Vax Mandate: Swiss Guards Leave Vatican, D.C. Has Lots Of Holdouts

This is a rather wild one

Swiss Guards leave corps in order to avoid Vatican vaccine mandate

Three members of the Vatican’s Swiss Guard have voluntarily left the corps after refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19, defying the Vatican’s mandate, AP reports.

Driving the news: Last week, the Vatican ordered all employees to get vaccinated or submit to testing, with the new policy going into effect on Oct. 1.

Employees unable to provide proper documentation will be considered “unjustly absent” and receive no salary.

The big picture: The Swiss Guards have been asked to be vaccinated “to protect their health and that of the others they come into contact with as part of their service,” Lt. Urs Breitenmoser, a spokesperson for the Swiss Guard, told AP.

Meh, just three, but, couldn’t they claim a religious exemption? They’re at the Vatican, after all.

2,500 DC health care workers miss vaccine mandate deadline, as many firefighters seek religious exemptions

Washington, D.C., city officials said nearly 2,500 health care workers have failed to comply with their COVID-19 mandate deadline requiring at least one dose of the inoculation by Thursday. Nearly 70% of those health care workers who have not yet been vaccinated have requested religious exemptions.

City Administrator Kevin Donahue said the largest number of exemption requests have come from the D.C. Fire and EMS Department, The Washington Post reported. About 267 of the agency’s some 2,000 employees have sought some type of exemption from the vaccine mandate, with the vast majority of that group citing their religion. All 20 requests which have been reviewed so far have been rejected.

Will that rejection of religious exemption lead to lawsuits, or the employees just saying “the hell with it, I’m moving, D.C. can deal with the staff shortages”? It might be lawsuits, because it is not that easy to move these days, not with the cost of housing skyrocketing. Also, it’s weird that a city that votes heavily Democrat has so many holdouts.

Donahue said 89% of all D.C. government employees had reported their vaccination status by Thursday afternoon, with 75% reporting that they were fully vaccinated. During a call Friday, D.C. City Council member Elissa Silverman suggested that the city health department might eliminate the religious exemption for the vaccine mandate, arguing possible abuse.

But members of the DC Firefighters Bodily Autonomy Affirmation Group, which is made up of members who hold Christian, Jewish and Muslim beliefs, insist that their requests for religious exemptions coincide with genuine expressions of their faith, which has comforted them during the pandemic. The group has retained legal counsel should their requests be denied.

Has the City Council read the 1st Amendment? Do they even care?

That mandate (for health workers) applies to some 82,000 licensed health care workers, not including fire department personnel, city officials said.

But just 51,000 licensed health care workers had reported their vaccination status by Friday morning – about 49,000 of which said they had received one or more doses of the vaccine, The Washington Post reported. Meanwhile, some 1,640 licensed health care workers reported that they had not started a dosage – and 75% of that group said they are seeking a religious exemption.

Strange that so many health professionals are holding off.

Donahue said each exemption request must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis under federal law, and there is an appeals process, WTOP reported. But firefighters whose requests are ultimately denied might face termination. Other health care workers might face having their medical licenses revoked. Those workers who might appeal the decision will continue to be subjected to weekly testing.

Taking away an earned medical license for refusing to take a vaccine that is essentially in the testing phase? Where we don’t know the long term effects, or, really, even the short term effects? I’m pro-vaccine, but, I understand their concerns.

Read: Vax Mandate: Swiss Guards Leave Vatican, D.C. Has Lots Of Holdouts »

Who’s Up For A More Radical Climate (scam) Movement Or Something

Anyone who thinks Leftist movements can’t get even more radical hasn’t been watching. We thought they couldn’t get more crazy and more extreme during the first term of Bush43. The second term was even crazier. And they ramped that up even more during the Obama admin. And even more during the Trump admin. There is no “turning the amp to 11”, because they keep adding numbers to the amplifier. They always find a way to go more moonbat

The case for a more radical climate movement
Author Andreas Malm on the failures of climate activism and the need for escalation.

Has the climate movement failed?

It’s hard to look at the world at this moment and not conclude that the answer is yes. Despite all the activism, despite all the protests, despite all the warnings, the world is still in many ways hostage to the fossil fuel industry.

Here’s a solution: all you climate cultists can stop driving fossil fueled vehicles. Stop taking fossil fueled travel. Practice what you preach. If most members refuse to do anything in their own lives, that’s pretty much saying “we don’t really believe what we’re saying.”

A new book by Andreas Malm, a professor of human ecology at Sweden’s Lund University, asks a simple but perplexing question: Given the stakes, why hasn’t the global climate movement become far more radical than it is?

It’s a fair question. If we as a species were serious, if we really believed what we already know about climate change, we would be doing everything humanly possible to shift course. And yet we’re not. Even the most ambitious policy proposals on the table, with little chance of passing, are scarcely sufficient. This is the starting point of Malm’s book, and if you follow his logic it leads to some conclusions you may find uncomfortable.

He says it bluntly: We should “[d]amage and destroy new CO2-emitting devices. Put them out of commission, pick them apart, demolish them, burn them, blow them up. Let the capitalists who keep investing in the fire know that their properties will be trashed.” For Malm, we have a choice: Destroy the property that’s destroying the planet, or sacrifice the Earth on the altar of that property.

Malm’s book — it’s titled How to Blow Up a Pipeline — is obviously meant to provoke. But embedded in the provocation is a morally serious challenge to how we think about, and act on, the crisis humanity faces. And to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure how I feel about it. For instance, I think his summons to violence vastly overstates our ability to “control” such violence once it’s unleashed. I’m also less confident in the strategic utility of violence (even if it’s limited to the destruction of property, as Malm recommends) considering the enormous blowback that might result from it.

The thing is, Vox writer Sean Illing may have reservations, but, the violence has already started. Pipelines have already been attacked. And lunatics are doing things like throwing fake blood at buildings, gluing themselves to trucks and other transportation methods, dumping manure in the streets, completely shutting down transportation routes and streets. Look at Extinction Rebellion: do they look sane and reasonable? Do they look like they could snap into violence in a heartbeat?

Of course, this might drive people away from the climate cult. People in the U.K. are pretty unhappy with them right now as they disrupt the streets during rush hour and the delivery of petrol. This could backfire hugely. They’ve spent 30+ years spreading awareness, and more and more people are recognizing they’re all climahypocrites, and that this is all about creating a Fascist, controlling, domineering government.

Read: Who’s Up For A More Radical Climate (scam) Movement Or Something »

JoeConomy: Broken Supply Chain Expected To Last Through 2022

Here’s one from NPR from September 24th, saying it is a terrible time to be buying a car

The result is a severe car shortage: Auto-sales site CarGurus reports inventory levels are down 64% over last year. And that has driven average prices up by thousands of dollars in just a few months.

My dealership would usually have 600-800 new, well over 100 certified used. We now have around 2-4 new that are not spoken for, and may 10 certified. And this is expected to last into summer 2022 if not 2023. And then we get

Inside America’s broken supply chain

Where's Joe BidenThe commercial pipeline that each year brings $1 trillion worth of toys, clothing, electronics and furniture from Asia to the United States is clogged and no one knows how to unclog it.

This month, the median cost of shipping a standard rectangular metal container from China to the West Coast of the United States hit a record $20,586, almost twice what it cost in July, which was twice what it cost in January, according to the Freightos index. Essential freight-handling equipment too often is not where it’s needed, and when it is, there aren’t enough truckers or warehouse workers to operate it.

As Americans fume, supply headaches that were viewed as temporary when the coronavirus pandemic began now are expected to last through 2022.

Dozens of cargo vessels stuck at anchor off the California coast illustrate the delivery disruptions that have become the signature feature of the recovery, fueling inflation, sapping growth and calling into question the global economic model that has prevailed for three decades.

Today’s twisted supply chain is forcing companies to place precautionary orders to avoid running out of goods, which only compounds the pressure. Consumers are confronting higher prices and spot shortages of cars, children’s shoes and exercise gear, as the holiday shopping season looms.

Through 2022, which probably means deep into 2023

Fallout from the once-in-a-century health crisis is the chief culprit behind soaring freight bills and delivery delays. Americans trapped at home slashed spending at restaurants, movie theaters and sporting events and splurged on goods such as laptops and bicycles, triggering an import avalanche that has overwhelmed freight channels.

But the pandemic also exposed weaknesses in the nation’s transport plumbing: investment shortfalls at key ports, controversial railroad industry labor cuts, and a chronic failure by key players to collaborate, according to interviews with more than 50 individuals representing every link in the nation’s supply chain.

“It’s like an orchestra with lots of first violins and no conductor. . . . No one’s really in charge,” said Fran Inman, a Los Angeles-based commercial real estate executive who has advised government agencies on supply issues.

Normally, this orchestra with no conductor works just fine. The Chinese coronavirus caused major problems with this, obviously, and now it’s hard to get back on track, especially with COVID raging in areas where production occurs.

When the supply chain works, goods flow continuously, as if borne along by a river. Today, one bottleneck follows another. The problems are especially acute on the Asia-to-U.S. trade route.

It’s a pretty detailed, long piece by the Washington Post, explaining just what’s going on, what should be going on, and how it’s disrupted. A piece that fails to ask “what the hell is the Biden administration doing?” Where is the Biden admin? This is exactly the type of issue for which the federal government could come in and coordinate all the various players, much in the way FEMA is supposed to operate during emergencies, coordinating all the communications between local and state governments to other local and state governments, as well as federal agencies, plus the energy companies which dispatch employees and trucks and material to other states. Bringing in aid and setting the distribution lines. They aren’t there to do everything, it’s coordination and communication.

Why is this not occurring? What is the Biden admin doing? We never hear any news on how they’re trying to help, and a web search finds virtually nothing. It’s being ignored. Instead, Biden is pushing his hardcore leftist agenda, forcing compliance with vaccine mandates, running off to Camp David or Delaware every weekend, Kamala is flying to Palm Springs for something secret with no press and no transparency. None of his people seem to be doing anything. While Trump was focused on the economy, on getting things moving again, Biden is doing a whole lot of nothing.

Read: JoeConomy: Broken Supply Chain Expected To Last Through 2022 »

Your Fault: Jet Stream Moving North From Climate Emergency

Hey, remember how the climate cultists said that the jet stream was moving south because of ‘climate change’? Like

The idea, first put forth in a 2012 paper by Jennifer Francis, now at the Woodwell Climate Research Center, and Stephen Vavrus, at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is that two well-established trends — Arctic amplification (intensified global warming at higher latitudes) and depleted sea ice — can force the polar jet stream to dip farther south, thus causing more intense bouts of winter weather than might have otherwise occurred.

Over the past decade, this hypothesis sparked widespread public interest and scientific debate, as various high-profile cold waves and snow onslaughts hit North America and Eurasia, including a deadly, prolonged cold wave in Texas last February.

I can find plenty more of that in my archives and other sites. See, the jet stream was dipping south, causing Bad Winter Weather. But, now

The jet stream has started an unprecedented shift north, which could wreak havoc on weather in the US and Europe

Unprecedented? We know this how, exactly? Do we have specific scientific data from previous warm, and cool, Holocene periods? Oh, right, right, this isn’t about science, it’s about a doomsday cult trying to scare people into giving up their money and freedom (interestingly, these same people never think this will happen to themselves, just Other People)

But according to a recent study, the jet stream is shifting north as global temperatures rise. That’s because the delicate balance of warm and cold air that keeps the stream in place is getting disturbed. If greenhouse-gas emissions continue unabated, the study found, the jet stream will break out of its normal range by 2060.

“The ‘onset’ of the jet stream’s northward migration may have already begun,” Matthew Osman, a researcher at the University of Arizona’s Climate Systems Center who co-authored the study, told Insider.

“May have”? It is or it isn’t. The article is saying that it has started. A co-author is saying it might have begun. What’s the purpose of the study if they don’t know?

That would wreak havoc on weather in the northern hemisphere, bringing more extreme events like droughts and heat waves to southern Europe and the eastern US. More rain and flooding are expected in northern parts of Europe and Scandinavia, Osman said.

Sorry, I forget, the data and results are immaterial, it’s about the scaremongering.

Osman noted that the jet stream is capricious; the band’s location is constantly shifting as the temperature differential that causes it fluctuates. But his study took the long view, examining the stream’s location over the last 1,250 years. To reconstruct that past behavior, the researchers looked at ice core samples from 50 sites on the Greenland Ice Sheet that date back to the 8th century. The cores revealed how much snow had fallen, and when.

Then, using climate models, the team simulated where the jet stream might move over the next four decades if greenhouse-gas emissions continue at their present rate. The results showed that the wind band’s current movement threatens to exceed any previous shift.

So, they didn’t use actual measurements nor observations of the jet stream, they took ice cores from one small place, and then used models?

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

It’s also completely counterintuitive to what the cult has been telling us for years. And, if this becomes the norm, how will they blame Bad Winter Weather on the jet stream? Yes, yes, you’re right, they’ll find a way.

Read: Your Fault: Jet Stream Moving North From Climate Emergency »

If All You See…

…is a machine of war made more necessary because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the deadliest pandemic in history.

It’s ladies in and out of uniform week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Art Frahm Golf

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the windows are open for some fresh air, and we’re already in October. This pinup is by Art Frahm, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Free North Carolina discusses Biden’s approval rating in NC
  2. Gates Of Vienna covers the “Green Pass” being unconstitutional
  3. Geller Report News highlights school boards wanting Biden to treat protesting parents as domestic terrorists
  4. IOTW Report covers Comrade Bernie being mocked for not understand how our system of government works
  5. Irons In The Fire notes our idiot, and Israel hating, VP
  6. Jihad Watch highlights the Taliban issuing ultimatums to Biden
  7. Moonbattery covers a KKK note writer being outed as a black woman
  8. Pacific Pundit notes how far Biden’s approval rating has dropped with black people
  9. Powerline discusses a poll on Biden resigning
  10. Raised On Hoecakes features vaccinations as “infrastructure”
  11. The Gateway Pundit covers science and medicine now being political weapons
  12. The Last Refuge notes that forced vaccination now includes spouses
  13. The Lid discusses Biden nominating a Soviet Union fangirl as US bank regulator
  14. The Right Scoop wonders about the purpose of the mask
  15. And last, but not least, Weasel Zippers notes the Insane Left going after Sinema

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Dementia Joe Puts Pressure On Companies To Implement Vaccine Mandates

It’s actually interestingly difficult to find front page stories about Joe Biden at major media outlets. The NY Times has a whopping 2 mentions of Biden’s name for their Sunday edition. One is about who’s playing Biden on SNL, the other is actually hidden. The Washington Post has the most, with 7 mentions, but, only a few are about Biden. There are 6 mentions of Trump. The dude is the president, right? No mention of Biden escaping to Delaware for the weekend yet again, even with his agenda in chaos and freefall. Anyhow, digging deeper, we find the big point of Biden’s vaccine mandate

Biden presses companies to get ahead of vaccine mandate

President Biden is pushing companies to get ahead of the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate by imposing their own mandates amid simmering concerns that some employees will quit when the national requirement takes effect.

Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for businesses with 100 or more workers is still being crafted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), prompting the administration to fill that time by encouraging more employers to implement their own vaccination rules beforehand.

Companies taking that step are getting a shout-out from the White House.

“We’re touting companies as far reaching as United Airlines to Tyson’s Foods who are leading their industries on putting forth requirements that are going to help keep their workplaces safe and their business strong and consistent. Economists from across the board agree that requirements will help in our recovery,” a White House official told The Hill.

When asked why the administration would rather see companies come out now with their own mandates instead of waiting until the OSHA ruling, the official said, “There is no reason to wait to put forth these requirements and we encourage every company to do what will boost vaccinations.”

OK, so, it’s not actually Biden doing this, since he’s barely lucid. It’s White House staff.

White House chief of staff Ron Klain has praised United Airlines, AT&T and other companies for their vaccine mandates. He tweeted an article that said United had less than one percent of employees refuse to get the vaccine following its mandate. (snip)

“There have been — some of these companies have been much bigger, larger companies, where they have effectively implemented these mandates and requirements. And for the most part, we have not seen a mass exodus of employees,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Wednesday. “Yes, individuals have decided not to get vaccinated and then have therefore not, no longer been employed. That’s nobody’s preference.”

It’s very strange that there’s no mention of Biden actually reaching out to any companies to thank them or congratulate them or something. No quotes, no direct mentions. Where is this guy? What does he actually do? Anyway, there a plenty of mentions of companies worried about losing more employees while they’re already shorthanded during the #BidenEconomySucks.

“If employers know OSHA is going to issue a standard requiring certain safety measures, employers start to comply ahead of the requirement. You see this with most OSHA standards — that often by the time it is issued, many employers have complied or are on their way,” said Debbie Berkowitz, chief of staff and senior policy adviser for OSHA during the Obama administration.

And therein is the point, which I believe I mentioned when Surrender Joe first announced this: to get as many employers to implement a mandate before OSHA’s rule (nice that Biden announced it before the rule was even written. Heck, do they even know if they have the authority to do this?) is rolled out, and the lawsuits start, and you know there will be judges who put it on pause. Seriously, how will OSHA even enforce it?

Given how small and chronically understaffed OSHA is, the idea of snitching on someone in your office is actually not that far from reality.

Employee complaints are an important part of enforcement given how few inspectors the government has, says Rich Fairfax, a safety consultant with the National Safety Council who spent 36 years at OSHA, including as head of enforcement.

According to OSHA, there are about 1,850 federal and state inspectors covering some 8 million worksites nationwide.

In addition to responding to complaints, Fairfax thinks inspectors will simply add Covid-related tasks to their to do lists — looking to see if a company is keeping vaccination records and running a testing program — when they’re already inside the workplace checking up on safety hazards or incidents.

