Late Night Insane: Border Agents On Leave Pending Investigation Of “Whipping” Illegals

I’m pretty confident that you are aware of the insanity of the whole “whipping” issue, where bat shit crazy people fail to know the difference between horse reigns and whips. From a static picture. And are making hay due to the massive border problem they created and perpetuate. Now

I’m usually dead set against any sort of public sector union. The main point of unionizing is to protect workers from bad bosses and businesses. To keep employees safe. That was why they were originally created. The AFL-CIO says “The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining.” Well, in this case, the National Border Patrol Council best be out there protecting these agents against tyrannical, abusive bosses, who are demonizing and causing problems for the agents who were literally upholding federal law on securing the border. Who were doing the job they were hired to do, doing the job the Border Patrol was created to do.

Read: Late Night Insane: Border Agents On Leave Pending Investigation Of “Whipping” Illegals »

Tonight’s The Night When Late Night “Comedians” Band Together To Solve Hotcoldwetdry

I mentioned this the other day, and tonight is the night!

I’m also tempted to flip through the shows to see if they turn all the lights off. Will they all refuse to have guests who took fossil fueled flights for the shows? Will all the hosts pledge to give up their own use of fossil fuels, move into tiny homes? Of course, this is simply preaching to the choir, because almost no non-Progressives watch the shows, unlike in the old days with Letterman and Carson. There will be lots of clapping, but, no laughs. I feel sorry for the people who have tickets for the tapings.


Why China’s Promise to Stop Funding Coal Plants Around the World Is a Really Big Deal

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on Tuesday that China will no longer finance overseas coal projects—a move that could have far-reaching implications for the world’s ability to meet climate targets.

“China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low carbon energy and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad,” Xi said in prerecorded remarks to the United Nations General Assembly.

They might actually follow through on this one, looking to make even more money off shoddy solar panels and wind turbines than coal plants. But, China won’t give up building them for China.

Read: Tonight’s The Night When Late Night “Comedians” Band Together To Solve Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is a great place to put a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on MSNBC going after Kamala on the border.

Read: If All You See… »

Say, Why Aren’t Companies Fighting China Joe’s Vaccine Mandate?

Well, for one thing, the actual mandate rule from OSHA hasn’t been released. This might change once it is. And then

Here’s Why Companies Aren’t Fighting Biden’s Employee Vaccine Mandate

President Biden met last week with business leaders to inspire others to require their employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. His recent guidelines—that all companies with more than 100 employees mandate vaccination or weekly COVID-19 testing—caused a stir among workers claiming that it infringes upon their rights to medical freedom.

The mandate would potentially affect 80 million private-sector workers. All told, about 64% of the nation’s 157 million-member workforce could be mandated to be vaccinated or regularly tested. While the $14,000 penalty for companies that don’t comply, along with the requirement to provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated or tested regularly, place a burden on companies, few so far have refused to participate.

One reason: less than 2% of the nation’s private businesses actually qualify.

While large companies such as Walmart, Amazon, FedEx, and Target employ hundreds of thousands of Americans each, over 98% of U.S. companies are small businesses that employ under 100 people, with a total of nearly 43 million workers. And some of those large companies already had vaccine mandates in place. CVS, for example—one of the largest employers in the U.S.—announced an employee mandate on Aug. 23. Google, another major U.S. employer, announced a worker vaccine mandate in July. Deloitte and McDonald’s have also issued mandates.

Well, that’s one way to look at it. Of course, many companies with just over 100 employees may soon downsize to 99. Another way is that, of 17,677,325 businesses in U.S., 1,920,509 of them employ 100+ employees. Remember, a lot of what we think of as big companies, such as fast food ones, are really franchised, hence, the number who work for, say, McDonald’s, is actually rather low. That local one down the road is a standalone business which may have 50 employees, so, that there over 210K who work at a McDonald’s, they aren’t employees of the McDonald’s corporation.

With the mandate, the Biden administration seems focused on increasing vaccination numbers without placing undue burden on the country’s many small businesses. In fact, in the midst of a labor shortage, the nation’s small businesses could see a windfall of job applicants if workers leave larger companies that will require them to get vaccinated.

That could happen. It remains to be seen. But, we’ll have to see what happens with the 100+ private sector companies and the less than 100 once the rule is released, which will certainly face lots of lawsuits.


After Altercation at Restaurant, Black Lives Matter Claims NYC Vaccine Mandate Is Being Weaponized

After a skirmish involving NYC’s vaccine mandate and African-American patrons erupted at Carmine’s restaurant in the Upper West Side last week, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York and related organizations converged in front of the establishment Monday to protest and hold a news conference. (snip through what happened)

Chivona Newsome, the other co-founder of BLM NYC, targeted Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate more specifically in her remarks. She implied that the edict has resulted in repeats of historical episodes when blacks were disenfranchised from society.

“Being a doctor does not protect you from anti-blackness. Having a vaccination card does not protect you from discrimination. The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits the actions of Carmine’s. It says it is illegal to discriminate against you on the basis of race,” she said.

“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.

This will get interesting. And

Raleigh officials: Mask mandate stays until positive tests drop below 5%

Raleigh officials said during a city council meeting on Tuesday that the city would continue to require that people wear face masks in all public and private indoor settings until the daily rate of positive coronavirus tests drops below 5%.

Neighborhoods in Raleigh and Wake Forest have two of the three highest totals of coronavirus infections in North Carolina, WRAL News reported on Monday and Wake County overall has a positivity rate of 5.8% as of Tuesday, city officials said during Tuesday’s city council meeting.

Um, so what is the positivity rate for Raleigh? The article fails to say. This is why so many local news stations are having issues, because their reporting is shoddy.

Read: Say, Why Aren’t Companies Fighting China Joe’s Vaccine Mandate? »

The Nation: All You Peons Must Be Stopped From Resuming Your Pre-COVID Travel Habits

Because you’re destroying the Earth, you know, all from ‘climate change’. No mention from The Nation writer Rafia Zakaria of all the elites flying to the Emmys, or to the United Nations for the latest meeting. Nor that Biden took a fossil fueled flight from D.C. to NYC yesterday, then back to the White House, with Boris Johnson flying to D.C. separately to yammer with Biden after Surrender Joe yammered about ‘climate change’ during his speech

Shaming, huh? How about John Kerry? Biden? Hollywood elites? Meh, they mean the little people. Question: who’s going to stop the travel habits? From the doomsday cult screed

It is no surprise, then, that even though the pandemic hasn’t ended, the easing of travel restrictions has long-suffering American tourists jumping back into cramped airplanes to alight in distant destinations. The numbers testify to this: Easter weekend saw an 800 percent increase in air travel over the same time last year.

Well, a goodly chunk of the nation was still in lockdown Easter 2020, as was most of the rest of the 1st world.

John Kerry climateBut what is good for the American tourist is terrible for the planet. At the height of the pandemic, the grounding of air travel in 2020 led to a 60 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from aviation. One round-trip flight across the Atlantic emits about as much carbon dioxide as heating an average American home with natural gas for a year. And Americans are disproportionately to blame. Prior to the pandemic year, the United States, with just over 4 percent of the world’s population, was responsible for 24 percent of all emissions from passenger flights. And within the US, just 12 percent of adults take 68 percent of the flights. With planes once again ferrying Americans to ostensibly exotic locales, tourists are back to mucking up the planet in the middle of a climate disaster.

One way to prevent this is to stigmatize needless air travel. Several climate activists, including Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, have decided to forgo flying as a selfish activity that worsens the very crisis they’re trying to avert. In Sweden, the hypocrisy of traveling frequently by air while also claiming to care about the planet has birthed the flygskam (flight shame) movement, which uses peer pressure to embarrass those who gratuitously board planes.

Well, there you go. If you are a certified member of the Cult of Climastrology you should stop flying. Will The Nation start shaming the big wigs, like Kerry, Biden, world leaders, celebs, etc? Does shaming even work? Because, let’s face it, most people believe in the climate crisis (scam) in theory, not practice. They’re fine with doing stuff to Other People, but, rarely do anything within their own lives.

Pre-pandemic travel habits must never be allowed to return. American tourists who fly on a whim and imagine that their recycling efforts and use of cloth bags make up for the huge costs they impose on the climate should be taken to task. Saving the planet requires that we stop gaping and gawking at travel blogs and vacation selfies. Instead, everyone who cares about the environment should shame those who clamber onto an airplane every chance they get.

Well, now, that’s what Skeptics have been doing for 20 years, and the Warmists haven’t cared. They’re going to live their lives.

Read: The Nation: All You Peons Must Be Stopped From Resuming Your Pre-COVID Travel Habits »

Good News: “Migrants” Don’t Need Vaccination Because “Not Intending To Stay”

This is insane

It’s amazing how almost no national media outlets/reporters will question Psaki or Biden on these things (but, then, it doesn’t seem like Biden is taking questions anymore, to the point that White House aids will shout down reporters), leaving it pretty much up to Peter Doocy, with no follow ups from the other so-called reporters

spite house(NY Post) Pressed on the Biden administration’s decision not to require coronavirus vaccines or negative COVID-19 tests for people illegally crossing the southern border, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki insisted Monday the refugees are “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

In recent days, thousands of migrants from Haiti and other countries have flooded the southern border seeking permanent asylum in the US. Many reached a processing bottleneck in Del Rio, Texas, last week, leaving over 12,000 migrants to camp under a bridge, sparking coronavirus and security threat concerns among local and state leaders.

During Monday’s daily press briefing, Psaki was pressed on why there are so many steps pertaining to COVID-19 when flying into the country, such as providing vaccination proof or a negative COVID-19 test, but seemingly none for those who walk across the border.

“As individuals come across the border, and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms, if they have symptoms they are,” Psaki said.

“The intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process, they’re not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time, I don’t think it’s the same thing. It’s not the same thing.”

“We are expelling individuals based on Title 42 specifically because of COVID because we want to prevent a scenario where large numbers of people are gathering posing a threat to the community and also to the migrants themselves,” she added.

Remember, there are still lots of travel restrictions put in place for Europe and other nations due to COVID, which are going to be relaxed in late November, with visitors required to be vaccinated to fly to the U.S. The vast majority of those are visitors, they won’t be staying for a lengthy period of time. Most of the “migrants” aren’t being required to have the vaccine to come, and we’ve heard all the stories of the “migrants” being released into the U.S. with COVID (not too mention other diseases). Most are staying for a lengthy period of time. That’s their intention in coming to the U.S.

Same with the Haitians. They’ve taken a long journey from Haiti to Mexico then the U.S. southern border. They did that to come and stay. Of course, the Biden Admin is working hard to block them, and then deport them. Not the other “migrants”.

The lack of vaccine requirements for illegal migrants is not new, as on Sept. 10, Psaki confirmed the government would not require them, despite President Biden’s order requiring roughly two-thirds of US workers to be vaccinated. At the time, she did not elaborate on why migrants wouldn’t be subject to the same rules as US workers.

Almost no other media outlets have reported on this apparent hypocrisy and idiocy. No NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, etc.

More: They’re not really staying

Read: Good News: “Migrants” Don’t Need Vaccination Because “Not Intending To Stay” »

Surrender Joe Announces Plan To Combat Climate Scam, Unintentionally Exposes Reality Of UHI

This is fantastic. And then he took a fossil fueled flight to speak to the United Nations, mentioning Hotcoldwetdry to all the other world leaders who took fossil fueled flights (more on that later)

Biden announces plan to combat extreme heat caused by climate change

The Biden administration on Monday morning announced an interagency plan to deal with the effects of frequent extreme heat waves caused by global warming. (snip)

The administration’s plan has four main components, according to a fact sheet distributed by the White House:

Limiting workplace exposure. The Department of Labor will develop regulations and processes to set and enforce regulations limiting extreme heat exposure for outdoor workers, in industries like agriculture, construction and delivery, and indoor workers, including factory, warehouse and kitchen staff.

In other words, more Big Government control of private sector operations, raising costs, etc

Helping families cool off. The Department of Health and Human Services has issued guidance giving states, tribes and territories the flexibility to use funds already designated for assisting low-income households with heating bills and instead direct those funds for air conditioning. The Environmental Protection Agency is using money from the American Rescue Plan — the COVID-19 relief and economic stimulus package passed in March — to develop cooling centers in public schools.

And, so far, most cities and states, along with Los Federales, have done a bad job at disbursing the funds, but, really, this is simply bribery to voters.

Advising local efforts to fight the “urban heat island effect.” The streets and buildings of cities tend to worsen extreme heat, which has a disproportionate impact on Black and Latino neighborhoods. According to a recent EPA report that analyzed 49 cities, “Black and African American individuals are 40-59% more likely than non-Black and non-African American individuals to currently live in high-impact areas.” The administration hopes states and cities will use that data, and the tools suggested in a new Forest Service report such as tree planting and other natural approaches to greening and cooling, to reduce the severity of urban heat islands.

Oops. UHI is a product of the actions of Mankind, but, it is not global, so, this actually hurts the climate doom from CO2 narrative. Of course urbanized and surburbanized areas are warmer.

Calling all experts. The National Integrated Heat Health Information System, an interagency group put together by the White House, is monitoring and sharing data on extreme heat and will hold an April meeting to come up with better measures to address it. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is launching prize competitions for ideas to adapt to climate change, the first of which will be focused on extreme heat.

More government.


UN: Joe Biden pledges to double climate aid to developing countries – live

Joe Biden’s headline announcement at the United Nations is a doubling of climate aid given by the US to developing countries – the total will top $11bn if Congress agrees – but beneath this there was tacit acknowledgment that the climate crisis is in danger of spinning dangerously out of control.

At times Biden struck an almost pleading note as he urged other countries to raise their ambitions to cut planet-heating emissions, with governments currently falling badly short in the effort to avert truly disastrous climate change. China, responsible for a quarter of global emissions, is firmly at odds with the US over trade and security issues. And domestically the president’s main climate policies, packed into the $3.5tn reconciliation bill, risk being sunk by Senator Joe Manchin and Senate Republicans.

So, more no-strings-attached aid money to 3rd world nations rather than taking care of our own, all while, I think it’s safe to say, every single world representative at the U.N. today took a fossil fueled flight, most likely on a private jet.

Read: Surrender Joe Announces Plan To Combat Climate Scam, Unintentionally Exposes Reality Of UHI »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Ebonics and Woke Culture.

Read: If All You See… »

Growing Problem For Businesses: Ghosting Coasting

I wonder if the people doing this realize the problems they will create for their job opportunities in the future?

Employers say ‘ghosting coasting’ is a growing problem, but workers have their reasons for quietly walking away from a job

unintended consequencesOver a summer marked by rage quits, the Great Resignation, and high-profile walkouts by employees who say they’re overworked and underappreciated, another issue has been quietly brewing.

While many employees have gone out with a bang this year, a growing number are instead departing without so much as a whimper. (snip)

“Retention continued to be a growing problem for firms,” the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said in its September Beige Book entry. “Restauranteurs noted concerns over ‘ghosting coasting,’ where a new hire works for a few days and moves on to the next restaurant without notice before they are let go due to lack of skills.”

The practice itself is not new, but it does appear to be more widespread than ever as job openings outpace job seekers, which allows workers to reclaim a measure of the power in a situation that has favored employers for decades.

And when other employers call to verify employment, they’ll learn this person is not eligible for rehire. Further, how do you put a job you worked for a few days on your application? But, hey, they think they have Reasons!

Meanwhile, workers pushed back against the Fed’s characterization that workers who ghost were somehow unqualified for the job, saying that misleading job descriptions, low pay, and inadequate training gave them little reason to stick around.

“The main reason employees are ghosting employers is they simply no longer have to put up with horrible working conditions, terrible bosses, low pay, and being overworked,” said Matt Murphy, an Oregon restaurant worker who told Insider he had never seen anything like it in 25 years in the industry.

How could they possibly know all that information about the job when they are only there for a few days to a week? They knew the pay when they applied and accepted the job. They knew what would be required of them. How can they know if their boss is a bad boss? They haven’t been there long enough to know the working conditions. Being overworked? I guess some are upset that they’re actually having to work.

“It is causing some positive change in our industry,” he said. “Employers who would ordinarily just treat people like disposable workers are now treating them like real employees. It’s definitely changed perspectives on things.”

They are disposable. They are low skilled jobs. If you don’t perform, you’re gone. Ghosting is a great way to make yourself unhireable. And, that’s how you get illegals and migrants to work the jobs. Have fun paying off your student loan debt.

Read: Growing Problem For Businesses: Ghosting Coasting »

St. Greta Wants Her Acolytes Back In The Streets

They might as well, they aren’t taking menial jobs, preferring to sit at home and take unemployment rather than work the low skilled to no skilled jobs they are qualified for

‘We will be back on the streets’: Greta Thunberg urges fellow youth activists to take part in global climate strike

st greta carDays ahead of what they are calling a “global climate strike,” prominent youth activists including Greta Thunberg urged young people to join them on Friday in demanding world leaders take action to tackle the climate crisis.

“Time and time again, the leaders today show that they do not care about the future — at least it doesn’t seem like it,” Thunberg, 18, said in a video conference call from her home in Stockholm. “They say that they listen to us young people, but they are obviously not. They have proven that now again. And that’s why we will be back on the streets.”

The Sept. 24 event, organized by Thunberg’s Fridays for Future, hopes to incorporate thousands of climate rallies in cities around the world.

In honesty, she’s not wrong. The grand high poohbahs in the climate cult don’t care what they youths want, because, they are young, and don’t freaking know anything yet. Just because they read a few pieces on the web about climate doom and listened to a few podcasts doesn’t make them experts, especially if they’ve graduated college with a degree in Feminist Studies or something.

The goal, she said, is to show that the climate crisis has not waned during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“It has been a very strange year and a half because of the pandemic, but of course our climate crisis has not disappeared,” she said. “It’s even more urgent now than it was before.”

She should urge all the young climate cultists to make their own lives Net Zero. Oh, right, that would be inconvenient. Instead, she’ll agitate for the others to demand that government…..control their lives and take their money.

She added: “We will still be back on the streets to show that we haven’t disappeared, that we are still demanding climate action and climate justice.”

“Democracy is not just on election day,” Thunberg said in a response to a question. “We can’t just vote for change, we also have to be active democratic citizens and go out on the streets and demand action.”

Again, she isn’t wrong, you have to continue pushing even after elections. It’s just silly to push for action that will increase the power of government, make them more authoritarian. But, hey, indoctrination has worked very well for the climate cult.

Read: St. Greta Wants Her Acolytes Back In The Streets »

Pirate's Cove