Lufthansa To Give Warmists A Chance To Pay For Their World Killing Fossil Fueled Flights Habit

How many climate cultists will voluntarily pay? How many will decide to fly a different airline? Because they sure aren’t willing to give up their own fossil fueled flights

Lufthansa to Charge Customers to Flaunt Green Credentials

climate cowAirlines have long found innovative ways to charge passengers for services like seat selection, priority boarding, checked bags and even carry-ons.

Deutsche Lufthansa AG is taking it to the next level: the German airline group is working on a new rewards plan to coax customers into paying for its effort to clean up greenhouse-gas emissions, tapping into their desire to be seen as environmentally conscious.

For a price, travelers will be able to demonstrate support for alternative jet fuels or carbon-offset purchases. The effectiveness of these measures has been challenged, but for now airlines have few other options to show passengers they’re trying to make a start on lowering carbon output.

Lufthansa is considering everything from marking seats green to creating digital badges that can be shown on a phone.

“We do think the eco-conscious traveler wants people to know that they’re an eco-conscious traveler,” Chief Customer Officer Christina Foerster said in an interview. “It needs to be chic to show off you’re flying green.”

If they want to be “green” they should not fly in an airplane. Period.

Airlines face a challenge in shifting onto travelers a bigger share of the potential $2 trillion industrywide cost of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Lufthansa and other carriers already offer customers ways to pay extra for emissions, but just 1% pitch in.

So, it really won’t work. I saw the value in up-paying for my Frontier flight at Christmas. For not a lot more than checking one bag (I hate lugging around a big carry on, and Frontier charges more for a carryon than for checked) and picking my seat, I got 1 checked bag, one carry on, picked a seat in row 4, and priority boarding. That last is great at Christmas time. Will people see any value in paying extra to pretend they are “green”? How many of those 1% did it by accident?

Delta boss says climate change means flying will cost more

The boss of the world’s second biggest airline has said that tackling climate change will make flying more expensive.

“Over time, it’s going to cost us all more, but it’s the right approach that we must take,” Delta Air Lines chief executive Ed Bastian told the BBC. (snip)

Andreas Schafer, professor of energy and transport at University College London, says it will “cost trillions rather than billions of dollars” to move the global aviation sector to net zero carbon emissions.

Preliminary results from his team’s research suggest airfares would need to increase by 10%-20% to cover the costs.

So, because, really, due to government regs, rules, and laws, you will pay more.

Delta aims to be using 10% sustainable aviation fuel by the end of 2030.

Many airlines and fuel companies are investing in SAFs. Other technologies being developed involve turning food waste into jet fuel and using carbon dioxide pulled out of the air.

However, these still cost more than traditional jet fuels and the quantities needed are also seen as problematic.

Will they be as inefficient as ethanol? Just what you want, underpowered and unreliable jet fuel as you’re cruising 30,000 feet in the air.

Read: Lufthansa To Give Warmists A Chance To Pay For Their World Killing Fossil Fueled Flights Habit »

If All You See…

…is coffee which will soon taste horrible due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on the FDA playing games with people’s lives.

It’s Asian week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Dale Kelly

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the geese are honking, and it feels like Fall. This pinup is by Dale Kelly, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The First Street Journal notes a few journalists challenging Woke journalism
  2. Powerline covers Jon Gruden suing the NFL and commissioner
  3. Pacific Pundit discusses a Uyghur slavery survivor taking to LeBron and the NBA
  4. neo-neocon highlights different searches on Google and DuckDuckGo
  5. Moonbattery notes Europe going back under lockdown
  6. Legal Insurrection shows liberals triggered by judge’s ringtone
  7. Jihad Watch covers Biden’s banking chief nominee wanting to eliminate your bank account
  8. hogewash features some cool stuff from space
  9. Gen Z Conservative highlights the Pentagon saying families of US troops still stuck in Afghanistan
  10. Geller Report notes the Wisconsin National Guard activate while waiting for Rittenhouse verdict (they’ll probably be rioting from liberals no matter the verdict)
  11. Flag and Cross covers policing, or, lack thereof, in the People’s Republic of San Francisco
  12. Cold Fury discusses the Oklahoma National Guard resisting Biden’s vax mandate
  13. Chicks On The Right notes Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom going after Joe Biden for defaming her son
  14. No Tricks Zone features Warmist politicians going after single family homes
  15. And last, but not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That shows COP26 ending in humiliating failure

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Bloomberg: Americans Need To Live More Like Europeans Or Something

News outlets are working overtime to make the supply chain issues seem like a good thing and protect Dementia Joe, just like with inflation. These news outlets really do live in La La Land. Do they think Americans are buying this stuff? Well, yes, screedists like Allison Schrager and the people who approved this at Bloomberg think you are dumb enough to buy into it

Americans Need to Learn to Live More Like Europeans
Supply-chain shortages are constraining U.S. consumers’ endless appetite for buying whatever they want whenever they want. It’s about time.

It’s become the conventional wisdom that the U.S. economy is built on Americans’ endless appetite to buy lots and lots of stuff. Household consumption makes up about 67% of GDP. When the economy falters, we’re told spending is our patriotic duty. But suddenly, Americans can’t spend like they used to. Store shelves are emptying, and it can take months to find a car, refrigerator or sofa. If this continues, we may need to learn to do without — and, horrors, live more like the Europeans. That actually might not be a bad thing, because the U.S. economy could be healthier if it were less reliant on consumption.

After all, Americans haven’t always acted like this. We’ve entered an age of overabundance. We consume much more than we used to and more than other countries. Consumption per capita grew about 65% from 1990 to 2015, compared with about 35% growth in Europe. Household consumption makes up only about 50% of GDP in Germany.

There are some good reasons for that. One, because European nations essentially limited their economies. Another is that we are the USA

Damned right. Abigail goes on to tweet that lower our expectations, we should raise them. Remember how the Washington Post said we should lower our expectations? Confirmed Miscer tweets “They want your life to be worse and they want you to celebrate it.” I wonder how much all these Elites and think-they’re-Elites are giving up? All those who took long fossil fueled trips to Glasgow for the COP26 do not seem to be giving up much.

And these numbers reflect big changes in Americans’ lifestyle. The average U.S. home was 1,700 square feet in 1980, by 2015 it was 2,000 square feet, even though the number of people in the average household shrank. In 1980, 15% of households didn’t have a TV, now only about 3% don’t. In 2015, 40% of American households had three or more TVs, including 30% of households earning less than $40,000 a year! In 1980, only 13% of households had 2 or more refrigerators, in 2015 30% did — including many low-earning households. Clothing purchases have increased five-fold since 1980 and the average garment will only be worn seven times before it’s disposed of.

We’re America. The only thing I’d agree with is that companies need to stop building obsolescence into their products, which is not a U.S. problem, but, a world problem. The batteries in smartphones should last way more than a year to year and a half before you’re mad that the battery doesn’t last as long per charge. It’s intentional. Lithium Ion’s should at least give you 5 years. TVs, fridges, washers, etc, should last longer. Companies want you to re-buy. You can’t fully blame them, but, you can blame for making products that don’t last. I have a washer and drying from 1994, still work. A stereo from late 80’s with Bose speakers. I took an old 30 inch square TV to the dump the other year that still worked from around 1990. I rarely buy any clothes I do not intend to wear a lot.

Finally, if we are truly serious about protecting the planet, being a good global citizen will take more than driving an electric car or installing solar panels. It means consuming less so that we throw less away. Maybe that means getting by with only one refrigerator or avoiding fast, disposable fashion. (snip)

In short, with higher prices, a more eco-conscious population and less trade bringing fewer cheap products, Americans may have to get used to consuming like Europeans. We will certainly not be deprived, but we will trim back our excesses, perhaps be more thoughtful about what we buy and purchase fewer, higher-quality goods.

Tufts University business professor Amar Bhide argues that what’s great and unique about American consumption is openness to new products and new ideas. Historically, America was a nation of early adopters. This, not just volume, has been what has propelled American growth because it creates a vigorous marketplace where new products can find a market, experiment and improve. Buying smart, while maintaining an openness to new things, can be the foundation of a more sustainable and growing economy.

Is this going to be the Democrats message for the mid-terms?

Read: Bloomberg: Americans Need To Live More Like Europeans Or Something »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Damage Beer Production

The very fact that crop production, including for the ingredients to make beer, continues to stay high and even have record crops, is immaterial to Cult dogma. And that water isn’t disappearing. They have scary prognostications to make

Yes, climate change could impact the production of beer

Leaders from across the world are in Glasgow, Scotland, for COP26, a United Nations climate change conference. This week, VERIFY has published multiple stories about different issues related to climate change, including carbon emissions and deforestation.

Another issue tied to climate change is its impact on crops.

Researchers say it’s hard to make the subject connect with people who are used to going to the grocery store and expecting food will be there. So, they’re trying to make the topic more approachable by sounding the alarm about specific foods and beverages with wide appeal – like beer.

That’s led to tweets (this one from Greenpeace and this one from EcoWatch) that link to stories that say climate change could impact the supply of beer.

Nothing like citing two unhinged groups who live by fearmongering. And those media outlets (there were a bunch) who are pushing this have joined in. And, since they are trying to make this like a fact check, the next section looks like (taking a screen shot works better)


mule fritter sherman potter

First, there’s water. Each gallon of beer requires about five to six gallons of water to produce, according to the World Wildlife Fund. That could be problematic for drought-laden states like California, which has the most breweries in the nation.

California has always been drought -laden. You know what happens? Move the brewery. In fact, many have moved out of California because of their climate and other business restrictions. If you’re drinking a beer on the east coast it is most likely produced on the east coast, with a few exceptions.

The second main ingredient is barley, which gives beer its color and flavor. But only 17% of the world’s barley is used for beer, according to one study, and most of it is grown in only a few locations that are seeing temperatures rise and yields drop.


Idaho sets record for average barley yield

You can find that for many areas. And sometimes the yields are average, sometimes below. Such is life. Of course, the climate cultists says doom is coming soon, so, give up your money, freedom, liberty, and choice to Government.

That study used five different climate models to project what impact a warming climate could have on beer supply, consumption and prices.

“Concurrent extremes of drought and heat can be anticipated to cause both substantial decreases in beer consumption and increases in beer price,” the study concluded.

In the study’s most severe climate events, researchers estimated the world’s beer consumption would drop 16%. That’s almost 8 billion gallons of beer, roughly equal to what the U.S. consumes in a year. Even in less extreme climate events, researchers estimated beer consumption would drop by 4%.

Once we start seeing computer models we know this is straight mule fritters. Same models cannot predict the weather with perfection.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Damage Beer Production »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful bit of nature that will soon be swallowed by the rising seas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on the FBI and NY Times cooperating to violate a journalist’s Constitutional rights.

Read: If All You See… »

Here We Go: News Outlets Start Saying Biden Can Do Little To Tame Rampant Inflation

It really was inevitable that the Credentialed Media would start attempting to defend Dementia Joe at some point. You have to know that if Trump was president, they would be raking him over the coals (behind paywall, you can read in full at Yahoo News)

‘No slam-dunk solution’: What can Joe Biden do to tame soaring inflation?

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden was just three minutes into his half-hour address at the Port of Baltimore earlier this week when he acknowledged the toll that soaring inflation is inflicting on many Americans.

Calling rising prices “one of the most pressing economic concerns of the American people,” Biden said the pain that many Americans are feeling is real.

“Everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more, and it’s worrisome,” he said as an orange sun set over the harbor. “Even though wages are going up, we still face challenges, and we have to tackle them. We have to tackle them head on.”

In reality, economists warn, there’s not much Biden can do to tame inflation.

“There’s no slam-dunk solution,” said Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Does anyone think that would be the solution if Trump was still president? Most likely we would be seeing some inflation thanks to the spendapalooza in 2020 due to COVID, along with the supply chain issues and other things related to COVID shutdowns, because this is pretty much a worldwide thing, right? What Trump wouldn’t be doing is having a laser focus on passing huge bills that are all about pushing leftist, Big Government, authoritarian politics. The infrastructure bill would have been about infrastructure, not mostly about things that have nothing to do with infrastructure.

He wouldn’t be shutting down U.S. energy production. The U.S. was energy independent until Joe came into office. Joe is shutting down pipelines, denying permits for oil and natural gas, and wanting to replace them with solar and wind at some point in the future. Everything he’s doing is helping to raise the cost of energy, which pretty much leads to the rising cost of everything else.

He’d be focusing on dealing with the supply chain issues, getting the ports back in order. Doing things to free up the truckers. Enticing people to work as truckers for a time. Not running around pushing the horrible Build Back Better plan. Not pushing for tens of thousands of IRS agents who will be looking at the bank accounts of people who have certain yearly transactions (it doesn’t matter if it is $600 or $10K).

Economists attribute the rise in consumer prices over the past year to several factors, including supply chain breakdowns, labor shortages and a sudden burst of spending after widespread lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

See? That’s what you focus on. You use the lofty perch of the presidency to be positive, and focus on providing what help the government can to relieve the issues, not blow it off and work on other things, especially when citizens are thinking that the infrastructure bill and especially the BBB bill will not only not help their lives, but, hurt their lives.

Because the spike in inflation can be traced to the economic impact of COVID-19, the most important thing the Biden administration could do to tame inflation would be to get the pandemic under control, Zandi said.

“Until the pandemic recedes, inflation is going to be a problem,” he said.

Biden and his advisers understand that, Zandi said, and have taken steps such as making vaccines available to children as young as age 5 and requiring employees at large companies to be vaccinated or undergo weekly COVID testing. A federal appeals court has put the vaccine and testing requirement for employers temporarily on hold after attorneys general in at least 26 states challenged the rules.

Joe’s idea is to mandate vaccination, which only means companies will not hire above 99, and, perhaps, some will get down to 99 if they are close. It won’t help reduce inflation. Not at all. And pushing climate crisis scam measures, and certainly signing on to whatever comes out of Glasgow, won’t help.

Anyhow, it’s a long piece designed to say “don’t blame Joe.” And, to a degree, it’s not his fault. It’s the fault of China for releasing COVID19. No one is dumb enough to think this all happened because someone ate a bat or something at a wet market, right? Attempting to destroy the petroleum and natural gas sectors on purpose is something that is Joe’s fault. Reversing course would be a good start.

Read: Here We Go: News Outlets Start Saying Biden Can Do Little To Tame Rampant Inflation »

Surprise: COP26 Second Draft Failing To Resolve Disputes

Why does this seem to happen every year? It always seems to go long as people who took long fossil fueled trips try and hammer out the details of forcing Other People to comply with the measures the Elites themselves won’t, meaning they get to hang out in nice locations for longer on the taxpayer dime

Take 2: Second draft of Glasgow climate change agreement fails to resolve ongoing disputes

Just hours before the United Nations Climate Change Conference was set to wrap up, a new draft report of the final agreement was released showing that key differences remain on how to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.

Negotiators worked through the night Thursday to try to close the gaps among nations on vexing questions such as how much money richer nations should pay for the damages that climate change has already caused in poorer countries, as well as what specific emissions targets are necessary and when they should be implemented.

“Most glaring is the lack of any mention of the finance plan for loss and damage that was proposed last night by the G77 group of developing countries,” Tracy Carty, head of Oxfam’s COP26 delegation, said of the second draft in a statement. “‘Acknowledging’ loss and damage will not bring back the submerged homes, poisoned fields and lost loved ones. Rich countries must stop blocking progress and commit to doing something about it.”

It’s pretty easy to offer up Other People’s money to give away, money that is forcibly taken from those citizens. It’s also very easy to demand that Other People in developed nations pony up money by taking it from the citizens of developed nations, eh?

Pledges made in Paris in 2015 for wealthy countries to mobilize $100 billion per year in grants and loans to the developing world have not yet been fully met, which the draft document states it “notes with deep regret.” New wording added in the second draft calling for rich countries to double such funding by 2025 could prove a stumbling block to a final agreement because rich countries may balk.

Climate activists, meanwhile, say that even the current wording lets the industrialized world, which has emitted far more greenhouse gases that have caused climate change, off the hook on financing for developing countries and eliminating their own use of fossil fuels.

Yet, the people demanding this aren’t giving up their own use of fossil fuels. Go figure.

“As the minutes tick down, accepting responsibility and how to ramp up climate finance should be the theme of negotiations,” Rachel Kennerley, international climate campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said in a statement. “But instead, it looks like rich countries are preparing their escape hatch. This new draft released this morning speaks about removing inefficient fossil fuels subsidies, as if efficient ones are acceptable.” (snip)

Underscoring the differences between the parties, however, is the ongoing debate about whether to include the words “fossil fuels” in the draft.

At the end of the day, possibly by Monday (which gives these climate cultists a nice weekend in Glasgow), they’ll suddenly announce a breakthrough, that the final draft is Historic!!!!!!!, and then outlets will start releasing how much this is going to cost the people in the developed world, how much it will increase their cost of energy and cost of living, and then the fun begins, especially when Surrender Joe announces his agreement.

Read: Surprise: COP26 Second Draft Failing To Resolve Disputes »

5th Circuit Court Provides Temporary Stay Against Brandon’s Vax Mandate

I must admit, I am intrigued by the part of the OSHA rule which says that the vaccinated do not need to wear a mask, since the vaccine provides protecting. But, overall, the authoritarian desire to force people to get vaccinated with a vaccine implemented under an emergency order, which hasn’t gone through the full range of testing, is just too much. If people do not want to take the vaccine, that’s on them. That’s their problem. I’m pro-vax anti-mandate

Appeals court re-affirms stay on Biden workplace vaccine mandate, cites ‘severe’ risks

A federal appeals court reaffirmed its decision Friday to enact a stay on President Biden’s workplace vaccination mandate following a legal challenge from Texas and several other states.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration to “take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.” The decision was the latest development in what is expected to be a lengthy legal battle over the mandate’s legality.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a vocal critic of the workplace vaccine mandate, lauded the court’s decision on Twitter.

“Citing Texas’s “compelling argument[s],” the 5th Circuit has delayed OSHA’s unconstitutional and illegal private-business vaccine mandate. WE WON! Litigation will continue, but this is a massive victory for Texas and for FREEDOM from Biden’s tyranny and lawlessness,” Paxton wrote. (snip)

The Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay on enforcement of the federal mandate on Nov. 6, one day after the rule was announced. In its reaffirmation Friday, the court said the mandate “exposes [petitioners] to severe financial risk” and “threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects).”

So far, suits have originated from 27 states and lots of businesses, and this will be jammed up in courts for quite some time. It’ll be interesting to see how quick it ends up at the Supreme Court. Where they might want to consider something very, very interesting (via Twitchy)

It might just be a retweet, but, a federal government employee of the Executive Branch, and one working directly for the Office Of The President, and being the Chief Of Staff, will make an impression as to the intent of the rule, one which had never been done in this manner. You can take a hardhat off. You can remove the mask, steel toed shoes, and other things. You cannot remove the vaccine (I still recommend you take it). Aaaaaand scene

The left cheered judges citing Trump tweets (yes, I did think Trump tweeting out certain things was a mistake). I wonder how they will take this?

Read: 5th Circuit Court Provides Temporary Stay Against Brandon’s Vax Mandate »

Bummer: Fearmongering From Cult Of Climastrology Not Moving Public Opinion

30+ years of spreading awareness, and, there’s a bit of a win, but, not much

I’d like to read that WP piece, since it seems to focus on the failure to move the opinions, but, it’s an ABC-Washington Post poll, so, on to ABC

Most favor steps against climate change, though public divides on its urgency: POLL

Broad majorities of Americans see climate change as a serious problem and favor government regulation of greenhouse gas emissions to address it. Yet, the public is divided on the urgency of the issue, a contrast to the views of leaders at the COP26 climate summit in Scotland.

Leaders at the global conference, which ends today, described climate change as an existential threat to humanity that demands a concerted response. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, however, Americans split, 45-49%, on whether it’s “an urgent problem that requires immediate government action” or “a longer-term problem that requires more study” first. (Five percent volunteer that it’s not a problem.) Views that it’s urgent are 8 percentage points off their peak, 53%, in 2018.

Nonetheless, other results in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, show continued substantial majority support for action, albeit without steady growth. In one, 67% call climate change a serious problem facing the country, including 57% calling it very serious. Both are about the same as in a 2014 ABC/Post poll.

57% very serious is the best they can do. As for support of government regulation, only 48% strongly support (which is the lowest polled for this question), 23% somewhat support. The kicker is that 49% want to wait for more study. Despite all the scaremongering.

Now they should ask the question: government regulation of GHGs will increase you energy costs and cost of living. Are you for or against? Also, how much are you willing to pay extra yearly for government regulation of GHGs?

Read: Bummer: Fearmongering From Cult Of Climastrology Not Moving Public Opinion »

Pirate's Cove