If All You See…

…is an evil plastic water bottle, you just might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on how COVID poses a tiny threat to school kids.

Read: If All You See… »

This Is Insane: Staff Stops Dementia Joe From Taking Questions From Fellow Democrats

This is not normal. Seriously, Joe barely took questions during the campaign. Since taking office, he has taken fewer and fewer questions from reporters, usually walking away as of late. And now

Report: WH Staff Veto Joe Biden, Keep Him from Taking Democrat Lawmakers’ Questions

President Joe Biden’s staff members prevented the president from taking questions during a Democrat caucus meeting on Capitol Hill, amid high-stakes negotiations that have imperiled his multi-trillion-dollar agenda and exasperated the schism between the party’s corporatist and socialist factions.

Politico reporter Sarah Ferris said Biden offered to take questions from Democrat lawmakers upon concluding his remarks, but his staff members “jumped in.”

“He didn’t take any questions,” she said.

Sources told Ferris and a second Politico reporter, Heather Caygle, that Biden discussed a topline range between $1.9 trillion and $2.3 trillion in spending.

“Even a smaller bill can make historic investments,” the president reportedly told Democrats, saying that the infrastructure bill “ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation.”

Joe was talking to fellow elected Democrats, including the leadership, in a closed door meeting, and his staff would still not let him take questions. Remember this?

It’s normal for Joe to not take questions, but, it’s becoming more and more prevalent for him to not take them, and for his people to stop anyone from asking him questions. Something is wrong with him.


America thinks the unthinkable: More than half of Trump voters and 41% of Biden supporters want red and blue states to SECEDE from one another and form two new countries, shock new poll finds

Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America’s deep disunity might not be letting up.

A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off.

According to the analysis from the University of Virginia‘s Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement: ‘The situation is such that I would favor [Blue/Red] states seceding from the union to form their own separate country.’ Twenty-five percent of Trump voters strongly agree.

I’m actually surprised that the numbers are so low. I would have expected them to be higher. And, lest any Dems caterwaul, remember, they were talking about succession while Bush43 and Trump were president. But, this is getting a lot more serious. It’s moved from the realm of conspiracy theory to “there’s no reconciliation, we are just too different.” During lockdown I read a serious of zombie books (love a good zombie book) by BD Lutz called The Divided America Zombie Apocalypse. The background was America going through what was called The Big Split, leading to Blue States United (BSU) and Right America (RAM). Kinda hit home. Good series. Liberals won’t like it, but, Lutz doesn’t overdo the politics, which would distract from the storyline. It does seem possible now, though. Not the zombies, but, the split.

Read: This Is Insane: Staff Stops Dementia Joe From Taking Questions From Fellow Democrats »

Surprise: Big Tech Companies Trying To Kill Climate (scam) Legislation

This is very interesting. So many of these companies are pushing all sorts of “green” measures, both for their own companies and publicly by government. They yammer about green servers and using electric vehicles for operations and reducing their carbon footprints. Yet

Apple, Amazon and others back groups trying to kill US climate legislation

electric vehicleApple, Amazon, Microsoft and Disney are among the major companies backing corporate lobby groups and organizations that are battling a US climate bill, according to a report. That’s despite those companies all making pledges to reduce their impact on the environment.

The United States Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable and the Rate Coalition are three of the lobbyist and business groups that oppose the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget bill, which includes measures to fight climate change. The Guardian reports that watchdog Accountable.US analyzed the groups to learn which companies have connections to them.

The Chamber of Commerce, the biggest lobbying group in the US, has said it would “do everything we can to prevent this tax-raising, job-killing reconciliation bill from becoming law.” The group’s board includes executives from the likes of United Airlines and Microsoft.

The board of the Business Roundtable includes Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google and Alphabet chief executive Sundar Pichai and Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. The group has said it’s “deeply concerned” about the bill and the increased taxes it would lead to for the rich. Google has also made political contributions in the past to individuals and organizations that have denied climate change.

Now, see, the thing is, if these companies want to do “green” things in their own business operations, that’s their choice. And it should be their choice, not by Force of Government. But, again, publicly they have been very supportive of government Doing Something

The support of lobbying groups that are attempting to kill the bill conflicts with the tech companies’ attempts to tackle the climate crisis. Apple, Google and Microsoft have all backed the Paris Agreement, for one thing. Apple and Microsoft promised to become carbon neutral and carbon negative respectively by 2030.

By backing Paris they are showing their support for Government dominance and requirements, rather than personal/business responsibility.

On Friday, Amazon expressed support for the infrastructure bill and the climate aspects of the Build Back Better reconciliation bill. A spokesperson provided the following statement to Engadget:

Amazon believes both private and public sector leadership is required to tackle the global issue of climate change. That’s why we actively advocate for policies that promote clean energy, increase access to renewable electricity, and decarbonize the transportation system. In addition to advocating for these issues on a local, state, and international level, we have a worldwide sustainability team that innovates sustainable solutions for both our business and customers, as well as co-founded The Climate Pledge – a commitment to be net-zero carbon 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.

There’s a bit more to the statement, but, you get the idea: support in public, opposition in private. Because it looks good in public, but, they know that all these climate scam regulations will cause a lot of economic issues, both for their companies and for consumers.

Read: Surprise: Big Tech Companies Trying To Kill Climate (scam) Legislation »

California Becomes 1st State To Mandate Vaccination Of Children

There is a big caveat, though

California pushes 1st US vaccine mandate for schoolchildren

California is poised to impose the nation’s first coronavirus vaccine mandate for schoolchildren, a move announced Friday that could push other states to follow as many did after Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the first statewide stay-at-home order in the U.S. during the early days of the pandemic.

Newsom said the mandate won’t take effect for all children until the U.S. government has finished fully vetting the vaccine for two age groups — 12 to 15 and 5 to 11. That means those in seventh to 12th grades probably will have until July to get their shots. It will be even longer for children in kindergarten through sixth grades because the government has yet to approve any COVID-19 vaccine for that age group.

California law requires all children enrolled in public and private schools to have 10 immunizations, with exceptions for medical reasons. For the coronavirus vaccine, California will grant exemptions for medical reasons, plus religious and personal beliefs. The rules for those exemptions will be written after the state hears comments from the public. Any student without an exemption who refuses to get the vaccine would be forced to do independent study at home.

The mandate eventually will affect more than 6.7 million public and private school students in the nation’s most populous state. California already has a mask requirement for schoolchildren.

Now, call me crazy, but, I find that this is within the power of the state to require vaccination. It’s mostly not the federal government which mandates vaccines for schoolkids, it’s the states. That power was assigned to them by the Constitution and 10th Amendment, so, this is a lot more Constitutional than Joe’s federal mandate. Of course, if we go by the Gun Grabbers argument, these vaccines weren’t around back then, so, they shouldn’t be mandated now.

That said, why announce it now, when it won’t be till next summer, at the earliest, when there will be full vetting of the Chinese coronavirus vaccines? What is the point of doing this so early? And, it is certainly not vetted, like, say, the smallpox vaccine, which requires 5 shots and gives almost 100% protection against the disease, which means that smallpox has been eradicated from Earth. And, if someone with the smallpox vaccination is around someone with smallpox, they won’t catch it. Not have light symptoms, they won’t catch it.

Regardless, once fully vetted (usually, this takes years, though), I’m not against safeguarding kids.

There’s also a second caveat

Newsom hasn’t backed all vaccine mandates, however. He recently opposed a requirement for prison guards that a federal judge imposed. Critics used that example to say Newsom is driven more by politics than science, noting the labor union of corrections officers had donated to his campaign to defeat the recall.

Hmm, so no vax mandate for prison guards?

California’s largest teachers unions back the vaccination mandate, as does the California Association of School Boards.

“This is not a new idea. We already require vaccines against several known deadly diseases before students can enroll in schools,” said Dr. Peter N. Bretah, president of the California Medical Association. “The Newsom administration is simply extending existing public health protections to cover this new disease, which has caused so much pain and suffering across our state, our nation and the entire globe over the last 18 months.”

There’s actually a 3rd caveat

Kids don’t donate to Newsome’s election chest. They are required, though, to get the vaccine or take COVID tests. And

The vaccine mandate also would apply to teachers and staff in K-12 public and private schools. Newsom already had required them to either get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing, but once the mandate for students takes effect, the testing option won’t be available for teachers anymore.

So, he won’t require teachers to be vaxxed or axed till basically the next school year.

Read: California Becomes 1st State To Mandate Vaccination Of Children »

Your Fault: Coffee Prices To Skyrocket From Climate Created Frost

See, because you ate a burger the world is getting super warm which also causes Bad Weather cold

Coffee bean price spike just a taste of what’s to come with climate change

Scientists have long warned climate change is coming for our morning coffee and a recent spike in global bean prices could be the first sign it’s actually happening.

Global coffee prices are forecast to jump to $4.44 a kilogram this year, according to IBISWorld, after a July cold snap in a major arabica coffee-producing region of Brazil wiped out a third of the crop.

Tom Baker, the founder of Sydney-based Mr Black Roasters and Distillers, noticed the spike when the first shipment this year arrived with a heavy price tag.

“The feeling was almost despair. We were expecting it because everything’s gone up. All our costs on every line item,” Baker said. “Glass, coffee, paper costs, label costs. It’s all gone up – and not just a small couple of percentages.”

Farmers in coffee-producing regions of Brazil have been grappling with a string of droughts in recent years and while frosts are common in July and August, the suddenness and severity of the most recent event caught producers by surprise.

Freezing temperatures struck in late July after an unprecedented Antarctic front resulted in snow falling in the hills and frost spreading across coffee trees in the Cerrado Mineiro region of Minas Gerais state.

Similar frosts hit farmers in the state of Paraná 40 years ago, forcing many to seek out more stable conditions closer to the equator in Minas Gerais, which is why recent events have come as a shock as the area was thought safe.

The increasing volatility and frequency of extreme weather events in Brazil are attributed to climate change.

Definitely not a cult

I see, after writing this, that Eric Worrall has written on this at Watts Up With That?

I don’t believe the determination to blame any unusual event on CO2 has reached peak absurdity.

In the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes, all it took was one child to puncture the mass delusion that the emperor was wearing clothes, when he was actually stark naked. In real life, defenders of the catastrophic global warming narrative are utterly determined to continue, well beyond all reason and evidence.

It never ends. The cultists will always blame everything on CO2, including cold weather.

Read: Your Fault: Coffee Prices To Skyrocket From Climate Created Frost »

If All You See…

…is a sea that will soon rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on how many were killed by Black Lives Matter.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Wants Supreme Court To Strike Down Qualified Immunity For Police

I wonder if the editorial board of the USA Today realizes that if SCOTUS kills off qualified immunity for police they would be doing the same for politicians and government employees? Nah. This is really about some cop hatred

Not above the law: Supreme Court can protect citizens by striking down qualified immunity

Even before bipartisan Senate negotiations on advancing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act recently broke down after months of negotiations, a key reform of police accountability was off the table: qualified immunity.

The judge-invented notion protects police officers from civil suits even if they violate someone’s constitutional rights, unless those rights have been upheld by the relevant federal appeals court in a similar case.

Reform of qualified immunity is key to holding police officers responsible for misdeeds on the job. Cops can kill, rape and steal and never face accountability in civil court as long as the Supreme Court continues to enforce this misguided legal doctrine.

Actually, that is not correct. They can face criminal and civil penalties for certain misconduct that is not covered. But, the editorial board doesn’t want you to know that.

Fortunately, the court has several cases before the justices that offer the chance to reshape qualified immunity or to abolish it and related rulings that give federal officers even stronger protection from civil suits.

Among those waiting for the Supreme Court to decide whether to hear arguments are:

The piece gives a few examples of some misconduct, conveniently forgetting that the vast majority of officers are good people who do not do wrong, but, will be accused and sued personally for bullshit of QI is removed. How many hate hoaxes do we see? How many people are accused of misconduct that never occurred, which destroys their life? Some gets pulled over, given a ticket, and then will get accused of racism or sexual misconduct or something.

The Supreme Court should take these opportunities to overrule its misguided decisions that shield police officers from lawsuits when they violate citizens’ constitutional rights.

No one, especially the police, should be immune from accountability when they harm another person.

Well, that’s interesting, because papers like the USA Today hide behind their 1st Amendment shield when they’ve done wrong. And a major national newspaper can ruin someone in a heartbeat, and, even if that person manages to win their case, it’s too late. And, the editorial board forgets to make a case as to why the Supreme Court should kill off QI. Not one shred of Constitutional qualification. Zip. Nothing. And, they’re trying to say that QI is a creation of the court. Nope

(NCSL) The doctrine of qualified immunity protects state and local officials, including law enforcement officers, from individual liability unless the official violated a clearly established constitutional right.

The evolution of qualified immunity began in 1871 when Congress adopted 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which makes government employees and officials personally liable for money damages if they violate a person’s federal constitutional rights. State and local police officers may be sued under § 1983. Until the 1960s, few § 1983 lawsuits were successfully brought. In 1967, the Supreme Court recognized qualified immunity as a defense to § 1983 claims. In 1982, the Supreme Court adopted the current test for the doctrine. Qualified immunity is generally available if the law a government official violated isn’t “clearly established.”

Created by Congress. And, officers can be sued. It’s just difficult. Same with government employees. Even harder with elected officials. Why do groups like the USAEB always forget about those latter ones? If you do something dumb at your business, the business can be sued. It would be tough to go after you personally. Most states have their own laws about QI. Which means SCOTUS cannot rule them unconstitutional, especially when there is no argument that QI is unconstitutional.

This is all about cop hatred, though. Which is rather gauche, and so 2020’s.

Read: USA Today Wants Supreme Court To Strike Down Qualified Immunity For Police »

Hotcold Take: Politicians Can Raise The Birth Rate By Passing ‘Climate Change’ Legislation

The ravings of a cult. This is what you get, blithering idiocy. Things that no one was thinking about turned into big productions, all based on the notion of more Progressive (nice Fascism) government

If Politicians Want to Raise Birth Rates, They Should Pass Climate Policy

Because of the climate crisis, other young people often ask Luisa Neubauer whether she would choose to bring children into the world. The fact that people are even asking this question, 25-year-old Neubauer said at a recent online panel, is “a tragic moment for humanity. I don’t think there yet exists in English a word to express how dramatic that is.” Neubauer, who founded Germany’s chapter of the global climate youth movement Fridays for Future, has a point: Surely, it’s a fairly monumental development when a species starts rethinking its most basic instinct to procreate.

It is tragic, because so many youngsters have been indoctrinated into a doomsday cult, and the people who should be doing interventions are actually the ones helping propagate the cult doctrine.

Once upon a time, environmentalists might have cheered falling birth rates. After all, babies born in wealthy countries, particularly, have a large carbon footprint. (Even though they look so innocent! It’s like the Christian doctrine of original sin.) Labeling procreation an ecologically destructive consumer choice—like buying an SUV—has at points been a staple of liberal guilt-tripping over climate.

There is that, because the same cult also pushes for lower numbers of humans and population control, and some of their more extreme even want population reduction (usually involving reducing the number of icky black and brown people in 3rd world countries, because the climate cult is rather racist and bigoted, preaching from their 1st World perches)

It’s not the first time in history that people have questioned the wisdom of bringing children into a screwed-up world. But this moment is unusual: People don’t usually forgo reproduction en masse out of apocalyptic fear. There is no evidence that Cold War anxieties around nuclear war shaped Americans’ family planning, for example.

One reason today is different is that although the idea of nuclear war was undeniably scary, it was only a possibility. Climate disaster, on the other hand, is a current reality with a grim trajectory: A study published in Nature this week found that if the planet keeps warming at its current pace, a child who was six years old in 2020 will live through 36 times more heat waves, twice as many wildfires, three times more river floods, and twice as many droughts as an adult born in 1960, all increasing the risk of crop failures, as well.

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

The political implications and potential of the birth rate is a touchy subject, because we’re used to framing reproduction as a personal choice (except for the far right, which is happy to let the government force people in Texas into child-rearing labor). And low birth rates aren’t only a sign of anxiety and pessimism about the future, or poor social supports; when women are more educated and have more career options, they tend to have fewer kids. Having no children—or fewer than your foremothers—can be a sound life choice. But when almost two in five young people say they may not have children of their own because of the climate crisis, that’s not progress. It’s a sign of pain and distress—and a call for help. It may not move congressional Republicans and moderate Democrats into investing in sound climate policy this month—but it should.

It’s a cult. And it’s better if these people do not have children, so as to not infect their children with doomsday cult beliefs.

Read: Hotcold Take: Politicians Can Raise The Birth Rate By Passing ‘Climate Change’ Legislation »

Democrats Want Americans Tested And Mandated, Against Testing Illegals

This is the type of vote that needs to be brought up by Republicans next year for the mid-terms: what should have been something simple and commonsense had the Democrats blocking it

House Democrats Block COVID Testing Mandate for Illegal Immigrants

On Wednesday afternoon Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) attempted to bring her REACT Act — which would require a negative Wuhan coronavirus test for any illegal immigrant before they are released from custody — to the House floor for consideration, but 217 Democrats voted to block consideration of the proposal.

“Today, I offered my REACT Act on the House floor, which would require DHS to give a COVID test to everyone crossing our border illegally,” Miller-Meeks Tweeted. “The majority chose to block this commonsense bill that would ensure the health and safety of border patrol and border communities.”

Speaking on the House floor about her bill, Miller-Meeks noted “I have traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border twice this year. On both trips, I spoke with the brave men and women serving in Customs and Border Protection and also the physicians that are stationed there. I saw firsthand the crisis they are facing. I believe that it is our congressional responsibility to address this and support our officers,” she added.

Miller-Meeks first introduced the REACT Act in March of this year, but House Democrats blocked it then, too. Since its introduction, more than 950,000 illegal immigrants crossed America’s southern border, yet Democrats in the House nor President Joe Biden will admit the gravity of their border crisis or its impact on the health and safety of Americans.

This is something that Customs and Border Control, along with other agencies and officials, have asked for. They cannot do it without federal authorization. What is so controversial about this? Why are Democrats blocking it? There should be no politics about it. Why do Democrats not want them tested? What would it hurt? Perhaps they do not want data about how many are coming across with COVID?

The Democrats’ double standard on Wuhan coronavirus prevention protocol could not be more obvious. As Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the Biden administration roll out vaccine mandates for foreign travelers who come to the country legally and require tens of millions of Americans who work for the government or private companies to get vaccinated, they somehow turn a blind eye to the public health crisis brewing amid the illegal immigration crisis along our southern border.

Let’s not forget, Surrender Joe came out with an order, one which is not fully formed yet, to require visitors from other nations to have had the COVID vaccine, and even Americans returning to the country need negative tests. Biden is going to attempt to force companies with 100+ employees to be vaccinated. He’s forcing all federal employees, including the Border Patrol, to be vaccinated. Yet, the people they’re dealing with do not even have to take a test? Where’s the Science in this?

They want to blast Red states like Florida and Texas for not requiring masks and having lower vaccination rates, yet, let illegals not even get a test.

Read: Democrats Want Americans Tested And Mandated, Against Testing Illegals »

We’re Saved: Spain Trots Out “Drowning Girl” Sculpture

We’re still on the spreading awareness and scaremongering, rather than Warmists practicing what they preach

A dramatic new sculpture of a drowning girl in a Spanish river hints at a dark future. It’s titled, ‘Tomorrow.’

On Spain’s northern coast, residents awoke to a shocking sight last week. The head of a young girl was nearly submerged in Bilbao’s Nervion River as the water rose, covering her mouth, nose, and eyes.

The fiberglass sculpture is the work of Mexican hyperrealist artist Ruben Orozco Loza. It’s titled “Bihar,” meaning “Tomorrow” in Basque, the language spoken in the region.

“At first it gave me a feeling of stress, when more of the face was out of the water, but now to me she communicates sadness, a lot of sadness,” Triana Gil, a visitor viewing the sculpture, told Reuters on Tuesday. “She doesn’t even look worried, it’s as if she is letting herself drown.”

Loza does not explicitly say that the “Bihar” refers to climate change — in an email to Insider, he described the piece as a reflection on the decisions we make for future generations more broadly. But it’s hard not to make the connection. The latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that from 1901 to 2018, the world’s seas rose by half a foot on average, and the annual rate of sea-level rise nearly tripled.

If the seas rose half a foot, that is on the lower end of average for the Holocene era, when it should be double to triple that during a warm period.

It took Loza three months to complete the artwork, which he designed and crafted in Mexico with the help of his wife. He then flew it to Bilbao in eight parts, where it was later assembled and brought to the river by boat. A steel structure keeps the 3.5-ton girl submerged, Loza explained.

Hmm, they flew it on a fossil fueled jet?

The survey, which was released by the journal Nature this month but has not yet been peer reviewed, also found that 57% of respondents described climate change as making them feel “powerless.” Another 30% said it made them feel “indifferent.” That’s where Loza’s piece might come in.

“Art leaves no one indifferent. That’s its function,” he said.

You know what’s not indifferent? Data. The closest station to Bilboa, which is on the northern part of Spain at it’s most eastern point, is Santander

La Coruna, also on the north coast of Spain, is similar. Vigo, way down but still on the Atlantic, is similar. All the stations in the Mediterranean are similar. Average rise, no acceleration. So, where does the drowning come into play? Oh, right, doomsday cult.

Read: We’re Saved: Spain Trots Out “Drowning Girl” Sculpture »

Pirate's Cove