City Of Los Angeles To Require Proof Of Vaccination Starting Today

This shouldn’t cause any problems at all for business, right? But, hey, you Angelenos voted for this type of authoritarianism, don’t complain

Proof of vax required as strict mandate takes effect in LA

Yoga studio owner David Gross felt relieved after Los Angeles passed a vaccine mandate that is among the strictest in the country, a measure that took effect Monday that requires proof of shots for everyone entering a wide variety of businesses from restaurants to shopping malls and theaters to nail and hair salons.

For Gross, the relief came from knowing he and his co-owner don’t have to unilaterally decide whether to verify their customers are vaccinated. In another part of town, the manager of a struggling nail salon feels trepidation and expects to lose customers. “This is going to be hard for us,” Lucila Vazquez said.

Los Angeles is among a growing number of cities across the U.S., including San Francisco and New York City, requiring people show proof of vaccination to enter various types of businesses and venues. But rules in the nation’s second-most-populous city, called SafePassLA, apply to more types of businesses and other indoor locations including museums and convention centers.

They are being implemented as new cases have started inching up following a sharp decline from an August peak driven by the delta variant.

This was the time of year in 2020 when the worst spike of the pandemic was just beginning in California, which by January saw an average of 500 people die every day. Los Angeles became the state’s epicenter and its hospitals were so overloaded with patients that ambulances idled outside with people struggling to breathe, waiting for beds to open.

Why are they inching up, when so many are vaccinated?

Among LA county’s roughly 10 million people, 80% of eligible residents now have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 71% of those eligible are fully vaccinated, according to public health officials.

To guard against anything resembling the January carnage, the LA City Council voted 11-2 last month for the ordinance that requires people 12 and older to be fully vaccinated to enter indoor public spaces including sports arenas, museums, spas, indoor city facilities and other locations.

Negative coronavirus tests within 72 hours of entry to those establishments would be required for people with religious or medical exemptions for vaccinations. Customers without proof can still use outdoor facilities and can briefly enter a business to use a restroom or pick up a food order.

This differs from LA County (via KTLA)

What about retail stores, auto dealers, corporate offices of all sizes, and so many more? What about big box stores and supermarkets? Why are they being left out?

Business trade groups say the mandate will sow confusion because Los Angeles County’s own vaccine rules — which apply to dozens of surrounding communities — are less sweeping. Cities are allowed to pass rules more stringent than the county’s.

“There’s a tremendous lack of clarity,” said Sarah Wiltfong, senior policy manager at the Los Angeles County Business Federation. For example, most retail shops are exempt. “But shopping malls and shopping centers are included, which of course includes retail shops,” she said.

Salons were especially hard hit during the pandemic and were among the last businesses to reopen indoors. Before COVID, Lynda Nail Salon in the Los Feliz neighborhood was regularly filled with clients for hair and nail appointments. On Wednesday morning, only one woman waited for her hair to set.

Vazquez, who manages the business, said she will follow the new rules even though many of her hair clients have said they won’t come in if it requires being vaccinated.

They can just visit ones not in the city of LA proper. Businesses that do not comply will get a warning first, then fines from $1,000 to $5,000. They’ll have to have an employee standing at the door(s) all day long being Vax Cop. Why do we need this all when they say masks work, and everyone is required to wear a mask?

Read: City Of Los Angeles To Require Proof Of Vaccination Starting Today »

Cult: Doctor Diagnoses Patient As Suffering From Climate Crisis (scam)

I’m not quite sure who is ultimately responsible for licensing physicians in Canada, as there seems to be a whole bunch of different ones, but, whoever is in charge should pull this doctor’s license for malpractice

From the link

When a patient in her 70s came into the emergency department at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, B.C., Dr. Kyle Merritt had no idea hundreds of people were dying of heat across the province.

It was late June, and British Columbia was consumed under a heat wave that would soon go down as both the hottest and deadliest in Canadian history.

The head of the hospital’s emergency department, Merritt could see the aggravated toll the extreme heat took on patients battling multiple health problems at once, often with little money.

“She has diabetes. She has some heart failure. … She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,” says Merritt of the senior patient.

“All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.”

So, basically like people have been experiencing for millions of years….with no thought of using AC

Like death by heat, doctors have traditionally struggled to clinically attribute mortality and severe illness to air pollution. For Merritt, this summer’s wildfire season changed all that.

When a patient came in struggling to breathe, Merritt knew the smoke — that hadn’t lifted from the region for days on end — had made a case of asthma worse.

For the first time in his 10 years as a physician, the ER doctor picked up his patient’s chart and penned in the words “climate change.”

Wildfires never happened prior to 1850, you know. Never. None. Cult.

Read: Cult: Doctor Diagnoses Patient As Suffering From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Surgeon General Says Mandates For Small Businesses Still On The Table

It’s a funny thing: people constantly talk about how the government mandates citizens to get vaccines, such as for smallpox, measles, mumps. Except, those mandates are not coming from the federal government, they are primarily from the state governments, because there is no actual law nor constitutional authority to impose vaccines on U.S. civilians. Sure, they could force members of the military who haven’t had them, and probably employees of the executive branch. That’s pretty much it for U.S. citizens. And, the Brandon admin still has to win for the 100+ employee mandate. So, sure, let’s go further

Surgeon General Murthy: Vaccine Mandate for Smaller Businesses Not Off the Table

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Biden’s administration has not ruled out a federal vaccine requirement for small businesses.

Anchor Martha Raddatz said, “Labor Secretary Marty Walsh defending those new vaccines and testing requirements for companies with 100 or more employees. It comes amid pushback over two dozen states and a new legal challenge in court.”

She added, “Let’s start with those legal challenges. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday blocked the mandate citing grave and statutory and constitutional issues. I know you’re not a lawyer, but is the administration confident this can survive the legal challenges?”

Murthy said, “Well, Martha, the president and the administration wouldn’t have put these requirements in place if they didn’t think they were appropriate and necessary….

It may be appropriate and necessary, but, that doesn’t make it legal and Constitutional. Certainly not at the federal level

The administration is certainly prepared to defend them, but let’s step back for a moment and just look at why these are so important. Throughout our history that we have seen, we had to use vaccine requirements to protect the population, starting back with George Washington when he required troops be inoculated for smallpox, and schools started having vaccine requirements.

Yes, troops. We also had no Constitution and no laws during the War for Independence.

If you think about our workplace, it’s important our workplaces are safe, that workers feel safe, and our customers feel safe. We know at this point in the pandemic when we’ve come so far, and we have 75,000 cases a day, it’s important we take every measure possible to make our workplaces safer.”

Same people said there was no way we’d have a vaccine this soon. Nor do they give any legal reason why civilians should be forcibly vaccinated.

Raddatz asked, “If the law survives legal challenges, will the administration be extending the mandate to smaller employers with fewer than 100 employees?”

Murthy said, “Well, Martha, certainly nothing is off the table at this moment, but the focus is implementing the current rule that OSHA put out. Let me just emphasize that what we put out in a report recently is that average businesses that put these requirements in place see a 20% vaccination rate increase, boosting them in the 90s. If vaccines are a key pathway out of the pandemic, this will do a lot to get us toward the finish line.”

Sure, this will cause no problems with small businesses. Further, these same people aren’t requiring illegal aliens to be vaccinated before they cross the border, eh?

Read: Surgeon General Says Mandates For Small Businesses Still On The Table »

Polar Bears Love Nuclear Power Or Something

Leftists, who make up the bulk of climate cultists, are against nuclear. They’re quite often against actually building solar, wind, and hydro projects.

U.S. ‘very bullish’ on new nuclear technology, Granholm says

In an interview at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm told Yahoo News on Friday that the Biden administration is “very bullish” on building new nuclear reactors in the United States.

“We are very bullish on these advanced nuclear reactors,” she said. “We have, in fact, invested a lot of money in the research and development of those. We are very supportive of that.”

Now try and build one. Nations like France have been using very modern nuclear power plants, the Left has been blocking the construction of new nuclear plants for decades, and even shuttering them.

Nuclear energy is controversial among environmental activists and experts because while it does not create the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, it has the potential to trigger dangerous nuclear meltdowns and creates radioactive nuclear waste.

There’s been 28 incidents at nuclear plants over the years. Only a handful have been serious, the worst being, of course, Chernobyl. Out of 443 plants around the world. Since the late 1950’s. Most caused no loss of life. Meanwhile, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that between 140,000 and 500,000 bird deaths occur at wind farms each year.

Most of the Biden administration’s effort to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and almost all the rhetoric at the climate change conference, also known as COP26, is about promoting other clean forms of energy, such as wind and solar power.

But Granholm noted that wind and solar are not yet capable of generating “baseload” capacity, meaning power that can be reliably ramped up to meet demand even when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining.

Solar and wind might be viable in a couple hundred years. Or, we can just put solar panels over the entire nation, wiping out all land. Is there any money in Brandon’s infrastructure or “Build Back Better” bills for nuclear?

Read: Polar Bears Love Nuclear Power Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible 1%er sitting around without a care in the world while others become climate refugees, you might just be aWarmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on Brandon tooting his own horn.

It’s reading week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the stitches come out of my face on Tuesday from the skin cancer. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. neo-neocon wonders if Republicans are once again snatching defeat from the hands of victory
  2. Pacific Pundit points out that the faux-infrastructure bill requires breathalyzers in all new cars
  3. Raised On Hoecakes features unseen footage from protesters storming federal buildings
  4. The American Conservative discusses the last mayor of Boston
  5. White House Dossier notes that the vaccine mandate could decimate the trucking industry
  6. The Gateway Pundit discusses the record trade deficit
  7. The Last Refuge covers the FBI raiding the homes of Project Veritas journalists
  8. No Tricks Zone notes how far the EU Commission President flew in a private jet
  9. Greenie Watch says that traffic jams with EVs are deadly
  10. The Lid features documents that prove that Fauci lied
  11. The Other McCain has an aspiring rapper update
  12. The Right Scoop covers Disney axing Emilio Estevez from the Might Ducks for vaccine refusal
  13. This ain’t Hell… features stupid people of the week
  14. Weasel Zippers notes that waves of Democrats may retire ahead of the 2022 mid-terms
  15. And last, but not least, Flag And Cross covers China building hundreds of nukes while Joe fiddles

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

How quick will this make it to the Supreme Court? Or will it wind its way through federal court prior?

Appeals court stays vaccine mandate on larger businesses

A federal appeals court on Saturday temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine requirement for businesses with 100 or more workers.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted an emergency stay of the requirement by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration that those workers be vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face mask requirements and weekly tests.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said the action stops President Joe Biden “from moving forward with his unlawful overreach.”

“The president will not impose medical procedures on the American people without the checks and balances afforded by the constitution,” said a statement from Landry, a Republican.

The U.S. Labor Department’s top legal adviser, Solicitor of Labor Seema Nanda, said the department is “confident in its legal authority to issue the emergency temporary standard on vaccination and testing.”

OSHA has the authority “to act quickly in an emergency where the agency finds that workers are subjected to a grave danger and a new standard is necessary to protect them,” she said.

Perhaps Nanda could explain to the courts, and to the American people, why, almost two years after COVID started, this is now a grave danger, especially when the COVID vaccines do not stop people from getting or giving COVID, unlike vaccines for measles, polio, and smallpox? Why they decided that January 4th was the implementation day, when Joe announced this in September? And that the rule is pretty much open ended, with no end date? Seriously, if this is an emergency order, why is there no end date? The rule itself provides no end date for when companies have to stop requiring employees to be vaccinated or wearing masks/get weekly tests if not vaccinated.

And that is a problem. What if another bad variant, such as Delta, pops up two years from now: might they add to the rule, requiring boosters? Heck, even without, might they require a booster 6 months after people are fully vaccinated? An emergency order should have an end date.

Such circuit decisions normally apply to states within a district — Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, in this case — but Landry said the language employed by the judges gave the decision a national scope.

“This is a great victory for the American people out there. Never before has the federal government tried in a such a forceful way to get between the choices of an American citizen and their doctor. To me that’s the heart of the entire issue,” he said.

At least 27 states filed lawsuits challenging the rule in several circuits, some of which were made more conservative by the judicial appointments of President Donald Trump.

I’ll say again, if the vaccines were like the ones we are required to take to go to school, to travel overseas, ones like polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, tetanus, etc, and were like 98-100% good in stopping people from getting COVID and from transmitting, then a mandate might make sense. I’d be fine with it. Otherwise, I’m still pro-vax-anti-mandate.

(Breitbart) The ruling from a three-judge panel on Saturday resulted from a stay sought by the states of Texas, Utah, Mississippi and South Carolina, as well as several businesses that opposed the Biden plan. The states and businesses filed a petition of review of the agency action, which goes directly to a federal appeals court instead of a one-judge federal district trial court.

“Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby stayed pending further action by this court,” the judges wrote.

The initial lawsuit alleged that President Biden did not have the authority to issue such a sweeping public health mandate, arguing that it would cause severe economic fallout, according to The Hill.

“Its unlawful mandate will cause injuries and hardship to working families, inflict economic disruption and staffing shortages on the States and private employers, and impose even greater strains on struggling labor markets and supply chains,” a filing from a coalition of attorneys general led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt alleged.

BTW, all you Biden voters, just remember he stated, numerous times, that he would not impose a vaccine mandate, and that Democrats, including Kamala and Brandon, said they would not take “Trump’s vaccine” and trashed the vaccines.

Read: Federal Court Temporarily Halts Biden’s Vaccine Mandate »

Santa Monica Institutes Mask Snitching

This should start proliferating across liberal cities


New Vaccine Science Shows Mandates Are Unwise

New scientific findings in the prestigious Lancet Infectious Diseases journal blow a hole in the argument that workers need to get vaccinated to protect those around them. The findings prove the foolishness of forcing police and other public employees to get jabbed or lose their pay. And President Joe Biden should retract his order to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to compel large employers to mandate vaccines.

The journal reported Thursday that COVID-19 vaccines have “minimal” impact on preventing transmission of the delta strain. Delta is the COVID strain currently causing over 99% of U.S. cases.

Vaccines protect the people getting the shots from serious illness, but they don’t stop the delta variant from spreading to others.

Don’t get me wrong. Americans should choose to get vaccinated. The key word is “choose.” Though shots are no guarantee against getting infected and spreading it to others, they provide significant protection (90% or more) against hospitalization and death. I’m triple jabbed.

Me too.

Most vaccines — against polio, smallpox, measles and other diseases — prevent infection and spread. But not COVID-19 vaccines. Now that the battle is against the delta variant, they’ve become disease-tamers rather than infection preventers.

I’m good with protecting myself, hopefully, from getting very sick. If other people do not want to, That’s Not My Problem.

Maine Gov. Janet Mills says, “just as vaccination defeated smallpox and vaccination defeated polio, vaccination is the way to defeat COVID-19.” Sorry, Governor, but you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Just as politicians don’t read the bills before voting on them, they don’t keep up with science but still want to tell the rest of us what to do.

The groundbreaking findings in Lancet show that fully vaccinated people who came down with COVID infected others in their household at the same rate (about 25%) as unvaccinated people did (about 23%). The vaccinated had just as much viral load in their upper respiratory tract, making them just as contagious. “Our findings show that vaccination alone is not enough to prevent people from being infected with the delta variant and spreading it,” study co-author Ajit Lalvani said.

Don’t want the vaccine, want to take the chance? That’s your decision. I think it’s a bad decision, but, I’m not here to run your life, just mine.

Read: Santa Monica Institutes Mask Snitching »

HotCold Take: Volcanoes Are Irrelevant To Today’s Climate Change

Don’t question them, they are Scientists! Just comply, Comrade

Volcanoes have little to no effect on the current climate change, scientists say

Scientists say volcanoes impact global warming on a non-human scale — meaning the change is too slow to observe in one’s lifetime.

Billions of years ago when earth was a boiling cauldron of volcanoes and exploding gases, huge amounts of carbon dioxide were released, trapping heat as land masses formed.

However, today the effect of volcanic emissions on the environment pales in comparison to that of human activity. In fact, recent large volcanic eruptions have been shown to have a significant cooling effect, at least temporarily, on the atmosphere.

“In 1991 Mount Pinatubo caused about a 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit cooling. Also, an eruption in the 1700s in Iceland released a significant amount of sulfur dioxide and caused global cooling,” said Caroline Tisdale, a volcano researcher at the University of Hawai?i at M?noa.

But, see, now, despite volcanoes does things like warming up the Atlantic Ocean via the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, this is All Your Fault. And, it gets better

While volcanoes have little to no long-term effects on today’s climate change, human-emitted carbon dioxide can impact volcanoes.

Kenneth Rubin, a professor of volcanology and geochemistry at UH M?noa, says climate change can have an effect on the amount of gas volcanoes emit.

“Every year, even when they’re not erupting, volcanoes emit a lot of gases into the atmosphere. And those gases come from two sources. One of them is deep in the Earth, and the other one is primarily from water,” he said.

“Climate change has already induced changes in groundwater around the globe. That ultimately affects the amount of gases emitted by volcanoes when they’re not erupting. When they’re erupting, the gas that comes out is primarily this deeper gas that is probably not affected by climate,” Rubin said.

Elsewhere in the climate cult

Read More »

Read: HotCold Take: Volcanoes Are Irrelevant To Today’s Climate Change »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on protesters defying COVID mandates in NYC.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove