Oh Noes: A Slight Increase In Global Temperature Is Making Parts Of The Earth Unlivable

The Earth has seen a whopping 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850, and it is all your fault

Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills

(story of someone running in the heat and dying)

The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.

People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.

Heat is the deadliest type of extreme weather, and the human-caused climate crisis is making heat waves more severe and prolonged. Add humidity into the mix, and conditions in some places are approaching the limits of human survivability — the point at which our bodies simply cannot adapt.

No, cold is the deadliest

Globally, cold deaths are 9 times higher than heat-related ones. In no region is this ratio less than 3, and in many, it’s over 10 times higher. Cold is more deadly than heat, even in the hottest parts of the world.

Anyhow, back to the CNN piece, which is more of a press release from the climate cult than any sort of news article

“We’ve essentially weaponized summer,” said Matthew Huber, a climate professor at Purdue University.

Our bodies can get used to the heat to some extent, but it takes time, and even then, sometimes heat is simply too extreme to adapt to. (snip)

Purdue University’s Huber and a team of scientists projected that billions of people will be exposed to this dangerous threshold as global warming accelerates. With every half a degree the world heats up, scorching, sticky heat “just expands outward in these hot, deadly blobs,” Huber said.

Except, it’s not accelerating, and it really is nothing unusual for a Holocene warm period. Of course, in previous ones the few wackos just blamed Bad Weather on witchcraft and the gods.

Heat already kills an estimated 489,000 people each year, according to the World Health Organization, but the real toll could be higher because heat-related deaths are so hard to track.

The real toll could be way less. They can’t give you actual numbers, they just say a death is related, much like someone who died from a motorcycle crash but tested positive for COVID, so, they say it was COVID.

Instead, heat is a creeping threat, a steady hum in the background. Its worst damage is not to property but to our bodies, Venkat said. And it is an “invisible, silent killer.”


Read: Oh Noes: A Slight Increase In Global Temperature Is Making Parts Of The Earth Unlivable »

Israel Says Attack Against Hezbollah Will Be Severe But Targeted

Perhaps if Lebanon would crack down on the terrorists in their nation none of this would be necessary. Perhaps if 1st World nations, especially the U.S., would promise severe consequences against Hezbollah if they continue their terrorism none of this would be necessary. Perhaps if so many in the “religion of peace” weren’t terrorists none of this would be necessary. Perhaps if the Koran didn’t say to spread Islam by the point of a sword none of this would be necessary

As diplomats scramble, Israel says response to Hezbollah to be ‘harsh’ but contained

With the region on edge ahead of an expected Israeli retaliation against Hezbollah for a deadly rocket strike on Saturday, Western diplomats urged de-escalation, while Israeli officials suggested that the response would be serious but not lead to an all-out conflagration.

Israeli officials speaking to Reuters said Israel wants to hurt Hezbollah, but not drag the Middle East into regional war, while other Israeli officials told the wire service that the IDF is preparing for the possibility of a few days of fighting with the Iran-backed Lebanese terror group.

In the Hezbollah strike on the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights on Saturday afternoon, 12 children were killed while playing on a soccer field when they were hit by what Israel said was an Iranian-made Falaq-1 rocket with a warhead of over 50kg of explosives.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Majdal Shams on Monday, saying that “these children are our children; they are all the children of all of us.”

Netanyahu said that “Israel will not and cannot let this simply pass on by. Our response will come, and it will be harsh.”

It’s all really easy: stop attacking Israel, especially civilian targets, because there comes a time when Israel has had enough and will respond with devastating force, as we witnessed with Gaza. Of course, the terrorists, as backed by Iran, want Israel to attack, because there are plenty of 1st World wackos who are anti-Semites and will take the side of the terrorist groups

Iran warns of serious consequences for any Israeli hit on Lebanon

Any possible Israeli attack on Lebanon will have serious consequences for Israel, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said in a phone call with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Iran’s state media reported on Monday.

Israeli authorities blamed Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah for a rocket attack that hit a football ground in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Saturday, killing 12 children and teenagers, and vowed to inflict a heavy response. Hezbollah denied any responsibility for the strike.

“Any possible Israeli attack on Lebanon will have serious consequences for Israel,” Pezeshkian was quoted by Iranian state media as saying.

“We are willing to improve our relations with France on the basis of mutual trust,” Pezeshkian added in his conversation with Macron.

And what did Macron tell Pezeshkian? We know he told Netanyahu to not escalate. Macron should have been telling Iran that France has Israel’s back, and any moves by Iran would result in serious consequences against Iran. Force is what Iran understands, not squishy talk.

