Biden Gives A “Let’s Go Brandon” To Those Who Lost Their Jobs Over Vaccine Refusal

That whole #Unity stuff is working great, eh? Meanwhile, Surrender Joe is allowing tens of thousands of unvaccinated “migrants” into the country and allowing them to stay (except Haitians, of course)

‘Look at the bigger story’: Biden dismisses unvaccinated losing their jobs

President Joe Biden took his COVID-19 vaccine requirement policy on the road Thursday, encouraging those concerned about “mass firings” and “hundreds of people losing their jobs” to focus on “the bigger story.”

During a speech at an Illinois construction site, Biden defended the policy but admitted he had been reluctant to introduce a vaccine mandate, saying it was not his “first instinct.”

“Let’s be clear: When you see headlines and reports of mass firings and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story,” he said, seemingly meaning more people in the workforce are now vaccinated.

“The vaccination requirements are tough medicine: unpopular with some, politics for others,” he said. “But they’re life-saving, they’re game-changing for our country.”

This from the guy who said that the vaccines wouldn’t happen for years during the general election campaign. But, hey, screw you folks losing you jobs, especially you folks who were last year’s heroes, the teachers, medical professionals, and first responders.

In the meantime, Biden asked employers on Thursday to act independently of his administration after he toured Clayco’s Elk Grove Village construction site and side meetings with public and private leaders. Clayco, one of the Midwest’s largest construction companies, will begin following Biden’s policy before the OSHA rule is published.

“The unvaccinated also put our economy at risk because people are reluctant to go out,” he said. “Because they’re worried they’re going to get sick. I’ve tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated.”

Polls show that the unvaccinated tend to be a whole lot less concerned than the vaccinated. And this undercuts the notion that the vaccines are meant to protect people from catching COVID. If the unvaccinated want to take the chance, that’s on them. Should I no longer consider the vaccine as protection from getting COVID, just the notion that it might not be as bad?

Anyhow, Joe is helping reinforce making the unvaccinated second class citizens. How soon till they’re required to wear a pin?

Read: Biden Gives A “Let’s Go Brandon” To Those Who Lost Their Jobs Over Vaccine Refusal »

Google, Youtube To Stop Ads And Monetization For “Climate Deniers”

How soon till they simply block all content which conflicts with their doomsday cult beliefs? Google is already suppressing content, dropping it to lower search status

From the link

Google and YouTube on Thursday announced a new policy that prohibits climate deniers from being able to monetize their content on its platforms via ads or creator payments.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most aggressive measures any major tech platform has taken to combat climate change misinformation.

Details: Google advertisers and publishers, as well as YouTube creators, will be prohibited from making ad revenue off content that contradicts “well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change,” the company’s ads team said in a statement. (snip)

Yes, but: Google often makes changes to its ads policies to reduce misinformation, but this update is notable, given how hard it can be to characterize certain commentary about climate change as denialism or misinformation.

The tech giant says that when evaluating content against the new policy, “we’ll look carefully at the context in which claims are made, differentiating between content that states a false claim as fact, versus content that reports on or discusses that claim.”

This is not based on science, it is based on belief. Nothing else. Google is part of the group that is trying to kill off the climate legislation coming from Democrats. The carbon footprint from Google and Youtube is huge, particularly the latter, with all the streaming, and Youtube trying to replace cable and satellite TV. Consensus is not science. The biggest hit is to those who use Youtube, attempting to make money.

Why it matters: Social media platforms have immense reach, and they’ve come under fire from activists and some lawmakers globally for doing too little to thwart the spread of inaccurate content.

It’s not quite censorship, but, it’s getting close. The point of these companies is to simply allow the flow of information. Denial simply means “disagrees with us.” They really do not like that.

Exactly. And they’re going to enforce their doomsday cult beliefs regardless. Which might make more people wonder what the cult is suppressing.

Read: Google, Youtube To Stop Ads And Monetization For “Climate Deniers” »

2nd Class Citizens: Woman Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Denied Kidney Transplant

You might have seen some stories on social media about people being denied access to hospitals, and others about doctors saying they won’t treat people who haven’t gotten the Chinese coronavirus vaccine for serious problems. Even though they dealt with un-vaccinated people for a year without them having been vaccinated. This is one of the first I’ve seen where someone was actually denied

Colorado woman who won’t get vaccinated denied transplant

When a Colorado woman found out her hospital wouldn’t approve her kidney transplant surgery until she got the COVID-19 vaccine, she was left with a difficult decision pitting her health needs against her religious beliefs.

Leilani Lutali, a born-again Christian, went with her faith.

Even though she has stage 5 kidney disease that puts her at risk of dying without a new kidney, Lutali, 56, said she could not agree to be vaccinated because of the role that stem cells have played in the development of vaccines.

“As a Christian, I can’t support anything that has to do with abortion of babies, and the sanctity of life for me is precious,” she said.

I’ll be perfectly honest, I wasn’t aware of that argument. And, yes, the three main vaccines did use aborted fetal cells. Sort of

(Nebraska Medicine) Answer from infectious disease expert and practicing Catholic James Lawler, MD

No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. (snip)

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.

Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines I mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.

So, yes, the current fetal cells derive from long ago. How strict does one want to be?

The Vatican and bishops agree. The Vatican has issued clear guidance that permits Roman Catholics in good faith to receive COVID-19 vaccines that use fetal cell lines in development or production. Read the Vatican’s comments on the morality of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

There is no similar statement from a Christian, as in non-Catholic, group, nor Muslim. Yes, Muslims are also refusing to take the vaccine. There have been individual statements, but, not from big leadership groups. I have my opinion on this, but, people need to make their own decisions.

UCHealth requires transplant recipients to be vaccinated because recipients are at significant risk of contracting COVID-19 as well as being hospitalized and dying from the virus, spokesman Dan Weaver said. Unvaccinated donors could also pass COVID-19 to the recipient even if they initially test negative for the disease, he said.

“Studies have found transplant patients who contract COVID-19 may have a mortality rate of 20% or higher,” he said.

Yet, they’ll do transplants for people with other diseases, such as HIV, full blown AIDS, Hepatitis, and others. What happened to doctors doing no harm? These people will live longer, and it is a chance that people take.

To Lutali, a recruiter for tech companies, it seems like her hospital was so insistent on saving her from COVID-19 that is is willing to let her possibly die by blocking her transplant surgery.

Lutali, who does not belong to a denomination, said she does not live in fear of dying because of her belief in the afterlife. She is searching for another hospital, possibly in Texas or Florida, where she could get a transplant without being vaccinated.

I’m surprised she isn’t suing.

Read: 2nd Class Citizens: Woman Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Denied Kidney Transplant »

Good News: CIA To Focus On Climate Emergency (scam)

Good thing there are no real threats out there anymore

From the link

The C.I.A. will embark on a reorganization intended to focus more on China, the agency’s director announced on Thursday.

At the heart of the effort will be a new China Mission Center meant to bring more resources to studying the country and better position officers around the world to collect information and analyze China’s activities.

OK, that’s acceptable. Why they haven’t been more focused on China for decades is beyond me.

Another new center will focus on new technology and global problems like pandemics and climate change. Called the Transnational and Technology Mission Center, part of its mission will be to identify new technologies that could be used by the agency to help collect intelligence and by others against C.I.A. operatives.

Like so many other initiatives by Democrats, ‘climate change’ will end up being their primary focus of the CIA, just like has happened and is happening with federal agencies, where they waste their time on this stuff rather than their core mission.

Read: Good News: CIA To Focus On Climate Emergency (scam) »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is protein wisdom, with a rare post on winning the war on therapeutic nihilism. Hope this means more, since Jeff G. was booted from Twitter.

Read: If All You See… »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Is An Existential Threat To Outdoor Activities

I was going to touch on this ridiculous piece on how electric vehicles cost so much less over time, because, for one thing, people rarely keep their vehicles for 15 years (the average is 4 years). But, this is is more fun in being bat guano insane

Study: Climate change poses an existential threat to outdoor recreation

Covid-19 has brought legions of new enthusiasts to the outdoors, but climate change threatens to send them right back inside.

That’s a key takeaway from a new study, “Global Environmental Change: Climate change and the demand for recreational ecosystem services on public lands in the continental United States,” by Emily J. Wilkins, Yoshimitsu Chikamotoc, Anna B. Miller, and Jordan W. Smith of Utah State University.

In the study’s abstract, its authors argue that while more people are benefiting from outdoor recreation opportunities, “Changes in climatic conditions are likely to shift the spatial and temporal demand for recreational ecosystem services. To date, little is known about the magnitude and spatial variability in these shifts across large geographic extents.” (snip)

In an interview with Wilkins, the study’s lead author, KUNR Morning Edition host Noah Glick asked her to share her key takeaways from the team’s research.

“Across the whole U.S., we were finding that in the summer, as temperatures warm, we would expect to see visitation decrease at many parks and protected areas,” Wilkins said. “I guess, in a lot of places, it’s going to be getting too warm that people are no longer going to want to be visiting in the summer necessarily.”

In other words, demand for recreation on public lands will shift, creating a massive sea change for businesses that cater to outdoor enthusiasts—brands, retailers, adventure guides, and even non-outdoor shops in towns that serve as gateways to national parks and other recreation hotspots.

In other words, the Great Outdoors and everything associated with it is Doomed. In the future. At some point. They don’t know when. Just trust them. Because Doom is coming. They know it. Despite a minimal increase of 1.5F since 1850. And no acceleration of temperatures. And pauses. And that previous Holocene warm periods were warmer. And that a lot of this is simply land use/Urban Heat Island effect. And that these same people refuse to eliminate their own carbon footprints.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Is An Existential Threat To Outdoor Activities »

Los Angeles To Mandate Vaccines For To Have Freedom

I wonder how much business is driven to areas that are not the city of Los Angeles? But, hey, this kinda of Authoritarianism is what you folks vote for out there, so, no complaints

Los Angeles OKs one of strictest US vaccination mandates

Los Angeles leaders on Wednesday approved one of the nation’s strictest vaccine mandates — a sweeping measure that requires the shots for everyone entering bars, restaurants, nail salons, gyms or even a Lakers game.

The City Council voted 11-2 in favor of the ordinance that will require proof of full vaccination for patrons and workers starting Nov. 4.

Mayor Eric Garcetti signed it Wednesday afternoon.

“Vaccinating more Angelenos is our only way out of this pandemic, and we must do everything in our power to keep pushing those numbers up,” Garcetti said in a statement. “These new rules will encourage more people to get the shot, and make businesses safer for workers and customers — so that we can save more lives.

71% in the county, voted for Biden, I suspect that number might be a bit higher in the City of LA proper. Why is there this need to require proof, when 77.6% of LA County residents 12+ have at least one dose? Of course, the thing is, they aren’t vaccinated in full without the second dose. You’d think all these Dem voters would be vaccinated in full, right?

The move came after the City Council postponed a vote last week to deal with concerns ranging from who could be fined for violations to whether employees could end up in fist-fights when they have to serve as vaccine door monitors.

Some critics charge that a mandate would amount to segregation of those who cannot or refuse to be vaccinated. Others call it unenforceable.

Business trade groups have said the city mandate will sow confusion because Los Angeles County’s own vaccine rules — which apply both in Los Angeles and in dozens of surrounding communities — are less sweeping.

What of those who cannot be vaccinated? Those with religious issues? What of those with immunity? Will the city be sending police officers and other city workers out to enforce this? Meh, who cares about the rising crime rate.

Negative coronavirus tests within 72 hours of entry to those places would be required for people with religious or medical exemptions for vaccinations.

Ah. How soon till the are charged by Government for the tests? Want to go to the gym? Get a test every single day.

Council President Nury Martinez has said it is clear that the vaccines work but too many people remain unvaccinated despite widespread availability and door-to-door campaigns to vaccinate more people. She called the mandate “a necessary step towards returning to normalcy” and the lifting of mask requirements and other restrictions.

There’s always something new that’s a “necessary step”, eh? Remember when it was simply herd immunity?

Councilman John Lee also opposed the measure, calling it “punitive toward businesses,” which are required to request customer proof of vaccination. Businesses can be given a warning for a first offense but fined up to $5,000 for repeated violations of the rules, starting on Nov. 29.

Why November 29th? If this is So Darned Important, they’re going to wait over a month and a half? Also interesting that they’re going to wait till the Monday after Black Friday, giving people the chance to shop. Same people are also against any requirement to show your ID to vote.

Read: Los Angeles To Mandate Vaccines For To Have Freedom »

Good News: The Taliban Are Doing Biden’s Job In Getting Americans Out Of Kabul

The media has mostly moved on from Afghanistan, because it doesn’t help Joe’s approval rating, yet, hundreds remain trapped in Afghanistan after all the days, including at least 41 children from the San Juan Unified School District in California.

Why are we relying on elementary-school principals to help get American citizens out of a country run by hostile extremists? America really does expect its educators to do too much. People become teachers and principals because they want to help people, but managing an overseas hostage-rescue operation is asking far too much.

What do we have a federal government for? What is its purpose? What duties should it prioritize? Rescuing American civilians from Taliban territory really seems like a responsibility that should be at the top of the list.

Because this is a mess of Biden’s making, and Biden has more important things, in his mind, to do than rescuing Americans

The Taliban are helping remaining US citizens evacuate from Kabul because ‘they don’t want Americans in their country anyway,’ activist says

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanAn activist helping with the ongoing evacuations of remaining US citizens and visa holders from Kabul, Afghanistan, has said that the Taliban were helping the missions because they “don’t want Americans in their country anyway.”

Project Dynamo is among a handful of civilian-run organizations that have continued evacuation efforts from Afghanistan after foreign forces fully withdrew from the country on or before August 31.

The team has taken on a “massive undertaking” in recent weeks, sifting through the travel documents of some 30,000 people who have applied for help to leave the country, Project Dynamo volunteer Jen Wilson told Insider.

After confirming the paperwork for those eligible to enter the US, the group has to communicate with the Taliban to receive clearance, Wilson said.

She said the process has been a lot easier than expected.

“They want Americans out,” she said, referring to the Taliban. “So when it comes to us moving Americans out of the country, they’re happy to assist. They don’t want Americans in their country anyway.”

Of course, the Biden State Department is making it very tough for Americans to come back to the United States, or even leave Afghanistan, because it makes Surrender Joe look bad. And he is looking bad

(Yahoo News) The YouGov survey of 1,640 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Oct. 1 to Oct. 4, found that Biden’s approval rating has slipped another 3 points since mid-September, to 42 percent — his lowest yet. Meanwhile, half of Americans (50 percent) continue to disapprove of how the president is handling his job.

Perhaps in part reflecting the current impasse on Capitol Hill, fewer Americans now say that “things are headed in the right direction” (28 percent) than at any previous point during Biden’s presidency. Just 37 percent approve of how Biden is “dealing with Congress.” And even fewer Americans (26 percent) now express confidence in Congress itself, down 11 points since September 2020.

Quinnipiac has Surrender Joe at 40% approve, 53% disapprove. The Real Clear Politics average is 44.6/48.7, because it includes some outliers, like the Hill/HarrisX which polled less than 1000. And then

(Business Insider) According to a new Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday, 55% of Americans don’t think the Biden administration is “competent in running the government.” Only 42% of respondents were in favor of the work being done by the administration.

Biden’s approval ratings have also fallen to 38%, with 53% of respondents disapproving of his performance. That’s a 4-point drop from less than one month ago, when a September Quinnipiac poll found Biden’s approval at 42%. From February through August, Biden’s approval hovered between 45% and 50%.

Perhaps leaving Americans behind is not helpful.

Read: Good News: The Taliban Are Doing Biden’s Job In Getting Americans Out Of Kabul »

Who’s Up For Greener Hospitals Or Something?

Perhaps they should be focusing on taking care of patients, rather than ‘climate change’, since the NHS tends to turn away a lot of patients along with long waiting times. The doomsday cult simply wants to take over healthcare

Climate change: NHS staff fighting to make hospitals greener

The Welsh NHS needs to “lead by example” in the fight against climate change to avoid future health problems, say hospital staff trying to cut carbon emissions.

At Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor, staff are volunteering after shifts during Covid-19 to work on green schemes.

Doctors said major overhauls were needed to ensure the health service stops adding to global warming.

NHS Wales boss Dr Andrew Goodall said progress was being made.

The outgoing chief executive added that while the health service was under huge pressure, it must focus on climate change alongside the Covid crisis.

The NHS accounts for about 2.6% of Wales’ emissions of planet-warming gases – a carbon footprint of approximately one million tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year.

They have a Big Commitment, you know. And what are they doing?

The team has planted trees and wildflowers, switched to less polluting anaesthetic gases, and initiated trials of reusable personal protective equipment (PPE). (snip)

There are plans to plant 100 trees, with the idea that some of the hospital’s mental health patients could help with the upkeep as part of their treatment.

So, virtually nothing except climavirtue signalling.

The group has also published cycle-to-work guides for staff to cut down on car fumes and successfully lobbied for new shower facilities.

Not mentioned is whether any in this group are cycling to work themselves, as they try to climashame other employees to do so.

“Just as the health workforce are on the front lines of the pandemic, they’ll likewise be on the front lines of the climate emergency and the health impacts that we see from that,” he said.

Elsewhere in climacrazy (below the fold)

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Read: Who’s Up For Greener Hospitals Or Something? »

If All You See…

…are the colors of a big, carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Patterico’s Pontifications, with a post on ignorant DACA fools creating sympathy for Sinema

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove