Warmists Scaremonger Over A Flooded DC, People Wonder Why This Would Be Bad

The cult is at it again with their un-scientific photoshops

From the cult screed

The Lincoln Memorial, on an island surrounded by churning Potomac waters; Nationals Park, a bathtub surrounded by mid-rise office buildings flooded by the Anacostia River; the Pentagon, accessible by boat, with State Route 110 and the George Washington Memorial Parkway underwater.

These are images of the possible climate-change-induced future in D.C., if the world continues on its current trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions.

The decision that we’re all making right now is which trajectory we’re going to take,” says Andrew Pershing, director of climate science with the nonprofit Climate Central. The group published a peer-reviewed research paper documenting the longterm threat that sea-level rise poses to the world’s coastal cities. As part of the project, the group generated images of at-risk cities around the globe, with projections of future sea-level rise, depending on emissions trajectories. (snip)

D.C. doesn’t face the same sort of risk from sea-level rise as cities closer to the ocean, but the District’s two rivers, the Potomac and the Anacostia, are both tidal within the city limits, meaning they are directly influenced by the ocean’s tides and level.

OK, so this is from the same silly project I mentioned last week, which is still silly and unscientific, but, DCist is attempting to scare the citizens in D.C. and the surrounding areas. The article included the Pentago

The Pentagon is 24 meters above sea level, which is 78 feet. This is not science. You can check the topographic map yourself.

This didn’t get the response they thought, with ones like

  • Can we get all of DC submerged? Because I’m all for that.
  • Promise?
  • See there is good news about Washington DC
  • …I’m rooting for climate change now.
  • I mean…..I’m cool with this.
  • I won’t stop burning tires until I see Nancy Pelosi dog-paddling to the Capitol building

Well, that would be difficult, since the Capitol Building is 141 feet above sea level, plus height of building to submerge. The White House is 75 feet plus HOB. IRS Building just a little lower than the White House. DC is 419 feet at its highest. This is all just cultish pseudoscience with some doomsday thrown in.

Read: Warmists Scaremonger Over A Flooded DC, People Wonder Why This Would Be Bad »

Let’s Go Brandon: Biden Wants Unvaccinated Police Officers Fired

What a great idea, make the cops at war with cities, and even states, over vaccination mandates include the White House in that war. This might play well with the police haters in the Democratic Party, but, not so well with the regular citizens who want police around in case something bad happens to them

Biden says police officers, first responders should be fired for refusing jab

President Biden on Thursday said police officers and first responders who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine should stay home and be fired.

Speaking during a presidential CNN town hall, moderator Anderson Cooper noted that as many as one in three emergency responders in some major cities are refusing to comply with city vaccine mandates.

“I’m wondering where you stand on that,” Cooper said. “Should police officers, first responders be mandated to get vaccines? And if not, should they be mandated to stay at home, let go?”

“Yes and yes,” Biden replied, going on to suggest that he implemented his controversial vaccine mandate only as a last resort.

Yes, during the totally scripted “town hall” in a friendly atmosphere where Joe can get short, easy answers. Might police officers decide that if he wants them and their brothers and sisters in blue fired that there’s no need to provide protection for Joe when he comes to town? That their time would better be spent protecting citizens?

Biden went on to say that those who oppose vaccine mandates are attempting to make vaccines “a political issue.”

The president also scoffed at those who oppose vaccine mandates on the basis of “freedom.”

“I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID,” Biden said, mocking what he sees as the attitude of mandate opponents. “No, I mean, come on, freedom.”

Freedom is pretty much what Democrats hate. They like government force. This kind of talk actually harms the push for vaccination, as it says that the vaccine really doesn’t protect individuals from getting COVID, that it doesn’t work unless everyone else gets it. Or is forced to get it. Because it’s so good that booster shots are now recommended. And they want kids, the safest group, to be forced to be vaccinated.

In Chicago, seemingly the ground center for the fight, we see

A group of dozens of Chicago firefighters and water department workers are asking a federal judge for a temporary restraining order against Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s vaccine mandate, the latest salvo in a battle over city rules.

And their police?

With thousands of Chicago police officers at odds with the city’s new COVID-19 vaccine mandates, officials in the neighboring state of Indiana are trying to recruit disgruntled cops, some of whom are being punished for not complying.

As of Oct. 15, all of Chicago Police Department’s roughly 12,000 officers are required to share their vaccination status, outlets report, and those who aren’t vaccinated must get tested for COVID-19 twice weekly.

“Hey Chicago police officers, we’re hiring!” an Indiana State Police spokesman said in a tweet on Thursday. “No vaccine mandate … lower taxes, great schools, welcoming communities.”

How many will leave? Better working conditions that the crazy and crime ridden city of Chicago, right? So far, 21 officers have been placed on leave. This will come to a head by the end of the month/end of November in Chicago, along with New York City, Philadelphia, and so many cities. How many officers will leave/retire?

Read: Let’s Go Brandon: Biden Wants Unvaccinated Police Officers Fired »

Climate Changed Killed Off The Mammoth, Which Is Bad News For Humans Or Something

They’re rock bottom certain that a warming world may might possibly we feel killed off the Mammoths

Climate Change Wiped Out the Mammoth, New DNA Study Shows
A decade-long study of environmental DNA indicates that glacial melt may have doomed the hairy animals.

Does the study say it or not? Because that “may” is rather iffy

Humans are very rarely the good guys in extinction narratives, given our proclivity for pushing species to the brink of extinction, and often over it. But we’re almost certainly absolved of guilt in the case of the woolly mammoth, according to an international team of scientists who spent the past 10 years sifting through traces of mammoth urine, feces, and skin cells in the ground to figure out what truly caused the species’ extinction.

“The most recent Ice Age—called the Pleistocene—ended 12,000 years ago when the glaciers began to melt and the roaming range of the herds of mammoths decreased,” Yucheng Wang, a geogeneticist at the University of Cambridge and lead author of a new paper of the team’s results, said in a St. John’s College press release.

“We zoomed into the intricate detail of the environmental DNA and mapped out the population spread of these mammals and show how it becomes smaller and smaller and their genetic diversity gets smaller and smaller too, which made it even harder for them to survive,” Wang added.

Woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) were a charismatic species of mammoth, hairy cousins of elephants that are not to be confused with the contemporaneous mastodon. Though a holdout population of mammoths survived on Russia’s Wrangel Island until about 4,000 years ago, around the same time Stonehenge was nearing completion, all other mammoths were long gone by then.

How much did the end of the glacial age contribute to the extinction of the Mammoth?  Especially when there were several subspecies scattered around the Northern Hemisphere? Maybe most, maybe some. The big question here is “what caused the end of the last glacial age and a warming world?” Because, really, that’s where Gizmodo and the study is going with this

“The change happened so quickly that they could not adapt and evolve to survive,” said Eske Willerslev, a geogeneticist at the University of Cambridge and co-author of the paper, in the same release. “This is a stark lesson from history and shows how unpredictable climate change is—once something is lost, there is no going back.”

Aaaaand, this is meant to imply that a tiny increase in the globe’s temperature since the Little Ice Age ended in 1850 means utter doom, and this is your fault.

Inaction on climate change imperils millions of lives, doctors say

Climate change is set to become the “defining narrative of human health,” a top medical journal warned Wednesday – triggering food shortages, deadly disasters and disease outbreaks that would dwarf the toll of the coronavirus. But aggressive efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions from human activities could avert millions of unnecessary deaths, according to the analysis from more than 100 doctors and health experts.

In its annual “Countdown on health and climate change,” the Lancet provides a sobering assessment of the dangers posed by a warming planet. More than a dozen measures of humanity’s exposure to health-threatening weather extremes have climbed since last year’s report.

This is the same organization which came up with utter bullshit statistical study on civilian deaths in Iraq from the 2003 war. Anyhow, when are the doctors going to give up their luxury vehicles and homes and go carbon neutral?

Read: Climate Changed Killed Off The Mammoth, Which Is Bad News For Humans Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an horrible plastic traffic cone used on horrible streets made for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on a DC Comics artist quitting and blasting over leftism and ruining characters.

Read: If All You See… »

Washington Post: You Spoiled Americans Need To Stop Complaining About Supply Shortages

Does the Washington Post and opinion writer Micheline Maynard think this really helps their case in protecting Let’s Go Brandon? Especially when those in the news media really didn’t suffer much through COVID

Opinion: Don’t rant about short-staffed stores and supply chain woes

Across the country, Americans’ expectations of speedy service and easy access to consumer products have been crushed like a Styrofoam container in a trash compactor. Time for some new, more realistic expectations.

