If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow because Other People refuse to stop driving fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Rachel Levine getting 4 stars for being gender confused.

Read: If All You See… »

In And Out Burger Closed In San Francisco For Refusing To Be COVID Police

More: They call themselves “anti-Fascists” yet want more authoritarian government

Now, I can understand being mask police during forced masking, at least in cases where there are penalties on companies that fail to enforce masking, as getting caught by the government mask Gestapo could cause a lot of issues for companies. Who wants to be fined? Who wants to be shut down? Many companies just went with the flow to avoid the problems. But, asking people to put on mask, or put them on properly, can be uncomfortable. And create fights. Asking people to prove their vaccination status is even more uncomfortable, and getting into people’s business. We don’t ask if they have had a flu shot, right? This is a giant step way too far, but, unsurprising in San Francisco

San Francisco Closes In-N-Out After Company Defies Vaccine Mandates

California fast food giant, In-N-Out Burger, earned itself a public flogging in the left-wing haven of San Francisco after the company refused to comply with the city’s vaccine mandate.

According to KRON4, the San Francisco Department of Public Health shut down the city’s In-N-Out Burger restaurant near Fisherman’s Wharf because “employees were not properly checking for customers’ vaccination documentation.”

The shutdown occurred on Thursday, October 14. The restaurant has since reopened but only for drive-thru dining. San Francisco issued a strict vaccine mandate this past August, dictating that “all restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms and large indoor events” must “obtain proof of vaccination from patrons and employees to protect against the coronavirus.”

Why would this even be necessary? Aren’t Democratic Party voters compliant? Don’t they now love the vaccine since Joe is president? Aren’t they all getting them?

In a statement, In-N-Out Chief Legal & Business Officer Arnie Wensinger said that the company “fiercely” disagrees with government mandates that force businesses to discriminate:

We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant associates to segregate customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.

“We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize their business,” he added.

In-N-Out had seen pressure from the city government for weeks, since a few whiny whiners had snitched, instead of just going on about their business. Someone in the article comments had a great point

You comply because you want it to end. Because you continue to comply….it will never end. Do not comply.

Exactly. Most complied with the first mask mandate. Heck, I was the mask police at work, first because I didn’t want Government coming in and causing problems (interestingly, government did nothing that I heard of around here), second, because some people just wanted to be a pain. They can wait outside. It annoyed me greatly that Planet Fitness wouldn’t tell people to wear their masks properly. I did not want them shut down. This time? I won’t wear it if they aren’t forcing it.

Read: In And Out Burger Closed In San Francisco For Refusing To Be COVID Police »

Climate Cult Fail: Fossil Fuels Production Set To Soar

There would be no need for production to soar if Warmists gave up their own use of fossil fuels, right?

Climate change: Fossil fuel production set to soar over next decade

Plans by governments to extract fossil fuels up to 2030 are incompatible with keeping global temperatures to safe levels, says the UN.

The UNEP production gap report says countries will drill or mine more than double the levels needed to keep the 1.5C threshold alive.

Oil and gas recovery is set to rise sharply with only a modest decrease in coal.

There has been little change since the first report was published in 2019.

With the COP26 climate conference just over a week away, there is already a huge focus on the carbon-cutting ambitions of the biggest emitters.

But despite the flurry of net zero emission goals and the increased pledges of many countries, some of the biggest oil, gas and coal producers have not set out plans for the rapid reductions in fossil fuels that scientists say are necessary to limit temperatures in coming years. (snip)

The report profiles 15 major production countries including Australia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the US and UK.

Most governments continue to provide significant policy support for fossil fuel production, the authors say.

“The research is clear: global coal, oil, and gas production must start declining immediately and steeply to be consistent with limiting long-term warming to 1.5C,” says Ploy Achakulwisut, a lead author on the report from the Stockholm Environment Institute.

It’s always interesting when Warmists are quoted like this, with a few more further in the article, yet, the reporter(s) fails to ask if the individuals, along with their entities, have given up their own use of fossil fuels. Governments wouldn’t have to “provide support”, which is climate cult code for “not restricting and banning” in most cases, if citizens had no interest in them. They wouldn’t need to provide support if they weren’t highly efficient and low cost. Hence why many European nations are turning back to coal to provide the necessary power.

Read: Climate Cult Fail: Fossil Fuels Production Set To Soar »

White House Mocks Supply Chain Concerns Of Average Citizens

Nothing says “we really car” like mocking the concerns of citizens. But, hey, all you Biden voters, this is on you. Don’t be upset over the inability to get goods, along with the price of goods

White House minimizes supply chain crisis as ‘tragedy of the treadmill’

Biden Brain SuckerWhite House press secretary Jen Psaki characterized the supply chain crisis that is causing a shortage of consumer goods across the country as the “tragedy of the treadmill” on Tuesday — the second time a member of the administration has made light of the crisis.

During Tuesday’s White House briefing, Psaki was questioned about why President Biden failed to take a more aggressive approach to the bottleneck when the signs were evident in March 2020 that the coronavirus pandemic would disrupt the global supply chain.

“It was crystal clear that things were not improving on the supply chain. People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time. Not to mention all sorts of other things,” the reporter said.

Psaki interjected: “The tragedy of the treadmill.”

The video is required to see how snotty this was said

That’s how one would expect Marie Antoinette to say “let the eat cake” per the legend (yes, yes, I know the reality of that saying). People aren’t waiting for treadmills: they’re waiting on autos to be able to get to work, food, and so many other goods. Sure, many are “luxury items”, but, we’re the United States. If we can’t get some luxury items, were are we? And you’re dealing with empty shelves and low supplies. Want some fish for dinner? Good luck. The supply was low to empty, at least for fresh, at three different grocery stores. Even something basic, like these Sam’s Club cheese bagels I love are hit and miss.

In an interview Sunday, Buttigieg blamed the bottleneck on the high demand from American consumers for more goods.

“Part of what’s happening isn’t just the supply side, it’s the demand side,” Buttigieg said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “Demand is off the charts, retail sales are through the roof. … Demand is up because income is up, because the president has successfully guided this economy out of the terrifying recession.”

Demand is normal. It’s not elevated above normal. Where is income up? And, heck, the Washington Post said economists were saying the US was out of recession in late January 2021, which would mean Trump pulled us out of it (which was world wide). Why have things gotten so much worse under Let’s Go Brandon? An administration which cares more about illegal aliens than Americans.

Read: White House Mocks Supply Chain Concerns Of Average Citizens »

Is It A Bones Or No Bones Day?

Someone using TikTok for good


If this amuses you like me, you can read all about Noodle here.

Read: Is It A Bones Or No Bones Day? »

Your Fault: French Honey Harvest Expected To Be Worst In Decades From Climate Crisis (scam)

You refuse to get rid of your fossil fueled vehicle and get an EV. Or take the bus. Or rail. Or an eco-bike. You eat Evil red meat. Take long showers. Have an ice maker. And don’t get out there and march with Fridays For Future. For shame!

French beekeepers expect worst harvest in decades due to climate change

French beekeepers expect their worst harvest in decades as unseasonably cold and wet weather due to climate change has prevented bees from producing honey.

Beekeepers association UNAF said that based on information received from regional associations it expects the honey harvest for 2021 to come in at 7,000 to 9,000 tonnes, or about a third of the 2020 harvest.

“This will be worst harvest in the history of our organisation, the worst in at least 50 years,” UNAF president Christian Pons told Reuters on Tuesday.

Pons said beekeepers across Europe have been hit by bad weather and climate change will have a lasting impact on honey production.

UNAF said 2021 will be a disastrous year for honey as, with the exception of a few rare areas in France, conditions have been very difficult for bees in spring and summer, with long periods of frost, cold, rain and northerly winds.

“Climate change, which beekeepers have felt for more than 15 years, is really hitting us,” UNAF said, adding that flowering seasons are becoming earlier and shorter. In many places, the honey season is now over after July, while before it lasted for several weeks in the summer.

Good job, people. You refused to let the government tax you and implement authoritarian controls, nor replace capitalism with socialism and this is what you get…..wait, what?

Due to late frost and rains, there will be virtually no acacia honey this year, for the second year in a row, while rosemary, thyme and heather honey production, as well as chestnut and sunflower honey harvests, have been poor to virtually zero.

Forest, mountain and pine honey harvests have also been disappointing as the flowering season was too short and only lavender honey in the Mediterranean southeast of the country produced a good harvest, UNAF said.

Yes, they are blame extended cool and cold periods, frost, and winter weather on heat trapping gasses. It’s a cult.

Read: Your Fault: French Honey Harvest Expected To Be Worst In Decades From Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a huge use of electricity to freeze the ice, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on climate activists not caring what you want or what you need, just imposing their will.

Read: If All You See… »

Chinese Coronavirus Mandates: Parents Protest, Cops Say Nope

The Department of Justice will most likely be investigating these parents as terrorists soon

Parents not happy with California student vaccine mandate protest at Capitol

After Gov. Gavin Newsom imposed the nation’s first COVID-19 vaccination mandate for schoolchildren, parents unhappy with the move converged at the Capitol on Monday to protest.

California parents against the mandate were also expected to keep their kids home from school as part of the protest.

The mandate requires that all elementary through high school students get the shots once the vaccine gains final approval from the U.S. government for different age groups. So far, that approval only has come for those 16 and up. Newsom has said the mandate is expected to apply to grades 7 through 12 on July 1, 2022.

The interesting this is that a lot of these parents will get their kids the COVID vaccine. They just do not want Government to mandate this, because, let’s be honest, it does not have the effectiveness of required shots like for smallpox and mumps, and, it doesn’t have the long term and short term research for effects.

“I’m not against anyone getting vaccinated,” student Maddox Smith said. “I’m against being forced to get vaccinated. I think it’s about power more than anything, not public health.”

That kid gets it.

Seattle police officers face vaccine mandate deadline, as ‘costly litigation’ next-step for defunded force

The some 200 Seattle police officers who have declined to get vaccinated for COVID-19 by Monday’s deadline will likely bring litigation against the city to prevent their mass termination, as the department is already struggling with staffing shortages seriously affecting 911 response.

National Police Association President Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant, told Fox News Digital on Monday she anticipates some “costly litigation,” as far more police officers will push back than what the city administration understands.

Before Monday’s deadline, Seattle Police Officers Guild’s President Mike Solan said the Seattle Polcie Department had already lost some 300 officers over the past 18 months, and he anticipated another “mass exodus” in the coming week.

Well, this should all end well, right? Over in Chicago, police are already being placed on paid leave for refusing to get vaccinated (despite having worked since this all began without being vaccinated). How many will soon retire with the mayor threatening them, leaving the city woefully short on police officers? Which will mean those that are left will be deployed from the rich neighborhoods down, leaving many areas without police protection.

Elsewhere (below the fold)

Read More »

Read: Chinese Coronavirus Mandates: Parents Protest, Cops Say Nope »

Good News: Electric Car Batteries Set To Become Massive Environmental Problem

It’s not like Skeptics haven’t said this before. Climate cultists are trying to solve one imaginary problem that has little to do with the environment, no matter how much they bleat, by creating a real environmental one

Opinion: Electric vehicles certainly are dirty — their battery packs are poised to be one of the biggest new sources of pollution

Electric vehicleThe International Energy Agency (IEA) said this year it’s expecting 145 million electric vehicles (EVs) worldwide by 2030. If governments ramp up efforts to meet international energy and climate goals, the number could soar even higher — up to 230 million — and that’s not counting two- and three-wheel vehicles.

That’s a lot of new cars to hit global markets. Also … a lot of batteries.

Although EVs do not release carbon dioxide during their use, their production exerts the same toll on the environment as that of conventional cars, while the recycling of lithium-ion batteries poses unique challenges.

Lithium-ion batteries are bulkier and take more space than their traditional counterpart, lead-acid batteries. To make matters worse, they’re highly flammable and even explosive if dismantled incorrectly.

In the next 10 to 15 years, there will be millions of end-of-life electric cars worldwide; by that time, recycling plants need to be ready not only to take in all those batteries, reclaim valuable parts and metals, but also to properly dispose of the waste. Sadly, not much is being done on that front: Currently, only 5% of all Li-ion batteries are being recycled.

If no action is taken, battery waste could become a big problem not only for the car industry, but also for the environment.

Five percent is a scary number. Where are these batteries going? Landfills? Think of how many smartphones are being replaced every day, because, rather than lasting 10-20 years, as they’re supposed to, planned obsolescence is built in, which means phones are replaced more often than should be necessary. What happens if auto makers do the same thing for EVs? Which probably won’t be necessary, as people tend to keep their cars 4-6 years, not 10-15 as the Warmists are supposing. But, there probably won’t be planned obsolescence, since they’ll want the vehicles sold as new. Maybe. Because if they need so much less maintenance, there’s not that much money to be made.

With these kind of operations, there’s a high probability of lithium seeping into the water supply. A similar situation occurs in highly developed areas where people improperly dispose of consumer electronics, which are more often than not powered by Li-ion batteries. Finally, it’s not just lithium that can contaminate soil and groundwater. Nickel, cobalt, manganese and other metals found in EV batteries pose an even greater threat than lithium to both human life and the ecosystem.

And the monetary reward for recycling is way less than the cost to collect and actually recycle. And let’s not forget the environmental destruction from mining and manufacturing batteries, which would have to significantly ramp up. Good times! All for a product that people are not clamoring for and mostly cannot afford.

Read: Good News: Electric Car Batteries Set To Become Massive Environmental Problem »

Democrats Are Super Anxious Over Spending Conflicts Or Something

The Hardcores are Very Concerned over Let’s Go Brandon’s agenda. Which is interesting, considering Surrender Joe positioned himself as a moderate who would bring #Unity to the nation, yet, the agenda is beyond Leftist. Who’s driving the Crazy in the agenda, particularly the $3.5 trillion “It’s Totally Paid For” bill?

Democrats feel high anxiety in Biden spending conflict

Democrats are facing growing headaches over their sweeping social spending bill as they struggle to show momentum ahead of an end-of-the-month deadline.

President Biden will meet with groups of moderates and progressives on Tuesday, and he’s facing pressure from some in his party to take a tighter rein on the talks.

Instead of narrowing their differences, Democrats are dealing with a near constant whack-a-mole of new problems in recent days ranging from climate provisions and child care to increasingly intense infighting between moderates and progressives.

Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Senate Democrat, characterized the mood within the Senate Democratic Caucus as “anxious, not frustrated,” as they struggled to figure out what could unite all 50 of their members, nearly every House Democrat and the White House.

“Time is of the essence. The longer we wait the less likely that we’re going to produce a product that the American people are anxious to receive. … We’ve got to have some mutual trust to bring this to a close,” Durbin said.

As if the American people really want this amount of government control in their lives. Perhaps we should pass it but with a provision that it only applies to people who voted for Let’s Go Brandon? Anyhow, passing Big legislation at the federal level is supposed to be hard. That’s the way the system was set up. Naming post offices and stuff like that tends to be easy. Passing something like the insane $3.5 trillion bill, even if pared down? Hard. If it was a good bill that made sense it would be easy, because there would be a clear majority in favor of it, not 50 Senators in the minority party and 2 in the majority party. Heck, maybe there should be a constitutional amendment, to go with one repealing the 17th Amendment and creating term limits, that would require 60 votes to fully pass a bill.

But echoing skepticism from some of his colleagues, Manchin indicated that Democrats weren’t likely to hit an end-of-month deadline to send both the spending bill and infrastructure legislation to Biden’s desk by Halloween.

“There is an awful lot going on. I don’t know how that would happen,” Manchin told reporters, adding that there still needed to be a “meeting of the minds.”

Even the “infrastructure” bill is barely about actual infrastructure

But even beyond the top-line figure, which hasn’t been agreed on, Democrats are struggling to close the door on key policy disagreements. Progressive and climate activists are fuming over Manchin’s opposition to a program meant to incentivize companies to move toward renewable energy.

Beyond climate, Democrats are facing internal fights over what limits to put on the child tax credit and new child care and education benefits, as well as tough decisions over what programs will get sacrificed, or shortened, as the bill’s overall size shrinks.

Perhaps this is all just way, way too much? Perhaps it’s time to simply scrap the Constitution, which has been ruined by the federal government ignoring the federalism provisions, and re-instituting the Articles of Confederation, just a tiny bit stronger. With the first 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights and a smattering of numbers 11-27. Number 16 on a federal tax can be left out. And 23. The federal district, ie, D.C., should have no representation, and should have zero residents. This is all a longer conversation. Just know that the Democrats agenda is so extremist that several in their own party refuse to cooperate.

Read: Democrats Are Super Anxious Over Spending Conflicts Or Something »

Pirate's Cove