SCOTUS Rules In Favor Of 7th Amendment, Fans Of Administrative State Unhappy

Well, they’re unhappy now, but, the minute the Government comes after them in an un-Constitutional manner they’ll be happy for the ruling. But, will Biden and the Executive Branch follow the ruling?

‘Tough luck’: The Supreme Court just took a new bite out of Biden’s agencies’ powers

Bill Of RightsThe Supreme Court’s newest rebuke of the Securities and Exchange Commission is threatening to unleash chaos throughout the federal government, creating uncertainty about the limits on agencies’ power to punish law-breakers.

The 6-3 ruling held that the Constitution’s 7th Amendment guarantee to a trial by jury applies when the SEC seeks civil penalties for securities fraud. But legal experts said it raises questions about a wide range of agencies’ ability to impose fines for violations of a host of laws and rules, including those protecting consumers, workers and the environment.

Agencies that suddenly face new potential challenges to their decades-old enforcement powers include the Environmental Protection Agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Labor Department and the National Labor Relations Board, lawyers and former agency officials told POLITICO.

The decision “could threaten EPA’s enforcement program as we know it,” said Kevin Minoli, a former acting general counsel at the agency. He said it raises questions about whether “everyone facing a government penalty has the right to request a jury trial” — and how many defendants will choose to invoke that right.

Most EPA enforcement actions are handled through an administrative process, not litigation, Minoli noted in an email. The agency does not have the resources to take every environmental violation to court, and neither does the Justice Department, said Minoli, now an attorney at Alston & Bird.

Let’s take a look at that 7th Amendment

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

If the government is coming after you for more than $20 they should have to prove their case in front of a jury, should they not? And, let’s be clear, it’s the Executive Branch which is doing this, all while working as prosecutor and judge. Leftist say that all sorts of criminals (who often do not even know they broke some arcane law or rule, with many of those rules not even being the intention of the duly passed laws) will now get away with it because the government doesn’t have the resources to prosecute. Well, yeah, that’s too bad, but, the government must be responsive to The People. It is not our ruler. Perhaps now the government will go after the big cases, rather than going after the little people who do not have the resources to fight the government, which made them easy targets.

The ruling should have been 9-0, but, the liberals are unfamiliar with the tenants of the Constitution and that government is limited, and forbidden to act as potentates. That government is not allowed to run roughshod on the citizens it is meant to serve. And lots of liberals are very upset. Right up to the point where it is them the government is going after.

Read: SCOTUS Rules In Favor Of 7th Amendment, Fans Of Administrative State Unhappy »

Low Cost Chinese EVs Could Cause Problem For Automakers In US Or Something

But, will people actually want to buy them?

Prospect of low-priced Chinese EVs reaching US from Mexico poses threat to automakers

Electric vehicleIt’s a scenario that terrifies America’s auto industry.

Chinese carmakers set up shop in Mexico to exploit North American trade rules. Once in place, they send ultra-low-priced electric vehicles streaming into the United States.

As the Chinese EVs go on sale across the country, America’s homegrown EVs — costing an average of $55,000, roughly double the price of their Chinese counterparts — struggle to compete. Factories close. Workers lose jobs across America’s industrial heartland.

Ultimately, it would all become a painful replay of how government-subsidized Chinese competition devastated American industries from steel to solar equipment over the past quarter-century. This time, it would be electric vehicles, which America’s automakers envision as the core of their business in the coming decades.

Low-priced Chinese EVs pose a potentially “extinction-level event’’ for America’s auto industry, the Alliance for American Manufacturing has warned.

Would Americans want tiny EVs? Perhaps for city only drivers. You wouldn’t really be able to go far in them, and, what of repairs? What of insurance costs? Would they want to spend $27500 for one, when they can get a Civic or Corolla? In reality, a lot of the Chinese EVs for Europe are a lot less expensive, because they are being subsidized by the Chinese government. And virtual slave labor to build them.

Of course, the people trying to force Americans into EVs, despite those Elites not driving them themselves, are happy with this

The threat from Beijing is emerging just as U.S. automakers face slowing EV sales. High prices and a shortage of charging stations are keeping many American consumers away.

Cheap Chinese EVs might help by pushing down prices, accelerating sales and encouraging investment in charging stations. “It would be cheaper just to let the Chinese cars come in, forget all the tariffs and subsidies, let the market figure it out,’’ said Christine McDaniel, a senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. “Yes, it would be disruptive. But EVs would get on the road in the U.S. a lot faster.”

They want to restrict the working and middle classes from having easy fossil fueled travel by any means, even if it means letting China dominate the market. Though, would they? Further, will they have the safety standards required for the U.S.? People talk about America letting the market decide, but, the market would be skewed by China dumping the vehicles.

Read: Low Cost Chinese EVs Could Cause Problem For Automakers In US Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on British folks being tricked into being vegetarian.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Shows Doctors Without Borders That Doctor Was A Terrorist

I mentioned Wednesday that the Israeli Air Force sent a high value terrorist to see Allah, and linked him to MSF International, a medical aid group. The docs were mad about it. But, see

PHOTO: IDF Shows Proof After ‘Doctors Without Borders’ Denies ‘Colleague’ Was Terrorist

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or “Doctors Without Borders,” denied Wednesday that its “colleague,” Fadi Al-Wadiya was also an Islamic Jihad terrorist — but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) produced photos of him in uniform.

As Breitbart News noted earlier Wednesday, Fadi Al-Wadiya was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Tuesday. He was a senior member of the Iranian-backed terror group, responsible for directing rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.

Doctors Without Borders claimed that Al-Wadiya was just a physical therapist “on his way to work.” It denied that he was a terrorist, and produced a photograph of him treating a child in Gaza in 2022. (photo shown of the terrorist treating the child in article)

But the IDF produced photos showing Al-Wadiya in military fatigues, wearing the Islamic Jihad uniform:


The Times of Israel noted:

The IDF said he was a prominent member of Islamic Jihad, involved in developing missiles for the terror group, as well as being an electronics and chemistry expert.

Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, the IDF’s Arabic-language spokesman, says al-Wadiya worked for Islamic Jihad’s rocket manufacturing unit for more than 15 years.

He attaches three images showing al-Wadiya in Islamic Jihad uniform.

As the IDF said, “always check to see who you’re hiring….”. To Docs Without Borders they should say “always check to see who you’re defending.” Unless, of course, you want to protect a terrorist.

Read: IDF Shows Doctors Without Borders That Doctor Was A Terrorist »

Your Fault: World’s Sleep Being Disrupted By Global Boiling

It’s amazing what a 1.7F increase (or 2.2F, depending on which climahysteric outlet you listen to) over 170+ years can do, eh? All while the Warmists are trying to take air conditioning away from Other People, and stop those people in places like Africa from getting it

World’s sleep being chipped away by hotter nights, global warming, Climate Central study says

Climate change is not only harming the planet – it’s also ruining our sleep.

A new report from Climate Central says rising nighttime temperatures are chipping away at human sleep across the globe.

Once you mention Climate Central you know this will be doomsday cult propaganda. Oh, and that none of them have given up their own AC

Scientists found global mean temperatures have risen by more 34 degrees Fahrenheit since 1850, setting a new record in 2023.

??????? Really? That is compete and utter horseshit. According to NASA the mean global temperature is 59F. Are we seriously supposed to believe that it was 25F in 1850? So reconstructions think the MGB was 46F during the last glacial period.

Ironically, it gets worse once the sun goes down.

Nighttime temperatures have increased even more rapidly than daytime temperatures as the world heats up, the study said.

Those hot and sleepless nights make it harder for people to recover from the heat of the day. And the effects could be deadly.

Hot nights led to a 50% increased mortality risk, the report said.

The increased night time temperatures mostly go to land use and the Urban Heat Island effect. But, you know this is a doomsday cult which relies on scaremongering.

Read: Your Fault: World’s Sleep Being Disrupted By Global Boiling »

USAID Official Blames Everything But Hamas For Failure To Deliver Aid

I mean, sure, there could be certainly other issues, but, how many of these are really just Hamas?

Gunfire, lawlessness and gang-like looters are preventing aid distribution in Gaza, an official says

Thousands of tons of food, medicines and other aid piled up on a beach in war-torn Gaza is not reaching those in need because of a dire security situation and lawlessness on the ground, a U.S. aid official said Wednesday.

Truck drivers are getting caught in the crossfire or have their cargo seized by marauding “gang-like” groups, said Doug Strope, with the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The sense of desperation gripping ordinary Palestinians is only compounded by the combination of Gaza being an active combat zone and a prevailing “general sense of lawlessness,” Stropes told The Associated Press.

The security “that’s needed for the humanitarians to work is what’s really lacking right now,” the USAID official added.

Hamas runs Gaza. Virtually of of these issues can be linked right back to Hamas, which has the guns. Those gangs? Mostly Hamas. Looters? Well, again, mostly Hamas. Which also works with the UN aid program.

The remarks are the latest amid international criticism over Israel’s campaign against Hamas as Gaza faces severe and widespread hunger. The eight-month war has largely cut off the flow of food, medicine and basic goods to Gaza, and people there are now totally dependent on aid.

The war was triggered by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack in which the militants stormed into southern Israel, killed some 1,200 people and took about 250 hostage. Since then Israel’s ground offensives and bombardments have killed more than 37,600 people in Gaza, according to the territory’s Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in its count.

Yes, the war was triggered by Hamas. There’s an old saying “if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.”

Read: USAID Official Blames Everything But Hamas For Failure To Deliver Aid »

Denmark Passes Carbon Tax On Cows, Pigs, Sheep

What could possibly go wrong?

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, and Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax in Denmark

climate cowLivestock farmers in Denmark have been warned the farts and burps from their cows, sheep, and pigs will be measured and taxed from 2030, the first country in the world to do so as it targets methane emissions.

AP reports the aim is to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent from 1990 levels by 2030, said Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus, with the winds of change specifically aimed at the agriculture industry.

As of 2030, Danish livestock farmers will face a punitive financial imposition of 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030.

The tax will increase to 750 kroner ($108) by 2035. However, because of an income tax deduction of 60 percent, the actual cost per ton will start at 120 kroner ($17.3) and increase to 300 kroner by 2035.

“We will take a big step closer in becoming climate neutral in 2045,” Bruus said, adding Denmark “will be the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture” and hoped other countries would follow suit.

Interestingly, Denmark has zero idea on how they are going actually measure the “emissions”, but, really, it is mostly methane, not CO2, despite what Bruus said. Probably because he’s a climate cult member and has no idea what he’s talking about. But, what will this do to the cost of meat in Denmark and the countries it exports to? The Elites won’t care if the cost skyrockets. It will cause lots of issues for the middle and working classes. Not that the Elites care.

Let’s go back to what Bruus said: a real CO2 tax on agriculture. Was he just misspeaking about the farm animals, or, is the government going after all agriculture? Is it really such a good idea to put artificial taxes on food?

Read: Denmark Passes Carbon Tax On Cows, Pigs, Sheep »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, carbon polluting pool, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Jew hating, Hamas supporting Jamaal Bowman losing his primary.

Read: If All You See… »

Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full

Funny how Democrats aren’t so excited for illegal aliens when they actually have to support, pay for, and deal with them in their own areas, eh?

Gov. Maura Healey sends Massachusetts officials to southern US border with message for migrants

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey sent state officials this week to the U.S.-Mexico border with a message for migrant families that may be planning to come to Boston.

They plan to tell families, “Our shelters are full,” according to a statement from Mass. Emergency Assistance Director General Scott Rice.

Healey’s office said the goal is for state personnel to make connections with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Joint Task Force-North, non-governmental organizations and families to educate them about the lack of shelter availability in Massachusetts.

“This trip is an important opportunity to meet with families arriving in the U.S. and the organizations that work with them at the border to make sure they have accurate information about the lack of shelter space in Massachusetts,” said Rice.

While the state emergency shelter system is at full capacity, Healey’s administration said that record numbers of immigrant families continue to arrive in Boston.

“It is essential that we get the word out that our shelters are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a safe place to go,” Rice said.

Well, now, where does she want them to go? Not Mass., eh? Healey is a big fan of illegal immigration, just so long as they aren’t coming to Mass. Just go elsewhere.

State Sen. Peter Durant, a Republican, says the answer is to change Massachusetts’ right-to-shelter law further.

“Until you stop benefits, until you stop all of the easy flowing dollars and rooms and food, people are going to continue to come,” Durant said.

Until you stop giving them reasons to come illegally to the U.S. it will continue. Stop telling them that they’ll be taken care of. Texas governor Greg Abbott should send a whole bunch more to the capital city of Boston, dropping them off outside the “governor’s mansion”, which is technically wherever Healey resides.

Read: Massachusetts Governor Goes To Border To Tell Them State Is Full »

Washington Post Notes That Climate Vandalism Backfires

But, will the Washington Post actually note why?

There are better ways to protest climate change than spray painting Stonehenge

Last week, two climate protesters walked up to Stonehenge dousing the 5,000-year-old stone monument in a cloud of orange dye. Police eventually arrested a 73-year-old man and 21-year-old woman, members of the group Just Stop Oil, a self-described nonviolent civil resistance group.

Workers were able to clean the stones, but defacing the cultural treasure, even if temporarily, has drawn near universal condemnation on both sides of the Atlantic — and, as intended, plenty of attention. (snip)

“Self-aggrandizing vandals who attack our shared cultural treasures deserve prison time, not support,” Jonathan Foley, a climate scientist and executive director of Project Drawdown, wrote on X.

Foley, it’s safe to say, is in the majority. But the real question is: Will Just Stop Oil’s tactics curb fossil fuel pollution? If not, what would?

Well, considering how many of them are wearing clothes, shoes, backpacks, eyeglasses, etc made from petroleum, along with their backpacks, smartphones, and signs…oh, and how do they get to the protests?…they aren’t giving up their own use.

To find out, I called Eric Shuman, a postdoctoral researcher at New York University and Harvard Business School who researches nonviolent collective action. Tactics have varied from Mumbai to Selma, he says, but nonviolent protests have undoubtedly changed the course of history.

The most successful ones, he says, tend to share three common elements.

First, protests must be disruptive, creating pressure and urgency to do something. Second, the public must believe the protesters have constructive intentions with clear positive goals, not just animus toward those who disagree with them. Finally — though Shuman says this is more anecdotal — it helps to be relevant: Protests carry more power when the target relates to the perceived injustice.

Well, the WP article goes on to say that most of the protests do not meet the last two targets. They’re just disruptive. And the piece goes on and on, but, fails to note that acts of vandalism are failing because they look completely unhinged. The protesters themselves look exactly how you think they would look like. Out of control, dirty, wacko. I’d say that these acts are actually driving people away. How many want to be associated with complete kooks who act like a cult?

Way more people were coming out against all these crazy acts, especially at Stonehenge and the golf tournament, then for them. Of course, even the fellow travelers aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels.

Read: Washington Post Notes That Climate Vandalism Backfires »

Pirate's Cove