Social Media Era: Subway Store Cans “Creator” For Stomping On Food, Filming It

The stupid burns brightly, and this is just so emblematic of the social media era

Subway says a worker who filmed himself stamping on sandwich fillings and placing them on a toilet seat has been fired

A Subway franchise worker who filmed himself trashing one of the sandwich chain’s locations in Providence, Rhode Island, has been fired, according to reports.

In a statement to Newsweek, a spokesperson for Subway confirmed that the man was an employee at one of its franchises and said he was sacked when the videos surfaced.

The man, who goes by the name Jumanne Way, posted a series of YouTube videos, including one uploaded on Friday.

In one clip, he shows himself deliberately stepping on sandwich fillings placed in silver tubs and decorating a toilet seat with deli meats. He then treads on every tub before putting them back on the counter.

Other actions include dumping salad ingredients, including lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers on the bathroom floor and toilet. He also threw trays of bread on the floor and stamped on them.

And, now Way has made himself virtually unhireable. Oh, but, wait, it gets worse

In an interview with the Daily Mail, he said: “Unfortunately, I’m a content creator, so I create controversial videos to be able to potentially monetize my audience on YouTube and other social media platforms.”

He added that he was worried about being convicted of a crime but noted that it was “a decision I made over time.”

A “content creator.” Really? Filming yourself trashing food at work is “content”? It doesn’t say much about your “content” if you’re working at Subway. This is the pure stupidity of today’s social media, with “content creators”, ie, people making videos with their smartphones and thinking they’re Influencers, another really stupid thing. And, being a “content creator”, what business will want to take a chance on Way, consider that he could do the same or worse at their business? That Daily Mail piece explains Way was also drinking from bottles and putting them back. He was apparently just trying to “draw attention to his films and music.”

He’ll have plenty of time to work on those films and music now.

However, he said that he’s ‘still in the beginning stage’ of chasing clout and couldn’t comment on whether he had gotten the response he was hoping for.

Everything is just stupid. You’d think this would provide a cautionary tale for other “content creators”, ie, people with smartphones, but, stuff like this keeps happening. People keep filming themselves doing really dumb things. Things that can make themselves unhireable.

Read: Social Media Era: Subway Store Cans “Creator” For Stomping On Food, Filming It »

Vox: There’s No Such Thing As A Climate Moderate

Apparently, you’re either a card carrying member of the Cult of Climastrology or a heretic

The myth of the climate moderate
“There isn’t a middle ground between a livable and unlivable world.”

After months of discussion and debate, Democrats are at an impasse on a raft of infrastructure legislation that could make or break President Joe Biden’s effort to fight climate change. The rift, as it’s framed in countless news stories, is between progressives who want an ambitious social and climate spending bill and moderates who have protested the price tag.

But there’s a problem with portraying these disagreements as a conflict between moderates and progressives. This picture leaves out the unarguable scientific reality that pollution is warming the planet at an unsustainable and dangerous rate. There is nothing moderate or debatable about the catastrophic changes that global emissions are wreaking on the climate. In August, a panel of United Nations climate scientists called it “unequivocal” that humans have warmed Earth’s skies, waters, and lands.

If you’re calling a trace gas necessary for life on Earth a pollutant, you’re a member of a cult, one not interested in science. Good grief, I just trotted out a saying that is so 2012.

“It is possible to find middle ground in many areas of politics; I know, because I have done it,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), an advocate of swift climate action, said in a recent press conference. “But we cannot compromise on science. There isn’t a middle ground between a livable and unlivable world.”

A narrative that pits progressives against moderates runs the risk of spotlighting climate deniers and centering fossil fuel interests. It arguably distracts from the substance of climate policies that a broad swath of Americans already support.

They may support them in theory, but, in practice, few make any changes in their own lives to match those beliefs. Anyhow, this is framing a “you’re either with us 100% or you’re an Evil denier”. Us vs them.

To take ambitious climate action, Senate Democrats need every single member of their party (plus two independents) to vote for a version of the Build Back Better agenda, a proposed budget that would, among other things, boost clean energy and reduce US emissions. That has put two holdouts, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, front and center in the negotiations, and gives them disproportionate power over the future of the country’s climate policy.

Policy battles like this show that Americans need a new way to talk about the politics of climate change, as a range of strategists, pollsters, and lawmakers told Vox. Instead of focusing on “centrist” or “moderate” politicians, they said, political observers should distinguish between the many Democrats who support addressing the crisis at hand and the few who support an unacceptable status quo.

And that’s what this is really all about, going after Manchin and Sinema, who have, so far, refused to bow to the climate cult. Two who realize how bad the climate provisions of the $3.5 trillion bill are for America and the citizens.

The time to take a moderate approach to climate has passed, argued Dana Johnson, who leads federal policy office of WE ACT for Environmental Justice, a climate advocacy group. “If we would have done this 20, 40, 60 years ago, perhaps we could take a moderate approach,” Johnson said. “The moment right now called for us to go big, and to be bold, if we’re going to achieve any kind of meaningful change.”

These people are as hardcore in their beliefs as Islamists and jihadis. They’re already taking “direct action”, committing mild violent acts. How soon till we see jihad style violence from them?

Read: Vox: There’s No Such Thing As A Climate Moderate »

Let’s Go Brandon: Biden’s Caught Not Wearing Masks At Posh D.C. Restaurant

Stories like this shouldn’t matter. They should be low hanging fruit, perhaps something you do a quick tweet. But, in those days, the rank hypocrisy of the Elites shows what they really think about Chinese coronavirus protocols

Bidens caught violating DC mask mandate at posh Georgetown restaurant

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden were caught violating Washington, D.C.’s indoor mask mandate by walking through a high-end Georgetown restaurant without masks on Saturday.

The maskless Bidens were recorded leaving Fiola Mare while flanked by masked Secret Service agents.

The two dined at the pricey Italian seafood restaurant on the Potomac River after attending a service at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, according to The Daily Mail.

Washington, D.C.’s Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser reinstated an indoor mask mandate in July amid the surge of the delta variant. The Bidens also violated Fiola Mare’s mask policy, which mirrors the city’s.

“Per CDC guidance and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s executive order, all individuals over age 2 are required to wear a mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Masks must be always worn while in our restaurants, except while eating and drinking. Thank you for understanding,” the restaurant’s website says.

Now, if this were you or me, we would have been asked to leave, and, in Mayor Bowser’s D.C. we could be fined. Federal employees are exempt from that, of course. But that doesn’t matter. Joe and his people say “wear a mask!” then fail to follow this themselves, picking and choosing when they wear one, in some bizarre Mask Theater.

He won’t answer, and almost none in the American media will ask.


Chicago police vaccine mandate: New CPD memo threatens discipline, firing for non-compliance

A second memo, obtained by the I-Team, was distributed throughout CPD Sunday. The latest memo threatens the firing of officers who do not follow the city’s vaccine policy and orders it be communicated to officers at all police roll calls.

The memo escalates contention between Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the Chicago police union.

“TO BE READ AT ALL ROLL CALLS FOR SEVEN (7) CONSECUTIVE DAYS. This AMC message informs Department members of consequences of disobeying a direct order to comply with the City of Chicago’s Vaccination Policy issued 8 October 2021 and being the subject of the resulting disciplinary investigation. A Department member, civilian or sworn, who disobeys a direct order by a supervisor to comply with the City of Chicago’s Vaccination Police issued 8 October 2021 will become the subject of a disciplinary investigation that could result in a penalty up to and including separation from the Chicago Police Department. Furthermore, sworn members who retire while under disciplinary investigations may be denied retirement credentials. Any questions concerning this AMC message may be directed to the Legal Affairs Division via e-mail,” the memo said.

Getting a shot is typically not something that is given by order, but, in one’s contract, in the terms of going to work for an entity. Retirements (for which they say roughly 38% can lock in their pensions and walk away today) and resignations are already way, way up, especially since the George Floyd BLM/Antifa riots and abuse of law enforcement. And crime is rising, especially since officers often just coast, not wanting to get in a situation where they’re accused of raaaaacism. So, have fun, Chicago. And other cities where this is all occurring. Perhaps do a better job of providing positive inducements so people get the vaccine.

Read: Let’s Go Brandon: Biden’s Caught Not Wearing Masks At Posh D.C. Restaurant »

Bummer: Corporate Sponsors Complaining About COP26 Mismanagement

And these are the people we’re supposed to trust to run the economy, government, and our lives

Cop26 corporate sponsors condemn climate summit as ‘mismanaged’

Companies that stumped up millions of pounds to sponsor the Cop26 climate summit have condemned it as “mismanaged” and “very last minute” in a volley of complaints as next month’s event in Glasgow draws near.

The sponsors, which include some of Britain’s biggest companies, have raised formal complaints blaming “very inexperienced” civil servants for delayed decisions, poor communication and a breakdown in relations between the organisers and firms in the run-up to the landmark talks.

The Guardian understands that a letter to the organisers, written by broadcaster Sky and co-signed by senior leaders from other Cop26 sponsors, has raised concerns with them over these and other problems, and followed another co-signed letter in July.

Alongside Sky, the summit has 10 other major sponsors, including energy giants Hitachi, National Grid, Scottish Power and SSE, US tech titan Microsoft, and FTSE companies GSK, NatWest, Reckitt, Sainsbury’s and Unilever. Unilever has denied signing the letter penned by Sky. Other lower tier “partners” include the car maker Jaguar Land Rover and the furniture retailer Ikea.

One source, employed by a Cop26 sponsor, said that “the biggest frustration” was the lack of information about how the event will run, and the role for its key backers, because important questions have gone unanswered and planning decisions have been delayed.

“They had an extra year to prepare for Cop due to Covid, but it doesn’t feel like this time was used to make better progress. Everything feels very last minute,” the source said.

Say, I wonder if these corporate sponsors realize that the hardcore cultists want to do away with capitalism, have the government control their companies, and dictate all terms of operation for those that survive? And who’s surprised by the incompetence in getting COP26 running? Will they be ready for the 10’s of thousands coming in via fossil fueled vehicles and planes? Will there be enough room to park all the private jets?

The source blamed the “very young, very inexperienced” civil servants tasked with planning the event for taking a “top-down public sector approach” that has raised hackles among sponsors.

“It’s clear that many of them have very little experience managing relationships in the private sector, or even experience attending a Cop event,” the source said.

In other words, a bunch of young climate cultists/SJWs who have zero knowledge of Real Life. They expect things to just happen correctly because they say so, because they’ve been coddled their whole lives and told how special they are.

A Whitehall veteran of Cop summits said: “It feels like some of these sponsors have forgotten the actual reason we’re in Glasgow. Cop isn’t about branding, it’s about tackling climate change. Keeping 1.5C in reach is the best thing you can do for your bottom line: they would do well to remember this.”

And these companies should remember what the climate cult wants to actually do.

Read: Bummer: Corporate Sponsors Complaining About COP26 Mismanagement »

If All You See..

…is a hockey jersey that reminds you that all skeptics are evil, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Weasel Zippers, with a post on an Iranian mass murderer attending the climate conference.

It’s hockey week, as the NHL has returned.

Read: If All You See.. »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Bill Medcalf

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the NJ Devils won their season opener. Their next game is against the Seattle Kraken. Is that a perfect matchup or what, Devils vs Kraken? This pinup is by Bill Medcalf, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. New to the feedreader, Flag And Cross covers a woman arrested in the UK for staying with her daughter after brain surgery
  2. Geller Report News notes Virginia Tech trying to restrict the F Joe Biden chants (can we do Heil Biden?)
  3. Gen Z Conservative covers a mass shooting that no one heard about
  4. Jihad Watch discusses the stabbing death by Jihadi in the UK
  5. Legal Insurrection highlights unequal justice under the law
  6. Moonbattery notes eco warrior Bill Gates arriving by fossil fueled helicopter
  7. Neo-Neocon digs deep into the Loudon County rape from trans affair
  8. Pacific Pundit covers Delta Airlines caving, getting rid of vaccine mandate
  9. Powerline brings the humor with a post on Texas redistricting Dems Jackson-Lee or Green out of Congress
  10. Raised On Hoecakes discusses how to tell a prison from a public school
  11. Sister Toldjah laughs about Adam Kinzinger getting redistricted out of Congress
  12. The Feral Irishman discusses the Canary Islands volcano (BTW, great webcam of it here, they move it around daily)
  13. The Hayride wonders if LetsGoBrandon can be #1
  14. The Lid covers a federal judge blasting gov’t for violating civil rights of Jan 6th accused
  15. And last, but not least, The Right Scoop notes Walgreens closing 5 more stores in San Francisco

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Ohio Mom Becomes Minister, Signs Religious Exemptions For Masks

This has seemed to make USA Today opinion writer Connie Schultz very upset, despite this happening back in early September. I say, this is a funny, and a great way for someone to take advantage of the system (it’s behind the paywall, you can read it by saving to Pocket or by adding to it, getting here)

Ohio mom becomes a minister in a minute, then signs religious exemptions for anti-mask families

On Sept. 3, the day after her children’s school district mandated that students wear face masks, Kristen Grant became an ordained minister.

She did this through the online site, Universal Life Church. The process takes less than a minute, I discovered. Two clicks, and I was one step away from becoming Rev. Connie. I declined.

The 37-year-old mother of four in Germantown, Ohio, says she sought the online ordination for one reason. She wanted to support anti-mask parents seeking religious exemptions for their children.

Valley View School District’s religious exemption form requires a signed statement from a “religious official.” Grant, a self-described “Constitutional Christian,” was happy to oblige.

“I haven’t broken any rules,” she said. “I haven’t broken any laws. I did what I was told I had to do.”

No, she didn’t, and this makes the Mask Cult upset (that photo is from the article, but, not Grant. None of her at the piece)

On this, she’s right. Several school officials bemoaned to me Grant’s willingness to exploit a loophole, but the district set no qualifications for religious leaders. And so here we are.

Can you hear the pissed off in that “and so here we are”?

The letter goes on to recites what is becoming boilerplate language of the anti-mask anti-vax crowd. It ends with a Bible verse from 2 Corinthians, which, with its reference to “unveiled faces,” has become another go-to passage for those opposed to masks.

As a new minister, Grant has not hesitated to apply her signature to the bottom of those letters: 169 students have been granted a religious exemption from wearing masks even as the pandemic surges, again. School officials stress that this represents around 100 families, in a district of roughly 1,800 students. That caveat will be small comfort to any family of a child who ends up infected with Covid.

But, we were told that masks protect us from getting COVID. No?

Grant is certainly not the first “religious leader” eager to use a self-styed version of religion to defy government attempts to keep children and families safe during this pandemic.

How dare Grant defy Government! That’s so horrible! The Founders and all those who fought for independence would be very upset, right? Right?

So, why bother talking to Kristen Grant? Why give people like her any attention?

To me, the answer is obvious. She’s having an impact, just like other so-called leaders who are waging wars against science across the country. We can ignore them, and some enjoy mocking them. But we underestimate their growing influence at our peril.

Because those in the media would rather dox and denigrate average citizens who are engaged in Wrongthink than actually do the job for which they were give a Bill of Rights protection, namely, investigating government and government officials. Holding their feet to fire. Adding some sunshine to government operations. They want to protect Democrats. Look around at the news media: they’re barely covering Joe Biden. The NY Times, CNN, and so many others barely have anything on him. When Trump was president there would be at least 5-10 articles about him. Now? You barely know Joe is president. It’s easier to go after a private citizen who has no platform to fight back.

And, in fairness, I do think Grant is loopy, and it’s silly for a religious exemption for masks, but, I don’t make the rules. Also, quite frankly, Government seems to want to give religious exemptions for just about every other religion, even for military standards, so, this isn’t that much. I just like that Grant used the rules against the Mask Cult dictators, which makes them Very Upset

With Help From a Beer Maker, There’s a New Front Opening in the Battle Over School Masks

Shannon Jensen was diligent about making sure her sons wore masks to school when classes resumed in September. Other parents in Waukesha, Wis., weren’t. And three weeks after school opened, Jensen’s eldest son, who was seated next to an unmasked classmate who had COVID-19 symptoms, fell ill with the virus.

Soon, another of her boys had tested positive, according to a lawsuit that marks a new twist in the ongoing battle over what schools should be doing to protect children from the coronavirus. While parents across the country have filed lawsuits against states and school districts to protest mask mandates, Jensen, with backing from a local beer maker, is suing to force all of Wisconsin’s school districts to require masks and other safety measures in classrooms.

So, this says that masks do not work. And they mostly don’t. Study after study after study shows that, at best, they provide 10% protection. But, Jensen is happy to attempt to force all these kids to Obey her beliefs.

Read: Ohio Mom Becomes Minister, Signs Religious Exemptions For Masks »

Climate Crisis Scam Idiocy Heavily Involved In California Port Issues

Obviously, we all know that the supply chain issues are not just here in the U.S., but, world wide. Why are some so much worse than others? Let’s start here

Wilmington ports avoiding many supply chain issues affecting the US, small business still hurting

Ports around the world are seeing supply chain slowdowns, but that’s not the case in North Carolina. The ports in Wilmington are viewing the crisis elsewhere as an opportunity.

Throughout Friday, a steady flow of ships and trucks moved through the port of Wilmington without delays. The port authority says this could be a pivotal moment in taking business to the next level.

Wilmington is one of the biggest ports on the east coast. You also aren’t hearing about massive problems in Florida, Savannah, New York, and New Jersey. Yes, there are backups. Nothing like California, though, particularly Los Angeles and Long Beach, the biggest shipping ports on the west coast

This week, global supply chain issues reached a fever pitch, with the port of Los Angeles at one point facing a backup of more than 75 container ships waiting to offload their goods.

The CCO of North Carolina’s ports says disruptions to the supply chain in Asia are the cause.

“An exorbitant amount of the U.S. supply chain coming from Asia goes through LA/Long Beach. So in that respect it’s a disproportionate amount of cargo flow that’s going through the west coast,” said Bean.

Let’s head to California, for which The Last Refuge has done some interesting research

The California Version of The Green New Deal and an October 16, 2020, EPA Settlement With Transportation is What’s Creating The Container Shipping Backlog : Working CA Ports 24/7 Will Not Help, Here’s Why

Hundreds of requests for details on the specifics of the container shipping backlog.  So, I spent 3 days calling sources, digging for details and gathering information on the substantive issue at hand.  The epicenter of the problem is not what is being outlined by financial media, corporate media and politicians who have a specific interest in distracting from the issues at hand.  This has nothing to do with COVID-19.

The issues being discussed today relate to events that happened a long time ago.  As a matter of fact, it was so predictable that Amazon, Walmart, UPS, FedEx, Samsung, The Home Depot and Target all had taken actions years ago -long before COVID- because they knew this day would come.  It was not accidental that those companies showed up at the White House to discuss the issue, because there’s now a full court press to hide it.

The trucking issue with California LA ports, ie the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB), is that all semi tractors have to be current with new California emissions standards.  As a consequence, that mean trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports.  This issue wipes out approximately half of the fleet trucks used to move containers in/out of the port.  Operating the port 24/7 will not cure the issue, because all it does is pile up more containers that sit idle as they await a limited number of trucks to pick them up.  THIS is the central issue.

On October 16, 2020, the EPA reached a settlement agreement [DATA HERE] with California Air Resource Board (CARB) to shut down semi tractor rigs that were non-compliant with new California emission standards:

I won’t say that COVID has nothing to do with this, but, what we see is that one big problem is the inability to have the trucks to deal with the sudden increase of goods after a big drop in goods. Why are so many East coast ports not having these problems? We don’t have the insane climate scam regulations, even in NY and NJ. The article even mentions that many compliant trucks pick up the goods then switch out when they leave California, letting the non-compliant trucks take them, then heading back for more.

In effect, what this 2020 determination and settlement created was an inability of half the nation’s truckers from picking up anything from the Port of LA or Port of Long Beach.  Virtually all private owner operator trucks and half of the fleet trucks that are used for moving containers across the nation were shut out.

It’s worth reading the whole article.

Read: Climate Crisis Scam Idiocy Heavily Involved In California Port Issues »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on #EmpyShelvesJoe.

Read: If All You See… »

Cancel Culture Warriors Come After James Webb

Who is James Webb? NASA notes

The man whose name NASA has chosen to bestow upon the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope is most commonly linked to the Apollo moon program, not to science.

Yet, many believe that James E. Webb, who ran the fledgling space agency from February 1961 to October 1968, did more for science than perhaps any other government official and that it is only fitting that the Next Generation Space Telescope would be named after him.

The guy was a titan of space exploration and the operations of NASA. So, of course

From the link

Cancel Culture AlligatorA NASA advisor quit following the agency’s decision to keep naming a $10 billion space telescope after a former administrator who was the US undersecretary of state during the dismissal of gay and lesbian federal employees in the 1940s and 1950s.

Lucianne Walkowicz, who identifies as nonbinary, wrote an open letter to NASA’s Astrophysics Advisory Committee on Tuesday, saying that they were resigning as an advisor over the way the agency had handled a request to rename the James Webb Space Telescope.

More than 1,200 people, including Walkowicz, have signed an open petition calling for the James Webb Space Telescope to be renamed. The petition cited the persecution of gay and lesbian government workers while Webb was the US undersecretary of state from 1949 to 1952. This was during the period referred to as the “Lavender Scare,” when thousands of federal employees were dismissed or forced to resign because of their sexuality.

The open petition also mentioned the former NASA employee Clifford L. Norton, who was fired in the 1960s after NASA said he made a “homosexual advance” amounting to “immoral, indecent, and disgraceful conduct,” said a record of the case on Justia, a website that keeps online databases of legal cases. The incident that led to Norton’s dismissal happened while Webb was NASA administrator.

NASA’s decision to keep the space telescope named after Webb “sends a clear message of NASA’s position on the rights of queer astronomers,” Walkowicz said in the open letter. “It also speaks clearly to me that NASA does not deserve my time,” they said.

OK, bye. I will give Walkowicz credit for quitting, since most of these cancel culture SJWs like to make a lot of threats but never put their money where their mouths are. And, unsurprisingly, she has purple hair. And, if you check that open letter link, she wants to name it the Harriet Tubman Space Telescope for some reason. Mostly, though, she was simply on the NASA Astrophysics Advisory Board, so, wasn’t actually in an important position doing space stuff.

And, of those 1,200 who signed the petition, not many seem to actually work for NASA. Many are “astronomy enthusiasts”, meaning they have a telescope in their backyard. Most have nothing to do with NASA.

Read: Cancel Culture Warriors Come After James Webb »

Pirate's Cove