Democrats Want Americans Tested And Mandated, Against Testing Illegals

This is the type of vote that needs to be brought up by Republicans next year for the mid-terms: what should have been something simple and commonsense had the Democrats blocking it

House Democrats Block COVID Testing Mandate for Illegal Immigrants

On Wednesday afternoon Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) attempted to bring her REACT Act — which would require a negative Wuhan coronavirus test for any illegal immigrant before they are released from custody — to the House floor for consideration, but 217 Democrats voted to block consideration of the proposal.

“Today, I offered my REACT Act on the House floor, which would require DHS to give a COVID test to everyone crossing our border illegally,” Miller-Meeks Tweeted. “The majority chose to block this commonsense bill that would ensure the health and safety of border patrol and border communities.”

Speaking on the House floor about her bill, Miller-Meeks noted “I have traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border twice this year. On both trips, I spoke with the brave men and women serving in Customs and Border Protection and also the physicians that are stationed there. I saw firsthand the crisis they are facing. I believe that it is our congressional responsibility to address this and support our officers,” she added.

Miller-Meeks first introduced the REACT Act in March of this year, but House Democrats blocked it then, too. Since its introduction, more than 950,000 illegal immigrants crossed America’s southern border, yet Democrats in the House nor President Joe Biden will admit the gravity of their border crisis or its impact on the health and safety of Americans.

This is something that Customs and Border Control, along with other agencies and officials, have asked for. They cannot do it without federal authorization. What is so controversial about this? Why are Democrats blocking it? There should be no politics about it. Why do Democrats not want them tested? What would it hurt? Perhaps they do not want data about how many are coming across with COVID?

The Democrats’ double standard on Wuhan coronavirus prevention protocol could not be more obvious. As Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the Biden administration roll out vaccine mandates for foreign travelers who come to the country legally and require tens of millions of Americans who work for the government or private companies to get vaccinated, they somehow turn a blind eye to the public health crisis brewing amid the illegal immigration crisis along our southern border.

Let’s not forget, Surrender Joe came out with an order, one which is not fully formed yet, to require visitors from other nations to have had the COVID vaccine, and even Americans returning to the country need negative tests. Biden is going to attempt to force companies with 100+ employees to be vaccinated. He’s forcing all federal employees, including the Border Patrol, to be vaccinated. Yet, the people they’re dealing with do not even have to take a test? Where’s the Science in this?

They want to blast Red states like Florida and Texas for not requiring masks and having lower vaccination rates, yet, let illegals not even get a test.

Read: Democrats Want Americans Tested And Mandated, Against Testing Illegals »

We’re Saved: Spain Trots Out “Drowning Girl” Sculpture

We’re still on the spreading awareness and scaremongering, rather than Warmists practicing what they preach

A dramatic new sculpture of a drowning girl in a Spanish river hints at a dark future. It’s titled, ‘Tomorrow.’

On Spain’s northern coast, residents awoke to a shocking sight last week. The head of a young girl was nearly submerged in Bilbao’s Nervion River as the water rose, covering her mouth, nose, and eyes.

The fiberglass sculpture is the work of Mexican hyperrealist artist Ruben Orozco Loza. It’s titled “Bihar,” meaning “Tomorrow” in Basque, the language spoken in the region.

“At first it gave me a feeling of stress, when more of the face was out of the water, but now to me she communicates sadness, a lot of sadness,” Triana Gil, a visitor viewing the sculpture, told Reuters on Tuesday. “She doesn’t even look worried, it’s as if she is letting herself drown.”

Loza does not explicitly say that the “Bihar” refers to climate change — in an email to Insider, he described the piece as a reflection on the decisions we make for future generations more broadly. But it’s hard not to make the connection. The latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that from 1901 to 2018, the world’s seas rose by half a foot on average, and the annual rate of sea-level rise nearly tripled.

If the seas rose half a foot, that is on the lower end of average for the Holocene era, when it should be double to triple that during a warm period.

It took Loza three months to complete the artwork, which he designed and crafted in Mexico with the help of his wife. He then flew it to Bilbao in eight parts, where it was later assembled and brought to the river by boat. A steel structure keeps the 3.5-ton girl submerged, Loza explained.

Hmm, they flew it on a fossil fueled jet?

The survey, which was released by the journal Nature this month but has not yet been peer reviewed, also found that 57% of respondents described climate change as making them feel “powerless.” Another 30% said it made them feel “indifferent.” That’s where Loza’s piece might come in.

“Art leaves no one indifferent. That’s its function,” he said.

You know what’s not indifferent? Data. The closest station to Bilboa, which is on the northern part of Spain at it’s most eastern point, is Santander

La Coruna, also on the north coast of Spain, is similar. Vigo, way down but still on the Atlantic, is similar. All the stations in the Mediterranean are similar. Average rise, no acceleration. So, where does the drowning come into play? Oh, right, doomsday cult.

Read: We’re Saved: Spain Trots Out “Drowning Girl” Sculpture »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on Aussies giving up their guns leading to the end of liberty.

Read: If All You See… »

Ohio Bill Would Make It Easier For Employees To Claim Exemptions To COVID Mandates

This bill takes the middle road

Ohio House bill would expand COVID-19 vaccine mandate exemptions

A new bill that aims to ban employers from requiring workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine is being considered by lawmakers in Ohio.

H.B. 435, also called the “Ohio COVID-19 Fairness Act,” aims to make it easier for people who do not want to get the COVID-19 vaccine to avoid getting one. The bill says public and private employers cannot require it’s employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine that has not received full federal approval.

“Though Pfizer’s vaccine has FDA approval for adults, the bill would allow exemptions for medical reasons, natural immunity defined as “presence of COVID-19 antibodies in an amount at least equal to those conferred by a COVID-19 vaccine,” and religious beliefs.

The exemptions would not apply to people who work in children’s hospitals, intensive care or critical care units or people who start a job after the bill goes into effect.

“Some people want to take away an employer’s right to dictate how people act in the workplace. Others feel like it’s that businesses prerogative like they want you to wear a suit to work,” said Thaddeus Hoffmeister, a law professor at the University of Dayton.

The bill doesn’t ban employers from mandating, as the article makes it seem, it makes sure that people can be exempt for medical and religious reasons, as well as having natural immunity due to having the antibodies from having had COVID, something forgotten so much with all the vaccine mandates. One big component is the religious exemption

In other words, Citizens do not have to jump through hoops to make the claim. And, this seems aimed more at government institutions than private businesses, because Government can be overbearing

Carfagna said the same exemptions apply for students at K-12 schools, public higher education institutions, and private higher education institutions. But they would not apply at children’s hospitals, or for those who work in ICU or critical care.

Only the Pfizer vaccine can be mandated under the bill, since it has full FDA approval and the Moderna and J&J shots are still under emergency use. The exemptions don’t apply at people who work children’s hospitals, or for those who work in ICU or critical care. That’s similar to a law that takes effect October 13 blocking schools and universities from requiring COVID vaccines that don’t have full FDA approval.

The bill also bans proof of vaccinations to come into state buildings or agencies, but allows businesses to use those so-called vaccine passports. The law would expire in June of 2023.

The bill was referred back to committee rather than being voted on, so, we’ll see what happens with it.

Read: Ohio Bill Would Make It Easier For Employees To Claim Exemptions To COVID Mandates »

Warmist George Monbiot Says All Growth, Including Green Growth, Has To Go

It’s funny, because myself and other Skeptics were saying well over a decade ago that one of the things the hardcore Warmists were advocating was a massive reduction in economic activity, turning the clock back to centuries ago, and people said we were nuts. Yet, climate cultists keep telling us they want to do just that

‘Green growth’ doesn’t exist – less of everything is the only way to avert catastrophe

There is a box labelled “climate”, in which politicians discuss the climate crisis. There is a box named “biodiversity”, in which they discuss the biodiversity crisis. There are other boxes, such as pollution, deforestation, overfishing and soil loss, gathering dust in our planet’s lost property department. But they all contain aspects of one crisis that we have divided up to make it comprehensible. The categories the human brain creates to make sense of its surroundings are not, as Immanuel Kant observed, the “thing-in-itself”. They describe artefacts of our perceptions rather than the world.

Nature recognises no such divisions. As Earth systems are assaulted by everything at once, each source of stress compounds the others. (snip through all the yammering about things that are Man’s fault, but, are environmental things, not ‘climate change’)

When we box up this predicament, our efforts to solve one aspect of the crisis exacerbate another. For example, if we were to build sufficient direct air capture machines to make a major difference to atmospheric carbon concentrations, this would demand a massive new wave of mining and processing for the steel and concrete. The impact of such construction pulses travels around the world. To take just one component, the mining of sand to make concrete is trashing hundreds of precious habitats. It’s especially devastating to rivers, whose sand is highly sought in construction. Rivers are already being hit by drought, the disappearance of mountain ice and snow, our extraction of water, and pollution from farming, sewage and industry. Sand dredging, on top of these assaults, could be a final, fatal blow.

Or look at the materials required for the electronics revolution that will, apparently, save us from climate breakdown. Already, mining and processing the minerals required for magnets and batteries is laying waste to habitats and causing new pollution crises. Now, as Jonathan Watts’s terrifying article in the Guardian this week shows, companies are using the climate crisis as justification for extracting minerals from the deep ocean floor, long before we have any idea of what the impacts might be.

So, the “green” economy will trash the environment.

Everywhere, governments seek to ramp up the economic load, talking of “unleashing our potential” and “supercharging our economy”. Boris Johnson insists that “a global recovery from the pandemic must be rooted in green growth”. But there is no such thing as green growth. Growth is wiping the green from the Earth.

We have no hope of emerging from this full-spectrum crisis unless we dramatically reduce economic activity. Wealth must be distributed – a constrained world cannot afford the rich – but it must also be reduced. Sustaining our life-support systems means doing less of almost everything. But this notion – that should be central to a new, environmental ethics – is secular blasphemy.

Cool, a doubleshot of killing off economic activity and Modern Socialist redistribution of Other People’s wealth. He is right one one thing: all these “green” technologies and such are rather bad for the actual environment, a real issue, while meant to solve the fake issue of ‘climate change.’

Read: Warmist George Monbiot Says All Growth, Including Green Growth, Has To Go »

China Joe Admin Prepares For Massive Border Surge If COVID Restriction Lifted

The number of people showing up at the border is already massive, highest in 21 years. These people know that Democrats will do all they can to make them American citizens and Democratic Party voters for free. That they don’t have to do anything but show up. And now

U.S. officials think massive surge at southern border possible if Covid restriction is lifted Thursday

illegal alien DemocratU.S. officials are quietly preparing for what they think could be the biggest surge in traffic at the southern border in decades if a Covid restriction that has blocked most migrants for almost two years is lifted Thursday.

On a call this week with senior Department of Homeland Security officials, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas asked whether the department was prepared for a worst-case scenario in which 350,000 to 400,000 migrants cross the border in October, according to two DHS officials familiar with the conversation.

A number that high would nearly double the 21-year record reached in July, when more than 210,000 migrants crossed the border.

The two DHS officials stressed that the estimate is not based on internal intelligence or calculations, saying it is meant to prepare the agency for what could be an overwhelming number of migrants who cross if a court order that lifts the Covid restriction, known as Title 42, takes effect at the end of the week, as is possible.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled Sept. 16 that use of Title 42, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authority implemented by the Trump administration to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in March 2020, did not give the Biden administration the authority to block asylum-seekers from crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Interestingly, it didn’t stop US officials from blocking the movement of Americans. Also, the Biden admin was mostly using that Title 42 to stop the Haitians, not other border crossers. And, really, all of the border crossers are claiming asylum, despite less than 10% being qualified.

Under Title 42, the Trump administration blocked most asylum-seekers from entering the U.S. and turned them back into Mexico, regardless of their nationalities.

The Biden administration lifted the policy for children who arrived unaccompanied, but it kept it for families and single adults.

In recent months, however, the majority of families and some single adults have been allowed to stay to claim asylum simply because Mexico lacked the capacity to take them back.

Stop enticing them to come. That would be a start, right? But, that cat is already out of the bag, based on decades of Democrats talking about amnesty. If you have to, build big tent cities with big fences and hold them till they get their asylum hearing, then kick them out. Rather than release them with a wink-wink promise to return, especially when so many are sick

Mayorkas: 1-in-5 Border Crossers Arrive to U.S. Sick with Illnesses

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says about 1-in-5 border crossers arriving at the United States-Mexico border are sick with illnesses.

During remarks at Georgetown University this week, Mayorkas revealed the extent to which federal immigration officials are encountering sick border crossers who are carrying viruses and diseases.

“We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20 percent,” Mayorkas said, according to the Daily Mail.

He wasn’t particularly clear whether he was talking specifically about COVID, or with other diseases such as measles, varicella, mumps, tuberculosis, and others, but, the context of the discussion seemed to be about COVID.

Anyhow, this surge should work out well

Border Patrol agents must be vaccinated by Nov or face being fired: Whistleblower

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have been put on official notice by the Biden administration that they must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 1 or face being fired, according to a whistleblower who sounded the alarm to House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

“The people who have been busting their tails, enforcing our law, doing their job on the border – they’re gonna get fired if they don’t take the vaccine,” Jordan told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

Jordan pointed out that migrants entering the U.S. illegally are given the choice as to whether or not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying of the double standard, “That is how ridiculous the Biden administration has become.”

Well, perhaps we could give the illegals non-citizen status if they’ll work all those food industry and other low pay jobs that aren’t being worked now?

Read: China Joe Admin Prepares For Massive Border Surge If COVID Restriction Lifted »

Bummer: China Joe Climate (scam) Agenda Hangs In Balance

Perhaps Surrender Joe could simply put the climate scam stuff in another bill, vote for it on it’s own merits, rather than sticking it in a massive, highly partisan piece of legislation that even has a few Democrats bowing out? Perhaps Joe, his people, and the elected Democrats could show the way and practice what they preach?

Biden’s climate change agenda hangs in balance as Congress debates budget

If Congress passes President Biden’s ambitious plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, he will go down in history as the nation’s first leader to usher in a transformative climate change agenda. But with the scope of the federal budget in limbo, should those measures be cut from the final package, the U.S. will, once again, come up short on helping to avert climate change catastrophe, according to environmentalists.

“The urgency couldn’t be greater,” Matthew H. Davis, senior director of government affairs at the League of Conservation Voters, told Yahoo News. “We need to get our emissions cuts on track to go down by 50 percent by the end of this decade or we will see more summers like this one, in which 1 in 3 Americans experienced a climate-related natural disaster.”

No one is stopping you or the rest of the Warmists. Have at it. Give up your own use of fossil fuels and all the other stuff. If it does pass, Joe will go down in history as the president who cratered the economy, destroyed the energy sector, instituted the biggest increase in federal government power in over a decade, and possibly split apart the Union. Because Republican states will not comply.

While its ultimate fate is unclear, the president’s Build Back Better agenda contains a variety of measures to limit greenhouse gas emissions and move the national economy away from a reliance on fossil fuels. The most significant, in terms of limiting climate change, include the clean electricity performance program, which would reward utility companies for shifting rapidly to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind and penalize them for failing to do so. It would also incentivize the purchase of electric vehicles, put a fee on leaking methane in oil and gas production and give tax breaks for boosting clean electricity production. Failure to sign on to any of those options would likely cause the U.S. to fall short of Biden’s emissions reduction target, according to modeling by a coalition of environmental advocacy organizations and think tanks.

Biden’s goals. Not the goals of the citizens. Let him do something in his own life. He could have taken the train from D.C. to NYC to attend the United Nations meeting, but, instead, took a fossil fueled jumbo jet then flew back, and that trip included a backup jet, multiple fighter jets, helicopter rides, and huge convoys of fossil fueled vehicles, along with a jet which brought his fossil fueled limo.

“Low-cost clean energy and American-made electric cars and trucks are coming off the assembly line,” said Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Fla., who chairs the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

How many members of Congress drive one, and have sold all their fossil fueled vehicles?

In theory, not every policy to address climate change needs to be crammed into a budget bill. However, because congressional Republicans won’t provide any votes for climate action and Senate Republicans now filibuster every significant bill they don’t support, efforts to transition the nation to renewable energy can realistically pass only as part of the budget reconciliation process, in which Democrats can legislate with a simple majority.

It must not be a very popular agenda if they cannot pass this stuff on its own, eh? It’s supposed to be very hard to pass big legislation.

“The Biden-Harris administration and Congress are lining up to do something transformational on climate change,” Davis said. “We believe that negotiations have been positive in the past few days, and we look forward to continuing to highlight for members of Congress and members of the Biden-Harris administration just how important these policies are and just how much the public supports them.”

Transformation is supposed to be extremely hard, and what the Constitution is set up to avoid at a federal level.

Read: Bummer: China Joe Climate (scam) Agenda Hangs In Balance »

If All You See…

…is an evil can of a carbonated beverage causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Free North Carolina, with a post on the threat of China invading Taiwan.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Lied, Generals Told Him To Leave 2,500 Troops In Afghanistan

Before we get to that, let’s see what the Spite House is doing

U.S. bars flight from landing with Americans from Kabul – activists

The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights for a charter plane carrying more than 100 Americans and U.S. green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan, organizers of the flight said.

“They will not allow a charter on an international flight into a U.S. port of entry,” Bryan Stern, a founder of non-profit group Project Dynamo, said of the department’s Customs and Border Protection agency.

Of course, the U.S. government is giving some bullshit answers on “vetting” and stuff, even as the official channels brought in all sorts with zero vetting (not too mention leaving the border wide open)

Generals Contradict Biden, But WH Insists Otherwise

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe Biden administration never expected congressional oversight to be comfortable, but even as lawmakers were busy grilling top military brass Tuesday about their handling of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Jen Psaki said the hearing was necessary and good.

“We feel this is a part of democracy,” the press secretary explained from the White House podium. After all, she continued, President Biden “welcomes the candor” and “welcomes the debate.” That candor is a reflection of his leadership, “and that’s the kind of president that he will continue to be.”

All the same, this hearing was particularly problematic for the president. Just hours before Psaki embraced the oversight, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and the head of U.S. Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that they had recommended keeping at least 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan to prevent the country from collapsing. The obvious problem: Biden had gone on the record in August saying he never got that advice.

The president told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that his military advisers did not recommend leaving a residual force, insisting that “no one said that to me, that I can recall.” Now, the White House says a closer reading of the transcript shows Biden was referring to “a split” between generals who argued a residual force was necessary and those who said it was not. “So, what should everybody take from that?” Psaki asked reporters, setting up the answer to her own question. “There was a range of viewpoints.”

Milley and McKenzie, as their testimony made clear Tuesday, were on the losing side of that argument. Who were the military commanders who won the debate? For now, that remains a mystery.

Someone’s lying. What reason would Milley and McKenzie have for lying? Perhaps there is some CYA, but, if push comes to shove, do they have the proof? The conversation is surely recorded, and there are certainly transcripts and other recordings. We have Biden saying no one told him to leave troops there. Who made the decision to pull the troops leading to the collapse and put American citizens in danger?

Now, just imagine this happened under Trump or a Republican president? It would be front page, top story of all the major media outlets. It’s not even a mention at the NY Times, and, at the Washington Post, no direct headline, just a “contentious Senate hearing.” We’d be seeing something more like

Tragic cost of Biden’s Afghanistan lies: Goodwin

Biden lied, they died.

That’s no longer just an accusation. It’s now a fact, with Tuesday’s Senate testimony shredding President Biden’s nonsensical fictions about Afghanistan and confirming that he alone made the fateful decisions that created the chaotic and deadly withdrawal. 

We now know for certain what was suspected all along — that the president rejected the advice of his top military aides about how to reduce the troop numbers while keeping the Taliban in check. He also falsely claimed to the public that al Qaeda was no longer in Afghanistan and declared the withdrawal a ringing success.

Reluctantly, but clearly, his commanders begged to differ. One by one, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and head of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said they advised the president either to keep 2,500 troops in Kabul or supported the proposal.  (snip)

The immediate impact of his fateful decision for a complete withdrawal by Aug. 31 included the deaths of 13 service members in the airport suicide bomb attack. Had the US kept hold of Bagram Air Base, it almost certainly would have been able to impose better security in the surrounding area and evacuate more Americans and those Afghans we promised to get out.

American citizens were left behind, and all the Afghans who worked with the U.S. and our allies are in danger. Those left alive, of course, since so many have been killed. There would be furious articles, op-eds, and editorials blasting Biden were he a Republican.

Read: Biden Lied, Generals Told Him To Leave 2,500 Troops In Afghanistan »

Bummer: 75% Of Youths Fear For Their Future From Climate Crisis (scam)

When it comes to the Cult of Climastrology, most things have been some degree of failure. They’ve made prognostications that have almost entirely failed over the years. They’ve barely gotten governments and citizens to practice what they preach. They have been very successful in getting schools, politicians, and the media to provide a constant litany of doom and gloom, making the kids fearful and neurotic

Eco-anxiety: 75% of young people say ‘the future is frightening’

Although scientists have been warning of the peril of global warming and climate change for decades, leaders across the world have been slow to respond, casting doubt on humanity’s future. More than anyone else, that future belongs to young people.

According to a new survey led by researchers from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, most young people are worried and angry about what they see ahead. It is a future they feel should have been, and still could be, prevented by an older generation not doing enough to prevent it.

The survey questioned 10,000 young people, aged 16–25 years, in 10 countries. The countries were the U.K., the United States, Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Portugal.

Overall, 75% of young respondents said, “the future is frightening.”

Additionally, 45% said that worry about climate change is affecting their daily lives and functioning. And 59% characterized themselves as extremely worried, while 84% said they were moderately worried.

OK, if the future belongs to the young, let’s slap restrictions on them, say, everyone under 30. No fossil fueled travel, have to live in tiny homes, hit them with lots of carbon taxes. All the stuff in the graphic.

Better yet, let’s hit them with the reality of the situation, that this warm period is nothing unusual, it’s happened many times in the Holocene period alone, and Humanity has done just fine each time. That most of the warming is natural, and a lot more is simply localized from land use and the urban heat island effect. That there are things we can do better, but, that we are not looking at ecocide, mass extinctions, dozens to hundreds of feet of sea rise, catastrophic temperature increases. Everything will be fine. And that people are using the scare of anthropogenic climate change to manipulate the kiddies and have government control their lives. That’s the point of this whole scam.

Read: Bummer: 75% Of Youths Fear For Their Future From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove