Columbus Day Hot Take: Italian-Americans Supporting It Is Like Germans Supporting Hitler

This is a great way to piss off a good chunk of your fan base. And why talk about this at a team press conference, instead of basketball?

Spurs’ Popovich Slams Italian-American Support for Columbus Day: Like Germans Being ‘Proud of Hitler’

San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich attacked Columbus Day on Friday, slamming his “backward” hometown for marking the day while accusing the famed 15th-century explorer of initiating a “new world genocide” and branding Italian-American support for honoring the day akin to Germans “proud of Hitler.”

After the first-ever presidential proclamation for Indigenous Peoples’ Day — which honors Native American peoples — was issued by President Joe Biden on Friday, Popovich praised the move, which has long been pushed by the left, calling it “appropriate, important, needed and all those sorts of things.”

Ahead of Friday’s Spurs-Heat preseason matchup, he also expressed confusion over San Antonio’s decision to celebrate the newly-proclaimed day along with the long-observed Columbus Day, claiming he was “a little confused about our city and why it’s [marking] Indigenous Peoples’ Day slash Columbus Day.”

He then slammed the Italian navigator who is credited with the discovery of North America.

“Columbus?” he asked mockingly. “I mean he initiated a new world genocide; that’s what he did.”

OK, let’s be honest, what Columbus initiated was not good. Dude was only trying to find a passage to Asia, but, caused a lot more. But, unhinged rants like this really doesn’t help the case, especially when we’re talking about something that happened 500 years ago, in a completely different time

Calling it “no knock on Italian Americans,” he then equated support for marking Columbus Day with pride in Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

“That’s a silly argument,” he said. “It’s like saying we should be proud of Hitler because we’re German.”

“I mean it makes no sense,” he added. “It’s about Columbus, it’s not about Italian Americans.”

So, he’s calling Italian-Americans horrible people for supporting Columbus Day. How about just shutting up and coaching? Interestingly, for all of Popovich’s unhinged rants against Trump and Republicans, calls for defunding the police (who provide protection for him, the players, and the arena), support of the violent BLM folks, and more, yet, never has a bad word to say about China. It’s almost like he and the NBA are in the pockets of a genocidal, repressive, dictatorial country due to endorsements and shoe deals and such.

Read: Columbus Day Hot Take: Italian-Americans Supporting It Is Like Germans Supporting Hitler »

If All You See…

…is a hazy day from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on NYC’s straw law.

Read: If All You See… »

MSNBC: Religious Exemptions For Vaccine Mandates Shouldn’t Exist Or Something

No one is really surprised that MSNBC is publishing a piece like this, right?

Covid vaccine religious exemptions should not exist. Here’s why.
The law defending religious exemptions for vaccine mandates doesn’t exist.

Bill Of RightsThe law allows for vaccine requirements without religious exemptions. Not only that, but morality mandates it. Therefore, we should abolish religious exemptions for vaccine mandates. Religious objections to vaccines are not a license to kill.

The Constitution is not a roadblock for such vaccine mandates. We have a strong tradition of protecting the freedom of religion in our country, as we should. The First Amendment specifically guarantees that the government cannot prohibit “the free exercise” of religion. In plain English, that means every individual has the right to hold their own religious beliefs and to engage in actions or practices in support of those religious beliefs without government intrusion.

Except the First Amendment doesn’t exactly mean that. The freedom of belief is absolute, but the freedom to engage in actions in support of that belief is not — nor should it be.

OK, let’s apply that to Freedom of the Press. MSNBC and writer Jessica Levinson would be fine with Government restricting what they publish, right?

Why aren’t the protections afforded to individuals under the free exercise of religion absolute? Because that would actually harm the rule of law, public safety and general welfare. As far back as the late 19th century, the Supreme Court has acknowledged it would be absurd to allow people to opt out of many generally applicable laws by simply claiming their religious beliefs compelled contrary action. In 1879, the court correctly posited, “Suppose one believed that human sacrifices were a necessary part of religious worship; would it be seriously contended that the civil government under which he lived could not interfere to prevent a sacrifice?”

It’s a cute attempt at making a point, but, there’s a vast difference between refusing to take the vaccine, apparently because it uses aborted fetal tissue (personally, I believe it is not a good argument, as discussed here, but, it’s not my authority to deny them their deeply held religious beliefs), and cutting someone’s beating heart out of their chest to sacrifice to the sky god.

So we know the government can sometimes impose regulations, even if those regulations burden actions taken in furtherance of religious beliefs. But when? The Supreme Court concluded in 1940, “Conduct remains subject to regulation for the protection of society.”

Call me crazy (and I’m sure many will after this column) but the “protection of society” would surely seem to include obtaining a vaccine to protect oneself and others from a deadly virus. This is perhaps the quintessential example of the government having a compelling interest to enact a law, even if it arguably burdens the freedom of religion in some narrow cases.

Again, let’s apply this to the Press: how would MSNBC like the state of Texas to censor their broadcasts and website, in the name of “protection of society”? Remember, each state has its own Constitution, which protects freedom of religion and freedom of the press. Jessica would be fine with this, right?

It’s a very slippery slope, which is simply mean to do away with religious freedoms.

The constitutional protection for the free exercise of religion enshrined in the First Amendment isn’t the only law to consider when talking about vaccine mandates and religious exemptions. When it comes to the employer-employee relationship, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act also kicks in to protect employees from discrimination on the basis of religion. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission specifically provided that as long as an employer complies with Title VII, federal disability laws and “other EEO considerations,” federal equal employment opportunity laws allow employers to require “all employees physically entering the workplace to be vaccinated for COVID-19.”

The 1st Amendment is not a law. These people are nuts.

We know how to protect ourselves and each other. There is no reason nor any constitution to prevent us from doing so.

Yeah, there actually is.

Read: MSNBC: Religious Exemptions For Vaccine Mandates Shouldn’t Exist Or Something »

Democrats Electric Vehicle Push Looks More Like Politics Than Science

It’s not surprising that Democrats are attempting to force citizens into driving expensive, limiting EVs. There’s only one “choice” that they like. Everything else must be dictated by Government. This looks more like a sop to the unions that vote Democrat

Democrats’ electric vehicle push sparks intense lobbying fight

Electric vehicleDemocrats’ effort to spur electric vehicle (EV) adoption has set off an intense lobbying battle on Capitol Hill as car manufacturers jockey for influence over legislation that will shape the industry’s future.

Automakers generally back President Biden’s green energy plan, which would spend billions of government dollars to construct charging stations across the nation and expand incentives that lessen the cost of buying an EV. But they’re sharply divided over a key tax credit component of the proposal.

Under the legislation advanced by the House Ways and Means Committee last month, most EVs would qualify for a $7,500 tax credit. But union-built EVs assembled in the U.S. would receive an additional $4,500 in credits.

Only Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co. and Stellantis NV, Chrysler’s parent company, would benefit from the extra incentive, as union workers assemble most of their EVs in U.S. plants. The proposal effectively leaves other automakers, including Tesla Inc., the nation’s main EV manufacturer, at a $4,500 per vehicle disadvantage.

The provision has drawn outrage from car manufacturers that do not have unionized workforces, including Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., which blasted the legislative language as “blatantly biased” and “discriminatory.”

Of course, tax credits are not actually cash, and are so complicated that no one is quite sure how they work and to contact your tax professional. And, of course they’re trying to push unions. Despite a history of making lower quality vehicles

Autos Drive America, a trade group that represents most major foreign-owned automakers such as Honda, Toyota and Volkswagen Group, is running TV advertisements in Washington, D.C., urging lawmakers to reject the pro-union measure.

“Carmakers are racing to get more EVs on the road, but Congress’s sweetheart deal for unions would take most of today’s EVs off the table for many American families,” the group’s most recent ad tells viewers.

And those foreign vehicles, most of which are assembled in the US, and Tesla, are much better vehicles overall than the domestics.

While the auto industry is divided on some issues, it’s united behind Democrats’ proposal to end an existing provision that phases out tax credits after a manufacturer reaches 200,000 EV sales. Carmakers are also pushing Democrats to ax a proposed cap on EV tax credits for customers with incomes of $400,000 or more and a measure that limits the EV tax credit to cars that cost $55,000 or less.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association, which lobbies for luxury EV makers such as Tesla, Rivian and Lucid Motors, argues that the price limit would “force manufacturers to produce lower range, less desirable vehicles, which diminishes the consumer experience and will slow EV adoption.”

Why does this look more like a push to help the big donors for the Democrats? And, the argument is that automakers will make crummy, low mileage vehicles. Huh.

Read: Democrats Electric Vehicle Push Looks More Like Politics Than Science »

Dr. Doom Wants You To Get Out And Enjoy Halloween

And please, people, get vaccinated to do so

Fauci: ‘Go out there and enjoy Halloween’

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday urged parents celebrating Halloween to get vaccinated against the coronavirus but described the holiday’s activities as low risk, given that they are mostly outdoors.

“Particularly if you’re vaccinated, but you can get out there. You’re outdoors for the most part — at least when my children were out there doing trick-or-treating — and enjoy it,” Fauci said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

He added: “This is a time that children love. It’s a very important part of the year for children. I know my children enjoyed it.”

Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, made the comments after CNN host Dana Bash asked for his guidance to parents who are concerned about staying safe while handing out candy and walking through their neighborhoods.

Although Fauci described trick-or-treating as a generally safe activity, he said it would be even safer if people get vaccinated first.

“If you’re not vaccinated — again, think about it, that you’ll add an extra degree of protection to yourself and your children and your family and your community. So it’s a good time to reflect on why it’s important to get vaccinated,” he said.

About the only parts he got right is that kids enjoy Halloween and that the point of getting vaccinated is to protect yourself. The strange part is how there are all these packed college football games going on and we aren’t hearing about superspreader events.

Cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all declining, raising the possibility that the pandemic could become more endemic — a less disruptive threat that would allow life to increasingly return to normal. But the tens of millions of people who have not yet been vaccinated threaten that prospect as winter approaches, he suggested.

Why? If they get COVID that’s on them. That’s the chance they take. Unless Fauci is saying that the vaccines do not work as advertised?

Fauci’s advice last year for winter holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, when people frequently travel and spend time indoors with large groups, rankled some of his critics. Widespread vaccinations have mitigated some of the risk as the same holidays approach again.

Strangely, he was good with people traveling on airplanes last year before the vaccines were rolled out, saying it was safe to fly.

Meanwhile (direct Washington Post article, behind paywall, here)

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. service members remain unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated against the coronavirus as the Pentagon’s first compliance deadlines near, with lopsided rates across the individual services and a spike in deaths among military reservists illustrating how political division over the shots has seeped into a nonpartisan force with unambiguous orders.

Overall, the military’s vaccination rate has climbed since August, when Defense Department leaders, acting on a directive from President Joe Biden, informed the nation’s 2.1 million troops that immunization would become mandatory, exemptions would be rare and those who refuse would be punished. Yet troops’ response has been scattershot, according to data assessed by The Washington Post.

For instance, 90 percent of the active-duty Navy is fully vaccinated, whereas just 72 percent of the Marine Corps is, the data show, even though both services share a Nov. 28 deadline. In the Air Force, more than 60,000 personnel have just three weeks to meet the Defense Department’s most ambitious deadline.

81% of the Army is supposedly vaccinated. The order also applies to Guard units who deploy on federal orders after December 15. So, what will the military do? Will they lose that many members? Kick them out? Lose all that experience? The White House wants them booted with some sort of not-honorable discharge.

Read: Dr. Doom Wants You To Get Out And Enjoy Halloween »

People’s Republik Of California: Say Goodbye To Your Gas Mowers And Lawn Implements

You know, this is For Your Own Good. That seems familiar. The definition of Progressivism is “Nice Fascism”. That doesn’t mean these are nice people, it means they’ll run your life for you own good. It makes sense when mom and dad do this when you’re a kid. Not when you’re an adult. But, hey, a goodly chunk of you moonbats in California keep voting for this stuff

California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

California took another step toward its goal of ridding the state of all gas-powered engines thanks to a new bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday.

The new law will ban the sale of all off-road, gas-powered engines, including generators, lawn equipment, pressure washers, chainsaws, weed trimmers, and even golf carts. Under the new law, these machines must be zero-emissions, meaning they will have to be either battery-powered or plug-in, according to the Los Angeles Times.

China is very pleased, since they produce a lot of the precious metals, batteries, and devices that will comply.

The new law is expected to affect nearly 50,000 small businesses. California’s budget includes $30 million to help professional landscapers and gardeners quit using gas-powered equipment, but even then, the budget is still not capable of bearing the full financial burden.

And what becomes of all the dead battery powered machines, which never seem to last as long, as well as the batteries? Just dump them in the landfill? Great idea! Say, will the government of the PRC stop using all these devices? They can jack up taxes to pay for it

The National Association of Landscape Professionals also noted how zero-emission commercial equipment is both more expensive and less efficient than gas-powered equipment. A gas-powered riding lawn mower costs between $7,000-$11,000 while the zero-emissions version costs more than twice that amount, according to the outlet.

And, you have to purchase them more often. Remember how Warmists said that all this stuff won’t cost people more? Huh.

Meanwhile in the PRC

Big California retailers must offer gender-neutral children’s aisles under new law

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday signed a law that requires large California retailers to maintain gender neutral toy and childcare sections.

The new law, Assembly Bill 1084, requires that retailers with 500 or more employees in the state of California “maintain a gender neutral section or area, to be labeled at the discretion of the retailer, in which a reasonable selection of the items and toys for children that it sells shall be displayed, regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys,” according to the legislative counsel’s digest. (snip)

One of the most vocal opponents of the law was the conservative California Family Council, which said that the bill was a marketing scheme by Rob Smith, the proprietor of The Phluid Project, to sell his gender-neutral clothing.

“You have to give Rob Smith credit; he’s found quite an audacious marketing plan in asking Sacramento to force California retailers to make room for his products,” California Family Council President Jonathan Keller said in a statement. “But activists and state legislators have no right to force retailers to espouse government-approved messages about gender. It’s a violation of free speech and it’s just plain wrong.”

The people of the PRC keep voting for this stuff.

Read: People’s Republik Of California: Say Goodbye To Your Gas Mowers And Lawn Implements »

If All You See…

…is a horrible suburban yard that requires lots of water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on a plan to reword the grave markers of Canadian prime ministers with atrocity apologies.

It’s yoga pants week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Joyce Ballantyne Bath

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation of America. Getting some much needed rain, the temps are down a bit, and the Dodgers tied up the series with a whooping on the SF Giants. This pinup is by Joyce Ballantyne, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Althouse covers British Airways dropping “ladies and gentleman” in order for more diversity
  2. Not A Lot Of People Know That discusses Warmists saying wind speeds drop as they say they speed up
  3. Independent Sentinel highlights a student handcuffed for protesting masks
  4. Weasel Zippers notes Biden turning his back on the media questions yet again
  5. Victory Girls Blog is shocked that the Taliban won’t help Surrender Joe fight terrorism
  6. The Right Scoop wonders if anyone is better off than they were 10 months ago
  7. The People’s Cube notes Psaki blaming Joe’s low ratings on the “unvaccinated”
  8. The Lid highlights Biden’s only accomplishment
  9. The Last Refuge notes Congressional reps and staff treated with Ivermectin
  10. The Gateway Pundit covers Seattle bracing for mass firings of police who refused vaccination
  11. The First Street Journal notes Philadelphia delaying their vaccine mandate
  12. Raised On Hoecakes wonders about the government reaction to COVID
  13. protein wisdom highlights a study showing antibodies decrease after 2 shots of Pfizer
  14. Pacific Pundit shows Let’s Go Brandon making it on ESPN
  15. And last, but not least, Outside The Beltway covers Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hot Take: People Should Take A More Nuanced View On Why Blacks And Latinos Have Low Vaccination Rates

See, it’s not OK that whites, Asians and other non-black and Latinos might be vaccine hesitant. They just have no excuses. For blacks and Latinos, though, yeah, they have Excuses. Is there nothing these lunatics can’t turn into raaaaacism? They just don’t want to Blamestorm those groups for low vaccination rate, they don’t want to shame them, unlike with whites and others

US Black and Latino communities often have low vaccination rates – but blaming vaccine hesitancy misses the mark

By early July 2021, nearly two-thirds of all U.S. residents 12 years and older had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine; 55% were fully vaccinated. But uptake varies drastically by region – and it is lower on average among non-white people.

Many blame the relatively lower vaccination rates in communities of color on “vaccine hesitancy.” But this label overlooks persistent barriers to access and lumps together the varied reasons people have for refraining from vaccination. It also places all the responsibility for getting vaccinated on individuals. Ultimately, homogenizing peoples’ reasons for not getting vaccinated diverts attention away from social factors that research shows play a critical role in health status and outcomes.

As medical anthropologists, we take a more nuanced view. Working together as lead site investigators for CommuniVax, a national initiative to improve vaccine equity, we and our teams in Alabama, California and Idaho, along with CommuniVax teams elsewhere in the nation, have documented a variety of stances toward vaccination that simply can’t be cast as “hesitant.”

People of color have long suffered an array of health inequities. Accordingly, due to a combination of factors, these communities have experienced higher hospitalization due to COVID-19, higher disease severity upon admission, higher chances for being placed on breathing support and progression to the intensive care unit, and higher rates of death.

What the heck is a medical anthropologist? The Stanford Department of Anthropology terms it “Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in light of global, historical, and political forces.” A few other colleges are similar, and, this is apparently not in the medical field. Perhaps when the term started being used in 1963 it was something real. Now it simply sounds like more SJW/virtue signaling mule fritters.

And that mule fritters is simply a way to excuse Certain People from being shamed, lambasted, and/or simply cajoled into getting the Chinese coronavirus vaccine, like they do with Everyone Else.

However, vaccine uptake is far from universal in these communities. This is in part due to access issues that go beyond the well documented challenges of transportation, internet access and skills gaps, and a lack of information on how to get vaccinated. For example, some CommuniVax participants had heard of non-resident white people usurping doses that were meant for communities of color. African American participants, in particular, reported feeling that the Johnson & Johnson vaccines promoted in their communities were the least safe and effective.

So, they’re saying these people are too dumb, poor, and lazy to be able to travel not that far to get the vaccine, along with finding out about it? Isn’t that rather racist/bigoted?

Our participant testimony shows that many unvaccinated people are not “vaccine hesitant” but rather “vaccine impeded.” And exclusion can happen not just in a physical sense; providers’ attitudes towards vaccines matter too.

Another segment of unvaccinated people obscured by the “hesitant” label are the “vaccine indifferent.” For various reasons, they remain relatively untouched by the pandemic: COVID-19 just isn’t on their radar. This might include people who are self-employed or working under the table, people living in rural and remote places, and those whose children are not in the public school system.

Oh, good grief. These people. “Vaccine impeded.” “Vaccine indifferent.” It’s always something, and they spend the rest of the long screed providing Excuses, and really, no ideas to solve what they testified is real. I remember back when I started in the work field after college, a boss said “if you’re complaining without offering solutions, you’re whining.” These people are whining while also social justice warrioring and Excuse Making.

Read: Hot Take: People Should Take A More Nuanced View On Why Blacks And Latinos Have Low Vaccination Rates »

Climate Scam Today: Sinema Climate Funding Cuts, Pelosi Meets With Pope

If Sinema thought she was in trouble with the moonbats in her party now, wait till she finds out how the climate cult reacts

Kyrsten Sinema Wants to Cut $100 Billion in Proposed Climate Funds, Sources Say

climate change joke

Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, who began her political career with the Green Party and who has voiced alarm over the warming planet, wants to cut at least $100 billion from climate programs in major legislation pending on Capitol Hill, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Sinema is one of two centrist Democrats in the Senate whose votes are crucial to passing two bills that together would comprise President Biden’s legislative agenda: a $1 trillion infrastructure bill and a separate $3.5 trillion budget bill.

Last month, Ms. Sinema told The Arizona Republic, “We know that a changing climate costs Arizonans. And right now, we have the opportunity to pass smart policies to address it — looking forward to that.” In her 2018 run for the Senate, Ms. Sinema was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. And she has expressed an interest in using the spending bill to enact a tax or fee on carbon dioxide pollution, which experts say could be among the most effective ways to mitigate global warming.

But Ms. Sinema’s demand to cut spending on climate provisions in the budget bill could force Democrats to cut or shrink programs designed to help poor communities adapt to climate change as well as to help companies adjust as the economy transitions away from fossil fuels to clean energy.

Warmists are upset over not being able to essentially provide bribe money to “the poor” while keeping those same people poor, making them beholden to the Democratic Party.

But, wait

A spokesman for Ms. Sinema, John LaBombard, forcefully denied that Ms. Sinema requested the cuts. “Neither Senator Sinema nor our office have requested or demanded such cuts, nor have we even heard of any such demands,” he wrote in an email.

The people familiar with her request, who asked to speak anonymously because they were not authorized to speak on the record, said that she had asked for a cut to the climate program as part of a larger effort by Democrats to hunt for ways to lower the price tag of the broader spending legislation. Mr. Biden had initially envisioned a spending package of about $3.5 trillion, but Democrats are now trying to cut that to $2 trillion, in order to win support from Ms. Sinema and Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, without whose votes the measure will not pass.

So, LaBombard, on the record, says this is a load of mule fritters. Anonymous people say it did happen. Who’s telling truth? It doesn’t matter, because the point here is to get more people incensed at Sinema, to put more pressure on her, which will mean more unhinged protesters coming after her. Which is what the screed writer, Coral Davenport, a major doomsday climate cult writer, wants. Which could backfire.

Pelosi and Pope Francis meet amid push for action on climate change

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Pope Francis met Saturday, the same day the pontiff gave a speech calling on lawmakers in countries around the world to act on climate change.

“His Holiness’s encyclical Laudato Si’ is a powerful challenge to the global community to act decisively on the climate crisis with special attention to the most vulnerable communities,” Pelosi, a practicing Catholic, said in a statement released Saturday.

“I expressed the gratitude of those working on climate action in the Congress for the immense moral clarity and urgency that His Holiness continues to bring to the climate crisis, and how we continue to cherish his address to the Joint Session of Congress in 2015,” she added.

Francis on Saturday called for leaders to take action on climate change and put aside “narrow” partisan politics.

Let me get this straight, the Pope took a long fossil fueled flight to complain to Pelosi, who calls herself a Catholic despite her extreme belief in abortion on demand? And the Pope says nothing about that? Catholics, you’re religion is being destroyed from the inside.

If Democrats want climate legislation so badly, why not attempt to pass it on its own? Let’s debate their plans in full. Let’s see them answer questions.

Sunday update: the article made it seem as if the Pope came to see Pelosi. It’s actually the reverse, Pelosi took a long fossil fueled flight to Italy (for which she certainly charged the American people). Which, from an abortion on demand standpoint, is even worse, with the Pope inviting a huge believe in what the Pope calls murder to visit him.

Read: Climate Scam Today: Sinema Climate Funding Cuts, Pelosi Meets With Pope »

Pirate's Cove