If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a chief Cleric in Pakistan saying what’s the ultimate goal of Islam.

Read: If All You See… »

Where’s Biden’s Vaccine Mandate?

People are starting to wonder where and when

When will President Joe Biden announce vaccine mandate rules for businesses?

President Joe Biden stumped for his national vaccine mandate at a speaking engagement in Chicago on Thursday but offered no further information on when the plan, that’s set to impact 100 million U.S. workers, will go into effect.

Biden said the U.S. Department of Labor continues to work on the new rules which will be released “soon” but said the announcement itself has already spurred some large U.S. companies to launch their own in-house mandates ahead of the new federal rules.

“When I announced the first requirement, that encouraged businesses to feel they can come in and demand the same thing of their own employees,” Biden said. “More people are getting vaccinated, more lives are being saved.”

And therein is a big point: trying to strong-arm companies into implementing their own vaccine mandates prior to the OSHA release, because, for one thing, they know the OSHA rule will face immediate lawsuits. Also, how will OSHA enforce this? There are only so many inspectors, and they should be doing inspections of certain companies, rather than being Vaccine Police.

Earlier Thursday, the New York Times reported that OSHA is continuing to work on standards that pass legal muster nearly a month after Biden announced the mandate plan. That includes a number of rigorous, time-consuming steps, like demonstrating that workers face a grave danger at work and that a rule is necessary to address the danger. The agency is also working through the long list of questions that business groups have sent seeking guidance on the finer points of vaccine mandates. A few of the thorny issues:

  • Will independent contractors count toward the 100-employee threshold?
  • Who will pay for testing? Companies? The government? The unvaccinated?
  • Will vaccine mandates include boosters, if approved?

How about “what of franchised companies?” Because there are many companies which may not have 100 in their corporate office. Or, maybe they do, but the franchised stores (such as fast food places) do not. The rule will surely not be going through the regular rule-making process, which does leave itself open to lawsuits.

The Times report also noted several big employers have imposed mandates since Biden’s announcement, including 3M and Procter & Gamble. Others, like JPMorgan Chase and Walmart, have yet to issue broad requirements. But even after OSHA finalizes its rules, some employers wary of mandates may not act, betting that they won’t be punished because of the agency’s limited enforcement resources or that the standards could get bogged down in court.

Exactly. How many will lose their jobs because they refuse to take a vaccine that essentially still in the testing phase. I’m pro-vaccine, but, I’m anti-mandate. Ask me again in a year or two, when we’ll have a whole lot more data on how the vaccines perform and side effects, at least short term.

Especially when mandates are selective

Friday is the first full day of the Los Angeles County vaccine mandate, where customers must show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test at select businesses, like outdoor venues, bars, wineries and breweries.

While the San Fernando Brewing Company closed before midnight Thursday night, the business is ready to check customers vaccine status before they’re allowed inside today.

“I’m feeling a little picked on, actually, is probably the the best way to put it,” said Vic Chouchanian, owner of San Fernando Brewing Company.

Some are required, others aren’t.

And the People In Charge would rather restrict Americans and cause issues than look towards China which created this who thing.

Read: Where’s Biden’s Vaccine Mandate? »

Pentagon Has New Plan To Go “Green” Or Something

It was one thing for the military to plan for the effects of a warming world, regardless of causation belief. That’s what they do: plan. Now, though, they are being sucked further into the Cult of Climastrology, and this will damage their core mission, which is to protect the U.S. from foreign enemies

With New Plan, Pentagon Embraces Climate Change Fight

Electric vehicleA new Pentagon strategy calls for the military services and all defense-related organizations — including contractors — to make changes to mitigate potential vulnerabilities from climate change and reduce emissions.

The 32-page report, released Thursday, states that the Defense Department must adapt to a world where military operations, installations and even weapon systems can all be impacted by climate change.

“Climate change is going to be the context of the world that we live in from now on,” Richard Kidd, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for environment and energy resilience, told reporters during a roundtable on Friday. “No entity can opt out of their responsibilities or requirements to take necessary steps in either adaptation or mitigation.”

The strategy lays out five lines of effort, outlining how the Pentagon can incorporate climate change into its future planning and operations.

So, what, worthless electric trucks and tanks? Sailing ships? How will they fly airplanes? Softening the training requirements because of a slight temperature increase?

Perhaps most notably for the defense industry, the department must harden its supply chains to the effects of climate change, the strategy states. One way it can do that is by leveraging its purchasing power to invest in environmentally-friendly technologies like microgrids and power storage systems that can also improve the survivability of the military.

If it’s not helping the mission it’s hurting the mission.

The Pentagon will also seek greater transparency from industry on current levels of greenhouse gas emissions and companies’ plans for reduction.

And forcing contractors to go green. Silly.

The department plans to target places in the supply chain where it can reduce emissions, while also having a positive impact on operations or resiliency, Kidd said. For example, the Defense Department wants to see more domestic production of batteries used in aircraft, on ships or by dismounted troops, which serves a dual purpose of reducing the vulnerability of the US military to supply chain interruptions in the foreign market.

Now, that is one thing that does make sense. Of course, the extreme-enviros will sue to stop the mining necessary for this, along with protests and blockades.

Maybe one day the military will be able to have electric tanks, but, at this moment, all this stuff is just a distraction from being able to protect the U.S. But, then, the climate cult is primarily made up of Leftists, who have long hated the military, and this is a way to destroy it from the inside. They weren’t able to defund it in the Vietnam era, so, they invade and destroy.

Read: Pentagon Has New Plan To Go “Green” Or Something »

Where’s Kamala: Blows Of Meeting With Mexican Officials On Border

Didn’t Surrender Joe make Cackling Kamala the sheriff in charge of the border? Which is wide open?

Kamala Harris skips US-Mexico border-security meeting, goes to New Jersey instead

Several top members of the Biden administration were in Mexico City on Friday for a meeting with Mexican officials regarding security along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t among them.

Harris, whom President Biden appointed in March to manage the U.S. response to the migrant crisis along the border, went to New Jersey instead.

Attending Friday’s high-level talks in Mexico’s capital were Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

“Today’s High-Level Security Dialogue marks an important new phase in the US-Mexico security partnership,” Mayorkas tweeted Friday. “We will work together under a new framework to guide our joint efforts, and work toward our shared goals of security and prosperity for our two nations.”

And Kamala?

Harris, meanwhile, traveled to the Garden State, visiting a daycare center at Montclair State University in Little Falls and a vaccination site at Essex County Community College in Newark to promote the Biden administration’s agenda.

The vice president last visited the border in June, spending several hours in El Paso, Texas, while on her way to her home in California. It’s the only time she’s been to the border since taking office.

In fairness, did they really need her for the meeting? On one hand, the optics of her being there involved would have been good. On the other hand, her cackling and inappropriate laughing at random would have been distracting and bad optics. On the third hand, the meeting was pretty much meaningless, because the Biden administration will not do a damned thing about the border regardless.

Read: Where’s Kamala: Blows Of Meeting With Mexican Officials On Border »

Federal Agencies Flag Six Aspects Of American Life At Risk From Climate Doom

But, you know, if we give them more funding and power they can totally solve this!

6 Aspects of American Life Threatened by Climate Change

Less food. More traffic accidents. Extreme weather hitting nuclear waste sites. Migrants rushing toward the United States, fleeing even worse calamity in their own countries.

Those scenarios, once the stuff of dystopian fiction, are now driving American policymaking. Under orders from President Biden, top officials at every government agency have spent months considering the top climate threats their agencies face, and how to cope with them.

I usually cut the links out of articles, unless they are relevant. That link? It goes to the NY Times piece on Google and Youtube restricting monetization and ads from “climate deniers”. Because they are apparently threats. And, they are. Because they expose the grift, fraud, and scam.

On Thursday, the White House offered a first look at the results, releasing the climate-adaptation plans of 23 agencies, including the departments of Energy, Defense, Agriculture, Homeland Security, Transportation and Commerce. The plans reveal the dangers posed by a warming planet to every aspect of American life, and the difficulty of coping with those threats.

The federal government has attempted this exercise before, during the Obama administration. That work effectively stopped under former President Donald J. Trump, whose disdain for climate science led most agencies to either shelve their planning for climate change or stop talking about it.

“Nearly every service that the government provides will be impacted by climate change sooner or later,” said Jesse Keenan, a professor at Tulane University who focuses on climate adaptation and has advised federal agencies.

The plans released Thursday are brief, many of them fewer than 30 pages. They include core themes: ensuring that new facilities meet tougher construction standards, using less energy and water at existing buildings, better protecting workers against extreme heat, educating staff about climate science, and creating supply chains that are less likely to be disrupted by storms or other shocks.

In other words, more funding, more power, more Governmental Control of everything. And these same people called Trump a Fascist and Authoritarian.

The documents also reflect Mr. Biden’s emphasis on racial equity, looking at the effects of climate change on minority and low-income communities and how agencies can address them. For example, the Department of Health and Human Services said it will focus research grants on the health effects on those communities.

This is not science, it’s politics, and it helps make people even more dependent on the federal government.

All this over a minimal 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850.

Read: Federal Agencies Flag Six Aspects Of American Life At Risk From Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on forced masking in Florida. I never do this, but, let me highlight a really good point from the piece

We have stated that if you are going to mandate masks for employees, you have provide masks to wear (which the Board does not do for all employees, allowing “face coverings” which are not effective.) You also have to make those safety regulations meaningful. For example, there are many jobs where a hard hat is required, but no one would argue that a “Bob the Builder” “hard hat” should be allowed on a real job site and that it provides the same protection as an OSHA approved helmet.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Gives A “Let’s Go Brandon” To Those Who Lost Their Jobs Over Vaccine Refusal

That whole #Unity stuff is working great, eh? Meanwhile, Surrender Joe is allowing tens of thousands of unvaccinated “migrants” into the country and allowing them to stay (except Haitians, of course)

‘Look at the bigger story’: Biden dismisses unvaccinated losing their jobs

President Joe Biden took his COVID-19 vaccine requirement policy on the road Thursday, encouraging those concerned about “mass firings” and “hundreds of people losing their jobs” to focus on “the bigger story.”

During a speech at an Illinois construction site, Biden defended the policy but admitted he had been reluctant to introduce a vaccine mandate, saying it was not his “first instinct.”

“Let’s be clear: When you see headlines and reports of mass firings and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story,” he said, seemingly meaning more people in the workforce are now vaccinated.

“The vaccination requirements are tough medicine: unpopular with some, politics for others,” he said. “But they’re life-saving, they’re game-changing for our country.”

This from the guy who said that the vaccines wouldn’t happen for years during the general election campaign. But, hey, screw you folks losing you jobs, especially you folks who were last year’s heroes, the teachers, medical professionals, and first responders.

In the meantime, Biden asked employers on Thursday to act independently of his administration after he toured Clayco’s Elk Grove Village construction site and side meetings with public and private leaders. Clayco, one of the Midwest’s largest construction companies, will begin following Biden’s policy before the OSHA rule is published.

“The unvaccinated also put our economy at risk because people are reluctant to go out,” he said. “Because they’re worried they’re going to get sick. I’ve tried everything in my power to get people vaccinated.”

Polls show that the unvaccinated tend to be a whole lot less concerned than the vaccinated. And this undercuts the notion that the vaccines are meant to protect people from catching COVID. If the unvaccinated want to take the chance, that’s on them. Should I no longer consider the vaccine as protection from getting COVID, just the notion that it might not be as bad?

Anyhow, Joe is helping reinforce making the unvaccinated second class citizens. How soon till they’re required to wear a pin?

Read: Biden Gives A “Let’s Go Brandon” To Those Who Lost Their Jobs Over Vaccine Refusal »

Google, Youtube To Stop Ads And Monetization For “Climate Deniers”

How soon till they simply block all content which conflicts with their doomsday cult beliefs? Google is already suppressing content, dropping it to lower search status

From the link

Google and YouTube on Thursday announced a new policy that prohibits climate deniers from being able to monetize their content on its platforms via ads or creator payments.

Why it matters: It’s one of the most aggressive measures any major tech platform has taken to combat climate change misinformation.

Details: Google advertisers and publishers, as well as YouTube creators, will be prohibited from making ad revenue off content that contradicts “well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change,” the company’s ads team said in a statement. (snip)

Yes, but: Google often makes changes to its ads policies to reduce misinformation, but this update is notable, given how hard it can be to characterize certain commentary about climate change as denialism or misinformation.

The tech giant says that when evaluating content against the new policy, “we’ll look carefully at the context in which claims are made, differentiating between content that states a false claim as fact, versus content that reports on or discusses that claim.”

This is not based on science, it is based on belief. Nothing else. Google is part of the group that is trying to kill off the climate legislation coming from Democrats. The carbon footprint from Google and Youtube is huge, particularly the latter, with all the streaming, and Youtube trying to replace cable and satellite TV. Consensus is not science. The biggest hit is to those who use Youtube, attempting to make money.

Why it matters: Social media platforms have immense reach, and they’ve come under fire from activists and some lawmakers globally for doing too little to thwart the spread of inaccurate content.

It’s not quite censorship, but, it’s getting close. The point of these companies is to simply allow the flow of information. Denial simply means “disagrees with us.” They really do not like that.

Exactly. And they’re going to enforce their doomsday cult beliefs regardless. Which might make more people wonder what the cult is suppressing.

Read: Google, Youtube To Stop Ads And Monetization For “Climate Deniers” »

2nd Class Citizens: Woman Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Denied Kidney Transplant

You might have seen some stories on social media about people being denied access to hospitals, and others about doctors saying they won’t treat people who haven’t gotten the Chinese coronavirus vaccine for serious problems. Even though they dealt with un-vaccinated people for a year without them having been vaccinated. This is one of the first I’ve seen where someone was actually denied

Colorado woman who won’t get vaccinated denied transplant

When a Colorado woman found out her hospital wouldn’t approve her kidney transplant surgery until she got the COVID-19 vaccine, she was left with a difficult decision pitting her health needs against her religious beliefs.

Leilani Lutali, a born-again Christian, went with her faith.

Even though she has stage 5 kidney disease that puts her at risk of dying without a new kidney, Lutali, 56, said she could not agree to be vaccinated because of the role that stem cells have played in the development of vaccines.

“As a Christian, I can’t support anything that has to do with abortion of babies, and the sanctity of life for me is precious,” she said.

I’ll be perfectly honest, I wasn’t aware of that argument. And, yes, the three main vaccines did use aborted fetal cells. Sort of

(Nebraska Medicine) Answer from infectious disease expert and practicing Catholic James Lawler, MD

No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. (snip)

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.

Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines I mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.

So, yes, the current fetal cells derive from long ago. How strict does one want to be?

The Vatican and bishops agree. The Vatican has issued clear guidance that permits Roman Catholics in good faith to receive COVID-19 vaccines that use fetal cell lines in development or production. Read the Vatican’s comments on the morality of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

There is no similar statement from a Christian, as in non-Catholic, group, nor Muslim. Yes, Muslims are also refusing to take the vaccine. There have been individual statements, but, not from big leadership groups. I have my opinion on this, but, people need to make their own decisions.

UCHealth requires transplant recipients to be vaccinated because recipients are at significant risk of contracting COVID-19 as well as being hospitalized and dying from the virus, spokesman Dan Weaver said. Unvaccinated donors could also pass COVID-19 to the recipient even if they initially test negative for the disease, he said.

“Studies have found transplant patients who contract COVID-19 may have a mortality rate of 20% or higher,” he said.

Yet, they’ll do transplants for people with other diseases, such as HIV, full blown AIDS, Hepatitis, and others. What happened to doctors doing no harm? These people will live longer, and it is a chance that people take.

To Lutali, a recruiter for tech companies, it seems like her hospital was so insistent on saving her from COVID-19 that is is willing to let her possibly die by blocking her transplant surgery.

Lutali, who does not belong to a denomination, said she does not live in fear of dying because of her belief in the afterlife. She is searching for another hospital, possibly in Texas or Florida, where she could get a transplant without being vaccinated.

I’m surprised she isn’t suing.

Read: 2nd Class Citizens: Woman Who Refuses COVID Vaccine Denied Kidney Transplant »

Good News: CIA To Focus On Climate Emergency (scam)

Good thing there are no real threats out there anymore

From the link

The C.I.A. will embark on a reorganization intended to focus more on China, the agency’s director announced on Thursday.

At the heart of the effort will be a new China Mission Center meant to bring more resources to studying the country and better position officers around the world to collect information and analyze China’s activities.

OK, that’s acceptable. Why they haven’t been more focused on China for decades is beyond me.

Another new center will focus on new technology and global problems like pandemics and climate change. Called the Transnational and Technology Mission Center, part of its mission will be to identify new technologies that could be used by the agency to help collect intelligence and by others against C.I.A. operatives.

Like so many other initiatives by Democrats, ‘climate change’ will end up being their primary focus of the CIA, just like has happened and is happening with federal agencies, where they waste their time on this stuff rather than their core mission.

Read: Good News: CIA To Focus On Climate Emergency (scam) »

Pirate's Cove