Crazy Michael Cohen Says Trump Will Run America Like A Fuhrer

This is not an unusual position from the Never Trumpers, who all seem to believe that Trump is a Bad Man and is the next coming of Adolph Hitler

Michael Cohen warns Trump will run US ‘like the Führer’ if reelected after Supreme Court immunity ruling

Donald Trump’s former lawyer and one-time fixer Michael Cohen has warned that his ex-boss will run the country “like the Führer” if he is re-elected in November, thanks to the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump, and other presidents, have absolute immunity from prosecution for actions that fall under a president’s “core” powers – or those directly given by the US Constitution.

The majority of justices also ruled that presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution for “official acts” but not for “unofficial acts” – though the court did not specify what these acts could be.

Citing theTrump vs US ruling, Cohen told The Daily Beast that the former president could now wield his power in whatever way he wants if he takes back the White House this November.

“He’ll run the country like a king, like a supreme leader, like a monarch, like a dictator, like the Führer,” Cohen said, invoking the German word strongly associated with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Even with the ruling, Trump understands there are limits. Regardless, what evidence is there that he will do be Hitler 2.0? Did he do this during his first term? Other than 15 days to end the pandemic, which wasn’t his idea, did he take away people’s freedoms? Start imprisoning Americans for minor offenses or nothing? Start killing them? Did he ban the Democratic Party? It’s not Trump who hates Jews, Gypsies, and others. He worked to end wars, not see them started. He didn’t build death camps. He sure didn’t tell people what they can and can’t drive. Seriously, what evidence is there?

Cohen went on to claim that Trump plans to dismantle parts of the government to consolidate power to the executive branch in which he now has immunity from criminal prosecution.

“Members of the Supreme Court and federal judges will similarly become neutered as Donald fulfills his promise to dismantle our tripartite system of government, stripping the legislative and judicial branches of their coequal power and conferring all power to the executive branch; meaning himself,” Cohen said.

Oh, lord. Cohen is using the insane Project 2025 stuff, which, if real and not a Democrat false flag, is simply bad politics. It’s throwing lots of different red meat to all different beliefs within the Republican Party. But, none of it would lead to Trump being a dictator. Some of it overlaps Trumps Agenda47. If Trump wins, he’ll do pretty much what he did during his first term, which was working to reduce federal regulations on US citizens, sort of working to stop illegal immigration, decreasing the burden of federal government on citizens, reducing taxation on all, increasing freedom and freedom from government. We sure won’t get a “mandate” forcing citizens to switch to EVs and a DOJ that tries to put citizens in jail for 20 years for wandering around the Congressional building.

But, the wacko Never Trumpers and some Democrats have actually convinced themselves that Trump is Hitler 2.0. That’s how crazy they are. Trump is not a good person, just like most politicians. But, his policies are a darned sight better than Biden and any Democrat, so, I’d rather he be in office.

Read: Crazy Michael Cohen Says Trump Will Run America Like A Fuhrer »

NASCAR Unveils EV Race Car Or Something

Do they actually think this will excite fans? From the link

Part of the experience of a NASCAR race is hearing the engine roar, the rumble of each car’s approach and the zip when it whizzes past at more than 150 mph.

NASCAR unveiled its first electric racecar Saturday in downtown Chicago, but it doesn’t thunder when the grand marshal says “drivers, start your engines.”

It hums.

The top motorsports series in North America partnered with Chevrolet, Ford, Toyota and electrification company ABB to demonstrate a high-performance electric vehicle and gauge fan interest in electric racing.

They want to represent electric vehicles, and more broadly electrification, in racing as cool, fun and accessible, said Riley Nelson, NASCAR’s head of sustainability.

Is this what the fans want?

It accelerates almost twice as fast as top gas-powered racecars and can stop almost immediately. But its lap time at Martinsville Speedway in Virginia was two-tenths of a second slower because it takes the corners slower due to being heavier. Ragan said it may go even faster; he wasn’t pushing the one-of-a-kind vehicle to its limits. Risk-taking is for racing, not testing, he said.

