Biden Lied, Generals Told Him To Leave 2,500 Troops In Afghanistan

Before we get to that, let’s see what the Spite House is doing

U.S. bars flight from landing with Americans from Kabul – activists

The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights for a charter plane carrying more than 100 Americans and U.S. green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan, organizers of the flight said.

“They will not allow a charter on an international flight into a U.S. port of entry,” Bryan Stern, a founder of non-profit group Project Dynamo, said of the department’s Customs and Border Protection agency.

Of course, the U.S. government is giving some bullshit answers on “vetting” and stuff, even as the official channels brought in all sorts with zero vetting (not too mention leaving the border wide open)

Generals Contradict Biden, But WH Insists Otherwise

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe Biden administration never expected congressional oversight to be comfortable, but even as lawmakers were busy grilling top military brass Tuesday about their handling of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Jen Psaki said the hearing was necessary and good.

“We feel this is a part of democracy,” the press secretary explained from the White House podium. After all, she continued, President Biden “welcomes the candor” and “welcomes the debate.” That candor is a reflection of his leadership, “and that’s the kind of president that he will continue to be.”

All the same, this hearing was particularly problematic for the president. Just hours before Psaki embraced the oversight, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and the head of U.S. Central Command, Gen. Frank McKenzie, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that they had recommended keeping at least 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan to prevent the country from collapsing. The obvious problem: Biden had gone on the record in August saying he never got that advice.

The president told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that his military advisers did not recommend leaving a residual force, insisting that “no one said that to me, that I can recall.” Now, the White House says a closer reading of the transcript shows Biden was referring to “a split” between generals who argued a residual force was necessary and those who said it was not. “So, what should everybody take from that?” Psaki asked reporters, setting up the answer to her own question. “There was a range of viewpoints.”

Milley and McKenzie, as their testimony made clear Tuesday, were on the losing side of that argument. Who were the military commanders who won the debate? For now, that remains a mystery.

Someone’s lying. What reason would Milley and McKenzie have for lying? Perhaps there is some CYA, but, if push comes to shove, do they have the proof? The conversation is surely recorded, and there are certainly transcripts and other recordings. We have Biden saying no one told him to leave troops there. Who made the decision to pull the troops leading to the collapse and put American citizens in danger?

Now, just imagine this happened under Trump or a Republican president? It would be front page, top story of all the major media outlets. It’s not even a mention at the NY Times, and, at the Washington Post, no direct headline, just a “contentious Senate hearing.” We’d be seeing something more like

Tragic cost of Biden’s Afghanistan lies: Goodwin

Biden lied, they died.

That’s no longer just an accusation. It’s now a fact, with Tuesday’s Senate testimony shredding President Biden’s nonsensical fictions about Afghanistan and confirming that he alone made the fateful decisions that created the chaotic and deadly withdrawal. 

We now know for certain what was suspected all along — that the president rejected the advice of his top military aides about how to reduce the troop numbers while keeping the Taliban in check. He also falsely claimed to the public that al Qaeda was no longer in Afghanistan and declared the withdrawal a ringing success.

Reluctantly, but clearly, his commanders begged to differ. One by one, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and head of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said they advised the president either to keep 2,500 troops in Kabul or supported the proposal.  (snip)

The immediate impact of his fateful decision for a complete withdrawal by Aug. 31 included the deaths of 13 service members in the airport suicide bomb attack. Had the US kept hold of Bagram Air Base, it almost certainly would have been able to impose better security in the surrounding area and evacuate more Americans and those Afghans we promised to get out.

American citizens were left behind, and all the Afghans who worked with the U.S. and our allies are in danger. Those left alive, of course, since so many have been killed. There would be furious articles, op-eds, and editorials blasting Biden were he a Republican.

Read: Biden Lied, Generals Told Him To Leave 2,500 Troops In Afghanistan »

Bummer: 75% Of Youths Fear For Their Future From Climate Crisis (scam)

When it comes to the Cult of Climastrology, most things have been some degree of failure. They’ve made prognostications that have almost entirely failed over the years. They’ve barely gotten governments and citizens to practice what they preach. They have been very successful in getting schools, politicians, and the media to provide a constant litany of doom and gloom, making the kids fearful and neurotic

Eco-anxiety: 75% of young people say ‘the future is frightening’

Although scientists have been warning of the peril of global warming and climate change for decades, leaders across the world have been slow to respond, casting doubt on humanity’s future. More than anyone else, that future belongs to young people.

According to a new survey led by researchers from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, most young people are worried and angry about what they see ahead. It is a future they feel should have been, and still could be, prevented by an older generation not doing enough to prevent it.

The survey questioned 10,000 young people, aged 16–25 years, in 10 countries. The countries were the U.K., the United States, Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Portugal.

Overall, 75% of young respondents said, “the future is frightening.”

Additionally, 45% said that worry about climate change is affecting their daily lives and functioning. And 59% characterized themselves as extremely worried, while 84% said they were moderately worried.

OK, if the future belongs to the young, let’s slap restrictions on them, say, everyone under 30. No fossil fueled travel, have to live in tiny homes, hit them with lots of carbon taxes. All the stuff in the graphic.

Better yet, let’s hit them with the reality of the situation, that this warm period is nothing unusual, it’s happened many times in the Holocene period alone, and Humanity has done just fine each time. That most of the warming is natural, and a lot more is simply localized from land use and the urban heat island effect. That there are things we can do better, but, that we are not looking at ecocide, mass extinctions, dozens to hundreds of feet of sea rise, catastrophic temperature increases. Everything will be fine. And that people are using the scare of anthropogenic climate change to manipulate the kiddies and have government control their lives. That’s the point of this whole scam.

Read: Bummer: 75% Of Youths Fear For Their Future From Climate Crisis (scam) »

Dementia Joe Wants 98% Vaccinated Before We Go Back To Normal

Shouldn’t getting back to normal be up to the Citizens of this nation, since elected politicians and our government supposed to be subservient to We The People? Except in some cases, like criminality and law, and others where the Constitution has given them specific power to do certain thing

Joe Biden: We Need Up to 98% Vaccination Rate Before We Go Back to Normal

President Joe Biden said Monday he wanted to get up to 98 percent of Americans vaccinated before the country could go back to normal.

The president was asked by reporters at the White House about what the vaccination rate had to be before the country could return to normal.

“Look, I think we get the vast majority — like is going on in so many – some industries and some schools — 96, 97, 98 percent,” Biden said.

Biden commented after getting and promoting a third coronavirus vaccine “booster” shot from Pfizer in front of the media.

The president noted approvingly that over 77 percent of adults had gotten at least one shot of the vaccine.

That’s a big jump from what everyone was saying before, is it not? Why should any of us not go back to normal if we want to? Those who are vaccinated mostly got the shot to protect ourselves. That’s the point of a vaccine. People take the flu shot not to protect their families, their friends, their coworkers, the people at the places they visit: they take it to hopefully avoid getting flu. Kids are given the smallpox regimen of shots so that they do not get smallpox, not so that they don’t spread it to others. The disease has essentially been eradicated, because the vaccine stops smallpox. If people do not want to get the COVID shots, that’s on them. They can take their chance. And, yes, I do know people who had the shot and got COVID. One coworker is out right now like that.

But, 96-98%? Is this a matter of Joe just speaking Idiot as he so often does, causing his White House handlers to cringe? Or, did Biden let the cat out of the bag on where his admin is going? Because getting that percent is going to be a big, big, stretch, and would mean that Democrats are going to try and keep the authoritarianism going.

Only 45% of Americans Trust Joe Biden to Provide Accurate Coronavirus Information

Only 45 percent of Americans trust President Joe Biden to provide accurate Chinese coronavirus information, according to a Tuesday poll by Axios/Ipsos.

Fifty-three percent of respondents said they have little or no trust in Biden to provide accurate coronavirus information.

The numbers are a reversal from January, when 58 percent trusted Biden on coronavirus and 42 percent did not. Biden has also dropped 11 points among Democrats, and 17 points with independents. Republicans have dropped 10 points.

Americans are also trusting the media less about coronavirus. Only 45 percent trust establishment news networks. Forty-one percent trust establishment national newspapers, and 34 percent trust establishment cable news.

And from that “said” link

The big picture: Americans have become a bit less worried about living their lives. The respondents who see large risk in airline travel, dining out or visiting family and friends are at their lowest shares since mid-July.

But, in fairness, that leads to a deeper dive

Parents with children aged 5-11 are split on whether they will vaccinate their kids when eligible. 44% say they are likely to do so, while 42% are unlikely. This poll was conducted in the immediate days following the announcement that the vaccine works for children in this age group.

This should be up to the parents, but, you know government schools will soon start mandating it

Just over one in ten believe attending in-person gatherings with friends and family (13%) or dining in at a restaurant (12%) poses a large risk to their health, a decrease of five percentage points from two weeks ago when 18% and 17%, respectively, saw these activities as very risky.

Hence, people are living their lives, and government can bugger off. I’ll make my own decisions. Judas Priest recently played in Raleigh, and I really, really wanted to see them again. I first saw them at Live Aid, and have seen them 3 times since. But, I do not really like giant crowds in the first place, and certainly not when COVID is still prevalent, even if everyone is supposed to be vaccinated or got a negative test, and everyone is supposed to wear a mask. I still keep my distance from people I do not know. Customers like creeping up, and I step back. That’s my choice. Not Biden’s.

Read: Dementia Joe Wants 98% Vaccinated Before We Go Back To Normal »

Yet Another California Fire Not Caused By ‘Climate Change’

This seems to be a pattern. They keep Blaming the climate emergency, and we keep finding out that the fires were started by people, intentionally and unintentionally, as well as company ineptitude. Here’s yet another

Via The Other McCain

(NY Post) A California “shaman” is charged with starting a wildfire that is threatening thousands of homes claimed it started by accident — while she was boiling bear urine to drink, according to local reports.

Alexandra Souverneva, 30, faces up to nine years in prison for allegedly sparking the Fawn Fire, which has destroyed 41 homes and 90 smaller structures and is threatening 2,340 others, officials have said. She has pleaded not guilty.

She is now being eyed for possibly starting other fires across the Golden State, according to the Redding Record-Searchlight.

As the fire in Shasta County raged on Wednesday, Souverneva claimed she’d been hiking and trying to get to Canada, according to documents obtained by the outlet.

She told forest officials that she was thirsty and had come across a puddle of what she believed to be bear urine — and tried to make a fire to boil it, according to documents obtained by the outlet.

The Other McCain has quite a bit of information on this wonderful person, including being “registered to vote as a member of the Green Party.” Rather ironic Perhaps she could be a little more careful when starting fires to boil bear urine. Which is probably a bunch of mule fritters, since

(Cal Fire Officer Matt) Alexander said in a report that “there is a high possibility she is responsible” for a fire the previous evening, too.

“It is my experience that arsonists … will light multiple fires in a short timeframe,” Alexander said, according to the paper.

At a press conference, Shasta County District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett said Souverneva had contact with law enforcement in connection to arson “in our county and other counties as well” but did not elaborate.

Sure looks like ‘climate change’, right?

Read: Yet Another California Fire Not Caused By ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon polluting beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post stating Red states should mandate a percentage of gas powered vehicles.

Read: If All You See… »

WRAL Does Some Snitching On Gyms Failing To Enforce The Mask Mandate

Some mask mandates have been reinstated in my area. There’s one for Wake County, which covers the unincorporated areas. Raleigh has one, as does Knightdale. And a few other towns in my area. Some in Wake County said “nope.” Regardless, none of the mandates actually have penalties for non-compliance. Some companies will, some won’t. I know a few who are hardcore about it, and others who don’t care. My gym doesn’t care in the least, and at least half of the members do not bother. And, for those who do wear a mask, they are often pulling it below their nose. WRAL decided to do some snitching, rather than investigating, oh, say, what’s going on in the city, county, and state governments, holding them accountable, which is the entire reason “the press” was mentioned in the 1st

Wearing your mask at the gym? Depends on where you work out.

Since Raleigh officials put a local mask mandate back into effect last month, city staff have visited about 30 businesses to check on compliance after receiving complaints. No citations have been issued to date.

WRAL Investigates checked out some local gyms, including Crunch Fitness in the Village District, after receiving complaints about mask non-compliance.

There wouldn’t be, as there are no penalties, unlike the previous mask mandate. Perhaps the snitches could go elsewhere.

Only two people other than a WRAL producer and the Crunch employee providing a tour were seen wearing masks inside the Raleigh gym. Everyone else was working out without the required face covering.

“The sign’s up everywhere, but no one’s following it. It’s sad, but it’s the state of things,” health care professional Joshua Smalls said as he went to workout.

Smalls, who had his mask on even before going inside, said he feels wearing a mask is the right thing to do.

“I think they’re definitely a benefit. I trust the CDC’s guidance,” he said. “It’s not a trial for me to wear a mask. I don’t think it’s hard.”

So wear it yourself, stop enforcing your beliefs on everyone else, especially when cloth masks work, at best 10% in stopping COVID.

WRAL Investigates also checked CrossFit Brave in Cary. While the gym’s back doors were open to help with air circulation, people there also were working out without masks.

Hey, perhaps WRAL should go over to the State House and Raleigh town hall, see if the lawmakers and employees are playing mask theater, wearing them in public and taking them off in private.

A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association supports the notion that gyms are hot spots for coronavirus transmission.

In a Chicago gym, 68 percent of participants in a high-intensity class became infected when masks were optional. In Honolulu, a spinning class instructor and 10 participants all tested positive for the virus after the instructor taught a class just hours before showing symptoms. Closer to home, Find a Way Fitness, in Raleigh, experienced its own outbreak in December.

Yet, if this were the case, why are so few gyms mentioned? There were none at my gym. Nor at the ones that many people I know go to. You haven’t heard about big outbreaks, have you? For those of us who are vaccinated, we’ll take the chance. That’s the point of the vaccine.

Read: WRAL Does Some Snitching On Gyms Failing To Enforce The Mask Mandate »

Illinois To Ban Fossil Fuels By 2045 Or Something

It would be funny as hell if the fossil fuels companies said “oh, you want to ban our products? OK, guess you don’t need them now. We won’t be importing any of those products to your state starting now.” Perhaps the fossil fuels companies could start with just a few cities, such as the state capitol of Springfield and the dangerous city of Chicago, add in Aurora, Joliet, and Naperville, which have the largest populations in the state behind Chicago. Let’s see how that works out. No more airplanes, no more trucks full of goods and foods. No heating oil as winter comes.

Illinois becomes 1st Midwestern state to pass a law to phase out fossil fuels

st greta carAt a time when the Midwest is being battered by more severe storms due to climate change, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a landmark law this month that will transition the state to 100 percent clean energy by 2045, with benchmarks along the way.

While the effort has largely escaped national media attention, it is especially noteworthy for three reasons: Illinois is the first state in the coal-heavy Midwest to commit to eliminating carbon emissions; the plan received some Republican support; and it includes programs to ensure economic and racial equity.

“What we’ve now done is made it clear that [fossil fuels] are not in Illinois’s future,” Jack Darin, director of the Illinois chapter of the Sierra Club, told Yahoo News.

Of course, so much of this will be forgotten by 2045. Because this is more about climavirtue signaling. But, how do they expect to replace all the coal and fossil fuels?

One of the reasons that Illinois can afford to be so much more aggressive is that it has the largest nuclear energy fleet in the nation, so it can stop burning coal and natural gas for power even if renewables aren’t ready to meet 100 percent of demand.

Is natural gas not a fossil fuel? Are climahysterics and extreme enviros not against its use? Yes, yes they are. They want the use of natural gas banned, which is why you are seeing so many climate cult pushes to ban the use of natural gas run stoves, heating systems, fireplaces, and boilers/heaters. Nuclear? The same people are mostly against the use of nuclear, and certainly do not want new plants built.

But Illinois isn’t just going to boost nuclear: The law will double the subsidies for renewable sources of energy, to around $580 million per year.

Yes, because wind works well when they’re frozen and solar is fantastic when covered with snow. Do they actually think those two can provide power for Chicago? Good luck! I’m going to skip by the typical climate justice section

And while environmentalists are singing the law’s praises, there are a few key components of climate action that it does not fully address, including emissions from transportation and coal mining. Still, it is considered a first step in a process that begins with cleaning up the power sector, then moves on to electrifying other major sources of emissions, like home heating and industrial processes.

Another part is how this will actually work, especially considering what to do with the airports and ships and trucks, needed to bring in products and goods, including food. Good luck!

The law includes provisions for statewide building codes to improve efficiency and begin electrification of heating. Illinois drivers can get a $4,000 rebate if they buy an electric car, with the state goal of reaching a million electric vehicles on Illinois roads by 2030. Still, that’s a long way from being carbon-neutral in a state with close to 13 million residents, but the bill’s backers say Illinois will take more action on other aspects of the climate fight, such as transportation, in the near future.

Forcing people to spend money on their homes. A rebate is not actually money. Most people cannot afford an EV. How will you charge them? They’ll let you know later about how they will get food and goods to the state. Good luck! Oh, and since y’all voted for it, don’t leave Illinois. Stay and reap the outcome.

Read: Illinois To Ban Fossil Fuels By 2045 Or Something »

Republicans Block Democrats Bill To Raise Debt Limit

Of course, the media is complaining about this, because when Democrats block Republicans when Republicans are in the majority everything is OK

Senate Republicans Filibuster Government Funding Bill Over Debt Ceiling Provision With Three Days Until Shutdown

Senate Republicans Monday filibustered Democrats’ bill to fund the government and suspend the debt ceiling, days before a potential federal shutdown and possible debt default.

Republicans vowed for weeks to oppose a debt ceiling increase and urged Democrats to put the provision in their filibuster-proof $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. But Democrats have thus far refused to do so, and with their bill’s failure Monday, Congress now has just three days to pass a new funding bill to avoid a government shutdown set to begin Friday at midnight.

Speaking on the Senate floor ahead of the 48-50 vote, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer lambasted Republicans and alleged that they were throwing the country “toward unnecessarily, avoidable disaster.” Schumer changed his vote to “no” at the last second, allowing him to bring the funding bill back up at a later date.

Blah blah blah. Democrats whine, too, even though they do the same thing. Here’s an idea: stop spending way more money than you take in.

“We will support a clean, continuing resolution that will prevent a government shutdown, get disaster relief to Louisiana, help properly vetted Afghan refugees who put themselves on the line for America and support the Iron Dome assistance for our ally Israel,” McConnell said. “We will not provide Republican votes for raising the debt limit.”

Republicans’ objections stem from the Democrats’ budget itself. If they have the power to and are planning on pushing it through Congress without GOP input, they argue, then they should be responsible for raising the limit on their own. Most estimates say it must be raised before mid to late October in order to avoid a default.

“Bipartisanship is not a light switch, a light switch that Democrats can flip on when they need to borrow money, and switch off when the want to spend money,” McConnell added. “The debt suspension that expired in August covered all the debt that had been accumulated to that point. This is an argument about the future.”

That’s a good point: why would Republicans vote for a bill that paves the way for the Democrats $3.5 trillion 100% partisan bill, especially when Democrats work to gum up the works when Republicans are the majority party, even though Republicans usually ask for Democratic Party input on these types of bills. When Dems are the majority, they suddenly say they want bipartisanship. Which, of course, means, Republicans voting for the insane Dem bills while being allowed no input.

Read: Republicans Block Democrats Bill To Raise Debt Limit »

Bummer: Small Islands Caught Between Tourism And Climate Doom

This has been mentioned many times, namely, that so many island nations who want all sorts of climate cash make a huge chunk of their GDP, in many cases the majority, off of tourism. Meaning tourists fly in on fossil fueled jets and expect modern amenities in nice rooms. These islands, heck, even places like Hawaii, cannot survive without fossil fuels, as they also need fossil fueled jets and ships to bring them goods and food.

Small islands caught between tourism economy, climate change

Come visit the Maldives, its president entreated the world at this year’s United Nations General Assembly, moments before switching to an impassioned plea for help combating climate change. The adjacent appeals illustrated a central dilemma for many small island developing states: their livelihoods, or their lives?

The United Nations recognizes 38 member states, scattered across the world’s waters, as small island developing states grouped together because they face “unique social, economic and environmental challenges.”

This bloc is particularly vulnerable to climate change. This bloc is also particularly dependent on tourism — a significant driver of climate change, accountable for 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions alone, according to sustainable tourism expert Stefan Gössling — and an industry devastated by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The predicament these islands find themselves in is essentially recursive: Attract tourism for economic survival, which in turn contributes to climate change, which in turn bleaches the colorful reefs and destroys the pristine beaches that attract tourists. As is, by the end of the century, these low-lying islands could drown entirely.

“The difference between 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees is a death sentence for the Maldives,” President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih told the U.N. General Assembly last week.

They could give up their tourism business, right? Nope, they want climate cash. The small islands are whining about this and climate doom yet again, because the next Conference on the Parties is coming up in November. It just goes to show that most Warmists refuse to practice what they preach.

The decisive decade for climate change

In a subscriber-only live event, Oliver Morton, The Economist’s Briefings senior editor, and Catherine Brahic, Environment editor, discuss the recent findings of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report which has delivered the starkest warning yet about climate change. They also look ahead to the upcoming COP26 negotiations and discuss their expectations of this critical conference. You can watch the conversation in full below.

Every decade is the decisive one. It is interesting that you have journalists talking with journalists about their journalistic viewpoints, eh?

Read: Bummer: Small Islands Caught Between Tourism And Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is an inland sea created by carbon pollution fueled extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on generals then and now.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove