If All You See…

…is a horrible bridge moving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on a climate model error that over-estimates the effects of CO2 by a factor of 5.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Language Barrier For “Immigrants” Is Seen As Exlusionary

If someone is applying for citizenship to the U.S., one of the requirements is that they learn to speak and write English. The problem is, the government keeps bringing in people from all over the world who do not speak English, as well as allowing illegal aliens/migrants to cross the border and never leave. And a goodly chunk of them never bother to attempt to learn English beyond a few words. They expect us to accommodate them

Language barrier: Immigrant parents tell tales of exclusion

illegal alien DemocratPhiladelphia parents who don’t speak English say they’ve long been excluded from parts of their children’s education because of language barriers, something exacerbated by the pandemic and the return to in-person learning.

Parents told The Associated Press about students being used as translators despite federal prohibitions, incorrect telephone translations and poor communication about bullying. Experts say many other school districts have lagged in creating equitable systems for non-English speakers.

Philadelphia school officials said there has been progress, including sending communication in parents’ languages and hiring dozens more in-school interpreters called bilingual cultural assistants, or BCAs. They also said the district has robust guidance on requesting language help.

Still, problems persist.

Whose fault is that? The parents, most like those who are here illegally, could take the time to learn English. If you go to live in France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, whatever, for a year and haven’t bothered to learn the basics of the language, that’s on you.

Mandy, who asked the AP not to use her last name, struggled with returning her 10-year-old special needs son to in-person school but decided the virtual option didn’t offer enough support for parents who don’t speak English.

Mandy said her biggest language struggles were during special education meetings at her son’s previous school. She still spends hours translating reports into Mandarin because the district provides limited translations.

So, she blames the school for her failure to learn English?

English learners increased in the Philadelphia district to more than 16,500 in 2020, from around 12,000 in 2013, and nearly a quarter of people in Philadelphia older than 5 don’t speak English at home, according to census numbers.

Juntos, a Latino immigrant advocacy group in Philadelphia, surveyed families in 2020 about their pandemic concerns. Executive Director Erika Guadalupe Núñez said after basic needs, schooling was a major concern, including how to communicate with teachers who spoke only English.

Learn English? Why is this so hard? Oh, right, because Democrats are wackadoodle, and deem it raaaaacist to require residents from other countries to learn to communicate in the primary language.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights receives dozens of parental language complaints yearly. It issued guidance in 2015 on the legal obligation to communicate in parents’ languages, saying neither students nor untrained bilingual staff should translate.

And therein is the problem: we kowtow to the parents who aren’t attempting to learn to communicate.

Experts said districts everywhere have seen increases in non-English speakers. Dominic J. Ledesma, an educational justice researcher, said many districts try to provide what’s legally required without thinking about making schools an inclusive place for immigrant families.

“Legal compliance and civil rights compliance are just as important as the equity issues at stake. Those issues are really pervasive and systemic in nature and not limited to Philadelphia,” said Ledesma.

No, they aren’t just limited to Philly, but, as long as Democrats run the education system and support illegal immigration, it won’t change.

Read: Bummer: Language Barrier For “Immigrants” Is Seen As Exlusionary »

Post COP26, Warmists Framing ‘Climate Change’ As A Health Issue Or Something

This really isn’t about climate change, is it

COP26 finally framed climate change as a public health issue, experts say

As the dust settles on the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, health professionals are finally feeling acknowledged by the global climate community.

More than 100 doctors and nurses traveled to Glasgow earlier this month with a message for world leaders: Global warming is a leading threat to public health. And curbing planet-warming emissions is a prescription.

So, they took long, fossil fueled trips to Glasgow? Huh

That message resonated at COP26 more than it has at previous United Nations climate summits, according to experts who have been attending the talks for years.

“I have been coming to these for the last 12 years, and I have seen how certain topics have gained more relevance. And certainly public health is one of them,” Ramon Cruz, president of the Sierra Club’s board of directors, told The Climate 202.

“I have been coming to these for the last 12 years, and I have seen how certain topics have gained more relevance. And certainly public health is one of them,” Ramon Cruz, president of the Sierra Club’s board of directors, told The Climate 202.

Jeni Miller, executive director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, who has gone to five U.N. climate summits, agreed with that assessment. She noted that the World Health Organization sponsored a health pavilion at COP26 for the first time in the organization’s history.

“The WHO pavilion sounds like maybe a small thing,” Miller told The Climate 202. “But it made health — in a very literal sense of the term — visible at the COP. It created a physical place that people could walk by and countries’ delegations could see.”

Even before the conference in Glasgow, there was a growing recognition in the medical profession that rising global temperatures imperil millions of lives.

The global temperatures have gone up a whopping 1.5F since 1850. And they’re fearmongering about this.

Miller said health professionals urged world leaders in Glasgow to meet the more ambitious goal of the 2015 Paris agreement: limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. “The science is clear that warming greater than that could be catastrophic for people’s health, and that every tenth of a degree averted matters,” she said.

Well, since the previous Spreading Awareness over the past 30+ years hasn’t worked to get people to give up their money, freedom, and choice, they want to try to frame it as a health issue, because maybe that will work.

Miller also noted that burning fossil fuels — a primary driver of climate change — releases air pollutants that can trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions. Fine-particle pollution from burning fossil fuels causes roughly 4 million people to die prematurely each year, research shows.

Except, it’s not CO2 that causes the pollution, but, they do not care, because scaremongering is one of the core talking points for the Cult of Climastrology.

The good news is that doctors increasingly are keeping climate effects in mind when treating patients, said Renee Salas, an emergency medicine physician at Massachusetts General Hospital who attended COP26.

“If you come in with an asthma attack to my emergency department, that’s your primary diagnosis. But yet … climate change is driving pollen levels to be higher, so it is actually a secondary diagnosis,” Salas said during a panel last week hosted by Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

This is just what you need, eh? Climahysteric doctors. How will they treat ‘climate change’?

“We need to make sure that health has an even more prominent stage at COP27,” Salas said, “and that it’s actually incorporated throughout discussions.”

Read: Post COP26, Warmists Framing ‘Climate Change’ As A Health Issue Or Something »

74% Of Americans Say Their Lives Have Returned To Normal From COVID

How about you? Is your life back to normal? Mostly? Or are you one of those who’ve been vaccinated and wear a mask even when alone in the car?

Poll: As winter COVID surge begins, 74 percent of Americans say their lives have returned to ‘normal’

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, nearly three-quarters of Americans (74 percent) now say their lives have returned to “normal,” according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll.

It’s a number that underscores both the progress made possible by safe and effective vaccines and the challenges ahead as the holidays approach and yet another winter wave gets underway in the United States.

The survey of 1,696 adults, which was conducted from Nov. 17 to 19, found that only 15 percent say that things “never stopped being normal” for them — a reminder of just how profoundly the virus has disrupted American life.

Yet as the U.S. pandemic enters its 21st month, most Americans now characterize their own lives as either “very normal” (21 percent) or “somewhat normal” (53 percent), considering “the impact of COVID-19.”

I’ll say it’s somewhat normal. Except there are still masking restrictions in my town, and the one I go to a lot that’s right next door. And there are things we do, and don’t do right now, at work. I’m perfectly fine with some social distancing, no shaking hands, no hugs. I don’t go the movies, but, then, there are almost no ones worth seeing in the theater (I would go to the afternoon showing, so, there would be very few people there). Of course, if we’re talking about the economic aftereffects, then we’re all affected. #LetsGoBrandon

Far fewer say their lives are either “not very normal” (19 percent) or “not normal at all” (7 percent).

In that light, a return to “normal” may seem premature — and for many, it very well could be. A full 70 percent of unvaccinated Americans, for instance — the people who continue to account for nearly all COVID hospitalizations and deaths — describe their own lives as normal, and about a quarter of them say their lives are “very normal” (25 percent) or “never stopped” being normal to begin with (27 percent). That’s more than the number of vaccinated Americans who say the same (19 percent and 8 percent, respectively).

Well, that’s why a lot of them are getting really sick and dying. COVID19 is real, and if you didn’t take protections, well, that’s on you.

Likewise, nearly two-thirds of unvaccinated Americans (65 percent) now say that COVID poses either a “small” threat (31 percent) or “no” threat (34 percent) to them personally, and just 42 percent of unvaccinated Americans — compared to 63 percent of fully vaccinated Americans — say they wear a mask in public always or most of the time.

And these 63% are the loons. If you’re vaccinated why wear a mask? These are most likely also the people who remove the mask to talk to someone in close quarters and then hug/bro hug. They’re the ones double masking and losing their shit when other people aren’t wearing a mask. Wearing it in the car. Wearing it but leaving their nose uncovered. Wearing a mask that makes almost no difference.

At the same time, however, it’s important to note that 71 percent of U.S. adults have been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — and for them, returning to normal was both the point and the promise of getting vaccinated in the first place.

Yeah, that was the entire point, and the Powers That Be have worked hard to change the terms of why you get the vaccine, keeping restrictions on those who are vaccinated, scaring them into Complying.

And while only 30 percent of registered voters said they were planning to gather indoors with family and friends last Thanksgiving, 57 percent now say that’s how they’re planning to celebrate this year.

A lot of people are just over it. Over the Government restrictions, the over the top scaremongering. COVID is still dangerous. You might not die, you might not even get that sick, but, the effects can last for a long time. Being such hysterics, along with all over the place messaging, has made people tune out.

That goes a long way toward explaining why 77 percent of Democrats wear a mask most of the time in public, compared to just 31 percent of Republicans — despite the fact that similar numbers of Democrats (76 percent) and Republicans (82 percent) describe their own lives as normal.

Democrats like Government telling them what to do, and are the problem. Pure moonbat hysterics.

How to reconcile the return to normalcy with continued caution and even pessimism about the pandemic itself? Increasingly, Americans are learning to “live with” COVID by distinguishing between the risks to themselves and the risks to others.

Which is what they need to do. It’s not going fully away (thanks, China!). Live with it. So will be hysterics for years, though.

Read: 74% Of Americans Say Their Lives Have Returned To Normal From COVID »

Bummer: US Military Not Ready For Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Of all the things the U.S. military should be worried about, this isn’t even in the top 50

Senior Pentagon official warns the US military is ‘not ready’ for climate change

A senior Pentagon official warned the US military is “not ready” to handle climate change, a national security issue that touches nearly every aspect of Defense Department planning.

“We are not where we should be, and now is beyond the time when we need to get in front of that challenge,” Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks told CNN.

Beyond rising sea levels and extreme weather, climate change has opened up new areas of strategic competition like the Arctic and intensified the competition for scarce resources, such as the raw materials required to make the lithium-ion batteries crucial to electric vehicles.

“It’s something like $750 billion of investment worldwide going on in lithium-ion batteries,” Hicks said. “The challenge is most of that is happening in China. They dominate that supply chain. It’s a significant national security challenge for us.”

Hicks, the first woman to hold the Pentagon’s number two position, leads the military’s different efforts on climate change. On a recent two-day trip to Michigan, Connecticut and Rhode Island, Hicks saw work on the first generation of electric military vehicles, including an electric light reconnaissance vehicle at GM Defense.

But electric military vehicles pose their own set of challenges. Although an electric vehicle can be much quieter and emit less of a heat signature — critical advantages on a battlefield — it also needs to be recharged somehow. Refueling a gas vehicle requires supply lines to bring in the fuel, but it is still faster and more efficient than recharging an electric vehicle on a battlefield.

Meanwhile, our Woke military would be obliterated by the Chinese military, which is pushing the exact opposite of Woke. The U.S. military is more concerned with giving sex change garbage to transgenders and Woke uniforms and stuff, along with replacing vehicles that work with ones that don’t. Liberals have long wanted to destroy the U.S. military. They couldn’t defund it in the 70’s, now they’re destroying it from within.

Read: Bummer: US Military Not Ready For Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is champagne which will SOON be grown in Norway due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the Christmas parade attacker being identified.

Read: If All You See… »

Daily Beast: Say, Let’s Give Black People The State Of Georgia As A Safe Space

It’s not enough that Democrats have attempted to keep black people down in their own neighborhoods, separated from white people, featuring poverty, crime, bad schools, and urban decay. Now they want to separate them altogether in their own state, proclaiming it a safe space

Black People Need a Safe State in America—Let’s Make It Georgia

The trial of the three men accused of slaying Ahmaud Arbery has Black Americans walking on pins and needles once again. Whatever the jury decides, I’m afraid, will fail to address a damming question that the tragic incident symbolizes: How can Black people ever be secure in America?

Executed by three strangers while jogging in a white neighborhood, Arbery’s killing reflects the mindset of domination in the culture of white supremacy: the belief that any random white person has the right to accost and detain a Black person with impunity. Authorities are ready to accept their claims of righteous endangerment–even when they are the instigators of the danger.

Jogging? I’m not saying what was done to Arbery was right, or legal, but, he was a well known criminal, one who had been found, at a minimum, lurking in the neighborhood, possibly stealing from the area. The whole issue is rather complicated, the defendants were most likely in the wrong and will be found guilty, and hardcore lefties feel the need to lie about what happened and make it raaaaacist

Yet, the Arbery encounter is just the latest in a series of violent racial incidents that linger in memory: George FloydTrayvon MartinTamir RiceBreonna TaylorEric Garner, and so many others. The fatal consequences are recounted on television and social media and trigger episodes of post-traumatic stress in the Black psyche.

Don’t break the law and there won’t be problems. Don’t attack people and try and take their gun. Don’t be the money person for a confirmed drug dealer. Don’t point a gun, even if fake, at police officers.

Add to these graphic executions the racism inherent in the criminal justice system, and the increasingly unstable antics of states under the spell of Trumpism, and one can wonder if it is time for Black Americans to consider establishing a base for security?

Hey, some Trump Derangement Syndrome!

Such a conclusion runs counter to the direction of Black politics since the Supreme Court decision in the school desegregation cases. After the NAACP emerged victorious in Brown v. Board of Education, Black leaders embraced the illusion of integration even if it meant taking a beating. To be fair, the notion to “redeem the soul of America” from its legacy of slavery and Jim Crow had successes and failures.

Nearly 70 years later, after generations of racial strife, the climate today suggests that new options may be worth pursuing. In this new century, Black thinkers may want to weigh the merits of establishing a majority-minority state as a political base while still demanding the rights of citizenship across the land.

Why are black people so unsafe in cities and states run by Democrats? Let’s give them their own!

A project to create a Black-majority state would be in the political and cultural interests of the race. There are examples in U.S. history of vulnerable groups using the structure of federalism to create a safe haven state, most notably the Mormons in Utah. In fact, Black pioneers resorted to the strategy when forming independent towns across the West like Nicodemus, founded in Kansas in 1877.

And would make Democrats, who still hate Blacks, very happy, moving them away down there. Anyhow, it keeps going and going and going, ending with

While the concerns are all serious, over time the advantages of establishing a majority-minority state could come to outweigh any potential disadvantages. What remains urgent is that the Ahmaud Arbery outrage is the latest testament to the intransigence of white supremacy—and the need for a safe state.

Or, it could be that a couple of idiots saw someone who kept hanging in their neighborhood, going into a house under construction, and stupidly took matters in their own hands. Maybe don’t be a criminal to start with. Almost every incident occurred because the deceased decided to be a criminal. Doesn’t mean they deserved to die, but, don’t want none, don’t start none. Meanwhile, Democrats use this as an excuse to move all the blacks out of their cities, and Georgia would be plenty far from their northern and West coast cities and states, eh? Still racist after all these years.

Read: Daily Beast: Say, Let’s Give Black People The State Of Georgia As A Safe Space »

Climate Cult Concerned Over What’s Replacing “Climate Denialism” On The Right

Of course, one thing is, the young and old Republicans who are going Warmist have entirely different ideas on how to Solve ‘climate change’, pretty much ignoring increasing the size of government, taking more more, and limiting freedom and choice. Except for some of the grifters, who want to have a carbon tax, calling it “free market”. Because they’ll make money off them. Anyhow

Climate denial is waning on the right. What’s replacing it might be just as scary

Standing in front of the partial ruins of Rome’s Colosseum, Boris Johnson explained that a motive to tackle the climate crisis could be found in the fall of the Roman empire. Then, as now, he argued, the collapse of civilization hinged on the weakness of its borders.

“When the Roman empire fell, it was largely as a result of uncontrolled immigration – the empire could no longer control its borders, people came in from the east and all over the place,” the British prime minister said in an interview on the eve of crucial UN climate talks in Scotland. Civilization can go into reverse as well as forwards, as Johnson told it, with Rome’s fate offering grave warning as to what could happen if global heating is not restrained.

Wait, what’s this about uncontrolled immigration? What does this have to do with climate doom? And, I can find almost no sources that talk about uncontrolled immigration. Slavery, attacks, other issues, not immigration.

This wrapping of ecological disaster with fears of rampant immigration is a narrative that has flourished in far-right fringe movements in Europe and the US and is now spilling into the discourse of mainstream politics. Whatever his intent, Johnson was following a current of rightwing thought that has shifted from outright dismissal of climate change to using its impacts to fortify ideological, and often racist, battle lines. Representatives of this line of thought around the world are, in many cases, echoing eco-fascist ideas that themselves are rooted in an earlier age of blood-and-soil nationalism.

Huh? This whole thing has nothing to do with the climate, does it.

In the UK, the far-right British National party has claimed to be the “only true green party” in the country due to its focus on migration. And in Germany, the rightwing populist party Alternative for Germany has tweaked some of its earlier mockery of climate science with a platform that warns “harsh climatic conditions” in Africa and the Middle East will see a “gigantic mass migration towards European countries”, requiring toughened borders.

Oh, so the doomsday cultists are upset that some of the more extreme folks on the right are taking advantage of what the cult calls a crisis, and emergency?

“Environmentalism [is] the natural child of patriotism, because it’s the natural child of rootedness,” Le Pen said in 2019, adding that “if you’re a nomad, you’re not an environmentalist. Those who are nomadic … do not care about the environment; they have no homeland.” Le Pen’s ally Hervé Juvin, a National Rally MEP, is seen as an influential figure on the European right in promoting what he calls “nationalistic green localism”.

Of course, they’re really talking about true environmental issues, not the fake climate crisis.

The response to this trend on the right has led to what academics Joe Turner and Dan Bailey call “ecobordering”, where restrictions on immigration are seen as vital to protect the nativist stewardship of nature and where the ills of environmental destruction are laid upon those from developing countries, ignoring the far larger consumptive habits of wealthy nations. In an analysis of 22 far-right parties in Europe, the academics found this thinking is rife among rightwing parties and “portrays effects as causes and further normalizes racist border practices and colonial amnesia within Europe”.

BTW, this whine, made possible in the UK Guardian by a far left group’s research, keeps going and going. Have fun!

Read: Climate Cult Concerned Over What’s Replacing “Climate Denialism” On The Right »

Bummer: 67% Disapprove Of Brandon’s Handling Of Inflation

Great job electing incompetence over Mean Tweets, folks. Especially you unhinged #NeverTrumpers

Only 67%?

(The Hill) A new CBS News-YouGov poll released on Sunday found that only one-third of those surveyed approve of President Biden‘s handling of inflation.

The results of the poll did not bode well for Biden, with less than half of respondents approving of his handling of major issues such as race relations, the economy, immigration and inflation. Only 33 percent of those surveyed approved of Biden’s handling of inflation with the remaining 67 percent saying they disapproved.

The poll conducted this month found that 56 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job in office and 44 percent approved. Among the issues asked, COVID-19 vaccine distribution was the only area where a majority of survey participants approved of Biden’s handling.

A majority of survey participants — 64 percent — rated the national economy as being either “fairly bad” or “very bad.”

Among those who rated the current state of the economy as being “bad,” inflation was cited as the top reason for their assessment, with 84 percent of respondents citing this reason. Inflation was cited more than other factors such as coronavirus restrictions, product shortages and distrust in the Biden administration.

When asked about their recent shopping experiences, 82 percent of those surveyed said items are costing more than they did not long ago, while roughly two-thirds of participants said items they are looking for are often not in stock.

And you can bet this won’t get better. Almost nothing Biden is doing works. Nor will it.

Read: Bummer: 67% Disapprove Of Brandon’s Handling Of Inflation »

Hotcoldwetdry Take: Climate Cult Says To Forget EVs, All Cars Must Go

Well, this was fast

Electric vehicles won’t save us — we need to get rid of cars completely

Climate change is happening now. Wildfires are getting worse, flooding more common, hurricanes more powerful, and heat waves more deadly. Yet when world leaders met in Glasgow earlier this month, their proposals still had the world on track for 2.4 degrees Celsius of warming — far above the 1.5-degree target. Governments aren’t doing enough, but they are beginning to take action, and many are focusing on the opportunity offered by electric vehicles. (snip)

Electric vehicles are one piece of a strategy to slash transport emissions, but they tend to receive far more attention than proposals to cut car use. The electrification of transportation is essential — there is no doubt about that — but just replacing every personal vehicle with a battery-powered equivalent will produce an environmental disaster of its own. Such a strategy also denies us the opportunity to rethink a near-century of misguided auto-oriented city planning.

Or, hear me out, you Warmists can f*** off and mind your own business. Stop trying to tell everyone else what to do, especially when you won’t change your own lives.

For example, particulate matter created from tire, brake, and road wear, as well as the dust kicked up by cars on the road, does not fuel climate change, but it does create air pollution that’s harmful to human health. In the United States, these pollutants are responsible for about 53,000 premature deaths each year, and heavier electric vehicles like SUVs and trucks could actually generate more particulate matter than lighter, non-electric cars.

On that, I’ll agree, vehicles do create a lot of air pollution. Remember how clean the air was during lockdown? Doesn’t mean I want to get rid of vehicles, though

Yet while health effects are important, the biggest concern is the minerals that are required to make the batteries that power electric vehicles and the mining that has to happen to extract them. It’s a reality that seriously dirties their green image, and shows the “zero emissions” branding simply isn’t accurate.

We’ve been telling you nutters this

On top of the issues with mining and large vehicle pollution, continuing to have communities built around the assumption that everyone will drive simply isn’t sustainable. The automotive industry wants us to replace the vehicle fleet with battery-powered alternatives because they’ll make a lot of money in the process, but it’s not the best path for the environment, nor for our communities.

In other words, these Fascists want to limit your ability to move around.

We should seize this opportunity to challenge the past century of auto-oriented planning and emphasize walking, cycling, and transit use over driving. Not only would people’s quality of life improve, but if we’re serious about taking on the climate crisis, we need to significantly reduce the number of cars and SUVs on the road — regardless of what powers them.

Mind your business. Piss off.

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Take: Climate Cult Says To Forget EVs, All Cars Must Go »

Pirate's Cove