one direction: by 2035 at the latest, no more vehicles with conventional diesel or petrol engines should be allowed to be sold, and by then the proportion of electric cars should steadily increase.

But this plan is not working at the moment. After the subsidies were abolished, not only are fewer and fewer vehicle owners switching from combustion engines to electric cars, but a countermovement has now even started: more and more electric car drivers are switching back to a combustion engine when buying their next vehicle.

This is shown by data from Huk Coburg, which claims to be the largest German car insurer. According to the data, around 34 percent of all electric car owners switched back to a diesel or petrol vehicle in the first nine months of this year.

And the trend is clearly rising: last year, the rate of those switching back was only 28 percent, in 2022 it was 17.5 percent, and in 2021 it was 14.2 percent. Apparently, electric cars cannot convince many owners to stick with this form of propulsion in the long term.

At the same time, the number of people switching from a combustion engine to an electric car continues to fall. This was the case for just 3.6 percent of those insured this year. In the last quarter of the previous year, this figure was 40 percent higher.

Why? Well, that’s not included. I’d suggest one issue is that it isn’t actually cheaper to own an EV for many people if they cannot charge at home, which is where the savings come in. Cost of tires is going to be more, as they wear out quicker due to the weight of EVs. Insurance costs are around 25% higher. Many probably do not like the range and realized after purchase that an EV is inconvenient.

As for purchasing, well, without massive subsidies EVs are much more expensive. Consider: you can buy one on lease for $389 for 36 months/30000 miles with zero down. But, without all those subsidies and such, that $50,000 EV would be way, way, way, way more, especially since EV residuals tend to be around 50%. That’s not good.

As Green Jihad notes

None of this is surprising considering the lack of planning and preparation that took place when European and even U.S. leaders began their effort to encourage their citizens to buy electric vehicles. This on top of the overall costs associated with owning one. Their overall impact on reducing carbon emissions are minimal at best if one ignores how much manufacturing and owning electric cars and trucks are worse for the natural environment than gas-powered ones.


Read: Bummer: 34% Of German EV Owners Switching Back To Fossil Fueled Vehicles »

AP: The Joy Is Gone From The Harris Campaign

Apparently, all those talking heads saying Kamala did awesome against Bret Baier are wrong

Harris campaign features less talk of joy and more head-on digs at Trump as Election Day nears

Joy Olson proudly wore a “Make America Joyful Again” button Thursday as she waited in line to attend a Kamala Harris rally. But that doesn’t mean the 70-year-old retiree with the happiest of names wants the Democratic nominee to shy away from taking the heat to Republican Donald Trump.

“I’m tired of her being so nice sometimes,” said Olson, who called Trump “evil and scary.” She added: “I hope she calls him out.”

That’s exactly what the vice president is doing as the campaign enters its final days.

Less than three weeks from Election Day, Harris is closing out her campaign painting a dark vision of the country if Trump is sent back to the White House, including airing video clips at her own rallies of the Republican nominee’s more alarming rhetoric. (snip)

It’s a far cry from the “joy” that swirled around her elevation to the top of the Democratic ticket this summer. As that surge of enthusiasm has eased, Harris is staking her campaign on increasingly sharp attacks on Trump meant to get her supporters to turn out and to win over the tiny universe of persuadable voters left in exceedingly tight battleground states.

It’s pretty much all she has, Trump Trump Trump. Her plans are horrible, and she really doesn’t want to talk about that or why the Biden-Harris admin has failed so miserably.

(NBC News) Kamala Harris’ campaign will launch a new television ad Thursday aimed at linking the three words the vice president has used to describe Donald Trump lately — unhinged, unstable and unchecked — with the policy implications voters might see if the former president returns to office.

The 30-second spot is set to air across battleground states, and argues that Trump will “ignore all checks that rein in a president’s power,” according to details first shared with NBC News. It names Project 2025, the conservative blueprint that the GOP nominee has tried to distance himself from following criticism. Democrats have succeeded in making the proposal, which was crafted by a right-wing think tank, unpopular, according to polling.

It’s no wonder she’s going negative

Read: AP: The Joy Is Gone From The Harris Campaign »

Hamas Head Sinwar Dead Days After Being Threatened By Biden, Macron

This was just a few days ago from so-called allies

(Breitbart) As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday, Harris endorsed a threat made by the administration days before, warning that Israel had 30 days to “surge” aid into Gaza and to end the isolation of northern Gaza, effectively terminating an ongoing Israel Defense Forces (IDF) offensive there, or else it could lose access to U.S. weapons.

(Jerusalem Post) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not fail to forget that a UN resolution created Israel, French President Emmanuel Macron said while convening with ministers on Tuesday, according to Le Parisien.

“Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a decision of the UN. Therefore, he should not liberate himself from the decisions of the UN,” the French daily newspaper cited Macron as saying behind closed doors.

Israel and others responded to Macron

(Times Of Israel) “It first of all shows an ignorance of the history of the birth of the State of Israel,” Gerard Larcher, the right-wing speaker of the upper house (French) Senate, told Europe 1 radio. “Questioning the existence of Israel touches on fundamental questions for me,” he said.

Netanyahu also smacked back. Plus, Macron also did something else

(Times Of Israel) Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Wednesday called French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to ban Israeli firms from exhibiting at a naval arms show “a disgrace” and accused Paris of implementing a hostile policy towards the Jewish people.

And, at the end of the day, Israel just kept doing its thing of killing terrorists

He’s dead, Jim

(Breitbart) Israel has officially confirmed that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is dead, killed in a chance encounter Wednesday with infantry and armored units of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

In a joint statement Thursday evening local time, titled “Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization who was responsible for planning and executing the October 7th Massacre, has been eliminated,” the IDF and Israel Security Agency (ISA) declared:

The IDF and ISA confirm that after a year-long pursuit, yesterday (Wednesday), October 16, 2024, IDF soldiers from the Southern Command eliminated Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas terrorist organization, in an operation in the southern Gaza Strip. Yahya Sinwar planned and executed the October 7th Massacre, promoted his murderous ideology both before and during the war, and was responsible for the murder and abduction of many Israelis.

Yahya Sinwar was eliminated after hiding for the past year behind the civilian population of Gaza, both above and below ground in Hamas tunnels in the Gaza Strip. The dozens of operations carried out by the IDF and the ISA over the last year, and in recent weeks in the area where he was eliminated, restricted Yahya Sinwar’s operational movement as he was pursued by the forces and led to his elimination.

He was found with passports and lots of cash, apparently trying to flee Gaza after hiding behind civilians. Ilhan Omar and Raishida Tlaib hardest hit, along with the Jew haters at the UN.

Speaking of the UN

(YNET) Further evidence suggesting Sinwar’s death included the presence of a senior Hamas commander known to frequently accompany him. Reports from Gaza indicated the other two terrorists killed were Sinwar’s bodyguards, one of whom worked as a teacher for UNRWA and the other a high-ranking official in Hamas’ National Security Office.

Why are we still giving money to the UN when they support a US State Department designated terrorist organization?

Read: Hamas Head Sinwar Dead Days After Being Threatened By Biden, Macron »

If All You See…

…is a room saving the planet from climate doom by keeping the lights out, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Greenie Watch, with a post on Google building nuclear power plants to power their AI.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Biden-Harris Announce Another $425 Million For Ukraine

People in Western North Carolina get $750. Oh, except many are reporting that they were denied, which the Credentialed Media says is misinformation, despite not going and asking Americans

You have the whole FEMA being out of money, and the SBA out of money. They should have said they were Ukrainian

Biden announces $425 mn Ukraine arms package

US President Joe Biden announced a $425 million arms package for Kyiv Wednesday in a call with President Volodymyr Zelensky, ahead of a farewell visit to Berlin to discuss Ukraine, the White House said. (snip)

The $425 million US package includes “additional air defense capability, air-to-ground munitions, armored vehicles, and critical munitions to meet Ukraine’s urgent needs,” the White House said.

How much of that will end up as graft in the pockets of politicians, bureaucrats, and oligarchs?

Zelenskyy outlines his ‘victory plan’ to Ukraine’s lawmakers, including a call to join NATO

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told lawmakers Wednesday that Ukraine’s Western partners are increasing pressure to negotiate with Russia, but he hinted such talks would be unfavorable to Kyiv as he unveiled what he called his “victory plan” for the war.

Major points of the plan include an invitation for Ukraine to join NATO and permission to use Western-supplied longer-range missiles to strike military targets deep inside Russian territory — steps that have been met with reluctance by Kyiv’s allies so far.

“If we start moving according to this victory plan now, it may be possible to end the war no later than next year,” Zelenskyy told the Verkhovna Rada, the parliament. He will present the five-point plan to the European Council on Thursday.

Might it have been nice to have a victory plan prior to the U.S. dumping almost $200 billion of taxpayer money which we can’t afford into Ukraine? Which has a leadership which isn’t exactly upstanding? Remember, presidential elections have been postponed. They were supposed to be in Spring 2024. We’ve heard about the Spring offensive several times, which were supposed to get Russia out of Ukraine. All failed. It’s really a stalemate. But, what is the US getting out of it?

Read: Good News: Biden-Harris Announce Another $425 Million For Ukraine »

Your Fault: Biden-Harris Regime Recalls EV Buses Over Fire Concerns

Nothing like putting a bunch of kids on buses that have a tough time offering heat and AC. Oh, and can catch on fire

From the link

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued a warning Wednesday about 483 electric transit buses being recalled over safety defects, according to a safety advisory.

Phoenix Motorcars is voluntarily recalling Proterra 800V catalyst vehicles from 2020 to 2021 and ZX5 Proterra transit buses from 2020 to 2022 over concerns that they could be prone to catching fire, according to an advisory from the FTA. The vehicles were first recalled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in September over issues with their radiator fan electrical circuits overheating, which is a potential fire hazard, according to a Sept. 5 report.

A customer reported that their Proterra bus started smoking in July 2021, and a second incident with a smoking vehicle occurred in January 2024, according to a report from Smart Cities Dive. Phoenix Motorcars obtained Proterra’s transit buses after the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August 2023.

In fairness, not all of the buses were paid for by the Biden-Harris admin: plenty of states wasted their own taxpayer money on this boondoggle. But, they have dumped billions into EV buses (which neither of them ride), including $900 million specifically for EV school buses.

Read: Your Fault: Biden-Harris Regime Recalls EV Buses Over Fire Concerns »

Pirate's Cove