Lesson Learned? Democrats Look To Speed Up Their Agenda Post Election Blowout

Both parties refuse to learn the lesson of elections. Republicans always fail to understand that fighting back works. That politics is not a nice business. You have to take it to Democrats. Firing a broadside then going back into get along go alone squishiness doesn’t work. Democrats never learn from election losses. Sure, you might have some, such as James Carville, who understand pivoting and moving on, but, most just make Excuses, usually along the lines of Republicans cheated, the voters are racist/sexist/Islamophobe/etc, those darned white women, we just need to reframe and rename. What did they learn Tuesday night?

Well, unless you have a subscription, you aren’t reading that one, so, over to the NY Times

Democrats, Stung by Losses, Press Forward on Biden Agenda

Smarting from an off-year electoral rebuke, congressional Democrats pushed forward on Wednesday toward House votes as soon as Thursday on nearly $3 trillion worth of social policy, infrastructure and climate change programs — but with a deep new worry: Would a legislative victory help or hurt their bruised political standing?

The day after a defeat in the Virginia governor’s race and an unexpectedly close race in the Democratic stronghold of New Jersey, the Democrats in Congress toiled to keep recriminations to a minimum. But centrists grumbled that the party’s left flank had held back final passage of what they considered the most popular part of the agenda, a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill, while liberals blamed poor campaigns and ineffectual candidates.

“Candidates matter,” added Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, one of the Democrats who blockaded the infrastructure measure. But virtually all Democrats came away from the sweeping defeats in Virginia and a narrow escape for New Jersey’s Democratic governor, Philip D. Murphy, agreeing that the imperative now was to pass both bills as quickly as possible to prove their party could govern.

No, sorry, what they understand is that their agenda becomes less popular the more people know, and that they have a limited time to get it done before the 2022 mid-terms, after which they will most likely lose the House, the Senate, or both, and they know it would be virtually impossible to get rid of this Progressive (nice Fascism) insanity. First, because Joe will just veto, and, second, getting rid of it even with a win in 2024 for the White House by a Republican could make it difficult. How’d it work out getting rid of Obamacare, especially once it was established? That’s the chance, and the calculation, Democrats will make.

Hanging over the endeavor was a deep sense of dread among Democrats — reinforced by the results on Tuesday — that their prospects for keeping control of Congress in the midterm elections next year were dwindling by the day, amid President Biden’s sagging approval rating and widespread discontent with the direction of the country. Puffed up by his party’s successes, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, predicted that Democrats would lose more than 60 seats next year.

One would think if there is deep dissatisfaction they’d pivot, do different things which are popular. That’s what Clinton would have done. These days, Democrats do not care, they’ll just try and force this on Americans. Because they do think you are stupid and need to be told what to do and forced to do it.

Read: Lesson Learned? Democrats Look To Speed Up Their Agenda Post Election Blowout »

High Flying John Kerry Teases New Way To Fund ‘Climate Change’ Action

I’m sure there’s absolutely no reason to tell you to watch your wallet, right?

Kerry teases coming announcements to finance climate change policy in developing nations

John Kerry climateSpeaking during and immediately after a meeting of the High Ambition Coalition, a group of roughly 60 countries that advocate for the strongest possible policies to address climate change at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry hinted Tuesday that major announcements on climate finance are in the offing.

“A hundred billion dollars doesn’t do it, folks,” Kerry said to a gaggle of press following the meeting at the conference, also known as COP26. He was referring to the promise of $100 billion per year in financing for adapting to and mitigating climate change for developing countries, made by developed countries at the last major round of climate negotiations, in Paris in 2015. “It’s trillions of dollars that are needed. And the only way that we will get this done is if trillions of dollars are forthcoming. And they are. Tomorrow there will be an announcement. I’m not going to jump the announcement, but there are tens of trillions of dollars announced that are available to be invested in this transition.”

Tens of trillions in Other People’s money, eh?

It’s unclear who will provide the tens of trillions of dollars Kerry mentioned, but reading the tea leaves — especially his reference to investment — it sounds like the private sector will play a major role, providing loans as opposed to grants.

See? I wonder what they could be looking at?

Tariffs to Tackle Climate Change Gain Momentum. The Idea Could Reshape Industries.
The proposals come with risks, including undermining world trade rules and triggering trade disputes

Governments in the U.S., Europe and other developed nations are embarking on a climate-change experiment: using tariffs on trade to cut carbon emissions. The idea has the potential to rewrite the rules of global commerce.

Policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic are looking at targeting steel, chemicals and cement. The tariffs would give a competitive advantage to manufacturers in countries where emissions are relatively low.

Well, that’s all you’re going to get from the Wall Street Journal, unless you subscribe. But, there are plenty of other articles, and, while tariffs can have their place in attempting to level a playing field, these would just cause prices to skyrocket. I know, let’s place a huge tariff on all the people who attended COP26, see if they’re good with paying with their own money.

Read: High Flying John Kerry Teases New Way To Fund ‘Climate Change’ Action »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from too much Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on the LGBFJB community.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Wonders If Classic Rock Songs Should Be Toppled Like Confederate Statues

It’s pretty understandable that the opinion section of the NY Times wants to mostly avoid what happened in Virginia and other states, leaving it to a few stories and “analyses” in the straight opinion sections, because they would then have to expose themselves to criticism for being an insane political party. Sort of Republican Ross Douthat tries with Republicans Schooled the Left in Virginia and sorta Republican Brett Stephens goes for Why Democrats Are In Trouble. There’s something about Michelle Wu winning in Boston, some whining about the Supreme Court, even a piece on changing clocks twice a year. But, nothing from the liberals about their Tuesday losses. Instead, we have this bit of moonbattery from Jennifer Finney Boylan

Should Classic Rock Songs Be Toppled Like Confederate Statues?

Cancel Culture AlligatorA long, long time ago — I can still remember how that music used to make me smile.

“American Pie,” Don McLean’s generation-defining ballad, was released on vinyl 50 years ago this October. The first time I ever heard it, I was with my sister in our kitchen. I was 13. I was eating a bowl of Alpha-Bits cereal. It came on the radio, and my sister — only a year older but centuries cooler — told me, “This is the greatest song ever.”

It’s impossible for me to hear that song now without thinking of her.

But when Patrisha McLean, Don McLean’s ex-wife, hears “American Pie,” she isn’t reminded of golden moments of adolescence or even the classic age of rock ’n’ roll memorialized by the song. Ms. McLean says she was subjected to years of emotional and physical abuse from her former husband.

Was all this necessary? Liberal minds are just weird. They have to link everything to their hardcore politics. I love Paul Simon stuff, even though he’s a hardcore socialist. Roger Waters is an avowed socialist, and an Israel and Jew hater, but, I still love Pink Floyd. Devo used a John Hinkley, Jr poem to create a song (not a particularly good one), but, I like other Devo stuff.

The past several years have seen a reassessment of our country’s many mythologies — from the legends of the generals of the Confederacy to the historical glossing over of slaveholding founding fathers. But as we take another look at the sins of our historical figures, we’ve also had to take a hard look at our more immediate past and present, including the behavior of the creators of pop culture. That reassessment extends now to the people who wrote some of our best-loved songs. But what to do with the art left behind? Can I still love their music if I’m appalled by various events in the lives of Johnny Cash or Elvis or Jerry Lee Lewis? Or by Eric Clapton’s racist rants and anti-vaccination activism?

Of course, there is no easy answer here. Even Ms. McLean doesn’t think “American Pie” should be banned from playlists, like some other pieces of classic rock produced by disgraced musicians. Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll (Part 2),” more popularly known as “The Hey Song,” for instance, was pulled from airplay after the musician was convicted of possession of child pornography and a series of sex abuse offenses against young girls.

Instead, Ms. McLean told me, she feels we should reconsider how we elevate these artists. It’s the tarnished creators, she said, that we should not celebrate. In other words: The problem with “American Pie” isn’t the song. It’s the singer. “American Pie” remains a great song. In 2016 the Library of Congress selected the original recording for preservation in the National Recording Registry.

In other words, we should Cancel the people, not their music. Or, you could just mind your own business and stop being such a Karen.

For a lot of baby boomers, it’s painful to realize that some of the songs first lodged in our memories in adolescence really need a second look. And it’s hard to explain why younger versions of ourselves ever thought they were OK in the first place.

Or, maybe cancel the songs, too.

I want to live in a world where I can be moved by art and music and literature without having to come up with elaborate apologies for that work or for its creators.

Then move on, don’t listen. Don’t watch. Don’t force your views on everyone else.

It was Don McLean, in “American Pie,” who asked if music can save our mortal souls. My guess is probably not. But it can help us to time travel, and not only to our adolescent past. Maybe reconsidering those songs, and their artists, can inspire us to think about the future and how to bring about a world that is more inclusive and more just.

Yup, cancelling. Hey, let’s go after Jimmy Buffett, a reliable Democrat, because he changes the line in Margaritaville to say “it’s some woman’s fault” when he does it live.

Now do all the rap songs about bitches and hoes, treating women in a degrading manner.

Read: NY Times Wonders If Classic Rock Songs Should Be Toppled Like Confederate Statues »

Who’s Up For Paying A Meat Tax To Solve The Climate Crisis (scam)?

Or, perhaps Warmists could all just stop eating meat, and leave the rest for the non-cult folks. Let’s start here

Biden set to go after methane emissions on day 2 of Glasgow climate change conference

climate cowPresident Biden lauded an agreement reached by more than 90 countries to cut methane emissions by 30 percent over the next decade.

“One of the most important things we can do in this decisive decade is to keep 1.5 degrees [Celsius of temperature rise] in reach and reduce our methane emissions as quickly as possible,” Biden said during his second day at the U.N. Climate Change Conference.

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that Biden noted is behind “about half of the warming we’re experiencing today.” Keenly aware that world leaders gathered at the conference are looking to the U.S. to lead on climate change with not just words but actions, the president announced two new initiatives to reduce U.S. methane emissions.

“We’re proposing two new rules: one through our Environmental Protection Agency that’s going to reduce methane losses from new and existing oil and gas pipelines, and one through the Department of Transportation to reduce wasteful and hazardous leaks in natural gas pipelines.”

In reality, methane is a potent greenhouse gas, way, way stronger than CO2, and is one of the reason I say that Mankind does have a small impact on global warming. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to reduce the output. But, Warmists tend to ignore the stuff that Biden mentioned (except in terms of stopping them altogether), and focus on something else

Should you pay a ‘meat tax’ on your burger? Some environmentalists say it’s a necessary step to save the planet

Americans already pay taxes on everything from the real estate they own to some of the consumer goods they purchase.

But could they one day be taxed on the meat they eat?

The idea of a meat tax has been widely discussed across the globe in recent years, particularly as a way to reduce consumption of beef in light of the effects the cattle industry has on the climate crisis. The United Nations has said that emissions from livestock account for 14.5% of total greenhouse gas emissions across the planet. Almost two-thirds of those emissions come from cattle, especially in the form of the methane gas emitted by the animals, according to the United Nations.

George Eustice, the U.K.’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, told the Telegraph that taxes are being considered in connection to such foods because of the impact on global warming. “We need to do the thinking about it now,” he said.

Trot that one out to the UK citizens, see how that goes

It’s perhaps a stretch to think that the U.S., which ranks among the top countries in meat consumption, would enact a climate change-related meat tax, whether it’s levied on meat producers or shoppers.

But Atul Jain, a University of Illinois atmospheric-sciences professor who has studied the relationship between food production and greenhouse-gas emissions, says it’s at least worth contemplating.

“This is a very good idea,” said Jain.

At the same time, Jain says there are many ways to tackle the issue, beginning with educating younger people about the connection between food and the climate crisis as a way to reduce their consumption of meat. Jain also says if the U.S. is to encourage people to switch from an animal-based diet to more of a plant-based one, it must make sure nutritional needs and concerns are properly addressed.

So, perhaps a meat tax isn’t the best for the U.S. Instead, let’s doing nagging and indoctrination from the Government! Hooray!

Read: Who’s Up For Paying A Meat Tax To Solve The Climate Crisis (scam)? »

Youngkin Wins Along With Plenty Of Republicans, Democrats Rage

So far as I’ve seen, Terry MaCauliffe has refused to concede. I’m sure the “Republicans stole the election!” talk is already going on Twitter and other social media outlets, which will be deemed just fine by Liberal media outlets

Youngkin Beats McAuliffe, Clinching First Statewide Win In Virginia For Republicans Since 2009

Glenn Youngkin will be Virginia’s next governor after narrowly beating former Gov. Terry McAuliffe Tuesday night, making him the first Republican to win statewide in over a decade and ending Democrats’ total control over the legislative process held for nearly two years.

Youngkin led by just over two points when the Associated Press called the race early Wednesday, buoyed by record turnout in rural areas and an energized Republican base. He trailed McAuliffe in nearly every poll up until the final days of the race, when late momentum gave him the slimmest of leads in a state that President Joe Biden won by over 10 points just a year ago.

In addition to Youngkin, Republican Winsome Sears won the state’s race to be lieutenant governor, while Jason Miyares, also a Republican, led in the state’s attorney general race, respectively. Republicans also appear to have flipped six seats in the Virginia State House, a margin that, if it holds, would turn Democrats’ 10-seat majority into a 51-49 GOP majority.

Perhaps telling parents they have no say in the education of their kids was a Bad Idea. Especially after things like sexually explicit books in schools, a coverup of a gender confused boy sexually assaulting a girl was exposed, and so much more. If they didn’t have all those early voting days and mail in ballots, how much more might have been Youngkin’s win?

The race in NJ is extremely close, with Republican Jack Ciattarelli holding a small lead over incumbent Gov Phil Murphy, which rather shows Democrats will vote for a really bad governor simply because he’s a Democrat. In Minneapolis, where the George Floyd incident occurred, they shot down a referendum to replace the police department. Ilhan Omar is angry. There were all sorts of unexpected GOP wins in state and local races.

Meanwhile, MSNBC, which spent the evening going Full Moonbat, is, of course, blamestorming whites

Glenn Youngkin’s victory proves white ignorance is a powerful weapon

Ultimately, his campaign settled on a game plan that seemed to resonate deeply with white voters in Virginia: targeting school lesson plans that address inequality and social justice. Youngkin adopted the conservative strategy of falsely grouping these lesson plans under the label of “critical race theory,” and he promised to ban such teachings “on day one” if elected. Critical race theory is a college-level field of study that’s not taught in Virginia K-12 schools, but it’s become a catchall phrase for intellectually lazy people — many of them white — who want to stigmatize any discussion about American racism.

In the final weeks of his campaign, Youngkin focused almost exclusively on attacking lesson plans about inequality. He hosted multiple “Parents Matter” rallies, where attendees could gather to express outrage over school curricula. And last week, his campaign released an ad featuring a white mother who fought to have “Beloved,” Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about slavery, banned from her son’s school district.

The Youngkin campaign discovered that this contingent of angry, willfully ignorant white people was the key ingredient needed to elect a GOP governor in Virginia for the first time since 2009. We can expect more Republicans to try the same gambit as we inch closer to next year’s consequential midterm elections.

See? You’re a raaaaacist if you voted Youngkin. If you care about what’s being taught in school to your kids. Might not be the best idea if you want to win the 2022 mid-terms. And, Democrats have been pushing hard to teach CRT in Virginia K-12 schools. Even ABC noted that CRT was incorporated in the curriculum in Virginia.

Plenty of other freakouts, like

DNC chair Jaime Harrison said “It’s sad to see where the Republican Party is going because they have become a party of fascism and fear.” Fascism is apparently when a political party wants less government now.

Read: Youngkin Wins Along With Plenty Of Republicans, Democrats Rage »

Climate Cult: Archbishop Claims Doing Nothing About ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Holocaust

The climate cult, which has invaded the Christian religion, is getting nuttier and nuttier. Is this from the Book Of Climate Revelations?

Archbishop Welby: Failure to Act on Climate Means ‘Infinitely Greater’ Genocide Than Holocaust

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby sparked outrage when he claimed that politicians who fail to act on climate change will allow an “infinitely greater” genocide than the Holocaust and be judged “in far stronger terms” than those who appeased Nazi Germany.

Speaking at COP26, the de facto leader of the Church of England and British lawmaker, as a member of the House of Lords, said that politicians who do not adopt the green agenda will be “cursed” and that future generations “will speak of them in far stronger terms than we speak today of the politicians of the ’30s, of the politicians who ignored what was happening in Nazi Germany, because this will kill people all ’round the world for generations, and we will have no means of averting it.”

“That’s very strong language,” offered BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg, noting that he was “saying failure to act on climate change would be worse than people allowing genocide to happen” — perhaps in an effort to allow him on an opportunity to row back the audacious claim.

The woke clergyman merely doubled down, however, clarifying that climate change will “allow genocide on an infinitely greater scale” than the Holocaust.

“I’m not sure there’s grades of genocide but there’s width of genocide, and this will be genocide indirectly by negligence, recklessness, that will in the end come back to us, or to our children and grandchildren,” he asserted.

The Cult feels emboldened to make insane speeches like this, because almost no one calls them on it. Where’s the Archbishop in condemning all the Elites flying private jets to Glasgow, then seeing those jets flown away with no passengers to park elsewhere, because there’s no space at the airport? This is all just pure insanity.

Perhaps inevitably, the archbishop did feel the need to take to social media to apologise for these claims, tweeting that he “unequivocally apologise[d] for the words I used when trying to emphasise the gravity of the situation facing us at COP26.”

“It’s never right to make comparisons with the atrocities brought by the Nazis, and I’m sorry for the offence caused to Jews by these words,” he added.

So, he wasn’t really apologizing for what he said, just that he overdid the comparison. If he didn’t mean the words, he wouldn’t have written them in his speech. Perhaps he should spend more time tending to his flock rather than playing cult politician.

Read: Climate Cult: Archbishop Claims Doing Nothing About ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Holocaust »

If All You See…

…is the uniform of law enforcement, needed for civil structure when the climate wars come, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on election day in Virginia.

Read: If All You See… »

Who’s Up For Changing The Definition Of “Fully Vaccinated”?

Did you get the vaccine? Took your 2 shots, waited the 14 days (or one shot, depending)? Think you’re safe? Not so fast!

Definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ could change, CDC chief says. Here’s what that means

If you’ve received a two-dose course of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID vaccines, or a one-and-done Johnson & Johnson shot, you’re considered by health officials to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

For now.

But that could change as eligibility for booster shots continues to expand. Last week, COVID boosters were approved for Moderna recipients and all who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and everyone can now choose their own brand of booster shot.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at a news conference Friday that the agency “may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future” as boosters are becoming more widely available.

When would that happen, and what would it look like? Walensky had no further details, as she and other health experts acknowledge that the situation is evolving.

“We’re doing an experiment in real time,” said Warner Greene, a virologist and senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco. “We don’t know how to optimally use the vaccines yet. What we do know is that two shots are not preventing infections as efficiently after six months.”

Yet, let’s force people to choose between their jobs or not taking a vaccination they are hesitant on which doesn’t work as well as they thought.

Robert Siegel, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University, said the term “fully vaccinated” is a policy concept, not an immunological one.

“Policies change and the designation of who is ‘fully vaccinated’ will continue to change,” he wrote in an email. “Ideally, these changes will be based on new data on the durability or diminution of the immune response over time.”

In fairness, there are many vaccines which require more than one or two shots. Smallpox is a series of 5 shots over a few years. You most likely do not remember because you were very young. But, really, Siegel is correct, this is political. Next up we will see the politicians requiring booster shots to be considered fully vaccinated and allowed to keep your job and participate in society.

Yes, I took the booster. Why? Because I want to protect myself. That’s it. No other reason. If someone doesn’t want to take it, that’s on them. I weighed the risks, and came down on the side of vaccination and booster. Other people can make their own decisions. I don’t want them forced.

Read: Who’s Up For Changing The Definition Of “Fully Vaccinated”? »

St. Greta And Her Acolytes Protest Outside COP26

What are they protesting? The Cult of Climastrology Elites are working to hammer out deals that will Do Something about the climate crisis scam. You’d think St. Greta and her Comrades would be happy

Greta Thunberg and her allies lambaste U.N. Climate Change Conference from just outside

The security perimeter around the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, known as COP26, is ironclad. It’s surrounded by metal gates, with each point of entry guarded by armed police in yellow vests, and registered attendees must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken that day and a government-issued ID card, in addition to their credentials to share space with dignitaries and world leaders. On Sunday, the discovery of an unaccompanied bag led to an hourlong lockdown in which no one could enter.

Wait, walls/fences work? Huh

Across the street, however, or in this case right across the River Clyde, is a world apart. And that’s where a hundred activists from Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future youth movement and the loosely aligned group Extinction Rebellion gathered in a park to mock the dignitaries and leaders assembled inside for what they consider to be empty rhetoric and inadequate action to combat climate change.

“This COP26 is just like the previous COPs,” said Thunberg, an 18-year-old from Sweden, to the mostly young crowd in the park. “Inside COP, they are just politicians and people in power pretending to take our future seriously, pretending to take the present seriously of the people who are being affected already today by the climate crisis. Change is not going to come from in there.

“That is not leadership. This is leadership!” Thunberg proclaimed, referring to the scruffy activists waving placards with slogans like “Planet over profit” and “This is a climate emergency.”

Many also held signs that were intended as a warning to the government representatives in Glasgow for the conference, with phrases such as “We are watching you” and “What will be your wake up call?”

“We say, ‘No more blah blah blah,’” Thunberg said. “No more exploitation of people and the planet.” She led the crowd in a chant of “What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!”

So they want more Government, more taxation, more taking away freedom, liberty, and choice? Let’s start with the kiddies, see how they like it. And with the Extinction Rebellion nutters.

How many are wearing commercially produced clothes, many which are shipped from China and such on fossil fueled ships and planes? Same with their smartphones? Their backpacks? Their shoes?

“What we need is we need action now. We don’t need it in 2060, we don’t need it in 2050,” she continued. “We need it before 2030, and that has to happen now. We’re at the point where the climate is tipping into catastrophe.”

Yeah, we’ve been hearing that since the 90’s. So far, nope

Laura Amherst, from Brighton, England, wore a mesh bodysuit that left little to the imagination. It was dappled in skull-and-crossbones images, intended to signify the threat of potentially deadly toxic pollution. Amherst is a well-known activist in the U.K. with a dual mission: to urge action against climate change and to oppose sexism and combat body shaming. “It’s about raising the visibility of this message and making it more accessible to different groups that wouldn’t necessarily pay attention to the climate crisis,” she told Yahoo News.

She’s the woman who has been posing with just pasties on during XR protests, so, it’s more about showing off her fake boobs and being an “Influencer”, trying to profit. I can’t find any photos of the mesh, but, here she is the other day

“When we talk about climate change, we’re talking about basic human rights, like the right to clean water, to sanitation and even the right to life,” Becker said in her prepared remarks. “Since we don’t have a vote in there, we’re saying what we want out here. Our eyes are on COP26: Do not let us down.”

Sounds like they are worried about real environmental and other issues. Perhaps they should focus on them instead of the climate scam.

Read: St. Greta And Her Acolytes Protest Outside COP26 »

Pirate's Cove