Who’s Up For Greener Hospitals Or Something?

Perhaps they should be focusing on taking care of patients, rather than ‘climate change’, since the NHS tends to turn away a lot of patients along with long waiting times. The doomsday cult simply wants to take over healthcare

Climate change: NHS staff fighting to make hospitals greener

The Welsh NHS needs to “lead by example” in the fight against climate change to avoid future health problems, say hospital staff trying to cut carbon emissions.

At Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor, staff are volunteering after shifts during Covid-19 to work on green schemes.

Doctors said major overhauls were needed to ensure the health service stops adding to global warming.

NHS Wales boss Dr Andrew Goodall said progress was being made.

The outgoing chief executive added that while the health service was under huge pressure, it must focus on climate change alongside the Covid crisis.

The NHS accounts for about 2.6% of Wales’ emissions of planet-warming gases – a carbon footprint of approximately one million tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year.

They have a Big Commitment, you know. And what are they doing?

The team has planted trees and wildflowers, switched to less polluting anaesthetic gases, and initiated trials of reusable personal protective equipment (PPE). (snip)

There are plans to plant 100 trees, with the idea that some of the hospital’s mental health patients could help with the upkeep as part of their treatment.

So, virtually nothing except climavirtue signalling.

The group has also published cycle-to-work guides for staff to cut down on car fumes and successfully lobbied for new shower facilities.

Not mentioned is whether any in this group are cycling to work themselves, as they try to climashame other employees to do so.

“Just as the health workforce are on the front lines of the pandemic, they’ll likewise be on the front lines of the climate emergency and the health impacts that we see from that,” he said.

Elsewhere in climacrazy (below the fold)

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Read: Who’s Up For Greener Hospitals Or Something? »

If All You See…

…are the colors of a big, carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on ignorant DACA fools creating sympathy for Sinema

Read: If All You See… »

It Begins: UK Guardian Calls For The U.S. To Abandon Taiwan To China

China has become rather frisky with Taiwan since Surrender Joe was installed in office. Right now

China-Taiwan military tensions ‘worst in 40 years’

Tensions with China are at their worst in 40 years, Taiwan’s defence minister has said, warning of the risk of an accidental strike between the two.

Chiu Kuo-cheng’s comments came after China sent a “record number” of military jets into Taiwan’s air defence zone for four consecutive days.

Taiwan considers itself a sovereign state. China, however, views Taiwan as a breakaway province.

It has not ruled out the possible use of force to achieve unification.


The US must avoid war with China over Taiwan at all costs

China Votes BidenSince last Friday, the People’s Republic of China has launched a total of 155 warplanes – the most ever over four consecutive days – into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone; Ned Price said the state department was “very concerned”. There have been more than 500 such flights through nine months this year, as opposed to 300 all of last year.

Before war comes to the Indo-Pacific and Washington faces pressure to fight a potentially existential war, American policymakers must face the cold, hard reality that fighting China over Taiwan risks an almost-certain military defeat – and gambles we won’t stumble into a nuclear war.

Bluntly put, America should refuse to be drawn into a no-win war with Beijing. It needs to be said up front: there would be no palatable choice for Washington if China finally makes good on its decades-long threat to take Taiwan by force. Either choose a bad, bitter-tasting outcome or a self-destructive one in which our existence is put at risk.

Now, Lt Col Daniel Davis (ret) does make some good points about our military being unable to compete with China in the Pacific (thanks, Obama), but, has also been a big supporter of the U.S. pulling out of pretty much everywhere. So, this isn’t the big hardcore leftist type of surrender. But, it certainly opens the floodgates of the China lovers on the left and the isolationists on the right, and it’s of absolutely no surprise that the UK Guardian would run this piece

That’s not to suggest we stand passively aside and let China run over Taiwan with impunity. The most effective course of action for Washington would be to condemn China in the strongest possible terms, lead a global movement that will enact crippling sanctions against Beijing, and make them an international pariah. China’s pain wouldn’t be limited to economics, however.

And how, exactly, would all that work? What with China holding so much of the world’s debt and producing so much of the goods? Is any nation truly condemning China for COVID19? Does he actually think China would care?

And Biden?

(Reuters) U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he has spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping about Taiwan and they agreed to abide by the “Taiwan agreement”, as tensions have ratcheted up between Taipei and Beijing.

“I’ve spoken with Xi about Taiwan. We agree … we’ll abide by the Taiwan agreement,” he said. “We made it clear that I don’t think he should be doing anything other than abiding by the agreement.”

Biden appeared to be referring to Washington’s long-standing policy under which it officially recognizes Beijing rather than Taipei, and the Taiwan Relations Act, which makes clear that the U.S. decision to establish diplomatic ties with Beijing instead of Taiwan rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.

While that act binds the United States to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, Washington only acknowledges China’s stance that the island belongs to it and that there is “one China”, and takes no position on Taiwan’s sovereignty.

Except, Washington has long protected the sovereignty of Taiwan from China. Especially under Republican presidents. And, surely China is looking at when Surrender Joe was Vice President and was there as Obama surrendered Crimea to Russia with barely a strongly worded letter.

Anyone think Biden would protect our ally Israel at this point?

Read: It Begins: UK Guardian Calls For The U.S. To Abandon Taiwan To China »

Good News: Cory Booker Wants Government Takeover Of Food System To Solve Climate Emergency (scam)

Back in the early part of the 21st Century, myself and several others were saying “this is almost entirely about a government takeover of everything, including your money and freedom. They want to use global warming, now called Climate Change, as a platform for this.” So many said we were crazy. Yet, the facts were right there. And climate cultists keep showing this is not about science or the environment or anything like that

Cory Booker: We Can’t Solve Climate Change or Inequality Without Fixing Our Food System

On the national stage, Sen. Cory Booker (D.-N.J.) is probably best known for his swash-buckling stint as Newark’s mayor, his unsuccessful bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, and his relationship with movie star Rosario Dawson. One aspect of his political career that doesn’t get nearly enough ink: Over the past several years, he has emerged a genuine agriculture-policy maverick—someone determined to shake up the stodgy, corporate-friendly status quo that hangs over the DC sausage factory when it comes to laws that shape our food system.

Why? The system pretty much works. I have a JVC stereo receiver from 1987 that works just fine. Sure, there is no optical input, and the new TV, like so many, has no RCA type audio outputs, so, I got a little device that takes the optical output from TV and converts to RCA, for those few times I want to stream audio from the TV (it allows me to also use the Bluray as a CD player with better sound than the headphone jack to stereo method). I have a Carlos acoustic guitar from early 80’s. It works fine. Why get another? Sure, maybe I just want something new. Neither is as important as the food system, which works well. What would be the point?

Last Friday afternoon, Booker took a breather from one of the most fraught, frenzied weeks on Capitol Hill in recent memory to chat with me for a Mother Jones live event about his journey from urban mayor to the Hill’s most prominent voice for a progressive, multi-racial version of populism in farm country. Food policy “touches on everything from climate change to rebuilding rural America to racial justice,” he argued, adding, “but it’s the area I find that leaders know the least about.” You can watch the whole conversation here: (video at link, if you want)

Why do they need to know that much? Why do they need to do anything? Now, Booker has a few small, and legitimate complaints, such as dumping cheap, unhealthy food in the crap, urban areas Democrats run, along with “running black farmers off their lands” (FYI: this happened to farmers of all colors and nationalities by Big Ag, too), but

At the end, with our time running out, Booker turned the tables and volleyed a question at me: “How do we make food policy the center of the progressive agenda?” Naming climate change, future pandemics, and racial injustice, he stressed that “anything that a progressive says they’re really worried about, I can point to it and say: We we will not solve that unless we start focusing on the American food system.” In just two years, right after the midterm elections in 2022, he added, Congress will have to renew the farm bill, the sprawling twice-a-decade legislation that governs US food and farm programs and shapes what we eat and how we grow it.

In other words, a complete government takeover of the agriculture sector, one which already has an enormous amount of regulation put on it, all in the name of ‘climate change’ and raaaaacism and health. This is all for your own good, you know, putting your Betters in charge.

Read: Good News: Cory Booker Wants Government Takeover Of Food System To Solve Climate Emergency (scam) »

JoEconomy: Epic Cargo Backlog Hits Northern California

The San Francisco Chronicle has now noticed just how bad the global supply chain has become, and how bad it is hitting the Bay area

The supply chain crisis has hit the Bay Area – partly because of epic cargo backlogs in Southern California

Where's Joe BidenMac Harman, CEO of Redwood City’s Balsam Hill, is paying 270% more to import artificial Christmas trees and decorations from overseas factories. “Ocean freight rates have gone up like crazy,” he said.

Steve Snodgrass, chief financial officer of Graniterock, a major Watsonville construction materials supplier, paid $2.5 million for spring delivery of 10 concrete mixer trucks. He’s still waiting.

Their travails illustrate how clogged the global supply chain has become. Pandemic disruptions and labor shortages are exacerbating issues with the complex way products are sourced from components made all over the world. A single choke point — such as carmakers’ current struggles to get key computer chips — can create a significant bottleneck for an entire industry.

“These are problems that have always been there but the pandemic exposed a lot of them,” said Trent Willis, president of ILWU Local 10, the union for Oakland longshore workers.

Can you guess what word is missing from the entire story? It’s “Biden”. Now, Surrender Joe is not necessarily to blame for this, but, you know that if Trump was president the media would be noticing the supply chain issues quite a bit more and be Blaming him. Certainly, Biden’s anti-business policies do not help, but, for the most part, it’s not his fault. He’s just doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the issue. Even all you Trump haters have to admit that Trump would be working hard to fix the problem. Perhaps involving Mean Tweets, but, Joe and his administration are MIA

Downstream, all those holdups will translate for consumers into higher prices and longer waits. It won’t mean a return to the early pandemic days when store shelves were stripped bare of essentials. You’ll still be able to buy a laptop, exercise bike or jeans — if you’re flexible about which brand. If you have your heart set on a specific model, however, you may have months-long delays. And there may be spot shortages of some goods, ranging from cars to appliances to home decor.

It’s not just one factor hindering the production and movement of goods.

“Every part of the supply chain has reached capacity,” said Jim McKenna, CEO of the Pacific Maritime Association, which represents the ocean carriers and terminal operators who operate at the 29 West Coast ports. “It’s a global issue, and there are no easy ways to fix it. The volume is unrelenting and it’s forecasted to continue through the first part of 2023. This is far from over.”

Joe doesn’t care how this is hurting the Little People. He’s focused on his hardcore, big government agenda. And taking every weekend off.

Read: JoEconomy: Epic Cargo Backlog Hits Northern California »

Climate Disaster Today: Peaches And Antarctica

Today’s prognostication of Doom is about peaches

Climate may harm the future of Georgia’s state symbol, the peach. But there may be answers.

Lush, fuzzy, delicious: the Georgia peach is a succulent state symbol.

But human-caused climate change could spell doom for Georgia’s peach crops – and the threat has begun to affect the area.

In a feature story for National Geographic, environment and conservation journalist Sarah Gibbens looks at the toll the warming climate has already taken on Georgia’s peach industry, and how scientists and farmers are planning for a precarious future. (snip)

“Peach trees need a minimum number of chilly hours for their spring buds to bear fruit,” Gibbens writes. “Every winter, when temperatures fall below 45°F, peach trees produce the hormones that tell them to go dormant. The average Georgia peach needs anywhere from 650 to 850 hours of cold weather in a season – so-called chill hours.”

A warming climate imperils those necessary colder hours, and the American South’s winters are getting shorter and hotter every year.

The implication here is that this is your fault and things are going to go badly. The National Geographic piece is behind a “we want your email address to read this” wall, which I’m not doing, but, you can be sure that it prognosticates doom.

Antarctica’s South Pole froze over in coldest winter on record despite climate crisis

Between April and September this year, the average temperatures at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station dropped to a bone-chilling -61C (-78F). These were the coldest average temperatures recorded in the Antarctic South Pole since records began in 1957 but may come as a surprise to most. The extraordinary cold was recorded despite the planet as a whole experiencing one of its hottest summers ever. (snip)

The Antarctic’s bitter winter was likely the product of a strong polar vortex in the stratosphere, an atmospheric layer that begins about 33,0000ft or 6.2 miles (10km) up.

According to Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at NOAA, the vortex would have helped trap cold air over the South Pole.

And, of course, that strong vortex is surely your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle, eating meat, and refusing to give your money and freedom to Government.

No Tricks Zone covers this all in detail, including

The Washington Post’s suggestion that Antarctica “continues to warm rapidly” is also contradicted by recent studies showing the entire South Pole continent has in fact cooled since data recording began in the 1950s.

Read here, here and here.

There are a lot fake news and misleading press releases out there, and they are being consistently exposed by objective peer-reviewed science.

The graphic is pretty much dead on for the Cult of Climastrology, except 10. They have peer review. It’s just mule fritters peer review, people propping up each other’s BS.

Read: Climate Disaster Today: Peaches And Antarctica »

If All You See…

…is a horrible paved road meant to move fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on a COVID test which is a saliva swab.

Read: If All You See… »

Authoritarianism Wins If Democrats Don’t Pass Reconciliation Bill Or Something

You wanted a hot take? This one will burn you, from the mind of Michael Tomasky at The New Republic

The Reconciliation Bill Is About Saving Democracy
Democrats have to prove that the government can deliver for people. If they don’t, authoritarianism wins.

Why do the Democrats behave this way? We’ve heard the standard answers. They’re not as disciplined as the Republicans, instinctively less inclined to obey orders (a good thing). They’re more ideologically diverse (also a good thing, up to a point). They actually care about policy outcomes, unlike Republicans, so they have genuine substantive disagreements (another good thing—again, up to a point).

But here’s another reason, and this one is not a good thing. They, or at least some of them, have no grasp of the historical moment in which they find themselves. And this moment is unlike anything any of them have lived through, anything the country has been through: The opposition party is trying to destroy democracy. Republicans all over the country are passing laws and making rules in broad daylight that will allow them to overturn the results (if adverse) of the next presidential election. They’re not hiding this. They’re advertising it. John Eastman’s memo is Exhibit A, but we also have exhibits B through double-Z. They couldn’t be making their intentions clearer.

So the Democrats have to be the party of democracy. That means they need to make some obvious moves, such as protecting voting rights, which seems tragically iffy at the moment; but it also means, as Joe Biden repeatedly and correctly says, that they need to show the country that democracy works and can produce positive outcomes. If they don’t manage to come to terms on this reconciliation bill, the negative impacts won’t be merely economic. This reconciliation bill is about democracy. If they don’t pass it and don’t show that democracy works, especially with the government in the hands of one party, the Republican Party will benefit—they’ll almost certainly take the House and the Senate in 2022, and they’ll be teed up to steal the 2024 election for Donald Trump, and American democracy will be on life support.

Really, there’s no need to go beyond the first three paragraphs. Heck, no reason to go beyond the sub-head. It says all you need to know. They have to pass a massive, Big Government bill which implements massive governmental controls on citizens and states, along with tons of taxes, which seems rather authoritarian, to avoid authoritarianism. It’s this kind of BS that let’s you know they are utterly insincere, that they’re trying to hoodwink people.

They seem pretty upset over laws which protect voting rights, that require people to prove who they are, that they’re actually eligible to vote. See, if we don’t let illegal aliens, felons, and people who vote elsewhere vote “democracy” is at stake. That if they don’t pass a wishlist of hard left insanity democracy is at stake. This is all insane. But, if you don’t give it to them, democracy is at stake. Can we just split the nation and let these lunatics do their thing on their own already?

Read: Authoritarianism Wins If Democrats Don’t Pass Reconciliation Bill Or Something »

Pope, Other Religious Leaders Issue Appeal On Climate Crisis (scam)

Perhaps they should deal with their own issues and talk the Bible. You don’t hear them say all that much about abortion on demand, yet, they’ll yammer about ‘climate change’, manufacturing Reasons while scouring the Bible for backing, all while refusing to make their own lives net zero

Pope, other religious leaders issue pre-COP26 appeal on climate change

Pope Francis and other religious leaders made a joint appeal on Monday for next month’s U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) to offer concrete solutions to save the planet from “an unprecedented ecological crisis”.

The “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” meeting brought together Christian leaders including Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, as well as representatives of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism and Jainism.

“COP26 in Glasgow represents an urgent summons to provide effective responses to the unprecedented ecological crisis and the crisis of values that we are presently experiencing, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations,” the pope said.

There is no ecological crisis linked to a slight increase in global temperatures, even if this was mostly/solely caused by Mankind. If they want to talk about actual environmental issues, I’m up for that. Climate change is not one. If they want to talk about values, sure, let’s talk about those. If they’re linking those values to the climate emergency? No, especially when the Vatican relies on people taking fossil fueled trips to visit the Vatican.

The appeal, which described climate change as a “grave threat”, was handed to Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio and Britain’s Alok Sharma, president of COP26 in Glasgow.

“The faith leaders who have come here today represent around 3/4 of the world’s population. That is by any measure a significant percentage of people across the globe and that’s why their voice matters so much,” Sharma said after the meeting, which was organised by the Vatican, Britain and Italy.

I wonder how many of those people think the same as these “religious leaders”? They do not speak for me as a Christian. Nor do they reduce their own carbon footprints.

Welby, spiritual leader of the world’s Anglicans, called for a “global financial architecture which repents of its past sins”, including changes in tax rules to promote green activity.

“We have in the past 100 years declared war on creation… Our war against the climate affects the poorest among us,” Welby said.

Interesting. Welby is calling for a world government that has the power to punish “green” sin, rather than keeping religion and government separate.

“We plead with the international community, gathered at COP26, to take speedy, responsible and shared action to safeguard, restore and heal our wounded humanity and the home entrusted to our stewardship,” said the appeal, which followed months of online meetings among the 40 or so religious leaders.

They do realize that the True Believers in the Cult of Climastrology want to end organized religion, right?

Read: Pope, Other Religious Leaders Issue Appeal On Climate Crisis (scam) »

#Unity: Biden’s Politicized DOJ To Go After Protesting Parents

They’re using the excuse of “threats of violence” to criminalize people expressing their 1st Amendment Rights (speech, protest, grievance), which are also protected by every single state constitution

DOJ launching effort to combat threats of violence against school officials

The Department of Justice is launching an effort to combat what it said is an “increase” in “threats of violence” against school officials and teachers across the country.

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” Attorney General Garland said of the effort in a statement Monday. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

Garland directed the FBI and U.S. attorney’s offices to hold meetings with federal, state and local law enforcement leaders in the next 30 days, during which they will discuss ways to combat what the DOJ called a “disturbing trend” of harassment and threats against school officials.

Critics say the move amounts to an attempt by the Biden administration to bully parents from exercising their First Amendment rights.

Why is the DOJ even getting involved in local issues to start with? These are not national crimes. None of this, in the few cases where parents went too far (usually after being enticed and abused by school officials and school boards), crossed state line. This will be an utter abuse of the power of the federal government, purely to intimidate parents.

The DOJ will also be launching a task force aimed at addressing the issue, while attempting to determine how the federal government could use its powers to prosecute crimes and to assist local law enforcement in incidents that are not federal crimes.

“Not federal crimes”, so they’ll manufacture a way to prosecute parents. Trying to push this nation one step closer to splitting. This is all rather chilling. Mr. Unity is doing little to help the nation, like assisting with the blockages at the ports, skyrocketing fuel prices, which causes the cost of living to rise, and shortages, and doing all he can to tear the nation apart.

The move comes just four days after a leading organization representing the nation’s school boards called on the Biden administration and federal law enforcement agencies to assist school boards, which the group said have seen an increase in violent threats in response to COVID-19 restrictions and critical race theory curriculum.

In most of the stories about this so-called violence, there are no actual threats. It’s usually just parents being mad at school board meetings and telling the boards they won’t comply, and that the boards should be listening to parents. There’s almost never an actual threat. So, Dementia Joe will sick his DOJ, which has pretty much no Constitutional authority, on parents, just like they’re going after people who simply wandered around the Capitol Building while mostly ignoring the violence still going on from Antifa in Portland

Where’s the DOJ in going after the Antifa nuts who are still trying to burn federal buildings? How about those who are harassing a sitting U.S. Senator in bathrooms and on airplanes, which, are federal crimes, especially since the people are illegal aliens?

Read: #Unity: Biden’s Politicized DOJ To Go After Protesting Parents »

Pirate's Cove