Read: Israel Says Attack Against Hezbollah Will Be Severe But Targeted »

UK Guardian Super Bummed Supreme Court Decisions Stop Government From Being Dictatorial For Bird Flu

One would have though a UK based news outlet would have seen the complete Fascism of the UK government’s response to COVID, but, since the Guardian leans way left, maybe not

US supreme court rulings will affect response to threats like bird flu – experts

Four recent decisions from the US supreme court have unleashed the greatest changes to the American regulatory state in decades and will probably affect responses to emerging threats like the bird flu outbreak currently spreading in the country, experts say.

The decisions will have ripple effects for enforcing and creating regulations, including complicated technical and scientific rules, and they could open up agencies to increased legal challenges.

The rulings may create a “chilling” effect for regulations beyond the scope of the individual decisions, said Josh Michaud, an associate director for global health policy at KFF, a nonpartisan health policy organization.

These rules seem likely to affect the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and drugs, improvements for clean water and air, reduced carbon emissions, consumer safety, and the control of infectious diseases, Gostin said.

And they should have a chilling effect: the Executive Branch, from the White House down, can no longer create rules beyond the scope of what the Legislative Branch specifically tasked them to do. They can no longer simply come up with so many of the things we saw during COVID, like dictating masks, which really do not work, and 6 feet spreads. They need Congress to authorize it. Just as the Constitution intended. Nor can the Legislative Branch give their power to the Executive to make what rules they want. It’s like a non-transferable warranty: you cannot transfer it. Period.

The news comes as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports three more cases of bird flu in Colorado poultry workers, bringing the tally to 13 people who have tested positive for H5N1, a highly pathogenic avian influenza, this year after close contact with animals.

“Bird flu is complicated because even at the best of times, our regulatory framework for dealing with it is chaotic and has many gaps, because it involves multiple agencies that have overlapping and sometimes inconsistent orders and regulations,” Gostin said.

OMG, we’re dooommmmeeeeddddd…wait, 13? Out of almost 336 million, plus all those millions of illegals? 13? The Guardian is getting worked up over that? Were any federal agencies thinking of going Fascist over this?

In the Loper Bright decision, the supreme court overturned something known as Chevron deference, where judges prioritize federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous language in federal laws – opening up uncertainty in agencies’ ability to make or enforce rules not explicitly enshrined in law.

So, Britain, we have a Constitution, and the Executive Branch cannot act like potentates. And the States and We The People retain all power not expressly delegated to the Congress.

“The supreme court is asking Congress to say very, very specifically what it wants to regulate,” Gostin said. In the past, Congress has delegated regulatory capacity to agencies because they tend to have greater scientific and technical expertise – and because dysfunction among lawmakers could bog down the advancement of thousands of regulations needed to keep Americans safe, Gostin said.

Another reason agencies have taken the lead, he said, is because “it’s impossible for Congress to foresee all of the evolving health threats that people face”.

Tough. Congress critters get paid to do the job, and they ran for the job. Stop wasting time on stupid stuff, and do the job.

On Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency slightly elevated its risk assessment of bird flu for people, raising their level of risk from 3 to 4 – a change from “limited” to “sustained” transmission among mammals, including limited spread in people.

The number of people in the UK who have gotten bird flu in 2024 is so low that there really is almost no news on it. And most people are highly skeptical now after COVID over-reaction.

Read: UK Guardian Super Bummed Supreme Court Decisions Stop Government From Being Dictatorial For Bird Flu »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Monday morning stimulus.

Read: If All You See… »

US And France Attempt To Keep Israel From Obliterating Hezbollah

Using restraint and calling for it is what entices terrorist groups to attack

US, France scramble to stop Hezbollah attack sparking larger Lebanon war

The United States and France scrambled on Sunday to prevent the sparking of a third Lebanon war after the Hezbollah attack that killed 12 Druze children in the Golan Heights village of Majdal Shams on Saturday. Israel stood poised to respond militarily.

“We have been in continuous discussions with Israeli and Lebanese counterparts since the horrific attack yesterday,” US National Security Council spokesperson Adriane Watson stated.

The United States “is working on a diplomatic solution along the Blue Line that will end all attacks once and for all and allow citizens on both sides of the border to return safely to their homes.” (the Blue Line is essentially the border between Israel and Lebanon and the Golan Heights, made up of blue barrels, and which Hezbollah keeps violating)

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with both Prime Ministers, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Najib Makati of Lebanon.

Where’s Biden? Oh, right, weekend. I have yet to find an article which shows him engaged on this issue.

Diplomats have urged Israel to constrain its response to avert an all-out war between the two countries. Macron told Netanyahu that France was “fully committed to doing everything possible to avoid a new escalation in the region by sending messages to all parties to the conflict,” the Elyse said.

“He also reiterated the need to reach a diplomatic solution to the issue of the Blue Line, based on [United Nations Security Council] Resolution 1701 and his determination to contribute to it.”

Any war won’t be between Israel and Lebanon: it will be Israel annihilating Hezbollah, which Lebanon has wanted gone for a long time, as they create lots of problems, including damage to Lebanon’s economy. Anyway, if France was being attacked by a group designated a terrorist organization (France has that designation for Hezbollah) constantly, and the group was intentionally attacking civilians, what would Macron be saying? Would he be calling for restraint, or saying that France would destroy them? Calling for restraint against an Islamist terrorist group simply emboldens them, as they see weakness. It would be better if France and the US were out there saying to Hezbollah “stop now, or you will be destroyed. We’ll give Israel full reign, and perhaps we’ll join in.” Politicians have forgotten the lessons of 9/11 and other big terrorist attacks.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in Tokyo on Sunday that “It’s so important that we help diffuse that conflict” along the northern border, “not only prevented it from spreading but to diffuse it.”

It’s simple: threaten Hezbollah. Threaten Iran. In case Blinkin missed it, Hezbollah is a US State Department designated terrorist group. Why is the Biden admin placating them? Kowtowing to them?

Read: US And France Attempt To Keep Israel From Obliterating Hezbollah »

Green Wackos Thwarted At Paris Olympics

Looks like the authorities in France and Paris were in no mood to put up with the shenanigans by the climate cultists (via Watts Up With That?)

Climate protest in Paris foiled on first day of Olympics

French police on July 27 blocked climate activists from holding a demonstration in central Paris on the first official day of the Olympic Games.

Protesters from Extinction Rebellion (XR), once notorious for shutting down bridges over the Thames River in London, had planned to occupy the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine, which had hosted the Games’ opening ceremony only hours earlier.

On July 27 morning, police officers “arrested 45 people belonging to a radical ecology group who were about to carry out a demonstration,” Paris prosecutors told AFP. (snip)

The stint on the bridge, which organisers previously said would be “more visible than disruptive”, was called off after police arrested XR activists before the protest even began, the group said in a statement.

“The French government has deployed great resources to block our special Olympic action,” Extinction Rebellion France said in a statement on X. “Our democracy burns, and we are watching the flame of Paris 2024.”

They were stopped from certainly causing a whole bunch of trouble for all the athletes and attendees for the Olympics. Do they ever stop and think on whether their protests bring people to their side? Might they be driving away people who are concerned with climate doom?

Activists are calling for more participative democracy and the creation of a citizen assembly to design a new climate-focused Constitution for France, which finds itself in a political impasse following elections earlier in July.

It’s not much of a “democracy” belief if they want to blow it all up because they aren’t getting their way, is it? Last time I checked people went and voted in the elections.

“We need a new model for society, which has to be fair and democratically accepted. We want to put citizens back at the heart of the political project that we want to see,” said Mr Sandro, an XR activist who did not want to give his full name.

And what kind of model is it? Why do they so rarely say what they want? They aren’t getting their way, so they want everything changed.

Read: Green Wackos Thwarted At Paris Olympics »

Elizabeth Warren Says Supreme Court Is On The Ballot

If you listen Democrats will tell you exactly what they want to do

Elizabeth Warren: ‘Supreme Court is on the ballot’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said President Joe Biden will remind Americans that “the Supreme Court is on the ballot” in November with a Supreme Court reform proposal Biden will be releasing Monday.

“I think what Joe Biden will do over the next six months is he’s going to keep drawing that to the attention of the American people and reminding them when they vote in November, the Supreme Court is on the ballot,” Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday in an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“And that is a good reason to vote for Kamala Harris, to vote for Democrats in both the Senate and the House.”

Biden is expected to unveil a proposal for Supreme Court reforms, such as term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics. Biden is also expected to push for limiting immunity for presidents through a constitutional amendment, after the Supreme Court recently ruled that former President Donald Trump has some immunity from prosecution.

The only way there can be term limits is with a constitutional amendment. Said code of ethics may be illegal, as it is highly questionable as to whether Congress has this power over the Supreme Court. Sure, they can impeach, but, code of ethics? As written by people who have their own serious ethics issues, starting with insider trading? Laughable. Joe should remember that if the limiting immunity thing passes they could then come after him

“We have a Supreme Court that has basically jumped the guardrails and is out there giving power to the president saying that the president can commit any act that the president wants, saying that Congress cannot authorize agencies to act,” Warren said. “So we’ve got a Supreme Court that is actively undermining our democracy.”

Which is a compete misunderstanding of the ruling. The POTUS has the same immunity that members of Congress do. But, Fauxahantos is upset that the Court keeps limiting the power of the Executive Branch, demanding that Congress do their job. Further, what’s not being said in this piece is that Democrats want to pack the court. I’ve written here, I’ve said it in other comments, said it on Twitter, said it in real life, just like some other, this election is huge, because they really do want to pack the Court so they can obliterate the Constitution.

Trump and his team best be on their A+ game and make sure people get out to vote for him.

Read: Elizabeth Warren Says Supreme Court Is On The Ballot »

If All You See…

…is a horrible bridge made from carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on the Sunday morning funnies section.

It’s shorts week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we aren’t sure who is actually running the government. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Right Scoop covers Trump saying he will do more outside events
  2. The Other McCain discusses returning America to a dark place
  3. The Lid notes Dems courting the anti-Semitic vote
  4. The Gateway Pundit features Vance responding to Kamala’s “loyalty” slur
  5. Outside The Beltway notes Kamala’s spamming for support
  6. neo-neocon covers the beginning of the Kamala cult
  7. Moonbattery highlights Kamala failing as broadband czar as well
  8. Legal Insurrection shows Kamala wanting you to eat less
  9. Jihad Watch covers women killed in Iran
  10. Irons In The Fire notes another civil rights victory
  11. IOTW Report shows Kamala as part of Biden’s horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal
  12. Geller Report discusses France saying Iran behind attacks on trains
  13. Gates Of Vienna wonders about the Islamization of Europe being a conspiracy theory
  14. Climate Depot wonders how every country can be warming faster than every country
  15. And last, but, not least, Jo Nova covers what’s needed for EVs to succeed

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12

I wonder if Cackles will support Israel now that she’s the Democrat nominee?

What will she say to protect Hezbollah? Or, is that Hxzbollah, because the Islamist supporters do not like to write the names?

Hezbollah rocket of Iranian production kills 12 children in Majdal Shams, dozens wounded

Following a direct hit in the area of Majdal Shams, a large Druze town, on Saturday evening, twelve were killed, among them children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 20. At least 19 were wounded to varying degrees, including six seriously injured, three moderately, and 10 lightly injured, including those suffering from anxiety attacks.

They were transported to hospitals by Magen David Adom teams and IDF helicopters, MDA said in a statement. Following the direct hit in Majdal Shams, about 100 doses and blood components were provided to hospitals, MDA stated. MDA has asked the public to donate blood during the week.

The rocket hit a soccer field near a playground.

IDF Spokesperson R-adm. Daniel Hagari said early Sunday that the rocket which was fired at Majdal Shams was a Falaq 1 rocket of Iranian production whose warhead carries over 50 kilos of explosives. Hagari stated such a rocket is only in the hands of Hezbollah, adding the terror group had “carried out the launch from the Chebaa area in Lebanon.”

Hagari also named the Hezbollah commander who guided the fire as “Ali Muhammad Yihye.”

And the Biden admin is concerned that Israel might strike back (Yihye best be writing a will)

(NY Post) The Biden administration is extremely worried Hezbollah’s rocket attack on Golan Heights Saturday that killed at least 12 and wounded dozens of others could “trigger” a full-scale war between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group, according to a report.

US officials are fretting that without a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas terrorists over the ongoing fighting in Gaza, a war between the Jewish state and Iran-backed Hezbollah is becoming more likely — which will fuel the regional crisis and drag the United States even further into the ongoing conflict, Axios reported.

“What happened today could be the trigger we have been worried about and tried to avoid for 10 months,” one American official told the outlet.

Well, they’re not worried officially, as there has been no actual statement. Perhaps if the Biden regime had been more forceful in defending our allies in Israel against radical, terrorist Islam Hezbollah wouldn’t have gotten frisky. It’s not like it and Hamas aren’t on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations or something. But, then, it seems that the Biden admin has been working hard to get big wars going.

Read: Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12 »

Pirate's Cove