Fast food is less fast. A huge flotilla of container ships is stuck offshore in California, waiting to unload. Shelves normally stocked with Halloween candy this time of year are empty, as I saw the other day at a Target here in Ann Arbor, Mich.

The issue has become so troublesome — with alarming economic and political ramifications — that the White House is stepping in, urging unions, port operators and big consumer-goods companies to work around the clock (if they aren’t already) to unclog supply pipelines.

American consumers, their expectations pampered and catered to for decades, are not accustomed to inconvenience.

How dare you pampered consumers expect things to appear to be getting back to normal!! Yes, most foresaw there would be problems, and there are problems around the world. We did expect that they would start getting better, not worse, because demand is not above.

Customers’ persistent whine, “Why don’t they just hire more people?,” sounds feeble in this era of the Great Resignation, especially in industries, such as food service, with reputations for being tough places to work.

Rather than living constantly on the verge of throwing a fit, and risking taking it out on overwhelmed servers, struggling shop owners or late-arriving delivery people, we’d do ourselves a favor by consciously lowering expectations.

Yes, it would be too much to expect to be able to get my cheese bagels or white fish at the supermarket when I go in to get them, and they are out at least half the time. As The Right Scoop notes

Notice how the author doesn’t put any blame on Biden for this, instead casting the Biden White House in the role of simply trying to solve the problem and telling Americans that they’re the ones who need to adjust their spoiled expectations.

And highlights a tweet from Joe Concha, where he writes “This absolutely would have been published if the same crisis occurred under the previous administration, right? Silly, greedy citizens. Your expectations are too high.” Yes, how would this be portrayed in the press if Trump were still president? Yeah, we all know they would be Blaming him, blasting him, demanding to know what he is going to do. Back to the WP

The other day I found myself carrying home a loaf of bread in my bare hands because the bakery had run out of bags. Back when we didn’t know how good we had it — circa 2019 — I might have been annoyed by the inconvenience. Now I was just glad the bakery was still in business.

Yes, because it totally makes sense that we can’t get bags to put bread in. I can understand the cars, TVs, laptops, big ticket items and such. Bags? We just didn’t know how good we had it!

American consumers might have been spoiled, but generations of them have also dealt with shortages of some kind — gasoline in the 1970s, food rationing in the 1940s, housing in the 1920s when cities such as Detroit were booming. Now it’s our turn to make adjustments.

Bread bags are luxuries now.

Read: Washington Post: You Spoiled Americans Need To Stop Complaining About Supply Shortages »

Sunrise Movement Cancels Protest Rally Appearance Over Inclusion Of Jews

Funny how they keep telling us that Democrats don’t hate Jews, they just have a problem with Israel, but, keep proving they hate and won’t tolerate Jews. If Islamist groups wanted to march with Sunrise I’d bet there would be no problem.

Climate Activist Org Cancels Appearance at DC Statehood Rally over Jewish Groups’ Participation

The Washington, D.C., chapter of climate-activist organization Sunrise movement canceled its speaking appearance at a rally for D.C. statehood and federal voting legislation over Zionist Jewish groups’ participation in the event.

Sunrise DC cited the Jewish Council on Public Affairs, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism as groups that support Zionism and the State of Israel in its withdrawal letter.

“Given our commitment to racial justice, self-governance, and indigenous sovereignty, we oppose Zionism and any state that enforces its ideology,” the statement read.

The organization then accused Israel, which it called a “colonial project,” of illegally occupying Palestine and engaging in “violent oppressive tactics that go against the values we advocate for as a hub.” Sunrise DC then claimed that Israel treats minorities such as Palestinians and black and brown Jewish-Israelis as second-class citizens as well as disenfranchises them from civil society and government.

“We also believe that the fight for statehood and sovereignty are incompatible with Zionism and the political erasure of Palestinians that the ideology calls for,” the statement added.

You can no longer see the tweet from Sunrise DC, as they made their twitter feed protected. Shocker, eh? Others caught, saved it, and posted photos of it, though

They won’t say a bad word about Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela or Iran, among others. Nor a bad word about Palestinians launching suicide attacks against Israeli civilians. But, Israel? Yeah, because they hate Jews.

Of course they won’t, because so many Democrats hate Jews. AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and so many more. But, remember, this is all about science and getting everyone to demand Government do something about ‘climate change’.

Read: Sunrise Movement Cancels Protest Rally Appearance Over Inclusion Of Jews »

Let’s Go Brandon “Backs Down” On $600 Bank Transaction Line, Raises To $10,000

That will make all the difference in the world, right?

Biden admin backs down on tracking bank accounts with over $600 annual transactions

The Biden administration on Tuesday backed down on a controversial proposal to direct the IRS to collect additional data on every bank account that sees more than $600 in annual transactions, after widespread criticism from Republican lawmakers and banking industry representatives, who said the tax enforcement strategy represented a breach of privacy by the federal government.

Instead, the administration and Senate Democrats are proposing to raise the threshold to accounts with more than $10,000 in annual transactions, and any income received through a paycheck from which federal taxes are automatically deducted will not be subject to the reporting. Recipients of federal benefits like unemployment and Social Security would also be exempt.

The IRS would collect the total sum of deposits and withdrawals from bank accounts with more than $10,000 in non-payroll income. Information on individual transactions would not be collected.

The changes were announced Tuesday by the Treasury Department.

“In response to considerations about scope, it [Congress] has crafted a new approach to include an exemption for wage and salary earners and federal program beneficiaries. Under this revised approach, such earners can be completely carved out of the reporting structure. This is a well-reasoned modification: for American workers and retirees, the IRS already has information on wage and salary income and the federal benefits they receive,” a Treasury Department fact sheet on the changes said.

That’s totally gonna catch all those bigwig rich folks cheating on their taxes, right? Oh, wait, most of them simply have very good accountants which allows them to take advantage of all the benefits of the tax code as passed by the federal Legislative branch and signed into law by Presidents. This is what Democrats, who vote “yes” for these laws and sign the bills into law, call loopholes. Perhaps many of these things are not what was intended, but, then, they should read and understand the implications of what they’re voting “yes” for. Perhaps slimming down the tax code, a simple flat tax, would be better?

In reality, this will catch almost no one who is “rich”, which in Dem World is those in the $400k and up earnings bracket. It might not even catch most. If implemented, will the IRS track the data and publish it to let us know if this spying scheme worked? Because it is spying, and asking banks to assist in spying on most Americans. The difference, for most citizens, between $600 and $10,000 is negligible.

My monthly mortgage total is $600. Car lease $250. Electricity about $125. Water/sewer around $60. Cell service $100. That’s already $13,620, and doesn’t include cable bill, food, gas, the small hit for natural gas, clothes, shoes, sundries, contacts stuff, and general purchases. If your rent/mortgage is $833 a month or more, you’ve hit that $10k line. If this was all about single transaction, like is required for cash purchases/deposits, it might be understandable. Not acceptable, but, understandable. But, everything says this is not

The fact sheet says, “Imagine a taxpayer who reports $10,000 of income; but has $10 million of flows in and out of their bank account. Having this summary information will help flag for the IRS when high-income people under-report their income (and under-pay their tax obligations). This will help the IRS target its enforcement activities on those who are actually evading their tax obligations—decreasing costly and burdensome audits for the vast majority of taxpayers who pay what they owe.”

Yes, but, it will mean banks have to report your private financial data to the IRS. It won’t say what you purchase, just the overall cash flow.

(Fox News) “Well, if you deposit or withdraw more than $10,000 over a year, the Biden Administration wants the IRS to be able to spy on you,” (Senator Joni) Ernst’s remarks continue. “To put this number into perspective, if you rent an apartment in Iowa, the average annual cost to do so is just above $10,000 per year.”

And they’ll be doing this without benefit of a warrant. This is a clear violation of the 4th Amendment. It is not a reasonable search. Certainly not a blanket requirement for reporting, and you can bet if Democrats pass this or Joe’s admin creates a rule it will end up in court within a week, and is tailor made for a Supreme Court ruling.

Read: Let’s Go Brandon “Backs Down” On $600 Bank Transaction Line, Raises To $10,000 »

Survey Says: 58% Find Biden Incapable Of Doing Job Of POTUS

This is too delicious to wait for Thursday morning

Nolte: 58% Say Joe Biden Not Mentally or Physically Capable of Being President

A stunning 58 percent of voters say His Fraudulency Joe Biden is not up to the job of being president.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,000 likely voters and asked, “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?”

A full 50 percent said they are “not at all confident,” while another eight percent said “not very confident.”

In fact, only 27 percent said they were “very confident” Biden was up to the job of being president, while 14 percent said “somewhat confident.”

Basically, only 41 percent of voters believe Biden has what it takes mentally and physically to be president.

Well, gee wiz, perhaps the 81 million who voted (“voted”?) for Let’s Go Brandon should have considered who Biden is, how he was hiding, gaffe prone, etc, before simply casting a vote against Trump because he’s a big meany. Too many look at personality, rather than ability and results, treating politics as a personality contest. Come on, how many politicians, even the ones you really like, would you trust to feed your pets?

Rasmussen also asked, “Is Joe Biden doing the job of president, or are others making decisions behind the scenes?”

Only 38 percent believe Biden is making decisions, while a clear majority of 53 percent say others are making decisions for him.

The bloom usually takes a bit longer to come off the rose. Biden has only been in office for 9 months as of today. Nolte goes on to make a pretty good observation

One of the basic rules of politics is that you put an end to negative speculation by meeting it head-on. If the criticism says you can’t or won’t or are incapable of doing that, you go out and show the world you are doing that.

Instead, Joe is hiding, doing super scripted events, refusing to take questions from the usually friendly press, spending most weekends at home in Delaware or at Camp David, not even going out and doing anything. He barely has anything on his calendar daily. Good grief, he doesn’t even typically get his daily brief till 930am. Presidents usually get those much earlier in the morning, not long after waking up.

He traveled to Avoca, Pennsylvania, late this afternoon, 325pm, for a 530 “speech”. He held no talks with reporters on AF1. He’ll take no questions when he arrives back at the WH just after 8pm. Everything is in a completely controlled environment. The fake sound stages for things like a COVID booster shot. He can barely speak from the teleprompter


Huh? Even if we think “gaffe”, which is utterly normal for Joe, on saying VP instead of Senator, does he know the timeline? His wife was killed in 1972.

But, hey, y’all who voted for him, no complaining. You got what you wanted, right?

Read: Survey Says: 58% Find Biden Incapable Of Doing Job Of POTUS »

Reportedly, Teslas Are Being Charged With Diesel Generators For COP26

True? Not true? If you’ve been watching the Cult of Climastrology for a while, you know that this is mostly like real, because they like to give appearances, but, really, do not care beyond that, because they are Elites

UN Climate Change Conference Reportedly Using Diesel Generators To Charge Teslas Being Used As Shuttles

electric vehicleWe’re not sure we can think of a better analogue for the lunacy behind the climate change hysteria that what is reportedly going on in Glasgow.

As many people know, the Conference of the Parties (COP) Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, is taking place in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12.

One blogger from Brighton wrote this week that attendees from the conference will be staying at Gleneagles Hotel.

He wrote that there’s 20 Teslas at the hotel to shuttle people back and forth to and from the convention, which is about 75km.

Then, the kicker. Since the hotel only has one Tesla charging station, diesel generators were contracted to help recharge the Teslas overnight. (snip)

Maybe since we’re gathered to talk about the negative effect on the climate, we could at least start by finding a carbon neutral way to shuttle yourself back and forth to the event.

It’s almost like these meetings aren’t really about climate change after all…

The same people will be taking lots of fossil fueled flights, including on private jets. And those staying at the Gleneagles are the upper echelons, as it is a 5 star luxury resort. Three championship golf courses, spa, the only restaurant in Scotland with 2 Michelin stars, and, at the moment, going for around $577 a night.



Panera Bread is doubling down on its commitment to the environment.

The fast casual on Tuesday said it has set a goal of becoming “climate positive” by 2050. That means Panera would remove more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits.

The chain said it will set regular, smaller goals to meet between now and then, with several short-term targets to achieve by 2025. They include increasing the sales percentage of Panera’s carbon-friendly “Cool Food Meals,” transitioning to 100% reusable, recyclable and compostable packaging and using green, renewable electricity for at least half of its company-owned restaurants.

What about all those deliveries in fossil fueled trucks? All the people coming to get the food in their fossil fueled vehicles? How about home deliveries? What this really means is a price increase, and Panera really not doing all that much. Climavirtue signaling is easier, which is what most companies do.

Read: Reportedly, Teslas Are Being Charged With Diesel Generators For COP26 »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow because Other People refuse to stop driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Rachel Levine getting 4 stars for being gender confused.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove