Let’s Go Brandon: Biden Crafts A ‘Climate Change’ Plan With Lots Of Taxes And Forcing States To Act

When’s Biden giving up his own fossil fueled travel? The lawsuits from Republican states should be epic

Biden Crafts a Climate Plan B: Tax Credits, Regulation and State Action

After losing the centerpiece of his climate agenda just a week before heading to a major global warming summit, President Joe Biden intends to make the case that the United States has a new plan that will still meet its ambitions to sharply cut greenhouse gases that are warming the planet.

The administration’s strategy now consists of a three-pronged approach of generous tax incentives for wind, solar and other clean energy; tough regulations to restrict pollution coming from power plants and automobile tailpipes; and a slew of clean energy laws enacted by states.

Tax incentives means “hooking up his rich donors” while others pay through the nose. Regulations means “raising the cost of living for the middle and lower classes”. How does he plan to force states to pass “clean energy laws”, ie, helping out China which slams the market with undervalue products?

But chances for success are slim; the approach faces significant legal, logistical and political challenges. The process of crafting regulations could take years, and the conservative-leaning Supreme Court could overrule them, or a future president could simply roll them back. And relying on states to amp up their clean energy laws just shifts the fight to statehouses for environmentalists and fossil fuel interests to battle it out on the local level.

In other words, the law/rules/regulations could violated the Constitution

Speaking at a CNN Town Hall on Thursday night, Biden pledged that when he arrives in Scotland, “I’m presenting a commitment to the world that we will in fact get to net zero emissions on electric power by 2035 and net zero emissions across the board by 2050 or before, but we have to do so much, between now and 2030, to demonstrate what we’re going to do to get there.”

Accompanying the president to Scotland, in addition to a significant portion of his Cabinet, will be Biden’s top climate change advisers, John Kerry and Gina McCarthy, both veterans of the Obama administration. During that administration, Kerry and McCarthy traveled to multiple international climate negotiations, where Kerry promised that the United States would pass a tough climate law, which it never did, and McCarthy detailed tough pollution rules governing smokestacks and power plants, which were enacted but then rolled back by the Trump administration.

So, he’ll force you, or at least attempt to force you, to limit/give up your use of fossil fuels while he takes a fossil fueled flight to Scotland, with a backup jumbo jet, one carrying his limo, fighter jets, then a large convoy of fossil fueled vehicles.

Looming over that question is the shadow of former President Donald Trump, who relished dismantling Obama’s climate policies. The fossil fuel industry would almost certainly challenge new environmental regulations, which could end up before a Supreme Court with a conservative majority, including three justices appointed by Trump. The former president also appears to be weighing another run for the White House in 2024.

They just can’t quit him, eh?

Read: Let’s Go Brandon: Biden Crafts A ‘Climate Change’ Plan With Lots Of Taxes And Forcing States To Act »

If All You See…

…is an Evil gas stove, causing the land to turn to sand, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on a COVID study from Yale on natural immunity.

Read: If All You See… »

In Biden Economy, Democrats Say To Stop Shopping

Biden voters in 2020: elect Joe and things will be great!

Biden voters 2021: stop buying stuff like food and clothes!

Stop Shopping

The supply chain, as you know, is having a bad time. That’s been true since the pandemic began. Shortages in consumer goods have persisted far beyond analysts’ initial expectations, then beyond their subsequent revisions. At the moment, for most types of goods, shelves aren’t exactly bare yet. For the relatively well-off Americans accustomed to the astonishing abundance of big-box retail and grocery stores and the near-instant gratification of online shopping, it’s more a matter of having to settle for your third-favorite brand of Greek yogurt or wait six weeks for back-ordered jeans. But what’s already a genuine crisis for people who work in the global supply chain could very well turn into one for all of us; the manufacturing and distribution of necessities such as food and medicine require many of the same resources as the consumer economy’s various conveniences and diversions.

When you dig down into the numbers of just how much people are purchasing, the way that the supply-chain crisis gets talked about starts to feel a little uncanny. As the holidays approach, many people have begun to worry that shortages will worsen, not just for kids’ toys and other popular gifts, but for holiday decorations, seasonal clothing, and even food—the things that make the end of the year special. Despite those concerns, few seem willing to acknowledge that the record amount of stuff being brought into the country isn’t merely disappearing off store shelves. We know where it’s going, and we know who’s buying it all up. They—and maybe you—could simply knock it off.

This is actually an attempt to say that the Biden economy is good, that there are products, it’s just you people are buying too much. Really? Where? Are people over-buying talapia at the supermarket, so there’s almost none for everyone else? Are people buying 3-4 cars each, leaving none for others? These are also the same people claiming that you need to buy your Christmas presents now, because it’ll be pretty bad in December.

I’m not proposing that you or anyone else boycott commerce on a conceptual level. That would be impossible, and it would ignore how human life in this country works. It would also be the sort of killjoy self-righteous proposal that doesn’t gain much traction. Shopping is fun—novelty and possibility are fun—and it’s often how people access the tools and materials to do things that bring them genuine comfort or joy, which everyone needs. But even a quick glance at America’s credit-card statements begins to explain the mess we’re in. A lot of people buy things for the sake of it, stuff they don’t need or even particularly want and in many cases won’t use, as a salve for boredom or anxiety or insecurity. On the whole, consumer expenditures, which encompass both necessity spending (rent, gas, groceries) and discretionary spending (whatever you ordered from an Instagram ad after three glasses of happy-hour wine last Friday), account for about 70 percent of the country’s economy, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But that spending is not distributed equally. In a typical year, the most affluent 20 percent of people account for nearly 40 percent of the country’s consumer spending, and this wealthier group’s purchases are disproportionately discretionary.

If the economy was great, people would be able to do this at will (never minding that what people purchase is none of the business of The Atlantic or writer Amanda Mull), not be told to stop shopping.

It’s also whining at The Rich. Nothing unusual from Democrats, despite those same The Rich funding Democrat politicians.

As it stands, America’s central organizing principle is thoughtless consumption, acquiring things for yourself and letting everyone else pick over what you left behind on the shelves. You can decide you don’t like that. You can decide that people—your family, your friends, the people in your community, the port truckers and Amazon warehouse workers running themselves ragged—are more important to you than another box of miscellaneous stuff. You can take a bit of pressure, however tiny, off a system so overburdened that it threatens to grind everyone in it to dust. American shopping is a runaway train, gliding smooth and frictionless down the tracks toward God knows what over the horizon. Your brakes are small, but you can throw them whenever you want.

So, in order to get back to normal, you people have to just stop buying stuff. Because the #LetsGoBrandon economy is great!

Read: In Biden Economy, Democrats Say To Stop Shopping »

COP26 Focuses On Climate Crisis (scam) Funding

It’s almost like this has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with Modern Socialist ideals, like redistributing Other People’s money

Ahead of COP26, focus turns to climate finance

Climate experts have stressed that the upcoming UN climate conference, COP26, is the “last, best chance” for the world to come through with a plan to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) and help countries move to net-zero.

Don’t they say that every year? Besides, I thought the Paris COP was historic, the one that would Save The World? No?

Managing the green transition and heading off the worst effects of climate change won’t be an easy task either in terms of policy, or coming up with the necessary funds to make sure these promises have a chance of success.

“Finance is essential to accelerating the transition to net-zero and achieving the full ambition of the Paris Agreement,” said Mark Carney, the COP26 finance adviser for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in the lead-up to the pivotal summit. The COP26 website lays it out in stark terms: “To achieve our climate goals, every company, every financial firm, every bank, insurer and investor will need to change.”

Developing nations trying to transform their carbon-based economies and find ways to adapt will be looking for the world’s richest nations, which are responsible for most of the global carbon dioxide emissions, to make good on an overdue promise of $100 billion (roughly €86.2 billion) a year to help them fund climate finance. And that’s just the tip of the rapidly melting iceberg.

Negotiations at COP26 will be focusing on raising even more money after 2025 because $100 billion isn’t nearly enough, according to Pablo Vieira, global director of the NDC Partnership, which helps countries achieve their national climate commitments.

That’s weird, because most 1st World nations failed to abide by the pledges of their leaders to pony up their share of the $100 billion, and now they want more? Where’s the money coming from? The U.S. (and China and Russia now) already provides enough taxpayer funds to these 3rd World Shitholes Developing Nations, but, the point of climate funds is to give these nations money without strings, because the 1st World apparently owes them for being shitholes, er, Developing nations.

How much?

But as of 2019, the last year for which data is available, wealthy nations had yet to even meet their original goal, contributing just under $80 billion according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Estimates from the UN, World Bank and the OECD have shown it will take $6.9 trillion every year until 2030 to meet the world’s climate and development objectives. And that was published in 2018, before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paris was supposed to give $100 billion per year, so far, it’s been a total of $80 billion, less than a fifth. Now they want to spend even more money? How about letting Warmists send checks to the fund, if they care so much? And what do Developing Nations think?

Last week, a coalition of 24 developing nations that work together on international negotiations issued a statement criticizing rich countries for proselytizing a universal goal of net-zero by 2050. “This new ‘goal’ which is being advanced runs counter to the Paris Agreement and is anti-equity and against climate justice,” the statement from the ministers of the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) Ministerial said.

The LMDC argued that its member countries should not be forced onto the same timeline to cut emissions as the industrialized world when they have done little to contribute to historic emissions and may want to use fossil fuels in their own economic development, as wealthier nations have.

Surprise! They want the cash, they don’t want to have to actually do anything.

Read: COP26 Focuses On Climate Crisis (scam) Funding »

COVID Cult: Biden Admin Considering “Education And Counseling” For Unvaccinated, Particularly Police

Will this be by force?

CDC’s Walensky: Biden Administration Planning ‘Education and Counseling’ for Unvaccinated

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that the Biden administration has a plan for the “education and counseling” of essential workers so they are comfortable getting vaccinated.

Anchor Chris Wallace said, “Let’s talk about mandates for adults. President Biden was asked about the controversial mandates for essential workers at his town hall this week. Take a look at his answer.”

In a video, CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked, “Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines, and if not, should they stay at home or that go?”

President Joe Biden replied, “Yes and yes.”

Wallace continued, “Are you still full speed ahead on mandates for essential workers to get vaccinated?”

Walensky said, “We have seen that these mandates are getting more and more people vaccinated. Here’s what we know, the most disruptive thing that you can do to a workforce is to have a COVID outbreak in that workforce. That was definitely not only send people home but send people to the hospital, and some may pass. What we know from the police workforce is there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and a half than all other causes of death for that workforce combined. So we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated. There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated.”

How, exactly, will this work? Will they be required to come to a meeting room while on shift and be lectured and preached at? Will they send Democratic drones to talk to the officers while on patrol? Phone calls, emails, and texts? What are they going to say that most of the people, who are primarily vaccine hesitant, don’t already know? Will this end up looking like the Church of Scientology, with the non-vaxxed being followed around and watched all the time?

Obviously, Wallace was talking about more than police officers, but, let’s look at LEOs

DeSantis eyes $5,000 bonus for unvaccinated police to relocate to Florida

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Sunday that he is looking to enact legislation that will provide a $5,000 bonus to police officers to relocate to Florida, where they can avoid vaccine mandates.

DeSantis told host Maria Bartitomo on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that Florida is “actively working” to recruit law enforcement officers from other states who are being fired for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We’re actually actively working to recruit out-of-state law enforcement, because we do have needs in our police and our sheriff’s departments. So, in the next legislative session, I’m going to hopefully sign legislation that gives a $5,000 bonus to any out-of-state law enforcement that relocates in Florida,” DeSantis said.

How many from NYC, LA, Seattle, Minneapolis, and other Democratic Party run cities will choose to leave for Florida, especially since they’ve also been treated like garbage since the George Floyd incident?

Read: COVID Cult: Biden Admin Considering “Education And Counseling” For Unvaccinated, Particularly Police »

Good News: Hundreds Of Doctors Appointments Cancelled Ahead Of COP26

Why? Because the climate cultists in charge want to reduce the traffic from those pesky plebes so that the Warmist elites can drive on the roads in fossil fueled vehicles

Hundreds of face-to-face GP appointments are cancelled or rescheduled in Glasgow in bid to slash traffic levels during Cop26 climate summit

Hundreds of face-to-face appointments with GPs have been cancelled or rescheduled by NHS bosses in a bid to slash traffic levels around Glasgow during Cop26, with the city facing multiple road closures and possible rail strikes.

The city is playing host to the climate conference, which runs for a fortnight from 31 October and is expected to attract 25,000 delegates and 125 world leaders.

Ahead of the conference, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said virtual and online consultations will be favoured over in-person appointments as a way of helping to ‘substantially’ reduce road traffic during this time.

In-person appointments will continue for cancer referrals and urgent care.

Oh, well, that’s OK then.

But Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour’s health and Covid recovery spokeswoman, said hundreds of patients – who have waited months to see their GP in-person because of the pandemic – would be disappointed by the move and called it a ‘recipe for disaster’.

Speaking to The Telegraph, she said:  ‘This will come as a fresh blow to patients who have already been languishing on waiting lists for months.’

All because 25,000 attendees have priority on the roads. But, wait, attendance gets better!

Up to 100,000 protesters, including from groups such as Extinction Rebellion, are also expected to descend on the Scottish city for the Global Day for Climate Justice, on 6 November.

How many will be traveling in fossil fueled vehicles?

A huge security operation, codenamed Operation Urram, will involve 10,000 officers and 200 police dogs deployed each day, including officers on secondment from England.

In fossil fueled vehicles. Wild that this is needed for a conference on Saving The Planet, eh?

Anyhow, have fun, folks who need to see your doctor.

Read: Good News: Hundreds Of Doctors Appointments Cancelled Ahead Of COP26 »

If All You See…

…is the notion that pirates will proliferate because of climate change chaos, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on America’s not so secret weapon.

It’s Halloween week, because of course it is. And if you think the pirates one is a stretch, well, not really. None of the stuff I put in the initial line is something I’ve made up, but, something a climate cultist has brought up.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup Witch

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I added 5 Cherry Barbs to the fishtank, which are doing well. This pinup is by Hajime Sorayama, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Climate Depot wonders if the Gore Effect will hit COP26
  2. Cold Fury discusses the truck driver shortage
  3. Datechguy’s Blog highly recommends seeing Dune, and in the theater
  4. DC Clothesline covers the succession plan of 3 Maryland counties to West Virginia
  5. Dissecting Leftism notes a study on vaccines and Delta
  6. Flag And Cross covers the meaning of “fully” getting an update
  7. Geller Report highlights John Kerry promising great green auto jobs in Mexico, not U.S.
  8. IOTW Report covers Biden holding back release of a JFK assassination report
  9. Jihad Watch discusses Joe’s buddies the Taliban beheading a woman volleyball player
  10. Legal Insurrection notes lots of House Dems retiring ahead of the mid-terms
  11. Moonbattery delves deep into the Let’s Go Brandon meme
  12. Newsbusters notes the Washington Post being upset over Let’s Go Brandon, after years of anti-Trump vulgarity
  13. Pacific Pundit covers the Braves going to the World Series after Cancel Culture took the All Star Game, and the left melting down over the Tomahawk Chop
  14. The American Conservative wonders if Biden is leading the U.S. to war
  15. And last, but not least, The Last Refuge notes that Brandon’s pledge to speed up ports is going nowhere

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Obama Campaigns In NJ, Wonders Why COVID Mandates Became So Political

Well, it’s easy to make this pronouncement when speaking to a friendly crowd of hardcore Democrats. He should try asking this to those who know

Obama: ‘I understand’ why Americans want to know when COVID-19 mandates will end

Former President Barack Obama traveled to New Jersey on Saturday to campaign for Gov. Phil Murphy and claimed that he understands why Americans are questioning when COVID-19 mandates will end.

“The science says it’s the right thing to do,” Obama said in reference to COVID-19 mask and vaccine requirements to a crowd of Murphy supporters in Newark. “You do it because you’re not just protecting yourself, but people you love, people who are vulnerable. But, you know, I don’t know how folks just decide everything’s got to suddenly be political.”

Political, huh?

Yeah, remember how Obama had a big birthday bash, and no one was wearing masks? Sure, it was supposedly required that people be vaccinated and get COVID tests …why were tests necessary if they were vaccinated?… but, they weren’t wearing masks, while us peasants are required to wear masks in similar situations. Same with other situations.

And it was primarily Democrats and Leftists, here in the US and around the world, who implemented draconian restrictions and mandates and rules and such. No need to regurgitate everything, you lived it. And it’s primarily Democrats who keep this stuff going

“But I understand why people want to know when this is all going to end,” Obama added.

Yeah, they do. We have masking here in Raleigh and Wake County. There’s no force of law in the order, but, companies will Comply, just to be safe from litigation. Supposedly, the mandate would be lifted when the city/county went below 5% positivity rate. Well, in Wake County it has been under 5% for the last 14 days. No idea on Raleigh because neither Mayor Mary Ann Baldwin (D) not anyone in the city says a damned thing. No updates at all. Wake County’s order would end in November, unless extended. Raleigh’s is open ended. None of the Democratic run major news outlets (WRAL, WNCN, ABC11, News and Observer) ask any questions. So, why are we masking? When does it end? Why no answers? Looks more like control, and Obama wonders why this is political?

Forced vaccination? I’m pro-vax but anti-mandate. People should not lose their jobs over not wanting to get a vaccine which was implemented under emergency order, which had little testing, and we have little data about short and long term effects, nor side effects. Democrats were against the vaccine prior to Let’s Go Brandon taking office. Now they’re into forcing compliance. Not political at all. We were told if we got to a certain herd immunity/vaccination percent this could end. That goalpost keeps moving. We were told if we got the vaccine we could resume our lives. Then they took that back.

Joe’s out there saying cops should be fired for refusing to get vaccinated. He sometimes wears a mask in compliance with his order, doesn’t at other times. He mandates vaccinations for all federal workers, yet, leaves the Postal Service workers out of the mandate. Not political at all.

Read: Obama Campaigns In NJ, Wonders Why COVID Mandates Became So Political »

The 1% Trick You Into Thinking ‘Climate Change’ Is Your Fault Or Something

Y’all are getting duped, you know!

How the 1% tricks you into thinking climate change is your fault

Climate change isn’t a problem caused by all people equally; it is caused mostly by the rich, and since we live in a capitalist world, the suffering will fall disproportionately on the poor. Climate scientists, sociologists and economists are largely in agreement on this point. And it presages the way that things will need to change in order to stave off the extinction of humanity.

“The problem is structural and systemic,” Dr. David Fasenfest, an American sociologist and associate professor at Wayne State University, told Salon by email. “Capitalist society is geared towards waste and destruction in order to promote consumption while producing at the lowest cost. That requires power and that means without strict restrictions most of the time we use ‘dirty’ forms of energy like coal that pollutes and promotes climate change.”

Sounds like this has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with politics

In this sense, there is no individual or group of individuals who can be accurately described as the single “culprit” behind climate change. Everyone is acting according to their self-interest within the system of incentives established by our neoliberal economic system. Cumulatively, these led to social developments that exacerbate climate change. For example, if a business uses a more expensive form of energy rather than a green one, their production costs will rise and consumers will probably respond to the likely price increase by rewarding their customers.

“We are all both culpable and not,” Fasenfest observed. People who can afford and use air conditioning during hot weather, or continue to eat beef even though it exacerbates climate change, all contribute to a system that is destroying the planet. As Fasenfest observed, most people have no practical alternatives to participating in this system on a day-to-day basis; they can make lifestyle alterations which make teensy dents in the greater problem, but that is about it. If you are fortunate enough to live in a society that prospers under capitalism (relatively speaking), the chances are that you fall into the category of major climate perpetrator in one way or another.

And the Warmists hate capitalism (for others, not themselves, of course).

In a sense, then, global warming is the story of how industrialized nations put humanity on a collision course with disaster in a capitalist system. It is a global problem, albeit one that wealthier nations have exacerbated the most. To quote Howard Beale from “Network”: “We’re just the most advanced country, so we’re getting there first.”

They never quite want to say that capitalism needs to go and 1st World nations need to be reduced to 3rd world shitholes. And the article, if you’d like to read it in full, never quite backs up the headline. But, they are onto something a bit, because it is the Elites who are tricking the braindead Warmists that they should let government take their money and control their lives. Like

Prince Charles warns of narrow window to face climate change

Prince Charles issued a warning to the world days before leaders gather in the U.K. for crucial United Nations climate talks, saying there is a “dangerously narrow” window to tackle global warning.

The heir to the British throne said Saturday that the summit, which starts Oct. 31 in Glasgow, showed that “after far too long,” climate change and biodiversity loss are at last “of paramount importance to the world.”

In a recorded message to the Saudi Green Initiative Forum, 72-year-old Charles — a long-time environmentalist — said the coronavirus pandemic “has highlighted that human health, planetary health and economic health are fundamentally interconnected.”

“We now have a dangerously narrow window of opportunity in which to accelerate a green recovery, while laying the foundations for a sustainable future,” he said.

He may not be a 1%er by money, but, certainly by stature, and he’s happy to implement all sorts of stuff that will hurt your money and freedom, while refusing to give up his own Elite lifestyle.

Read: The 1% Trick You Into Thinking ‘Climate Change’ Is Your Fault Or Something »

Pirate's Cove