Here’s a question I’m not seeing being asked: EVs are much heavier, so, what happens when they crash? What happens if they go over the wall or wipe out in the infield? Or, into the pit?

Burning gas pollutes the air and produces carbon dioxide, which warms the atmosphere and leads to more extreme weather. Burning one gallon produces about 19 pounds of carbon dioxide, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Racing events consume thousands of gallons in a weekend.

And almost no NASCAR fans give a damn.

Read: NASCAR Unveils EV Race Car Or Something »

Surprise: SCNY Is Putting Most Illegals In Mostly Poor Neighborhoods

No one really thought the high and might citizens of the Sanctuary City Of New York who advocate for unfettered illegal immigration would actually allow them in their own neighborhoods, right?

NYC’s poorest ZIP codes forced to bear brunt of migrant crisis, confidential docs reveal

Some of the Big Apple’s poorest ZIP codes are being forced to bear the greatest brunt of the city’s migrant crisis — including a Queens neighborhood saddled with more shelters than any other part of the five boroughs, internal data kept from the public but obtained by The Post reveal.

Long Island City is home to a staggering 23 government-run migrant shelters — 12% of the 193 operating in New York City, according to data tallied off a confidential list of shelter sites used by city agencies.

“The city dropped a bomb on us,” said Queensbridge Houses resident Danny Beauford, whose 11101 ZIP code includes a 24th shelter in neighboring Astoria. “The [migrants] are taking over. They’re taking over all the parking with their 8,000 scooters. They’re disrespectful — peeing in front of everybody. We do that one time, and we’re going to jail for a long time.”

Three of the top five most shelter-saturated ZIP codes — which cover parts of the Jamaica, Queens and East New York, Brooklyn— are among the poorest areas in New York City, with median incomes below $37,300, according to Data Commons.

I’m sure AOC and Chuck Schumer, and, hey, how about the mayor, will allow illegals in their neighborhoods, eh?

Mayor Eric Adams’ office on Saturday told The Post the number of city shelters is now up to 217, but declined to reveal the additional locations.

None of the city’s 193 migrant shelters reviewed by The Post are located in the top five ZIPs by median income in New York City, which covers Tribeca, Battery Park City and other parts of Lower Manhattan, as well as Lincoln Square, records show.

In LIC, the divide is especially stark, where the nearly two dozen shelters are clustered around two public housing projects.

Yet the adjacent 11109 ZIP code in LIC – a skyscraper-filled community that offers spectacular waterfront views of Manhattan’s skyline and has among the NYC’s priciest real estate – doesn’t have a single shelter.

I bet this same thing is occurring in Boston, Denver, and Chicago, among other sanctuary cities being overrun with illegals. At what point do poor and working class liberals, heck, even middle class liberals, start realizing that their beliefs in Democrat policies is actually bad for their lives and well being? Ever?

Read: Surprise: SCNY Is Putting Most Illegals In Mostly Poor Neighborhoods »

Weird: Biden Admin Doesn’t Like Biden To Speak Off The Cuff

I wonder if this White House correspondant and her Comrades have considered doing their jobs and all demanding answers?

Here’s the full tweet

No – I said there are a number of reasons why the media hasn’t been allowed access to Biden, and it’s not all because he’s been secretly declining behind closed doors.

This admin has NEVER liked when Biden speaks off the cuff, so they try to limit it – ie. when he called Laken Riley’s killer “an illegal”, which he first defended when asked about it – and then retracted after pressure from certain parts of the base, in an arranged sit-down with MSNBC.

Also this administration values constituency media, not the ‘legacy’ outlets. They are very data-oriented and calculated long ago that they are best served getting their message out via friendly outlets that serve voters they want to reach, like podcasters and Black radio.

They don’t “need” us, according to their analysis, so they often feed us workshopped answers and keep us at an arms length. Now they’re seeing it backfire.

Remember, Biden first took office as a Senator in 1973, meaning he had to campaign before that. Then he spent 8 years as VP. Speaking off the cuff is a requirement for anyone running for office and in office. And this guy can no longer speak off the cuff? An elected politician that cannot answer questions without cue cards and feeding outlets the questions? That is one hell of a big red flag for Biden’s mental health.

And, seriously, who the hell is stopping the POTUS from speaking off the cuff? He’s the POTUS, right?

Read: Weird: Biden Admin Doesn’t Like Biden To Speak Off The Cuff »

Random Non-Political Thoughts

So, McDonald’s now his it’s own $5 meal, with a small drink, small fries, 4 piece nuggets, and either a McDouble or McChicken. But, how does this stack up to the Wendy’s meals? To get the same for the burger you need to get the $6 biggie bag.

  • Fries: when they’re done right, McDonald’s is the best. But, they’re cooking is off and on, while Wendy’s fries are damned good, too, and seem to be way more consistent. Lean Wendy’s
  • Nuggets: Wendy’s straight up beats McDonald’s, since McD’s changed their formula a few years ago, and just aren’t that good anymore
  • Drink: even
  • Burgers: usually a McDouble is good. Lately, it seems all their burgers are rather dry and overcooked. Usually a McDouble is a greaseburger. Last two times, not pleasant (from 2 different stores. Also had this with a quarter pounder). The Wendy’s Doubestack always seems to be on point. When it comes to the chicken sandwich, I’d rather have Wendy’s. Large advantage Wendy’s.

I’d rather pay $1 more for the Wendy’s deal than McDonald’s. Even if you get the $5 biggie bag with the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, still better.

Now, on to the movie Pearl. It came on free for Amazon Prime last month. I started watching it then, but, gave up around 40 minutes in. I tried to watch it this morning, and gave up with 46 minutes left. It’s supposed to be horror/suspense/comedy. It’s not funny at all. There is zero suspense. Horror? Where? Maybe she goes on a killing spree at the end? That would make it a slasher. What it is is really just drama, and bad drama at that. It’s dull, especially when it is not original. How many movies are about a young girl living on a farm wanting to escape and do something? Big aspirations? In this case, be an actress. Fights with her parents. There was nothing that made it stand out. Oh, except for when she takes a scarecrow down and pretends to have intercourse with it. That was weird.

I have no idea why Pearl is rated 7.0 by IMDB and 83% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. The cast has zero chemistry. The scenery isn’t even that good, though, it is period specific. Reading the Wikipedia explanation of what happens after I gave up makes me glad I gave up. Not even a good slasher. And entirely predictable.

Then there’s Manifest. I’ve made it up to season 1 episode 14, but, I’m not sure. It really doesn’t seem to be going very far. Just something something happened, being perused by some secret agency, there’s some The Major lady. And it is overly dramatic, something I hate in so many of today’s drama shows. No one smiles. No one really has fun. There’s always something deep to talk about. You can have two people having a nice dinner or sex or something and it MUST go to something Deep, something that happened in the past that was Bad, drove them from love, something. There needs to be a break.

Finally, the 2004 Battlestar Galactica. I watch it originally back when it was on, thought I’d give it a shot. I liked the latter seasons better this time, though, the ending still was silly. How do somewhere between 40K-50K humans populate the world, even with all the humans that were on the planet at the time, if they all spread out? What did Starbuck become? Why was she called the harbinger of death? How about fake-Number 6 and fake-Gaius? The ones only Caprica and Gaius could see? Angels? The problem with the show in the latter seasons is it got all into religion and stuff, but, still was worth watching again.

I am giving Evil a shot. The first episode was great. We’ll see how that goes. Also working my way through Burn Notice, up to season 5, where I originally started watching it.

Read: Random Non-Political Thoughts »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful non-gas stove, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on sh*t supposedly getting ready to hit the fan as Democrats return to Congress on Monday regarding Biden.

It’s Blondes week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the geese are honking, and Biden is supposedly awake by now. I’m not sure who the artist is, I can’t read Russian.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad notes Californians setting off lots of illegal fireworks
  2. Not A Lot Of People Know That has a tale of two weather stations
  3. Watts Up With That? discusses the nationwide EV charger charade
  4. American Greatness covers the free market rejecting EV mandates
  5. Bearing Arms features ammo vending machines in Alabama
  6. Chicks On The Right notes EV owners looking to abandon EVs
  7. Climate Depot highlights a bank tracking the spending habits of its customers carbon footprints
  8. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses the Declaration of Independence from Coolidge to Biden
  9. Gates Of Vienna features even more COVID lies
  10. Geller Report explains why Sweden is safer in the summer
  11. IOTW Report wonders why a specific doctor was at the White House
  12. Jihad Watch notes CNN saying they’ll no longer use a Hamas-linked stringer
  13. Legal Insurrection covers China’s troubling funding influence on higher education
  14. Moonbattery highlights the red carpet for illegal aliens
  15. And last, but, not least, neo-neocon discusses lies and coverups

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Elected Democrats Meeting Sunday To Discuss Keeping Or Dumping Biden

First you have this

‘In denial’: Democrats livid that Biden is digging in

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden’s first televised interview since last week’s debate meltdown did little to stop the bleeding.

Members of Congress and top Democratic operatives told POLITICO shortly after Biden’s sit down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos aired that the president was more energetic and forceful than he was on stage during last week’s showdown with Donald Trump — but it likely won’t be enough to tame the panic.

And many were shocked by the president’s blatant denial about his standing in the race, and his repeated dismissal of his party’s widespread concerns. It’s an approach some Democrats described as “dangerous.”

Did they watch the same softball interview everyone else did?

“He was more animated and made a strong case for what he has done. But the question the debate raised is about his fitness for the next four years, not his performance in the past four years,” said David Axelrod, the longtime Democratic operative who helped lead Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. “And he simply doesn’t acknowledge that concern. He also is in denial about where he is in this race.”

A House Democrat, granted anonymity to speak candidly, said: “Denial of the problem is not a solution or a path forward to convincing our constituents that he has the capacity or the vision for four more years.”

Could Biden even make it through the next four years if he manages to win? You aren’t better off than you were even during COVID, and you’d darned sure be worse off with a president who’s brain addled and the White House is run by people who weren’t elected. Then we get this

Congressional Democrats plan meetings to discuss Biden’s 2024 prospects

Some key House and Senate Democrats are planning meetings next week where they’re expected to discuss the path forward for President Joe Biden.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., will convene a virtual meeting with Democratic committee ranking members on Sunday, three sources told NBC News. The meeting is expected to focus on President Biden, one of the sources said, as he faces calls to step aside as the party’s nominee.

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., meanwhile, is organizing a group of Democratic senators to meet next week to discuss what to do amid concerns about Biden’s electability and the potential for a drag on down-ballot races for the House and Senate, four sources familiar with the outreach told NBC News on Friday. (snip)

The House committee leaders’ meeting, set for 2 p.m. Sunday., is not part of any regularly scheduled gathering of ranking members. It comes a day before House lawmakers are slated to return to Washington following the Fourth of July recess.

You have to know this is going to be an ugly, ugly, nasty meeting, with those who are scared to keep Biden running and those who will back him no matter what. Will anything leak from this meeting? Regardless of the outcome, it sure looks like Biden will refuse to step down. Could they replace him at the convention? That would get ugly, too. If he sticks around, lots of Democrats in competitive races will have to avoid Biden, to even run against him. Not that their policies are any different.

More: You can’t hate the media more for absurd pieces like this, which is by AFP and published all over

US President Joe Biden heads back out on the campaign trail Sunday, desperate to salvage his re-election bid as senior Democrats meet to discuss growing calls that he quit the White House race.

The 81-year-old Democrat kicks off a grueling week with two campaign rallies in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, before hosting the NATO leaders’ summit in Washington. (which is on Tuesday) (big snip)

The campaign has unveiled an intense battle plan for July, including an avalanche of TV spots and trips to all the key states.

That includes a visit to the southwest of the country during the Republican convention from July 15-18, at which Trump is set to be anointed the party’s official presidential nominee.

This is what they call “grueling.” Two campaign spots today, and he doesn’t even travel that far from his house in Delaware. He could drive faster than he could fly…yeah, flying from freaking Delaware to Philly. It takes 30 minutes to drive. Then flying to Harrisburg. What else will he do this week? If it’s grueling to do two short campaign events, which only allow per-credentialed media, meaning they are being vetted to give Joe the best coverage, and meeting with NATO members and he doesn’t even have to leave D.C., then he’s too frail to be president.

Read: Elected Democrats Meeting Sunday To Discuss Keeping Or Dumping Biden »

With Laughter, ‘Climate Change’ Could Factor Into November Elections

Earlier we learned about Hotcoldwetdry support being inconsequential to the French elections. What about for the American?

Will climate change factor in the November elections? Maybe if we laugh about it

On a spring evening at the Boulder Theater in Boulder, Colorado, veteran comedian Chuck Nice welcomes several hundred people to the “Stand Up for Climate Comedy” show. The event, created by the University of Colorado Boulder and now in its ninth year, is described as “good-natured comedy”—meaning it’s good for nature, by having an environmental focus.

Nice, who regularly performs in New York City comedy clubs, says the show’s aim is to communicate about the climate crisis in a way where people can receive the message without “doom and gloom,” making them more apt to act.

Nice, who is a regular contributor to Neil deGrasse Tyson’s podcast, Startalk, says he thinks comedy can get people information they need without forcing them into their tribal corners. He thinks people are more willing to accept social commentary from comedians instead of pundits, who are trying to get audiences to see issues from their point of view.

In contrast, Nice said, “I just want you to laugh. I think this is funny. I think you should think it’s funny. And even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying, if you laugh, you’re listening.”

Does anyone in the climate cult have a sense of humor? I guess I’d have to hear this, because they all seem like humorless scolds, King Karens, unhinged tools, always propagating doom and gloom

The three professional comedians—each of whom work in the worlds of science and comedy—held a workshop with the students prior to the event where they shared their best tips. Before tonight’s show begins and while Osnes leads about 20 students on stage in warm-up exercises, Boykoff explained that the idea for the comedy event was to offer a way for students to express their concerns and fears around climate change, as well as their hopes and aspirations about their futures. The class has been very popular, and Boykoff says that there is a budding community across the U.S. and the world where more and more people are experimenting with comedy as a vehicle, not to trivialize important issues but to overcome differences among the political divides we face through the appeal of laughing together and finding some emotional relief through humor.

I just can’t seeing it being funny, and all they’re doing is preaching to the choir

According to the report, of the 28 issues they asked people about, global warming isn’t even in the top ten—it’s 19th on the most highly ranked concerns among voters. Still, Ballew adds that Americans understand that climate change is happening and that it’s human caused. Their new report shows that 62 percent of registered voters would prefer to vote for a candidate for public office who supports action on global warming.

According to Ballew, many other issues are higher policy priorities in the eyes of Americans compared to climate change, such as the economy, health care, and terrorism. It suggests that people have a finite pool of worry and can’t worry about everything. But he says: “That is unfortunate because we know that climate change and the impacts that it’s going to have intersects with a lot of these other issues.”

Ballew focuses on environmental and social psychology and believes that communicating through humor can be valuable.

“One thing I find very beautiful about comedy is that it allows for people to make connections between things that they might not normally think about,” he said.

Well, good luck. BTW, how are y’all traveling around? Are your own lives carbon neutral? And, let’s face it, global boiling has never been a top drawer issue, because it’s barely real and doesn’t stack up to the other issues.

Read: With Laughter, ‘Climate Change’ Could Factor Into November Elections »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles creating hurricanes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on climate (cult) fatigue in Ireland.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove