Democrats Are Getting Very Worried That Roe v Wade Will Be Overturned

Personally, I think the Supreme Court will either rule in a very limited manner, saying that this ruling only applies to Mississippi, or have a broader ruling that leaves abortion in the hands of the States. Where it should be. The Constitution says nothing about abortion, it was not an assigned power or duty, hence, any regulation and legality is up to states. Since belief in abortion on demand is the most important belief to be a Democrat, they are worried. Would make it a lot harder for them to continue to have blacks kill their babies off in a higher percentage, because we know Democrats are black haters

Big changes to abortion law appear likely after oral arguments at Supreme Court in Mississippi case

The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to dramatically weaken legal abortion protections — and it could completely overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling next summer — after oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on Wednesday.

The state of Mississippi defended a law passed by its Legislature in 2018 that imposes a ban on abortion at 15 weeks of gestation, and it appeared likely that at least five of the nine justices would uphold It.

This means big changes are almost certain for the future of abortion, but it does not mean that Roe — the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that found a constitutional right to an abortion before fetal viability — is certain to be overturned in its entirety. The court could institute a nationwide ban at 15 weeks.

That’s doubtful, as the Court would then be making legislation. The Mississippi law was designed to be similar to the laws in most European nations, few of which allow abortion after 15-20 weeks. Most of the EU nations also have many regulations on the medical standards for abortion facilities, unlike here in America, where Democrats want them to have the same medical standards as a convenience store.

Yet there were plenty of indications that there might be five votes to overturn Roe entirely. In that case, most abortions would be illegal in roughly half the states while remaining legal in the other half, according to state abortion laws currently on the books.

The main question among legal observers before the court heard arguments was whether the majority-conservative court was more likely to overturn Roe completely or whether it would create a new standard for when abortion could remain legal.

Realistically, if they want full on overturn, it wouldn’t, shouldn’t, make it illegal: just return the power into the hands of the States. Hence, you could find states where it is illegal to get one, and states where it is legal. Perhaps Democrats would simply go back to pushing contraception? It wasn’t all that long ago where this was Important to them. So, what do Democrats do?

If Roe is gutted, Democrats are unlikely to make it law. But they’ll run on it.

If the Supreme Court overturns or guts abortion rights in a major case that was argued Wednesday, the Democratic-led Congress is unlikely to have the votes to counteract it legislatively.

The fallback plan, Democrats say, is to take the issue to voters in the 2022 elections and argue that Republican victories in Congress and states could fuel restrictions on or even outlaw abortions.

Even though many polls say it should be legal, once you start getting into the details things change. Like with the time frame, where the polls start to be evenly split in restricting after 15 weeks. When you start talking about late term abortions and treating abortion facilities like medical centers, the numbers trend away from the abortion believers in the Democratic Party. So, if Democrats want to push abortion for the mid-terms, I don’t think it will help.

The House passed the Women’s Health Protection Act in September to codify abortion rights nationally. But the bill is likely to face a dead end in the Senate, where Democrats have a 50-50 majority and need 60 votes to defeat a probable Republican filibuster. The bill has only 48 Senate co-sponsors, with two Democratic exceptions, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Wednesday that the House bill would get a vote in the Senate. “Abortion is a fundamental right. We will not let right-wing ideologies tell women what to do,” he said. “It won’t be an easy fight, but we will not back down.”

If they manage to pass it in the Senate, it will be sued immediately, since there is no actual federal responsibility for this, except, really, in saying that states cannot stop or penalize a woman crossing state lines to get one.

A Supreme Court decision is expected by the end of June, in the heat of the midterm elections. Oral arguments indicated that the six conservative justices on the nine-member court appeared willing to at least uphold the 15-week abortion ban in Mississippi, if not go a step further and overturn Roe v. Wade and its precedents.

So, for all the hoopla, we won’t know anything till June. Just from a Constitutional point of view, the Supreme Court should remove the federal government from the abortion debate, and leave it up to the states. No, that isn’t about morality. Yes, abortion is horrible. But, the foundation of our system is what it is, and has to be obeyed.

Read: Democrats Are Getting Very Worried That Roe v Wade Will Be Overturned »

Surprise: Madagascar’s Food Crisis Is Not Actually Due To Climate Emergency

The surprising thing here is that multiple news outlets published this. Here’s a smattering of what we were seeing over the past months

That last one is from CNN, from back in June, when the climate cult was beating their drum of doom. Here’s CNN having to admit the reality

Madagascar’s food crisis has been blamed on climate change. Scientists say that’s wrong

The UN’s World Food Programme and multiple media organizations have been warning that the African island nation of Madagascar is on the brink of the world’s first climate-change-induced famine. But a new study says the human-made climate crisis has had little to do with the current food scarcity in the country.

Consecutive years of low rainfall have led to a prolonged drought that has shaken Madagascar’s food security and has already pushed tens of thousands of people into famine-like conditions.

A study by scientists at the World Weather Attribution initiative, an international collaboration led by Imperial College London and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, found that a natural variation in the climate was most likely the main reason for the drought.

The group said that poverty, poor infrastructure and a high level of dependence on rain for agriculture were also behind the country’s food crisis. (snip)

The scientists said that they couldn’t rule out climate change entirely as contributing to the lower rainfall, but its role, if any, was so small that it was indistinguishable from the country’s historical climate patterns.

Another hyper-Warmist outlet, the UK Guardian, also had to admit to this (though they call it “climate breakdown”)

A million people in the region are struggling for food following the worst drought in 30 years. But the scientific analysis did not show a convincing link to global heating, despite the World Food Programme describing it as the “world’s first climate-induced famine”.

But, of course, both outlets are dragging climate doom into the mix, because that’s what cultists do

Maarten van Aalst, director of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and part of the 20-strong scientific team behind the study, said: “This event in Madagascar shows that in many cases we are not even prepared for today’s climate.”

Piotr Wolski, at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, said: “Even though we do not clearly see the role of anthropogenic climate change in this particular event, similar events will happen in the future, and will more likely be exacerbated rather than alleviated by climate change.

“Adapting and reducing vulnerabilities to such events is a moral imperative that should not be frustrated by inherent uncertainties of climate change projections or statistical analyses.”

So, we should Do Something even though this had nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change. Back to CNN

WFP responded to the study by saying the food crisis was the result of a combination of above average temperatures, lower rainfall, crop failures and other vulnerabilities in communities dependent on subsistence agriculture, worsened by the economic impact of Covid-19.

“The WWA study does not attribute the 2019/2020 droughts solely to human-induced climate change. But it acknowledges that global heating increases vulnerabilities,” the organization said in a statement. (snip)

The WFP wrote that it “is concerned that Madagascar and other countries will continue to have food crises if we do not mitigate the climate crisis and enable the vulnerable to adapt and build their resilience.”

They just won’t stop pushing their authoritarian solutions and brand of doom. I’m sure the Washington Post is pulling the same thing, but, it’s behind a paywall.

Read: Surprise: Madagascar’s Food Crisis Is Not Actually Due To Climate Emergency »

Brandon Admin Considers Quarantine For All Americans Returning From Abroad

Interestingly, I’m not necessarily against this whole testing and quarantining regime Biden – well, his advisors, as he doesn’t seem to know what’s actually go on most of the time – wants to put in place. We do want to limit the number of people who are bringing COVID back. Yes, it’s here, but, maybe we could have avoided Xi, er, Omicron, with the first detected U.S. case in the uber-restrictive state of California. Lots of Conservatives are against this. We can disagree. There’s something else in here that’s a bit more interesting

Biden Admin Considering Mandatory Quarantine for Americans Returning from Abroad

Biden Brain SlugThe Biden administration is expected to announce stricter COVID-19 testing requirements for all travelers entering the U.S. on Thursday, including returning Americans, according to a new report.

Three federal health officials reportedly told the Washington Post the administration is readying stricter testing requirements amid concern over the new Omicron variant. The new guidance would require everyone entering the U.S. to be tested one day before boarding flights, regardless of vaccination status or country of departure.

Officials are also weighing a requirement that all travelers get retested within three to five days of arrival, as well as a proposal to require all travelers to self-quarantine for seven days, even if they test negative.

The requirements could be enforced by fines and penalties, according to the report.

While the two testing measures are included in a draft public health order written by the CDC that is currently under review by officials at the White House and the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, the self-quarantine requirements are not included in the draft. However, a self-quarantine measure could be added later, officials told the paper.

If the new rules take effect, they would mark a departure from the current guidance that requires only unvaccinated air travelers to be tested no more than one day before departure. Currently, those who show proof of full vaccination must be tested no more than three days before the flight’s departure.

Omicron is still not the predominant version of infection, so, this is pretty much saying that vaccines do no work. Just like forcing the vaccinated, even those who’ve had boosters, to wear masks.


Exclusive — ‘Tool to Enforce Orwellian Rules’: 80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database

Eighty House Republicans voted with Democrats on Tuesday to pass the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which if passed by the Senate and signed into law would fund a federal vaccination database.

According to the bill, also called  H. R. 550, the government would provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund “immunization system data modernization and expansion,” a system otherwise defined as “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.”

The text specifically outlines an expansion of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Public Health Department capabilities and the ability for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share health data with the federal government.

In a statement, the bill’s main sponsor, Democrat Rep. Ann Kuster (NH), said the system would be used to “remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine” and identify areas with low vaccination rates to “ensure equitable distribution of vaccines.” Notably, the bill has four Republican co-sponsors: Reps. Larry Bucshon (R-IN), James Baird (R-IN), David McKinley (R-WV), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). Not one Democrat voted in opposition to the bill.

That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea, eh? It can be difficult to track, and records can get lost when switching doctors, moving to different areas, etc. Oh, wait, it’s putting all this information in the hands of un-elected bureaucrats who are not medical professions to nag citizens, rather than leaving this in the hands of their doctors

Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), who was one of the 130 Republicans to vote “no,” told Breitbart News exclusively on Wednesday that the legislation would enable the federal government to “track” unvaccinated Americans who “will be targeted and forced to comply with Biden’s crazy ‘global vaccination’ vision.”

“These systems are designed to allow for the sharing of crucial information and maintenance of records. Do we really trust the government to protect our medical records?” Miller said. “The bill’s author even bragged in her press release that these systems will help the government remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine and identify areas with low vaccination rates to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines. This was clearly a legislative tool to enforce vaccine mandates and force their Orwellian rules onto those who do not comply.”

So, an authoritarian nag system. The Central Planning Government sticking its fingers in everything.

Read: Brandon Admin Considers Quarantine For All Americans Returning From Abroad »

Brandon Admin To Focus On Climate Crisis (scam) With Their Space Policy Framework

Since Kamala is apparently in charge of this, it should be a big fail

Biden administration issues new framework for space policy, with a focus on climate change

Kamala Climate ClownToday, Vice President Kamala Harris’ office released a new framework for US space policy, detailing how the Biden administration plans to approach commercial, civil, and military space activity moving forward. Called the United States Space Priorities Framework, the document keeps many of the same space priorities from the previous administration but adds a new emphasis on using space to help combat climate change and investing in STEM education.

The new framework comes ahead of today’s National Space Council meeting, the first one to be held under the Biden administration. Harris, who chairs the National Space Council, will convene the policy advisory group at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC, at 1:30PM ET today. (snip)

In the biggest break from the previous administration, there looks to be a renewed focus on using space in the fight against climate change. In the new framework, the administration pledges to invest in satellites that can observe Earth from space, helping scientists better understand our changing climate. “Open dissemination of Earth observation data will support both domestic and international efforts to address the climate crisis,” the document states. To further drive home this new emphasis on climate research from space, President Biden plans to sign a new Executive Order today that will add five new members to the National Space Council, including the Secretaries of Education, Labor, Agriculture, and the Interior, but also notably the National Climate Advisor.

Uh huh. Basically, this is like the way climate cultists add ‘climate change’ to every real world issue. Of course, will they hide the raw data from the satellites or release it? Do we just get the massaged results? What if the data undermines the anti-science notion of anthropogenic climate change?

Read: Brandon Admin To Focus On Climate Crisis (scam) With Their Space Policy Framework »

If All You See…

…is a perfect field for wind turbines, far away from where you live in a big city, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on Biden’s staff blasting music when he rambles off-script.

Read: If All You See… »

The Reason Flash Mobs Are Looting Stores Is Because You Gave The Go-Ahead

The word “Democrat” appears nowhere in this piece by the Miami Herald

From the link

Why would they do this?

That question rises inevitably from a new wave of so-called flash-mob robberies, thieves by the dozens invading retail stores to simply take what they want. It’s happened in California, Illinois, Minnesota and Maryland. Retailers ranging from Nordstrom to 7-Eleven have been hit.

For some, the search for answers will be an invitation to uncork pet theories about poverty, permissiveness or punishment. But none of those things is unique to this era.

Think about it: This model for robbery has always been available to enterprising thieves. It’s simple math. What can one or two security guards do if 60 people decide to just walk in and loot the place? Granted, advances in communications technology make that easier to organize now than it once would have been, but still, a crime wave like this theoretically could have happened in 1985 or 2002. It makes sense to wonder why it didn’t. What is it about this particular era that has inspired this particular trend?

What could have possibly happened? Could it possibly be the breaking of the “social covenant”, as they discuss?

Here, then, is another pet theory: The social covenant has shattered.

Meaning the thousand unspoken understandings by which a society functions, the agreements to which we all sign on without a word being spoken. Some are encoded in law, others just encoded in us. Either way, they are rules — “norms” might be a better word — people usually obey even when they could get away without doing so.

They even go on to Blame police and a bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome

To the contrary, we’ve seen police and other authority figures exempt themselves from mask and vaccine mandates — and dare mayors and governors to do anything about it. We’ve seen ex-public officials thumb their noses at congressional subpoenas. We’ve seen a seditionist mob breach the U.S. Capitol and be lionized for it by certain members of Congress and the media. And we’ve seen a president who delighted in shattering norms, refusing to provide his tax returns, flouting the emoluments clause of the Constitution, openly politicking on government property . . . the list goes on. And on.

Ah. That must be it. It’s the fault of Trump, police, and Republicans.

Worst of all, we’ve seen little in the way of accountability for any of it. So the question isn’t how ordinary people could have gotten the idea a holiday from social norms was possible, but how could they have not? Everywhere you look, someone else is seceding from the covenants that make it possible for civil society to function. Which makes these smash-and-grab robberies seem less a mystery and more just another troubling reflection of our times.

Why would people do this?

Heck, why would they not?

And of piece. As I’m sure you’re aware of, the vast majority of these flash mob looting occur in cities run by Democrat, and the looters have virtually no fear of getting in trouble, be it a guy biking into a Walgreens in San Francisco, stealing, and leaving, to mobs going into stores and stealing jewelry and TVs and more. You know exactly why this happens: the laws and rules passed in these liberal meccas by Democrats and Democrat voters. The idea here is to shift the narrative.

Yeah, that’s not happening in Republican run areas.

Read: The Reason Flash Mobs Are Looting Stores Is Because You Gave The Go-Ahead »

Doom Today: Oceans Will Look Very Different By 2060

Let me ask: when the “scientists” and the media outlets pushing are shown to be completely wrong with their doomy prognostication, will there be any sort of reckoning? Because, so far, no one is being held accountable for past failed prognostications

Due To Climate Change, Ocean Habitats Could Be Remarkably Different By 2060

Follow the sciencenew study projects how climate change will affect the oceans, and protected areas in particular. The scientists used a series of different warming scenarios to determine how climate change might alter the oceans.

According to lead author Steven Mana’oakamai Johnson, “In all three scenarios, conditions in more than half of the ocean are going to be novel, meaning new and significantly different, than they have been in the last 50 years.”

Due to the strong links between the ocean and atmosphere, the ocean will continue to absorb fossil fuel emissions and its internal chemistry will shift in such a way that it could require updated conservation measures for 97% of large marine protected areas. And, unchecked climate change could cause increases in acidity as soon as 2030.

Tropical and Arctic systems – which are already so close to the brink – are most likely to exhibit these novel ocean environments first, with protected areas within the Great Barrier Reef and Galapagos experiencing extreme shifts in their composition. By 2060, we can expect close to half of the ocean experiencing new conditions. And, by the end of the century, 87 percent of these environments will have deviated from how we know them today.

This is a doomsday cult. They really have no way of proving this, they’re just throwing out more and more prognostications of doom, hoping to scare people into Complying with the tenets of the Cult of Climastrology. Though, the vast majority of the those pushing this refuse to practice what they preach. Several previous Holocene warm periods were warmer than today, and all without fossil fueled vehicles. How did the oceans do?

“What we’re looking at here is the potential extinction of a whole environment. In some places, the environments we have today are not going to exist in the future,” says co-author James Watson, “We won’t be able to go visit them or experience them. It is an environmental, cultural and economic loss we can’t replace.”

Simply unhinged.

Meanwhile, remember how I’ve mentioned scorpions and Christmas trees?

Nobody Mentioned Scorpions: Global Warming’s Secondary Effects Sting
Climate change doesn’t just mean calamity. It also means endless hassles

Quick: What do Thanksgiving blackouts in Southern California, anticipated shortages of Christmas trees and an explosion of scorpions in Egypt have in common?

They are inconveniences that are the result of climate change that the experts never told us about. (snip through more Doom)

It’s been easy enough to think, “Well, I don’t live by the coast, so sea-level rise is not my problem.” Or, “I don’t live in a desert so extreme heat, so water shortages won’t plague me.” But humans and the systems they create are intricately interconnected and we are beginning to acutely feel downstream effects of climate change.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, doomsday cult. I’m sure there were inconveniences during previous warm and cool periods, and Mankind adapts. No need to assign witchcraft, er, anthropogenic causation.

Read: Doom Today: Oceans Will Look Very Different By 2060 »

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate

The judge stated that this whole civil liberties and separate but equal branches of government thing is rather important

Louisiana federal judge blocks nationwide COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers

A Louisiana U.S. district judge blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers Tuesday, issuing a nationwide injunction in another setback to President Joe Biden’s effort to require wide segments of the population to be vaccinated.

Louisiana Western District U.S. Judge Terry Doughty’s decision follows an identical ruling Monday from Missouri U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp, but Schelp’s decision only covered 10 states.

Doughty ruled on the lawsuit led by Republican Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and joined by 13 other states, but Doughty added a nationwide injunction in his ruling.

In his decision, Doughty wrote the Biden Administration doesn’t have the authority to bypass Congress in issuing such a mandate.

“If the executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our Constitution would be in the same hands,” he wrote. “If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.

“During a pandemic such as this one, it is even more important to safeguard the separation of powers set forth in our Constitution to avoid erosion of our liberties.”

And rather important to safeguard civil liberties from being overridden by elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats who think they can do whatever the hell they want (while often blowing off the same restrictions they put on the peasants. It’s a rather compelling decision the judge put forth, which could make it difficult to override at higher court levels, where this is expected to go

Doughty, who was nominated to the federal bench by former President Donald Trump in 2017 and confirmed in 2018, acknowledged the case “will ultimately be decided by a higher court than this one.”

“However, it is important to preserve the status quo in this case,” he wrote. “The liberty interests of the unvaccinated requires nothing less.”

The Vaccine Cult may not like the unvaccinated, but, they have rights. Especially since they keep telling us that vaccines and masks provide personal protection from the Chinese coronavirus. If people don’t want to get the vaccine, that’s on them. Let them deal with the results. This is America, we have the right to make decisions, some which can be bad. Government may not be authoritarian and treat people like servants and/or criminals without having done something wrong, and certainly not without the Legislative Branch passing a law.

Related, Jazz Shaw discusses a union lawsuit claiming federal vaccine mandates violates their 1st Amendment Rights. It’s an interesting argument, but, probably won’t win as argued.

See, the Elites do not have to follow the same rules.

Read: Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate »

It Starts: Climate Cult Explains How To Have A Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas

This is possibly the earliest I’ve seen the Cult of Climastrology attempt to ruin Christmas. The interesting part is that this seems more about environmentalism, rather than fake climate crisis

How to Have a Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas

‘Tis the season of excess and consumption, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give a little love to Mother Earth!

The time is up for inaction on climate change and after COP26 the world is more aware than ever of humanity’s carelessness.

How about putting some goodies into the planet’s stockings this year by making an effort at home to mitigate the climate crisis? And tbh—these ideas make for some super cute alternatives to what you may be used to.

And the first idea?

Don’t buy a plastic Christmas tree—rent a real one.

It’s tempting to go for one of those cheap plasticky trees that completely fall apart by the end of December, chuck ’em out and repeat the same thing next year.

But as you can guess, this isn’t great for the environment. And buying a real Christmas tree doesn’t necessarily solve the problem, either.

The issue here is dumping materials which never get reused. Renting is the perfect solution.

Rent a tree. Seems like a typical cult scam. I’ve actually had my 2 foot tree for 20 years. Works just fine. Oh, and how about a “DIY your own reusable Advent calendar.” Because these are just oh so bad.

Buy gifts from local, independent retailers.

You know those little boutique trinket stores you see around, but never venture into?

How about checking them out while the department stores are packed and finding some gifts which aren’t mass produced?

This from folks using mass produced smartphones, shipped from China, which they replace entirely too often. And the mass produced TVs, tablets, and streaming products like Roku, Firesticks, etc, so they can binge watch. And all the stuff they buy to get their perfect Instagram shots.

You can also “Wrap gifts with recycled paper or fabric” and “Source organic food for your Christmas feast.” This is more about getting fellow Warmists to do the absolute minimum they can possibly do to make them feel like they are Doing Something. In the spirit of the season, I’ll merrily advise them to piss off.

Read: It Starts: Climate Cult Explains How To Have A Merry, Eco-Friendly Christmas »

If All You See…

…is a world turned to mud from extreme weather from evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Grouchy Old Cripple, with a post on the Marines going DIEed.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove