Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Drops To Bottom In NJ Governor’s Race

It’s like I keep saying: Doing Something about ‘climate change’ may be popular in theory, but, when push comes to shove, it’s not particularly important in Real Life. Poll after poll after poll confirms that when you stack it up against real world issues it comes in very low in terms of people’s actual concerns

What About Climate Change? NJ Voters Push Issue to Backseat in Governor’s Race

Taxes, economy, COVID, education, healthcare, abortion, immigration, and down the line you go before climate change pops up as the “one most important issue in this year’s election” for New Jersey voters polled recently.

Just 3 of 544 voters surveyed by the Stockton University Polling Institute marked it as their most important issue ahead of the Nov. 2 gubernatorial election in New Jersey. Incumbent Phil Murphy is seeking to become the first Democratic governor re-elected in the Garden State since 1977. He faces former state Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli, a Republican.

Climate change placed 27th out of 31 issues offered as options for voters who took the Stockton survey.

Oops! People in NJ were most concerned with property taxes and general taxes. Things that are real, rather than Doom from bad weather which has always occurred.

Monmouth Poll Director Patrick Murray said climate change didn’t rank high in an August poll of voters in New Jersey and Virginia, the only two states with governor’s races this November.

“Back in August, we asked open-ended questions in both New Jersey and Virginia about voters’ most important issues. ‘Environment’ (which includes climate) was named by no more than 5% in either state,” Murray said in an email.

He added, “None of the candidates in either state are focusing their messages on climate change.”

It’s a shame that ‘climate change’ is included with questions on the environment, because the environment is important, and that question often does well when it doesn’t include ‘climate change’. Anyhow, ask people in theory, they’ll say it’s important (they’ll also tell you they don’t want to spend their own money on it or make changes to their own lives). Ask them when including things like the economy, taxes, healthcare, COVID now, and it drops to the end.

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Drops To Bottom In NJ Governor’s Race »

Bill Maher: Saying Parents Shouldn’t Be Involved Is An Applause Line With Teachers

Fortunately, Democrats rarely listen to Bill Maher (or other moderate Democrats) as he speaks from a left of center spot, but, more in line with a JFK type Liberalism, rather than a Bernie Sanders or AOC liberalism (video at link)

Maher: McAuliffe Saying Parents Shouldn’t Decide What’s Taught Is ‘Applause Line with Teachers,’ Dems ‘Are So Used to Talking to Teachers’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that education will be the big issue in the 2022 elections because “Parents vote, and they don’t like what’s going on in school.” And that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s (D) statement that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach happened because “Democrats are so used to talking to teachers. This is a mic drop applause line with teachers, not so much with parents.”

Maher stated, “Terry McAuliffe, he was the governor, he’s running again. He should walk away with it. Biden won the state by ten points. It has not gone statewide for a Republican since 2009. He’s neck-and-neck. Because he’s — the issue became schools. I said this months and months ago, that the issue in the coming elections is going to be what’s going on in the schools. Why? Parents vote, and they don’t like what’s going on in school. They feel like they are losing control, and this became the issue in this election. Trust me, this is going to be a huge barometer kind of election. Because if Terry McAuliffe loses, people are going to understand yes, oh, that’s right, it is going to be about that.”

Maher continued, “And here’s what Terry McAuliffe said, and then we’ll get into the backdrop of this. He said, ‘I’m not going to let parents come into schools –‘ not a good idea, that right there, is because Democrats are so used to talking to teachers. This is a mic drop applause line with teachers, not so much with parents. ‘I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision[s]. … I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.’ Just on a political level, f*cking — excuse me, I mean, very stupid, right, very stupid?”

It’s an interesting notion, and one that so many in the Democratic Party, particularly the elected officials, are pushing: parents should just shut up and keep their ideas to themselves when it comes to what the Democratic run schools are teaching kids.  This interested me because it was a conversation I had with a bunch of coworkers in Real Life. Those of us in Gen X mostly didn’t have to deal with anything crazy in our schools. Our parents didn’t have to worry about the curriculum and if we were being taught crazy stuff. They didn’t have to go to wild school board meetings over what was being taught, because they taught the material. We learned math in math class, English in English class, art in art class. Etc. History simply taught history, without all sorts of editorializing from a certain position.

We didn’t get hate on America, white people, or all the other insanity present in today’s schools. Nothing like “here’s an exercise, figure out which gender you identify with” or “pretend you are the other sex” nor let’s let people with mental illness use the women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers.”

There was no concern for my parents about what was being taught in elementary school nor high school. Hilariously, for the Gen Y and Gen Z kids, well, the insanity taught to them made them a nightmare to teach in college

Teachers at lower levels created this issue. Remember this one?

I’m a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me

I’m a professor at a midsize state school. I have been teaching college classes for nine years now. I have won (minor) teaching awards, studied pedagogy extensively, and almost always score highly on my student evaluations. I am not a world-class teacher by any means, but I am conscientious; I attempt to put teaching ahead of research, and I take a healthy emotional stake in the well-being and growth of my students.

Things have changed since I started teaching. The vibe is different. I wish there were a less blunt way to put this, but my students sometimes scare me — particularly the liberal ones.

Not, like, in a person-by-person sense, but students in general. The student-teacher dynamic has been reenvisioned along a line that’s simultaneously consumerist and hyper-protective, giving each and every student the ability to claim Grievous Harm in nearly any circumstance, after any affront, and a teacher’s formal ability to respond to these claims is limited at best.

If you’ve never read that one, it’s worth it.

Anyhow, parents shouldn’t need to get so involved, but, when the school is giving the kids books on man/boy sex, there’s a problem.

They can let the kids read the books that cannot be read allowed? Don’t have this stuff in school, don’t teach it, don’t assign it for reading. Just teach the subjects, and parents won’t need to be involved.

Read: Bill Maher: Saying Parents Shouldn’t Be Involved Is An Applause Line With Teachers »

Pope Francis Wants “Radical” Climate Crisis (scam) Reponse

Well, perhaps the Pope could tell all those big wigs to not take all those long, fossil fueled trips on private jets to a ‘climate change’ conference? And, perhaps, he could spend more time on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, rather than an authoritarian scam

Pope Francis calls for ‘radical’ climate change response before COP26

Pope Francis said Friday that climate change was an “unprecedented threat” which requires an urgent and effective response, as global leaders prepare for the imminent COP26 summit in Scotland.

“The political decision-makers who will meet at COP26 in Glasgow are urgently summoned to provide effective responses to the present ecological crisis, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations,” the pontiff said, in the “Thought for the Day” message on BBC Radio 4’s Today program.

Francis also pointed to health care, food supply issues and economic challenges as part of a “profoundly interconnected” global crisis which represents an “immense cultural challenge.”

He called for “vision” in rethinking of the future of the world amid the crises, and urged leaders to make “radical decisions that are not always easy.”

“We can confront these crises by retreating into isolationism, protectionism and exploitation or we can see in them a real chance for change,” the Pope added.

He’s calling for authoritarian, world wide government, screwing the little people and enabling the elites.


PICS – Not Very Environmentally Friendly: Climate Activists Burn Boat, Litter During Pre-COP26 Protest

Environmental activists from an Extinction Rebellion (XR) offshoot set fire to a prop boat and filled the air with plumes of smoke to protest climate change and fossil fuels.

Two so-called environmentalists from Ocean Rebellion, one dressed as Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, set fire to the small boat bearing a sail reading, “Your children’s future” on the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow, Scotland, opposite the site of the United Nations COP26 climate conference which starts on Sunday.

Footage shared on social media and pictures from the protest showed smoke from the fire rising into the air. The activists from Ocean Rebellion, founded in August 2020 as an offshoot of XR, also burnt fake money, some of which was seen strewn on the ground.


On Tuesday, another XR offshoot, Animal Rebellion, scaled the government’s Home Office building in Westminster, London, demanding the world adopt a vegan diet.

Funny how they always want the Government to force compliance, eh? Funny how, even with all sorts of rules and regs and laws and Dicates, we get

Canadians have highest “lifestyle carbon footprint” of all nations in this study

New research has found that all nations analyzed exceed the lifestyle carbon footprint required to avert the climate crisis. The report warned of the need for a precipitous reduction in the global carbon footprint and called for changes at the personal and systemic levels.

The research, 1.5 Degree Lifestyles report, analyzed the lifestyle carbon footprint of nine G20 countries, including Canada. Examining domestic habits in six areas, including food, housing, transport, and leisure, the research determined the reductions necessary to align with the 1.5°C warming increase target outlined in the Paris Agreement. (snip)

These recommendations would have particular ramifications on lifestyles in Canada, which was determined to have by far the highest lifestyle footprint of all nations analyzed. The per capita emissions of the average Canadian was found to be fully six times greater than the average person in Indonesia, three times that of Chinese or South African citizens, and not quite double the footprint of someone from the UK.

Canada has a lot of forced climate emergency (scam) restrictions on citizens, yet, they’re still tops. It’s almost like this has nothing to do with the climate.

Read: Pope Francis Wants “Radical” Climate Crisis (scam) Reponse »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful green space perfect for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on how media bias works, specifically.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Judge Puts Temporary Restraining Order On Biden’s Federal Vaccination Mandate

One would think this would be big news, but, almost no one in the Credentialed Media has bothered

Biden admin barred from firing unvaccinated employees after DC judge issues injunction

Biden Brain SuckerA Washington, D.C., district court judge issued a temporary restraining order Thursday that prevents both civilian and active-duty military plaintiffs from being terminated after they sued the Biden administration over religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccines.

“None of the civilian employee plaintiffs will be subject to discipline while his or her request for a religious exception is pending,” District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ordered, according to a Minute Order obtained by Fox News.

The judge also ruled that “active duty military plaintiffs, whose religious exception requests have been denied, will not be disciplined or separated during the pendency of their appeals.”

The court further ordered the defendants in the Biden administration to file a supplemental notice by noon on Friday that indicates whether they will agree that no plaintiff will be disciplined or terminated pending the court’s ruling.

Twenty plaintiffs sued President Biden and members of his administration in their official capacity over the president’s Sept. 9 executive order mandating vaccines for federal employees, according to civil action filed Sunday.

“The Biden administration has shown an unprecedented, cavalier attitude toward the rule of law and an utter ineptitude at basic constitutional contours,” said the plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Yoder in a statement to Fox News.

Will it stand overall, or will Let’s Go Brandon prevail? Time will tell. Meanwhile

DeSantis sues Biden over vaccine mandates for contractors

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody filed another lawsuit against the U.S. government Thursday, challenging the rule requiring companies that are federal contractors to show proof of vaccination or weekly COVID tests of their employees and calling it a “heavy-handed mandate never authorized by Congress.”

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in the Middle District of Florida’s Tampa division, is one in a series of lawsuits against the federal government’s COVID-19 protocols, specifically the vaccine mandates, imposed by President Joe Biden. It seeks to halt implementation of the Dec. 8 deadline that applies to federal contractors.

“We are going to seek a preliminary injunction so that this mandate isn’t allowed to be imposed at the expense of the jobs of Floridians,’’ DeSantis said at a press conference in Lakeland. “We’ve got a very big footprint of companies that do contracting work for the federal government,’’ including the defense contractors and many along the Space Coast of Florida. “There’s a lot of folks that will be in the cross hairs on this.”

The complaint notes that several state agencies hold contracts with the federal government. The Florida Department of Education provides vending and other food-related services in federal buildings in Florida, and Florida’s public universities also have many contracts with NASA, especially for research.

And that is one of the big problems, way too many companies receive federal money for one thing or another, which means Los Federales have way too much control over how they operate. Time will tell whether this succeeds.

Read: Federal Judge Puts Temporary Restraining Order On Biden’s Federal Vaccination Mandate »

Surprise: Hotcoldwetdry Biggest Part Of Biden’s Build Back Better Bill

It’s interesting that the people pushing Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) are the people least likely to make changes in their own lives. Biden took a fossil fueled flight to Rome to meet with the Pope on a jumbo jet, with a backup jet following, along with multiple fighter jets, and a giants convoy of fossil fueled vehicles. He’ll then reboard and fly to Scotland for the UN IPCC COP26 meeting. Yet, here’s his bill

Climate Change Became the Largest Part of Biden Spending Bill

st greta carClimate has emerged as the single largest category in President Biden’s new framework for a huge spending bill, placing global warming at the center of his party’s domestic agenda in a way that was hard to imagine just a few years ago.

As the bill was pared down from $3.5 trillion to $1.85 trillion, paid family leave, free community college, lower prescription drugs for seniors and other Democratic priorities were dropped — casualties of negotiations between progressives and moderates in the party. But $555 billion in climate programs remained.

It was unclear on Thursday if all Democrats will support the package, which will be necessary if it is to pass without Republican support in a closely divided Congress. Progressive Democrats in the House and two pivotal moderates in the Senate, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, did not explicitly endorse the president’s framework. But Mr. Biden expressed confidence that a deal was in sight.

Progressives, like the wankers in The Squad, are upset, but, ultimately, they’ll vote for it, because at least they get some.

The centerpiece of the climate spending is $300 billion in tax incentives for producers and purchasers of wind, solar and nuclear power, inducements intended to speed up a transition away from oil, gas and coal. Buyers of electric vehicles would also benefit, receiving up to $12,500 in tax credits — depending on what portion of the vehicle parts were made in America.

But, these same nutjobs won’t allow nuclear to be built, and extreme-enviros will often protest and sue to block the building of wind and solar in certain areas. As for the tax credits: they won’t make a difference for most EV purchasers. This hooks up the upper upper middle class and the rich.

It will also create a federal group of climate nags

According to NPR, the Civilian Climate Corps would “employ thousands of young people to address the threat of climate change, strengthen the country’s natural defenses and maintain its ailing public lands.” President Biden previously hailed it as a “unified national response to climate change.”

What will they actually be doing? The bill is unclear about that, and Brandon has failed to release any material on how this would operate, what the duties would be. At that NPR link

Administration officials and Democratic lawmakers all aim to pay corps members at least $15 an hour, plus offer health care and other benefits. They see the jobs as primarily being housed in the Interior and Agriculture departments and the program closely resembling existing initiatives such as AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps and the Corps Network, an association of more than 130 smaller conservation corps still being operated around the country.

Most of the jobs would be short term, with the goal of launching corps members into environmental and outdoors-focused careers.

So easy, high paying jobs for young people to get them to vote Democrat, and no one knows what they’ll actually be doing.

The package, as a whole, will simply increase the cost of living, cost of energy, cost of food, and lower the standard of living. Well, not for rich folks like Biden and his Comrades in Congress.

Read: Surprise: Hotcoldwetdry Biggest Part Of Biden’s Build Back Better Bill »

Democrats Build Back Better Bill Features $600 Bank Transaction Figure

Remember a little over a week ago when Biden was backing down on the $600 threshold, push for $10,000? Not that it would really make any difference for most citizens, but, the $600 figure is in the Democrats House reconciliation bill

House Build Back Better Bill Includes $600 IRS Reporting Provision

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday unveiled the text of the Build Back Better Act, and it includes a provision to require banks to turn account information over to the IRS on accounts with $600 or more in annual transactions.

If this provision is enacted into law, banks would be required to report annual totals of account inflows and outflows to the IRS. This account information would impact bank accounts with more than $600 in non-payroll income. The Democrats’ proposal would also extend to other financial institutions and peer-to-peer services like Cashapp or Venmo.

Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen endorsed the proposal because it would help close the tax gap, which refers to the difference between taxes owed and taxes collected. This tax gap is estimated to exceed $160 billion annually.

Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spearheaded this proposal last month but were met with significant backlash from Republican lawmakers, the financial industry, and business owners. According to the Wall Street Journal, critics “warn that the requirement would put taxpayer information at risk if IRS computer systems were breached and they have described the proposal as snooping and surveillance.”

It’s clearly a violation of the 4th Amendment. A law is no substitute for a warrant, needed to scoop up the private information of U.S. citizens. It would mean more and more middle and lower class Citizens being audited, not rich folks.

And then the Democrats included a provision to supersize the IRS enforcement by $78 billion

The provision stipulates they will use the tens of billions of funding for increased enforcement and audits, although they claim that it will not impact those making less than $400,000 per year. The provision stipulates:

(1) $78,935,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2031, for necessary expenses for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for strengthening tax enforcement activities and increasing voluntary compliance, expanding audits and other enforcement activities, and modernizing information technology to effectively support enforcement activities, except that no use of these funds is intended to increase taxes on any taxpayer with taxable income below $400,000;

Matt Whitlock, a Republican communicator, said sarcastically that Democrats get “NO CREDIT” for watering down their IRS spying provision and replacing it with billions of dollars for “increased enforcement and harassment of families and small businesses.”

“Love that they wrote in a line about how this isn’t intended to raise taxes on anyone making below $400K, even though they’ll be the primary people this hurts,” Whitlock said.

Yeah, they actually wrote that in the bill. And, yes, they do think you’re stupid, and they do know that their idiot, indoctrinated voters will Comply.

Read: Democrats Build Back Better Bill Features $600 Bank Transaction Figure »

$3.5 Trillion Is A Pittance To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Because the world is on the brink, you know, because if we don’t spend it now we’ll spend it later, you know

When the World Is on the Brink, $3.5 Trillion Is a Pittance
What we don’t spend now to deal with climate change will cost us much more later.


Mr. Lustgarten is an environmental reporter for ProPublica.

This article is copublished with ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.

That’s weird, since ProPublica is a vastly Progressive outlet, and is advocating for legislation that is an abuse of power and will lead to more

There will be no bargains with an overheating climate.

The $3.5 trillion price tag that President Biden proposed for his climate-heavy Build Back Better Act might seem enormous. But over the long term, it will be a pittance.

By zeroing in on that number, the public debate seems to have skipped right over the economic ramifications of climate change, which promise to be historically disruptive — and enormously expensive. What we don’t spend now will cost us much more later.

No bargains!

The bills for natural disasters and droughts and power outages are already pouring in. Within a few decades, the total bill will be astronomical, as energy debts surge, global migration swells and industrial upheaval follows. The scale of the threat demands a new way of thinking about spending. Past budgets can no longer guide how governments spend money in the future.

New ways! Which, for Democrats, usually involves taxing and feeing citizens. When do he Dem legislators and activists pushing for this all buy EVs and make their own lives Net Zero?

Some economists and climate scientists have calculated that climate change could cost the United States the equivalent of nearly 4 percent of its gross domestic product a year by 2100. Four percent is likely a conservative estimate; it leaves out consequential costs like damages from drought and climate migration. It assumes the United States and other nations eventually move away from energy generated by oil, coal and natural gas, though not as immediately as many say is needed. In this scenario, the planet will still warm by around three degrees Celsius by the end of the century from preindustrial levels, a change that would be disastrous.

“Could.” That’s another word for “we’re guessing”

The warming climate will worsen virtually every existing service, from water and sewage treatment to mass transit to food distribution to health care, and erode the wealth of millions. Dr. Hsiang, who presented his findings to Congress in 2019, estimates that over the next 80 years intensifying heat alone will reduce Americans’ incomes by $4 trillion to $10.4 trillion as farming becomes more difficult, food prices rise and labor productivity falls. Climate risks are already undercutting the value of real estate in the most vulnerable parts of the country, including the roughly $1.6 trillion worth of private property directly threatened by sea level rise and wildfires.

Doom! Yet, Democrats are spending only a tiny bit of their “infrastructure” bill on this stuff. Weird, eh?

Just as economists have linked hotter temperatures to declining crop yields, they have also linked them to more disease, more crime, more suicides and other effects on people’s health and well-being. All of them result in losses — both social and economic — and threaten the country’s strength and stability.

More doom! Everything is horrible! Anyone else tired of the constant prognostications of doom, especially since Mankind has moved further ahead more than any other period?

Not to invest in these societal defenses today looks like an embrace of chaos and a choice to roll the dice on a period of unpredictable and disruptive change probably greater than anything in human existence.

When the stakes are viewed this way, investing in defending economic stability seems conservative. Failing to respond to the scientific and economic forecasts is what seems dangerously radical.

Tell you what, you Warmists spend your own money. It will make no difference.

Read: $3.5 Trillion Is A Pittance To Do Something About ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

If All You See…

…is death from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on that logistical wiz, Brandon!

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Wake County, Raleigh To Keep Mask Mandates Much Longer

The original point of the new mask mandates in Wake County and Raleigh was to get infection rates below 5%. Wake County’s was supposed to end November 1st, unless they reauthorized it. Raleigh’s was completely open ended. And they want to keep their power trip going

Coronavirus infections are declining, but local officials say it’s too early to ditch masks

North Carolina reported 2,160 coronavirus infections on Wednesday, which is 17 percent lower than a week ago. But even though pandemic-related metrics continue trending downward in the state, local officials say they aren’t ready to lift rules requiring masks indoors in public places.

Wake County’s mask mandate expires Monday, but Matt Calabria, chairman of the county Board of Commissioners, said Wednesday an order extending it will likely be issued by the end of the week.

The county is considered a “high transmission” area for the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Calabria said he doesn’t want to end the mandate before the county drops to a “moderate transmission” area.

The CDC bases those categories on the rate of new infections and the positive rate on virus tests over a seven-day period. Although Wake County’s 3.3 percent positive rate is in the “low transmission” range, the rate of 100 cases per 100,000 residents would need to be cut by more than half to get into the moderate range.

Raleigh Mayor Mary-Ann Baldwin said she also has no plans to lift the city’s indoor mask mandate until the CDC says the region has only moderate levels of viral transmission.

The interesting thing is that other areas of NC without mask mandates are also seeing the same drop in infections. Franklin County and Randolph County, for instance. Florida, with mask mandates being blocked, now has the nation’s lowest Chinese coronavirus rate. Could this all be cyclical, with masking making almost no difference, especially since most masks block, at best, 10% of COVID? Perhaps we should be spending more time on social distancing, no touching, washing hands.

And Wake County and Raleigh have high vaccination rates (over 70%), yet, they want to continue the mask theater.

Meanwhile, The Lid points out

DeBlasio’s vaccine mandate is effective on Friday evening (10/29), only two days from now.  As of Tuesday (10/26), twenty-seven percent of all cops have chosen not to get the poke.

The Fire Department is in even worse shape. “Andrew Ansbro, FDNY Firefighters Association president, told the ”Brian Kilmeade Show” that ”right now, 45% of New York firefighters are unvaccinated.” Ansbro thinks that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for state workers will lead to ”30% to 40% of firehouses” being closed down.

DeBlasio announced the mandate would no longer have a testing option last week, nine days before the deadline. Anyone who does not get at least one poke before this coming Friday will be placed on leave without pay. That includes the police officers and firefighters he praised months ago for being on the front line in fighting COVID.

Good luck, Democratic Party run area of NYC!

Read: Surprise: Wake County, Raleigh To Keep Mask Mandates Much Longer »

Pirate's Cove