California To Crack Down On Food Waste In The Name Of Climate Doom

Hey, this is what you voted for in the People’s Republik Of California, so, no complaining

Food waste becomes California’s newest climate change target

Banana peels, chicken bones and leftover veggies won’t have a place in California trashcans under the nation’s largest mandatory residential food waste recycling program that’s set to take effect in January.

The effort is designed to keep landfills in the most populous U.S. state clear of food waste that damages the atmosphere as it decays. When food scraps and other organic materials break down they emit methane, a greenhouse gas more potent and damaging in the short-term than carbon emissions from fossil fuels.

To avoid those emissions, California plans to start converting residents’ food waste into compost or energy, becoming the second state in the U.S. to do so after Vermont launched a similar program last year.

Most people in California will be required to toss excess food into green waste bins rather than the trash. Municipalities will then turn the food waste into compost or use it to create biogas, an energy source that is similar to natural gas. (snip)

Davis is among California cities that already have a mandatory food recycling program. Joy Klineberg, a mother of three, puts coffee grounds, fruit rinds and cooking scraps into a metal bin labeled “compost” on her countertop. When preparing dinners, she empties excess food from the cutting board into the bin.

Sounds like fun, eh? Keeping all your dead food in storage containers in the house, as well as lots of containers outside stinking the whole place up, eh?

California eyes tough standards for trucks, lawn equipment

Forget speeding tickets — California truck drivers will soon have to watch out for pollution tickets.

State regulators on Thursday voted to crack down on heavy duty trucks weighing more than 14,000 pounds (6,350 kilograms) — those big semi-trailers that make up just 3% of all vehicles in California but spend so much time on the road they account for more than half of all pollution from cars and trucks each year.

New rules will require these big trucks, including ones from other states passing through Califonria — to be tested at least four times per year to make sure they meet the state’s standards for particulate matter and ozone pollution.

And now truckers will start avoiding California even more, and there will be few truckers willing to work in California. Have fun with that supply chain!

Read: California To Crack Down On Food Waste In The Name Of Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is snow that will soon disappear from mountains, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on COVID becoming a racket.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Rebrands Build Back Better, But, Same Old Bad Agenda

If the Build Back Better “human infrastructure” bill was so great, would there be a need to rebrand (reBrandonize?) it?

WH has new slogan on infrastructure, but message the same

President Joe Biden unveiled a new slogan for his $1 trillion infrastructure package on Wednesday, but his overall message is staying largely the same.

Biden, trying to rebound from sagging poll numbers, rebranded his Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework as “Building a Better America.” He spoke at the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, surrounded by buses and signs featuring the new slogan as he continued a weeks long tour to put greater focus on the planned spending for roads, bridges, water systems, broadband and greater resilience against climate change.

How is this in any way bipartisan? Not one Republican voted for it in the House.

The economy has revived since Biden took office, but high inflation, political polarization and the inability to fully break free of the coronavirus pandemic have all hurt his popularity. The new slogan for his big, just-passed infrastructure package says the president’s bipartisan deal will improve the country in ways well beyond repairing its aging roads and bridges.

Revived? Well, perhaps a bit from when government was closing everything down.

“We’re talking about rebuilding America, investing in America, building a better America,” Biden said.

The new slogan hews closely to Biden’s separate “Build Back Better” agenda of tax hikes on the wealthy and an expansion of education, family and environmental programs still pending in the Senate. That slogan, too, has its critics, who say it makes it challenging for people to easily grasp all that’s in the package.

The Associated Press is now doing press releases for Team Brandon, forgetting that it eliminated SALT, which benefits rich people in high tax Democratic Party run states. As far as building a better America, they never really go into details about how that works, because that would freak people out over the expansion of the Central Government.

The White House launched a website Wednesday that asks Americans to record videos about how the infrastructure spending will help their own communities, part of a search for grassroots support as the administration seeks greater recognition for its achievements ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

Oh, this should be good, lots of moonbat Progressives super excited for more authoritarian government running their lives.

“It’s time to stop just kind of repairing our grandparents’ infrastructure — it’s time to start innovating,” said Rep. Sharice Davids, a Democrat from the nearby state of Kansas who spoke at the event.

BBB has little to nothing to do with actual infrastructure. Further, the previously passed infrastructure bill didn’t have that much money for actual infrastructure. Anyhow, you can rebrand a turd as, say, Brandon, but, it’s still a turd.

Read: Brandon Rebrands Build Back Better, But, Same Old Bad Agenda »

Surprise: Ocean Currents Are Speeding Up From Climate Doom

This is all your fault for all those online purchases

One of the strongest ocean currents is speeding up, concerning scientists

Decades of data have revealed the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the only ocean current that encircles the entire globe, has started flowing faster.

The ACC wraps around Antarctica and is a barrier between the tepid subtropical waters north of it and the cool waters to the south, helping keep temperatures low near the frozen continent.

The subtropical waters above the ACC have absorbed significant amounts of heat over the past few decades. In fact, over 90 per cent of the excess heat in the atmosphere created by greenhouse gases has been absorbed and stored in oceans since the 1970s. (snip)

The study, published in Nature Climate Change, used data satellites and Argo, which is a network of floating robotic instruments that record ocean conditions like temperature and salinity. There are currently 4,000 floats scattered across the world’s oceans that are collecting data.

Warming global temperatures have also been affecting prevailing westerly winds and causing them to energize ocean eddies, which are smaller, circular currents of water, near the ACC. However, these winds are playing less of a role in the ACC’s flow rate than the scientists initially suspected.

Well, this is total doom. Which is strange, because it wasn’t that long ago they were telling us the opposite

The slowing down of ocean currents could have a devastating effect on our climate

Remember the movie, “The Day After Tomorrow,” in which a catastrophic series of global disasters strike after climate change causes the world’s ocean currents to stop?

You know it’s a doozy when they cite a movie

Well, new research reveals Earth’s major ocean currents are slowing down, and though the consequences will not be as immediate or dramatic as in the Hollywood fiction, there are real-world impacts for global weather patterns and sea levels.

The slowdown of ocean circulation is directly caused by warming global temperatures and has been predicted by climate scientists.

“This has been predicted, basically, for decades that this circulation would weaken in response to global warming. And now we have the strongest evidence that this is already happening,” said Stefan Rahmstorf? of Potsdam University who contributed to this research.

So, which is it, slowing down or speeding up? Meh, it’s all your fault.

Read: Surprise: Ocean Currents Are Speeding Up From Climate Doom »

Biden Reportedly Told Ukraine To Cede Eastern Part Of Nation

It’s a little more nuanced than many made it out to be, but, come on, after Joe just abandoned Afghanistan in the manner he did, and left Americans behind, it’s not that hard to believe

(AP) President Joe Biden reached out to Ukraine’s leader Thursday as the United States moved to take a more direct role in diplomacy between that country and Russia, part of a broader effort to dissuade Russia from a destabilizing invasion of its western neighbor. (snip)

Biden spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy by phone for more than an hour Thursday. Biden assured Zelenskyy of support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also renewed a pledge that the U.S. and its allies would hit Russia with economic sanctions and intensify defensive aid to Ukraine and NATO allies nearest to Russia if Russia did invade, the White House said. (snip)

Administration officials have suggested that the U.S. will press Ukraine to formally cede a measure of autonomy within its eastern Donbas region, which is now under de facto control by Russia-backed separatists who rose up against Kyiv in 2014.

Decentralization of Ukraine and a “special status” for Donbas were laid out in an ambiguous, European-brokered peace deal in 2015, but it has never taken hold.

More autonomy could formally give residents of that region more authority over some local issues. The administration officials made no mention of ceding any territory.

Which is diplomatic speak for “give up eastern Ukraine to Russia without a shot being fired.” Also known as appeasement, for “peace in our time.” How real is this, though?

(Newsweek) White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki categorically denied on Thursday that President Joe Biden is pressuring Ukraine to cede land to Russia in an effort to reduce tension in the area.

That diplomacy doesn’t include pressuring Ukraine to cede territory to Russian-backed groups, according to Psaki. When asked about reports the United States is pressuring Ukraine to give up land to Russia as a means of deterring an invasion, Psaki said that is not true, calling it “absolutely false.”

In other words, it’s 100% true. Ukraine should urge Biden to just give up a small state, like Delaware. He’d be fine with that, right? Many national security experts expect that if Russia invades it will be in January or February, because then European countries will just ignore it, otherwise Russia cuts off their natural gas, which the EU depends on. And you can bet China will be watching intently, with their eyes on Taiwan.

Read: Biden Reportedly Told Ukraine To Cede Eastern Part Of Nation »

Surprise: Push For Electric Vehicles Causing Massive Deforestation And Environmental Damage

In what world does it make sense to destroy the environment to save the environment from ‘climate change’? But, this is the way climate cultists think

Electric Vehicle Push Is Sparking Massive Deforestation, Environmental Damage

electric vehicleA major nickel mine in a Philippines rainforest has continued to expand, mowing down acres of trees as global demand for minerals essential for electric vehicle manufacturing surges.

The Rio Tuba mine in the region of Palawan supplies an important mineral for electric vehicle batteries in Tesla and Toyota cars, but the mine is nearing an expansion that would cause it to grow from four square miles to 14 square miles, according to an NBC News investigation. The growth of the mine would cause massive deforestation of the land which environmentalists warn could destroy the area’s ecosystem.

Critics of the mine have suggested it could lead to an increased runoff of toxic waste into the environment, further harming the local wildlife, according to NBC News. (snip)

The expansion of the Rio Tuba mine and the subsequent destruction of nearly 9,000 acres of ancient rainforest documented by the NBC News report underscores the growing global demand for rare earth minerals which are essential for not only electric vehicles, but solar panels and wind turbines. Worldwide electric vehicle sales, which currently account for just 4% of new car purchases, are expected to surge to as much as 34% of total global sales by 2030, according to an International Energy Agency estimate.

All for cars that most people cannot afford and don’t take people very far. And seem to be mostly toys for rich people. Also, many of those pushing hard for this do not actually drive one. Biden is not cruising around in one. Nor is John Kerry. Nor the leaders in the UNIPCC. Nor most world leaders. Nor most members of Congress.

And, because of this push, we end up with

You can purchase a top end Honda Insight (well, not right now, good luck, supply chain) or Toyota Prius for less than that. A RAV4 hybrid and Honda CRV hybrid, bigger vehicles, can be bought for less. If EVs were in big demand, the two smartest automakers in the world would be rushing to make them. They aren’t.

Read: Surprise: Push For Electric Vehicles Causing Massive Deforestation And Environmental Damage »

If All You See…

…is early Bad Weather snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on Trump showing Republicans how to win Hispanics.

Read: If All You See… »

Raleigh Mayor Considers Making Senseless Changes To Mask Mandate

Yes, here in Raleigh, NC, we actually have a mask mandate. It has no teeth, there are no penalties, no force of law, but, most businesses are complying. Even uber-Leftist Washington, D.C., has no indoor mask mandate at this time. The mayor also said that she’s end it when cases were below 5% infection rate. It’s now 4.6% in Wake County. In fairness, that has gone up from 3.1% it had been hovering around, but, the county is still less than 50 per hundred thousand in the county (I cannot find Raleigh specific numbers). Anyhow, none in the Raleigh media have done their job to question the mayor at any time, even when she says this (ABC11 does have a piece on it, I don’t see one at WRAL or the Raleigh N&O)

Raleigh mayor considers easing mask mandate

Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin is considering lifting mask restrictions at certain businesses.

Baldwin issued a city-wide mask mandate at the height of the COVID-19 delta variant wave in mid-August. But after talking with concerned residents and business owners who say their sales are suffering, she may remove mask requirements at gyms, workout studios, and small businesses.

“I received a number of emails from people who say, ‘we support the mask mandate, but I can’t go work out at a gym.’ One woman said, ‘I’ve gained 20 pounds’ and another woman who said her mental health is suffering because of this. One guy told me he’s going to Cary to work out. He lives in Raleigh and goes to Cary to go to the gym there. I just really started thinking about this and what are we trying accomplish? So that’s one area where I think we need to find some balance.”

Ya think? Of course this is causing problems

Baldwin brought the idea to the Raleigh City Council on Tuesday. She said it would not include big box stores or large workplaces.

“I’m talking about mom and pop type shops where you don’t have 100 people in the store at once,” she said. “We’re talking 5, 10, 15. So there’s a difference.”

Where does that make sense? If 5-15 customers are in a small mom and pop store versus 50+ in a big box, what’s the difference? The big box is a much bigger store. Which would actually have better airflow with higher ceilings. Gyms, at times, will certainly have a higher density than a Best Buy. Even a WalMart supercenter. Though, I don’t mind wearing a mask in there. Not due to the Chinese coronavirus, but, colds and flu.

Baldwin said she’s expecting to see a spike in COVID cases following Thanksgiving, but added small businesses aren’t to blame.

She explained, “We are expecting a spike from Thanksgiving, but that spike isn’t caused by people working out in gyms or people at a shop, it’s because people are gathering together; they’re inside, they’re in homes eating together, no ones wearing masks, they’re hugging. It’s the holidays.”

Which has zero to do with a mask mandate on businesses and such. Nothing. This is all make it up as you go along politics, and, almost 2 years into the Chinese pandemic, you’d think they’d know by now. So far, through all this time, there has been no notice from the gym I go to about an outbreak linked to them in some manner. And, at least half the gym-goers are not wearing masks. So, just stop this. Especially since most masks work, at best, to stop 10% of the spread.

Also, piss off

Read: Raleigh Mayor Considers Making Senseless Changes To Mask Mandate »

Brandon Signs EO To Make Federal Government Net Zero By 2050

Well, this means Brandon will stop taking all those trips in fossil fueled helicopters, airplanes, and limos, right?

Biden signs executive order on climate change to require net-zero emissions from federal government by 2050

President Biden issued an executive order Wednesday afternoon that would reduce the federal government’s greenhouse gas emissions within the next decade and reach net-zero federal emissions by 2050. The term “net zero” means that any pollution contributing to climate change would be offset with equal measures to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, such as planting trees.

“The Federal Government faces broad exposure to the mounting risks and costs already posed by the climate crisis,” Biden states in the order. “As the single largest land owner, energy consumer, and employer in the Nation, the Federal Government can catalyze private sector investment and expand the economy and American industry by transforming how we build, buy, and manage electricity, vehicles, buildings, and other operations to be clean and sustainable.”

The biggest components of the executive order are setting standards for reducing emissions in three key areas: electricity generation, buildings and transportation.

Under the order, the government would use 100 percent net-zero electricity by 2030, including 50 percent produced from fully carbon-free sources such as wind and solar. Federal buildings would have to reduce their emissions by half by 2032 and reach net-zero by 2045.

So, a couple questions: will Joe go Net Zero? How about at the White House? Where’s all this net zero electricity going to come from at all the federal buildings? Some of them with massive server farms use a lot of electricity. How will this effect operations of vital agencies, such as the CIA, other intelligence agencies, and the U.S. military? Under what statutory authority does he have to do this? Just because he’s the head of the Executive Branch doesn’t mean he could do things that interfere with the agencies as create and funded by the Legislative Branch.

In what world does Brandon think they can build enough solar farms and wind turbines to run the executive branch? Where will they all go just to run the District of Columbia operations? There’s not enough land to do this around D.C., unless he plans on evicting lots of people, demolishing the homes and businesses, and putting tons of them up. Still wouldn’t be enough.

What happens when a Republican wins in 2024 and simply cancels the EO? How’s that going to work out? But, hey, I know a way that Los Federales could cut their “carbon footprint” down quickly: get rid of a bunch of agencies, close a lot of unnecessary buildings, get rid of around half the employees who really do not do anything meaningful. Stop flying the big jumbo jets for Biden. One smaller jet will be fine. No bringing his limo and all sorts of other vehicles. Kamala isn’t allowed to fly anywhere. She can stay in D.C. or take the train.

Read: Brandon Signs EO To Make Federal Government Net Zero By 2050 »

People’s Republik Of California Looks To Become Abortion Sanctuary

It really is one thing to support abortion on demand. It’s quite another to revere it, to worship it, to treat it as if it’s as easy as ordering a pizza. And this is how deranged the abortion supporters have become

California plans to be abortion sanctuary if Roe overturned

With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary” for those seeking reproductive care, including possibly paying for travel, lodging and procedures for people from other states.

The California Future of Abortion Council, made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups, released a list of 45 recommendations for the state to consider if the high court overturns Roe v. Wade — the 48-year-old decision that forbids states from outlawing abortion.

I bet one of those recommendations doesn’t include requiring abortion facilities to have the same medical standards as a veterinarian. I bet lots of folks would enjoy a free trip paid for by the California taxpayers, all while California has a massive homeless problem

The recommendations are not just a liberal fantasy. Some of the state’s most important policymakers helped write them, including Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate and attended multiple meetings.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom started the group himself and in an interview last week with The Associated Press said some of the report’s details will be included in his budget proposal in January.

“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said, adding he’s aware patients will likely travel to California from other states to seek abortions. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

Or, bear with me, they could recommend people use contraception to avoid getting pregnant. Maybe refrain from having risky, unprotected sex with someone they don’t want to have a child with.

The report asks lawmakers to help clinics increase their workforce to prepare for more patients by giving scholarships to medical students who pledge to offer abortion services in rural areas, help them pay off their student loans and assist with their monthly liability insurance premiums.

Get a free medical education if you help kill babies!

Read: People’s Republik Of California Looks To Become Abortion Sanctuary »

Pirate's Cove