Palestinians In Gaza Suddenly Rejecting Hamas And Iran, Want Peace

Oh, sure, now that they’ve seen areas of Gaza destroyed after losing a war Hamas started, with the majority having supported Hamas, they want peace. I bet most in Berlin also wanted peace after the Allies bombed it back to the stone age, too

Gazan Palestinians rejecting Hamas and Iran, want peace, Abbas advisor says

Palestinians did not want October 7 and are now interested more in security than they are in fighting Israel or serving Iran’s interests in the region, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, an advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, said on Thursday, Palestinian Media Watch reported.

Palestinian Media Watch is an Israeli NGO that says it monitors material in Palestinian media that promotes hatred and terrorism in order to expose and educate on such content.

“The Palestinian people did not want October 7, and it was not consulted with about Oct. 7,” Al-Habbash said. “And now it wants a ceasefire and for the aggression to stop.”

Well, they’re certainly saying that they didn’t want 10/7 because Gaza is decimated and scores have been killed, yet, what did they do for all the years that Hamas was in charge of Gaza? When they were stockpiling arms in hospitals, mosques, and schools? When they were turning pipes for water into rockets? When they were launching random attacks on Israel, and, especially civilians? What were they doing when Hamas was embedding around their homes and such? Not a damned thing, because most did support Hamas. Most are Jew and Israel haters.

While recent polling published by the Palestinian Center for Survey and Policy Research has shown that belief among Palestinians that it was the correct decision for Hamas to launch its October 7 attacks on Israel is down slightly from December and March, two-thirds still believe it was the correct decision.

Further, according to the same poll, nearly two-thirds of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would prefer to see Hamas in control of Gaza.

Scarecrow played with fire and got burned.

On Thursday, the BBC reported that residents of Gaza have told the British broadcaster that it had become common to hear swearing and cursing against Hamas in the marketplaces of the Strip.

“This is the Palestinian people,” Al-Habbash continued, “And if they [Hamas] want to imagine that there is another people, let them ask the Palestinian people. Let them ask the 2.5 million in the Gaza Strip what they want…. Do they want October 7? Do they want Iran? Do they want the interests of the region? Or do they want to save their children’s lives?”

And what will happen when the war ends and Gaza is rebuilt? If not Hamas, the Gazans will surely back some other Muslim terrorist group, as they’ve done for over 50 years. They’ve been raised as radical Muslims, and will continue to be raised as such. They bow to the extremist leaders, including within the religious community. It originates out of mosques and madrassas. So, really, Gazans will have to prove that they are done with terrorism.

Read: Palestinians In Gaza Suddenly Rejecting Hamas And Iran, Want Peace »

Bummer: French Elections Ignore Climate Doom

I don’t know why the Warmist media is always surprised and dismayed at elections usually ignoring global boiling, because that’s the norm. Most citizens, even if they proclaim they are Believers, tend to put real concerns over Hotcoldwetdry

In French snap elections, parties are overlooking the climate change nightmare

st greta carAs a French citizen, the outcome of the first round of the French snap elections is a heartbreaker. As a climate campaigner, it is an absolute nightmare.

Whatever the final result and the final composition of the Parliament, climate and the environment have been blatantly absent from the campaign.

How could it be otherwise when the decision to revoke the current set of MPs was so sudden and with the far right closest to power than at any time since World War II?

Yet, climate change didn’t hit pause over the weekend: the parallel pictures of a “brown” far-right wave taking over the French electoral map, while torrents of mud were taking over alpine towns, in Northern Italy, in Austria, in Switzerland, were properly bloodcurdling.

And each and every day, the planet warms a fraction more, and we lose a bit more natural capital and ecosystems because of uncontrolled human activities. The environmental crisis doesn’t hold its breath as it waits for polling stations to close.

What are the elections about? Well, the inflation post-COVID, the domineering government, and all the migrants streaming into France causing lots and lots of problems, along with a destruction of French society.

The writer of the above, and a long, long piece is Adeline Rochet, who is Programme Leader at the Corporate Leader Group Europe within the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), so, obviously has a lot at stake to keep the climate gravy train going. But, Rochet is wrong, ‘climate change’ is on the ballot. It’s on the ballot in the form of all the taxes that the government has been institution on diesel fuel, private vehicles, and farmers, who raise/grow the food. It’s about forcing citizens to purchase EVs or simply take public transit while the Elites continue with their big carbon footprints. Telling the citizens they cannot take a flight that is less than two hours while the elites, including Macron, fly all over, and definitely “short haul” flights. And more Warmist claptrap. So, yeah, it’s on the ballot, and the middle and working class French citizens are not happy.

Read: Bummer: French Elections Ignore Climate Doom »

TDS: Biden Blames Trump For Distracting Him During Debate

The Hill is watching what is meant to be “hard hitting”, unscripted interview of Joe Biden, which is not actually live and they were given time to clean it up, so I don’t have to

Live updates: Biden dodges questions on his mental fitness in Stephanopoulos interview

Biden Brain SlugPresident Biden is sitting with ABC News for an interview airing Friday in response to a poor debate performance that has left Democrats reeling and looking for a new party leader.

The interview, conducted by George Stephanopoulos is airing on ABC.

Calls for Biden to step aside from the 2024 race have reached a fever pitch after a debate with former President Trump left the political world stunned at his performance in which he struggled to finish sentences, looked at times confused and spoke in a raspy voice that his aides blamed on a cold.

What you get at the article are live updates to the interview, which include

Biden in the interview took a shot at The New York Times noting the news outlet had published polling showing him trailing former President Trump. (snip)

Biden brushed off earlier reporting from The Washington Post that Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) was gathering Democratic senators to consider calling on the president to withdraw from the race. (snip)

Biden said Democratic congressional leaders he spoke to told him to stay in the race. (snip)

Biden avoided directly addressing his mental and physical fitness when pressed by Stephanopoulos, including rejecting the idea that he take an independent medical exam to determine his fitness for office. (snip)

President Biden dodged questioning during his ABC News interview over whether he’d take a cognitive test.

Are you getting the idea that this was meant to make Biden look better? I’m not seeing anything on policy at all. Here’s where it gets fun

Biden blamed his poor debate performance on allowing Trump to distract him during the highly watched event.

“…I was having a bad night when I realized that even when I was answering a question, when they turned his mic off, he was still shouting, and I let it distract me,” Biden said referring to Trump.

“I realized that I just wasn’t in control,” he added.

mule fritter sherman potter

Oh, and then there’s this gem

Biden suggested he didn’t watch last week’s performance afterward.

“I don’t think I did,” Biden said when asked by Stephanopoulos if he watched the debate after the fact.

He seriously cannot remember that the debate was a week ago and if he watched it?

Read: TDS: Biden Blames Trump For Distracting Him During Debate »

Your Fault: Hurricanes Like Beryl To Be The New Normal Or Something

It’s like clockwork. When we had the big seasons leading up to 2004 and 2005 monster seasons it was all the media could talk about. When hurricane activity dropped heavily for a decade the media was rather silent. Though, they had all sorts of excuses, like that wind shear was diminishing hurricanes. That they would be fewer but bigger. Then they blamed the lack on ‘climate change. Remember, the US went 12 years without a landfalling major hurricane, the longest period since the Civil War era. There’s always something with this crowd, and no matter what, it’s all your fault

Why climate change makes a hurricane like Beryl more dangerous

Hurricane Beryl is tearing across the Caribbean this week, unleashing life-threatening flooding and dangerous wind as it heads toward Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

Beryl has already racked up multiple alarming superlatives. It is the most powerful hurricane ever recorded this early in the Atlantic hurricane season, and also the earliest storm to strengthen so rapidly as it formed. Beryl grew from a relatively weak tropical depression into a full-blown major hurricane in less than two days, sending residents in its path scrambling to evacuate or find suitable shelter.

Climate change is playing a crucial and obvious role in Beryl’s development, scientists say.

“You’re hearing things like ‘unprecedented’ and ‘shocking’ a lot about Beryl,” says Andra Garner, a hurricane expert at Rowan University in New Jersey. But Garner says it isn’t surprising to scientists to see such a big storm so early this year.

Except, do we know that this is different from during previous Holocene periods? We don’t have data. Also

We don’t even know that much about hurricanes prior to 1970, unless they really hit the US. It was even tough to know in Caribbean nations. Further

(Not A Lot Of People Know That) According to the official reports, Beryl has sustained winds of 165mph (145kts), and a minimum central pressure of 934mb.

But according to the official satellite Dvorak measurements, the wind speeds were well below the warning intensity, around 135kts. On the Saffir Simpson scale, Cat 5s are 137kts and over, so it seems that Beryl was probably a top end Cat 4:

Was it even that? Jamaica is already mostly back up and operating. Kingston, which should have been smacked hard, and there are areas still without power, doesn’t look like much happened. Barely any trees down. I’m seeing the same with webcams in Cancun. The Cayman Islands look fine. Certainly, a storm came through. Watching the airport webcam at Sint Maarten you could definitely tell they were getting storm surge, as the ocean was up over the beach, I’d say a rise of at least 2 feet. And that’s a  bit east of the Virgin Islands.

No one should be surprised if the power was over-estimated: we’ve seen this with many storms. It’s all about scaring people into giving up their money, liberty, and freedom.

Read: Your Fault: Hurricanes Like Beryl To Be The New Normal Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a horrible grill cooking horrible meat using horrible fossil fuels*, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on White House staff being confused as to why drug addict Hunter Biden is at meetings.

*also, that grill is in serious need of a cleaning.

Read: If All You See… »

Rep. Joseph Morelle (D) To Introduce Amendment To End Presidential Immunity

Say, I wonder if this amendment will also end the immunity for members of Congress? Because they essentially do have the same thing

A legal doctrine that protects legislators from being sued for all actions taken in the sphere of legitimate legislative activity. The purpose of legislative immunity is to ensure that the legislative function may be performed independently without fear of outside interference.

Legislative immunity is granted to Congress by the Speech or Debate Clause in Article I of the Constitution and has been extended to state and local legislators through the federal common law. Additionally, 43 states have speech or debate clauses in their own constitutions. Legislative immunity also extends to officials outside the legislative branch participating in the legislative process. For example, a mayor presenting a budget to the city council. However, acts that are unrelated to a legislator’s duties (e.g. defamatory statements made during a press conference) and acts that occur without lawful authority (e.g. unconstitutional procedures for enacting legislation or a subcommittee investigator illegally seizing documents without a subpoena) are not immune.

That’s pretty much what the Supreme Court. Did you know members of Congress could be let go if they get in an accident while performing official duties such as rushing to a vote or heading to a meeting?

House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s immunity decision

A leading House Democrat is preparing a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling, seeking to reverse the decision “and ensure that no president is above the law.”

Rep. Joseph Morelle of New York, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, sent a letter to colleagues informing them of his intent to file the resolution, which would kickstart what’s traditionally a cumbersome amendment process.

“This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do — prioritize our democracy,” Morelle said in a statement to AP.

In referring to Donald Trump, Morelle said the former president “must be held accountable for his decisions. I urge my colleagues to support my amendment and stand with me on the front line to protect our democracy.”

Will the House even vote on this? Even if it makes it out of Congress, can they get 3/4ths of the states? Morella does understand that there is a Constitutional measure to deal with bad behavior by Presidents, right? Hey, if we remove immunity we can prosecute Biden for his terrible Afghanistan withdrawal, for drone striking a family, and for the deaths of American service members, right? How about trying him for his border policy, leaving it wide open and allowing unvetted illegal aliens who have hurt and killed Americans, right? Joe could be charged as an accessory to murder for the killing of Jocelyn Nungaray. How about for all his graft while in office?

“This amendment will guarantee that no public officer of the United States — including the president — is able to evade the accountability that any other American would face for violating our laws,” Morelle wrote in a letter to colleagues this week.

Hmm, so, members of Congress will immediately be in legal trouble for what amounts to insider trading for the rest of the citizens? They can be sued for defamation? Anyhow, does he understand this won’t affect Trump at all, because it will takes years if it passes, and cannot be retroactive, per the Constitution.

Read: Rep. Joseph Morelle (D) To Introduce Amendment To End Presidential Immunity »

Ford Big Wig Says Americans Need To Fall In Love With Tiny Cars Again

Which is a weird thing for him to say, considering Ford really doesn’t have small cars. The smallest in their whole lineup is the Maverick, Mustang EV, and Escape. They literally do not have a small car. They consider the Mustang a “sedan”, but, it starts at $40k. You can get a loaded Civic for $30K

Ford chief says Americans need to fall ‘back in love’ with smaller cars

It is time for the US to “get back in love” with smaller cars, according to the chief executive of Ford.

In a wide-ranging interview at the Aspen Ideas festival, Jim Farley said the auto industry needs to focus on smaller EVs and commercial vehicles. He acknowledged that American consumers are in “love with these monster vehicles” but said they need to “get back in love” with small cars.

“We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption,” Farley said. “We are just in love with these monster vehicles, and I love them, too, but it’s a major issue with weight.”

In case Jim missed it, EVs are much heavier than gas powered vehicles of the same size, wearing through tires faster and wearing out roads from their weight. Did the interviewer ask Jim what he’s driving?

Ford expects to introduce a $30,000 all-electric vehicle that will be profitable in roughly two and a half years, breaking a price barrier that has made the adoption of EVs an unobtainable luxury to all but the auto industry’s wealthiest customers.

Are their consumers calling for this?

Farley said Ford would focus on the new vehicle – not larger all-electric trucks and SUVs. Larger vehicles, using internal combustion engines, have traditionally driven US carmakers’ profits, especially at Ford.

“You have to make a radical change as an [automaker] to get to a profitable EV. The first thing we have to do is really put all of our capital toward smaller, more affordable EVs,” Farley said during an interview with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin.

Do consumers want these? Is Ford heading for another bankruptcy, because they are not listening to the purchasers?

But he said the stakes are high for Ford and the other automakers over the next five years, as they seek to compete with Chinese EV makers. Farley said it was crucial for Ford, which lost $132,000 on every EV sold in the first three months of the year, to make profitable EVs in the next five years.

That’s a rather stupid business model. What studies do they have that say consumers want these?

Read: Ford Big Wig Says Americans Need To Fall In Love With Tiny Cars Again »

Dementia Joe Told Israel They’re On Their Own If They Responded To Iranian Attack

I’m sure other U.S. allies are looking at this and wondering if they can depend on Biden if they’re attacked. Well, unless it’s Ukraine, then Biden seems to have a vested interest

Biden told Netanyahu the night of Iran attacks: ‘You retaliate, and you’re on your own’

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanUS President Joe Biden threatened Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale back his response toward Iran’s massive missile and drone attacks in April, according to a New York Times report Tuesday.

“Let me be crystal clear,” President Biden told Prime Minister Netanyahu that night from the Situation Room, where he received updates in real-time on the US-coordinated international response that successfully shot down 99% of the estimated 300 weapons launched from Iranian territory toward Israel.

“If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.”

Iran’s attack was a response to the assassination of several Iranian generals, including the top commander in Syria, by an airstrike in Damascus a few weeks prior, an action attributed mainly to Israel. According to the IDF, only “a small number” of Iran’s ballistic missiles reached Israel. After the attack was over and most of the missiles had been successfully neutralized, Biden reportedly told Netanyahu by phone: “You got a win. Take the win,” without, according to the report, “reading from a script or extensive notes.”

Netanyahu initially refused to heed Biden’s advice, arguing that a response was necessary to deter future attacks from Iran, but Biden only doubled down. “You do this,” Biden said, “and I’m out.” Eventually, the aides in the Situation Room said Netanyahu agreed to scale back Israel’s response.

The world’s largest state sponsor of terrorist and the leader of the destroy Israel crowd attacked Israel, and Biden wanted Israel to back down? Biden had barely anything to say to Iran on the situation. I’m guessing that simply saying “don’t” has no threat behind it. Perhaps Biden should be threatening Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, rather than Israel.

(Axios) President Biden in a call on Thursday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “it is time to close” a hostage and ceasefire deal in Gaza.

Why it matters: Biden has pushed for a deal for months. White House officials said they want to take advantage of Hamas’ positive response to the latest proposal in order to close the remaining gaps and reach an agreement.

Of course he wants Israel to stand down, because his unhinged, Jew hating and Hamas loving base is necessary for him to succeed in the election. These are the people Biden is playing to.

Read: Dementia Joe Told Israel They’re On Their Own If They Responded To Iranian Attack »

If All You See…

…is a lake created due to heavy Bad Weather rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is If You are Left you ain’t Right, with a post on patriotic gals.

Read: If All You See… »

Lawfare: Biden’s DOJ To Go After Trump Even After Election

Nothing says this is all about using the weight of the federal government to go after political opponents as finding whatever means to prosecute for any reason? The Washington Post finds no blame in this. Can you imagine if Trump had done this? What would the article look like? What about when people like Putin do the same thing as Biden, though, Putin often has them killed

Washington Post: Justice Department to pursue Trump prosecutions past the election, even if he wins

Justice Department officials will continue to pursue the federal criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day, even if he wins, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The plan is due to a view that DOJ rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, people familiar with the discussions told The Post.

The Washington Post’s reporting comes a day after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took at the end of his presidency.

The court’s decision is likely to further delay a trial on the federal election subversion charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith, leaving Trump poised to avoid pre-election trials in the most significant criminal prosecutions he faces after being found guilty in his hush money trial in May. (His sentencing in that trial has been postponed until September in the wake of the court’s ruling.)

Officials who were not part of the special counsel’s deliberations told CNN they believed the long-standing DOJ policy against criminally charging a sitting president does not extend to a president-elect.

Since the Washington Post really doesn’t seem to have a problem with abusing the legal justice system to go after Trump, will they stay quiet if the DOJ under Trump goes after Biden and the people around him? If Republican state prosecutors go hard after Biden and the people around him?

Of course, Garland will only have to January 20th to continue, since Trump will boot him out hard the minute he takes the oath of office. People like Jack Smith can be fired or, better, re-assigned to a low level office. If Trump is smart, he’d be mentioning out on the campaign trail that he plans to re-introduce the notion of a neutral DOJ/FBI that has no politics, is not driven by the people in office, that serves all. That all agendas other than The Law will be driven from the Executive Branch. That it’s meant to serve the People, not run their lives and go after them for Wrongthink. He has a big and easy opportunity. But, knowing Trump, he won’t.

Read: Lawfare: Biden’s DOJ To Go After Trump Even After Election »

Pirate's Cove