Democrats Build Back Better Bill Features $600 Bank Transaction Figure

Remember a little over a week ago when Biden was backing down on the $600 threshold, push for $10,000? Not that it would really make any difference for most citizens, but, the $600 figure is in the Democrats House reconciliation bill

House Build Back Better Bill Includes $600 IRS Reporting Provision

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday unveiled the text of the Build Back Better Act, and it includes a provision to require banks to turn account information over to the IRS on accounts with $600 or more in annual transactions.

If this provision is enacted into law, banks would be required to report annual totals of account inflows and outflows to the IRS. This account information would impact bank accounts with more than $600 in non-payroll income. The Democrats’ proposal would also extend to other financial institutions and peer-to-peer services like Cashapp or Venmo.

Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen endorsed the proposal because it would help close the tax gap, which refers to the difference between taxes owed and taxes collected. This tax gap is estimated to exceed $160 billion annually.

Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spearheaded this proposal last month but were met with significant backlash from Republican lawmakers, the financial industry, and business owners. According to the Wall Street Journal, critics “warn that the requirement would put taxpayer information at risk if IRS computer systems were breached and they have described the proposal as snooping and surveillance.”

It’s clearly a violation of the 4th Amendment. A law is no substitute for a warrant, needed to scoop up the private information of U.S. citizens. It would mean more and more middle and lower class Citizens being audited, not rich folks.

And then the Democrats included a provision to supersize the IRS enforcement by $78 billion

The provision stipulates they will use the tens of billions of funding for increased enforcement and audits, although they claim that it will not impact those making less than $400,000 per year. The provision stipulates:

(1) $78,935,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031, for necessary expenses for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for strengthening tax enforcement activities and increasing voluntary compliance, expanding audits and other enforcement activities, and modernizing information technology to effectively support enforcement activities, except that no use of these funds is intended to increase taxes on any taxpayer with taxable income below $400,000;

Matt Whitlock, a Republican communicator, said sarcastically that Democrats get “NO CREDIT” for watering down their IRS spying provision and replacing it with billions of dollars for “increased enforcement and harassment of families and small businesses.”

“Love that they wrote in a line about how this isn’t intended to raise taxes on anyone making below $400K, even though they’ll be the primary people this hurts,” Whitlock said.

Yeah, they actually wrote that in the bill. And, yes, they do think you’re stupid, and they do know that their idiot, indoctrinated voters will Comply.

Read: Democrats Build Back Better Bill Features $600 Bank Transaction Figure »

$3.5 Trillion Is A Pittance To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Because the world is on the brink, you know, because if we don’t spend it now we’ll spend it later, you know

When the World Is on the Brink, $3.5 Trillion Is a Pittance
What we don’t spend now to deal with climate change will cost us much more later.


Mr. Lustgarten is an environmental reporter for ProPublica.

This article is copublished with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.

That’s weird, since ProPublica is a vastly Progressive outlet, and is advocating for legislation that is an abuse of power and will lead to more

There will be no bargains with an overheating climate.

The $3.5 trillion price tag that President Biden proposed for his climate-heavy Build Back Better Act might seem enormous. But over the long term, it will be a pittance.

By zeroing in on that number, the public debate seems to have skipped right over the economic ramifications of climate change, which promise to be historically disruptive — and enormously expensive. What we don’t spend now will cost us much more later.

No bargains!

The bills for natural disasters and droughts and power outages are already pouring in. Within a few decades, the total bill will be astronomical, as energy debts surge, global migration swells and industrial upheaval follows. The scale of the threat demands a new way of thinking about spending. Past budgets can no longer guide how governments spend money in the future.

New ways! Which, for Democrats, usually involves taxing and feeing citizens. When do he Dem legislators and activists pushing for this all buy EVs and make their own lives Net Zero?

Some economists and climate scientists have calculated that climate change could cost the United States the equivalent of nearly 4 percent of its gross domestic product a year by 2100. Four percent is likely a conservative estimate; it leaves out consequential costs like damages from drought and climate migration. It assumes the United States and other nations eventually move away from energy generated by oil, coal and natural gas, though not as immediately as many say is needed. In this scenario, the planet will still warm by around three degrees Celsius by the end of the century from preindustrial levels, a change that would be disastrous.

“Could.” That’s another word for “we’re guessing”

The warming climate will worsen virtually every existing service, from water and sewage treatment to mass transit to food distribution to health care, and erode the wealth of millions. Dr. Hsiang, who presented his findings to Congress in 2019, estimates that over the next 80 years intensifying heat alone will reduce Americans’ incomes by $4 trillion to $10.4 trillion as farming becomes more difficult, food prices rise and labor productivity falls. Climate risks are already undercutting the value of real estate in the most vulnerable parts of the country, including the roughly $1.6 trillion worth of private property directly threatened by sea level rise and wildfires.

Doom! Yet, Democrats are spending only a tiny bit of their “infrastructure” bill on this stuff. Weird, eh?

Just as economists have linked hotter temperatures to declining crop yields, they have also linked them to more disease, more crime, more suicides and other effects on people’s health and well-being. All of them result in losses — both social and economic — and threaten the country’s strength and stability.

More doom! Everything is horrible! Anyone else tired of the constant prognostications of doom, especially since Mankind has moved further ahead more than any other period?

Not to invest in these societal defenses today looks like an embrace of chaos and a choice to roll the dice on a period of unpredictable and disruptive change probably greater than anything in human existence.

When the stakes are viewed this way, investing in defending economic stability seems conservative. Failing to respond to the scientific and economic forecasts is what seems dangerously radical.

Tell you what, you Warmists spend your own money. It will make no difference.

Read: $3.5 Trillion Is A Pittance To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is death from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on that logistical wiz, Brandon!

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Wake County, Raleigh To Keep Mask Mandates Much Longer

The original point of the new mask mandates in Wake County and Raleigh was to get infection rates below 5%. Wake County’s was supposed to end November 1st, unless they reauthorized it. Raleigh’s was completely open ended. And they want to keep their power trip going

Coronavirus infections are declining, but local officials say it’s too early to ditch masks

North Carolina reported 2,160 coronavirus infections on Wednesday, which is 17 percent lower than a week ago. But even though pandemic-related metrics continue trending downward in the state, local officials say they aren’t ready to lift rules requiring masks indoors in public places.

Wake County’s mask mandate expires Monday, but Matt Calabria, chairman of the county Board of Commissioners, said Wednesday an order extending it will likely be issued by the end of the week.

The county is considered a “high transmission” area for the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Calabria said he doesn’t want to end the mandate before the county drops to a “moderate transmission” area.

The CDC bases those categories on the rate of new infections and the positive rate on virus tests over a seven-day period. Although Wake County’s 3.3 percent positive rate is in the “low transmission” range, the rate of 100 cases per 100,000 residents would need to be cut by more than half to get into the moderate range.

Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said she also has no plans to lift the city’s indoor mask mandate until the CDC says the region has only moderate levels of viral transmission.

The interesting thing is that other areas of NC without mask mandates are also seeing the same drop in infections. Franklin County and Randolph County, for instance. Florida, with mask mandates being blocked, now has the nation’s lowest Chinese coronavirus rate. Could this all be cyclical, with masking making almost no difference, especially since most masks block, at best, 10% of COVID? Perhaps we should be spending more time on social distancing, no touching, washing hands.

And Wake County and Raleigh have high vaccination rates (over 70%), yet, they want to continue the mask theater.

Meanwhile, The Lid points out

DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate is effective on Friday evening (10/29), only two days from now.  As of Tuesday (10/26), twenty-seven percent of all cops have chosen not to get the poke.

The Fire Department is in even worse shape. “Andrew Ansbro, FDNY Firefighters Association president, told the ”Brian Kilmeade Show” that ”right now, 45% of New York firefighters are unvaccinated.” Ansbro thinks that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for state workers will lead to ”30% to 40% of firehouses” being closed down.

DeBlasio announced the mandate would no longer have a testing option last week, nine days before the deadline. Anyone who does not get at least one poke before this coming Friday will be placed on leave without pay. That includes the police officers and firefighters he praised months ago for being on the front line in fighting COVID.

Good luck, Democratic Party run area of NYC!

Read: Surprise: Wake County, Raleigh To Keep Mask Mandates Much Longer »

New York Denies Permits For Natural Gas Power Plants

What a fantastic deal, we have to Save The Planet!

New York state denies permits for two proposed natural gas-fired power plants

stop global warmingNew York environmental regulators on Wednesday rejected permits to build two natural gas-fired power plants as the state focuses more on renewable projects and energy efficiency to meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) denied air emissions permits for NRG Energy Inc’s proposed Astoria gas turbine project in the New York City borough of Queens, and Danskammer Energy LLC’s proposed Danskammer repowering project in Newburgh on the Hudson River.

In both cases, the DEC said: “Our review determined the proposed project does not demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.”

The 2019 act seeks to achieve 100% zero-emission electricity in the state by 2040.

This has made many Democrat Warmists happy

New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued a statement applauding the DEC’s decisions to deny the permits.

“Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, and we owe it to future generations to meet our nation-leading climate and emissions reduction goals,” the Democratic governor said.

Kathy doesn’t have to worry about paying her electric bill, the taxpayer does. She won’t have to turn out any lights nor prioritize heating vs food. And AOC is thrilled

Let’s look at one of those articles

Higher Home Heating Costs Could Burn a Hole in Your Wallet This Winter

Pandemic-battered families face skyrocketing heating costs this winter, with year-on-year prices set to rise by as much as 54% for some households, according to the annual winter fuel outlook released this week from the Energy Information Administration.

“We expect that households across the United States will spend more on energy this winter compared with the past several winters because of these higher energy prices and because we assume a slightly colder winter than last year in much of the United States,” the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in the report.

Prices are forecast to rise by more than 40% for households who use heating oil, affecting the Northeast in particular; and will increase 30% for natural gas and 54% for propane. Those who heat with electricity could see 6% increases.

How much will this hurt New Yorkers?

In August 2021, residents in the New York City metropolitan area paid a total of 22.6 cents per kWh for electricity, 56.9 percent more than the national average of 14.4 cents per kWh.

In May 2021, electricity in New York is among the most expensive in the country, with consumers paying an average of 18.27 cents per kWh. For comparison, the national average is 11.53 cents per kWh.

They could have offset this by building more reliable, efficient, low cost natural gas plants, but, not, they want expensive, unreliable solar and wind. Good luck providing energy for NYC, AOC. And, yes, those natural gas plants would make zero difference for this year, but would be helpful going forward. But, hey, no complaints, New Yorkers, you voted for this.

Read: New York Denies Permits For Natural Gas Power Plants »

Let’s Go Brandon To Announce Reconciliation Bill Framework Before Jetting Off To Scotland

I’m sure we’ll all be able to see the details of the bill so that we can make an informed decisions on whether to support it or not, right?

Biden to announce new framework on spending deal

President Biden on Thursday will meet with House Democrats to outline the specifics of his economic agenda and push for its passage along with a bipartisan infrastructure deal after months of negotiations.

Biden plans to announce a new framework that is expected to win approval from all Democrats on the Hill, according to a White House source, though it remains to be seen if progressives will get on board with a pared-down version of the proposal.

The president will return to the White House after the meeting at the Capitol and deliver remarks on his agenda and its path forward, a separate White House official said. Biden will leave for a multi-day trip to Europe later Thursday.

Specifics of Biden’s agenda were not immediately clear, making it difficult to know what will make it into his final proposal for an ambitious spending package that would cover funding for climate programs, education, family and child care and more. (snip)

Senators have said a deal is close, but issues including expanding Medicare benefits, empowering the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices, a plan to tax billionaires and the details of a plan to tax methane emissions were holding up an agreement.

What’s in it? Who know?

(Fox Business) The bill is expected to cost between $1.75 trillion and $1.9 trillion, though there is no Congressional Budget Office score or legislative text. It’s also not clear how the bill will be paid for.

Are there details in the 100% partisan bill, or, literally, a framework? They don’t care, because the elected elites will simply pass what they want and you peons can suck it up. And they’ll probably exempt themselves from any tax increases, especially if they manage to get their idea to tax “unrealized tax gains” in there.

(NBC News) The president’s challenge before the House Democratic Caucus is to sell the measure to a group with ranging interests, including progressives who have watched their priorities be whittled away from the bill over months of negotiations to win the support of moderates.

Their priorities. Not the priorities of the American people, who are worried about the economy, rising prices, rising energy costs, lack of goods. Kitchen table stuff. Republicans in the Senate should simply walk away from the “infrastructure” bill, make Democrats do it on their own.

Read: Let’s Go Brandon To Announce Reconciliation Bill Framework Before Jetting Off To Scotland »

Hotcoldwetdry Today: Muted Fall Colors, Gore Creates New Asset Manager

Yes, it is about that time of the year to get the “Fall foliage is dooooooomed!” stories

Climate change is muting fall colors, but it’s just the latest way that humans have altered US forests

Fall foliage season is a calendar highlight in states from Maine south to Georgia and west to the Rocky Mountains. It’s especially important in the Northeast, where fall colors attract an estimated US$8 billion in tourism revenues to New England every year.

As a forestry scientist, I’m often asked how climate change is affecting fall foliage displays. What’s clearest so far is that color changes are occurring later in the season. And the persistence of very warm, wet weather in 2021 is reducing color displays in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. But climate change isn’t the only factor at work, and in some areas, human decisions about forest management are the biggest influences. (big snip)

For now, however, climate change has extended the growing season for trees in the Northeast by about 10-14 days. In my tree ring research, we routinely see trees putting on much more diameter growth now than in the past.

ZOMG! Say, what happened during the previous Holocene Warmi Periods? Also, consider how much the Little Ice Age shortened the growing season. How does that effect the time frame? Anyhow, it is actually an interesting and well thought out article, worth the read. It’s not all Warmist doom. It also fails to prove that mankind is mostly solely responsible for the warming. Not surprise.

Al Gore launches climate change asset manager

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and financier David Blood have set up a new asset manager to address global net-zero carbon emissions as countries come under increasing pressure to slow climate change and achieve carbon neutrality.

Just Climate, which will be launched on Wednesday, plans to invest in solutions that will help to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Just Climate has been founded to do the hard yards of addressing the most difficult to decarbonise segments of the global economy that investors have ignored until now, Blood said. (snip)

Just Climate will also seek to help institutional investors provide sufficient quantity of capital to close the climate finance gap, estimated by the United Nations to be $3 trillion per annum through 2050 to reach net-zero, the release said.

And surely Gore will make no money off this, right? Right? Not a scam, right?

Read: Hotcoldwetdry Today: Muted Fall Colors, Gore Creates New Asset Manager »

If All You See…

…is a bottle of wine, which will soon be decimated by climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the people of Virginia needing to brace themselves.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Rising Prices Are Just So Inconvenient For Let’s Go Brandon’s Agenda

You know why Biden won (well, other than the cheating)? Because he wasn’t Trump. How many people were voting against Trump because of Mean Tweets, failing to differentiate between personality and policy? Just like in 2004: who was seriously excited about John Kerry? And now these idiots are learning that all politicians are pretty much skeezy people, but, some of them are better than others at this governance thing. Most politicians want to keep the problem going, saying “elect me and I’ll fix the problem.” Then, after not fixing the problem, they’ll say the same thing. Terri McAuliffe paid someone to do a very bad song about how Terry has plans to fix all these things. What did Terry do the previous 4 years?

Anyhow, Biden had no mandate to do all this crazy stuff. He thinks he does, or, at least his handlers think he does. But, this inflation and stuff (drove by gas station on way home, $3.25 in Raleigh. That’s up quite a bit since Trump was in office) is really getting in the way

Rising Prices, Once Seen as Temporary, Threaten Biden’s Agenda
Supply chain disruptions, a worker shortage and pain at the gasoline pump have made inflation an economic and political problem for the White House.

Biden Brain SuckerAt least once a week, a team of President Biden’s top advisers meet on Zoom to address the nation’s supply chain crisis. They discuss ways to relieve backlogs at America’s ports, ramp up semiconductor production for struggling automakers and swell the ranks of truck drivers.

The conversations are aimed at one goal: taming accelerating price increases that are hurting the economic recovery, unsettling American consumers and denting Mr. Biden’s popularity.

Where’s Joe? Is he involved at all?

An inflation surge is presenting a fresh challenge for Mr. Biden, who for months insisted that rising prices were a temporary hangover from the pandemic recession and would quickly recede. Instead, the president and his aides are now bracing for high inflation to persist into next year, with Americans continuing to see faster — and sustained — increases in prices for food, gasoline and other consumer goods than at any point this century.

That reality has complicated Mr. Biden’s push for sweeping legislation to boost workers, expand access to education and fight poverty and climate change. And it is dragging on the president’s approval ratings, which could threaten Democrats’ already tenuous hold on Congress in the 2022 midterm elections.

See, the important thing for the NY Times is that this causes problems for Biden, not for you the citizens. If you are a Democratic Party voter, you should be getting the idea that they don’t give a flying turd about you and your plight, that you’re paying more for everything, that real wages are going down. They really don’t. Not in the least. You are a little worker bee who needs to just suck it up so that Democrats can enact their agenda. They only care what the elites think.

The ruling class also wants the worker bees to get used to this economic pain, because it will be the norm if they enact their agenda

Administration officials have responded by framing Mr. Biden’s push for what would be his signature spending bill as an effort to reduce costs that American families face, citing provisions to cap child care costs and expand subsidies for higher education, among other plans. And they have mobilized staff to scour options for unclogging supply chains, bringing more people back into the work force, and reducing food and gasoline costs by promoting more competition in the economy via executive actions.

This agenda does zero to solve any issues, and will make things worse. Say what you want about Trump, he tried to solve problems, not perpetuate them, not put bandaids on them. Joe is lost and a disaster, just like we told you he would be.

Inflation and shortages are the downside of that equation. Car prices are elevated as a result of strong demand and a lack of semiconductors. Gasoline has hit its highest cost per gallon in seven years. A shift in consumer preferences and a pandemic crimp in supply chains have delayed shipments of furniture, household appliances and other consumer goods. Millions of Americans, having saved up money from government support through the pandemic, are waiting to return to jobs, driving up labor costs for companies and food prices in many restaurants.

It’s not demand that is driving up car prices: it’s lack of inventory. Period. Full stop, as they like to say. Production is still way down, and most vehicles have deposits before they come off trucks. 75% will have a deposit before they get out of production. So, few dealers will offer a discount. Many will charge above MSRP. Guitars: lack of production, certain brands produced overseas stuck on ships, having to use different woods for domestic production. Customer told me Monday has a friend who’s been waiting since February for her furniture.

Much of that is beyond Mr. Biden’s control. Inflation has risen in wealthy nations across the globe, as the pandemic has hobbled the movement of goods and component parts between countries. Virus-wary consumers have shifted their spending toward goods rather than services, travel and tourism remain depressed, and energy prices have risen as demand for fuel and electricity has surged amid the resumption of business activity and some weather shocks linked to climate change.

You know the NY Times would Blame Trump if he was in office, right? And, in honesty, there is only so much Joe can do. But, he’s also making all the wrong moves, and giving no confidence. During the Chinese coronavirus pandemic last year Trump worked to alleviate what he could and give confidence. No one has confidence in Joe.

But, this is all very inconvenient for Joe, you know?

Read: NY Times: Rising Prices Are Just So Inconvenient For Let’s Go Brandon’s Agenda »

Good News: There’s Still 11 Years Left To Save The World From Hotcoldwetdry

BTW, this dude totally trolled everyone

It’s so damned good, because this is the type of stuff that climate cultist scientists would prognosticate, that everyone got caught up in it. Heck, even Snopes did a fact check on it.


There’s Still Time to Fix Climate—About 11 Years

On October 31 world leaders will descend on Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP26, in a last-ditch effort to defuse the climate emergency by limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Reaching that level would still bring violent storms, deep flooding, gripping droughts and problematic sea-level rise, but it would avert even more severe consequences. Global temperature has risen by nearly 1.1 degrees C since the industrial revolution.

Halloween seems a perfect time, eh?

The first step is to get rid of an old idea that doomsayers still embrace, and that the public and media are not clear on—the notion that even if humans stopped emitting carbon dioxide overnight, inertia in the climate system would continue to raise temperature for many years. Because CO2 can persist in the atmosphere for a century or more, the argument goes, even if the concentration stopped rising, temperature would keep going up because the heat-trapping mechanism is already in place. In other words, some level of future warming is “baked into” the system, so it’s too late to avoid the 1.5-degree threshold.

But scientists discounted that idea at least a decade ago. Climate models consistently show that “committed” (baked-in) warming does not happen. As soon as CO2 emissions stop rising, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 levels off and starts to slowly fall because the oceans, soils and vegetation keep absorbing CO2, as they always do. Temperature doesn’t rise further. It also doesn’t drop, because atmospheric and ocean interactions adjust and balance out. The net effect is that “temperature does not go up or down,” says Joeri Rogelj, director of research at the Grantham Institute—Climate Change and Environment at Imperial College London. The good news is that if nations can cut emissions substantially and quickly, warming can be held to less than 1.5 degrees.

How convenient. If we implement tons of taxes, restrictions, and massive government control over citizens and private entities, things will simply stay the same. I think we’ve seen this happen without all that multiple times, in the form of Pauses. Heck, you had dipping during the 50’s through 70’s.

To avoid that threshold, the world can emit only a set amount of CO2 from now into the future. This quantity is known as the carbon budget. In 2019, the year before the COVID pandemic depressed the global economy, the world discharged about 42 gigatons of CO2—similar to the 2018 level and to what is happening in 2021. According to the midrange scenario in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s comprehensive report released in August, “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis,” another 500 gigatons of CO2 emissions will raise global temperature by 1.5 degrees. Nations have about 11 more years at current emissions rates—2032—before exhausting the budget.

Interesting how that timeline always seems to move forward, eh? And the ones giving the other timelines are never held to account, since there is always some sort of Excuse that is supposedly Science, despite them telling us their Science meant doom.

That threshold moves further into the future, however, if countries significantly reduce their output very soon. Aggressive policies, now, can create more time and more hope for preventing catastrophe. In a 2018 report, the IPCC stated that the world had to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to keep warming to 1.5 degrees. To get on that track, the September U.N. report says, nations have to cut emissions in half by 2030. Every year of delay brings the world much closer to the edge of the precipice. “We are not trying to hit the temperature targets,” says Rogelj, who is also a senior research scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and a key author of the 2021 IPCC report. “We are trying to stay as far away from the edge as possible.”

See, we can move the doom threshhold even further out. Just give your money, freedom, and life choices up to government! As told by Elites who are taking lots of private fossil fueled flights to Scotland.

It is also important to understand, Rogelj says, that each added 10th of a degree of warming beyond 1.5 degrees brings greater risk of damaging weather, sea-level rise and other ills to more ecosystems and more people, especially the most vulnerable. He likens the increasing risk to jumping from a platform that today may be a meter high: healthy adults might hit the ground without injury, but small children and the elderly will get hurt. Each additional 10th of a degree raises the platform. “At two meters,” Rogelj says, “many more people are likely to get injured. And at a certain height, everyone will be severely harmed.”

We can stop Bad Weather, you know. I should have added that eye roll back to the emoticons app.

To get there, nations have to jump—now. Some scientists are starting to use the old climate change language to highlight what has to be done. The warming factor that is baked in “is human infrastructure,” Solomon says. If countries let the current stocks of coal plants, natural gas facilities, transportation systems, industrial complexes and buildings live out their natural lifetimes, they commit to a certain amount of additional warming. There is also a lag time in stopping temperature rise, she notes, “a lag in human action—the slow response of people to the problem.” The practical question, says Raymond Pierrehumbert, head of the Planetary Climate Dynamics Group at the University of Oxford, is: How quickly can the world scrub greenhouse gases out of the global economy?

Tell you what: let’s see all the climate cultists make their own lives and businesses Net Zero on their own. See how they do. See if that makes a difference.

Read: Good News: There’s Still 11 Years Left To Save The World From Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove