Bummer: China Building More Coal Plants, Could Deal Blow To COP26

Hey, remember when Let’s Go Brandon and John Kerry, along with so many Warmists, were extolling how great China is for saying they’re on board with Doing Something about ‘climate change’? How’s that going?

China’s plan to build more coal-fired plants deals blow to UK’s Cop26 ambitions

surprise surprise surpriseChina plans to build more coal-fired power plants and has hinted that it will rethink its timetable to slash emissions, in a significant blow to the UK’s ambitions for securing a global agreement on phasing out coal at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow.

In a statement after a meeting of Beijing’s National Energy Commission, the Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, stressed the importance of regular energy supply, after swathes of the country were plunged into darkness by rolling blackouts that hit factories and homes.

While China has published plans to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030, the statement hinted that the energy crisis had led the Communist party to rethink the timing of this ambition, with a new “phased timetable and roadmap for peaking carbon emissions”.

China doesn’t want to depend on unreliable wind and solar, but, they’re happy to sell all those “clean energy” products to climate cultist nations.

Beijing’s renewed embrace of coal – apparently at odds with Xi’s state climate ambitions – are likely to cause alarm in the run-up to Cop26.

China was never giving up coal. They were, shockingly, telling the Warmists what they wanted to hear, pledging to Do Something, but, doing the opposite. If they were smart, they’d build nuclear plants, but, it’s a lot easier and faster to do coal. And cheaper.


Where has the wind gone? ‘Global stilling’ is blamed as wind speeds drop across Europe cutting green energy production – threatening to drive up energy prices even FURTHER

Industry experts are warning that climate change may have caused wind speeds in Europe to plummet this year in news that threatens to drive energy prices even higher.

Long labelled as a saviour of the energy industry, wind farms have cropped up across the continent in recent years and have been billed a low-cost, renewable and dependable source of power.

Experts are blaming a growing phenomenon known as ‘global stilling’ – whereby measurable wind speeds across the world’s continental surfaces have decreased by as much as 15 per cent since 1980.

Remember when the climate cult was saying that ‘climate change’ is causing the world’s winds to speed up? What happened to that? I’m sure they have Reasons, just like blaming winter weather on heat trapping gases.

Read: Bummer: China Building More Coal Plants, Could Deal Blow To COP26 »

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic water bottle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on Help Wanted.

Read: If All You See… »

Let’sGoBrandon To Discuss The Supply Chain Crisis

Well, it’s about damned time, but, could be a little to little a little to late. Though, in honesty, I hope they can help alleviate this, because it is hurting Americans

Biden to discuss supply chain crisis with US ports and carriers

Biden Brain SuckerThe US government is stepping up its efforts to relieve the supply chain nightmare that has led to shortages of some goods, higher prices for consumes and now threatens to slow the economic recovery.

The White House will work with companies and ports on a “90-day sprint” to alleviate bottlenecks, according to a senior administration official. Some will start working 24/7 to address the backlogs.

The Port of Los Angeles will move to 24/7 service, bringing it into line with operations at the Port of Long Beach, which is already working on a 24/7 schedule, the official said. Those two ports handle 40% of container traffic in the US. (snip)

President Joe Biden will meet with senior officials and stakeholders to discuss collective efforts to address global transportation bottlenecks and then deliver remarks on Wednesday. Port operators, truckers’ associations, labor unions and executives from Walmart (WMT), FedEx (FDX), UPS (UPS) and Target (CBDY)will attend the talks.

Well, it’s a start. We’ll have to see how this plan shakes out, and whether it just ends up being a bone thrown to union workers. And you’d think that the White House and Brandon getting involved would be big news. CNN finds something else to be bigger

The global supply chain nightmare is about to get worse

Computer chip shortages. Epic port congestion. And a serious lack of truck drivers. The world’s delicate supply chains are under extreme stress.

The supply chain nightmare is jacking up prices for consumers and slowing the global economic recovery. Unfortunately, Moody’s Analytics warns supply chain disruptions “will get worse before they get better.”

“As the global economic recovery continues to gather steam, what is increasingly apparent is how it will be stymied by supply-chain disruptions that are now showing up at every corner,” Moody’s wrote in a Monday report.

Indeed, the IMF downgraded its 2021 US growth forecast on Tuesday by one percentage point, the most for any G7 economy. The IMF cited supply chain disruptions and weakening consumption — which itself has been partially driven by supply chain bottlenecks such as a lack of new cars amid the computer chip shortage.

Moody’s said the “weakest link” may be the shortage of truck drivers — an issue that has contributed to congestion at ports and caused gas stations in the United Kingdom to run dry. Unfortunately, Moody’s warned there are “dark clouds ahead” because several factors make overcoming the supply constraints particularly challenging.

Could they use the National Guard or regular military to move product, at least to get it from the ports to a warehouse or something? There doesn’t seem to be a problem in using them to supplant health workers. Let’s see if Brandon has any impact, or, this is simply an acknowledgement of the problem for the news and some soundbites, with little being done.

Read: Let’sGoBrandon To Discuss The Supply Chain Crisis »

Climate Crisis (scam) In Court: Going After Bolsonaro, St. Greta Dismissed

There’s no doubt that many of Jair Bolsonaro’s Amazon policies are bad for the environment: do they rise to crimes against humanity, especially when being argued through the lens of ‘climate change’?

Climate activists call for investigation of Bolsonaro

A group of climate lawyers called Tuesday for the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation into Brazil’s president for possible crimes against humanity over his administration’s Amazon policies.

The AllRise group filed a dossier with the global court alleging that Jair Bolsonaro’s administration is responsible for a “widespread attack on the Amazon, its dependants and its defenders” that affects the global population.

The call comes less than three weeks before the United Nations’ 26th Climate Change Conference of the Parties, known as the COP26, starts on Oct. 31 in Glasgow.

Since taking office, Bolsonaro has encouraged development within the Amazon and dismissed global complaints about its destruction as a plot to hold back Brazil’s agribusiness. His administration also weakened environmental authorities and backed legislative measures to loosen land protections, emboldening land grabbers.

“Crimes against nature are crimes against humanity. Jair Bolsonaro is fueling the mass destruction of the Amazon with eyes wide open and in full knowledge of the consequences, “ AllRise founder Johannes Wesemann said in a statement. ”The ICC has a clear duty to investigate environmental crimes of such global gravity.”

And, let’s say the climate lawyers win: what’s the end result? Bolsonaro ignoring the ruling? Or, are the climate lawyers just looking for some cash? Of course, the ICC has to accept the case in the first place, and, with hundreds filed each year, the ICC generally avoids picking them up. This, though, is where the climate cultists want to go: anyone not complying with their doomsday cult beliefs should be jailed as a criminal against humanity.

U.N. panel says it can’t rule on climate case brought by Thunberg

St. GretaA U.N. panel said it could not immediately rule on a complaint by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg and others that state inaction on climate change violates children’s rights, adding that they should have taken the case to national courts first.

The complaint was filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2019 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-un-complaint-idUSKBN1W82AS and the 18-member panel has been conducting hearings and deliberating since.

The 15 activists, aged between eight and 17 at the time, had argued that France, Turkey, Brazil, Germany and Argentina had known about the risk of climate change for decades but failed to curb their carbon emissions. (snip)

The committee, made up of 18 independent human rights experts, concluded that a “sufficient causal link” had been established between the significant harm allegedly suffered by the children and the acts or omissions of the five states.

However, it accepted the arguments of the five countries that the children should have tried to bring cases to their national courts first.

The kiddies should be advised that if they believe so strongly in the doctrine of their doomsday cult they should start living a carbon neutral life and get all their fellow cultists to do the same.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) In Court: Going After Bolsonaro, St. Greta Dismissed »

Surrender Joe Tells Texas And Florida He’ll Override Their Anti-Mandate Laws

Brandon is working hard to implement his #Unity agenda. We’re all in this together with rising inflation, a shortage of goods, rising gas and energy prices, incensed by Americans stuck in Afghanistan, and more. So, what does he do? His administration picks a fight with Texas and Florida

White House Taunts Texas and Florida for Fighting Vaccine Mandates: Joe Biden Will Override State Laws

The White House on Tuesday warned Republican governors of Texas and Florida that President Joe Biden would override their efforts to fight coronavirus vaccine mandates in their states.

“We know that federal law overrides state law,” she said referring to state attempts to ban vaccine passports.

She accused Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of playing politics by issuing executive orders that fight vaccine passports.

“Why would you be taking steps that prevent the saving of lives that make it more difficult to save lives across the country or in any state?” she asked.

Psaki argued that the governors were “putting politics ahead of public health.”

Except, what federal law exists that mandates citizens to take the Chinese coronavirus vaccine? Most mandates for taking vaccines come from the states when it comes to schools. Because there really is no federal law. There isn’t even a federal law regarding the crossing of state borders. There are federal laws about vaccination for foreigners entering the United States, which Brandon and his admin seem to be blowing off, though, when it comes to illegals at the border.

Further, it is not open-ended preemption, as the federal government cannot preempt when there is no Constitutional authority. The Constitution does not grant them every single power they want. The 10th Amendment makes that clear. Just because the Biden admin puts out a rule from OSHA requiring companies with 100+ employees to require vaccination does not mean it over-rides the states and what they say.

(Bono Law) On August 4, 1999, the Clinton administration issued Executive Order 13132, entitled “Federalism.” It outlined a policy for how regulatory agencies of the Executive Branch should approach regulations that might conflict with state law. Section 4 of the order specifically addresses preemption. It states that agencies should restrict their interpretations of their own regulations so that they preempt state law in only three situations:

  1. Congress expressly authorized preemption;
  2. Congress intended preemption, based on “clear evidence”; or
  3. State law conflicts with the regular enforcement or exercise of federal law.

These are still generally accepted as the three main situations in which preemption may occur.

Just because Congress passed a law creating OSHA doesn’t mean there is an open-ended ability to manufacture whatever the hell they want. There is no explicit language, which is generally the excepted requirement, including in Supreme Court rulings, allowing a vaccine mandate. They can, in fact, encourage companies to implement procedures to do away with disease in the workplace, but, nothing gives them statutory authority to create a mandate.

They might, though, have the power to require weekly testing. We’ll have to wait and see what the rule looks like. Does it provide exemptions for religious and medical reasons? And, again, why 100+ people?

Read: Surrender Joe Tells Texas And Florida He’ll Override Their Anti-Mandate Laws »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Affect 85% Of Human Population

I’ve been begging you folks to stop using fossil fuels, stop eating meat, take 2 minute showers once a week, go back to using a landline, and giving up all your freedom to government, but, no, you don’t want to listen

Human-induced climate change may affect 85% of the global population, researchers say

Scientists are beginning to paint a clearer picture on just how many people will be affected by climate change if current warming trends continue.

About 85% of the world’s population already lives in areas experiencing the affects of human-induced climate change, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change on Tuesday.

It’s like John Deere doing a study on cutting grass that says everyone is going to need to cut their grass so buy a JD.

Researchers in Berlin compiled data from more than 100,000 impact studies analyzing detectable environmental signals of human-induced climate change, finding that the evidence for how climate change is impacting communities is continuing to grow.

“In almost every study where we have enough data, we can see, [the world] is getting hotter, and it’s getting hotter in a way that is consistent,” Max Callaghan, a researcher at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change in Berlin and one of the authors of the study, told ABC News.

It has gotten hotter. A whopping 1.5F since 1850. No big deal, unless you’re a doomsday cultist

The research also looked at how rising temperatures change precipitation patterns and affect crop yields and local ecosystems, and it found that human-attributable changes in temperature and precipitation are now occurring in 80% of the world’s land area, where about 85% of the global population resides, Callaghan said.

Basically, they just assumed that it was all caused by you.

The new research is allowing scientists to attribute with near-certainty that global temperatures are increasing because of human influence on the planet, Callaghan said. While previous studies often focus on possible scenarios by 2050 or 2100, it is clear that climate change is “already happening.”

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Countries will need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the near future to mitigate the extremity of pending disasters, the researchers said.

And what if they don’t and nothing bad happens? What then, researchers? Say, have y’all made your own lives carbon neutral?

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Affect 85% Of Human Population »

If All You See…

…is an Evil air conditioning unit, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on how Leftism destroys intellectual honesty.

Read: If All You See… »

COVID Today: Abbott Bans Mandates, Rolling Stone Tries To Cancel Clapton

I’m sure the pro-vax authoritarians, who want to force everyone to get the vaccine (which undercuts the point of getting the vaccine), are already writing their lawsuits

Gov. Abbott Bans All COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates In Texas

Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order late Monday prohibiting all COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the state of Texas.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and our best defense against the virus, but should always remain voluntary and never forced,” Abbott said in a tweet announcing the executive order.

The ban prohibits “any entity,” including schools, private businesses, and local governments, from compelling an individual to receive the COVID-19 vaccine if they object due to reasons of “personal conscience,” such as religious beliefs. Abbott specifically took aim at the vaccine mandates announced in early September by President Joe Biden as his reason for issuing the order, arguing the mandates would harm Texas businesses and threaten Texans’ livelihoods. (snip)

Abbott also called on the state legislature to pass a law with the same effect as the executive order, and said he would rescind his order when such legislation was passed.

I was prepared to be slightly against this, since Government should not be interfering with a business making decisions that are best for the operation. But, essentially, this doesn’t actually ban mandates, it makes it so that no one can be forced to take it and be fired. Further, having had COVID, meaning they have the antibodies, is good enough to satisfy any mandate.

It does, though, reinforce that no government in Texas may implement any mandate, and may not require vaccine passports.

Rolling Stone Is Trying to Cancel Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton has been a rock legend for longer than I have been alive. He’s an icon in the music industry who has earned respect and admiration from millions over his career. But he’s been making headlines this year for other reasons.

Since having a severe negative reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine earlier this year, he’s become an outspoken opponent of the COVID vaccines. He has promised not to perform in venues with vaccine mandates, collaborated with Van Morrison on some anti-vaccine/anti-lockdowns songs, and even bankrolled an anti-vaccine rock group.

And his recent outspokenness as a vaccine skeptic has many of the cultural gatekeepers looking to have him canceled. Rolling Stone magazine has even run a lengthy hit piece on Clapton that blasts his vaccine skepticism.

“Clapton recently embarked on a U.S. tour booked in red states despite surging transmission numbers and death rates — and at venues that largely don’t require proof of vaccination,” David Browne of Rolling Stone writes with horror. “In the process, this Sixties icon, who embraced the sex, drugs, and rock & roll lifestyle as much as anyone in his generation, has drawn praise from conservative pundits.”

Rolling Stone even attempts to delve into the accusations of raaaaacism from decades ago against Clapton in order to turn people against him and get him cancelled.

It must be tough for young Rolling Stone readers to learn about a rock legend who isn’t afraid to speak his mind against the rowdy mob of COVID zealots. So naturally, in order to ensure that readers don’t dare get inspired by Clapton’s anti-vaccine mandate and anti-lockdown views, David Browne devotes most of his article to reexamining decades-old allegations of racism for good measure.

Look, Clapton really hasn’t done anything of consequence musically since the 80’s. That doesn’t matter, though, because he is a rock god, one of the all-time great guitar players. One of the true originals for harder rock. If you pick up a guitar some of the songs you learn to play are Cocaine and Crossroads. Perhaps some Sunshine of Your Love. Rolling Stone used to be about counter-culture and stuff. I remember reading the magazine when younger. “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” Be yourself. It’s amazing when you read all copies from the 60’s and 70’s. Now, like so many in the music business, it has simply become an arm of authoritarian government, telling people to Comply.

Clapton will be remember long after Rolling Stone shuts down.

Read: COVID Today: Abbott Bans Mandates, Rolling Stone Tries To Cancel Clapton »

Troops To Get Indoctrination Under Pentagon’s New Climate Scam Plan

Well, those who are still left, since the other plan seems to be to boot out all those who refuse to get vaccinated

Troops to Get ‘Climate Literacy’ Education Under Pentagon’s New Climate Change Plan

A military of “climate literate” troops and bases powered by microgrids, that’s the future envisioned by the Pentagon.

Its new climate change plan, ordered by President Joe Biden and released Thursday, would affect every level of command. It seeks to counter the damaging effects of a warming world by educating troops on the potential peril and hardening installations.

Rising sea levels, extreme heat, more severe hurricanes and wildfires are all hitting the military, either by threatening bases and hampering training or by fueling global instability.

“It’s real, and no one in the department denies it, particularly the new people, the younger folks,” Richard Kidd, deputy assistant secretary of defense for environment and energy resilience, said during a press conference Friday. “This is part of their life, and they’re driving it. They’re a force for change.”

Oh, good, the military is seeing lots of little SJWs and virtue signalers join, ones who would rather enforce their beliefs on the gender confused and ‘climate change’ rather than keep the military strong to protect the United States. It’s no wonder so many military specialists are saying China would woop our ass in a conflict.

The new DoD Climate Adaptation Plan will broaden its efforts.

“We intend to adapt the entire department — our decision-making processes, our training, our equipment, our supply chain, and our partnerships with others,” Kidd said at the event hosted by George Washington University’s Project for Media and National Security.

This is apparently going to be the climate peace corps.

Troops will be educated to improve their “climate literacy,” according to the report. The topic should be taught to all during professional development training and at advanced courses, it said.

“In order to properly respond, we need to have the knowledge, the tools and the ability to make climate-informed decisions at all echelons,” Kidd said.

And how much training will this knock out? Time when they should be getting ready to fight wars? How many career and long term members will simply resign in disgust, taking all their knowledge and experience with them? These people are insane, making our military part of the Cult of Climastrology. Will they next become the enforcement arm?

Read: Troops To Get Indoctrination Under Pentagon’s New Climate Scam Plan »

Let’s Go Brandon: Entrenched Partisanship Collides With His Push For Unity

Can anyone point out any part of #LetsGoBrandon’s agenda that is actually about unity? Perhaps 10% of each of the massive bills he’s pushing contain measures that are not-controversial and not hardcore leftist

Biden’s push for unity collides with entrenched partisanship

President Biden is struggling to make good on a campaign promise to unite the country as his administration runs up against an increasingly divided Washington and polarization among the broader electorate.

Throughout the 2020 campaign, Biden spoke of bringing the country together and “breaking the fever” with Republicans.

“You’re going to be surprised,” he said on a call with grassroots supporters in December just weeks before taking office, going so far as to predict a Republican “epiphany.” He said GOP behavior would change without Donald Trump in office, but that it would take six to eight months to change.

But little has changed inside the Beltway as Biden approaches the nine-month mark without a major piece of bipartisan legislation signed into law. While the president secured an infrastructure deal after intense rounds of negotiations with Republicans, the bill remains in limbo in the House more than two months after it passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support.

And why is it not passing? Because the hardcore Democrats in the House refuse to pass it. The Hill forgets to mention that part.

Some political observers, however, say Biden deserves credit for trying to put aside partisanship in favor of unity.

“It’s more about aspiration than achievement,” said historian Michael Eric Dyson, who was invited to the White House earlier this year as part of a larger group of academics to discuss “big ideas” with Biden. “Voters are savvy enough to know that you’re not able to do everything you want to do because you’re not acting by yourself. What they want you to have is the desire to do so.”

Voters are savvy enough to understand that Brandon’s campaign unity talk was complete mule fritters. 54% say the country is less united now. This, though, is a top-page piece designed to protect Brandon and put the Blame on Other People. It’s kinda hard to push unity when your agenda is the same as Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsome, and the other left wing moonbats. It’s hard to push unity when you’re threatening to sick the Department of Justice on parents protesting mask mandates, Critical Race Theory, and other insane stuff in schools. It’s kinda hard to push unity when you want people fired for refusing to take a vaccine that hasn’t even been out for a year. When you’re turning last year’s heroes, the health workers and first responders, into villains.

Asked if Biden was naive in talking about unity, Dyson replied: “Of course he was.”

“But we don’t need bad faith actors,” he said. “We need someone who has enough naivety to believe that it’s possible. Thank God for that.”

It’s not naivety: it’s dementia. How do you have a guy who’s naive who’s been in government since 1973? Who served as Vice President for 8 years? Unity was all mule fritters, and he pivoted to hardcore leftist immediately.

Read: Let’s Go Brandon: Entrenched Partisanship Collides With His Push For Unity »

Pirate's Cove