Here We Go: News Outlets Start Saying Biden Can Do Little To Tame Rampant Inflation

It really was inevitable that the Credentialed Media would start attempting to defend Dementia Joe at some point. You have to know that if Trump was president, they would be raking him over the coals (behind paywall, you can read in full at Yahoo News)

‘No slam-dunk solution’: What can Joe Biden do to tame soaring inflation?

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden was just three minutes into his half-hour address at the Port of Baltimore earlier this week when he acknowledged the toll that soaring inflation is inflicting on many Americans.

Calling rising prices “one of the most pressing economic concerns of the American people,” Biden said the pain that many Americans are feeling is real.

“Everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more, and it’s worrisome,” he said as an orange sun set over the harbor. “Even though wages are going up, we still face challenges, and we have to tackle them. We have to tackle them head on.”

In reality, economists warn, there’s not much Biden can do to tame inflation.

“There’s no slam-dunk solution,” said Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Does anyone think that would be the solution if Trump was still president? Most likely we would be seeing some inflation thanks to the spendapalooza in 2020 due to COVID, along with the supply chain issues and other things related to COVID shutdowns, because this is pretty much a worldwide thing, right? What Trump wouldn’t be doing is having a laser focus on passing huge bills that are all about pushing leftist, Big Government, authoritarian politics. The infrastructure bill would have been about infrastructure, not mostly about things that have nothing to do with infrastructure.

He wouldn’t be shutting down U.S. energy production. The U.S. was energy independent until Joe came into office. Joe is shutting down pipelines, denying permits for oil and natural gas, and wanting to replace them with solar and wind at some point in the future. Everything he’s doing is helping to raise the cost of energy, which pretty much leads to the rising cost of everything else.

He’d be focusing on dealing with the supply chain issues, getting the ports back in order. Doing things to free up the truckers. Enticing people to work as truckers for a time. Not running around pushing the horrible Build Back Better plan. Not pushing for tens of thousands of IRS agents who will be looking at the bank accounts of people who have certain yearly transactions (it doesn’t matter if it is $600 or $10K).

Economists attribute the rise in consumer prices over the past year to several factors, including supply chain breakdowns, labor shortages and a sudden burst of spending after widespread lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

See? That’s what you focus on. You use the lofty perch of the presidency to be positive, and focus on providing what help the government can to relieve the issues, not blow it off and work on other things, especially when citizens are thinking that the infrastructure bill and especially the BBB bill will not only not help their lives, but, hurt their lives.

Because the spike in inflation can be traced to the economic impact of COVID-19, the most important thing the Biden administration could do to tame inflation would be to get the pandemic under control, Zandi said.

“Until the pandemic recedes, inflation is going to be a problem,” he said.

Biden and his advisers understand that, Zandi said, and have taken steps such as making vaccines available to children as young as age 5 and requiring employees at large companies to be vaccinated or undergo weekly COVID testing. A federal appeals court has put the vaccine and testing requirement for employers temporarily on hold after attorneys general in at least 26 states challenged the rules.

Joe’s idea is to mandate vaccination, which only means companies will not hire above 99, and, perhaps, some will get down to 99 if they are close. It won’t help reduce inflation. Not at all. And pushing climate crisis scam measures, and certainly signing on to whatever comes out of Glasgow, won’t help.

Anyhow, it’s a long piece designed to say “don’t blame Joe.” And, to a degree, it’s not his fault. It’s the fault of China for releasing COVID19. No one is dumb enough to think this all happened because someone ate a bat or something at a wet market, right? Attempting to destroy the petroleum and natural gas sectors on purpose is something that is Joe’s fault. Reversing course would be a good start.

Read: Here We Go: News Outlets Start Saying Biden Can Do Little To Tame Rampant Inflation »

Surprise: COP26 Second Draft Failing To Resolve Disputes

Why does this seem to happen every year? It always seems to go long as people who took long fossil fueled trips try and hammer out the details of forcing Other People to comply with the measures the Elites themselves won’t, meaning they get to hang out in nice locations for longer on the taxpayer dime

Take 2: Second draft of Glasgow climate change agreement fails to resolve ongoing disputes

Just hours before the United Nations Climate Change Conference was set to wrap up, a new draft report of the final agreement was released showing that key differences remain on how to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.

Negotiators worked through the night Thursday to try to close the gaps among nations on vexing questions such as how much money richer nations should pay for the damages that climate change has already caused in poorer countries, as well as what specific emissions targets are necessary and when they should be implemented.

“Most glaring is the lack of any mention of the finance plan for loss and damage that was proposed last night by the G77 group of developing countries,” Tracy Carty, head of Oxfam’s COP26 delegation, said of the second draft in a statement. “‘Acknowledging’ loss and damage will not bring back the submerged homes, poisoned fields and lost loved ones. Rich countries must stop blocking progress and commit to doing something about it.”

It’s pretty easy to offer up Other People’s money to give away, money that is forcibly taken from those citizens. It’s also very easy to demand that Other People in developed nations pony up money by taking it from the citizens of developed nations, eh?

Pledges made in Paris in 2015 for wealthy countries to mobilize $100 billion per year in grants and loans to the developing world have not yet been fully met, which the draft document states it “notes with deep regret.” New wording added in the second draft calling for rich countries to double such funding by 2025 could prove a stumbling block to a final agreement because rich countries may balk.

Climate activists, meanwhile, say that even the current wording lets the industrialized world, which has emitted far more greenhouse gases that have caused climate change, off the hook on financing for developing countries and eliminating their own use of fossil fuels.

Yet, the people demanding this aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels. Go figure.

“As the minutes tick down, accepting responsibility and how to ramp up climate finance should be the theme of negotiations,” Rachel Kennerley, international climate campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said in a statement. “But instead, it looks like rich countries are preparing their escape hatch. This new draft released this morning speaks about removing inefficient fossil fuels subsidies, as if efficient ones are acceptable.” (snip)

Underscoring the differences between the parties, however, is the ongoing debate about whether to include the words “fossil fuels” in the draft.

At the end of the day, possibly by Monday (which gives these climate cultists a nice weekend in Glasgow), they’ll suddenly announce a breakthrough, that the final draft is Historic!!!!!!!, and then outlets will start releasing how much this is going to cost the people in the developed world, how much it will increase their cost of energy and cost of living, and then the fun begins, especially when Surrender Joe announces his agreement.

Read: Surprise: COP26 Second Draft Failing To Resolve Disputes »

5th Circuit Court Provides Temporary Stay Against Brandon’s Vax Mandate

I must admit, I am intrigued by the part of the OSHA rule which says that the vaccinated do not need to wear a mask, since the vaccine provides protecting. But, overall, the authoritarian desire to force people to get vaccinated with a vaccine implemented under an emergency order, which hasn’t gone through the full range of testing, is just too much. If people do not want to take the vaccine, that’s on them. That’s their problem. I’m pro-vax anti-mandate

Appeals court re-affirms stay on Biden workplace vaccine mandate, cites ‘severe’ risks

A federal appeals court reaffirmed its decision Friday to enact a stay on President Biden’s workplace vaccination mandate following a legal challenge from Texas and several other states.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration to “take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.” The decision was the latest development in what is expected to be a lengthy legal battle over the mandate’s legality.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a vocal critic of the workplace vaccine mandate, lauded the court’s decision on Twitter.

“Citing Texas’s “compelling argument[s],” the 5th Circuit has delayed OSHA’s unconstitutional and illegal private-business vaccine mandate. WE WON! Litigation will continue, but this is a massive victory for Texas and for FREEDOM from Biden’s tyranny and lawlessness,” Paxton wrote. (snip)

The Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay on enforcement of the federal mandate on Nov. 6, one day after the rule was announced. In its reaffirmation Friday, the court said the mandate “exposes [petitioners] to severe financial risk” and “threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects).”

So far, suits have originated from 27 states and lots of businesses, and this will be jammed up in courts for quite some time. It’ll be interesting to see how quick it ends up at the Supreme Court. Where they might want to consider something very, very interesting (via Twitchy)

It might just be a retweet, but, a federal government employee of the Executive Branch, and one working directly for the Office Of The President, and being the Chief Of Staff, will make an impression as to the intent of the rule, one which had never been done in this manner. You can take a hardhat off. You can remove the mask, steel toed shoes, and other things. You cannot remove the vaccine (I still recommend you take it). Aaaaaand scene

The left cheered judges citing Trump tweets (yes, I did think Trump tweeting out certain things was a mistake). I wonder how they will take this?

Read: 5th Circuit Court Provides Temporary Stay Against Brandon’s Vax Mandate »

Bummer: Fearmongering From Cult Of Climastrology Not Moving Public Opinion

30+ years of spreading awareness, and, there’s a bit of a win, but, not much

I’d like to read that WP piece, since it seems to focus on the failure to move the opinions, but, it’s an ABC-Washington Post poll, so, on to ABC

Most favor steps against climate change, though public divides on its urgency: POLL

Broad majorities of Americans see climate change as a serious problem and favor government regulation of greenhouse gas emissions to address it. Yet, the public is divided on the urgency of the issue, a contrast to the views of leaders at the COP26 climate summit in Scotland.

Leaders at the global conference, which ends today, described climate change as an existential threat to humanity that demands a concerted response. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, however, Americans split, 45-49%, on whether it’s “an urgent problem that requires immediate government action” or “a longer-term problem that requires more study” first. (Five percent volunteer that it’s not a problem.) Views that it’s urgent are 8 percentage points off their peak, 53%, in 2018.

Nonetheless, other results in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, show continued substantial majority support for action, albeit without steady growth. In one, 67% call climate change a serious problem facing the country, including 57% calling it very serious. Both are about the same as in a 2014 ABC/Post poll.

57% very serious is the best they can do. As for support of government regulation, only 48% strongly support (which is the lowest polled for this question), 23% somewhat support. The kicker is that 49% want to wait for more study. Despite all the scaremongering.

Now they should ask the question: government regulation of GHGs will increase you energy costs and cost of living. Are you for or against? Also, how much are you willing to pay extra yearly for government regulation of GHGs?

Read: Bummer: Fearmongering From Cult Of Climastrology Not Moving Public Opinion »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on a real hockey stick.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Iran Backed Militia Invades U.S. Embassy In Yemen, Takes Staffers Hostage

Shades of the 70’s?

US calls for Iran-backed Houthis to release detained Yemeni staffers from embassy

The Biden administration is calling for the immediate release of Yemeni staff of the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a who are being detained by Iran-backed Houthi separatists who control the city, a State Department spokesperson told The Hill on Thursday.

The spokesperson said that the majority of the staff have been released but the Houthis continue to detain Yemeni employees of the embassy without explanation.

The U.S. is also concerned about the Houthis’ breach of the American Embassy compound in Sana’a, which has been closed since 2015 when its official operations moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, amid the Yemeni civil war.

“We call on the Houthis to immediately vacate it and return all seized property. The U.S. government will continue its diplomatic efforts to secure the release of our staff and the vacating of our compound, including through our international partners,” the spokesperson said.

Bloomberg first reported on Tuesday that at least 25 locally employed Yemeni staff of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Agency for International Development were detained by the Houthis, the Iran-backed militant group that controls the north of Yemen.

So, the Let’s Go Brandon admin has basically sent a strongly worded memo to terrorists? Really? Is anyone surprised at all?

This ain’t Hell’s Mason writes

Another Democrat president, another Middle East US Embassy, another group of fundamentalist Muslims, and another group of embassy staff taken hostage. Biden told the world “America is back.” I didn’t really think he meant “back in time”, yet here we are with record inflation, soaring gas prices, and now an embassy under siege. It’s the 1970s all over again, but without the Bee Gees, Travolta, or the Village People.

Or Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Who, Stones, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, and so forth

As we look at this, remember that the Houthi rebels who are perpetrating acts of terrorism in Yemen and on neighboring countries (all supported and supplied by Iran, who were fed with pallets of cash by the O’Biden-Bama Administration) were designated a terrorist organization by Trump. The left and the media (I repeat myself) howled and demanded Biden remove them from the terrorist list. Always dutiful to his handlers, Biden did just that early on in “his” administration.

Just Go, Brandon.

Read: Good News: Iran Backed Militia Invades U.S. Embassy In Yemen, Takes Staffers Hostage »

John Kerry Blows Off China’s Human Rights Violations To Push Climate Action

If you remember, the same thing happened when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, where she said that China’s human rights abuses shouldn’t interfere with other issues, including ‘climate change’

John Kerry sidesteps China’s human rights violations, says it’s ‘not my lane’

John Kerry climateUS special climate envoy John Kerry sidestepped a question about China’s use of slave labor during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference on Wednesday, saying the issue was “not my lane.”

Kerry was responding to a query from a reporter who asked the former secretary of state if he had mentioned human rights issues — including Beijing’s “use of forced labor in Xinjiang for building solar panels” — during recent meetings with Chinese leaders.

“Well, we’re honest. We’re honest about the differences, and we certainly know what they are and we’ve articulated them, but that’s not my lane here,” Kerry said. “That’s — my job is to be the climate guy, and stay focused on trying to move the climate agenda forward.”

The US has blocked imports of solar panels from at least four companies that source products from forced labor in Xinjiang — a province in northwest China where Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities are detained in camps and made to work against their will.

Well, it’s good that the Brandon admin did the last, but, really, just like when Obama was president, Joe’s admin and his people do not want to really get into the subject of China’s human rights abuses, it’s use of slave labor. And it’s not the first time Kerry tried this. Here’s in September

Climate-above-all plea by US fails to stir China

US climate envoy John Kerry has told China that climate change is more important than politics as tensions between the two countries continue.

He made the remarks following two days of talks with Chinese leaders in the city of Tianjin.

But China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned on Wednesday that the worsening relationship could hamper future co-operation on climate issues.

