Your Fault: Today’s Kids Will Experience Three Times More Climate Disasters Or Something

So, you wanted to take a fossil fueled drive over to the burger place and eat well? Well, the kiddies thank you due to future Disasters

Today’s kids will experience 3 times as many climate disasters as their grandparents, new study predicts

If the Earth continues to warm at its current pace, a 6-year-old child will experience about three times as many climate disasters as their grandparents, a first-of-its-kind study in the journal Science predicts, based on a wide array of climate and demographic models. The study, published online Sunday, attempts to quantify how much kids will be affected by the “intergenerational inequality” of climate change.

The average 6-year-old will live through twice as many wildfires, 3.4 times as many river floods, 2.3 times as many droughts, 2.5 times more crop failures, and 1.7 times as many tropical cyclones as someone born in 1960, the 37 researchers determined. Compared with people who lived 150 years ago, in pre-industrial times, today’s children will experience five times more climate disasters — or if they live in sub-Saharan Africa, 50-54 times as many heat waves, The Washington Post reports. (unfortunately, the WP seems to be about the only ones with a story on this, and it is behind the paywall)

And those numbers are almost certainly an underestimate, says co-author Joeri Rogelj at Imperial College London, noting that the researchers were unable to quantify certain risks, like floods from rising ocean levels, and did not account for the increased severity of climate-related events, just frequency.

Ah, yes, another prognostication of Doom using computer models, which do not take a lot of real world data into account. Surprise! I wonder, what happens when this doesn’t happen. What consequences are there to the “researchers” for putting out a scaremongering study? What is the time frame? The current average life span for humanity is 79 years, so, do we need to wait 73 years? Or, can we start looking to see if the study was right in, say, the next 5 years? Because there really has been no acceleration of wildfires, floods, droughts, or crop failures. For tropical cyclones, modern technology, particularly satellites, allows us to see way more than they would have known about in 1966, when those kids born in 1960 were 6.

Georgia Institute of Technology’s Kim Cobb, who did not work on the study, said the climate scientist in her was not surprised by the findings — but the “robust study” did hit her on the parental level. “It brings into sharp focus what so many economic models of climate change impacts fail to capture — the vast toll of human suffering that is hanging in the balance with our emissions choices this decade,” she tells the Post. “The moral weight of this moment is almost unbearable.”

When you’re yapping about “moral weight”, and “intergenerational inequality”, well, this is no longer about science, it’s about politics and sociology. It’s about manufacturing issues to allow government to implement more and more controls on the people.

Lead author Wim Thiery said the study was partly inspired by his three young sons. “Young people are being hit by climate crisis but are not in position to make decisions,” he said. “While the people who can make the change happen will not face the consequences.”

So, parents are fighting to get government to restrict and control the lives of the children? That’s irresponsible and abusive. And they’re framing this all as “health”

(Spiked) It’s scary, portentous stuff. But this rather desperate presentation of climate change as a public-health emergency is hardly a surprise. Policies and measures to tackle everything from knife crime to racism are now often framed in terms of public health. It has become the catch-all justification for policymakers – a source of authority and legitimacy for technocrats. And this tendency to justify just about anything in terms of protecting citizens’ health has been supercharged by the response to the pandemic, where all sorts of measures, from school closures to bans on protests, have been imposed in the name of health and safety.

I’ve been looking for that piece by Tim Black for over a week. COVID allowed government to instituted all sorts of authoritarian controls. This is how they’re trying to frame ‘climate change’ now. Progressivism is called “nice Fascism.” It doesn’t mean things are great, it means “they are doing this for your own good.” It’s a softer, kinder, gentler approach to Authoritarianism.

Read: Your Fault: Today’s Kids Will Experience Three Times More Climate Disasters Or Something »

Horseback Border Patrol Agents Could Get Minimal Punishment

For what, doing their jobs? For attempting to block all the thousands of illegals attempting to stream into the United States, which is against U.S. federal law? Stopping illegals is a main component of the job of the Border Patrol. But, remember, we’re dealing with spiteful people in the White House (and Congress) who created the situation at the border, who want chaos and tens or hundreds of thousands of people streaming across the border

Border Patrol agents who Biden said would ‘pay’ could get minimal punishment, officials say

The Border Patrol agents who were pictured blocking migrants on horseback in Del Rio and who President Biden promised would “pay” as he echoed false claims the agents “strapped” migrants — could get little more than a few days suspension, if the investigation turns out as some senior administration officials hope.

spite houseThe agents are at the center of a Department of Homeland Security investigation after images emerged which Democratic lawmakers and left-wing activists claimed showed them using “whips” against migrants. Officials and agents quickly noted that the agents were in fact using long reins to control their horses, and were twirling them to move the horse forward, not to attack migrants.

Since then, video has emerged supporting that claim, while the photographer behind the original images has said he did not see migrants whipping anyone. But the administration has doubled down, with DHS Secretary Mayorkas claiming the images “conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism.” Biden, meanwhile, added fuel to the fire of the claims the agents were whipping, and even running down, migrants.

“To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped — it’s outrageous,” Biden said on Friday, making a whipping motion with his hand. “I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences.”

Exactly what those consequences will be is up for debate. Despite the angry rhetoric from the White House, senior administration officials told Fox News that the investigation should produce little more than a suspension of a few days with pay for the agents — and should be a “non-issue.”

The Office Of Professional Responsibility is in charge of the investigation, and there are six agents under investigation. At this point, there’s no way they can get a fair review, not with the POTUS stating “those people will pay” and “there will be consequence”. You know, the people who ultimately work for the Executive Office, so, a tainted investigation. Any negative consequences will be illegitimate, and this, again, is exactly what a union is for, to protect the workers from unfair bosses.

Those with knowledge of the matter say that investigation could rest on what the agents said, rather than what they did. One agent was filmed saying: “You use your women?, this is why your country’s sh–, because you use your women for this.”

However, “yelling at people is not a crime,” the official said, adding that the National Border Patrol Council had sent in lawyers and the men are “well represented.”

If they are given even light punishment, it will dissuade the men and women of the Border Patrol from doing their jobs, leading to more problems at the border, just as we’ve seen in the Democratic Party run cities who’ve been treating their police like garbage, even trying to defund them. And any finding of punishment will certainly end up in court, per the union contract. Especially with

(Fox News) Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas admitted Sunday that the vast majority of Haitian migrants who crossed the southern U.S. border in recent weeks have already been released into the United States, and it is possible that more will follow them.

So far, approximately 12,400 of the people are having their cases heard by immigration judges, while another 5,000 are being processed by the Department of Homeland Security. Currently,, only 3,000 are in detention.

“Approximately, I think it’s about ten thousand or so, twelve thousand,” Mayorkas told “Fox News Sunday” when asked how many have already been released. He then acknowledged that this number could very well go up as the 5,000 other cases are processed.

“It could be even higher. The number that are returned could be even higher. What we do is we follow the law as Congress has passed it,” Mayorkas said.

The law states they should be blocked from entering. Except in the stupid cases where they claim “asylum”, for which no more than 10% qualify initially, and less after a deep review. The law certainly doesn’t say to simply release around 12,000 into the U.S. with a promise to show up for their court date.

Read: Horseback Border Patrol Agents Could Get Minimal Punishment »

Boston Globe: Congress Must Rebuild The Presidency Or Something

This is a pretty heavy piece from the editorial board of the Boston Globe, perhaps not light reading for a Sunday evening. And it is bat guano insane

Congress must rebuild the presidency
The Protecting Our Democracy Act is Congress’s chance to protect the public from future American tyrants.

When Donald Trump lost the presidency, he left behind a treasure map for future American tyrants that shows them precisely how to undermine — and potentially destroy — American democracy. By constantly and shamelessly flouting anticorruption norms and laws, the former president exposed just how weak the United States’ system of checks and balances is and its desperate need for reform. And evading any accountability for now, he has proved that presidents can go so far as to foment an insurrection without facing any legal consequences.

Interesting. Trump, who tried to reduce the influence of the federal government on citizens, reduce regulations, reduce taxation, was a tyrant or something. I guess because he had mean tweets towards the highly partisan media?

The American presidency has, in turn, become a ticking time bomb, waiting for a future tyrant to abuse its power in order to succeed where Trump failed. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Just as Jimmy Carter signed anticorruption reforms into law after Richard Nixon’s crooked presidency, President Biden must swiftly establish new laws that strengthen accountability for himself and his successors.

Yeah, it’s Biden refusing to enforce the duly passed immigration laws, as required by the Constitution. It’s Biden implementing all sorts of COVID mandates, who’s refusing to send medications to states like Florida who annoy him. Who’s trying to force citizens into electric vehicles. Who took advantage of his position to make lots of money. And so much more.

The good news is that Congress may be on its way to sending Biden a bill to do just that. Known as the Protecting Our Democracy Act, the bill is one of the most important pieces of legislation that Congress will deliberate during Biden’s presidency, and it sets the stage for the federal government to finally address the damage that Trump imposed on the office. “We discovered over the last four years just how much our system is reliant on certain norms of behavior that we thought were inviolate,” Representative Adam Schiff, Democrat of California, the lead sponsor of the bill, told the Globe editorial board. “It turns out so many of the protections of our system are easily flouted.”

If Liberals love this bill, you know there are lots of things being missed that are meant to instituted 1 party control with more power to the feds.

If it’s passed, the bill would strengthen enforcement mechanisms that protect the government and the public from presidential abuse of power as well as introduce new and reasonable restraints on the executive branch. Among other things, it would give Congress more oversight over presidential pardons that may be self-serving and make explicit that presidents cannot pardon themselves; strengthen enforcement of laws like the Hatch Act or the Constitution’s emoluments clause; bolster Congress’s subpoena power by fast-tracking judicial proceedings and empowering courts to levy fines on government officials who do not comply; and require presidents and vice presidents, as well as candidates for those offices, to release 10 years of their tax returns — a provision that was recently dropped from the voting rights bill that congressional Democrats are seeking to pass.

Already you can see this will be shot down in full unless there is some severability. 10 years of tax returns? The Constitution states “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.” That’s it. Period. Those are the requirements. There is no measure for changing that, adding to that, without an Amendment. This is simply more Trump Derangement Syndrome because he refused to release his tax returns.

Pardons? “and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” Again, there is nothing in there that gives Congress the ability to change that nor require oversight.

Emoluments? If they want to strengthen that, pass an Amendment.

Another reported White House concern is the bill’s provisions that ban presidents from firing inspectors general without good cause. But after Trump’s explicit attack on inspectors general — “I think we’ve been treated very unfairly by inspector generals,” he said, after firing a bunch of them — it’s important to give the executive branch watchdogs an extra layer of protection.

They serve at the pleasure of the President. Period. But, see, Democrats only complain when Republicans fire them.

If they want real change, repeal the 17th Amendment, go back to the original way of having state general assemblies appoint Senators, giving power back to the states. I’ll let you read a whole reasoning here. Term limits for the House. One of the complaints the bill looks to fix is spending by the Executive Branch. Well, start passing targeted bills. Specific bills. Bills that have no latitude except as intended. When they passed OSHA, did anyone consider that they would manufacture the ability (supposedly) to mandate vaccines? Where did the authority to implement a contraception mandate come from? There is nothing about contraception in Obamacare. Where did it come from? How about the mandate for Ocare regarding employer size? That was left up for HHS.

Congress passes laws, the Executive Office enforces them. How about the Obama regime refusing to enforce federal law on marriage? Biden admin refusing to enforce immigration law?

Read: Boston Globe: Congress Must Rebuild The Presidency Or Something »

If All You See…

…are low carbon sailboats for a flooding world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on Europe switch back to coal thanks to their “green” energy crisis.

It’s wingwoman week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren Car

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, there’s a chill of Fall in the air, and the squirrels are finding nuts somewhere and cracking them on the porch. No idea where they’re getting them from. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain discusses the Biden Blame Game and sad fate of #NeverTrump
  2. The People’s Cube covers the the equal right to be unequal
  3. The Political Hat covers a special snowflake looking for attention
  4. This one’s a bit controversial, but, Paul Kersey discusses Dallas schools no longer suspending kids
  5. This ain’t Hell… covers Democrats introducing a bill to eliminate the Space Force
  6. Weasel Zippers notes Kamala hiring new aids to clean up her image
  7. Independent Sentinel highlights the U.S. buying drones made in China
  8. The Last Refuge shows Hillary Clinton being heckled as a war criminal
  9. The Gateway Pundit covers a poll showing people abandoning China Joe in droves
  10. The First Street Journal highlights the Jew hatred of the Squad
  11. Raised On Hoecakes has a question for the Insulate Britain folks
  12. Powerline wonders if electric cars are a joke
  13. Patterico’s Pontifications has a music controversy he wants solved (it’s a group, not clothes)
  14. Pacific Pundit highlights a F*** Joe Biden chant at a small food court
  15. And last, but not least, Moonbattery covers the Australian COVID police

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Surprise: World Leaders Yammer About Solving Climate Crisis (scam) While Taking Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights

Think back to the 2007 UN IPCC Conference on the Parties, held in the exotic location of Fiji. So many people took private jets to complain about ‘climate change’ that there was nowhere to park the jets, so they had to deadhead them, ie, fly with no passengers, to other islands. Then fly them back for people to leave. Well, guess what? That even happens when they fly into New York for U.N. meetings

While world leaders are at the UN talking climate change, their private jets are often forced to fly and park hundreds of miles away

New York City in September is a hotspot for world leaders as the United Nations holds its annual General Assembly. Climate change is a key topic at this year’s conference, with leaders including President Joe Biden announcing additional investments in climate finance for developing countries.

But while leaders talk about commitments to climate change on the world stage, their government planes are burning extra jet fuel by flying empty to airports across the Northeast just to park during the event.

New York’s JFK International Airport is the preferred gateway to the UN for many visiting countries due to its proximity to Manhattan. A long-standing rule of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, however, restricts those aircraft from staying at JFK while their passengers head to the UN.

Foreign military and state aircraft are barred from staying at Port Authority airports overnight due to traffic and space constraints, a spokesperson confirmed to Insider. After they’ve landed at a Port airport, those aircraft have two hours to depart for another airport where they’ll park while in the US.

Good on Business Insider in exposing this, which happens at ever ‘climate change’ big wig event, which can now include standard U.N. meetings since they yammer about climate doom. Some will say “well, how will these world leaders get there?” They could fly commercial. They could “plane pool”, essentially picking up other world leaders. They could take a ship. Sure, it’s slower, but, lower carbon footprint, right? These same people want to restrict the peons from flying, and skyrocket the cost of flying making it harder for the non-rich/important to fly. Yet, they casually jet off themselves

The COVID-19 pandemic gave New York skies a reprieve as the General Assembly went virtual in 2020. But despite fears of the Delta variant, this year’s in-person session pressed on and foreign leaders were ready to adopt “have plane, will travel.”

Many of those planes were jumbo jets, such as the one that brought Boris Johnson, and “a Boeing Business Jet 747-8i of the Turkish government, Airbus A319 of the Italian government, and Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, among many others.”

They do know they can Zoom the meetings, or do some sort of virtual one, right? Oh, right, they want to press the flesh, eat well, and show how Important they are, repeat the rewards of their position. And stop you from doing the same.


Making Meals From Mealworms Is ‘Part of the Answer’ to the Climate Crisis, the CEO of Ynsect Says

Global food production accounts for one-third of all greenhouse-gas emissions, according to a comprehensive study published this year in the journal Nature Food that looked at every aspect of food production from transportation to packaging. Meat production alone makes up nearly 60% of that total.

The study underscores the growing consensus that in order to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, the world needs a dramatic rethinking of how food is produced and consumed. Especially since the U.N. estimates that food production will have to increase by 70% by 2050 to feed the world’s growing population.

They always have this food doom, yet, records keep being set. Such as with grain harvests and seafood.

Increasingly, companies and scientists are viewing insects as an environmentally sustainable alternative source of protein. Crickets, grasshoppers and beetles are already commercially produced and processed for human and animal consumption. Ynsect, a 10-year-old French company, is focused on mealworms, the larval stage of beetles.

Nope. Piss off.

Read: Surprise: World Leaders Yammer About Solving Climate Crisis (scam) While Taking Lots Of Fossil Fueled Flights »

Democrats Revisist Carbon Taxes With Their $3.5 Trillion Bill In Jeopardy

First, though, let’s see how NY Gov and climahypocrite Hochul is doing

Climarestrictions are for the peons

Sinema’s Income Tax Stance Has Democrats Looking Anew at a Carbon Tax

Opposition from a single moderate Democrat to corporate and income tax rate increases has revived efforts in the Senate to draft a tax on carbon dioxide pollution as a way to pay for the Democrats’ proposed $3.5 trillion budget bill.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., has not advocated a carbon tax, which President Joe Biden and other key Democrats have shied away from as a huge political risk. But her resistance to tax rate increases to pay for the Democrats’ ambitious social policy and climate legislation has set off a scramble for alternatives — at the very least to show her how difficult it would be assemble a package without those rate hikes.

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., chair of the Senate Finance Committee, confirmed that the Senate majority leader had asked him to craft legislation that would put a price on carbon emissions but to ensure that the policy would respect Biden’s pledge not to raise taxes on families earning less than $400,000.

That could be done with some kind of rebate or “carbon dividend” during what Wyden called a “transition” from fossil fuel-powered cars and trucks to zero emission electric vehicles, and from coal- and natural gas-fired electric power plants to renewable energy. Also under consideration: Exempting gasoline from the levy.

No matter how you cut it, raising taxes on job creators and businesses will raise prices for the middle and lower classes. May not be a direct tax, but, those taxes will get passed on. And, sure, I agree, some should pay a higher percentage of their income, but, then, they’re the ones creating jobs, donating and creating charities, and so much more. See, here’s a better idea: the federal government should pare down it’s operations, get rid of the redundant and unneeded jobs and agencies, and live within the tax revenue, rather than keep trying to take more.

Read: Democrats Revisist Carbon Taxes With Their $3.5 Trillion Bill In Jeopardy »

If All You See…

…is champagne, which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post wondering why reporters aren’t asking relevant questions.

Read: If All You See… »

St. Greta Makes Fun Of Surrender Joe’s “Build Back Better”

So, what has St. Greta of Stockholm in a tizzy?

Greta Thunberg mocks Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ climate plan

St. GretaSpeaking at a climate rally in Berlin on Friday, Greta Thunberg mocked President Biden’s attempt to address climate change through his “Build Back Better” agenda.

“As we move out of the pandemic, many are talking about using this as an opportunity for a green sustainable recovery, whatever that means,” the 18-year-old Swedish activist said. “And world leaders are talking about ‘building back better,’ promising green investments and setting vague and distant climate targets in order to say that they are taking climate action.” (snip)

“When you look at what we are actually investing the money in — the money that is supposed to be building back better — it shows the hypocrisy of our leaders,” she said.

According to the International Energy Agency, just 2 percent of governments’ recovery spending has been allocated to clean energy — money that will fall well short of what is needed to reach international climate goals, such as net-zero emissions by 2050 or keeping global temperatures from rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“The fact that we are in a crisis that we cannot build, buy or invest or way out of seems to create some kind of collective mental short-circuit among the people in power,” Thunberg said. “And the longer they pretend that we can solve the climate crisis within today’s system, the more invaluable time we will lose.”

Hmm, it sounds like Greta wants even more money spent on “green” stuff and change the current governmental and economic systems. Weird that she doesn’t say to what. In fairness, she wasn’t just talking about Biden, there are quite a few 1st World leaders yammering about Build Back Better. And if the extreme Progressivism (nice Fascism) of BBB isn’t good enough for Greta and her peeps, what is?

‘There’s no going back’: Thunberg addresses tens of thousands of climate activists outside Reichstag

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside Germany’s parliament on Friday calling on authorities to take stronger action against climate change.

It comes only two days before the country holds a national election that will designate chancellor Angela Merkel’s successor after her almost 16 years in power.

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, 18, addressed the Berlin crowd from a stage, urging voters to keep politicians under constant pressure over climate change.

“We must keep going into the streets and we must keep demanding our leaders to take real climate action. We must never give up. There’s no going back now”, she said.

“We can still turn this around,” she added. “We demand change, and we are the change.”

It’s rather a bit of satire that St. Greta is speaking to people who want big, authoritarian government at the Reichstag building, eh? If they care so much, why are they taking so little action in their own lives?

Read: St. Greta Makes Fun Of Surrender Joe’s “Build Back Better” »

Climate Change Is Bad For Heart Health Or Something

And, since this really isn’t about climate or science, the writers at USA Today decided to make this about race and raaaaacism (article is behind USA Today paywall, using Yahoo News version)

Climate change, heat waves affect heart health, experts say. Here’s why that puts people of color at higher risk.

Martha Gabriel knows the effects of sweltering heat. For the last five years, Gabriel has been picking sweet potatoes, beans and tomatoes under the blazing South Florida sun.

One scorching summer day while working at a plant nursery, her heart began beating rapidly. Her breathing turned heavy, and she felt faint.

“I didn’t want to go home. I needed to work and buy food. I didn’t want to lose hours,” Gabriel, 41, said in Spanish through an interpreter. Gabriel is pregnant and has prediabetes. She worries for the health of her heart, her baby as well as her husband, a landscaper.

A few years ago, Jose Delgado, a 72-year-old farm worker who also picks sweet potatoes, had a health episode in Homestead, Florida. During a hot day in May, his vision suddenly started to blur, and his muscles cramped. He had a throbbing headache.

OK, so, two people who work out in the hot sun in Florida. Did you know it gets hot and humid in Florida? Sounds like people should be drinking plenty of water and weren’t.

The climate continues to warm and the nation has been enduring record heat waves. People of color disproportionately suffer from excessive heat, and the health outcomes linked to it, experts say.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found Indigenous people had the highest rates of heat-related deaths, followed by Black people.

Researchers are finding that extreme heat and air pollution have major effects on cardiovascular health, and heat-related deaths and hospitalizations have been linked to cardiovascular disease.

If they can’t deal with a slight 1.5F increase in the average global temperature since 1850, there’s something else at play, and, instead of looking at the climate crisis scam, perhaps the time would be better spent figuring out why Native Americans and blacks have much worse heart health.

Black people are 30% more likely to die of heart disease than white people, according to the CDC. Hispanic people are more likely to have risk factors for heart disease such as obesity and diabetes than white people.

Similarly, Indigenous people are more likely to be obese and have high blood pressure, 50% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease than white people.

So, maybe working in the summer heat isn’t the best thing for them, regardless of a slight warming. Heck, more soldiers died of heat stroke in the Battle Of Monmouth than wounds because of a heat wave, during the Little Ice Age.

These conditions, combined with lack of access to health care and other resources, put sufferers at higher risk of heat-related illness, Dr. Catherine Toms, a physician and committee member at the Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, said during an online seminar. Pregnant people like Gabriel are also at higher risk.

It’s always interesting that the climate cultists and Progressive movement in general always think that People of Color are too dumb and poor to get things like healthcare, and must be protected by the Helpful Hand Of Government.

A recent study published in Nature Communications found in major U.S. cities, the average person of color lives in a census tract with hotter temperature indicators than census tracts with mostly white people in almost all 175 of the “largest urbanized areas” in the country.

Well, that’s where Democrats want black people, stuck in urban plantations. The Democratic Party was the party of slavery and racism and all the other things, they just switched how they do it in the post-Civil Rights era, doing it while pretending to be benevolent.

Redlining generally refers to a discriminatory practice, often in housing, that denies services to residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. In more than 100 U.S. cities, redlined communities had hotter summer surface temperatures than non-redlined neighborhoods, according to an analysis published in Climate.

Are white climate cultists willing to switch places with the People of Color?

And, let’s be honest, this is the climate cult taking advantage of medical issues to push their cultish beliefs.

Read: Climate Change Is Bad For Heart Health Or Something »

Pirate's Cove