So, even if rolled out and allowed to stand, OSHA will pretty much be relying on snitches.

Read: Dementia Joe Puts Pressure On Companies To Implement Vaccine Mandates »

Nations Urged To Heed Climate Activists Demands To Do Stuff The Activists Won’t Do

How about nations listen to all those who do not want higher taxes, higher cost of living, higher energy prices, and more government control over our lives rather than those who refuse to practice what they preach?

Nations urged to heed climate activists’ demands for bold action

climate cowThe world’s major economies must do more at the upcoming United Nations COP26 climate summit in Scotland to show they are serious about wanting to tackle global warming and heed the warnings of young activists, policymakers said on Saturday.

COP26 President Alok Sharma said there was renewed urgency in the climate debate following preparatory talks in Milan where thousands of youth activists, including Greta Thunberg, urged governments to match words with action and stump up billions of dollars to wean the world off fossil fuels.

“We had a very constructive set of discussions and there was a real sense of urgency in the room,” Britain’s Sharma told reporters after the meeting in Italy’s financial capital.

“The energy that came forward from the [youth] did galvanise the ministers,” Sharma said. “As we go forward in the next few weeks and into the COP, we must always keep [their] voices … in our minds.”

Blah blah blah. People who are massive climahypocrites yammering about forcing Other People to do something. Show us you believe this is real, as in “mostly/solely caused by Mankind”, but massively changing your own lives, and I might believe you, rather than think you have ulterior motives.

Read: Nations Urged To Heed Climate Activists Demands To Do Stuff The Activists Won’t Do »

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic water bottle, you just might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on how COVID poses a tiny threat to school kids.

Read: If All You See… »

This Is Insane: Staff Stops Dementia Joe From Taking Questions From Fellow Democrats

This is not normal. Seriously, Joe barely took questions during the campaign. Since taking office, he has taken fewer and fewer questions from reporters, usually walking away as of late. And now

Report: WH Staff Veto Joe Biden, Keep Him from Taking Democrat Lawmakers’ Questions

President Joe Biden’s staff members prevented the president from taking questions during a Democrat caucus meeting on Capitol Hill, amid high-stakes negotiations that have imperiled his multi-trillion-dollar agenda and exasperated the schism between the party’s corporatist and socialist factions.

Politico reporter Sarah Ferris said Biden offered to take questions from Democrat lawmakers upon concluding his remarks, but his staff members “jumped in.”

“He didn’t take any questions,” she said.

Sources told Ferris and a second Politico reporter, Heather Caygle, that Biden discussed a topline range between $1.9 trillion and $2.3 trillion in spending.

“Even a smaller bill can make historic investments,” the president reportedly told Democrats, saying that the infrastructure bill “ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation.”

Joe was talking to fellow elected Democrats, including the leadership, in a closed door meeting, and his staff would still not let him take questions. Remember this?

It’s normal for Joe to not take questions, but, it’s becoming more and more prevalent for him to not take them, and for his people to stop anyone from asking him questions. Something is wrong with him.


America thinks the unthinkable: More than half of Trump voters and 41% of Biden supporters want red and blue states to SECEDE from one another and form two new countries, shock new poll finds

Many breathed a sigh of relief when President Biden was elected, not for policy but for a reunification of the country after four years of tumult and fiery division under President Trump. But eight months into the new presidency, America’s deep disunity might not be letting up.

A new poll has revealed that political divisions run so deep in the US that over half of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union, and 41% of Biden voters want blue states to split off.

According to the analysis from the University of Virginia‘s Center for Politics, 52% of Trump voters at least somewhat agree with the statement: ‘The situation is such that I would favor [Blue/Red] states seceding from the union to form their own separate country.’ Twenty-five percent of Trump voters strongly agree.

I’m actually surprised that the numbers are so low. I would have expected them to be higher. And, lest any Dems caterwaul, remember, they were talking about succession while Bush43 and Trump were president. But, this is getting a lot more serious. It’s moved from the realm of conspiracy theory to “there’s no reconciliation, we are just too different.” During lockdown I read a serious of zombie books (love a good zombie book) by BD Lutz called The Divided America Zombie Apocalypse. The background was America going through what was called The Big Split, leading to Blue States United (BSU) and Right America (RAM). Kinda hit home. Good series. Liberals won’t like it, but, Lutz doesn’t overdo the politics, which would distract from the storyline. It does seem possible now, though. Not the zombies, but, the split.

Read: This Is Insane: Staff Stops Dementia Joe From Taking Questions From Fellow Democrats »

Pirate's Cove