Your Fault: Christmas Trees Are In Short Supply Due To Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, really, it’s due to supply chain issues, but, this is a cult, so, they have to add “climate change’ to every issue. Toilet leaking? ‘Climate change’. Forgot to set the timer and the cookies are overdone? ‘Climate change’. The Wheel of Time being rather dark, dreary, and not well done or acted, with characters who are Mary Sue’s? ‘Climate change’.

Supply Chain Issues, Climate Change Affects Christmas Tree Selection

If you’re buying a Christmas tree this holiday season, you may want to act soon. Supply chain issues and climate change are contributing to a Christmas tree shortage in the U.S.

“Because of climate change, you’re having problems with moisture, watering, which is creating other issues. It reduces their crop. It reduces their growth,” said Gordon Chavez, founder of Mr. Jingle’s, a Christmas tree retailer.

Chavez said farms he deals with in Oregon have been affected by wildfire. Because of his rising costs, he’s making less profit this year here in San Diego. Chavez hoping to make up for it by charging a little more at his Los Angeles area locations.

“We’re having a large increase in cost. A lot of that cost is coming from not as many people wanting to drive anymore after the pandemic,” said Chavez.

Let’s not forget, pretty much every wildfire on the west coast has been linked back to someone setting the fire, intentionally or unintentionally. And the weather always changes.

With fuel prices on the rise, transporting trees has been more expensive. Rising labor costs are also affecting Chavez’s bottom line.

“I think in general prices have gone up,” said Gwen MacMillan, a Mission Beach resident.

That has more to due with COVID and Biden’s bad policies

The price increase for artificial trees might be greater this year. Many are shipped from China and are affected by the shipping backups at Southern California ports.

Demand for Christmas trees is expected to be strong this year. While there will likely be enough available to buy, you may not get the exact type that you were looking for.

That has zero to due with ‘climate change’.

The price of a Christmas tree from Oregon has nearly doubled in the last five years according to a report from the U.S.D.A. The harvest is also much smaller. In five years, the acreage of Christmas trees growing in Oregon has dropped 24%.

Which is mostly due to government restrictions than anything else. We aren’t having this issue here in North Carolina, where a huge chunk of Christmas trees are grown. But, hey, yeah, let’s blame the climate emergency.

Read: Your Fault: Christmas Trees Are In Short Supply Due To Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful place way out in the country where a massive solar farm should be erected, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post noting NY’s gov will halt non-urgent elective surgeries due to Omicron.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Want Dementia Joe To Come Out Swinging Against Republicans Or Something

The guy can barely speak in literate sentences with a a teleprompter, often going off script and yammering the same old stories we’ve heard, making things up. Besides, I thought he was the #Unity president? No? Allies also think he can’t do it

Dems want Biden to start swinging at Republicans. Allies aren’t sure he can.

Joe Biden spent much of his first year in office proving he could still work across the aisle. Now, with the second year approaching, Democrats want him to turn up the heat on Republicans.

That’s a joke, right? What has he done that’s bipartisan? The infrastructure was helped by unhinged, Never Trump, RINO’s. Other than that, what? Everything he’s done has been deeply partisan

WIth the bipartisan infrastructure bill signed into law, Democratic lawmakers and party leaders say Biden needs to relentlessly hammer GOP lawmakers for opposing his economic priorities and hampering progress on the pandemic and inflation.

“The president is in an awkward position [because] to get things done outside of reconciliation will require Republicans,” said Robert Gibbs, who served as press secretary under former President Barack Obama. “But sooner or later, Joe Biden has to make this more than a referendum on himself and his presidency and instead make this a stark choice between two very different ideas and philosophies. Contrast with Republicans’ positions will be central to having a chance in the 2022 midterms.”

Yes, it’ll look great for him to hammer Republicans for opposing Biden’s economy killing agenda

White House officials say they’re eager to make that contrast. In the coming weeks, Biden and administration officials will “make the case that Republicans are unanimously opposed” to the president’s social spending bill, said Kate Berner, deputy White House communications director. The administration also plans to label Republicans as being on the side of oil and gas companies that “are padding their profits” and a party “rooting” for price increases spurred by inflation “because [they] think it will help them politically,” Berner added.

Republicans are against cradle to grave social welfare, with Big Government being our nanny? Republicans are for inexpensive, affordable, reliable energy? Joe is against that? Huh.

“We believe, the president believes, that his presidency will be measured on what he gets done for families, not on what political line that hits Republicans garners the most retweets on Twitter,” Berner continued. “That doesn’t mean that he’s not going to be strong and aggressive and call out Republicans.”

Yes, his policies have hurt families. He’ll be remembered for being the modern Jimmy Carter. Though, at least Carter had good intentions.

Outside of the White House, Democrats argue that Biden’s willingness to make more aggressive attacks against Republicans will be key to their success in 2022. Not only do party members want Biden to highlight GOP opposition to popular components of his social spending plan, they want him to go after Republicans for pushing voter restriction laws and embracing former President Donald Trump’s lies of election fraud and revisionist Jan. 6 history.

And Republicans can respond by noting that no one who’s allowed to vote will be stopped. They just have to follow the rules.

Retiring Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said Democrats need to “go on an all out attack against Republicans.” He called for Biden, Democratic leaders and surrogates to visit every competitive Republican congressional district — excluding the 13 Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill — and say “this is what your district is getting and this is what your member voted against.”

Why’s he retiring? This looks like fear of losing the House and Senate.

Behind closed doors, Biden does not mince words about his frustration with the Republican party, which he believes, due to Trump’s grip, has become a threat to the nation’s democracy itself. But he has warned off both Klain and the White House communications shop from too many direct swipes at the GOP when he tried to secure bipartisan support for his prized infrastructure deal, according to the three aides.

And therein lies the issue: Biden and Dems think that anyone who isn’t with them is against them, and should be treated like traitors and terrorists. You don’t build consensus and agreement with people you see as an enemy.

Read: Democrats Want Dementia Joe To Come Out Swinging Against Republicans Or Something »

Climate Crisis (scam) Means Canada Needs Lots Of Immigrants To Work Agriculture

As usual, the Cult of Climastrology links it’s wackadoodle beliefs to a completely separate issue, immigration. But, there’s something really funny in all this

Climate Change Is Creating a Northern Labor Crisis

In many ways, Canada seems perfectly positioned to take advantage of climate change. The country sits on a vast wealth of natural resources with an abundant supply of freshwater, oil, and natural gas. Its political system is, for the moment, relatively stable. And as the planet warms, Canada’s traditionally unfarmable northern regions could turn into the world’s breadbasket. But for all its advantages, Canada is desperately lacking in one vital resource: people.

Indeed, despite being the world’s second-largest country, Canada has a relatively modest 38 million citizens, a mere one-ninth of the United States’ population. More importantly, the national fertility rate has long been in steady decline, with the number of Canadian births reaching a fifteen-year low in 2020. This puts the country in a precarious position: while most populations need a total fertility level of a little over two children per woman to survive, Canada sits at just 1.47, representing one of the lowest birth rates in the West. Were this trend to continue, the country’s population could start shrinking within the next two decades.

Degrowth, then, would represent a catastrophic opportunity loss for a country primed to benefit from global warming. In one famous study, Stanford professor Marshall Burke estimated that if Canada were to take complete advantage of its newfound agricultural opportunities, it could see a fivefold increase in its gross domestic product over the next several decades. But that’s a huge “if.” Canada will need a massive amount of labor to exploit its 4.2 million square kilometers of new agricultural frontier, and as it stands, its population is not growing nearly fast enough to meet the region’s growing demand.

See, SOON!!!!! the world will warm so much that Canada will be an agriculture powerhouse. They’ll just need people to work the fields. Because Doom.

Interestingly, these lunatics in the climate cult think the only thing immigrants are good for is working the land. That’s rather bigoted/racist, isn’t it? That they aren’t smart enough or educated enough to do anything but picking crops and such (in reality, the people who run farms, from small to large, tend to be pretty smart, having to know what to do when, if they are going to be successful. Locally, NC State has a pretty big agriculture education program). That’s what liberals here in the U.S. think illegal aliens are good for: manual labor. The climate cult is primarily run by elitist whites (and those who think they are elites but aren’t), and a high percentage of Warmists are 1st world whites.

And you know none of these Warmists want the immigrants anywhere near their own neighborhoods.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Means Canada Needs Lots Of Immigrants To Work Agriculture »

Australia Wants To Unmask People Who Make Mean Comments Online

I’m wondering the citizens of Australia are wondering why in the heck they haven’t forced passage of a Bill of Rights, especially in the wake of the tyranny of the Australian national, province, and city governments since the start of the Chinese coronavirus. Now we get this

Australia to introduce new laws to force media platforms to unmask online trolls

Australia will introduce legislation to make social media giants provide details of users who post defamatory comments, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday.

The government has been looking at the extent of the responsibility of platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, for defamatory material published on their sites and comes after the country’s highest court ruled that publishers can be held liable for public comments on online forums.

The ruling caused some news companies like CNN to deny Australians access to their Facebook pages.

“The online world should not be a wild west where bots and bigots and trolls and others are anonymously going around and can harm people,” Morrison said at a televised press briefing.


The new legislation will introduce a complaints mechanism, so that if somebody thinks they are being defamed, bullied or attacked on social media, they will be able to require the platform to take the material down.

If the content is not withdrawn, a court process could force a social media platform to provide details of the commenter.

Let’s be honest: this is not about randos saying mean things on social media, in comments, through email. I get plenty of nasty comments and emails. I either respond with a kill them with kindness attitude or just delete it. I’m mostly Tim.

It’s about those in the Australian government mad that those damned serfs dare say mean things, demand action, slam government officials for misconduct, etc, an anonymity. And they want that stopped. Are the citizens clamoring for this law? Or, is it government officials? I’d bet on the latter, and I’ll bet this is used more by government than any citizen, who doesn’t have the resources to be filing complaints and suits because someone wrote a mean tweet. Having rights like Freedom of Speech and others embedded in the very fabric of the Constitution would be nice about now, right?

Read: Australia Wants To Unmask People Who Make Mean Comments Online »

Climate Cult Gets Woke On Invasive Species

Putting even more loony tunes into the Cult of Climastrology. Of course this is Vox

It’s time to stop demonizing “invasive” species

Marine ecologist Piper Wallingford was doing fieldwork on the rocky shore of Laguna Beach, California, in 2016 when she noticed a dime-sized creature she’d never seen before. It was a dark unicorn snail, a predator that drills into mussels and injects an enzyme that liquefies their flesh. “Then,” Wallingford explains, “they basically suck it out like soup.”

The animal is native to the Mexican state of Baja California, Wallingford later learned, and it’s been migrating up the coast over the last few decades in search of new habitat, eating into local mussel populations along the way. It’s also one of countless species around the world — from white-tailed deer to lobsters to armadillos to maple trees — that are moving with the climate.

Ecologists expect climate change to create mass alterations in the habitats of these “range-shifting” or “climate-tracking” species, as they’re sometimes called, which will reshuffle ecosystems in ways that are hard to predict. The migrations are critical to species’ ability to survive hotter temperatures.

Pretty much something that has always happened, and mankind helps by bringing the invasive species, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. But, see, this is your fault for eating tasty burgers and ordering clothes on Amazon rather than making them yourself

The scientific community largely views this kind of habitat shift as a good thing, Wallingford and other ecologists told Vox. But the primary lens available to the general public and to policymakers is less forgiving. “Invasive species” is a concept so ingrained in American consciousness that it’s taken on a life of its own, coloring the way we judge the health of ecosystems and neatly dividing life on Earth into native and invasive. (snip)

Climate change and the range shifts it’s causing are extraordinary circumstances. If a species flees a habitat that is burning or melting, is it ever fair to call it invasive? Even outside of a climate context, this tension reflects a more fundamental problem within the invasive species paradigm. If the label is so stigmatizing that the only appropriate response feels like extermination, perhaps something else needs to take its place.

Sigh. They really have to make this all rather silly.

For example, invasives can be considered a threat not only by killing or outcompeting native species but also by mating with them. To protect the “genetic integrity” of species, conservationists often go to extraordinary lengths to prevent animals from hybridizing, environmental writer Emma Marris points out in her book Wild SoulsFreedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World. Consider the effort in North Carolina to prevent coyotes from breeding with endangered red wolves, which bears uncomfortable parallels to Western preoccupations with racial purity that only recently went out of fashion.

And now they try and drag raaaaacism into the mix, despite these being animals. Because all these people are bat shit insane.

That’s why some scientists look askance at the influence of invasion biology and argue that the field has a baked-in, nativist bias on documenting negative consequences of introduced species and preserving nature as it is. Invasion biology is like epidemiology, the study of disease spread, biologists Matthew Chew and Scott Carroll wrote in a widely read opinion piece a decade ago, in that it is “a discipline explicitly devoted to destroying that which it studies.”

Can we just get on to the alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse, so that these people would have real things to worry about, rather than just making up garbage?

Read: Climate Cult Gets Woke On Invasive Species »

If All You See…

…is a president who is a climate doom denier, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post noting that pointing a gun at cops is hazardous for your health.

It’s country girls week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Billy Devorss

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are screaming, and my NJ Devils are still hanging in there. This pinup is by Billy Devorss, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal covers guilty until proven innocent with Jan 6th people
  2. The Daley Gator highlights some Allahu Ackbar in San Francisco from an Afghanistan refugee
  3. Powerline compares Brandon’s COVID scorecard to Trump’s
  4. Pacific Pundit notes Biden will cause gas prices to rise again
  5. MOTUS A.D. has some interesting UFO news
  6. Moonbattery says that the Salvation Army has switched religions
  7. Legal Insurrection notes Biden failing to enforce sanctions on Iran’s oil exports
  8. IOTW Report has an almost Darwin Awards webcam “model” shooting herself in the nethers
  9. Gen Z Conservative says we live in two different countries
  10. Geller Report covers Brandon’s approval rating collapsing
  11. Free North Carolina notes a sheriff sued for reporting an illegal alien to ICE
  12. Gates Of Vienna says that Austria is banishing the Unclean
  13. American Elephants discusses Warmists wanting to get rid of all cars, including EVs
  14. Watts Up With That? notes Germany having to burn more coal for cold weather
  15. And last, but not least, Real Climate Science says most east coast beaches were gone by 2020

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Chinese Coronavirus Variant Omicron Causes Fear P0rn, But, What’s The Reality?

First, why did the World Health Organization skip over two Greek letters? Here’s the laughable explanation

(Slate) When the WHO named the “mu” variant in August, “nu” was next in line. But the WHO decided to skip it over because officials felt the letter was too similar to the English word “new,” which could have led to a bit of confusion. Then came “xi,” but the WHO also decided to nix it because it is the same as the common last name Xi and using it would violate the organization’s guidelines to name diseases. The WHO always seeks to “avoid causing offense to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups,” the organization said in a statement.

Right, right, “avoiding offense.” To the president of China. Uh huh. Omicron would be the 13th named variant in 2 years, with lots of sub-variants. Seems kinda quick for a virus caused by someone eating a bat in a wet market right down the road from an instituted that researches this stuff, eh? Well, crazy Leftist power hungry governor of New York Kathy Hochul has already declared a state of emergency. In the same article, lots of fear, including saying this will be Pandemic 2.0. Israel has shut its borders. The editorial board at the Washington Post is declaring doom.

But, what are we potentially talking about?

South African doctor says omicron variant symptoms ‘unusual but mild’

The South African doctor who first alerted authorities to the presence of the COVID-19 omicron variant reported that it presents “unusual but mild” symptoms.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a board member of the South African Medical Association, first noticed otherwise healthy patients demonstrating unusual symptoms on Nov. 18.

“Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” Coetzee told The Telegraph.

“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,” Coetzee explained. “So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.”

So, primarily, it is very mild, you’ll feel like you have a mild cold for a day or two, and then you’re fine. And WHO was quick to designate it Omicron and countries enacted travel bans from African nations. Seems rather premature to be talking Doom, wouldn’t you say? Over to the Telegraph article

It is the most mutated form of Covid-19 discovered thus far, with 32 mutations to the spike protein. Scientists are concerned that the mutations may allow it to evade existing vaccines and spread quickly.

That just happens with a totally natural virus, right?

South African scientists say omicron is behind an explosion of cases in the country’s Gauteng province, which is home to the country’s commercial capital Johannesburg and Pretoria. Cases have rocketed up from about 550 a day last week to almost 4,000 a day currently.

What we’re not hearing is huge numbers in the hospitals with serious symptoms, nor huge death tolls. In fact, most articles aren’t even mentioning a death toll. You know, it’s so serious that

Remember when Biden said he would end the Chinese coronavirus pandemic?

Read: Chinese Coronavirus Variant Omicron Causes Fear P0rn, But, What’s The Reality? »

Ancient Civilizations Can Teach Us How To Survive Climate Apocalypse Or Something

Climate hysteric Michael Smith at Slate, which, not that long ago, wasn’t an unhinged leftist outlet, asks a question

What Can Ancient Cities Teach Us About Surviving Climate Change?

I’m betting the answer is “climatic changes, both through warm and cool periods, was primarily caused by nature, just like today.” Because that’s what is at the heart of this. All these civilizations were impacted by natural climatic changes

Aztec Tenochtitlan began as a damp town in the middle of a swamp, but it managed to thrive across conquests, epidemics, droughts and floods to become one of the largest cities in the world today—Mexico City. When taking students to see the Aztec ruins next to the Zocalo, I used to wonder how places like Tenochtitlan, Beijing, or Rome (the “eternal city”) managed to thrive for centuries, while other cities failed.

In my archaeological fieldwork, I have encountered far more failed urban sites than cities that survived for centuries. It is now time to examine these early cities to learn how some of them adapted successfully to stresses and shocks, while others did not. Perhaps this knowledge can inform current work on urban adaptations to climate change. Researchers have identified a “knowledge gap” between what we need to know about planning cities for the future and we do know. The cities of the past can help fill that gap.

Hey, you know what really ended the Aztecs?

The tide began to turn, though, when the Aztecs were heavily defeated by the Tlaxcala and Huexotzingo in 1515. With the arrival of the Spanish, some of these rebel states would again seize the opportunity to gain their independence. When the conquistadors finally did arrive from the Old World sailing their floating palaces and led by Hernán Cortés, their initial relations with the leader of the Aztecs, Motecuhzoma II, were friendly and valuable gifts were exchanged. Things turned sour, though, when a small group of Spanish soldiers were killed at Tenochtitlan while Cortés was away at Veracruz. The Aztec warriors, unhappy at Motecuhzoma’s passivity, overthrew him and set Cuitlahuac as the new tlatoani. This incident was just what Cortés needed and he returned to the city to relieve the besieged remaining Spanish but was forced to withdraw on 30 June 1520 in what became known as the Noche Triste. Gathering local allies Cortés returned ten months later and in 1521 he laid siege to the city. Lacking food and ravaged by disease, the Aztecs, now led by Cuauhtemoc, finally collapsed on the fateful day of 13 August 1521.

That’s the condensed version. If they want to throw climate in, well, this was during the Little Ice Age. Back to the article

Historians and archaeologists have already started to weigh in on climate change adaptations. One popular genre is stories about disasters like the Classic Maya collapse (think Jared Diamond’s 2005 book Collapse, or The Next Apocalypse, by Chris Begley, 2021). While ancient catastrophes make good reading, such stories are both too complicated and too limited to draw firm conclusions. They promote a biased view of ancient societies. People wonder what was wrong with Maya cities: Why did they collapse? Yet those same cities flourished for many centuries, far longer than any city in the U.S. has yet endured.

The Mayans actually did well during the Dark Ages, but, started collapsing at the end, before the Medieval Warm period started around 950 AD (this was their Classic Period). The Post-Classic Period occurred during the Medieval Warm period, and was already a reduced civilization. And, surprise, it was all natural. Anyhow, blah blah blah, doom from climate, we need to adapt, and, unintentionally makes the case for mostly natural climate change.

Read: Ancient Civilizations Can Teach Us How To Survive Climate Apocalypse Or Something »

Pirate's Cove