Marco Rubio Calls For Biden To Fire General Milley: He’s 100% Wrong

Now, just imagine this had occurred in the latter days of the Obama administration: how would the media react? You’re barely finding the issue in most news outlets

Sen. Marco Rubio Urges President Joe Biden to Fire Gen. Mark Milley

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has called for the resignation of General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, following reports that he planned to undermine President Trump and inform China of an impending attack following the Capitol Hill riot on January 6.

In a letter released on Tuesday, Rubio urged President Joe Biden to “dismiss” Mark Milley immediately, charging that he undermined the former Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces by planning to commit treason.

I write with grave concern regarding recent reporting that General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worked to actively undermine the sitting Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces and contemplated a treasonous leak of classified information to the Chinese Communist Party in advance of a potential armed conflict with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). These actions by General Milley demonstrate a clear lack of sound judgement, and I urge you to dismiss him immediately.

According to the upcoming book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley worried President Trump would “go rogue” and orchestrated two back-channel phone calls with China’s top general promising to inform him an attack on the Communist country were to commence.

“You and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley reportedly told his Chinese counterpart.

In his letter, Rubio stressed that Milley interfered with America’s civilian-controlled military, which could possibly “lead to war.”

Miley should neither be fired or allowed to resign. That would be the easy way out. It would allow Milley to keep his rank and pension. Milley violated the law. He violated the Constitution. He violated his oath of office and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any lower ranking officer would be charged, arrested, and tried. And, if convicted, would be stripped of rank, sent to jail, and given a dishonorable discharge upon completion of the sentence, with a loss of all pension. The higher the rank, the more responsible, and the higher the penalty.

I do not need to tell of you the dangers posed by senior military officers leaking classified information on U.S. military operations, but I will underscore that such subversion undermines the President’s ability to negotiate and leverage one of this nation’s instruments of national power in his interactions with foreign nations.

Even more egregiously, reports indicate that General Milley interfered with the procedures by which the civilian commander-in-chief can order a nuclear strike. He purportedly instructed officials not to take orders without his involvement and forced them to take an oath to that effect. A senior military officer interfering with that civilian-controlled process is simply unacceptable at best, and at worst, would cause ambiguity which could lead to war.

No resignation, no firing. Prosecution. Government officials need to be held accountable for their actions. Too often we’ve seen those in Power let off the hook, with few, if any, consequences.

Read: Marco Rubio Calls For Biden To Fire General Milley: He’s 100% Wrong »

New York Passes Law Banning Fossil Fueled Vehicles Sales By 2035

If this is meant to Save The Planet, why not do it now? Will the state, and, especially, the lawmakers and Governor’s office, be giving up their own use of fossil fuels? What of all the airports?

New York passes law that will ban all gas-powered car sales by 2035

st greta carIn 14 years’ time, no fossil fuel-powered vehicles will be sold in New York anymore. The state has passed a new law that bans the sale of gas vehicles starting in 2035, requiring all new cars to be zero emission. New York’s Senate and Assembly passed the bill and Governor Kathy Hochul signed it into law last week. The move will help reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent and help it achieve its climate targets, including an 85 reduction in GHG emissions by 2050.

This essentially does away with even regular and plugin hybrid sales.

As Ars Technica notes, though, the state has a lot of work ahead of it, considering only around one percent of new vehicles sold in New York at the moment is fully electric. That’s why, under the new law, several state agencies are required to work together to conjure a zero-emissions vehicle market development strategy by the end of next year. They’ll have to find a feasible way to make sure that even off-road vehicles and equipment sold in the state are emissions-free by 2035. The law also requires all medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sold in New York to be emissions-free by 2045.

It sure looks like the state is going to attempt to take over the new car sales business, creating a massive bureacracy and dictating what dealers will be able to sell. Well, those which are left, because a ton will close, as they will not have the product, and, unless prices drop massively by 2035, the customers, as most will not be able to afford them or find them convenient, since many have long drives, and the short range of the least expensive EVs will cause issues. Further, what of those who need all wheel drive and four wheel drive vehicles due to the snowy nature of New York? How will this work for family vehicles and work vehicles that are not considered medium and heavy duty?

An interesting part of the law as written is this is about the sale of vehicles that use fossil fuels, not the registration. So, people will simply go to other states to purchase. But, will gas stations close all over, putting a lot of people out of work, just like with car dealerships? Meaning it is tough to refill the vehicle?

Fortunately, they are going to make it easy for people to bike


Sounds fun, right?

Read: New York Passes Law Banning Fossil Fueled Vehicles Sales By 2035 »

Judge Temporarily Blocks New York’s Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers

The Executive Office order failed to include one very important thing

Federal judge blocks New York COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

A federal judge has temporarily blocked New York state from requiring healthcare workers to be vaccinated for COVID19.

Judge David Hurd of the Northern District of New York issued the ruling after 17 healthcare workers filed a lawsuit saying the mandate violated their rights because it did not permit religious exemptions.

The state issued the vaccine mandate on Aug. 28, requiring employees at nursing homes and hospitals to have at least one shot by Sept. 27.

The plaintiffs, who included physicians and nurses, claimed that because the New York Department of Health allowed no exemptions for “sincere religious beliefs that compel the refusal of such vaccination,” the mandate violated their rights under the U.S. Constitution and the New York State Human Rights Law.

It appears that their objections centered on their religious conviction to oppose any involvement in abortion. The court papers said that all COVID-19 vaccines use cell lines derived from fetal tissue in their development, production, or testing.

Well, that’s a new one, and could have profound implications on the federal mandate, whenever the rule is created, depending on how the state responds and how the arguments go in court. Even though the federal rule will supposedly include a religious exemption, some of the yammerings of Biden appointees has made it seem that they will be looking hard at anyone who claims a religious exemption and seemingly turning them down. The inclusion of the fetal tissue cells issue will ramp that religious opposition up majorly in suits against Los Federales. But, won’t kill the federal mandate. As for that mandate

Arizona becomes first state to sue over Biden vaccine mandate, even though the text isn’t out yet

Arizona’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over its vaccine mandates, the first of several threatened cases from Republicans.

In the complaint submitted Tuesday, Brnovich called the policy is “unconstitutional,” appearing to focus his argument on the claim that it unfairly does not apply to migrants who enter the US illegally. (snip)

Brnovich argued that the mandates favor “migrants who cross the southern border illegally ” who “are not subject to any vaccination requirements.”

“This reflects an unmistakable-and unconstitutional-brand of favoritism in favor of illegal migrants,” Brnovich’s office said in a statement.

He argues that the move violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, his office said.

Now, that’s an interesting take. Can this be argued prior to the release of the rule by OSHA, because Biden and his people have spoken about what the rule is meant to do, and illegals are not being required to get the vaccine, or, seemingly, tested. And it would create a situation over the 100+ people rule, since this would exclude those companies with fewer employees, potentially violating the Equal Protection Clause.


Teachers march through New York City to protest vaccine mandates

Hundreds of current and former teachers, parents, school staffers, and others marched across New York City‘s Brooklyn Bridge on Monday to protest vaccine mandates.

Teachers for Choice organized the demonstration in Foley Square to condemn the vaccine mandates, which the organization claims force teachers either to get vaccinated or lose their jobs.

Marching from the Brooklyn Pier and across the Brooklyn Bridge, protesters carried posters with messages including, “Last years heroes, this years unemployed” and “I call the shots.”

“I have lived and worked in this city as a civil servant for 28 years of my life,” Amy Carroll, a retired teacher, told PIX11. “I should be able to make my own health decisions and make a decision that doesn’t affect my employment, that doesn’t affect my right to go to a restaurant, or a Broadway play, a museum.”

They should be. The un-vaxxed should be able to make that decision, and, if they get sick, that’s on them. Those of us who took the vaccine took it to protect ourselves, because that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

Read: Judge Temporarily Blocks New York’s Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers »

LOL: Almost Half Of Youths Say Climate Anxiety Causing Problems In Their Daily Lives

Just wait till they actually have to enter the Adult World and deal with real issues

Nearly half of young people worldwide say climate change anxiety is affecting their daily life

A global study has found young people are suffering “profound psychological distress” due to climate change and government inaction on the crisis.

Some 45% of the 10,000 young people surveyed across 10 countries for the study, published Tuesday, said anxiety and distress over the climate crisis was affecting their daily life and ability to function.

Three-quarters of respondents aged 16-25 felt that the “future is frightening,” while 64% of young people said that governments were not doing enough to avoid a climate crisis.

In fact, nearly two-thirds of young people felt betrayed by governments and 61% said governments were not protecting them, the planet or future generations.

The study, which was said to be the first large-scale research of its kind, was led by academics from the U.K.’s University of Bath and the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health, among others. It is under peer review in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.

“Such high levels of distress, functional impact and feelings of betrayal will inevitably impact the mental health of children and young people,” the authors of the study warned.

First, it’s fantastic how the climate cult has created a bunch of neurotic youngsters, fearful of a complete scam. Second, the same scammers have created a generation of people who can only do things that the government tells them to do. They cannot survive or do anything, seemingly, without the Strong Hand Of Government.

They added that while climate anxiety may not constitute a mental illness in itself, “the realities of climate change alongside governmental failures to act are chronic, long term and potentially inescapable stressors; conditions in which mental health problems will worsen.”

If they’re so concerned why don’t they change their own lives? No more taking a fossil fueled trip somewhere to take selfies. No more streaming TikTok, which uses a lot of power. No more smartphones. No spring break. And so much more.

Read: LOL: Almost Half Of Youths Say Climate Anxiety Causing Problems In Their Daily Lives »

If All You See…

…are evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on trusting the (China linked) scientists.

Read: If All You See… »

It’s Crazy That People Can Travel Around U.S. Without Vaccination Proof, Eh?

Now, imagine this discussion occurred while Trump was president

“Being considered.” Have fun trying to shut down state borders. Dem states might comply. Republican ones won’t. What if companies refuse to ship their products to those shut down states? Same people with this Progressivism (nice Fascism) belief always want the Southern border open and no COVID tests for illegals/migrants. And no voter ID.

Read: It’s Crazy That People Can Travel Around U.S. Without Vaccination Proof, Eh? »

Of Course California: Church Installs Gender Confused As Bishop

In all fairness, the Bible doesn’t say all that much about gender in the first place, nor does it say anything about transgenders

Mainline Christian church installs first openly trans bishop

A California church installed the first openly transgender bishop of a mainline Christian denomination in San Francisco.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer was named bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on Saturday, saying the recognition is humbling.

“It’s fancy new embroidery but still first part of doing a new job, you want to do well since so many people around the world are paying attention,” Rohrer told Fox2 in the Bay Area. “Becoming a bishop is one more field that trans people can be fully equal.”

Rohrer is set to serve a six-year term and preside over the Sierra Pacific Synod, which consists of roughly 200 Lutheran congregations.

The road to becoming bishop has not been smooth, according to Rohrer, who was the first transgender chaplain of the San Francisco Police Department.

Rohrer had reportedly been excluded from the church for its regulations against those in the gay and transgender community.

“She” doesn’t look much like a woman, eh? As far as being the bishop, I guess this all depends on the parishioners. Do they care? Will they have a problem with some with obvious mental illness? And, is that low level mental illness but a person who is well adjusted and safe, or, like a lot of trans, who are dealing with serious mental illness up to the point of suicidal thoughts? Or, will this drive many away?

(Religion News) Really, it is not all that complicated. There are only six verses used when discussing same-sex relationships. With transgender identities, the only verse that could be interpreted in addressing transgender people is Deuteronomy 22:5.

The verse says, “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.”

Anyone who reads Deuteronomy 22:5 and thinks it addresses transgender identities doesn’t have a firm grasp on transgender identities. If anything, this verse more accurately responds to cross dressing — not gender identity.

There really isn’t any difference. Even if a man “identifies” as a woman, he’s not. He’s male. Hence, cross dressing. The bigger issue is, Rohrer is gay, and there is prohibitions on same sex relationships. Though, being honest, if he/she isn’t raping young boys like we’ve seen in the Catholic Church, and preaching God’s Word, that’s fine.

Rohrer hopes that being bishop will elucidate the dedication that gay and transgender members have toward faith.

Will Rohrer push SJW stuff from the pulpit, or stick with religion?

Transgender MMA fighter chokes out female competitor in debut match

Transgender mixed martial arts fighter Alana McLaughlin, a biological male, defeated her opponent via rear-naked choke in a Friday debut fight.

McLaughlin, 38, began transitioning in 2010 after leaving the U.S. Army Special Forces, reported. The transgender fighter beat Celine Provost, a biological female, 3 minutes and 32 seconds into the second round. McLaughlin began training in the sport a year ago and was cleared to compete against women by the Florida State Boxing Commission after a hormone level test.

He beat the snot out of her, taking a win away from a woman in a woman’s division. Piers Morgan, who makes a lot of sense on things other than firearms, notes

It was the moment ideology met cold, hard reality.

Alana McLaughlin, 38, the second transgender MMA fighter to compete in the sport, used a powerful choke hold to beat Celine Provost, 32.

The latter was demonstrably a more skilled and experienced fighter during their bout on Friday night – McLaughlin only took up MMA earlier this year, whereas Provost’s been doing it for a decade – but just couldn’t compete with the overwhelming physical strength of her opponent.

Provost’s punches bounced off McLaughlin like a baby lion’s off its father, and when she was pinned to the ground, she couldn’t move and quickly tapped out.

Take a peak at the article: McLaughlin looks nothing like a woman.

Read: Of Course California: Church Installs Gender Confused As Bishop »

Bummer: Agriculture Produces About A Third Of Greenhouse Gases

The obvious solution here is that Mankind needs to drastically reduce the amount of food we produce, which means we need to kill off a goodly chunk of the world’s population, and, either figure out a way to recycle the people without producing GHGs, or launch them into the Sun

Food production generates more than 1/3 of manmade greenhouse gas emissions – a new framework tells us how much comes from crops, countries and regions

climate cowProducing enough food for a growing world population is an urgent global challenge. And it’s complicated by the fact that climate change is warming the Earth and making farming harder in many places.

Food production is a big contributor to climate change, so it’s critically important to be able to measure greenhouse gas emissions from the food sector accurately. In a new study, we show that the food system generates about 35% of total global man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

Breaking down this share, production of animal-based foods – meat, poultry and dairy products, including growing crops to feed livestock and pastures for grazing – contributes 57% of emissions linked to the food system. Raising plant-based foods for human consumption contributes 29%. The other 14% of agricultural emissions come from products not used as food or feed, such as cotton and rubber.

This is nothing new. Way back in the day the UN IPCC’s first report said that the majority of GHGs from Mankind came from agriculture and landfills. And it was more about methane than CO2. We’ve done a good job with landfills, better recycling, better management, reduce the GHGs produced. Agriculture? What do they want us to do? But, the study itself?

To fill those gaps, we have developed a comprehensive framework that combines modeling and various databases. It enables us to estimate average yearly global emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from the production and consumption of plant- and animal-based human food. Currently, our study covers the years 2007-2013. Here are some of the insights it offers, using data that represents an average of those years.

So, mostly a computer model, and it is more about methane and nitrous oxide. And it only covers 6 years. So, a rather weak study. Though probably correct. Even though there are a lot of estimates, rather than hard figures. And Blamestorms a lot of areas like SE Asia, India, and China.

Based on these results, governments, researchers and individuals can take actions to reduce emissions from high-emitting food commodities in different places. As U.N. leaders have stated, making food production more climate-friendly is essential to reduce hunger in a warming world.

And there we go, a study meant to give government some data so that government can look to take more control of the agriculture sector. Surprise?

Climate alarmism is the real threat to public health

So climate change is now a ‘health emergency’ is it?

That was certainly the message from US president Joe Biden last week, after he launched the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. It will reportedly explore how a warming, changing climate poses an immediate, existential threat to people’s health. As Gina McCarthy, the White House national climate-change adviser, put it: ‘Climate change is fundamentally a health threat.’ (snip)

It’s scary, portentous stuff. But this rather desperate presentation of climate change as a public-health emergency is hardly a surprise. Policies and measures to tackle everything from knife crime to racism are now often framed in terms of public health. It has become the catch-all justification for policymakers – a source of authority and legitimacy for technocrats. And this tendency to justify just about anything in terms of protecting citizens’ health has been supercharged by the response to the pandemic, where all sorts of measures, from school closures to bans on protests, have been imposed in the name of health and safety.

I’ve been sitting on that one in the GetPocket account, worth a full read.

Read: Bummer: Agriculture Produces About A Third Of Greenhouse Gases »

Are COVID Politics Starting To Favor Democrat Politics In California?

This is a very weird article from Yahoo News, rather putting into stark relief that a goodly chunk of everything Chinese corornavirus is about politics, not science

With Newsom poised to win California recall, another indication COVID politics may be starting to favor Democrats over Republicans

With polls now showing Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom ahead by double-digit margins on the eve of California’s much-hyped recall election, voters here seem ready to reject the laissez-faire COVID-19 policies that have failed to contain huge summer surges in Republican-led states such as Florida — and vindicate the Golden State’s more careful approach to the hypercontagious Delta variant.

Their verdict could have national implications for both Democrats and Republicans heading into the 2022 midterm elections.

“No Republican running for governor could possibly have defeated Gavin Newsom in the recall election, but COVID could have,” Dan Schnur, a former spokesman for Republican former California Gov. Pete Wilson and the late GOP Sen. John McCain who teaches politics at several leading California universities, recently said on Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast. “The reason it’s not is because voters here have come to conclude that he is doing a much better job on it than they’d thought last spring and last winter.”

So if Newsom does win, Schnur added, “every smart Democratic candidate running in next year’s midterms is going to be looking to take that playbook and run it for themselves.”

The thing is, as I’ve said before, Newsome was not as dictatorial as many governors when it came to COVID restrictions. It was actually the cities and counties in California which ran wild and overdid it. The guy who was arrested while paddleboarding alone was in full compliance with Newsome’s order that allowed exercise even with the stay at home order. It was the LA County Sheriff’s Office which went loony tunes with the LA County order. Of course, many of his other orders were extreme in what businesses could be open and which couldn’t, but, this occurred in Republican run states, too.

Regardless, this is all about politics, as the article shows

More voters say COVID is the most important issue facing the state than anything else, according to a new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California.

Those numbers mirror national trends. Majorities of Americans have consistently said they approve of how Biden has handled the pandemic, according to recent Yahoo News/YouGov polling, giving him higher marks than on other issues. And an August Yahoo News/YouGov poll showed that just 41 percent of Americans blame the Biden administration for “the new surge of COVID cases in the U.S.,” versus 67 percent who blame “Americans who refuse to wear masks and take other precautions” and 66 percent who blame “unvaccinated Americans.” As a result, 56 percent say the U.S. should be lifting coronavirus restrictions more slowly “given the emergence of the Delta variant”; just 12 percent say restrictions should be lifted more quickly.

Well, there are a lot of idiots in this country who have been brainwashed into believing masks work, vaccines only work if everyone has taken one, and that government should dictate how we live our lives. All while the elites fail to practice what they preach


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Read: Are COVID Politics Starting To Favor Democrat Politics In California? »

Climate Cult Today: Warmists Threaten Businesses, Norway Votes

This doesn’t sound threatening in the least

‘We will have a really long, long memory’: Greens calling businesses’ bluff on climate change

Green groups backing the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending package are aiming their fury at one of the bill’s most powerful opponents: corporate business lobbies that claim to support action on climate change.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable and the National Association of Manufacturers all support the much smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill championed by the Biden White House, which includes tens of billions of dollars for responding to climate disasters and promoting green power. They also backed billions in new spending last year for wind, solar and renewable energy.

But the same business groups have taken a hard line against the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion plan, which would raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations while tackling causes such as health care, child care and racial equity in addition to climate change. The groups are sticking with that position even as some of their own members, such as Pfizer, Microsoft and Bank of America, have criticized them for doing too little on climate. (snip)

“It’s a really hard test for corporations: Was it all bullshit?” said Lori Lodes, executive director of Climate Power, a group whose leaders include veterans of Hillary Clinton’s and Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaigns. “There’s one train and you’re either getting on it or we will have a really long, long memory.”

We could ask the same of Warmists: if you won’t practice what you preach in your own lives, is it all bullshit? Well, yeah. It is. It’s a scam. Cultists are very good in attempting to force Other People to comply, not so good when it applies to themselves.

Norway sees final day of voting in election fought on oil

Voters in Norway head to the polls Monday, the last day to cast ballots in the country’s parliamentary elections.

The issues of climate change and economic inequality have dominated campaigning and the outcome could influence oil activities in Western Europe’s largest producer.

It is expected that the center-left opposition headed by the Labor Party will topple Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s Conservative Party, which has governed for the past eight years. (snip)

Norway is an affluent, oil-rich country that is not an EU member state. It has the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, thanks in no small part to the financial windfalls brought about by the country’s significant fossil fuels sector since the 1960s.

GDP from the sector is at 14% and 40% of all exports are oil and gas. Petroleum accounts for 160,000 jobs.

Stoere’s (who is projected to become the next Prime Minister) Labour Party wants a gradual, rather than immediate, reduction in the Norwegian economy’s reliance on oil and gas sector, unlike parties further to the left that may form part of a ruling coalition.

Either way, this will be great to see if they win and start knocking oil down, creating havoc in the economy. Will the same people who voted for the Leftists bitch and moan? Will they turn around and vote them all out in the next election?

Read: Climate Cult Today: Warmists Threaten Businesses, Norway Votes »

Pirate's Cove