If All You See…

…is a wonderful tiny house which Everyone Else should be forced to live in, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on pronoun lunacy in New York.

Read: If All You See… »

King James Not Too Concerned About China’s Slavery

The wild part is that there are no Credentialed Media outlets who are taking Lebron James to task for his tepid, deflectionary response

LeBron James: Enes Kanter’s ‘trying to use my name to create an opportunity for himself’

Enes Kanter passed Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James without exchanging a word during pregame warmups on Friday night, but the Boston Celtics center’s sneakers said more than enough.

One of Kanter’s sneakers featured James’ likeness being crowned by Chinese president Xi Jinping. The other read, “I am informed and educated on the situation,” a reference to James’ 2019 comments in the wake of then-Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey’s tweet in support of protests in Hong Kong.

That’s pretty much the whole of the NBA. And companies like Disney (Walt is rolling in his grave), which owns China loving ESPN, ABC (including the news division)

Following Friday’s 130-108 loss to the Celtics, James said he had not spoken to Kanter.

“I don’t give too many people my energy,” said James, who made his return from an abdominal strain that cost him the previous eight games. “He’s definitely not someone I would give my energy to. He’s trying to use my name to create an opportunity for himself. I definitely won’t comment too much on that. … He’s always had a word or two to say in my direction, and as a man, if you’ve got an issue with somebody, you really come up to him. He had his opportunity tonight. I saw him in the hallway, and he walked right by me.”

Oh, energy! But, not one damned word on China

Kanter’s sneakers are part of his season-long advocacy for human rights in China. He has worn different pairs every game in support of citizens of Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang seeking sovereignty from Chinese rule. The custom sneakers have featured a host of pointed messages: “Free China,” “Taiwan belongs to the Taiwanese people,” “Free Hong Kong,” “Free Uyghur,” “No Beijing 2022,” “Stop genocide, torture, rape, slave labor,” “Stop organ harvesting in China,” “Close the camps” and “Modern-day slavery.”

And King James has nothing to say, because he and the NBA are beholden to the ruling communist party of China. For all his talk, and that of the NBA and so many players, about social justice, they don’t worry about big issues if it affects their own money, eh?

Read: King James Not Too Concerned About China’s Slavery »

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Makes Plague More Likely, Messes With Your Sleep

I blame the 25,000+ people who took fossil fueled trips to Glasgow for COP26

The Plague Is More Likely Now Thanks to Climate Change

The risk of the plague spilling over from humans to animals in the western U.S. has increased since 1950 thanks to climate change, a new study has found. Importantly, the research gives valuable insights into how this deadly disease has historically moved and developed in the U.S., which can help us understand more about its future.

“We want to understand where plague (yes, ‘The Plague,’ which is still a common wildlife disease) can exist in the United States, how where it can exist has changed over the last century, and why plague can exist in those places it does, and not say 20 miles further down the road,” study coauthor Boris Schmid said in an email.

Yersinia pestis is the bacteria that causes plague—including that plague, the medieval Black Death, which killed around 25 million people over the course of four years in the 1300s. The bacteria is spread to humans from animals, most infamously rats, which carry plague-infested fleas on them. Scientists have theorized that the plague, like many other infectious diseases, will probably increase its spread to humans as the planet warms and people come into increasingly closer contact with wild animals.

But there’s not a lot of research out there on what historically are the best conditions for the plague to develop and get out of control. As a result, there are still a lot of big questions about the plague—like why it hasn’t spread to certain geographic areas, or why human cases don’t always overlap with where animals are carrying the disease—that remain unanswered.

So, they don’t really know, but, they’ll still Blame man-induced climate change? Huh. Say, what caused the big outbreak of Black Death, the majority was between 1346-1353, killing an estimated 75 million to 200 million? Oh, by the way, that happened during the Dark Ages, which was a cool period (there is slight disagreement, with some studies showing that it occurred at the tail end of the Roman Warm Period. About 80% show the Dark Ages had started).

Climate Change Can Negatively Affect Sleep — But Here’s What We Can Do

The climate crisis is a health crisis, meaning it threatens the well-being of people as much as it does the planet. Some ways that it affects public health are obvious, like extreme storms driving people from their homes and inescapable heat washing over communities. Others are harder to see. In fact, one of them happens when our eyes are closed.

There is limited research on the connection between climate change and sleep, but it’s well summarized in a 2018 systematic review published by a George Washington University team in Sleep Medicine Reviews.

The review included 16 studies that focused on how climate change events like rising temperatures, extreme weather, floods, and wildfires affected people’s rest. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the team concluded that climate change caused “diminished total sleep times and sleep disruption” across the board.

Again, limited research, so, sure, why not, blame climate. How did humans survive during previous Holocene warm periods?

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Makes Plague More Likely, Messes With Your Sleep »

A Tale Of Two Protests: One’s A Riot, The Other’s Mostly Peaceful

Remember back in the day when the Associated Press, along with most news outlets, were calling the violence, looting, arson, assault (including against police officers), and other criminal activity “mostly peaceful”? It’s a little different when people are “protesting” COVID authoritarianism

‘Orgy of violence’: Dutch police open fire on rioters

Police opened fire on protesters and seven people were injured in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam around a demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions. The Dutch city’s mayor called it “an orgy of violence.”

Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told reporters in the early hours of Saturday morning that “on a number of occasions the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves” as rioters ran rampage through the port city’s central shopping district, setting fires and throwing rocks and fireworks at officers.

“They shot at protesters, people were injured,” Aboutaleb said. He did not have details on the injuries. Police also fired warning shots.

A number of police officers also were injured in the violence and officers arrested dozens of people and expect to arrest more after studying video footage from security cameras, Aboutaleb said.

Photos from the scene showed at least one police car in flames and another with a bicycle slammed through its windshield.

Riot police and a water cannon restored calm after midnight.

You know, it was a riot. Period. Regardless of their intentions, things were bad, really bad. And no one is complaining about the cops being heavy handed, as they were when police attempted to stop the violence in U.S. cities during BLM/Antifa protests. Cops sure didn’t shoot anyone. Or pull out water cannons. The most was tear gas. In a lot of cases the political authorities pulled the police back. Heck, what happens when people are committing acts of violence during “protests” last night?

(NY Post) Protests sprang up in New York and other cities across the country Friday night in response to Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal, resulting in at least five arrests and some property damage in Queens, according to the NYPD.

Police tweeted a photo of vandalized vehicles in Queens, including a car with handicap plates that had “F–k you” graffitied on the back in black spray paint.

“The NYPD takes its responsibility to protect the 1st amendment rights of peaceful demonstrators seriously,” the tweet said. “Just as important is the safety of NYers & the protection of property from people breaking the law in the name of protest. As seen tonight in Queens, they will be arrested.”

Could the NYPD give a squishier message?

Queens Councilman Robert Holden told The Post that protestors tore through Crowley Park, and were also “jumping on cars and stealing American flags” on residential streets in Middle Village and Maspeth.

Sure, not committing arson and mayhem like previous BLM/Antifa protests, but, treated quite differently

Nothing says social justice like looting and pillaging, eh? Of course, in Portland they got violent

(KATU) Several individuals dressed in all black with their faces covered attempted to keep a KATU camera crew from recording the events unfolding downtown Friday night after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office declared a gathering of people a riot.

The individuals demanded the crew stop recording.

The group then attacked the KATU camera operator when the crew asserted their right to record in a public space. A confrontation occurred between the individuals and the TV station’s security guards.

Portland police said deputies declared the riot when people started damaging a gate to the detention center.

Will the DOJ go after these people like they have the 1/6 folks? Anyhow, there were many protests, most which did stay peaceful, just a bunch of people who hate the notion of innocent till proven guilty, burden of proof on the prosecution, and self defense (for Other People). They want The Law to be based more on feelings than hard law, to be able to treat people engaged in Wrongthink differently. That’s how you get articles like one at CNN saying we need to question the law. Because Kyle was found not guilty by a jury after the prosecution could not make their case to support the charges.

Read: A Tale Of Two Protests: One’s A Riot, The Other’s Mostly Peaceful »

And Now The Nutters Want $25 An Hour To Microwave Burgers

We’ve gone from $15 to

If you add it up that’s $52,000 a year plus thousands in benefits. Think they won’t be replaced with technology even faster? Who’s going to hire these folks? How about getting an education? These jobs were really meant to be entry level for high school kids, part time for college kids and seniors, giving them valuable work skills.

Anyhow, y’all know about Kyle Rittenhouse, if you want to discuss, go for it. Let’s try and tone the personal assaults down, shall we?

Read: And Now The Nutters Want $25 An Hour To Microwave Burgers »

Climate Cult Now Wants Prognostications Of Future Centuries

Seriously, they cannot do the weather with pure confidence for 10 days out, and they want to know what happens past 2100? Heck, Warmists will not even predict the next year or couple of years

How climate change may shape the world in the centuries to come
As 2100 looms closer, climate projections should look farther into the future, scientists say

It’s hard to imagine what Earth might look like in 2500. But a collaboration between science and art is offering an unsettling window into how ongoing climate change might transform now-familiar terrain into alien landscapes over the next few centuries.

These visualizations — of U.S. Midwestern farms overtaken by subtropical plants, of a dried-up Amazon rainforest, of extreme heat baking the Indian subcontinent — emphasize why researchers need to push climate projections long past the customary benchmark of 2100, environmental social scientist Christopher Lyon and colleagues contend September 24 in Global Change Biology.

Fifty years have passed since the first climate projections, which set that distant target at 2100, says Lyon, of McGill University in Montreal. But that date isn’t so far off anymore, and the effects of greenhouse gas emissions emitted in the past and present will linger for centuries (SN: 8/9/21).

Most of those prognostications have failed.

To visualize what that future world might look like, the researchers considered three possible climate trajectories — low, moderate and high emissions as used in past reports by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — and projected changes all the way out to 2500 (SN: 1/7/20). The team focused particularly on impacts on civilization: heat stress, failing crops and changes in land use and vegetation (SN: 3/13/17).

For all but the lowest-emission scenario, which is roughly in line with limiting global warming to “well under” 2 degrees Celsius relative to preindustrial times as approved by the 2015 Paris Agreement, the average global temperature continues to increase until 2500, the team found (SN: 12/12/15). For the highest-emissions scenario, temperatures increase by about 2.2 degrees C by 2100 and by about 4.6 degrees C by 2500. That results in “major restructuring of the world’s biomes,” the researchers say: loss of most of the Amazon rainforest, poleward shifts in crops and unlivable temperatures in the tropics.

The team then collaborated with James McKay, an artist and science communicator at the University of Leeds in England, to bring the data to life. Based on the study’s projections, McKay created a series of detailed paintings representing different global landscapes now and in 2500.

Some of these are hilarious, and are more in line with a science fiction movie, usually a bad one, of Future Doom. And, there only seems to be three, one of which looks like

Read: Climate Cult Now Wants Prognostications Of Future Centuries »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful green space offsetting Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Google coming for them.

Read: If All You See… »

Could The New, Even More Infectious, Delta Subvariant Be Good News?

It’s raging through Britain, so, how could this be good news?

The Rapid Spread of Delta’s New, Even More Infectious Cousin Could Actually Be Good News

On Thursday, British scientists released the kind of news everyone’s been dreading as we head into winter—a new, more infectious offshoot of the Delta variant appears to be spreading quickly across Britain.

study from Imperial College found that the Delta subvariant—known to virologists as AY.4.2—accounted for around 12 percent of thousands of samples gathered in a recent British government survey, which is around 2.8 percent higher when compared to the figures from last month.

It’s previously been suggested that AY.4.2 could be as much as 15 percent more transmissible than the dominant Delta variant, which would make it the most infectious coronavirus strain since the pandemic began.

However, the Imperial scientists say they believe the variant’s spread might not be bad news for one crucial reason—it appears to cause significantly less symptomatic disease. Of the AY.4.2 samples gathered in government survey, only a third had the classic COVID symptoms, whereas half of patients with the original Delta experience those symptoms.

“It is preferentially appearing to be more transmissible,” Imperial epidemiologist Paul Elliott told reporters. “Why it is more transmissible we don’t know. It does seem to be less symptomatic, which is a good thing.”

So, more transmittable but way less symptoms. Some are suggesting that the power of the Chinese coronavirus is waning as it changes

(Reuters) AY.4.2 is thought to be slightly more transmissible, but it has not been shown to cause more severe disease or evade vaccines more easily than Delta.

The researchers said that asymptomatic people might self-isolate less, but also that people with fewer symptoms might spread it less easily through coughing and also may be unlikely to get severely ill.

Of course, the Powers That Be want to keep this going as long as possible

(Yahoo News) When will it all end?

That was the question posed to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden, during a Wednesday briefing by the White House pandemic response team. It is a question that Americans have been asking, with variation, for months: How much longer will we have to wear masks? When will the sound of a stranger’s cough no longer incite fear of death?

Most broadly of all, when will the pandemic state of emergency finally come to a close, to be replaced by something resembling a pre-pandemic normal?

The answer Fauci offered on Wednesday is unlikely to offer much comfort to the impatient or the exhausted, in a reflection of the perilous period the nation is about to enter. According to an internal pandemic update circulated within the Biden administration on Wednesday, new infections rose by 14.1 percent between Nov. 8 and 15, while test positivity — the portion of diagnostic tests coming back positive — inched up 1.4 points, to 6.5 percent. During the same time period, hospitalizations rose by 5.4 percent. (Deaths fell by 4 percent, an encouraging development possibly reflecting high vaccination rates and the increasing reliance of therapeutic treatments.)

Keep you in fear, keep you under the thumb of Government. Here in Raleigh and Wake County we were told that the mask mandates would be removed once in the infection rate went under 5% (and for Wake, when it was under 50 per 100K). Yet, it is around 3.1, and way under 50 per 100K, and they still refuse to remove the mask mandates. Nor will they answer questions. Of course, our slack, leftist media outlets won’t ask questions, either. Why? Control. In Europe many nations are fearmongering and implementing drastic lockdowns and such, especially on the unvaccinated. And Dr. Doom?

“We want control,” Fauci said. “And I think the confusion is, at what level of control are you going to accept it in its endemicity?”

Yes. Yes you do want control. Those goalposts will always be moved. Oh, and here’s Doctor Doom via Politico (since it’s a daily playbook, if it disappears you can check this from Hot Air)

Mask on, mask off. That as the name of the game for ANTHONY FAUCI at JONATHAN KARL’s book party Tuesday night at Café Milano. As gawkers tried to snap pictures of him indoors not wearing a mask, America’s doc would put it on and take it off depending on whom he was around. SALLY QUINN — who’s known Fauci since his days as a young NIH doctor, when he inspired a love interest in one of her erotic novels — asked him why he was at a party with a mask in hand, not on face. “I said, ‘You seem pretty ambivalent about your mask’ because no one else was wearing one,” Quinn told Playbook. “He said, ‘I just decided that if anyone came up that I didn’t know, I would put my mask on.’”

Quinn added that “paparazzi” were surrounding Fauci trying to get that “gotcha moment” of the Covid czar without a mask on. Guests had to show proof of vaccination to enter the party. “He was being safe,” Quinn said in his defense. “He knew everyone was vaccinated. If it was someone we knew, he would trust them, and if it was somebody else, he didn’t.” Another guest observed Fauci’s mask on/mask off dance, but said that the mask was firmly on when he came to the rescue of a guest who had collapsed. We reached out to Fauci via NIH but didn’t hear back Thursday night.

Well, that’s interesting, because we’re told to wear a mask indoors at all times, even around vaccinated people. In some cases, we are forced to wear it even when we are sitting alone, with no one near us. Even if you’ve had the booster.

Read: Could The New, Even More Infectious, Delta Subvariant Be Good News? »

Queen Nancy Invokes Religion To Push ‘Climate Change’

Interesting. She doesn’t push her “deeply held” religious beliefs to protect the unborn

‘This is God’s creation’: Pelosi invokes religion for climate change action after U.N. summit

To emphasize the moral imperative to combat climate change, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invoked her religious beliefs in a press conference on Thursday.

Pelosi said limiting the severity of climate change is “a moral obligation for us to hand this planet over to the next generation in a responsible way.”

“For me, it’s a religious thing: I believe this is God’s creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards,” said Pelosi, who is a practicing Catholic.

But, not for the unborn.

Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, is a strong advocate of action to address climate change. President Biden, who, like Pelosi, is a Catholic Democrat, met with the pope in late October and discussed their shared commitment to fighting climate change, among other subjects. (snip)

The urgency is particularly acute because the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, also known as COP26, just concluded last Saturday. Pelosi led a 21-member congressional delegation there last week. During their visit, she and her colleagues consistently touted the provisions of Build Back Better as if its passage were assured, despite its uncertain future in the Senate.

She cares so much that she took a long fossil fueled flight to Rome and Glasgow, both with large contingents. But, not for the unborn, which is rather an important Catholic belief.

Read: Queen Nancy Invokes Religion To Push ‘Climate Change’ »

Brandon Admin To Give More Bribes, Er, Relief For Winter Heating Costs

Let’s see, how does this work. First, the Dementia Joe admin exacerbates the cost of energy increase through horrible policy and terrible talking points. Then, they promise to give more money away to help with the problem they helped make worse. Then people are more dependent on the Central Government

White House offering more aid for winter heat, utility bills

The Biden administration is taking steps to help distribute several billion dollars in aid for winter heating and utility bills, an unprecedented sum that comes largely from its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.

The package provided an additional $4.5 billion for the government’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which typically has funding of $3 billion to $4 billion annually. Aid for renters can also cover utility costs, while the money provided to state, local and tribal governments can help families that face high heating bills and are ineligible for other programs. (snip)

The aid helps to create a cushion that limits the shock of higher energy costs ahead of winter. Republican lawmakers have said the relief package, which became law in March, caused higher levels of inflation, with prices in October 6.2% higher than a year ago. The GOP argument is that the Biden relief package sent too much money into the economy, sending prices up and hurting middle-class and lower-income families.

Oh, you thought the aid would help you? Only if you’re already pretty much on the government dole to start with.

But in this instance, the spending from the aid package is already helping to insulate millions of households from higher utility bills and reducing strains on household budgets. Estimates by the Urban Institute based off a Census Bureau survey indicate that a third of families used the monthly payments from the expanded child tax credit to pay their utility bills between July and October 2021.

So, instead of spending it on their kids, they have to use the money to pay utility bills. Way to go, Brandon!

Electricity and natural gas prices are roughly 11% higher than a year ago, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index. Heating oil prices have more than doubled over the past year, according to the Energy Information Administration.

So, for those of you in the middle class, Biden says “screw you, suck it up.” Because nothing he’s done or will do will help.

Read: Brandon Admin To Give More Bribes, Er, Relief For Winter Heating Costs »

Pirate's Cove