And in April

John Kerry says US and China’s ‘differences on human rights’ shouldn’t get in way of fighting climate change

President Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry said the U.S. and China’s “differences on human rights” should not preclude the countries from working together to fight climate change.

“Right now, climate is enough of an imperative for all of our countries. China doesn’t benefit by not having America as a partner in dealing with climate. And the United States doesn’t benefit from not having China as a partner in climate,” Kerry told Foreign Policy magazine in an interview.

The Fascism of Doing Something about the climate scam is more important than dealing with slavery.

Read: John Kerry Blows Off China’s Human Rights Violations To Push Climate Action »

Will Brandon Admin Rely On Snitches To Enforce Workplace Mandate?

Hey, remember when Dementia Joe was all about #Unity, bringing Americans together, not dividing us? How’s that working out?

Biden Admin to Rely on Workplace Whistleblowers to Enforce Vaccine Mandate

The Biden administration will rely on workplace whistleblowers to enforce its new vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees, given that the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have nearly enough inspectors to check in on every company impacted by the rule, which will effect an estimated 84 million employees, according to a new report.

A federal appeals court in New Orleans last week issued an injunction temporarily halting the Biden administration’s vaccination requirement for large employers, citing “grave statutory and constitutional issues.” However, if the policy goes into effect — requiring workers to be fully vaccinated by January 4 or be tested weekly and wear a mask on the job — the Associated Press reports that it is concerned employees who will largely be responsible for helping OSHA enforce the mandate.

Debbie Berkowitz, a former OSHA chief of staff who is a fellow at Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, told the AP that there is “no army of OSHA inspectors that is going to be knocking on employers’ door of even calling them.”

“They’re going to rely on workers and their union representatives to file complaints where the company is totally flouting the law,” she added.

Obviously, this is not the Let’s Go Brandon admin saying they will do this, but, the article points out that 20-25% of OSHA inspections are due to complaints. How many Vaccine Cultists will file complaints against their own companies? How many of them will be Demanding that they be told who is unvaccinated and who’s supposed to be tested on a constant basis? Information they are not entitled to? Think they won’t? This is 2021, people demand information they aren’t entitled to all the time these days.


(Business Insider) Two businesses with just under 100 employees have told The New York Times they’re wary about hiring more staff as the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate looms.

The Times reported that Apex/Rentco Trailer Sales & Service, of Jeffersonville, Indiana, employed 98 people and was seeking to fill open positions.

Christie Thompson, head of human resources, told the publication it would be a “nightmare” if her company had to comply with the vaccine mandate. Thompson estimated that three-quarters of the company’s employees were unvaccinated, per The Times.

Dawn Stanhope, president of Boys & Girls Clubs of Manatee County, in Florida, told The Times that she “might lose a quarter of our staff” if the vaccine mandate applied to her company, which employed 96 people and had struggled to hire additional workers. “It’s easier not to have the conflict and potential of losing people,” she added.

How many more will limit hiring? Also, I’ve missed it, but, what about part timers? Do they count towards 100?

(ABC News) Pamela Millwood isn’t against getting vaccinated. But at the federal prison where she works in Jesup, Georgia, many of her coworkers are skeptical or downright opposed to getting a shot.

The result, she predicts, will be an exodus of some 30% to 40% of staff this holiday season, when prison employees will fall under a sweeping mandate that requires the nation’s 2 million civilian workers to become fully immunized against COVID-19.

Who’ll staff prisons, particularly in low vax areas where they’ve just been living with COVID? Northeast liberals? California liberals?

Read: Will Brandon Admin Rely On Snitches To Enforce Workplace Mandate? »

COP26 Wind Farm Paid To Turn Off, Costing UK Taxpayers $670K

It’s a nice scam if you’re making cash off of it (via Jo Nova)

From the link

Bill-payers have forked out more than £500,000 to make Cop26’s official wind farm switch off their turbines so far during the summit.

The Griffin wind farm in Perthshire is powering the climate summit at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow.

SSE officials have claimed that all mains energy being used by delegates at the venue is 100% being generated by the turbines in Perthshire.

However, it has been revealed that the wind farm is creating too much energy because it’s too windy, meaning that the government are paying them to switch off the turbines.

Between the start of Cop26 on November 1 and November 7, the owners of Griffin wind farm were paid £519,778 to switch off.

The cost is then added to domestic electricity bills, which means the bill payers across the country will have to foot this.

That’s insane. And, since COP26 signed up to use Griffin, it means they are sticking the taxpayers with a big bill.

Read: COP26 Wind Farm Paid To Turn Off, Costing UK Taxpayers $670K »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful greenspace in the middle of a big city full of fellow Warmists, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Depot, with a post on Warmists Jeff Bezos buying a beachfront mansion.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove