USA Today: Why’s Biden’s Approval Rating So Low, He’s Doing A Great Job!

Paul Brandus is surprised that the Farter In Chief is doing so poorly, and wants you stupid voters to wake up

Jobs, jabs, infrastructure, prosperity and peace: Thank President Biden for his service

COVID-19 vaccinations of America’s children are underway; about 28 million kids ages 5 to 11 are eligible to be protected. Meanwhile, the 90-day average of both cases and deaths among the overall U.S. population is trending steadily lower, as vaccinations increase.

A $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill has been approved by Congress. Money, gobs of it, will soon start flowing to all 50 states for badly needed road and bridge repairs. Rural communities with poor internet service will soon have high-speed broadband. Lead pipes, which deliver tainted water to countless communities, will be replaced. The nation’s rickety power grid will get an upgrade. And more.

What else? Wages are up 4.2% over the past year, slightly higher than the “core inflation” rate that the Federal Reserve watches like a hawk. Speaking of the Fed, it says household wealth in the United States is at an all-time high, thanks to the solid housing market and a stock market that continues to defy gravity.

Overseas, we’re out of a money-sucking war in Afghanistan, and most of the world has a sharply improved opinion of America and faith in the president to do “right thing in world affairs.”

Interesting. Biden originally said, multiple times, that there is no way a vaccine would be ready so soon. The infrastructure bill barely contains infrastructure. Lead pipes? Even AOC knows it’s not enough money (also, Democrats blocked bills that would have done this during Trump’s time)

Wages are up because people are actually working. Inflation is driving up the cost of food and everything else. The housing has nothing to do with Biden, it’s because of a massive shortage of homes, as building mostly stopped for a long period in 2020. Afghanistan? Biden’s plan was a disaster, he left a lot of people behind, and launched a drone strike on kids and a journalist.

To recap: Jobs, jabs, prosperity and peace. And yet most Americans are unhappy. Just 28.6% say the country’s going in the right direction, says the Real Clear Politics average of all recent polls.

You stupid people just don’t know better!

If nearly 6 million jobs had been created in less than one year on Donald Trump’s watch (fact check: that’s more than were created during his entire four years in office), he’d throw a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue for himself.

Except, they were mostly not new jobs, but, people rejoining the workforce into existing jobs that had been lost during the Chinese flu periods. If a company had, say, 40 jobs in January 2020, and pared down, let people go, saw people leave or not come back when things were reopening, they still have 40 jobs to fill. They aren’t making it, say 43. In the auto industry, every car dealership I know has barely replaced all those positions which were lost. If they were down 10, they might have filled 2.

My sense is that the administration – from the president on down – isn’t doing enough to “own the narrative.” When nearly 60% of the country – a vast majority that extends well beyond the 50-50 split between Republicans and Democrats – say things aren’t going well, well, something’s up.

Perhaps the something is that Democrats have allowed the impressive economic gains occurring on their watch to be overshadowed by their “wokeness.” Not to denigrate words like “equity” and “fairness,” but perhaps Mr. Biden and Co. should spend more time reminding Americans of the basics: Jobs are plentiful. Wages are up. The country is opening up. Things are getting fixed. As Bill Clinton’s adviser James Carville famously said three decades ago: It’s the economy, stupid.

Yes, it is the economy, and people are seeing a lack of new and use cars, lack of some groceries, lack of other goods, and the prices are going up on them all. They’re hearing that the cost of Thanksgiving dinner will be the highest in their lifetimes. That they should shop for Christmas gifts now, and Dems are telling them to just pare back for Christmas, and, heck, everything. He’s shutting down pipeline projects, and even pipelines in operation. Shutting down oil and gas leases. And begging OPEC to increase their output. America had been energy independent under Trump.

Not mentioned is Biden’s open borders, with illegals streaming in and being flown under cover of darkness around the country, and the administration refuses to say how many nor where they are being dropped. And then Brandon is trying to give them all amnesty. The $450k notion is pissing a lot of people off. He can try and clean that up, but, they are considering it.

People are pretty unhappy with Joe’s performance for a whole lot of things. With Trump, they were unhappy with his mouth and Twitter. With Joe, it’s about what he’s doing, trying to do, and failing to do. He’s focused more on creating more and more government while ignoring the economic issues. So, it’s just a total shock that he’s polling so poorly, eh?

The president will go to Baltimore on Wednesday to talk up the new infrastructure bill and all that it’ll do for Charm City. God knows Baltimore needs fixing. But why waste time in a blue city in a blue state?

Why not step up his game and go to Ohio, where he got creamed by eight points a year ago, to remind Trumpsters who’s getting their bridges fixed?

Go for it. I triple dog dare Biden to go to non-friendly places, see if he can convince them on his agenda. He won’t. He goes to the bluest of blue.

Yup, no focus on the actual jobs, not focus on the economy.

Read: USA Today: Why’s Biden’s Approval Rating So Low, He’s Doing A Great Job! »

Surprise: Samantha Power Admits There’s A Problem In Spreading Out Climate Cash

First up, you know how much climate cultists say the U.S. owes?

Yeah, they’ll build airports, coal power plants (paying China to build them), and, surprise, corruption

Samantha Power acknowledges a hurdle for U.S. climate change funding for developing nations: corruption

Samantha Power, administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, said Monday that President Biden’s pledge to donate $3 billion annually to help developing nations adapt to climate change is a crucial commitment, but acknowledged that addressing rampant corruption in countries that will need those funds could prove challenging.

“I think it’s really important for donor countries to do what the United States has done, which is to elevate the anti-corruption agenda and mainstream it across development financing,” Power told Yahoo News in an interview just outside the U.N. Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26. “That is something that USAID is doing for the first time this year. President Biden is the first president to declare fighting corruption a national security imperative, and of course he considers the climate crisis a national security threat.” (snip)

Yet ensuring that billions in U.S. taxpayer funds and loan guarantees can find their way into the right hands and have the desired impact is made more difficult in places where corruption has become endemic.

“In the short term, you know, you have to have a lot of auditing, a lot of vetting, you have to work with trusted partners,” Power said. “USAID has relationships with developing countries that date back the entire 60 years of our history. We have missions in 80 countries. There is a sense of where money can be well spent, and where there’s risk of waste, fraud and other forms of abuse.”

I’m shocked that giving no-strings attached climate cash to 3rd world shitholes, er, developing nations, would be problematic. If we’re going to piss away money, let’s do it for American citizens.

Read: Surprise: Samantha Power Admits There’s A Problem In Spreading Out Climate Cash »

If All You See…

…is a couch made for the skin of horrible, evil, no good, world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Ace Of Spades HQ, with a post on the Dems melting down over the question of whether to stay woke or go for broke.

Read: If All You See… »

More Election Fallout: New York Rejects “Expansion” Of Voting

This has made the Progressives and cheaters at the UK Guardian very upset

New Yorkers reject expanded voting access in stunning result

Amid an array of discouraging election results for Democrats last week, there was one under-the-radar outcome that was especially perplexing. In New York, one of the country’s most progressive states, voters overwhelmingly rejected initiatives that would have expanded voting access in future elections.

The vote, which came in a year when Republican-led states have passed dozens of laws to restrict voting access, left voting rights advocates stunned.

Yes, it’s a bad thing to restrict voting to U.S. citizens, to people who are eligible to vote in that area, to stop people from voting multiple times, to make sure there aren’t dead people and imaginary people voting, and to require people to prove who they are to vote.

One of the proposals would have paved the way for lawmakers to get rid of a longstanding states policy that requires voters to give an excuse if they want to vote by mail (34 states and the District of Columbia allow anyone to vote by mail for any reason). Another would have allowed people to register to vote on election day, a reform advocates believe significantly increases political participation.

It’s called cheat by mail for a reason, and really, it should only be used as little as possible. It, for one thing, means people are voting way before the election is over, and anything can happen near the end. Imagine if it, and early voting, was not used in Virginia: Youngkin could have utterly obliterated MaCauliffe. People registering on election day shows people who are not serious, who probably know nothing about the issues, and could lead to serious fraud. By the time the fraud is caught, it’s too late to change the outcome.

None of the measures came anywhere close to passing. Republicans waged a well-funded and aggressive campaign to oppose the amendments, a move that caught supporters of the proposal off guard. The reforms were also hampered by low turnout and confusing wording on the ballot, which may have prompted some voters to choose to skip voting on the measures altogether. (snip)

Voters also may have simply not understood the lengthy and complex descriptions of the proposals, printed on the back of ballots. Up to 13% of voters left each of the three questions blank. “They had so many candidates on the front side and then they flipped it over to the backside and they had a dissertation to read,” Wilson said.

Oh, see, the measures failed because voters are stupid. The typical Democrat answer. And, let’s be honest, some of them are. They take no time to understand the politicians or measures.

Nineteen states passed 33 laws between January and the end of September that made it harder to vote, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, and are widely seen as an effort to make it harder for minority voters to cast a ballot. Democrats have aggressively challenged the new policies in states like Georgia and Florida, both of which allow for no-excuse absentee voting, the same policy New York voters rejected on Tuesday.

Funny how Democrats always think “minorities” are too dumb to be able to do what whites do. It’s that kinda, you know, racist?

Read: More Election Fallout: New York Rejects “Expansion” Of Voting »

Cadillac Reducing Dealerships To Take On Tesla

How many people will lose their jobs because of the push by Biden and his Democratic Comrades to force everyone into EVs (which most elected Democrats are not buying and driving themselves)?

Cadillac thins out U.S. dealers to get fit for the Tesla challenge

Electric vehicleGeneral Motors Co’s Cadillac brand is gearing up to challenge Tesla Inc and other rivals in the luxury electric vehicle market with a new electric utility vehicle and nearly 40% fewer U.S. dealers than it had in 2018, the brand’s global chief told Reuters.

Cadillac has largely completed a restructuring of its U.S. dealer network and expects to have 560 dealers by the end of this year, compared with about 920 three years ago, said Rory Harvey, head of the global Cadillac brand.

GM has booked a total of $274 million in costs during 2020 and 2021 related to the effort to buy out Cadillac dealers who were not prepared to invest $200,000 to $500,000 per store in the equipment and training to support the brand’s shift to an all-electric vehicle lineup, planned by 2030.

Cadillac will still have more U.S. dealers than other established luxury brands, and has opened new show-rooms in New York City, Beverly Hills, San Francisco and Atlanta.

That’s actually quite a few dealership, probably too many for the amount of sales the company has, though, most are small, even in big cities. Compare that to Honda with 1,069 dealers, some of which are huge. How many people have lost their jobs, though? Sales, sales managers, finance, service writers, mechanics, detailers, support. All out of jobs so that rich folks can virtue signal and drive an EV.

Next summer, Cadillac plans to launch the first of a wave of electric vehicles, starting with a compact utility vehicle called the Lyriq. Harvey said Cadillac has received expressions of interest in the Lyriq from 216,000 people.

That Lyriq is going to start at $59,990. Affordable to everyone, right? How many people will lose their jobs thanks to the mandates from governments for EVs? Vehicles that most will not be able to afford to purchase. All to stop an imaginary issue of human caused climate change.

Read: Cadillac Reducing Dealerships To Take On Tesla »

Brandon Admin Compares Chinese Coronavirus To Polio In Attempt To Force Child Vaccination

Now that the vaccines are approved for kids 5 and up, along with all the mandates for adults from Joe, this is the leadup to mandating the vaccines for kids

Biden Administration Likens Polio to Coronavirus in Children

First lady Jill Biden and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy kicked off their campaign to encourage child coronavirus vaccinations Monday by visiting the first school to inoculate children against polio in McLean, Virginia.

The administration is pushing to get children ages 5-11 vaccinated. The Associated Press states that 28 million children are eligible for the shots now that the Pfizer vaccine was approved.

In 1954, Dr. Richard Mulvaney administered the first polio vaccine to 114 second graders at McLean’s Franklin Sherman Elementary. (snip)

While polio is usually contracted by children under 5, the average age of someone who died from the coronavirus is 72.8 years old, according to the University of Minnesota.


(NPR) Franklin Sherman Elementary made history as the first school to administer the polio vaccine to its students in 1954 — a fact that First Lady Jill Biden embraced on Monday as she visited the school’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic to encourage pediatric vaccinations for children ages 5-11 years old.

The Seattle Times is all over this, as is the Washington Post, NY Times, ABC News, and so many others. USA Today tries

Let’s help our brave children through this pandemic by getting them vaccinated, again

Nearly seven decades ago, polio was the most feared disease in our country because of its high infection rate among children.

Just in 1952, nearly 60,000 children were infected. Images of children in iron lungs keeping them alive terrorized parents, as did reports of the thousands who were paralyzed. More than 3,000 children died that year. (snip)

Kids 5-11 must get the COVID vaccine.Trusted family physicians must be the ones to give it.

Since the beginning of this pandemic, our children have shown a bravery beyond their years. In school districts that have prioritized health over politics, kids have been wearing masks. Many children have endured the intrusion of COVID test swabs and quarantines. They have missed friends and family and, for months on end, witnessed their parents’ love manifest as anxiety and worry.

Yes, forcing kids, with the lowest chance of contracting the Chinese coronavirus and lowest chance of dying from it, to wear masks which make almost no difference in stopping COVID19. You have vaccine cultists comparing COVID to polio all over social media and in comments and such, forgetting a few things, such polio having been eradicated in the US and other first world nations because the vaccine works. When the full regimen of vaccines are taken, the person has virtually 100% immunity from getting polio, nor can they transmit it, and that’s for life.  They have no fear from polio. If they are around it, they won’t get it. They won’t be carriers spreading it around.

Unlike the Chinese flu vaccines, where you can get it and can give it. Yes, it is supposed to provide protection from getting it, in the range of 88%-94%, so the studies say now. And, if you get it, it will usually be less severe than without the vaccine. I still took it, and just got the booster. I’d rather be safe than sorry, and I’m willing to take that chance. But, it in no way protects me like my polio vaccination. Not even freaking close. Because people can be carriers without symptoms and spread it around. The vaccine doesn’t stop that.

They’d probably do a whole lot better with the messaging if they’d stop fear mongering, and just be honest. Compare it more to the flu shots. They aren’t perfect, but, it’s a whole lot better getting the flu shots and hopefully not getting the flu than not getting the shots, right? Protect yourself. But, what they’re doing is setting up the stage to create vaccine mandates for kids, which will more than likely originate in school systems, cities, counties, and states.

Read: Brandon Admin Compares Chinese Coronavirus To Polio In Attempt To Force Child Vaccination »

UMaine Hosts Third Series On Climate Crisis (scam), Given By Socialists And Marxists

This is totally all about science, though

UMaine hosts third Socialist and Marxist Studies Series on climate change

On Nov. 4, Cindy Isenhour, an associate professor of anthropology and climate change, gave the presentation for the third installment of the Socialist and Marxist Studies Series. Isenhour focused on the relationship between climate change and inequality.

Isenhour’s background in anthropology and climate change led her to investigate the connection between inequality and the carbon footprint emitted on the local and global scale. While people have been aware of issues related to power, equity and justice as it relates to inequality, there has not been much discussion on how wealth and social status play a role in mitigation while planning climate adaptation programs. (snip)

Paying attention to individual wealth, Isenhour discussed how there are many privileges the wealthy have regarding climate change that are not brought to light. For example, members of the wealthier class have the ability to move or build barriers to protect their home. On the other hand, families that are impoverished have more barriers to overcome and a lack of resources to mitigate, flee the general inability to protect their home, revise the architecture or have the ability to deal with environmental consequences at the most basic level.

So, basically, this is typical leftist class warfare using the banner of ‘climate change’. And this is part of the Socialist and Marxist Studies Series. Yup, definitely a science.

UMaine also offers a minor in Socialist and Marxist studies, which looks more like about learning how to be one rather than understanding why it is so bad.



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Read: UMaine Hosts Third Series On Climate Crisis (scam), Given By Socialists And Marxists »

If All You See…

…is a wild space that is more prone to fire because of climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not a Lot Of People Know That, with a post on rising battery costs making EVs more expensive.

Read: If All You See… »

City Of Los Angeles To Require Proof Of Vaccination Starting Today

This shouldn’t cause any problems at all for business, right? But, hey, you Angelenos voted for this type of authoritarianism, don’t complain

Proof of vax required as strict mandate takes effect in LA

Yoga studio owner David Gross felt relieved after Los Angeles passed a vaccine mandate that is among the strictest in the country, a measure that took effect Monday that requires proof of shots for everyone entering a wide variety of businesses from restaurants to shopping malls and theaters to nail and hair salons.

For Gross, the relief came from knowing he and his co-owner don’t have to unilaterally decide whether to verify their customers are vaccinated. In another part of town, the manager of a struggling nail salon feels trepidation and expects to lose customers. “This is going to be hard for us,” Lucila Vazquez said.

Los Angeles is among a growing number of cities across the U.S., including San Francisco and New York City, requiring people show proof of vaccination to enter various types of businesses and venues. But rules in the nation’s second-most-populous city, called SafePassLA, apply to more types of businesses and other indoor locations including museums and convention centers.

They are being implemented as new cases have started inching up following a sharp decline from an August peak driven by the delta variant.

This was the time of year in 2020 when the worst spike of the pandemic was just beginning in California, which by January saw an average of 500 people die every day. Los Angeles became the state’s epicenter and its hospitals were so overloaded with patients that ambulances idled outside with people struggling to breathe, waiting for beds to open.

Why are they inching up, when so many are vaccinated?

Among LA county’s roughly 10 million people, 80% of eligible residents now have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 71% of those eligible are fully vaccinated, according to public health officials.

To guard against anything resembling the January carnage, the LA City Council voted 11-2 last month for the ordinance that requires people 12 and older to be fully vaccinated to enter indoor public spaces including sports arenas, museums, spas, indoor city facilities and other locations.

Negative coronavirus tests within 72 hours of entry to those establishments would be required for people with religious or medical exemptions for vaccinations. Customers without proof can still use outdoor facilities and can briefly enter a business to use a restroom or pick up a food order.

This differs from LA County (via KTLA)

What about retail stores, auto dealers, corporate offices of all sizes, and so many more? What about big box stores and supermarkets? Why are they being left out?

Business trade groups say the mandate will sow confusion because Los Angeles County’s own vaccine rules — which apply to dozens of surrounding communities — are less sweeping. Cities are allowed to pass rules more stringent than the county’s.

“There’s a tremendous lack of clarity,” said Sarah Wiltfong, senior policy manager at the Los Angeles County Business Federation. For example, most retail shops are exempt. “But shopping malls and shopping centers are included, which of course includes retail shops,” she said.

Salons were especially hard hit during the pandemic and were among the last businesses to reopen indoors. Before COVID, Lynda Nail Salon in the Los Feliz neighborhood was regularly filled with clients for hair and nail appointments. On Wednesday morning, only one woman waited for her hair to set.

Vazquez, who manages the business, said she will follow the new rules even though many of her hair clients have said they won’t come in if it requires being vaccinated.

They can just visit ones not in the city of LA proper. Businesses that do not comply will get a warning first, then fines from $1,000 to $5,000. They’ll have to have an employee standing at the door(s) all day long being Vax Cop. Why do we need this all when they say masks work, and everyone is required to wear a mask?

Read: City Of Los Angeles To Require Proof Of Vaccination Starting Today »

Cult: Doctor Diagnoses Patient As Suffering From Climate Crisis (scam)

I’m not quite sure who is ultimately responsible for licensing physicians in Canada, as there seems to be a whole bunch of different ones, but, whoever is in charge should pull this doctor’s license for malpractice

From the link

When a patient in her 70s came into the emergency department at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, B.C., Dr. Kyle Merritt had no idea hundreds of people were dying of heat across the province.

It was late June, and British Columbia was consumed under a heat wave that would soon go down as both the hottest and deadliest in Canadian history.

The head of the hospital’s emergency department, Merritt could see the aggravated toll the extreme heat took on patients battling multiple health problems at once, often with little money.

“She has diabetes. She has some heart failure. … She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,” says Merritt of the senior patient.

“All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.”

So, basically like people have been experiencing for millions of years….with no thought of using AC

Like death by heat, doctors have traditionally struggled to clinically attribute mortality and severe illness to air pollution. For Merritt, this summer’s wildfire season changed all that.

When a patient came in struggling to breathe, Merritt knew the smoke — that hadn’t lifted from the region for days on end — had made a case of asthma worse.

For the first time in his 10 years as a physician, the ER doctor picked up his patient’s chart and penned in the words “climate change.”

Wildfires never happened prior to 1850, you know. Never. None. Cult.

Read: Cult: Doctor Diagnoses Patient As Suffering From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove